#Emmett Kimbleton
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herstoriies · 7 months ago
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Something utterly fun about Dowager Baroness' opulence is how Baroness isn't just rich, she's filthy rich.
...Courtesy of becoming Edmund's widow, & Edmund already inheriting his father AND older brothers' fortunes... PLUS Priscilla's [Kimbleton] dowry - which in this universe was meant to be impressive considering Priscilla's marriage into the Staunton family was highly approved by the Kimbletons. (Except for Priscilla's Cousin Emmett, who in all universes utterly loathes Edmund & sees through his facade.)
Also it doesn't get old to point out despite her being the "lowest" rank of the aristocracy (merely Baroness through marriage)... her wealth is rumored to rival a duchess or minor princess. (good for her!)
Baroness is also quite clever to remain lowkey about her wealth; to not to attract too much attention. I wouldn't call her miserly either, but she's acquired the art of judging when to enjoy spending Edmund's money carefree on the best life has to offer, and then when to keep things elegant yet practical.
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herstoriies · 1 year ago
Fully unaware the meddlesome niece remains. How Thomas managed to preserve this correspondence to only them two is quite a feat.
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Dear Lady Landsend,
Upon my return with the sight of no collateral damage, I am at last at ease and peace of mind; and to the sight of no collateral damage, allayed.
Your note inspires an idea as to how I may properly offer recompense to your generosity and requested forgiveness. In a few weeks time, when my niece will be visiting her cousin Emmett, would you allow me to invite you to join my return to Edinburgh?
Yours very sincerely,
Thomas Kimbleton, Bt.
=== bonus round: Uncle Kimby! === [ @herstoriies from here.]
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Lady Landsend, I have been promptly called away to business in Edinburgh, and would appreciate over the next week if you would call upon my niece and see how she's doing. Be sure that girl doesn't accidentally burn the house down. It is with my sincerest apologies for the late notice. On my return, do let me know how I can may repay you.
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Dear Sir Thomas, You will not receive this note until you return,
In any case, but especially due to it being discreetly hand delivered to his study so that his niece is unaware.
However rest assured that it is always my pleasure to spend time with Priscilla, and I'm certain Adele and Sylvia will be keeping an eye on her when I cannot.
As proven by the basket of sweetmeats currently on the sitting room table as she writes.
The short notice is completely forgiven. What is not (I say this purely in jest) is trotting off to so fine a city as Edinburgh without allowing me the chance to accompany you! I have extremely fond memories of that city and hope it provides the same for you. Kind regards, Thera Landsend.
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myxcenterxstage · 6 years ago
Emmett V. Kimbleton Appreciation Post
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This is Emmett Victor Kimbleton. He’s Priscilla’s 2nd cousin who lives in Cornwall, England.
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He’s an aspiring writer and wishes to be the next Charles Dickens. Let’s hope the best for him. And if you can’t tell from that face, he’s a goody two shoes.
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This is Emmett when he hears his dear cousin Pris has been in a scandal.
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Emmett does not approve of Edmund Staunton.
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For he’s a jolly good fellow! Share a drink with him and he’ll probably tell you all about how he and Pris got into trouble as kids growing up (and confess it was Pris’ ideas 80% of the times)! ...From catching frogs to getting stuck in trees to accidentally baking a cake for Grandma Cecelia and mistaking salt for sugar! They were certainly good ol’ days...
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herstoriies · 1 year ago
Another courtship idea note… since their courtship was for like, a year… and Pris did like three seasons. We’re looking at possibly a 4 year timespan for the Kimbletons to know of the Stauntons (let alone Cecelia & Thomas & Charles & Henry & Co already knowing them being in the same social sphere)
What if at the very start Edmund wasn’t yet a Baron (mayyybe Baron Staunton Sr was even still alive??)
And somewhere during that timeline Baron Staunton Sr dies (natural causes).
And hence come the third season, Edmund became more prospective being newly titled, and gaining his father’s inheritance.
And no one suspects a thing when Edmund’s older brother … uhh … yknow, gets A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder’d.
Except for Pris’ cousin Emmett. The only one who doesn’t like Edmund from the start and tries warning Pris about him and discourages her from marrying him (at least in her “canon” verse/story, not sure how this plays out in The Baroness.)
