#Elora Aeducan
thenugking · 6 years
Hi! Um, odd question to spring on you out of the blue, but if all your Wardens got together in a pub somewhere, how would they all get on?
Griffon, Mahariel and Orlena are Too Autistic for this shit and find a quiet corner to escape to. They end up having a good conversation about the stress of the Blight and of other people’s expectations and Griffon ends up asking Mahariel and Orlena some stuff about Daish and Circle culture they want to know but have been awkward asking about. In return, Mahariel asks Griffon about some noble stuff he doesn’t get. Griffon doesn’t get it either. Neither does Orlena. They complain about nobles.
Meanwhile Lorrel is adopting Everyone, whether they like it or not. Vari likes it a lot because this is essentially her grandmother and she’s really cool, and Seren’s really excited about having a city elf declare that she’s family now. She wants to know Everything about life in an alienage, which Vari and Lorrel kind of agree is “it sucks but also we’re the Greatest, and will fight anyone else who says it sucks.”
Elora tells Lorrel she doesn’t need or want a grandmother, or any family. In between mocking her little brother Thosk for all his shitty life choices. Which Thosk takes, because okay fair he has made some really shitty life choices. But some of the rest of you must have made shitty choices too right??? Isaline agrees that yes, she did. She’s not going to go into it. Mags says she did everything wrong, which Isaline and Lorrel tell her they’re sure isn’t true. Mihren says humans deserve what they get. Lacha isn’t comparing her mistakes to some fucking dwarven noble’s, and would prefer not to speak to Elora or Thosk at all actually. 
Annabeth is…… not going to be doing at all well considering she did a lot of Terrible Things in the pursuit of stopping the Blight Whatever The Cost, at the knowledge that 13 other people were able to stop the Blight without being fucking terrible about it. But if we’re being nice, we can have pre-dead family and Blight Annabeth, who is incredibly down to party and hang out with all this fun new people and hey do any of them want to make out maybe?? Therlia has no objections to that.
Mags is very shy and awkward, and Lacha, who doesn’t want to be here at all and sees no reason to hang out with these people, sighs and starts talking to her. She tells Mags a lot of stuff about her life and her own feelings on leadership and People, and ends up giving Mags some blunt but very helpful advice. Mags isn’t sure whether or not Lacha likes her at all (she does).
Therlia, Isaline and Mihren end up having a very deep discussion about how terrible Circles are and the stuff they suffered there. Seren tells them her girlfriend was made Tranquil but would prefer to go back to talking to her City Elf friends instead of saying more about it. After a while of just talking about her abusive templar ex, Isaline lets slip his name. Therlia and Mihren are very quick to agree that yeah, Cullen Rutherford is the fucking worst. Seren looks back over and vehemently agrees. Orlena approaches the main table for the first time that night to tell everyone that yeah that guy’s a massive creep. No one else likes him either.
So tl;dr there are some disagreements and then everyone bands together to talk about how much they hate cullen rutherford
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dalishious · 7 years
how do you choose names for your characters? they're so nice sounding and creative
Thanks! :D
Here are my thoughts, as well as info from the DA RPG book.
My Observations:
Yeah so like, the thing about naming my human characters is that at work I am exposed to a lot of older, increasingly uncommon names I end up loving. But since that’s not everyone’s experience, I’d suggest looking at websites like this one as an example. (Oh look mine is on there.) Now, that example website has names of various origins found in Western Europe and the “New World.” But maybe you’d like to get specific about that stuff. Maybe for your character you only want to see French nams. You can always google “french names from x”.
HOWEVER, I would highly encourage you to avoid websites like behindthename.com. Good flags to watch out for is if they group name origins together like “African names” and “Native American names” when as I hope you’d know, that is horrendously wrong, and often the ‘names’ themselves are wrong/offensive. But with any name you’re picking off a site like that, and you care about its origin/meaning, it’s a really good idea to double check what you find from some other sites as well. If you’re getting a bunch of different answers, that’s iffy.
If you look at DA’s list of dwarven characters, you’ll see a lot of them have ‘regular’ names, sometimes with a slight twist in spelling, or replacing one letter. And so you can do what you might do to name a human character, but optionally twisting it like that.
Easily the most “just bullshit it” one. Since the Qunari don’t even really have names, but rather job titles/nicknames, we don’t have much to go on besides what we do know of Qunlat and plucking from there.A lot of Tal-Vashoth/Vashoth probably do with Iron Bull does, and just… picks a name. In which case it may be from Qunlat, or it may be from Common. 
