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cabeswaterdrowned · 6 months ago
obviously this poll is formatted a little differently than the others since I have canon and noncanon options rather than the primary ones all being liar-ships, so maybe if you vote for a canon one also comment in tags which noncanon option you prefer and vice versa if your fav is noncanon you could leave which of her canon ships you like best in the tags
@sergeantpixie @snixx @buffyspeak @nocakesformissedith @whodoesnataliehave @thechosenthree @medievalwife
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forbescaroline · 2 years ago
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favorite platonic relationships: aria montgomery and emily fields “I'm glad you're back.”
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unsweetsweets · 2 years ago
Art dump (⚠️ Also TW for blood and injuries ⚠️)
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emarian-things · 2 years ago
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jaggedwolf · 5 months ago
pll rewatch 2x09
Aria has Ezra-Jason sex dreams while Emily and Hanna play lookout for Spencer snooping in the morgue. This hospital has the worst security, typical competency you can expect from Rosewood professionals
Hanna is okay with her stolen $100 cream giving her huge muscles but not with it giving her back acne or chin hair
I am instead distracted by the photos on the table next to Hanna. Is that a photo of her, Caleb and Emily together? Cute
Emily is suspicious of even her food this episode
“We all know you love to fix things” - Emily to Aria.
New Liar categorization has dropped. Fixers: Aria, Emily. Breakers: Hanna, Spencer. 😂
Emily is the worst friend to tell about a sex dream. I can’t even tell if she’s judgy because Aria is in a relationship or because Jason is Spencer’s top suspect.
Sometimes the other liars forget that Emily is the Most Puritan of them and get surprised by her being judgy about their choices
Hanna would’ve loved to hear about this sex dream. Aria really letting a friend down  by not telling her. But I suppose Aria was looking for a shut down, not enabling.
Aria knows zero biology. Doesn’t know what a cornea is this episode, last episode had Spencer explaining to her what the cranium is and her giving an ulcer patient coffee
“Well, for one, she will be able to aim a gun” - Spencer on Jenna regaining sight
These girls continue to be publicly so deranged about a blind girl. There’s one Rosewood High student out there who hears all these comments and is going what the fuck is wrong with these girls
I like this shot of Spencer sneaking in the greenery, even though she is being the world’s least camouflaged detective
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Not the last time we’ll see random animals on Spencer’s sweaters
Calling her a detective made me imagine her as a washed up detective in Disco Elysium a la Harry Du Bois and well, sometimes they have similar amounts of tact so who can say how ridiculous a comparison this is (obviously Emily is Kim, because the homosexual underground conversation happens exactly the same way)
Samara shows up, jumpscaring my friends, because one of them forgot she existed and the other forgot she and Emily were actually dating.
Ashley shows up in time to be an #Ally. Like mother like daughter
It is a sweet scene for Emily. Her parents worked through their reaction to her sexuality, Pam much slower than Wayne, and are OK now, but I’m glad she has an adult who wouldn’t even think of blinking and is going out of her way to make it clear
Back in S1, Ella clearly did not know Pam wasn’t okay with the gay thing, even though Aria and the other liars were always in the loop about the Fields’ reactions to Emily coming out. It’s not the sort of thing Aria and Spencer would mention to their parents.
It is, I think, the sort of thing Hanna mentions to her mom. In the midst of other ramblings about school or gossip, Hanna throws in a “Emily’s mom is being a real jerk about Emily being gay” (which is also how Ashley even learns that Emily’s gay XD) 
I like the above as background for Ashley’s response in this scene
Veronica is completely undisturbed by Peter burning the hockey stick and goes yeah I would do the same, while Spencer once more loses her damn mind all across the living room. 
Bet Spencer thought she could have a normal time in her house after Ian died. Nope!
Time for lesbian poker night! This’ll be the most at-least-implied-to-be-queer characters we’ll see in one room for a while. 
