#Ellen Ripley x fem reader angst
darkenedreaper · 8 months
Pairing: Ellen Ripley (Aliens) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst
A/N: Slight sad angst, let me know if you want more story to this
Summary: When you return with Newt, how will Ripley react when she sees her old lover.
Distant Lovers
You and Ripley had gone through all sorts or stages in a relationship, although you never really officially disclosed to one another what you were exactly. You were in a relationship, but it was never confirmed by yourself or Ripley, you both just went along with it because you were happy in each others company, happy in each others arms at night, happy in each others steamy embraces, and happy in the company of one another on a romantic level. You and Ellen had both gone through the first attack of the Xenomorph on the Nostromo, and you pushed through the aftereffects. You stayed as a team, and grew close on the Nostromo. It could be said the Nostromo is where your ‘relationship’ started. You stayed together on the ship back to Earth… that was until you were approached by Burke and asked to go to LV 426, as all of the colonies had gone down. You and Ripley promised one another you wouldn’t go, but it wasn’t until you were awoken by her as she had a nightmare, you both called Burke saying you’d join, to do one thing and one thing only; wipe the fuckers out. It was going as good as it could’ve done until you were separated. Ripley was pulled off to join the Marines, give them a talk, and meet the crew. You were pulled off to command a higher unit of the Marine Corps. When you and Ripley, and the two teams met up tensions were high. You caught on to a man named Hicks making eyes at Ripley, not to mention that both the Marine squads were squaring up to one another. As you, Ripley, Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez, Newt, and the other surviving Marines were welded into an office on LV 426, tensions grew higher, even between you and Ripley. You got into small irrelevant arguments, you bickered, and you seemed to grow apart for the time you were in there. It didn’t help that Hudson was panicking and Vasquez and Drake were shouting at him. Hicks and Ripley had gotten closer. For the time spent on the plant you isolated yourself away from Ripley, she was hurting you by spending precious time with Hicks. She spent a lot of time with Newt but that was alright, Newt was a scared little girl who saw Ripley as a mother. You were hurting because she had shut you out, turned to someone else for reassurance and care. You didn’t want to spend time with her, so any time that was spent together it was filed with bitter arguments. Some of those arguments got nasty and personal. It left a hatred between you and Ripley, maybe it was because of the situation and the people around you. Most of the arguments and insults you know were taken too far, but you were both stubborn and fought fire with fire. You and Ripley didn’t speak, you didn’t sit in the same room as one another, you didn’t fight side by side; and it felt like she had abandoned you, abandoned you for a potential family life with Hicks and Newt… or so you thought.
After the events of the Queen Xenomorph and her offspring were annihilated during the explosion of LV 426, more problems rose. There wasn’t enough room on the ship back to Earth for you and Newt, there was only a shuttle available. Ripley had actually spoke to you for the first time and begged you to take her place on the ship while she went with Newt. Part of you thought she was pleading for your space in the shuttle to protect the girl should anything happen, but the stubborn part of you knew she was pleading for your space to protect you. Although you and Ripley didn’t speak for a long time, she still showed she cared for you. She’d save you a seat in the office area whether you took it or not, she’d leave a cup of coffee where you were sitting, she’d secretly check your guns were loaded and you have enough ammunition, she’d check you had your helmet, armour, and even torch. She’d glance at you from across the room trying to read you, trying to tune in to what you were thinking about. She wanted to know if you were thinking about her, about the Nostromo, about the Xenomorph, perhaps you weren’t thinking about anything at all. But she wanted you to hold her and you tell her your thoughts, just like you used to, to calm her on the nights she woke up after a night terror.
So you assured Ripley that you protect Newt, that you wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and that you would both return safe. Newt clung on to Ripley when they were parting but the girl knew she would be safe with you. You gave Ripley a last look, she did the same. You both seemed stuck in place, you both wanted to hug, kiss, hold even shake hands at this point. But you wouldn’t move. So you have her a wink with a small smile and took the girls hand heading to the shuttle. Rather than heading straight to the ship, Ripley held back until she couldn’t see you both anymore.