Here’s a thing on elven names I wrote previously.
Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Book:
The RPG guide has small sections on names for the different backgrounds, if you’re interested. Although since I know it’ll come up, please keep in mind that just because the book says for example, that Nevarran names “tend to have an Austrian edge to them,” does not equate Nevarra to Austria. Like, we know 100% better. It just means that BioWare I guess decided that as far as making up names, that was a fine origin to draw from to sound all fantasy-like. (So don’t take the fact that “Rivaini names are commonly Spanish” as “Oh I guess that means Rivain is equal to Spain!!1!” etc.)Here’s what it says:
DWARVESDwarven society is made up of various houses, each of which comprises a group of families. A dwarf has a given name and a house name. The house name is sometimes used as a last name and sometimes as part of a title. A dwarf might call himself Bhelen Aeducan or Bhelen of House Aeducan, for example, depending on the situation.
Sample Female Names: Althild, Branka, Ethelwid, Hildred, Jarvia, Orta, Peada, Sigge.Sample Male Names: Eadrek, Gorim, Kerdik, Legnar, Oerik, Oswulf, Roshek, Vengest, Witred.Sample House Names: Azagale, Cadash, Dunnharg, Gundaar, Korkill, Kitrik, Moratin, Ortan, Tethras, Varen
ELVESCity elves follow the Fereldan standard. Though they have family names, they are rarely used outside of formal settings. Dalish elves generally only identify themselves by first name as well, but they also have a clan name. These clan names are shared among all members and have been passed down for generations. Clan names are said to date back to a time before the reign of humans, though this is hard to prove given the lack of historical evidence from that era.
Sample Female Names: Adanna, Ashalle, Desta, Elora, Hanan, Maram, Lanaya, Rinalla, Shianni.Sample Male Names: Athras, Falos, Harel, Lindel, Masarian, Nethras, Pellian, Ralath, Sarel, Zathrian.Sample Dalish Clan Names: Alvar, Brightmore, Brunwyn, Ellwood, Fadrick, Litwyn, Redway, Winbow, Yonwyn.
HUMANSHuman names tend to be based on their nation of origin. Each nation has a rough, real world equivalent. Tevinter names generally sound Roman. For Ferelden and much of the Free Marches, mostly think England or Ireland, though the multicultural Marcher states allow for some freedom from rules generally followed elsewhere. Orlais is old French. Nevarran names tend to have an Austrian edge to them, like Pentaghast or Van Markham. Antivan names are predominantly Italian or otherwise Mediterranean. Treviso and Rialto are two major centers there. Rivain is similar, though the Spanish influence is more apparent. There are also significant numbers of Qunari in Rivain. The names of people from the Anderfels are roughly Germanic, though the Roman influence of Tevinter has made this hardly the rule for naming there. The people of Par Vollen are Qunari, so most names there follow their rules. Seheron is a mix of Tevinter and Qunari sensibilities. Common people in most human cultures tend not to make much of their family names, though most do have them. In some places, they may identify themselves by their trade (Jannelle the Baker) or by their place of origins (Darran of Highever) if needed. Among the nobility, however, one’s family name and title may carry all the clout, and are used liberally by those who care about such things.
ANDER NAMESSample Female Names: Adelheide, Anke, Gunda, Jana, Korinne, Marliss, Narika, Thea.Sample Male Names: Axel, Detlef, Ewald, Friedal, Gerlach, Janko, Konrad, Otwin, Raimund, Velker.
ANTIVAN NAMESSample Female Names: Abele, Chiara, Donata, Gemma, Leonor, Marisa, Nives, Piera, Reyna, Valeria.Sample Male Names: Adan, Basilio, Dimas, Gianni, Ignacio, Marzio, Roldan, Sabas, Tore, Zacaras.
CHASIND NAMESSample Female Names: Ancret, Branwayn, Denore, Gaenor, Jocosa, Lisotta, Meryld, Tiriel, Vanora, Yismay.Sample Male Names: Aleyn, Cenayn, Drystan, Gawne, Helayn, Jasce, Neel, Ronayn, Tygell, Walgan.