They are playing with real money??? This tracks for Samara’s prep school coterie but Emily Fields, tsk tsk, somewhere in Texas Pam is frowning very hard
She is apparently very good at poker, which I have trouble buying and am convinced that Samara’s friends are throwing to Samara’s new girlfriend who goes to public school lolololol
TBF Emily wouldn’t be stressed about lying over shit she doesn’t care about, like poker
Emily calls Aria for advice on the blackmail text. Doylistically, this is because this is an Emaria episode for liar pairings in the first half, since Hanna is occupied by Caleb and Spencer is occupied by mystery. Watsonianally...IDK? How would Emily decide who to call when getting blackmailed by A, I don’t know
Aria gives no useful advice to Emily, which is what Emily deserves for being so judgy about a sex dream
Caleb is really fucked up about the mom revelation. We get our first scene with Haleb on the swings. I like that set for them, and at some point during this scene there’s a very pretty shot of them with the light in the background
I make fun of Byron all the damn time but the scene where he realizes what’s going on with Mike is sobering, as his little conversation with Ella after
Having a brother that killed himself while he was a teenager would probably want to make you want to be a helicopter parent. 
Ella immediately shuts down the idea of Mike being depressed, huh. 
Mike's behavior here makes his previous comment of “I wanted a gun so I could get out of here.” scary in a different way
Emily's mannerisms while Samara breaks up with her...it's almost like she's gone numb from the whole A torment? She doesn't even really try to fight for Samara, she's like well....I guess this is happening :/ I've had thoughts on Emily's instincts moving from freeze to fight as a reflex, but she is all freeze here
I love that while Hanna is watching the Katy Perry concert at home alone, Emily and Spencer are off breaking into Jason’s shed
I really like Haleb these past couple of eps. They’re so solid and good to each other. Caleb's voice is so torn up when he says his mom said he sounds just like his dad, aw buddy.
I think this is our first Hanna -> Caleb ILU
Jason is gross for confessing to and then kissing a high schooler, but my second thought about the kiss was “I wonder how far down he had to bend to do that kiss”
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orotrasparente · 2 years ago
Sfrutto l'onda della posta del cuore pure io. Sto uscendo con un tipo che ho conosciuto tramite amici in comune. Ci siamo piaciuti subito, ma non ce lo siamo detti per un mese e mezzo per vari casini nel suddetto gruppo. Finalmente usciamo insieme, attrazione fisica fortissima, ma quando parliamo non riusciamo ad andare in profondità. Questa cosa un po' mi blocca, ma c'è qualcosa che mi spinge a vederlo ancora e in ogni caso sento che mi piace comunque molto. Io ho chiuso una relazione importante poco fa e forse è questo che mi frena nell'aprirmi. Cosa mi consigli?
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comunque secondo me devi continuare a uscirci, se c’è una forte chimica, ti sbloccherai e si sbloccherà anche lui, datevi tempo, non tutto si conforma facilmente e immediatamente, a volte ci vuole più tempo per scoprirsi “intimi” emotivamente, sicuramente il fatto che ti sei lasciata da poco incide, prendetevi il vostro tempo
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ginnyzero · 7 months ago
It's even infiltrating educated people you think would know better. Example, I went to my chiropractor who has a medical doctorate and I told him I was working on sprites for a computer game. His first question was: "Are you Using AI?"
Me (Horrified): "No! Sprites from Art Learning Models look terrible."
As an author, when I go to r/selfpublish and see people using Language Learning Models to both "write" their books and to "Edit" their books (I do mean develop edit.) It is horrifying to me because I know how horrible it's going to be and the copyright issue (as in you don't have it, Amazon's rules,) and it is most likely going to be wrong! It baffles me these authors want to take away what is the JOY of creating and collaborating with another person (your editor. I love my editor! Heart @eva-emaria). But then I realize many people on r/selfpublish are doing this... literally... for money. They don't care about creation, they see publishing as a 'get rich quick passive income' scheme. (equally horrifying) (Algorithms already screw so much shit up, now we're going to add them to creative arts. Eeep.)
