#Emo wolf and his angel kitten
funky-demon2 · 2 years
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Last piece of Holy bloodshed for a long time because these 2 are this close 👌 to making me loose it, can WE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE GOD see more ff2 ships than cps x CBS like please. Anyways love you guys
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lexilucacia · 5 years
“Say Cheese!”
Title: Say Cheese!
Words: 1615
Relationships: LAMP, Analogical, Logince & Logicality
TW: Angst, self-deprecation, sad Logan, fluff, self-doubt, kisses
Based on: this post
I hope you like it!!
It was a normal morning in the mindscape. (Well maybe Virgil was in a better mood than usual.) Roman, Patton and surprisingly even Virgil were looking through Patton’s fam-ILY scrapbook. “We must have a record of all the good times.” he had insisted.
The 3 of them were sitting and came across a photo of Thomas at the open mic night.
“Oh, I remember this! This was when we convinced Thomas to go to that open mic at the comedy club.” Patton recalls fondly.
“Oh, oh! There I am! I absolutely SLAYED it up on the stage. Check it out -- everyone’s in stitches.” Roman’s almost yelling at this point. (He was like an excitable puppy).
Virgil raises an eyebrow. “You sure about that, Princey? Logan looks like he’s having a pretty bad time.”
“Excuse you,” Princey replies indignantly “I was a riot. Logan just ALWAYS looks like he’s having a bad time.”
Virgil is smiling into his hoodie, happy to have riled Roman up. Meanwhile Patton flicks through the scrapbook worried.
“Now that you mention it… is it just me, or does he look unhappy in all these photos?”
Just as this conversation was going on, Logan walks past dozing into his coffee.
“If you’re really that concerned, now’s your chance to ask.” Virgil says although it is muffly by his purple hoodie.
“Hey Logan…” Patton starts unsurely.
“Huh --” He looks up from his coffee in a daze. “Oh. How can I be of assistance, Patton?”
“I just have a question. Is there any particular reason that you don’t ever smile in photographs?” Patton questions nervously.
“We only have room for ONE stormy rain cloud in this group, and I think Virgil’s got it covered.” Roman quips obviously not picking up on the atmosphere of the room.
“Watch it.” Virgil mutters murderously.
“A while back, it was brought to my attention that, given my general countenance, a smile makes me appear…” He looked unsure how to phrase it. Unusual and a sure sign he had gotten no sleep. “less than aesthetically pleasing. Since then, I have made a conscious effort to maintain a neutral expression. Does that adequately address your concerns?”
By this point even Virgil and Roman look worried.
Patton breaks the silence after a while. “I… I guess…”
“Excellent. Now, if you’ll pardon my brevity, I really must finish Thomas’s schedule for the week.” With that Logan walks off, not seeing the expressions of the other sides.
“Roman!” Virgil turns and punches him in the shoulder.
Roman looks quite distraught at the realisation that he caused Logan to feel that way.
“Now, now. Apologise kiddo, I’m sure Roman feels terrible.” Patton says, busy formulating a way to get Logan to see he was perfect.
“He better.” Virgil mutters under his breath, because as much as he hated to admit it. He had a soft spot for the nerd in his heart.
The sides spend all day putting together a slideshow about why ‘Logan Sanders Has a Cute Face’ and why (If You Disagree, You Are Wrong!)
The sides all play their part; Virgil compiles photos he took of Logan laughing and smiling (ok, so maybe he was a little obsessed.) Patton wrote all the reasons (ok so maybe he was slightly obsessed as well and Roman as creativity made the presentation look professional (and although Roman hates anything professional maybe he was also obsessed.)
So a few hours, big box of photos and a lot of typing later they all nervously knocked on Logan’s door.
Princey wears a sheepish smile, Patton a frown, Virgil a smirk and Logan a confused face.
“Do you have thirty minutes for us to tell you how wrong you are?” Patton asks in the most businesslike, salesman way he can muster.
Logan tilts his head to the side, obviously confused.
Virgil coos “Oh, you look so cute when you’re confused.” Causing Logan to go a shade of Crofters.
The other sides keep cheering and making flirty comments while Logan blushes throughout. Though about a third of the way through the presentation at ‘Exhibit 28 stating the he was ‘An angel???’’ Logan can’t bear it.
Especially after Patton wolf whistling and Roman shouting “woo, baby!” So he stuffs his head into Virgil’s side, snuggling impossibly closer to him as Virgil pokes his tongue out at Roman and Patton.
Meanwhile Roman and Patton keep making comments and even Virgil joins in.
“If I weren’t already gay, then THAT would have done it!” Roman suddenly shouts near the end of the presentation.
“I agree.” Patton chimes in “That is one HANDSOME man.”
“They’re not wrong” Virgil whispers while Logan whimpers and turns even redder than he thought scientifically possible.