FERELDAN NAMESSample Female Names: Anora, Brianne, Leandra, Meghan, Moira, Sarah.Sample Male Names: Adam, Alistair, Edward, Garrick, Landon, Marden, Robert, Richard.
RIVAINI NAMESSample Female Names: Carmen, Daniela, Isabela, Lucia, Nina, Sol.Sample Male Names: Alano, Amador, Felipe, Gil, Lalo, Rafe, Ruy.
MARCHER NAMESSample Female Names: Aida, Becca, Erie, Gwyneth, Hilde, Lilla, Mildred, Tetwin, Wilhelmina.Sample Male Names: Aidan, Burgess, Cedric, Orsino, Paul, Sebastian.
NEVARRAN NAMESSample Female Names: Ada, Cassandra, Emmeline, Forsythia, Gabriele, Klara, RosamundSample Male Names: Almeric, Aurelian, Caspar, Leonid, Matthias, Nestor, Typhon
ORLESIAN NAMESSample Female Names: Aline, Carrine, Elodie, Evette, Josette, Manon,Perrine, Roselle, Solange, Violette.Sample Male Names: Bastien, Fulbert, Ghyslain, Guy, Justien, Lazare, Michel, Pierre, Urbain.Sample Family Names: Azoulet, Belal, Chavel, Gautron, Mellerin, Pallier, Richomme, Trillaud, Vedel.
TEVINTER NAMESSample Female Names: Calpernia, Claudia, Julia, Livia, Murcia, SeverinaSample Male Names: Almadrius, Amatus, Darinius, Dorian, Ether, Florian, Tarsian
AVVAR NAMESThe Avvar are divided into clans, each centered on a settlement called a hold. Clans are usually named for their hold beast, or occasionally for deeds of valor, so the Stone-Bear clan resides in Stone-Bear Hold. Avvar go by two names, a first name and either a byname or a legend-mark. First names are roughly Nordic or Germanic inspired. Bynames indicate the parent of the same gender as the child with “sen” for son of or “dotten” for daughter. Legend-marks replace the byname, and are awarded by the clan for notable deeds—notable, but not necessarily good, heroic, or great. So Thane Svarah Janesdotten, who gained notoriety for having once caught her hair set on fire during a battle might be given the legendmark Sun-Hair, but she might not be pleased about it. Like clan and hold names, legend-marks are usually hyphenated.
Sample Female Names: Agnes, Anja, Astrid, Dagmar, Lilja, Sigrid, Svarah.Sample Male Names: Amund, Arne, Bertil, Dietmar, Gurd, Helsdim, Olaf.Sample Clan Names: Stone-Bear Hold, Wyvern Hold, Red-Lion Hold, Eagle-Reach Hold.Sample Legend-marks: Bright-Ax, Sun-Hair, First-Thaw, Star-Caller, Feather-Fall.
QUNARI AND TAL-VASHOTHThere are very few if any Qunari who know their birth name. These names, kept by the Tamassrans, are made secret. Instead, Qunari are named for the role they play in society. For those of the Beresaad this is specifically a military rank. Some suitable ranks are given below, with descriptions in parenthesis. The Tal-Vashoth, having generally rejected Qunari society, do not abide by these naming conventions. Since the names of their ancestors are lost to them, many take to choosing a qunlat word and using that as their name. Examples again are below, with descriptions in parenthesis.
Sample Beresaad Ranks: Ashaad (scout), Karasaad (mid-rank infantry soldier),Karashok (private), Karasten (corporal), Sten (infantry platoon commander).Sample Tal-Vashoth Names: Aban (the sea), Dathras (cattle), Hissra (illusion), Issala (dust), Kadan (friend), Kata (death), Maraas (nothing), Sataa (the world), Shok (struggle), Taam-kas (battle axe).
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thenugking · 6 years
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Elora Whiteriver /Elora Aeducan (she/her) - Punchy asshole is actually so much better than she thinks
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thenugking · 7 years
My Dragon Age PCs are such mess like hi these are my Inquisitors, Kas Surana and Rem Brosca, and this is my Hawke, Rose Amell.
Also Corinne is a Hawke but is actually dithering about whether she wants her surname is Amell or Vael or Montilyet.
Mihren’s surname is Ghilain. Not surana.
Elora doesn’t actually use the surname Aeducan anymore and refuses to answer to it. I just have to call her that so that she has one, and so she doesn’t get confused with her alternative Time Lord self, Elora of the House of Whiteriver who refuses to answer to the surname Whiteriver.