I feel almost this is an extension of "technology exists so it must be better." I'm working on name tag for an upcoming festival and my librarian was like "you know how to use graphic programs, why not do it there." And I instantly went into horrified "You want to take a fun 20 minute craft project which I set out in graph paper in like 30 seconds and turn it into several hours of frustration due to line spacing and KERNING." Computers can suck the joy out of crafting.
Anyways, with language learning models being implemented into programs like Word and Google Docs and even Grammarly and ProWritingAide, be prepared for more and more of those programs to be wrong because the WRITER of the document is consistently wrong so the AI LLM thinks it is correct. (Which is why you can pry my Word 2013 from my cold dead hands.)
Now, the AI app for translating sign language looks useful! Could be very helpful for accessibility issues in many places. The rest of applications, so far mostly, humans can do it better. Maybe AI can do inbetween animation frames. I dunno. I'm unimpressed.
Okay. It's time for an AI rant.
My nephew is 13 years old. Whenever he writes a paper for school, I check it over and fix all of his mistakes for him. He said to me, "Maybe I'll proofread your paper for you in exchange," meaning one of the scholarly articles I write for work. I said, "Cool," and gave him the file. And he said, "Well, this is full of errors! See, you always say you have a lot to correct on my stuff, and look at all the stuff you got wrong!" And I said, surprised, "What? Where?" Because I'm sure there are typos in the draft I sent him, but not, like, that many.
And then he pointed to the screen and said, "Look at all the blue and red lines you have."
And I said, "Yeah, but those are wrong. Like, those are blue and red lines I'm ignoring because the computer is wrong." And then I paused and added, "You know you can't proofread a paper by just looking at the red and blue lines, right?" And he gave me the blankest look, because that clearly is EXACTLY what he thinks. And it became even clearer suddenly why, whenever I correct something on his paper, his immediate reaction is, "It didn't have a blue or red line."
I am so tired of being sold the idea that computers are better than humans and so we should just outsource everything to them, which is clearly the lesson my nephew is absorbing in U.S. middle school. COMPUTERS ARE NOT BETTER THAN HUMANS. Like, maybe they are better at humans at crawling through rubble to find people trapped inside. They are also better at preserving things in a searchable format. Things like that. Very limited circumstances.
I don't want to sound alarmist but everything I hear about people using generative AI freaks me out. It's not just that I'm freaked out by people being like, "I use it to write novels!" (Although I don't see how they do, I have tried to have it write fiction for me and the output was truly terrible.) But I recognize my bias around creative writing and so no one needs to credit my views on artificial writing. But! Other things are alarming, too! "I use it to brainstorm x, y, or z." But...why? Why not just...use your own brain...to...brain...storm? The computer doesn't even have a brain to brainstorm with! And you might be like, "But it comes up with things that my brain would never think of!" So would other people! You could also brainstorm with other people! Or even through Google to see what other people have thought before you (not AI). Please don't belittle the wonder of thinking.
