#Emergence NSH
toxictoxicities · 6 months
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Somethin for a silly lil thing I saw on Twitter
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arsonstick · 10 months
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I can’t with this
it’s a small detail, but it’s so sweet
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csavii · 8 months
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Curved Departure my beloved, and also the gays
Emergence Suns and Sig along with Curved Departure belong to @toxictoxicities
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lucettapanchetta · 4 months
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[ Foreign contaminants detected within the west hull. Inspectors notified to conduct biopsy of contaminant. ]
[ Mass clogging detected. Emergency fluid administered; dissolution fluid may erode tubular plating. Temperature should be heavily monitored to prevent warping. ] [ Dissolution fluid is a preventative regulation only. NEUTRALIZING SOLUTION IS REQUIRED. ]
[ Rarefraction activity will be immediately scheduled for affected nodes. However, quantities of foreign run-off may result in dangerous pressure changes. ] [ Power saving should be reconsidered to allow restoration of nodes. Heavy processing required. ]
[ Rapid nodular restoration is a preventative regulation only. EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED. ]
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[image ID: the first image is of the cover for the Hello from the Hallowoods podcast. it depicts the silhouettes of trees, and a large creature emerging from behind them. it's furry, with many red eyes, horns, large antlers, and a clawed hand raised up, as if waving at the viewer. above the creature, in the middle of a red gun sight, reads: "Hello." in red text. the second image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. end ID]
Diggory Graves
Convinced they only lost the deadguydeathmatch because not enough people knew about them. A bit of a Frankenstein's monster scenario. Uses they/them pronouns, is dating a ghost trans man. Despite their intimidating appearance they are lovely and would go to the ends of the Earth for their friends. Their arms are for hugs and their claws are for fighting
No Significant Harassment
They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
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thesufferingisendless · 7 months
Time to rant about the timeline I’ve come up with for my little unfinished AU.
And I REALLY wanna rant because I have SO many ideas!!!
Ideas below the cut.
We start off at Moon’s collapse. Spearmaster is on their way back to SRS, when they hear something behind them, and look back to see LTTM collapsing.
EXCEPT. Her west legs give out first, causing her structure to fall INTO FP’s, knocking his over like a domino in a chain. Spearmaster rushes back to SRS as fast as possible.
By the point in the timeline Artificer is supposed to arrive, FP’s facility grounds have already frozen over, and all the dangerous creatures from Saint’s campaign come out to play. (On the plus side, the Rot doesn’t survive the newfound winter, freezing to death)
Speaking of Artificer, in this timeline, since FP’s facility grounds are frozen over, SRS sends out Spearmaster again to try and scout out how bad the damage is- Except SRS knows that Spearmaster is built to handle deadly wildlife, NOT the freezing cold. SO, he creates a sibling for Spearmaster. One that can turn their needles into explosive weapons in an emergency situation, who can light fires with explosive blasts from holes in her tail.
In this timeline, Artificer is created by SRS- As Spearmaster’s ‘sibling’. Due to some kind of mess-up with her DNA, her left eye and left leg burst in a fiery blast while she is developing, meaning her eye gets bandaged up and she gets a prosthetic leg.
Meanwhile, as NSH’s structure, NSH is no longer on a time crunch since he knows that FP’s facility grounds will be unlocked since he’s collapsed, so Hunter doesn’t have to worry about the Rot.
(EDIT) OKAY completely forgot about the Rot powers I decided to give Hunter so I need to redo Hunter’s section. So. NSH is on a time crunch still because he’s worried about how long until FP’s and LTTM’s systems have until they cannot be turned back on. SO. Hunter still has to deal with the Rot BUT as explained he eventually fuses with it and it becomes a superpower, blah blah blah. Anyways, he’s coming in from NSH’s facility from the northwest.
…Unfortunately, And on top of that, NSH uses DNA from a short-haired breed of Slugcat, forgetting about how FP’s facility will be frozen over. Whoops.