Both the Marine ship and your shuttle were travelling directly back down to Earth for the first time in years, everyone would be in hyper sleep and the Marine ship was the first to arrive. The company had set up a large private housing estate for the Marines, yourself, Ripley and Newt to settle down into for the time being, and to settle in back down on Earth. You and Ripley had seen the house you’d been assigned to, it was the house at the bottom of a straight walk-down street. It was a beautiful house with steps leading up to it sat in the middle of a row of houses leading down to it, it had big front double doors, and bushes on the sides, it was a home to go to.
You and Newt had woken up from hyper-sleep to find you had a matter of hours left before you grounded to Earth. You had made contact with Ellen’s ship but only to find out that it had grounded 4 weeks before you have. The company had told you that Ellen had settled into the house, she was eagerly waiting for your arrival, but she was scared. She didn’t want a phone call that told her you and Newt didn’t make it, or something happened to the both of you. You tried to make contact with Ripley but that didn’t work as you still hadn’t grounded. You had about an hour left before you grounded and the same events with the first Xenomorph in the shuttle had happened with you and Newt. The monster was hiding in the vents, it had tucked itself in. You hid Newt in the uniform closet with her plastic doll. You didn’t try and flush the thing out, as it would most likely end up on earth. As it appeared to be sleeping in the vents you had snuck around it to push the alarm on the shuttle, which alerted the coma only lives were in danger… and it wasn’t long before Ellen caught wind of it. The alarms went off, the lights were flashing, the alarm was sounding, and it woke. You did the best you could to try and fight it with a pipe you’d found, without being burnt alive by it’s acid. Newt had started screaming from the uniform closet, making the aliens target; Newt. As the alarm had been set off, the shuttle was put into an automatic descent, making you, Newt, and the Xenomorph head straight for Earth at a rapid pace. By now, you had been thrown over all sorts of controls and buttons, you tried to light its tail on fire. You managed to stick a police through its arms jamming it into the vents as you got Newt strapped into a chair to brace her for impact, and the alien was frantic as it had practically ripped its own arm off to get you. You had managed to light its leg on fire, eventually the rest of its body catching on fire. As you made out the buildings from your rapid descent, you hugged Newt, protecting her from the incoming impact, and you prayed that the alien would die, burning alive before the oxygen tanks blew.
As the shuttle smashed into the ground, the backend of the shuttle had blown up, seemingly the oxygen tanks did catch on fire. You figured you were unconscious for a few minutes, but as soon as you woke you looked around for the threat, seeing as some of the shuttle had melted and had acid dripping from it you took the hint it had blown up. You quickly unstrapped a groggy Newt and made your way out of the wreck of the shuttle. As you got out there were people, lots of people standing around you. There were crowds. The sunlight hurt your eyes, and you shielded Newts. You and Newt had dust and dirt and ash all over you. You were bleeding from your eyebrow, lip and nose from the crash and the attack of the alien, that was why as you walked away from the crowd people were shouting if you needed help and who you were. After picking Newt up and carrying her bridal style, you made your way to the private estate which you had memorised the directions to. Newt only had a small nosebleed, and dirt all over her, but she was tucked into your neck. It was a short walk, and early morning, so you had hoped to have dodged the news vans and reporters.
It wasn’t long before a Marine caught whiff of the breaking news on the tv channel which he had just figured out how to use. All the Marines had gathered in Ripleys home, where they all anxiously waited for your arrival. Ripley stared in shock at the screen, she stared in shock at the mess and state of the shuttle crash. She tried to search for you on the news, wondering if the camera would pan to 2 survivors… but it didn’t. So she waited and waited, looking outside the porch windows, holding tears back.