I just feel like the marketing around generative AI boils down to "Wouldn't it be easier not to use your own brain to think about things?" Everyone. No. It would not be. Please just trust me on this. I'm not just an old person who is out of touch with technology or something. I promise. USE YOUR BRAINS. IT WILL BE OKAY.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Russian and German forenames, excluding the letter "Y"
Abagalk Abastalen Abataleka Abatastin Abatjachan Abdula Abena Aberbamard Abian Abiankata Abidalena Abilavred Abild Abilip Abina Abnod Abnoniv Abnov Abriasta Abrina Abrudome Achard Adika Adisele Aditha Admirko Afona Agabras Agafanna Agafoksim Agald Agallah Agalphila Agannežan Agapio Agarado Agarena Agarinat Agarob Agarta Agatja Agavetel Agmariewom Agmarta Agmuno Agmuntine Agottolf Agottsca Albeat Alber Alberte Alena Alenild Alotto Alphela Alphim Amele Amuternd Anatheid Andre Andriest Anica Anilodo Anira Anthomina Aralo Arick Arischanz Ashartina Astelfrina Audostran Austiseph Avdal Avdemar Avdik Avdikar Avdina Avdise Avdoniach Avena Avenad Aventh Aventola Avete Avetel Avetomell Avguis Avgus Avgusa Avgusanna Avguslado Avgusterin Avgustine Aviam Avianneld Avikt Avimuttach Avingert Avksa Avksaliede Avksam Avkse Avksika Avksina Avkto Avktomaxim Avlava Avraid Avratanda Avredina Avreina Avreing Avrobied Avror Avrosiel Avtof Avtonald Avtonasia Avtor Avtoria Avudin Avudina Avvald Avvalfrele Avvaliv Avvanst
Basharner Belislanim Belmar Benernde Beria Biank Bodorede Boria Borick Borigmanir Carcor Casha Chaik Charg Clavselga Colausta Coldana Colia Collenz Corgafon Corgard Dagapa Dagard Dagarin Dagarlener Dalenir Dangen Danne Daring Darnda Diedifand Difakir Difakum Difania Dinnata Disbea Ditat Dotheinata Edemantin Ekartian Ekatin Ellav Emaria Emaxim Eslavks Essaniil Ewalin Flotruth Fraus Frelmut Friame Frianne Frich Friela Frikartr Friselia Frismut Gafodel Galielina Gatinainz Gavdim Gentia Gerieteph Gerko Germanth Gersulra Gerta Gisabelmut Gredmir Greteph Greter Gricharinz Griedeth Griel Guslavde Günte Güntim Hantingoth Harlekke Harst Hedian Heina Heinha Helavuntim Helia Helip Helmund Helmuther Helsa Henjach Herik Hernhelors Hertam Hertana Hertanne Hertiana Heslar Hiafa Hiline Hilorena Himil Holgeon Imild Infrenz Inrisla Islavks Ivakum Jachard Jacolph Jerann Joach Joachanikt Joacheild Joacheritz Johan Johard Joharid Jonimofel Jonra Josip Josla Jubodonia Julianim Julikh Julrise Jörgafon Jörgapith Kakon Keriel Kevolippan Kitamund Koltert Konikt Kuria Ladar Ladifana Ladith Lekatatto Lenich Lenikircus Lenthen Lentonrat Levenna Lianas Liběnadan Liebatonia Liegapio Lieten Linaid Ljupp Ljuttasia Loisaba Lorgafim Lorgebke Lotterina Lubetlan Lubovip Ludied Ludim Ludottona Lütola Lütolavgus Malentiam Maloriel Malviann Manan Mangel Manina Manna Manne Mannelies Maricher Markon Marnonieb Maximirain Melevole Mellaus Micharbarl Michentor Milav Milavsika Milaw Miliathel Milidimir Miliedelm Milip Milise Milisla Minne Mirin Mirom Miron Moldan Monomarl Mstin Nalin Nater Niamunolf Nianna Nianuel Nicas Nimuel Nislavika Nisth Novia Oksig Olans Olavliběna Olene Olenn Olisa Ories Osivald Oslan Oslauste Ostinal Othar Otriust Ottel Ottfricold Ottolger Ottonikh Pania Patja Paugusta Pavva Petchom Phillip Phimin Pionikt Pitacherd Radmir Raika Raiklip Ralia Ramina Ranatale Randra Ranne Rastin Rathario Reinom Ricarobija Rikharcus Robea Roberig Robietchar Romein Ronica Rosta Runtz Sabar Sabdulrian Sabrad Sanianz Sanne Selaveter Sevich Sheing Sinonne Sober Sonaina Sophian Staldezhda Stefimel Sterisamof Stina Stinrian Stjach Svena Svenadan Svenna Svenzel Sverko Svernomika Taliběna Talod Thart Tianne Tiantz Timina Tinza Tofert Tolar Toricton Ulidia Ullas Ulradmild Ulrale Urtina Uthmarcus Uweradele Vakto Valorich Valvinata Vanina Velisla Velmar Verichanik Viamunot Vinonsta Vlavsene Vlippan Volgerd Volom Werbas Wermina Wiese Wiewald Wigisal Wilia Winiste Wollian Xenka Xenzeld Zinelina Zoricherno Zorina
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soul-music-is-life · 2 years ago
PLL Core Four Favs
I love how all three girls had such vastly different reactions to Emily’s feelings for Alison after it was revealed she was alive.