While passing through Outer Expanse, Spearmaster and Artificer encounter a worried duo of older Slugpups, Survivor and Monk, who have set out to try and find Gourmand, who was in the Facility Grounds during the collapse. Artificer and Spearmaster promise to find Gourmand and send him back home, and tell Survivor and Monk to stay here where it’s safe.
Survivor ignores them and follows, and Monk reluctantly sticks by Survivor’s side. Monk was born with type-two diabetes in this timeline, because why the hell not.
Gourmand, barely surviving the collapse in Shaded Citadel, scavenges for Slime Mould to satisfy their hunger in the cold, as they slowly start making their way up through the ruins, to freedom.
Rivulet, in the meantime, swims in from the east, getting lost and separated from her family. She wanders around until she eventually finds shelter from the cold in LTTM’s unmoving arms, for now.
(EDIT3) SCRATCH THAT SCRATCH THAT BETTER IDEA. So. In this AU, Rivulet is genetically engineered by Moon instead, as a sort of last resort, to deliver pearls containing her begs and pleads to Pebbles. When Spearmaster leaves and Moon knows she’s about to collapse, that is when Rivulet returns to Moon and just… stays with her, until she collapses. When she does collapse, Rivulet gets swept up in the glitchy, failing anti-gravity, and freefalls westward until she falls into Garbage Wastes, where on impact with the water she is concussed and given amnesia.
Saint comes in from the north and begins wandering the cold wastes, searching for what remains of Pebbles and Moon in the collapsed structures.
And Enot? Honestly, I don’t have any ideas on how Enot shows up, but honestly popping into existence to just be there and be silly is kinda in character for them anyways.
Speaking of Enot, one of their eggs hatches, and creates Nightcat, and Enot begins to raise Nightcat as their own, and by the time Survivor, Monk, Spearmaster, and Artificer enter, Nightcat is slightly grown up, around Survivor’s age.
With Artificer, Spearmaster, Survivor, and Monk approaching from the west, Rivulet in the far east, Enot, Nightcat, and Gourmand in Shaded Citadel, Hunter heading to the facility grounds from the northwest, and Saint heading in from the north, the pieces are in place for everyone to meet up in this new timeline…
Which is still unnamed! Reblog or comment with name ideas please :)
(EDIT2) Oh. About Arti’s kids, I imagine she adopts them when she encounters them while travelling through the ruins of Shaded or something and adopts them.
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its-rat-time-babey · 1 year
Rain World Iterator Headcanons:
Spoilers for Rain World Downpour by the way.
Most of the metal that makes up iterators is technically organic, just like shelters and karma gates. The metal contains a bunch of microorganisms that organically rebuild the metal and attempt to regrow lost parts if damaged, just like biological material. Shelters and karma gates canonically contain the same microorganisms, which is why those things last so long and never seem to truly decay.
The rot is what happens when those microorganisms and organic metal go horribly wrong, eating into the semi-organic metal it’s supposed to keep fixed and spreading through it, mutating further as time goes on. Because the Rot comes from and survives off of self-healing metal, it can’t survive in places without it, which is why the rot is only seen in and around Five Pebbles (an iterator made of organic metal) and the Garbage Wastes (Five Pebble’s dumping ground where organic metal discarded from him can be easily found). The rot is also weaker in the Garbage Wastes because there’s not much organic metal to go around, meaning that only small amounts of the rot can survive.
Also, the rot really can’t handle the cold well, which is why basically all of it is dead by the time of the Saint. In contrast though, the rot excels in extremely hot environments. Like the inside of an Iterator can where a ton of heat is constantly being generated, requiring a constant water uptake to prevent overheating and slag buildup. In short, the inside of an iterator can is constantly warm and is a perfect environment for the rot.
Five Pebbles isn’t the only one in the local group with the rot. No Significant Harassment also has the rot, which is how and why the Hunter is infected. The rot got into (or came from) NSH’s experiment wing and somehow survived in the Hunter’s body, mutating as needed. NSH’s rot isn’t as bad as Pebbles’s rot, not even close, but it’s still the rot. NSH got the rot not long before the creation of the Hunter and has managed to keep this a secret from the others.