As you turned the corner to start walking down the straight run to your new home you could vividly make out at the bottom of the private estate, you mind went blank for a while. But you knew you’d see Ripley, and thinking about Ripley made you question. Did you she miss you? Did she want to start things up again? Did she want to get married? Should you ask her? Should you leave her? Should you question her and Hicks? Should you be living with her? Your mind stopped asking questions when you got closer and closer to the house you made out that Ripley was waiting at the double doors, you saw her breath in the class, rapidly breathing, she had saw you. She saw a limping figure carrying a smaller figure, covered in dirt, and ash. She saw from her doors you were bleeding and you were hurt. As you continued to walk, Newt popped her head up, seeing Ripley open both double doors. You saw Ripley walk down the steps and you felt Newt wriggling to leave your arms, you stopped walking and gently put her down. You stood still and stood in your place watching as Newt cried out “Mom”, running to Ripley as Ripley did the same, running to her little girl. They met halfway in the street, but they were so far away from you. You held back, wondering if you were welcome. But you watched your two favourite girls hug and sob at their reunion. As Ripley out Newt down she turned to you, still with a tight hold on Newt. She looked at you and took in your appearance, she saw you were weak, hurting, tired, but she saw a look in your eyes that mirrored how she felt. She wants to run to you and she wants you ti pick her up in your arms and hold her, she doesn’t want you to ever leave her again. Although you could barely hear her, she said “thank you”. You stood in place, like the soldier you were. You were going to move forward… but Hicks running to the front door, looking down at Ripley and Newt caught your eye. Your heart dropped, why was he in your house? Did he not see who brought Newt home? How long had he been in yours and Ripleys house? Did she spend nights with him? Did she rest in his arms.. his in hers? And so you gave a tired smile to Ripley, dropped your head down, turned around, and made your way away from them. Made your way to where?… you didn’t know.
Writing Info
Do ya’ll want a part 2?
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how-serene · 2 months
Requests are currently CLOSED
General Rules -
Please be kind, and patient when sending in a request. I have a life outside of this blog, but will do my best to upload your request as soon as Im able to. Sending in a prompt or idea will immensely help me, so keep that in mind. I also will deny a request if I am not comfortable with it. (Minors Don’t Interact)
What I WILL write - Light smut, Angst, Fluff, Yandere, Reader Death, Platonic!Reader, Fem!Reader, Neutral!Reader
What I will NOT write - Heavy smut, OC x Character, Character x Character, Abuse, Rape, SA, Mommy/Daddy kinks
Lists of who I write for down below.
David Dastmalchian List - Bob Taylor, Abner Krill, Johnson (Reprisal), Jack Delroy, James Lewis, Kurt Goreshter, Piter De Vries, Wojchek, Thomas Schiff.
Slasher List - Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Pinhead, Eric Draven, The Lost Boys, Jack Torrance, Eric Binford, Nubbins Sawyer, Killer Klowns, Alien, Predator.
Final Girls/Boys - Sidney Prescott, Randy Meeks, Laurie Strode, Ash Williams, Ellen Ripley, Jess Bradford, Julie James, Helen Shivers, Ray Bronson, Emerald Haywood, Wendy Torrance, R.J. MacReady, Michael Emerson, Star (Lost boys).
Others - Eddie Munson, Dano!Riddler, Twin Peaks (all characters), The Outsiders (all characters), The Warriors 1979 (all characters).
Michael Jackson - Darryl (Bad short film), Captain Eo, The Scarecrow. (I only write for characters Michael has played).
Will also write for ALL Dead By Daylight characters.
If you don't see someone on the list, but are curious if I will write for them, feel free to ask me.
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darkenedreaper · 1 year
ripley x fem reader
fluff, angst if you're feeling spicy ig
can it be reader hiding feelings for a long time but then like the alien comes (first movie) and she ends up confessing? idk maybe it could take place after Dallas gets taken by the Alien? i figured the tension could escalate with Lambert being Lambert lol
also the reader probably shouldn't confess in front of everyone but just with ripley that would be awkward af
sending love and good vibes :)
Pairing: Ellen Ripley x GN!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst
Summary: Your feelings for Flight Officer E.R have been bursting to get off of your chest (reference intended), but will you tell her before its too late?
A/N: I love this request. Send more Ripley requests :) Also I did not spell check so don't be mad, Check out my masterlist to read more Ellen Ripley!