Meanwhile Mahariel won’t ever use his first name, L. Hawke will fight you if you call her Lucy instead of Hawke but needs to be differentiated from other Hawkes somehow, and A. Hawke’s first name has become a deadname and now just has to have A. as a weird first name, which just makes things more confusing for Amber Hawke and Amity Hawke.
The games have given Rynessa the surnames Andras and Lavellan but neither of these are her actual clan, and she doesn’t actually use a surname.
I hate them all.
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thenugking · 8 years
oh gosh i spent a really long time trying to come up with a good scenario to ask you about....i dunno, i think the one scene for me that always kinda DEFINED my wardens was their first impression of duncan so like???? you could talk about that if you want! :3
Huh, I never really felt that defined my Wardens for me. But ye, is still nice question!
Therlia was mostly just interested in having a person from outside the tower around, and asking him about life outside the tower. She liked that he didn’t look down on her for being a mage.
Vari disliked him quite a lot, because he’s a dick at the start of the Tabris origin and she feels he could have done a lot more to help rescue Shianni and the others.
Elora is quite impressed by him, and thinks Grey Wardens sound great. (Not that she’d want to join, she’s just been given her first military command.)
Isaline sees him as a Proper Person, because he’s not a mage, and therefore treats him with respect. She’s a little confused and nervous about the fact that he’s treating her like a person too.
Mahariel hates him because he blames Duncan for Tamlen being gone. And unlike Vari, he doesn’t mind being a dick about Duncan in front of Alistair, too.
Lacha doesn’t really care who he is when she sees him at the Provings, and ignores him because she has a job to do and Beraht won’t be happy if she gets distracted talking to a a human. After their actual first conversation, she quite likes him because he treats her with respect and lets her bring Rica with her, but she’s also suspicious of the fact that he’s treating her with respect.
Annabeth thought he was hot, and that it would be fun to fuck him on her first day in charge of Castle Cousland.
Lorrel I’m not sure about, because I know they’ve met before the origin story. So when he turns up at that point her impression is “hello friend it’s good to see you, please don’t recruit any of my grandchildren into your cult”, but idk how their actual first meeting went.
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mrs-theirin · 3 years
I’m writing a story about my warden Ronya joining the Inquisition with her boyfriend Zev and it got me thinking about my Hawke meeting my her during the events of Here Lies The Abyss and how well they’d undoubtedly get along! Have all your characters ever met? Do they get along? Also I can’t resist asking about Eden and Varric because I just wrote a sweet reunion scene between my Hawke and her best bud Varric and it made me think how extra sweet such a scene would be for Varricmancers! How does Eden feel about Varric taking up with the inquisition? On a scale from 1 to me hearing Varric’s voice in the da4 trailer and SOBBING how excited is she to see him when she arrives at Skyhold? Does she make any friends in the inquisition?
anon i am literally vibrating it is like you are injecting pure serotonin directly into my body
have your characters ever met? whoo boy okay. so for this one i’m gonna lay out all my ocs because you have opened this can of worms and i am not letting you close it
1st canon: faye cousland (warden-commander), eden hawke, ashariani lavellan
2nd canon: faye cousland (queen), eden hawke, noelle & perseus trevelyan (twins)
3rd canon: ariadne amell, eden hawke (LMAOOOO i cannot let her go), elias hawke
4th canon: elora mahariel & freya aeducan, varian hawke, athena lavellan
SO. faye and eden have met in both canons, they vaguely knew each other in lothering, but became better friends later when carver joined the wardens. they get along, but they’re not super best friends. eden loves ashariani, sees her as a little sister/daughter, especially considering ashariani has a father/daughter relationship with varric. faye loves ashariani as well, though they don’t spend much time together until after inquisition. faye invites noelle and percy to a private ball for their efforts with the inquisition. eden....hehoo okay so.