Iterator Puppets aren’t just how Iterators communicate with the outside world. They contain the personality of the iterator and act like a central hub of information, basically being the iterator “core” for lack of a better word.
Also, Iterator Puppets have their own tiny internal power supply, a tiny rarefaction cell, which is meant to keep the Puppet powered during things like maintenance, emergencies, and other times where the main power supply of massive Rarefaction Cells are at low or no power. The puppet needs to remain powered because it’s the central core of the Iterator like mentioned before, contains the Iterator’s personality. If the puppet goes completely unpowered for too long, that sort of thing can get extremely damaged, basically giving the Iterator brain damage and/or leaving them unable to function properly even once they’re completely powered again.
This tiny rarefaction cell is why Looks To The Moon and Five Pebbles are still powered despite both of their cans completely breaking down. The main power sources in their cans were destroyed, but the tiny emergency generators in their puppets are still functioning.
However, that power source isn’t very powerful. It can power the puppet, but not much else. The umbilical arm connecting the puppet to the wall takes way more power to move than the puppet’s rarefaction cell can produce, so Moon and Pebbles are just stuck there unless something actively drags them into another position.
Even though Looks To The Moon was knocked out for god knows how long, that tiny rarefaction cell was still functioning the whole time, preventing Moon from getting Iterator brain damage or complete brain death while they were out. The main problem with Moon is that all of their systems were seized up and full of slag and other gunk and debris by both the collapse and lack of water prior to that collapse, which is why they specifically needed slag dumping orders delivered to them to get them functioning, and the fact that Moon lost her neurons in the collapse, so even if her systems were working as intended, her brain doesn’t have the processing power needed to wake her up. Moons brain and personality basically existed in a vacuum. They existed and remained stable, but lacked the power to do anything but that, no new information can come in, no information can come out, and Moon’s memory only stored the bare essentials deeply connected to her and her personality to preserve storage space.
Moon was still alive due to that emergency power source, but was basically comatose and unable to wake up until an external source:
Manually gave her systems the order to start cleaning out waste, kickstarting her physical systems to start working again, and
Manually connected a neuron to her, giving her computing systems the data, ram and storage space to wake up again.
As a newer model of iterator, Five Pebbles’s puppet contains two neurons on its own, or at least has some sort of equivalent to a neuron in it. And there’s canonical proof here.
This is Looks To The Moon with no neurons:
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Comatose and unable to wake up, needing at least one neuron nearby to function and at least four to be fully capable of speech and sentences, and even then they have rather severe problems with memory.
This is Five Pebbles with no neurons:
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Barely aware of his surroundings and barely able to speak, but still (albeit barely) functioning, with his dialogue sounding like Moon when she only has two neurons left.
So Pebbles, as a newer iterator, contains at most two neurons or something equivalent to two neurons in his puppet.
Speaking of neurons, they, like the rest of the Iterator, are partially organic and partially mechanical. Neurons get their energy by consuming microbes and bacteria in the air.
Iterator legs just end in nubs. They’re supposed to be suspended in zero-gravity or at least suspended off the ground by a mechanical arm attached to the wall at all times, so walking around on the ground was never something considered to be an option. So, no feet. Just nubs.
There is no program or taboo that technically forces Iterators to work on the great problem. When the Ancients existed, they kept the Iterators working by virtue of being their creators and the ones with admin access. Once the Ancients were gone however, the only reasons that Iterators kept working were that there was literally nothing else they COULD do and the promise that if they did figure it out, they themselves could follow their creators into non-existence.
Due to the fact that they aren’t technically forced to work on the great problem, there are a lot of different groups of Iterators with their own philosophies and opinions towards the great problem. Sliverists with the opinion that dying is in and of itself the solution are the loudest and most well known, but there are others. Like for example, a group that believes that the great problem is genuinely unsolvable and that was why their creators went through a mass ascension through void fluid instead of waiting for a genuine solution to be found. This group predates Sliverists by a long time as they were created not long after the Ancients disappeared, but is rather quiet, as this philosophy opens up the terrifying question of “if the great problem is unsolvable, what is our purpose?”.