Before We Run Out of Time
Everyone was all out of odds. Parker had lost his bestfriend and was ranting and raving while pacing around. Ash was doing what he does best; nothing at all. Dallas had his head in his hands, trying to at least maintain some structure and leadership, you were his crew and team after all. Lambert had tears falling from her eyes every minute, she was sweating like the rest of you, hyperventilating and eager to take the shuttle. Ripley was sat a little bit away from you, leaving one empty seat between the both of you. She sat contemplating her next words and Dallas' next decision. Her eyes occasionally flickered to you and the table. She was trying to read you, trying to block out the noises of her frantic crewmates arguing, just so she could get an idea as to how you were coping with the out-of-space intruder. You were sat quiet, sat with your hands linked and looking at the table. A million thoughts were racing in your head; 'who's next, Lamberts gonna go into shock, when do I tell Ripley, what's the game plan'.
Your thoughts were disturbed when Dallas harshly shouted at Parker and Lambert who were bickering about the plan, that shut them both up and drew all attention to Dallas. Ash had left, no one cared were he went or what he did, but you made a mental note to check on his sneaky behaviour. "I'm taking the flamethrower down to the vents. I want Lambert and Parker monitoring where I'm going but I want Lambert Parker, Ripley and L/N all on comms. Is that clear?" You lifted your head up with a confused look as there hadn't been any proper discussion as to who was going. You couldn't let the Captain go without offering yourself up first, you weren't that kind of person.
"Hang on a second-", you debated but was quickly interrupted, "Just leave it L/N." Ripley harshly cut in without looking at you. You looked at her for her rude interruption and tension increased as you retorted back, "Ripley you don't need to be so-", you tried but Ripley was quicker, "Look if you can't go along with this then stay out of the way." Tension had been escalating between the both of you when Kane first woke up, you were adamant about checking him but Ripley brushed off your concerns and told you to question the science officer. The two of you were more distant than ever before. You were always attached at the hip, when you woke up from hyper-sleep she walked over to your bed, a little wobbly, but sat down next to you and gave you a tired smile while running her fingers through your messy hair. You liked Ripley, you were even internally considering if you'd fallen in love with her. It was hard not to like her; her eyes, her caring and loving heart coupled with her feisty personality. But right now you were at odds, you stood up after Dallas had stood up on his way to the vents and made your way to the positions Dallas gave you, leaving Ripley deflated and staring after you as you walked with a purpose, away from them all, even ignoring Lambert calling for you.
You took your places, sitting on the floor or balancing your bums on the edge of the short walls. Lambert and Parker had made their way to a room just around the corner, so they wouldn't have any interference with the tracker. On the cold hard floor of the Nostromo you were sat fiddling with the wires of your headpiece. You didn't bother to look up to know who walked round the corner to sit in front of you, you could already feel her brown eyes piercing your skin. But you knew there was no malice, and certainly no hate, never. You put on your earpiece, staring intently at the floor and watching the faint shadow of Ripley do the same.
When Ripley commented on your attempted debate of who was going in the vents, she said what she said in the heat of the moment. She didn't ever doubt your skill and she never doubted that you did things for your own benefit, you offered to go in the vents after all. She knew she hurt you from the moment your face twitched to a drop. She watched you wipe the sweat from under your eyes before walking off, she never meant to hurt you. So when she sat down she never took her eyes off of you, waiting for the right moment to apologise, perhaps even the right moment to tell you her feelings. Ellen Ripley was a headstrong confident woman that was not easily scared, but being rejected by you was possibly causing her more fear than coming face to face with this Xenomorph. She just took whatever time she had to look in adoration at you, She didn't want to admit it, neither of you did, but in 10 hours, an hour or one minute, you may never see each other again. She was so lost in thought she missed Dallas calling her the first time, she only heard when Dallas and Lambert called her, she replies, "I'm right here".
It wasn't long before chaos erupted. Lambert was shouting directions at Dallas and how quickly the second blip was closing in on him. You heard Dallas' heavy breaths and the occasional sound of the flamethrower. You sat up and stood up pacing anxiously around when Dallas said, "I wanna get out of her", in a tone of voice that wasn't fit for a Captain, he was scared and panicking. All of a sudden, Lambert was shouting at him to go right before you heard Parker and Lambert scream from the other room. You and Ripley ripped off your headsets after the high pitched noise buzzed through. "Goddamn it!" You shouted. "Lambert where is he?" Ripley questioned shouting to her and stood up after hearing her cries. You spun round to Ripley, "He's not anywhere! He's dead!" Lambert could only get louder by panicking forcing Parker to be louder than her so she could hear him over her own voice trying to calm her down. "We don't know that Y/N! How the hell do you know it!?" Ripley shouted back at you after watching Parker almost carry the frantic Lambert away from the shouting match you were having.