When the presentation ends after a few hours the other sides notice Logan is off.
Roman pulls him into his lap and caresses his hair. “What’s wrong babes? Did you not like the presentation?”
Logan looks up seeing the hurt on his face. “No, no. I loved it…” He trails off.
“What is it Logie-bear? You can tell us anything.” Virgil puts his head on Logan’s lap.
“It’s just. Well, why?”
Patton looks confused. “Why, what?”
“Why do all this for the man with no emotions? The guy who ruins all your great ideas with logic?” He motions to Princey.
“Overrule your decisions with reason.” He looks at Patton.
“And just is generally trying to put you out of a job by reasoning Thomas out of situations with you? Or at least trying to.” He looks at Virgil’s hoodie.
“Why, why do all this for a quote. Guy with no feelings. Why do you care so much?”
Virgil stares at him. “Do you want us to go through the presentation again?” He sassed and Roman just stares in wonder.
“Do you seriously not know?” Roman asks in disbelief.
“That’s what we like -- no love, about you! We have loved you before we knew your name. When we knew you as Logic, then Logan, then a friend, and now, hopefully as a boyfriend?” He questions nervously.
Patton looks at him with puppy dog eyes.
Logan looks thoughtfully for a moment. “Well I’ve weighed out the pros and cons of this relationship”
“Oh shut it nerd.” Princey says fondly before Logan is suddenly muffled by Roman peppering his face in kisses and Patton doing the same. All the while Virgil is murmuring about how beautiful he is.
Suddenly Virgil lifts his head off Logan’s lap and before he can ask why, he’s being carried to his bed. He recognises the white fabric as Roman’s coat and snuggles into his chest. He’s so tired he doesn’t realise as the door opens and in step Virgil and Patton in their dragon and cat onesies respectively as Princey snaps his fingers and Logan’s in his unicorn onesie and Roman’s in his Lilo onesie.
“Where’d you go Virge? Pat?” He scrunches his nose looking like a confused kitten and bunny all mashed in one (which they all coo at). “Ro-ro? Where’d they go.”
Virgil quickly runs over to the bed to reassure him. “We just to get into our pyjamas baby.”
“And we brought cookies with Crofters jam centres.”
“Which we are not going to eat in bed.” Roman glares at Patton.
“Or at this time of night.” Virgil scolds.
Logan giggles making them all coo at him before he yawns.
“Is someone tired?” Roman tickles his tummy.
As soon as Roman says that Logan closes his eyes and starts snoring gently.
Virgil turns to the other sides. “How did we never notice how clingy and cute he got when he was tired?”
“Aww, is our little emo going soft?” Roman asks.
Virgil huffs and curls around Logan who is cuddled into Roman. Patton hums happily and curls around Virgil.
Roman silences the alarm in Logan’s room the next morning seeing how tired Logan was the day before. Patton climbs quietly out of bed that morning and makes breakfast for Logan while their emo nightmare keeps Roman company.
Logan wakes up unsure of why her can feel other sides in his bed. He blushes beet red when he remembers and can hear whispers. He opens his eyes and stretches.
“Ah the princess has awaken.” Roman says with a fond smile as Patton bustles into the room with a tray.
He lays the tray on the bed consisting of a hot cup of coffee, cronut, bowl of fruit, 2 pieces of toast with Crofters jam and a little milk jug and sugar bowl.
“Your breakfast is served, Your Majesty.” Patton presents with a little bow and flourish. Logan giggles making the others coo and thank god that he was theirs.
The Patton squeals excitedly and races to where he placed the Crofter cookies he baked last night and not for the first time that moment Logan thanks whatever gods are above that these were his boyfriends.
Patton plops onto the bed and they spend all morning talking with Logan only complaining once about his schedule. Patton only leaving sometimes to get more food and coffee.
Logan informs Thomas that he has nothing on today and when the others leave the room for a moment Thomas quickly figures out what’s up with Logan and teases him and assures him that he will plan nothing for today. Logan smiles gratefully.
The rest of the day is filled with flirting, cuddles, reaffirmations and praise of Logan (which all make him giggle, blush and press his face into his nearest boyfriend’s chest), dad jokes, snacks and movies.
He feels safe. He feels loved. And when Patton sets up a camera to take a photo of them he smiles.
“Say cheese!”
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modernart2012 · 8 years
Day Two -Social Media
 Definite Proof Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Altin are Dating (pt3/5)
  As I said previously, there’s been rampant speculation about Yura (Yuri Plisetsky, aka, One of the Greatest Skaters to Ever Live™) and his relationship(s) or lack thereof. But what a HUGE portion of the skating community has overlooked is that he definitely is in a relationship and has been for a while. Part One covered basic background/ timeline, Part Two and body language, here and here.