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herstoriies · 1 year ago
Random thought plot idea maybe for v: the baroness
Inspired by the latest g.ilded age season plot twist what if Uncle Kimbleton got conned into a Ponzi scheme investment fraud and is on the brink of losing everything and his life/fortune radically changing, and given the Staunton family’s wealth (& particularly Edmund essentially gaining a triple inheritance) Priscilla goes through with marrying Edmund (perhaps now possibly despite Cousin Emmett expressing some reservation) to save her family.
Sorta raises the stakes of things and makes an interesting role reversal of fortune and rescue with Uncle Thomas Kimby & Pris?
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herstoriies · 1 year ago
Some random thoughts on Priscilla's living arrangements after leaving her Uncle Thomas's house to pursue the stage (courtesy of some old headcanons I rediscovered):
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The first stop is her cousin Emmett's residence. Emmett is by far the most sympathetic of the situation, and if anything commended Pris for breaking things off with Edmund, only wishing she had turned to him sooner if it could have saved her reputation but that's in the past now. Emmett's residence is either in or just on the outskirts of London. She stayed here for some time, until she no longer wanted to be a burden.
In my old notes, I have something that Uncle Charles helps Priscilla but think now that he would have 'disappeared' around the time she became a debutante and before her engagement to Edmund.
There's also supposedly this Aunt Agatha Kimbleton I completely forgot about and recently discovered from a note from 2016... I don't even say whose mother/sister she is, so I'm going to declare Aunt Agatha is Cousin Emmett's mother.
Cousin Emmett may be still living at home (being the sole heir and inheritor). It is yet to be determined if both Emmett's parents (Aunt Agatha & Uncle James) are still alive.
The second stop is after scrapping enough money together and her pride doesn't want herself to overstay her welcome with cousin Emmett, Priscilla moves to a hole-in-the-wall apartment to rent closer to the theatre. She's pleased to call it her own but soon finds it eventually to be uninhabitable.
The two-and-a-half stop is possibly briefly staying with Maestro Markus Hart, but this nearly strains when Markus oversteps his trying to (too soon) encourage Priscilla to make amends with her Uncle Thomas. She possibly makes an excuse she's going to be visiting her Cousin Emmett & Aunt Agatha (& Uncle James? if he's still alive) for the holidays to depart on amicable conditions.
The third stop is by answering a newspaper job posting for a companion to an affluent gentry widow living in London. (Alternative to the newspaper posting is a possible reference from Aunt Agatha? Or a chance encounter?)
The widow may or may not recognize/know Priscilla as Aunt Agatha/Thomas Kimbleton's niece, but finds amusement in Priscilla's adventure. And tolerates her pursuing the stage, even finding interest even if it's almost vicarious. I think in my old notes this could've been M(r)s Jane Gibbons, but it's open for grabs to anyone who wants to write it!
Upon her passing, the widow's residence goes to a relative, but Priscilla did gain some small enough monetary gift (& now debuting at the Royal Opera House with more major roles with a better salary) to find a better apartment. Which leads to...
The fourth stop is an apartment in a better neighborhood that's still within reasonable distance of the Royal Opera House.
But surprise! Le gasp! Grimsby turns out to be her neighbor. Yes, THAT Grimsby!
So guess which fella starts showing up in the neighborhood that Pris can't stand? Did you say, Edmund? Cuz that's right!
It's a way for Pris in her Diva story to sort of see Edmund's more neer-do-well and criminal inclinations, teasing a parallel story of the Baroness (but without the titular character) and one Priscilla merely spectates. Pris gets a peculiar opportunity to see into what life could have been hers as the Baroness!
Plus by now things are rocky with Pris' beau, the wealthy opera patron Philbert Winston (with an impending scandal), so this only adds to her agita and urgent desire to leave London.
So where does this leave Priscilla to go next? Vienna? Rome? Destination: Paris!
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herstoriies · 1 year ago
Me, reading an old writing like 2016:
Uncle Thomas @ Priscilla "You have your Aunt Agatha Kimbleton"
Me: ???
Me: Who?? TF?? Is?? Aunt Agatha?? Kimbleton???
Me: ...
Me: I guess she's Cousin Emmett's currently unnamed mother now.
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herstoriies · 1 year ago
Ok but speaking of The Baroness & weddings... It's rather bittersweet to think of that story. In every irony it's what Priscilla's guardians/Kimbleton family (that is, her Uncle Thomas & Grandmama Cecelia, let alone Uncle Henry & Cousin Henry Jr... Not so much her doting Uncle Charles or dear Cousin Emmett) would have wanted for Priscilla to bring honour to the Kimbleton name to marry into Nobility. As well as in some way amend the scandal Priscilla's mother's elopement had caused.