Back at Ripley you gave a quick response, "That thing has probably chewed him up and spat him out already Ripley! This would never have happened if you would've let me go in the first place!" Ripley lowered her voice from shouting and let out a deep and heavy sigh, "I was trying to protect you Y/N, trying to keep you safe". You were still agitated, your voice still louder than hers, "Another one, gone! Who's next Ripley!?". She saw you were beginning to crack, beginning to show your first signs of panic so she slowly took footsteps towards you, "I won't let it be you, I won't let it be any one of us". You tried to take some deep breaths and when you saw her coming closer to you you shut your eyes tight and hid your face with your hands, making your speech a little muffled. "I can't lose you Ellen, I just can't... I...I really, I..."
Ripley had closed off the decreasing distance between you by inching closer and closer. She tilted her head and spoke in a quiet, ever so softly placing her hands on top of yours and pulling your hands away from your face, "What are you trying to say?" As a single tear ran down your face, your hands were safely held in hers, her voice was the only thing you heard. You didn't dare look at her, your heart was about to jump out of your throat, you had to tell her. "I really like you Ripley. I really do, I've liked you for some time now... maybe I love you. But I didn't want to tell you incase and now this thing is-", shh shh shh. Ellen softly cut in to your rambling, trying to ease you with a small smile on her face. She gently lifted her hand up to your face as wiped away your tear before brushing some hair behind your ear. She looked deeply into your eyes, hers flickering down to your lips before she finally leaned in to kiss you.
You shut your eyes as her soft lips touched yours. The kiss between the both of you was a promise. A promise of unconditional love, care, and protection. She rested and cupped your cheek where she wiped your tear away. She brought her other arm up to tickle the baby hairs on the back of your neck while resting her arm across the spread of your back and shoulders. You sunk into her touch and became closer when you wrapped your arms around her back and waist, promising to keep her safe. You both pulled away just to relax and relish in each others embrace, her face was close to yours, noses touching as her eye were shut. You notice a tear fall down her face and as you gently wiped it away she sighed a breath of momentarily relief before wrapping herself in your enveloping embrace.
Neither of you said anything. You rested your head on hers after kissing it and held one another. She almost curled herself into you, gripping your shirt. You didn't know if you were both going to be okay, but for now you were and that is all that matters.
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darkenedreaper · 1 year
Pairing: Ellen Ripley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst, fluff
Summary: Headcannons that include arguing with Ellen but then making up with one another
A/N: We need more Ripley content. And imma give it to you. Oh and I’ve seen my inbox 😏
We’ll Fight But We Make Up
It’s very rare that you and Ripley argue, sure you’ll disagree but you’ll work on it so you can both agree or be satisfied with the situation at hand
You’re both very open and certainly honest with one another; which is why you rarely argue
When you do argue it has to be serious because as said before you never argue
But you always always manage to make up, that’s what makes you such a strong couple
The argument started between the both of you like this:
Tensions were already rising in the ship on the way back home as Hicks and Hudson were arguing… again
As now Team Captain for what was left of the Marines after the attack and ambush on LV-426, you tried to maintain some routine for them, after all they still had the mindset of Marines
But Hicks and Hudson kept bickering and bickering to the point where it was affecting everyone, even Bishop found it hard to control his temper
You were sat at your desk in the ship furiously scribbling and typing as you had work due for Weyland Yutani about the Xenomorph and you were running late on it
Ripley and Newt walked hand in hand up to your desk, Newt carrying her new teddy bear Ripley gave her
Ellen slowly walked up to your chair, not wanting to frighten you. She gently placed her hands on your back that was hunched over the desk and dragged her fingers up to your tense shoulder blades and lightly squeezed them
“Honey, they’re fighting again”, Ripley said with a soft and and soothing voice. You took a deep breath and choose not to respond, you really didn’t want to hear anything about the two of them again, and Ripley knew you were tense about it. She spoke up again, “I was wondering if you could sort them, they refuse to listen to anybody these days”.