In fact, that question of purpose in general terrifies Iterators. Just think about their situation. They were built specifically to solve a specific problem and only have the means to do that. They’re stuck in place and can’t move or experience the world because why would they even need to do that? They were built to solve the problem and literally nothing else. They do not die of old age and the metal that makes up their puppets and parts of their cans does not decay easily, healing when damaged. If the problem is unsolvable or worse, is solvable but cannot be applied to them, what else is there for them to do? They have no other purpose and even though they have the CAPABILITY to pursue other goals and interests, they lack the tools required to do so. Even their secondary (added in as an afterthought) purpose of taking care of the Ancients that live on top of their cans is pointless now because the Ancients are all gone and there’s no one left in the cities. Just as a rule of thumb, Iterators do their best to avoid thinking about that question.
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booksofstars · 2 months
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warriors x rain world month days 1-3 (redone)
sunshinebloom was a former kittypet, alongside his sister silentfall. when silentfall runs off to join a mysterious clan along the shoreline, he goes looking for her. now the clan’s cleric apprentice, he spends much of his time around echoingring (saint). he loves his sister more than anything, and tries to act as her big brother despite being younger and smaller than she. he has a strong connection to the void and the spirits within, though not as strong as his mentor’s. his kittypet name was sunny.
silentfall, once a kittypet along with her brother, joined shoreclan after guiding the messenger hallowrunner to safety during a medical emergency. her heroism earns her an invite to the clan from star moonviewer herself, and invite she took without hesitation. her little brother came searching for her, seeing as she left without a trace. she was hallowrunner’s messenger apprentice, and enjoys hanging around both she and sunshinebloom. she is albino, so takes the night messenger shift rather than the daytime one. her kittypet name was snowy.
hallowrunner is perhaps the greatest messenger shoreclan has seen, in spite of technically only being a partial member. the protegé of star mockingsong (nsh), she gained his speedy way of getting things done, but not his easy going nature. the seriousness with which he takes every mission is admired by many, especially young silentfall. hallowrunner suffers with chronic illness due to his weak immune system, and at points lapses into sickness that must be rapidly treated. it was during one of these that she met her future apprentice, and when she learned to take a little more care for her own safety. she often travels back to charmclan to be with her mentor and childhood friends.
old drawings below the cut
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rainworldouterwoodau · 8 months
Ehy Ok so ive been sorta Absent Bc i was working on an art concept
In the Outerwood Au Once the Slugcat Colony Migrates This Is Where They'll Be Living In
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Basically They Live Near a tree In Grasslands replacing One Of Nsh's Can Legs (they store food inside It)
They Have
- A food Supply
stored in a tree wich Is Also apparently replacing One Of The legs of Nsh's can
- a food guard posts
Filled With Weapons, Basically a Scug Guarding the food to make sure no One steals it
- a Slugpup Playroom
It Has pearls attached to the celling of the room & Paint pups can Paint with for fun + some rocks too (theres also an emergence exit in that room too in case shit gets bad)
- a room for Tamed Pets (Mostly for Lizors)
Scugs tend to tame Lizards or other creatures depending on their personality, But for Who tames a lizor theres a special room Dedicated to them (+ theres a room between the Playroom & Lizors den to make sure no lizor eats any Pup) Also It Has OE leaves attached to the celling to make It seem more like Home
- Leader's den
This Is where Plum & Her three pups sleep in all Togheter (+ sketchered in my au), It Has pearls attached to the celling aswell + some of those Leaves In Oe Shown When climbing the big tree
- Sleeping Rooms For Scugs
After all these Rooms, Underground At the bottom theres Multiple Rooms for each Scug, Ofc they decorate their Rooms with whatever they want aswell, + their pups sleep with the Parents aswell ofc
In total all the Rooms togheter are 12 (the Emergency exit Is Also a room Bc It's also a room storing Weapons in It)
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whataduck · 2 years
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I saw the crane lights post and it just frickin. Frickin combined with rain world iterators. So meet Drifting Light, my first iterator oc :]
I also thought up some lore for them but that might come in a later post
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OH YEAH now I have these doodles with iterator cans being lit up by those lights too. This idea adds nothing lore wise except now the iterator cans get to be lit up with funky little lights all the time :)
the idea of NSH doing the caramelldansen thing with the lights is pretty funny to me too-
also imagine finding food, moving throughout your current region as the cycle progresses. Then you feel the first drop of rain. The skies darken in anticipation, and you scramble to search for the nearest shelter - suddenly you look up and you see this red light piercing the clouds, like an eye of some greater entity watching your futile struggle against the elements
normally the lights are not visible because the sun outshines them, but they emerge together with the rain
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gladoseon · 7 months
Oh wow, the Hunter Long Legs was quite the underwhelming challenge, I can absolutely wait for what’s next!