And yet it is the tragic beginning of the end. A ticking clock of the rise of a king and the fall of a queen. An innocent debutante's descent into a web of corruption and irrevocable fate. But back to the 'good part' shall we?
The Baron & Baroness Staunton wedding naturally must have been a grand spectacle. The Staunton family sparing no expense (as if they even had an expense or understood the word budget) and the Kimbleton family would want their own pride and legacy nothing short of grandeur.
The celebrations. The balls and dinners. The cathedral. The dress. (From the finest tailors of London no less) The heirloom jewels. There probably was a sort of coronation too, wasn't there? The possible newspapers. The grandiosity.
Poor Priscilla would perhaps enjoy every bit of the parade and preparation while it lasted regardless how stressful and pressure it may have been. This is still the same Priscilla who adores the spotlight and center stage and life's dainties, after all. Priscilla would have felt the most admired and ironically popular among her Kimbleton family too.
And what's most tragic is at the time, young & naive Priscilla who in this verse saw all of Edmund's red flags with rose colored glasses would have thought her life was a fairytale, or at least while not all marriages of convenience were for love, her initial attraction and blind affection towards Edmund would have felt like such a fortune.
The trials and cutthroat of high society would be bearable because she was in love.
Perhaps dear cousin Emmett caught something off about Edmund. Perhaps he tried to discreetly warn Priscilla to keep a part of herself from Edmund and the arena of her new standing. Shame it all turned out as it did.
Shame it was only after the wedding that Priscilla came to learn not all was what it seemed. Beyond roses have thorns, this was deadly nightshade.
Finally, even though everyone is introduced to The Baroness mid-story, if I were to ever cinematically introduce the Baroness, I would love to have the opening scene be the climactic drama of the tragic end or burning chaos that is Edmund's legacy before cutting to a 10 years earlier or something card just so any of the events showing Priscilla and Edmund have that tainted ill omen of things to come.
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herstoriies · 2 years ago
+ headcanon: house of kimbleton family
A quick guide to Priscilla’s family for those who are newer to her story:
HOUSE OF KIMBLETON (aka Pris’ family on her Mother’s side.)
Grandpapa Philip + Grandmama Cecelia  
Uncle Henry + Aunt Helene  
Cousin Henry Jr 
Cousin Winifred
Cousin Cynthia
Uncle Charles
Uncle Thomas
Mama Josephine + Dr Raleigh Duncan
Priscilla 💖
GrandUncle Harold
Uncle James
Cousin Emmett 
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herstoriies · 2 years ago
v: This Royal Throne of Kings //  v: Diamond In The Rough
Author’s note 2023: Wow long post! But I am so glad I dug this up from ‘the archives’ :D Below is the unabridged story of Priscila’s fairytale verse: Diamond in the Rough. enjoy!
Author’s note I: Why two verse names?? Well, surprise, surprise, amigos! Not only is Priscilla getting a spotlight in this verse, BUT SO ARE HER UNCLE THOMAS AND UNCLE CHARLES!
Author’s note II: TLDR; This also works as a fantasy / medieval / fairytale /disney AU! Priscilla’s story is like a combo of the Little Princess & Cinderella at her Uncle Henry’s residence… and meanwhile, (oblivious to what Pris is going through) Uncle Thomas & Uncle Charles are in another castle as Royal Advisors (to the king, crown prince and his brothers).
Author’s note III: This is the first time we get to see almost ALL of Priscilla’s family in one big verse, like wow! All it’s missing is cousin Emmett, and it’s everyone!
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This was the House of Kimbleton, the children of Baronet Phillip and his wife Cecelia:
Henry, the eldest son, proud and imperious.
Charles, the second son, scholarly and restless.
Josephine, their only daughter, brave and compassionate.
Thomas, their youngest son, noble and principled.
There was a fourth son, the twin brother of Thomas, however, his name is never mentioned at the perennial grief of his untimely passing.
The Kimbleton children grew up and eventually dispersed. Henry succeeds his father as family Patriarch and parliament. Josephine - while still betrothed to a Duke in an arranged marriage - had eloped with a promising young Doctor. Charles and Thomas had both been called to arms - the former to the Army, and the latter the Navy.
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This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle… This precious stone set in the silver sea… – King Richard, Shakespeare
Once upon a time, there were two brothers, and while they both bared the same resemblances and shared the same blood, they could not be more different from the other. Their names were Charles, the older brother, and Thomas, the younger.