She was still rubbing your shoulders but quickly withdrew her hands and clasped them together when you stood up with clear anger and stomped off to see to the ‘men’. Ripley looked down at Newt and shrugged her shoulders to Newts questioning face. They both followed you.
In the crew living quarters/room they were almost in each others face and you walked up to them, towering over the both of them. They were arguing over nothing; about who got to take charge of the control rooms. “Will the both of you step away before you bite each others heads off and shut up!?”
Both men stopped their bickering after you raising your voice to a tone they hadn’t heard before. Hicks went to open his mouth to speak but you were too quick, “Shut up! I don’t wanna hear it! Do you Marines realise the stress you’ve put ok everybody? You’ve even got Bishop feeling like he’s walking around on eggshells!” You shouted at the top of your voice. Making them both turn to face you and put their heads down.
As you had finally finished your rant you were still angry and unfortunately your anger had made you snap at someone you wouldn’t ever want to.
Newt lightly tugged your arm and called your name, “What do you want!?” As soon as the words and tone left your voice you immediately regretted it. Newt looked at you, shocked, and ran off to jump into Ripley arms.
Ripley was standing in one of the doorways and picked up Newt before turning to you with disappointment, hurt, and upset written all over her face. She shook her head at you and walked off, with a trembling Newt in her arms.
You sighed and put your head down, spotting Newts teddy that she had dropped. You turned back to Hicks and Hudson who wouldn’t dare look at you or anyone else who saw the show. You walked to pick up Newts teddy and went to ran to find them both but not before saying, “If I hear one more word from either one of you you’ll go back into hyper sleep before you can say sorry”. They both replied, “Yes ma’am”.
It was getting close to bedtime anyway and you finally found Ripley tucking an upset Newt into bed. Ellen was brushing her head with her fingers and kissing her cheek whispering to the girl. You watched the interaction between the two people that you loved most before knocking lightly on the doorway.
A huge wave of guilt came over you when Newts teary little eyes locked with yours before turning back to Ripley. And Ripley simply acknowledged you with a look before turning back to Newt to kiss her, then standing up to walk towards you.
You were in big trouble. You were still holding Newts teddy but as Ripley began to walk towards you you walked backwards. As you, Ellen, Newt and even Jonesy lived in the same sleeping quarters. As you and Ellen were together you slept in the same bed and had a shared simply decorated bedroom.
Ripley only closed Newts door over a little and backed you up over to the couch in the room you called the living room, “Ellen I-”, “How could you?” She cut in, still talking with the softest voice, but you knew she was disappointed. “I’m sorry, it was a mistake, I was caught up in the moment of trying to sort the two of them” you tried, “That isn’t an excuse y/n and you know that”. You lowered your arms in defeat and tried to peak into Newts room, but your eyes quickly landed back on Ripley began again who was stood, dressing gown tied, hair slightly messy and arms crossed; “I understand you’ve been stressed, even anxious but you can’t take it out on our little girl, it isn’t fair”
You felt even more guilty. Ripley always said the good in you and took your side no matter what. She made you feel valid as she knew you were stressed but she pointed out how it was wrong to take it out on your little girl, your little family. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for snapping at Newt, I would never and will never do it again. And I’m sorry for disappointing you, and causing upset to my two favourite girls”
She gave you a half smile and let you know that she accepted her apology. You knew you were just off the hook with Ellen but you needed and wanted to see Newt. “Go and see her”. Your face almost lit up as Ripley granted you permission to apologise to Newt, but before you could get to her room Ripley grabbed your arm, “I know you didn’t mean it. And I know how much you love us. And if you love us so much you’ll come to me when you feel stressed or angry”. You nodded your head and wrapped an arm around her waist to give her lips a quick kiss to which she relished in and she held your arm as you did
As you approached the girls room you knocked on the door before pushing it open, “Newt?” You said looking at the girl who was rolled on her side and had her back to you. “Newt honey, I’m sorry. I never meant to shout at you and I never would. I have no excuse or rational reason for my behaviour. And I’m sorry”
Ripley smirked as she leaned against the doorway, knowing Newt would be playing games
You looked at her, arms still crossed and on her side. You heard her mumble a little ‘Okay’. But that wasn’t enough. You walked a little closer to her and gently tapped her shoulder, “I think you dropped something”. She definitely took her time in turning around to face you and when she saw you were holding her teddy her face lit up and she sat up to take it from you
You took her smiling moment as an opportunity to sit yourself next to her and grab her attention, “I’m sorry Newt. It won’t ever happen again”. She looked up at you smiling, “I know y/n/n”. You turned around to look at Ripley smiling at the both of you and you had an idea. You turned back to Newt, “Let me and Mommy go get ready for bed and how about I come back in and read you your favourite bedtime story?”. She shook her head eagerly at your suggestion before laying back down all snug with her teddy, “I’ll be right back Newt”, you kissed her forehead.