eden hates percy <3 as does everyone else. he is not a nice man. but NOELLE. well. eden gets along with noelle......so much so, that she, varric, noelle, and bull eventually become a polycule. eden and noelle find interest in each other SUPER fast, and at that point, noelle is in a non-committal relationship with bull, so he doesn’t mind. varric takes a minute to adjust, but he’s cool with it. their relationship does get a little complicated though, so hold on:
eden & noelle are dating. eden & varric are married. noelle & bull are dating/will marry. eden & bull are dating. noelle & varric are not dating. varric & bull are not dating. (noelle and varric have quiet moments with each other, but don’t feel any particularly strong romantic feelings towards one another. varric and bull are just very close friends whose wives/girlfriends happen to be dating each other LMAO)
ariadne and eden obviously know each other, they’re cousins, and pretty similar in attitude. they were best friends before ariadne was taken to the circle. same thing with elias akldhdnfsgdl she’s his cousin, though they weren’t as close. eden and elias’s relationship is. complicated. but they love each other very much. i got another ask inquiring about elias, so i’ll explain their relationship in that ask <3
elora and freya are married by the end of origins. varian knows vaguely about them through anders telling her stories about them. varian and athena are gently acquainted, but not super close. athena is not a “super close” type of person
how does eden feel about varric taking up with the inquisition? okay so VERY mixed emotions. he tells her pretty much from the start (they regularly send letters). for one, she feels scared. from what she hears of cassandra, she doesn’t sound like someone eden wants around varric, and she doesn’t like that. she also doesn’t like him being in danger without her around. on the other hand, she’s happy to hear he’s getting along with people, especially the inquisitors. she’s happy he has a home
how excited is she to see varric at skyhold? (okay first, that scale made me laugh out loud. me too man....me too. i listen to that trailer every other week) she’s VERY excited!!! she can hear his voice through his letters, but she’s beyond excited when she knows she can hear it in person again, that they’ll be able to slide back into their regular back-and-forth banter, without letters separating how quick they’d be in person. mainly she’s just really happy to be with someone familiar again, especially if that someone familiar is the love of her life
does she make any friends in the inquisition? boy DOES SHE. cole, dorian, and iron bull are in her favorites. sera, josephine, and the chargers are a close second, while the others, in order from “likes the most” to “despises” are: leliana, vivienne, cassandra, blackwall, solas, cullen. she absolutely ADORES dorian, they become close friends REALLY quickly, mostly by teasing varric. in every other canon, eden and bull are just close friends, but in that second canon they do eventually end up together. she will protect cole with her life, she absolutely loves that kid
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thenugking · 8 years
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I can’t sleep so have some pretty pictures of all my DA OCs, part 1
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thenugking · 8 years
pls tell me alllll abt ur aeducan wrecking bhelens shit in paragon of her kind
OKAY so first off, Elora Aeducan’s main ambition was to be a great heroic warrior and she has absolutely zero interest of ruling Orzammar or anywhere, but she really loved her little bro Bhelen and honestly would have absolutely sided with him against Trian. Bhelen was too suspicious of everyone to believe this and thought she was secretly plotting against him too. 
So anyway Elora gets back to Orzammar, stops outside and tells her companions, “Soooo I guess I should mention. I was lying when I said I was warrior caste and exiled for killing a noble,” and tells the truth, and that she didn’t want them treating her like some poor betrayed princess, because no thanks, she’s decided being a Warden is better than that anyway.
But she gets back to Orzammar, finds out what’s going on, sees how people view her now and that Bhelen’s hiding at home and won’t talk to her unless she proves her loyalty and goes “OKAY so I’m going to go and talk to Bhelen and then I’m going to BRING HIM DOWN and show him that I can be more manipulative and sneaky than he ever could be.”
She goes around chatting to and helping everyone. She acts like an arrogant princess to the people who will respond well to that and like a grudging admirer of Bhelen for people will respond well to that and like a passionate idealist who wants to make Orzammar better for everyone for the people who will respond well to that, all while refusing to say whether or not she really killed Trian so no one can claim she’s lied. She does Bhelen’s mission for him, but afterwards takes the forged papers to the Shaperate and asks if they can be looked into it. And she gets Harrowmont’s men fighting for him in the Proving again, and then fights in it for herself, and wins, (and refuses to fight with a second in the penultimate battle because nah, she’s got this) and everyone cheers her on and her popularity grows.
And then she goes to speak to Bhelen and they snap at each other and he says she would have done the same thing to him if he hadn’t done it first, and she scoffs. And then the next day she heads down to Dust Town and helps some dwarves out down there, and spares the lives of all the carta members who attack and asks them to tell Jarvia she’d like to speak to her, because she has something very interesting to say. Elora tells Jarvia that if they work together, they can turn Orzammar around, make things better for all the Casteless and make everyone more scared and in awe of Jarvia than they are already. They just need to hide away for now, maybe send someone out screaming about how everyone’s been slaughtered. Tomorrow, Elora can walk with Bhelen through the Commons and Hall of Heroes, to show their alliance, and have as many nobles there to witness it as possible. And then, the carta will spring out and fight, and open the doors, and get every dwarf they can onto the Surface to make them lose their caste.