And then this is when the narrator got lazy and decided to just bullet point the rest of their story:
Shortly after their brother Henry was married, Charles was set in an arranged marriage to an heiress. When they were married, Charles fell in love with his wife more than ever when they were courting and was a dutiful and faithful husband. Tragically she passed away a year later while still in her first trimester. After his wife’s passing, Charles refused any consideration of remarrying and focused his life around the sciences and wanderlust.
Later Charles entered the army and quickly rose in the ranks to be a Major General and accomplished Natural Historian.
Because during this time the Kimbleton family was in such upheaval with Thomas Sister Josephine’s elopement, Thomas wasn’t in any arranged marriages and had an unsuccessful love life.
(Tired of his mother’s pestering he should find a wife jkjk) Years later, Thomas entered the navy and equally became a medaled Rear Admiral and master strategist.
A war had emerged with a neighboring kingdom requiring both Land and Sea strength, so the King summoned the two brothers to join his highest ranking officers, and eventually earned the King’s closest trust.
After the war, the King brought the two brothers back to his court as trusted advisors.
Eventually, the King assigned the two brothers the position of Royal Advisors to the King’s young sons.
*insert drama here*
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When I hear a command I obey But I know of a place Where no one can stand in my way On the wing of my fancy, I can fly anywhere and the world will open its arms to me
I’m a young Egyptian Princess or an Heiress I’m the greatest Prima Donna in Paris I’m a girl men go mad for love’s a game I can play, with a cool and confident kind of air
In my daydreams, I can be whatever I want to be…
– In my own little corner, Rodgers & Hammerstein (modified)
Once upon a time, in the House of Kimbleton, there was a beautiful maiden named Josephine. Josephine was raised as any of the nobles of the high court, but her heart was pure as gold. She cared not for the dainties and fanciful things which she was well acquainted with. She wanted to help others, to stand up for those who could not stand up for themselves, and aid those who could not aid themselves. And she did so. And in doing so she met the young doctor, Raleigh Duncan, who shared the same ambitions. Josephine and Raleigh fell in love. However, when Raleigh asked Baronet Phillip for Josephine’s hand in marriage, he was harshly declined, as Josephine’s father did not approve his only daughter to marry a commoner when the family had greater plans for her to marry a Duke.
Josephine was horrified. In indignation to never marry for convenience when she had true love already in her arms, she and Raleigh eloped to the countryside to be married under a peach tree.
And what a scandal was caused! Josephine’s father was outraged, and her mother did her best to keep the disgrace as hushed as possible from society. What made matters worse, was when Philip shortly after fell ill to fatal sickness. This arose Josephine’s eldest brother, Henry, to grew a dark bitterness in his heart towards his sister’s rebellion, wrongfully blaming her for the strain on their father’s health.
Josephine’s other brothers were too busy over land and sea to weigh many opinions, and Cecelia desperately tried to pacify the situation, but to none avail. Josephine’s father and Henry chose to disinherit her from the will.
When Philip untimely passed away, it was was the first time in years the House of Kimbleton has assembled again. The first time in years Cecelia and her sons were able to see Josephine again. Josephine arrived with both her husband Raleigh, and their infant daughter, Priscilla.
Years passed. Henry had become the new Patriarch, Charles now a Major General and renowned Naturalist, and Thomas a Rear Admiral and heralded strategist. Meanwhile, little Priscilla was growing up to be a bright and happy young girl by her loving parents, who were aiding all in need as best they could. But unfortunately, Josephine and Raleigh’s stories were cut short with their sudden disappearance. And little Priscilla was left to fend for herself in the world. But how could she? She was but a child. So when attempts at contacting her father’s side of the family were unsuccessful, she was brought under the custody of her grandmother, Cecelia.
After losing both her husband and daughter, Cecelia saw that little Priscilla was a diamond in the rough of this drama. Priscilla was raised as her grandmother had raised her mother - to be poised and sophisticated. Like a little princess. (Not that it was an easy task, mind you, given the young child was a countryside wildflower and had an untamable free spirit).
If only those years could have lasted longer. When Cecelia departed this world to join her husband, she left in her will that Priscilla should continue to be raised by her Henry - Cecelia’s only son who had offspring of his own. Pity Cecelia could not see her son’s smoldering bitterness towards his sister bled into his impression of his own niece.
When young Priscilla arrived at her Uncle Henry’s residence, she quickly came to realize that she was unwelcome. What was formerly thought as aloofness from Uncle Henry turned to intimidation. And even though Cecelia endowed Priscilla with the Kimbleton surname to give her an identity, Henry instructed that Priscilla was to be treated “…as the bastard child and charity case that she was.”