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Behold, the Sister Long Legs, the least avoidable (and therefore most annoying) of the Long Legs family!!! Learn why this abomination came to be beneath the cut, as well as its true form!
Warning, though: don’t look under if you’re a bit squeamish.
Ok, so, uhhhh… here goes.
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Sister Long Legs (aka Hideous Rot, SLL, Orange Long Legs, or Low Tier Rot)
HP: 45, becomes enraged when below 15
Attacks: Skull Launch, Tail Slam, Big Clap, Rot Stick
Skull Launch: the SLL pumps skulls for inside itself to the ends of its tentacles upward at high speeds, which then fall back down where it thinks the target will be. Deals 1 damage on impact. Will also cause bleed effect to whatever it hits, dealing 5 damage over 10 seconds, but bleed can be cancelled by parrying something. Generally doesn’t hit if you’re paying attention, but when there’s other things to deal with, it can become deadly. Exclusive to SLLs, and players who realize that the lizard skulls can be thrown.
Tail Slam: the SLL bends forward until it looks like a shrimp, then slams its tail down on the ground with incredible force, causing a shockwave. Slam deals 10 damage, shockwave deals 0.8 damage. Exclusive to Train Lizards and SLLs. You can parry the slam.
Big Clap: the user smacks together its…appendages… to create a shockwave. Clap can be parried, but that doesn’t cancel the attack. Clap deals 3 damage, shockwave deals 0.5. Can be used by SLLs, MLLs, The Smallest Iterator Ever, and Moon Prime.
Rot Stick: the SLL launches the projectile on its tail at its target. This prevents the player from moving backwards and from initiating flight. Deals 0.2 damage, plus 0.1 per 2 seconds that the player is attached. Can be disconnected by attacking the tail, but good luck with that, since it always goes upright after using this. Exclusive to SLLs.
Weaknesses: 3x damage when taken from the end of the tail, instantly dies to bubble fruit (because it’s almost a third as unsanitary as a Discord Moderator)
Abilities: attacks to the various skulls do no damage to the enemy as a whole, only takes 0.5x damage from rot-related attacks
Drops: 1x red lizard skull, 1x yellow lizard skull, 10x sterilized rot cysts
Usually, when a mobile purposed organism is sent out on a mission, it’s given a “kill” switch that an iterator can activate at any time, should they stray from their intended purpose. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most common is to have an inactive rot cyst on their spine, and to activate it by repeatedly and agressively tapping it with an overseer. This is done to slightly help with any rot-related problems an iterator might have, as well as to keep their organism on track.
With Hunter, this went horribly wrong, as NSH’s incessant petting partially activated it, forcing the mission to be initiated early. The only reason Hunter was able to even leave NSH’s can before being consumed by rot was through sheer will, as well as NSH gaslighting (or should I say… traffic-lighting?) Hunter into believing that they had 100 cycles to live. This worked because of the Nocebo effect.
However, in most cases, the rot only takes about 1 cycle to completely overtake the organism. This pressure keeps the creature loyal, but can sometimes backfire. If the rot in the creature mutates in a particular way, it can become a Sister Long Legs.