Elora gets people there by indirectly spreading rumours of how the great Prince Bhelen will be out to greet his people, or how the day will be a great humiliation for him. He comes out with guards, but they’re not enough for the carta and Elora’s companions and the threat of being conscripted into the Wardens and having to leave Orzammar for good and oops, a significant amount of dwarves are now suddenly casteless, and Elora smirks down at Bhelen and tells him that she never wanted to be Queen, that she would have supported him, but he made her be this instead. Thanks Bhelen.
And then she makes the announcement that she’s heading into the Deep Roads to find Paragon Branka, and that anyone of any caste who wants to rule Orzammar can come too, and they will ask the Paragon who most deserves the throne, instead of playing with politics, and people like her enough that they will follow, and it is the most incredible moment. (And by the way, can everyone stop calling her Lady and Princess and Aeducan please? She’s Warden Elora now and that will do.) She ends up handing the crown to Rem Brosca, who has been the Actual Best Person on their quest. Bhelen tries to hold his coup when they get back, of course. Elora kills him. She only feels a little regret. And then she walks out because she can do so much better than Orzammar now, and it’s so much better to be a Warden than a Queen.
10/10 best Paragon of Her Kind Warden ever.
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thenugking · 8 years
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Anyway now I have all seven of the Origins Wardens (plus an Orlesian Warden) here they all are. Look at my beautiful children. I love them all.
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thenugking · 8 years
Tumblrs my Dragon Age OCs would have
because I accidentally spent far too long thinking about it while in the shower so have some thoughts
Therlia Surana Spends a few days almost constantly on tumblr, then doesn’t touch it for several weeks. Mostly posts/reblogs politics and social justice posts, and often leaves a lot of commentary on her reblogs. Goes into intersectionality a lot and gets into long conversation via reblogs. Also a lot of personal posts, polyamory positivity and occasional aesthetic.
Vari Tabris One of those people who reblogs loads of posts one after the other. A massive variety of blog types, depending on whatever she’s currently interested in. Nsfw blog. Uses too many emojis and goes on massive tag rambles that go way off topic. Always reblogs her friends’ selfies and comments on how beautiful they are. Shoutouts to how great Shianni is several times a week. Doesn’t usually reblog political posts, but reblogs every one of Loghain’s posts on his own political views with “Okay but remember when you tried to sell loads of the elves in my alienage, including my father, into slavery?”
Elora Aeducan Basically blogs Grey Warden propaganda and tries to pretend her blog is professional. Also thinly veiled backhanded compliments and passive aggression like, “Truly incredible how Prince Bhelen went from an unpopular loser standing in his siblings’ shadows to a prominent political figure. And all it took for the king’s son to reach this place was his siblings not being around any longer!” Occasional posts on fighting and self defence advice. Follows several fashion blogs and dog blogs but never reblogs from them.
Lucille Caron Doesn’t understand tumblr and uses it like a serious blogging platform. Actually professional Grey Warden posts. One time Sigrun gets hold of her tumblr when she leaves it logged on and shitposts. Lucille can’t bring herself to delete them.
Isaline Amell Makes an intellectual blog on theory and history of magic, and abandons it after a few months. Makes a new, more personal blog after another few months where she mostly talks about her experiences as an abuse survivor and offers support and advice. Reblogs lots of inspirational quotes and things. Challenges popular posts with social justice issues. Still some posts on magical theory, as well as aesthetics, cute animal videos, fandom and memes.
Ilris Mahariel Mostly a mix of long complaints and venting about his life and posts about animals and nature, with a few memes. Doesn’t give real life friends his url for a very long time because he doesn’t want them to see what he’s said about them, or how much of a failure he feels. Corrects posts on animals that give misinformation.
Lacha Brosca Only gets a tumblr because her friends encourage her to, and abandons it after a few days and about three posts. Still ends up watching Zev on his tumblr and laughing at terrible memes.