Life had changed overnight from the privilege and love her Grandmother had given, to the cold punishment of servitude from her Uncle. Priscilla slept in a tiny guest room at the furthest end of the house near the servants quarters, instructed separately from her cousins (Henry’s children, who also remained aloof), and not permitted to dine with them. She was at her cousins’ beck and call, even when they already had ladies in waiting. Ironic that when they had a houseful of flunkies and servants that Priscilla was declassed to such ranks, even against what was in her late Grandmother’s will.
Fortunately, things were not so terribly miserable for Priscilla. She found her due deserved respect and tender care from the household staff and her tutors. At least whenever Henry and his family left for holidays and Priscilla was left behind, the staff insisted that ‘Miss Priscilla Kimbleton’ be treated as the ’lady of the manor’ that she was. They knew what Henry was doing was wrong, even though they had to stand by silently and watch.
Not that Priscilla minded. As she adjusted from her bucolic life in the country to the life of nobility with her Grandmother, so she would adjust to this new lifestyle. She had her imagination, where she could be anyone, and anyplace. And someday, hopefully, someday, she would be able to escape and live the life that she always wanted to discover…
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myxcenterxstage · 6 years ago
Emmett: Priscilla, there is a secret I have long kept from you that I can no longer bear to hide.
Priscilla: What is it, dear cousin???
Emmett: It is that I am ... a Musketeer !!
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myxcenterxstage · 6 years ago
v: This Royal Throne of Kings //  v: Diamond In The Rough
Author’s note: Why two verse names?? Well, surprise, surprise, amigos! Not only is Priscilla getting a spotlight in this verse, BUT SO ARE HER UNCLE THOMAS AND UNCLE CHARLES!
Author’s note II: TLDR; This also works as a fantasy / medieval / fairytale /disney AU! Priscilla’s story is like a combo of the Little Princess & Cinderella at her Uncle Henry’s residence... and meanwhile, (oblivious to what Pris is going through) Uncle Thomas & Uncle Charles are in another castle as Royal Advisors (to the king, crown prince and his brothers).
Author’s note III: This is the first time we get to see almost ALL of Priscilla’s family in one big verse, like wow! All it’s missing is cousin Emmett, and it’s everyone!
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This was the House of Kimbleton, the children of Baronet Phillip and his wife Cecelia:
Henry, the eldest son, proud and imperious.
Charles, the second son, scholarly and restless.
Josephine, their only daughter, brave and compassionate.
Thomas, their youngest son, noble and principled.
There was a fourth son, the twin brother of Thomas, however, his name is never mentioned at the perennial grief of his untimely passing.
The Kimbleton children grew up and eventually dispersed. Henry succeeds his father as family Patriarch and parliament. Josephine - while still betrothed to a Duke in an arranged marriage - had eloped with a promising young Doctor. Charles and Thomas had both been called to arms - the former to the Army, and the latter the Navy.
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This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle… This precious stone set in the silver sea… -- King Richard, Shakespeare
Once upon a time, there were two brothers, and while they both bared the same resemblances and shared the same blood, they could not be more different from the other. Their names were Charles, the older brother, and Thomas, the younger.
And then this is when the narrator got lazy and decided to just bullet point the rest of their story:
Shortly after their brother Henry was married, Charles was set in an arranged marriage to an heiress. When they were married, Charles fell in love with his wife more than ever when they were courting and was a dutiful and faithful husband. Tragically she passed away a year later while still in her first trimester. After his wife’s passing, Charles refused any consideration of remarrying and focused his life around the sciences and wanderlust.
Later Charles entered the army and quickly rose in the ranks to be a Major General and accomplished Natural Historian.
Because during this time the Kimbleton family was in such upheaval with Thomas Sister Josephine’s elopement, Thomas wasn’t in any arranged marriages and had an unsuccessful love life.
(Tired of his mother’s pestering he should find a wife jkjk) Years later, Thomas entered the navy and equally became a medaled Rear Admiral and master strategist.
A war had emerged with a neighboring kingdom requiring both Land and Sea strength, so the King summoned the two brothers to join his highest ranking officers, and eventually earned the King’s closest trust.
After the war, the King brought the two brothers back to his court as trusted advisors.
Eventually, the King assigned the two brothers the position of Royal Advisors to the King’s young sons.