You followed Ripley into your shared room and as she started getting the bed ready for the both of you she said, “if it wasn’t for your heroic apology you’d be sleeping on the couch tonight”. After you’d changed into your sleepwear you walked round to the bed and helped your girlfriend into bed, handing her her book, a glass of water and anything else she needed. “I guess I’m just lucky” you said back. She put her hand around your neck and cupped your face bringing you down for a kiss before letting you go back to Newt. Before you left the room you turned round to her, “I’m sorry Ellen”.
She knew how guilty you felt but assured you it was all old news and was settled now. You didn’t actually believe her until she pulled the bedsheet covers down slightly, rubbing her thighs seductively, “Oh and hurry back, I’ll be waiting”
Kind of love this
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darkenedreaper · 2 years
Pairing: Ellen Ripley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst
A/N: In my Ripley feels. Is this a lot?
Your Walls
You and Ripley had known each other for years and years. You had a connection. You’d known each other way before the events on The Nostromo. There was a tension between the two of you, the sexual tension was confirmed when you both hooked up just before the attack of the first Alien in 1979. It was 1986 now, you had just blown up the planet containing the Queen Aliens nest and eggs, yourself, Ripley, Newt, the marines and Bishop had all survived, Gorman was in a bad state but he was still breathing. Gorman was next to Hicks in the medical bay. Hicks. Hicks was someone who had undoubtedly tried to woo Ellen over. You didn’t like it at all. It was about 3 weeks on, you were on your way back home, everybody was better and had an easy and quick recovery and everyone was just getting over the shock of the attack and were finally getting along. You however.
You had a very high rank in your profession, higher than Gorman and the marines; Hicks tried to challenge that multiple times, Ellen always correcting him which you were thankful for, but she always smirked and shook her head at him when he did. And it hurt. Why did it hurt? It’s like she was mocking you for priding yourself, of course that would never be the case, but it’s how you felt with her and her new friend.
Ripley knows you. She knows how defensive and cold your walls are. It took her months for her to find out who you really were. She knows about your background, your family, your first job, everything. And you with her. She knows how you present yourself proudly and she honours you for that. She knows how hard you work, she knows everything, especially when your walls go back up. She understood why you became stoic and cold when you first met the marines, but small signs she took in signalled to her your walls were going back up, even around Ellen. It was things like never sitting to watch a film always disappearing to do work. Always eating on your own before making your way someplace else. You were short with everyone, bar her and Newt.. and Bishop on the odd occasion. Things like how and where you stood. You’d always stand tall and proud behind her, or you’d stand right next to her protecting Ripley. To the point where half of your body would be touching her half, and she grew attached to it.
Now when there’s a debriefing you stand by the door with your arms folded. In your point of view she had someone else to do that now. Hicks always sitting next to her, stealing your seat, stealing your place. You and Ripley had a tendency to share a bed, always beside one another, an arm wrapped over the other, a head buried in ones chest. You couldn’t leave out Newt who would occasionally jump in between the both of you when she couldn’t sleep. Now you sleep at your office desk, on the couch or you don’t sleep at all. You never even took naps with Ripley anymore. Then nights were dragging on and getting longer and each night Ripley was left wide awake with an empty and cold space next to her. Over the years it grew apparent to Ripley you were possessive of her.. in a good way, and she with you. She knew why you were jealous but she also knew you were getting the wrong end of the stick. She didn’t love Hicks, she doesn’t like him that way. She was going to get the truth from you no matter what.