Hanna’s very annoyed, yet also soft: “What’s going on with you two?”
Spencer’s extremely irritated huff: “It’s always the same with you two.”
And Aria’s sweet compassionate: “Do you still have feelings for her?”
It showcases their personalities in a way I’d never really seen before. I’d often said that I didn’t have a FAVORITE favorite liar (definitely favor Emily, but I really like them all), but on rewatches I see a lot more I like about Aria in terms of what kind of friend she was.
Spencer always bugged me for some reason and I could never put my finger on why. I appreciated her brevity, but she was always my least favorite (I’m once again on the wrong end of the fandom of that, because from what I can tell everyone seems to love Spencer).
Hanna had her moments. She made me laugh a lot, and she was also super-soft when she needed to be and I liked that about her.
But Aria was mostly kind (when she wasn’t all wrapped up in all things Ezra). I’m not saying she was perfect. She was a teenager who fucked up. They all did. But she had lots of great moments. So besides Emily I’d pick Aria as my favorite core 4. I don’t think she gets enough credit for being the sweet supportive smol bean she was (prior to the time jump, cuz let’s face it...they were all messed up after that).
And now I’m sad we didn’t see more of the Emaria friendship that we got in the books.
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cabeswaterdrowned · 4 months ago
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Emily Fields x Aria Montgomery “I’m glad you’re back.”
@thechosenthree @sergeantpixie @buffyspeak @nocakesformissedith @medievalwife @drusilllas @inlovewith-icecream
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kiillerqueen · 1 year ago
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Cedric at times is known for being a selfish man , but for Emaria would be selfless enough to take the full blow for their secret relationship. Yet part of him wants to make Lori understand that it hadn't been either's intention to have real feelings for one another. God , how Cedric hates the feeling of being the source of femme's tears. He knew he'd make things right between his younger sister and her best friend , even if that meant ending things between them. " You know that Lori can be dramatic at times. It is the prime reason why she is so talented at her career in acting. If she is going to harbour hate for anyone it is going to be me. "
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Emira nodded her head slowly, before wiping away the stray tear that dropped down her cheek. "Yeah.. She um.. She called me, alright." She sighed under her breath, before leaning back to rest her head up against the wall behind her. "I don't think she ever wants to speak to me again.."
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incorrectpll · 3 years ago
Emily: We don’t download films illegally...because, we’re honest, hard-working people...
Aria: ...And we don’t know how.
Emily: But Mona does, so we have to watch with her.
Aria: Punishment fits the crime.
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themarinaalexis · 4 years ago
Dissecting the PLL’s Friendships
Doing some rewatching has made me really consider the friendships between the individual Liars, and I thought it would be interesting to dissect each one, discussing their dynamics with each other and who I feel had the strongest and weakest bonds. I’ll start with the core four, and may make a separate post detailing their relationships with Alison and Mona.
Hanna & Emily
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If I had to label one friendship between the girls’ as the strongest, it would have to be Hanna and Emily. Not only did they never seem to get into the big blowout fights that some of the girls did, they showed each other support and love during some of the biggest moments. When Hanna found out that Emily was gay, she provided compassion and reassurance that it wouldn’t change anything between them. Emily’s first reaction to Hanna’s dismissal from the pageant that she needed to win to pay for college was to enter it and win the money for her. It’s undeniable that all of the Liars supported each other, but Hanna and Emily always seemed to go the extra mile.