*insert drama here*
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When I hear a command I obey But I know of a place Where no one can stand in my way On the wing of my fancy, I can fly anywhere and the world will open its arms to me
I'm a young Egyptian Princess or an Heiress I'm the greatest Prima Donna in Paris I'm a girl men go mad for love's a game I can play, with a cool and confident kind of air
In my daydreams, I can be whatever I want to be...
-- In my own little corner, Rodgers & Hammerstein (modified)
Once upon a time, in the House of Kimbleton, there was a beautiful maiden named Josephine. Josephine was raised as any of the nobles of the high court, but her heart was pure as gold. She cared not for the dainties and fanciful things which she was well acquainted with. She wanted to help others, to stand up for those who could not stand up for themselves, and aid those who could not aid themselves. And she did so. And in doing so she met the young doctor, Raleigh Duncan, who shared the same ambitions. Josephine and Raleigh fell in love. However, when Raleigh asked Baronet Phillip for Josephine’s hand in marriage, he was harshly declined, as Josephine’s father did not approve his only daughter to marry a commoner when the family had greater plans for her to marry a Duke.
Josephine was horrified. In indignation to never marry for convenience when she had true love already in her arms, she and Raleigh eloped to the countryside to be married under a peach tree.
And what a scandal was caused! Josephine’s father was outraged, and her mother did her best to keep the disgrace as hushed as possible from society. What made matters worse, was when Philip shortly after fell ill to fatal sickness. This arose Josephine’s eldest brother, Henry, to grew a dark bitterness in his heart towards his sister’s rebellion, wrongfully blaming her for the strain on their father’s health.
Josephine’s other brothers were too busy over land and sea to weigh many opinions, and Cecelia desperately tried to pacify the situation, but to none avail. Josephine’s father and Henry chose to disinherit her from the will.
When Philip untimely passed away, it was was the first time in years the House of Kimbleton has assembled again. The first time in years Cecelia and her sons were able to see Josephine again. Josephine arrived with both her husband Raleigh, and their infant daughter, Priscilla.
Years passed. Henry had become the new Patriarch, Charles now a Major General and renowned Naturalist, and Thomas a Rear Admiral and heralded strategist. Meanwhile, little Priscilla was growing up to be a bright and happy young girl by her loving parents, who were aiding all in need as best they could. But unfortunately, Josephine and Raleigh’s stories were cut short with their sudden disappearance. And little Priscilla was left to fend for herself in the world. But how could she? She was but a child. So when attempts at contacting her father’s side of the family were unsuccessful, she was brought under the custody of her grandmother, Cecelia.
After losing both her husband and daughter, Cecelia saw that little Priscilla was a diamond in the rough of this drama. Priscilla was raised as her grandmother had raised her mother - to be poised and sophisticated. Like a little princess. (Not that it was an easy task, mind you, given the young child was a countryside wildflower and had an untamable free spirit).
If only those years could have lasted longer. When Cecelia departed this world to join her husband, she left in her will that Priscilla should continue to be raised by her Henry - Cecelia’s only son who had offspring of his own. Pity Cecelia could not see her son’s smoldering bitterness towards his sister bled into his impression of his own niece.
When young Priscilla arrived at her Uncle Henry’s residence, she quickly came to realize that she was unwelcome. What was formerly thought as aloofness from Uncle Henry turned to intimidation. And even though Cecelia endowed Priscilla with the Kimbleton surname to give her an identity, Henry instructed that Priscilla was to be treated “...as the bastard child and charity case that she was.”
Life had changed overnight from the privilege and love her Grandmother had given, to the cold punishment of servitude from her Uncle. Priscilla slept in a tiny guest room at the furthest end of the house near the servants quarters, instructed separately from her cousins (Henry’s children, who also remained aloof), and not permitted to dine with them. She was at her cousins’ beck and call, even when they already had ladies in waiting. Ironic that when they had a houseful of flunkies and servants that Priscilla was declassed to such ranks, even against what was in her late Grandmother’s will.
Fortunately, things were not so terribly miserable for Priscilla. She found her due deserved respect and tender care from the household staff and her tutors. At least whenever Henry and his family left for holidays and Priscilla was left behind, the staff insisted that ‘Miss Priscilla Kimbleton’ be treated as the ’lady of the manor’ that she was. They knew what Henry was doing was wrong, even though they had to stand by silently and watch.
