go-learn-esperanto · 2 days
Where's that ADHD post where OP took Adderall on a party and everyone else was raving while they just... Calmed down?
Because today I took my ADHD meds for the first time and I finally understand. I've never felt calmer in my life. My anxiety left the room.
My head. It was silent. It was weird because for the first time in my life it didn't seem like I had 100 thoughts in one second.
It also made me realise that I've almost never been calm, really calm, in my life. Something I've never realised.
I'm calm yet not sleepy, I just can do stuff and not worry too much about it. I can sit at a table without getting anxious after a little while.
I can have a conversation without feeling super awkward. I might even be able to start one myself next time. This is fucking unheard of for me.
What the hell.
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adhdthoughts · 2 months
Today I took my Adhd Meds (Elvanse) to do some chores and clean up my messy room once again in a while
It feels so fkn good to be productive and seeing how everything gets more organized and clean, why can't I just do this when I'm sober 😭 I don't get it
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v01dbunny · 2 years
bitches be like “i dont wanna take medication, it takes away my spark!” bae your spark is fighting to stay on gods green earth. take your fluoxetine and go.
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dinosaurplant · 7 months
I love that I have ADHD meds now but I need to remember that whatever I am doing when they kick in is what I will end up focusing on (this isn't at all about how I just ended up spending an hour making an extremely detailed plan for the entire day that is probably extremely unrealistic)
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camashred · 11 months
Yo, seems like there's a major shortage on ADHD meds, to the point it may be mid-December before I see them again. I've been out of them for the past week and no pharmacy is carrying them. I'm trying my best to hold my attention at my work, but please bear with me for any delays.
The usual applies of letting me know if there's any issues, and I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can. Everything is actively getting worked on, but the order and speed will be fluctuating.
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In the patient information sheet for my new adhd medication they are listing some symptoms of adhd and directly after that they write „these difficulties are not your fault“ 🥺 thank you patient information sheet, I needed that 💖
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charlotine · 2 years
does anyone else with adhd smoke or vape? and does anyone else with adhd, who takes medication, only feel the need to smoke or vape when they’re on meds?? bc ?? why ???
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adhdthoughts · 9 months
I haven't much vacation during the last year. But since I had vacation the past 2 weeks, I'm very very unmotivated to work. Even though this week has only 4 days of work, it's pretty hard for me to get through it. I don't know if it's caused by the break that I had or because it was not long enough to fully recover from the work stress. Or if it's caused by that fact that I'm doing homeoffice. Theres also not much to do on my work.. at least it's not planned for our week (scrum) and it kinda feels like I don't know how to fill my time with. Technically I always got smth to do, but there are only annoying tasks I don't wanna do.
Another possibility could be that I am kinda addicted to the app Threads that launched in germany 3 weeks ago and fks my dopamine balance.. (I grind hard on Threads because it really helps my Twitch channel to grow)
I'm not often taking my Elvanse (adhd med), as you can see in the picture below, but it gives a motivation boost and it feels lot easier to work and do stuff that I don't wanna do. Two days ago and today I took them, because I kinda feel like I can't make it through the day without it.
Not taking them so often because I have a hard time to eat over the day and it's not so easy to go to sleep on that (even when I take them pretty early and go to sleep late). And I don't need them to get my work done. I mainly take them on weekends to get some chores done or stuff im just procrastinating in my private life.
Yesterday I only worked 6h instead of 8 🫠
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pandaspwnz · 1 year
Switched over to Elvanse yesterday from Ritalin and so far so good! Not having any side effects from what I can tell, and I'm not feeling any less focused than I did on Ritalin so here's hoping this is the one that works for me!
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monsieurleshark · 1 month
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mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice,
we are all just prisoners here of our own device
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dreadfulratgoblin · 1 year
I was off my ADHD meds for four days. In this time I asked one of my co-workers if they wanted to rock paper scissors for something, blurted out to a kid that they were dyslexic (they did not know this), and had a breakdown at three am over these things and also all the other stupid shit I got up to which is too voluminous to mention. This was all while trying as hard as I could.
I now have meds, because I'm extremely lucky and have a good pharmacist. But there's a shortage right now and it is hurting people with ADHD. Some have been without for months.
... Yeah.
Idk what the point of this post is.
Be nice to your ADHD friends they really are trying.
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adhdthoughts · 1 year
Now waiting for the Elvanse to kick and then hopefully being able to do some chores
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fraubx · 1 year
Elvanse Tag 4
Meine Dosis wurde auf 50mg erhöht.
Ich fühle mich definitiv strukturierter, freier und ruhiger. Zum erstmal weiß ich, was es bedeutet im hier und jetzt zu leben.
Ich kann mein Denken Bewusst steuern und es passiert nicht mehr so viel plötzlich und willkürlich.
Mein Selbstbild ist zum ersten Mal stabil und positiv. Ich habe Freude an Dingen, die ich tue und es fällt mir alles wesentlich leichter.
Ich habe das Gefühl, zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben authentisch ich zu sein und das fühlt sich gut und richtig an.
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Stimulanzien sind oft die erste Wahl zur Behandlung von ADHS bei Erwachsenen und wirken in der Regel am besten. 
Eines der am häufigsten verwendeten Medikamente ist Medikinet® adult mit dem Wirkstoff Methylphenidat. Einen ähnlichen Wirkmechanismus aber in der Praxis weniger Bedeutung hat Elvanse adult mit dem Wirkstoff Lisdexamfetamin (LDX), einer synthetisch hergestellten Prodrug aus der Gruppe der Amphetamine. Bei beiden beginnt man normalerweise mit einer niedrigen Dosis. Dann erhöht man sie alle sieben Tage, bis ein Punkt erreicht ist, an dem die Symptome unter Kontrolle sind, ohne dass zu viele Nebenwirkungen auftreten. Meistens sind lang wirkende Stimulanzien am besten geeignet. Sie wirken 10 bis 14 Stunden, so dass man nicht so häufig Tabletten einnehmen muss. Sobald die richtige Dosierung feststeht, erfolgt eine regelmäßige Nachkontrolle, um sicherzustellen, dass das Medikament weiterhin wirkt und die Nebenwirkungen gering sind.
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kyoutekinamajo · 2 years
just took my first elvanse and OH MY GOD is this what normal people feel like all the time
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