The Sister Long Legs becomes dependent on their host for movement, as they are only able to grow a singular tentacle due to the typically low mass of the host. It grows from the spine and emerges from the end of the tail. Most rot cysts can fully consume their hosts, like Inspectors turning into Daddly Long Legs, but the Sister Long Legs cannot, as it can only consume whatever touches its feelers. However, due to inhabiting the spine, they can fully control the movement of the host.
With most creatures, the host is either too unstable (creatures that stand on 2 legs, like Slugcats or Miros Birds) or too complicated (like Vultures) for sustainable survival. However, Lizards, namely Red or Cyan lizards, can properly survive long enough to fully grow their feelers to an unhealthy size and starve the host. They can then begin properly absorbing said host into their own mass over many cycles, with a second protrusion coming from the head. They can then start trying to increase their mass by only partially absorbing victims. This allows them to scare away bigger predators, like Vultures, while also increasing their bulk.
A Sister Long Legs that has existed for thousands of cycles can hunt even miros vultures and are comparably complicated to iterators. Until that point, though, they tend to bury themselves to protect themselves from various things. Their tails are able to withstand the rain, but they’re left weakened afterward. They also have heightened senses enhanced by the creature’s own, becoming strong enough to hear your armor clanging from the other side of the room, making it as though they can see you. They also use the memories of the creature to know which sounds mean what, so you can’t fool them with explosives. Thankfully, a lizard’s eyes become blind when they die, so they can’t see, but all that means is that it’s unlikely for them to target anything except for you.
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toxictoxicities · 6 months
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Yeah I ended up adding more to this ~
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arsonstick · 10 months
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moon might have some memory problems…
continuation from this
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alter1412 · 11 months
Thank you rain world community, Moon and NSH for helping me figure out that I am Bi, it seems.
The most funny thing? One friend told me that I gave the vibes of Bisexual Disaster
If you want to know how, it is under the read more. (It may contain some thirst)
So, I was aware that I liked women, Honkai Star Rail helped with that, and I was inclined to belive that I was a lesbian. The nail in the coffin that made me sure I really liked women was thanks to @/toxictoxicities Moon in a dress. That drawing loves rent free in my mind and makes me want to just hug her and put my head on her shoulder and just be held gently by her.
So thank you @/toxictoxicities and @/spotsupstuff and all of the artists in this fandom for that beautiful art that helped me figure it it out.
So, how then I realized that also liked men? Well, @/spotsupstuff NSH made me aware that I liked men, their drawing of him where he is giving us his back and is looking over his shoulder made me blush (and the tit apocalypse). Then they draw on of their ocs Iterator Orion's Pathway dad (Forgot the name :( but I know that he is a General) and I am like oh...Oh. Nail in the coffin? @/toxictoxicities again with their Iterators in dresses, with NSH. I wanted to plant my face in his chest, but I probably will be kicked by Suns before that (in this I am referring to his Au Emergence, their trafficlights drawings are lovely)
There are more drawings that make me blush, but those two got through my thick skull
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ladymariayuri · 2 years
Hi smiles weakly. Making this post just to pin and not reblog. Not life or death emergency but life kind of sucks right now. I hate to e beg but at my wits end.
My dad is kicking me out of the house and refuses to financially support me in any way besides college tuition. I was kicked out to my moms but she can’t support me either since she is disabled. My only option is to go back to college next month which I didn’t want to do since I will have no money to sustain myself on a day to day basis and it was wrecking my mental health last year but it’s all I have left. My dads house is utterly toxic and i am basically berated and treated like shit compared to mystep siblings. I’m not allowed to have my car, phone, or computer unless I live on a college campus. My mom lives on disability and has mental breakdowns that make her somewhat of a threat to herself and anybody nearby. So this is my last resort in some weird, hilariously ass backwards way.
My mother will chip in when she can along with some of her side of the family but I still need to buy some necessities while on campus. This being some food but not all, gas for my car, my adhd medication which has to be mailed to me from my dads to my campus 3 hours away, and a data plan for my phone. I need data for my phone in order to contact people and it is my substitute for a laptop which my college classes require while in person sometimes. I only need a smart device, which was my phone, and my computer is a desktop I have to keep in my dorm.