Not that Priscilla minded. As she adjusted from her bucolic life in the country to the life of nobility with her Grandmother, so she would adjust to this new lifestyle. She had her imagination, where she could be anyone, and anyplace. And someday, hopefully, someday, she would be able to escape and live the life that she always wanted to discover...
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myxcenterxstage · 6 years ago
Where does Priscilla’s little scandalous streak come from??
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Okay. So. I’ve legitimately begun to ponder where on earth both Priscilla gets some of her scandalous characteristics from. Obviously, Priscilla directly inherited it from her mother, Josephine Kimbleton... who, as you all know by now, eloped with Priscilla’s father while still engaged in an arranged marriage! 
So that introduces the next question... where does Josephine inherit her rebellious streak from?? Surely, it didn’t just spring up out of nowhere, right?
Well, you won’t really find it further up the Kimbleton family tree. As I headcanon the most Kimbletons, in general, tend to have a mellow demeanor (take cousin Emmett Kimbleton & his parents & grandparents for example). In general, the Kimbleton family’s honorable reputation dates well back. As far back as to the original Kimbleton ancestor who gave the family its name prestige. I’ve yet to dive into British history to figure out just WHERE and WHEN the Kimbleton lineage originated from, and who was the first Knighted Baronet in the family. MAYBE Kimbleton is related to the ‘Kimbolton’ clan where there are actual villages and a castle in England named such???
So going back to our main point... I can’t help but wonder if that... that “characteristic” shall we call it, was introduced through Priscilla’s grandmother, none other than the lovely Lady Cecelia Wright-Kimbleton herself! What you shall say?? The distinguished Lady Cecelia Kimbleton who wanted to marry her daughter and granddaughter into aristocracy??
Well, we know the seasoned Lady Cecelia, mind you. We don’t know much yet about what occurred in her youth! As well as the details of the who’s when’s and why’s she was married into the Kimbleton family! Were there similar-traited family members on Cecelia’s Wright family side that Josephine & Priscilla inherited from???
So, while the title question doesn’t have a precise answer, this is my prompt to say...
I believe there is more to Lady Cecelia's younger years than we presently know!
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myxcenterxstage · 7 years ago
This might be a weird question, but does Priscilla have a favorite family member? Does she have one she doesn't get along with?
{{ Ask me muse headcanon questions!!! || Always accepting }}
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Oh, Priscilla absolutely does have a favourite family member. And that, in fact, is her Uncle Charles. And everyone in the Kimbleton family knows Charles is Priscilla's favourite Uncle, ha. 
Charles Kimbleton actually goes through some character development with Priscilla however, and thier mutual favoritism didn’t happen overnight. 
As you know, Priscilla’s Mother, Josephine Kimbleton, eloped with Priscilla’s Father, Dr. Raleigh Duncan, while still in an arranged engagement to a super wealthy super good-looking nobleman. 
Charles was shocked over his sister Josephine's elopement and causing such scandal, and while he didn't display any open disdain towards the 'eloped offspring', he was just conveniently offshore overseas all the time. That was until Charles was back home in London (After Josephine’s & Raleigh’s disappearance) and Uncle Thomas forced him to babysit Pris while everyone else was out of town.
And it was then that Pris slowly melted his heart. Then again, I mean, how can you not adore Pris?? But especially to him what he found unlike his other nieces and nephews - Pris had a longing for the outdoors, a fascination for birds and nature, science, and wanted to hear Charlie's stories 24/7. Charlie soon learned whatever 'wrongdoing' her parents had done, Pris was completely innocent -- and boy did he then try to make up for any of his mistakes. To the point that he became to closest to being an actual father figure to her (moreso than Uncle Thomas more often than not). Charles became the real mentor to tell Priscilla to follow her dreams, weigh out both her heart and her mind in making decisions, and to enjoy life’s adventures. 
It’s so tragic that canonically he too ‘disappears’ for the next 10 years shortly before Priscilla’s relationship with Edmund goes south / Priscilla breaks off her engagement (the time when she needed her Uncle Charles most). *quietly weeps*
Fortunately, that’s remedied in Priscilla’s verse v: Stephanoxis Ialandi which is basically the ‘what if?’ verse of instead of being raised by Uncle Thomas, it was Uncle Charles! Also, Charles makes a more notable appearance in Priscilla’s Wild West ‘Western Horizons’ verse, so that makes me happy too.
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(I’d also like to add Priscilla’s second favourite family member is probably her cousin Emmett Kimbleton. He’s majorly underdeveloped, but I know he and Priscilla were childhood friends and Emmett was always kind to her throughout her times of difficulty, as well as was the only one who had a rotten feeling about Edmund before anyone else even considered it.)