 But, SCA, you say, that’s all coincidental. It could be that they’re close friends. (HA, WAIT UNTIL PART FOUR!) Which, sure, they could be “close friends” but for further consideration: they wear each other’s clothes. And not just that. They choose clothes and outfits that complement each other.
 What does that have to do with them being in a “relationship”? Well, dear anon, who is haunting my ask box as I write this, let me explain: have you ever noticed that over time, articles of clothing from your S.O.’s wardrobe ends up in yours? And that you wear it, and end up thinking, ‘hey, I like this let’s get more of something similar.’ Or even, ‘ah, this color is like that one, let me get it.’
 Case in point, here is Yura in the present, wearing what looks like a classic black leather jacket and leopard print tee shirt and his classic leopard print sneakers.
 Here is younger Yura, around the time of the 2016 Grand Prix Final. In a black hoodie with his Team Russia jacket, and leopard print sneakers. A natural progression, you’d think, as a person ages their taste changes. WRONG. Because look closer at that leather jacket, friend, and you’ll find that it looks the same as the one Otabek was wearing in these photos captured by Otababes recently.
 “A JACKET MEANS NOTHING,” I can practically hear the antis scream. Ah, if only it were just a jacket.
 See, ‘cause if you look closely, you can set up a timeline for how you go from hoodies and eyesores like this tiger sweatshirt (sorry Yura, you have to admit that purchase was questionable!) to fashion forward, yet still classic outfits. And not just Yuri, precious kitten tiger that he is. Otabek too. And it’s practically relationship GOALS.
 Let us commence the perusal.
 We’ve already seen pictures of Yuri’s past style (Death to the neon pink and orange combinations! Nothing more needs to be said on the subject of his younger, daring, garish fashion combinations. It’s rather obvious), so now we bring Otabek for comparison.
 Here is baby!bek, in his pre-2016 Grand Prix Final state. (For those of you who failed to read the timeline, this is when they met. There was fleeing from Xtreme Angels, on a motorbike. We’ll get to that in a minute.) Leather jacket, neutral scarves, neutral toned athletic wear, jackets. Very monochrome palette. Now look at this photograph of baby!Yuri and baby!bek on a motorcycle. Yuri is in fine fashion form (probably trying to stay incognito from the Xtremers), and Otabek is in fine monochrome form. Even his sweater, possibly a pale pastel blue or grey (the lighting is bad), does not clash with his black leather jacket (and doesn’t that look familiar), dark grey scarf, and dark blue-grey pants. Even his fingerless gloves match! Boy goes the extra mile for his aesthetic, can’t you tell?
 Don’t they look cute fleeing to safety who knows where? 💕💕💕
 Fast forward through the next year, year and half, because things are largely the same as far as clothing choices. What is interesting to note is that Otabek, largely inactive and apathetic to Instagram, starts to use it more frequently than just (seemingly PR enforced) posts about travel or competitions. We start to see the two of them in each other’s Insta, as well as in Snapchat (the classic video of Yuri badgering the poor man as he finishes setting up his account posted to his story made the rounds on twitter so quickly, the sound barrier was probably broken.) Somehow, Yuri Plisetsky dragged Otabek into the age of social media both by personal use and Otabek’s own independent usage, and from then on we have (though infrequent on Otabek’s part, if not pictured with Yuri) a more accurate record to pull from as to sartorial choices.
 The first thing to transfer - whether by diffusion or simply being left after a visit, is a dark grey scarf. One that looks particularly like a certain scarf a Kazakh skater was wearing in a certain photo. People who are vague friends or casual acquaintances don’t wear each other’s clothes, even if they are outerwear like scarves. (As an aside, who doesn’t find the sight of their crush or S.O. borrowing clothes from their wardrobe exciting?) Given the timeline, we can make the hypothesis that this could be pining stage, or at least mutual attraction stage - giving a bit more to build with in the conclusion.
 Noticeably, Otabek starts wearing skinny jeans. (Humans with eyes to see the world over rejoiced. Instagram and Twitter crashed.) He may or may not have also rediscovered the color emerald, and it clearly loves him. (If that also happens to be the eye color of a particular Tiger ....)
Shortly after, he starts wearing skater shoes. And if one looks closely enough at pictures, they seem to be of the same brand as Yuri’s.
 But SCA, the antis scream, those could all be coincidental! These are all either stuff that could have been left behind sometime or liked the look of some item and copied! This is not clothing sharing! Or complementary outfits! Well, my screaming mob, let me learn you a Thing. Beyond the fact I have several advanced degrees in Statistics, you idjits, and calculated that the probability of these events together (at the time point!) happened due to chance is less than <.0001 (and thus NOT DUE TO CHANCE), we do have to remember a few things. First off, this is evolution, this is not the final product. It’s not going to be complementary quite yet. Second, that it’s around this time Yuri goes through the Dreaded GROWTH SPURT. The sheer height increase (and difference) makes it entirely likely Yuri was running through clothing like green grass through a goose. (EDIT: The phrase “green grass through a goose” is a colloquialism meant to indicate something that happens fast and suddenly. Apologies for the simile.) There is no way Otabek would have fit into any clothes before, and definitely not when Yuri is outgrowing things quickly.