I have autism, severe adhd and depression, anxiety, a plethora of things which makes me somewhat disabled and it fucking blows. The entire reason I’ve lost financial support from my dad is because of these diagnoses being made official. Move in day is a month away and I can’t get a job to scrape up money since it’s so close + no car and no phone. I am literally using my moms phone to type this.
I don’t want anybody who is struggling themselves to give me money since I’m still fortunate enough to even have tuition paid for and my moms family is helping how they can, but I really don’t want my time at college to be worse than it has to be, and I don’t want to starve there, be trapped with no gas, no smart device for my classes, etc. but I’d appreciate anything sent my way as long as you are safe and secure enough to do so.
blue money giving app with pal in the name username is /hal7401. I can’t even accept the money on the app until august when I have my computer set up, fair warning.
E begging bruises my ego and I don’t want to accept things for free so I can try to do things in return. I’m not a great artist but I can make silly ms paint doodles for laughs. I type extremely fucking fast so I can caption a YouTube video for you or something. My strong point is video games! I’ve logged into people’s accounts on g*nsh/in to do their daily chores before and I’d be happy to do that as well. I can level ur ov*rwatch account to 25 or SR boost up to 3500 or a little higher on tank or support, I’ve done this dozens of times on my own free time as a side hustle. I can theoretically do up to 4400 but I’m washed. I can duo queue boost in wow with leveling or mythic+ up to whatever, never done that before but I was 2500 on dps in season 2. Those are just some examples and again I can’t really do any of these until late august.
Anyway I don’t really want people to reblog since I’d feel weird about it but if you’re so inclined to you can. I’d appreciate anything at all but please make sure you’re okay before me :)
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Halifax hospital discharges patient who threatened self-harm hours earlier
The father of a 23-year-old man who struggles with addiction and mental health issues is speaking out over what he believes are significant gaps in mental health and addictions service in Nova Scotia.
Marc Nantel says his son is addicted to drugs and has recently threatened to harm himself. He says his son was in and out of the QEII Health Sciences Centre three times this past week.
One night while inside, Nantel says his son pretended to go to the bathroom but instead grabbed fire extinguishers, set off alarms and went onto of the roof of the hospital where his father said he threatened to jump.
Nantel says the police responded, talked his son down and the next morning his son was released from the hospital.
“When somebody threatens to jump off the roof of the building especially the hospital they’re being attended at and then less than 12 hours later have three psychiatrists -- two legit psychiatrists and a student -- stand in front of you and tell you know we have nowhere to put you. You have to leave,” he said.
In between two of the times his son was in hospital this past week, Nantel says he dropped his son off at an appointment at a recovery support centre in Dartmouth.
“And they told him ‘we have no place to put you, we have no rooms, there’s no rooms in the shelter. Your best option is to go from shelter to shelter to see where you can find a place to stay,’” he said.
After the past week, Nantel is sending his son to a detox program in Montreal, which he said he and his family have to pay for.
“I can do that in 12 hours and send him to a different province. But yet in 72 hours, I cannot get my son to mental health help in my own province that I pay taxes and that he pays taxes,” he said.
Nova Scotia Health (NSH) spokesperson Brendan Elliott said NSH can’t comment on a specific patient’s care and treatment but says when someone visits the emergency department experiencing a mental health crisis it is always taken extremely seriously.
“The decision to keep someone in hospital is made by gaining an understanding of the whole person – not by a single moment or incident,” Elliott said, pointing out it’s important to note not everyone seeking mental health and addictions care requires treatment from a psychiatrist or an inpatient stay.
“If we can identify a plan that includes ongoing care and resources in the community, that person may not need to remain in hospital,” he said.
On Thursday afternoon, a social worker with Nova Scotia Health’s Mental Health Urgent Care Service reached out to Nantel’s son to offer help.
Nantel said his son declined for now because he and his son are leaving for Montreal Friday morning to begin his son’s detox program.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/qR0Wetb
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