Spencer & Aria
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There’s always seemed to be a bit of discourse surrounding Aria and Spencer’s friendship. Are they truly the strongest friendship in the show? Is “team Sparia” overrated? Having watched their friendship play out, I think it’s indisputable that they had a close bond. There was sort of a “big sister, little sister” vibe going on in their scenes that adds to that closeness. I can’t say they had the most significant friendship as far as bigger moments and storylines, but their friendship often felt like the most normal bond between teen girls, and they tended to be the duo that “got things done” as far as the mystery and investigation.
Emily & Spencer
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It seems like fans tend to fall into one of two camps when it comes to this friendship: Those who believe they were the closest out of the girls and will die on that hill, and those who don’t think they were particularly close at all. I fall more into the second group than the first. While they certainly had their great moments together and I do believe they cared for each other, their similar personalities (protective, headstrong, with a tendency toward judgmental attitudes) led to more fights between them than any other combination of Liars. They also didn’t seem to have the compassion toward each other’s problems that they often did for others (there was a coldness that permeated Emily’s attitude toward Spencer spilling her guts about Caleb, and Spencer’s reaction to Emily lamenting her stolen eggs). 
Aria & Hanna
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This friendship is unique in that it seemed like they were perhaps the closest out of the girls in the first season or so (even referring to each other specifically, multiple times, as “best friends”), but drifted apart as the seasons went on. Maybe this just had to do with the writers determining which combinations of Liars worked the best together, or maybe it really did have to do with the rumored tension between Lucy and Ashley starting around season three, but the fondness between Aria and Hanna seemed to diminish as the show went on, aside from a few sweet moments in later seasons.
Hanna & Spencer
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I’ve always maintained that while entertaining on a show, Hanna and Spencer’s friendship would never last in real life. Between Spencer constantly correcting Hanna’s pronunciation and Hanna making snarky comments about Spencer’s intelligence and ambition, at times they almost seemed more like frenemies than friends. I would however, say that despite the snark and bickering, they seemed to have one of the most genuine and consistent relationships on the show, ignoring, of course, the love triangle disaster. Between Spencer seeking out Hanna for support after her parents’ separation, and Spencer comforting Hanna during Ashley’s time in jail, they were consistently there for each other.
Aria & Emily
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Undeniably, for me, this is the weakest relationship between the four girls, which is ironic considering they were the first to reconnect at the show’s start. It always felt like the writers just...forgot to establish a deeper friendship between these two when they did all of the others. While they tried to make up for it later in the show by pairing off Aria and Emily for a good amount of storylines in season 5B and beyond, and they had their fair share of fun moments together (the stand-out being their conversation about prom in “FrAmed”), they never seemed to have the big scenes together that all of the other Liar combos did, and my perspective of their friendship weakened as a result.
Who would YOU say are the closest out of the core four Liars?
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unsweetsweets · 3 years ago
✨🇺🇸Zachary Duke for President 2024🇺🇸✨ /j
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Meet Zachary, King of Nativia; she’s about to make some ✨changes✨
• Age: 32 (1-20-4268)
• Species: Halfbreed (minotaur & human)
• Magic type: pink
• Pronouns: she/her
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uberaalison · 4 years ago
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Spot the difference.
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prettylittleliarsrosewood · 4 years ago
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PLL 5 girls ships
1) ButtahBells as Spemily
2) Trucy as Sparia
3) BenzoBells as Spanna
4) Troisha as Spalison
5) ButtahGoose as Emaria
6) ButtahBenzo as Hannily
7) Sashay as Emison
8) BenzoGoose as Haria
9) Lusha as Arison
10) BenzoBear as Hailson
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