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(Her third favourite are tied with her Uncle Thomas Kimbleton and Grandma Cecelia Kimbleton!)
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As for the family member, she doesn’t get along with, that would probably be her Uncle Henry Kimbleton (and his children / Priscilla’s cousins). Henry is Grandpa Philip & Grandma Cecelia's oldest son. Dignified nobleman, very respected in high society. Left England to marry his wife Helene to live in southern France along the Riviera. He's the most 'to the book' of social customs, and demanding to keep the Kimbleton name as prestigious as possible (since he's carrying his father Philip's legacy the most). His un-favouritism to Priscilla, is, well, to put it bluntly, if you asked him uncensored he would tell you that she's a bastard child. (which is absolutely not true!!)Henry had the most indignation against his sister Josephine for breaking off her perfectly good arranged engagement to that super-rich nobleman and elope with some upstart doctor Raleigh. And clearly, that resentment passed down to Josephine’s only child Priscilla. 
Priscilla doesn’t want to not like her Uncle Henry, she just can’t help it because he doesn’t even give her a chance to show she’s no less a dignified Kimbleton like the rest of her family. (And, you guessed it, they basically cut off all contact entirely after Priscilla breaks up with Edmund.)
And while Henry’s wife Helene mostly stayed out of it, Henry’s stigma also unfortunately also caused some awkwardness between Priscilla and her cousins, his three children: Henry Jr., Winifred, and Cynthia. Nothing unfriendly, per se, and more indifferent and preoccupied in their own lives. Though I do know that Cynthia (who was the same age as Priscilla) always claimed to be the prettier one.  
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myxcenterxstage · 6 years ago
Random House of Kimbleton Headcanons I came up with as I was driving home...
- Priscilla’s Uncle Charlie is 🎶 the very model of a modern Major General!!!!!!!
- For Priscilla growing up in someplace as inland and river town as Shropshire, I feel like I want to originate Priscilla’s fascination with the sea (and sailors lmao). I find that because it’s such an integral part of her life in her youth, i want to attribute it in multiple ways. For one, she grew up in London making friends with sweet fellow named Theodore (who was like her bro). The second, on a more personal level, I want to bring out more of Uncle Thomas’ history as a “former EITC Official” transitioning to more of a British Royal Navy concept for the Victorian era timelines...
-additionally I want to revsisit Charlie possibly serving as a General...?
- now to go up he family tree ladder! Charlie and Thomas must’ve gotten inspiration from other family members. Like, Charlie and his adventuring could have more been his own thing, but I feel both brothers must’ve inherited their sense of wanderlust from /somewhere/
- so that makes me wonder about two of the Kimbleton relatives! First, Grandpa Phillip Kimbleton’s Brother... aka Pris’ Cousin Emmett’s Grandfather... aka Charlie & Thomas Uncle!
The second is possibly Grandma Cecelia’s Father ???? Or maybe she too had a brother in the Navy??
- throwing out ideas that I’ve yet to figure out fully where I want to take them, but so far I’m digging them =w=
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myxcenterxstage · 6 years ago
Having noticed that Miss. Kimbleton had fallen asleep, Dundy as a gentleman draped his coat over her as a blanket and bade her a fond goodnight. However, he also possessed a mischievous inclination to give her cat whiskers like a cheetah's and a little cheetah nose, courtesy of the pen someone had left altogether too close to him.
Grab a marker and write something on my muse! ( Anywhere over my muse's body. ) || accepting!
Between the two ships, HMS Erebus was certainly the more ‘fun’ of the two. From its ambiance and exquisite craftsmanship to the delightful company of its officers. Priscilla had forgotten just when she had dozed off in all the merriment from staying up well past her usual sleeping hour. With a yawn she arose, holding the jack over her shoulders in gratitude for the extra layer to not catch a chill.
“What time is it…?” She inquired drowsily, blearily staring confused at the other crew member’s quickly hushed snickers from but once glance at her. “What’s so funny?”
When someone finally had the heart to pity her by handing a mirror, a high-pitched shriek echoed across the deck. Along with an exclamation of, “Who’s bright idea was this?!” as she frantically tried wiping it off.
Fortunately, she was at least a good sport about it when the initial embarrassed shock dissolved. She even shared a memory when as children her cousin Emmett once did the something similar.
But when she did find out who was the culprit, oh she would be sure to give him a taste of his own medicine!
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