 Luckily, this growth spurt is good for something other than Yuri’s meme-ing ability (and sheer impossibility of certain poses, no one should be able to do standing splits with legs that long,  isn’t flexibility supposed to go with age? This is entirely unfair). Namely, we get Yuri Plisetsky in a grunge stage - hoodies with cut off sleeves and raw edges (adorably tiger striped), jeans ripped across the thigh and knee, t-shirts that are more hole than fabric, and so much more. And, oh the henleys. Except wait. Where have we seen that last one again? Hmmmmm......
 And while Yuri goes through his mandatory teen grunge phase (a bit later than most, to be fair) and brings punk/pop punk/ emo back en vogue, we shall investigate Otabek’s wardrobe. Sometime between the earrings and growing out only the top of his hair into a full blown curtain (to which millions of humans swooned, because ffs wolf tails), Otabek discovered the rest of the rainbow. Brilliant blues (that are NOT his Team Kazakhstan jacket)? Heck yeah. Yellow? Oh, my, YES. Bright red? PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF THIS SWEATER, AND IT’S NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE VIRGINS.Not to mention patterns. Plaid is drool-worthy. Stripes? Oh my sweet Buddha. What about this subtly leopard printed scarf??  
 Oh, I could practically hear the mental record scratches and screeching, and it was glorious. That’s right. Otabek Altin. The Hero of Kazakhstan. In a leopard print scarf. One that we have no evidence for Yuri, Wearer of All Things Big Cat (however questionable), ever owning or even knowing about before seeing it on Otabek via Instagram. Meaning, to be explicitly clear: Otabek picked and wore that piece himself, without anyone else’s input. (We do see Yuri in the same scarf via Instagram during a visit to Almaty, but only the once. This is also date stamped as after the photos of Otabek wearing the scarf by several months.)
 But wait, Yuri doesn’t have anything reciprocating the exchange! Beyond the fact that that barely, barely Englished, random imaginary anon, that’s only because I have yet to point out how Otabek has influenced Yuri’s wardrobe at this juncture. Because if you compare the past Yuri and the contemporary Yuri, you’ll see the very subtle progression of his color choices. Namely, that the absolute eye-searing atrocities that are his previous outfits slowly gain neutral bases to prevent retinal burn induced blindness. (And who do we know who loved his neutrals?)
 That’s not all, because after this? Things accelerate (because apparently no one does slow burn relationships these days???)  Yuri ends up in a black on black hoodie, with an embroidered tiger on the sleeve in a style reminiscent of Japanese Yakuza. The grey jeans and deep plum fingerless gloves give the entire looks a certain style, wouldn’t you say? (So does the fringe on the  gloves, but that’s not relevant to the point.) Within a week, an intrepid Babe photographs Otabek in bright green athletic pants, and tiger striped socks, and a neon pink v neck (not at the same time though; it was the same Babe who took those three pictures.) What about this pair of yoga pants in a deep grey with subtle spotting? And Yuri’s rather amazing athletic jacket with the matte stripes, or the dark wash jean jacket?
 Put any one of those photos of one of them next to a random photo of the other and try to tell me they don’t complement each other. Because they do. They’ve managed to sync outfits across countries and timezones, and still look like a frickin’ Power Couple. And the pics of them together? We’ve already analyzed some of these for body language, but just take in their outfits for a moment. Taken a good hard look? Good. See how it’s a cohesive image, with certain elements of one being reflected in the other? Now look at these celebrity Power Couples. They too have elements of each other’s styles and outfits that go together. Coincidence? I think not.
 I can hear the haters screaming fruitlessly, so for a final nail in the coffin. This picture was posted on Yuri’s Insta account last week during Worlds (with Otabek tagged of, course). In it, you can see his latest pair of skates, proudly debuting a set with hydro-dipped blades with a leopard print design. Next to them you can see a pair of grey-white skate guards with a leopard print design. You’d think they’d be part of the same set, right? Lol, WRONG. If you translate the caption, and some of the comments, what you get is that only one of the pairs of items shown in the photo is Yuri’s. More than that, if you watched the competition, you’ll see Otabek putting the skate guards on his skates.
 Of course, this is merely window dressing to the way they interact (Part Four), as seen in video and social media posts. Stay tuned for that last bit before the conclusion.
(Cross posted here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9852197)
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