It was getting later, it was actually past 1 in the morning. It wasn’t late to you. You said your goodnights to Newt, the odd ‘night’ to a passing marine in their sleepwear. Ripley was in bed, still wide awake. She had asked Mother what part of the ship you were in. You were in your office, not far from her sleeping quarters, but to Ripley you seemed a million miles away at the moment. Just before she headed to your office she checked on Newt who was soundly sleeping in the bed close to hers. As she neared to your office she heard a kettle boil and a computer typing, sometimes the sound of a spiny chair moving from desk to desk. She stopped in the doorway, tied her light blue dressing gown across her front and watched you work away. She eyed your empty coffee cups.
“Hey”, the voice of the angel spoke. You looked up from your computer and saw her. You wanted to rush over and pick her up in your arms, tell her she was safe, tell her you’d never leave her, tell her you loved her. “Hey”. You replied quite coldly. She repositioned herself, goosebumps from your greeting. Your back was straight but your neck was slightly hunched. “Your gonna wake up with a sore neck.” She stated. You let out a sigh, not wanting to give into her affections and invitation to bed she was silently offering. “Why aren’t you in bed?” You asked formally, standing up and walking to the boiled kettle. You took out a new cup from your seemingly endless collection of cups, you turned round and slightly shoved a cup to her, offering her a cup of coffee. She shook her head lightly. She expected nothing less, she moved forward slightly more and sat on the end if your desk flicking through your work. “I couldn’t sleep, I wanted to see you.. that’s all.” She replied with the softest voice, knowing you’d be tired. “Seventh cup of coffee?” She asked. With small irritation you placed the hot cup down and turned around to her, she looked as beautiful as the day you met her. “You’ve seen me all day there’s no need to see me now”, you replied sternly, turning back around to attend to your drink. She was hurt by your comment, order more like.
She brought herself to her feet, “Don’t you have anything else to say to me?” She asked with slight desperation in her voice, all she wanted was for you to rest and for her to be in your arms. “I have work to do, go to bed.” You said with finality and turning around to see a look of disappointment and anger on her face. “You know you don’t have to keep that tough woman act up all the time.” She wasn’t angry with you, she was upset, upset that you kept yourself working, upset you took the events of the Alien worser than everybody else, upset you thought she loved someone else. “I have work to do Ellen so go back..”, “Go back where Y/N/N? Go back where?” You grew in patient and finally caved, “Go back to bed, go back to bed and just leave me alone, leave me to do my own thing and you can have nothing to do with me, that way it won’t matter that I’m falling in love with you and want to be with you.. just leave me be.”
Instead of sitting back down you stayed standing and started angrily clumping together all your work while slamming the stamp up and down. She was shocked at your small outburst but she expected it. She had what she wanted, your confession. She had to hold herself from smiling. All she wanted was to be with you. She wanted to be yours, only if you’d let her. She hoped there would be some sort of relief now, she took herself off the end if your desk and trekked towards you. You were mumbling to yourself about work and sleep and what needs to be done around the ship.
She ever so gently placed a hand on the top of your arm and you tried to shake it off but she continued. She placed her free hand down on the papers you were messing about with. As you stopped fumbling she saw your walls begin to fall, head was down, your breathing was random yet easy, you were slouched, but you were leaning towards her. She brushed her fingers through your hair, combing away the hair that dangled and covered your face before she placed a hand on the side of your cheek, pulling your towards the crook of her neck. It was too hard to not. You gave in. You let your walls come crashing down as you tightly wrapped your arms around her waist, let you head tuck itself into her neck. Her hands roamed up and down your back, your sides and brushed through your hair. She held you closer than ever, gently kissing your cheek and whispering into your ear, “I love you too”.
That night was the best nights sleep you both had in a long time. You were in each other’s arms in her bed, in each other’s comfort, in each other’s security. You were both happy and you’d both stay happy for as long as you can remember.
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