Lucy Hawke Constant memes and shitposting. Jokes about how doomed the world is and makes snarky comments after political events. Makes personal posts while drunk and talks about how she misses her family and pines about Isabela, usually followed by lmao. The only serious posts she ever reblogs are Anders’ mage rights ones. One time she gets an anon asking for thoughts on Anders, as Champion of Kirkwall and a friend of his. She responds, “anders is a top lad”. It gets millions of notes.
A Hawke Doesn’t use tumblr much but always shows up when someone argues with Anders and gets into a big fight with them. Mostly reblogs social justice posts and memes. Lots of ace pride posts and Down With Cis.
Amber Hawke Aesthetic, fandom, social justice and lots of cute animals. Posts about how she loves and appreciates all her followers and reminders that her ask box is always open if people want to talk about anything <3 <3 <3.  Always reblogs things her friends created, whether it’s Anders’ manifestos or Bela’s smutty fanfiction.
Arnauld de Serault Has an intellectual blog where he discusses and reblogs culture and history. Some political posts but stays out of controversial issues. Also has a passworded personal blog he only shares with his best friends. It’s full of snarky comments about Serault/Orlais/Ferelden/the Chantry and “this meeting is so dull someone assassinate me”. He also posts a lot of photos and videos of his cats.
Kasiara Lavellan Mostly blogs and reblogs things about daggers, but also visual stims and things she finds pretty. Always reblogs Cole’s musings. Reblogs a lot of posts on bees, just to @ Sera in them. Hardly ever makes personal posts. Used to make posts going “I am not the Herald of Andraste, I do not even believe in her” but stopped because no one ever listened to them.
Veena Very controversial blogger who aggressively posts about elf rights and mage rights and has “Don’t follow if you’re a non-mage human or your name is Sera” in her description. Reblogged Kas’ posts on not being the Herald. Occasionally gets into long discussions on blood magic or Dalish elves which shock everyone with how frank and well thought out they are.
Estella Trevelyan Willing to fight the whole site and constantly tells people to meet her in the pit. Blogs mostly about mage rights. Sends Vivienne several asks a day going “CIRCLES ARE TRASH” until Vivienne blocks her. Lots of posts about how the Inquisition is evil and people shouldn’t listen to them but grudgingly reblogs Josie’s Inquisition propaganda when Josie asks.
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thenugking · 8 years
Bhelen is awful and my Aeducan Warden loved and trusted him soooo that was fun.
But then she came back to Orzammar and started manipulating everyone in the city, before getting the Carta, who she’d allied with, to drag every noble they could find up to the Surface. “Oh, looks like you’re all technically casteless and now none of you can be ruler! Well, since I just wrecked your whole society, is anyone of any caste brave enough to come with me into the Deep Roads to find Branka and maybe see who your Paragon thinks deserves to be ruler, because your caste system is bullshit? Oh and thank you Bhelen, I’m far happier as a Warden than I ever was as a noble. And you’re to thank for all of this honestly, because a year ago I would have absolutely supported you over Trian, because I never wanted to be queen.”
And anyway eventually Caridin tells her to give the crown he made to whoever she wants and she crowns the sensible and fair minded lifelong casteless she brought with her and that is how Brosca becomes Queen of Orzammar. And then Bhelen is killed because fuck Bhelen and Rica moves into the royal palace with her little sister and dates someone who actually deserves her and is happy forever and no one misses Bhelen because he fucking sucks.
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thenugking · 9 years
My Dwarf warden felt more betrayed by Harrowmont asking if he really did kill his brother than for being framed for it in the first place. While he'd known Bhelen was untrustworthy he thought Harrowmont believed in him. He was so frustrated by the question that he didn't answer and instead punched Harrowmont in the face... needless to say he didn't get the extra supplies a simple honest answer would've given him!
My Dwarf Warden (who is my Dragon Age version of Elora, I love Elora a lot) adored Bhelen and thought they were friends, and was torn apart by his betrayal. She was angry and upset that Bhelen had turned people against her, but didn’t blame Harrowmont when Bhelen had taken her in so easily.
(She went through all the betrayal feelings again when Gorim gave her Endrin’s letter. She’d much rather her father had believed Bhelen in the first place, than that he’d thought she was innocent but sent her into the Deep Roads anyway, just for the sake of respectability. The letter just makes her feel that he never really loved her at all, whatever he claimed or thought.)
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thenugking · 9 years
asgdgasdgasdg I love all my Wardens so much
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