#Elias gay husband
maymaylyn · 1 month
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I originally wanted to make something similar for hesh but after I thought of rorke and his gay ass… I knew what I had to do.
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Listening to episode 82
Martin: *twirling his hair around his finger the biggest heart eyes imaginable* oh people said me and Jon were close? (Babyboy you're being questioned about a potential murderer!)
Tim: *is done with all of this fucking nonsense* fuck Jonathan Sims. (Honestly valid my dude)
Elias: oh I know where Jon is, and I do hope he does become a killer, I know shit, now fuck off before I ruin your life. (Buddy you're not even trying to hide how evil you are? He's so smug in this episode, I love him so much I wish to brutally murder him with a pipe.)
This is my second favorite episode so far.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 3 months
Overheard conversations
Gabriel: You know, no one bothered me this much when I was dead.
Elias: Oh, you’re alive again?
Gabriel: Don’t sound so disappointed, I might think you don’t like me.
Au where they actually find Rorke in time post-Caracas.
Elias is so sick of this fucker dying but undying over and over again
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magpod-confessions · 5 months
We’ve all pretty much agreed that Elias is both homophobic and gay, but imagine that in a conversation with the archival crew. His opinion of LGBTQ+ people somehow gets brought up and he starts talking about how much he despises them and they're all going to hell- exclusively referring to them as “homosexuals” and “the queers”- except then he brings in his multiple male suitors and Peter Lukas as examples of why he thinks gay people are so horrible. The archival crew are already pretty confused and upset because wow we know our boss is horrible but now it turns out hes homophobic too? But then theyre even more confused because Elias says “for example, my ex-husband Peter” and it leads to him ranting about their multiple divorces and arguments. At the end one of them asks if hes still in contact with Peter and hes like “oh, yes. In fact, im scheduled for a meeting with him at 4pm today. If any of you see him, dont tell him where my office is. He refuses to take the time to remember where anything is, no matter how many times hes been in the institute. Hes incredibly stubborn, and even though it drives the both of us crazy it is also hilarious watching him try and figure out where i am.” And promptly leaves.
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pinkelotjeart · 7 months
I saw @/humanteethmarksonhumanbone do this so I might aswel.
Random magnus protocol headcanons:
- Gwen has a crusty white dog named Lady.
- Gwen is clearly autistic.
- Elias is Gwen’s weed smoking uncle (I wish he were her brother but uncle makes more sense with the time line.)
- Celia is biracial, Asian and black.
- Celia is a cat person and own multiple cats.
- Celia IS tma Celia and she regularly mentions how she was part of a cult but everyone always assumes she’s joking with how light heartedly she brings it up.
- Luke knows and jokes about Grifters Bone but doesn’t know it is ACTUALLY real.
- Colin is a gay man and is married to a really sweet husband. (I truly believe this until it’s proven other wise.)
- Alice has at some point tried to instal minecraft onto a work computer, it shut down the whole system for a week.
- Needles and Ink5oul are best friends (they serve cunt together.)
I can’t think of more at this moment…
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henclair · 10 months
nothing makes me giggle like elias’ stupid little gay glee when winning the bet with peter, and having martin sent into the lonely, which subsequently is beginning his endgame.
cuz it’s like - diversity win! the evil, all seeing, body hopping, fresh broken out of prison, boss of your work who serves an entity of fear and gambled with your humanity with his many times divorced husband, is gay and feeling silly!
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the-babygirl-polls · 4 months
Elias Bouchard - The Magnus Archives
Is a murderer, hes if manipulate mansplain malewife became a person, tortures for fun, is gay and has a husband that he gets divorced from every other week, he is a criminal <3.
Other Additions:
please tag @neatodon and @canicinabre cause those are the artist that made the art
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hemi-demi · 2 months
Spoilers for up to TMAGP 21
My maybe completely wrong and angsty wish fulfilling hope is that [ERROR] is this universes Sasha. If we can assume that the person we heard about in the psychiatrist waiting room is this universes Jon, then I'm hoping he actually got out of the situation in some way.
MAGP's Gertrude seemed wary of any mention of the Institute, so maybe she worked there and Sasha was actually her replacement this go 'round. She finally gets her seat in the Archivist's chair 🥲
Or maybe I'm being too reliant on TMA characters to fill the slots.
Anyway, when can we get an episode where Celia questions a chubby gay man and his short husband that's just perfectly happy and they both got therapy? I either want that, or for Stoner Elias to show up and try to sell Sam weed. I will accept either, please, ty.
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fvckinaphrodite · 2 years
I cannot understand the rationale of "Good Stepmother Elia" or "Catelyn loves Jon Snow" fics where, because of the patriarchal and oppressive institutions, Elia and Catelyn are forced to live with their cheating husbands and, are expected to raise their husband's bastard born out of the infidelity that could pose a risk to their children's inheritance. I love Jon, but Catelyn's hesitance regarding him was valid. He wasn't a son, and he was the source of insurmountable shame to her.
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I couldn't have put it better myself, honestly. Those fics disgust me. I find them disturbing and repulsive with the way they turn Catelyn and Elia into Jon's cheerleaders LMAO AS IF. I'm sorry but some of these authors just love to turn every female character in ASOIAF into plot devices for Jon's story.
You will not believe how many fics I've read in which Robb always insists to push both Sansa and Arya further down the inheritance line, and the Northern lords and ladies just nod along and agree like a bunch of baboons and how Catelyn just have to suck it all up. Sometimes there is even a fic or two where Sansa insists that Robb points Jon as his heir to mark her so-called "development" when the narrative brings her to the Riverlands after escaping King's Landing, and in the process, ruining a mother-daughter relationship forever. Guess what's gonna happen? Yep. Robb dies and Jon becomes king with Sansa as his ever faithful advisor. Sometimes even Sansa is pushed away from the North and decides to stay in the South because Gods forbid she ever touch the Northern throne again. Lmao.
Or, you know, the favorite of all Rhaegar Wins AU, fics where Jon becomes the next king after Rhaegar because Aegon is gay and conveniently doesn't want the Iron Throne🥺
I'm a Jonsa stan. I love me some fics with angst; Sansa's struggle to overcome the fact that Jon's existence hurts Catelyn, etc. But there's a line for everything. For example, I fucking refuse to read Jonsa fics where Catelyn is so demonized one would think she constantly beat him when he's a child or told him to become a servant or a stable boy or something. And of course, Sansa gonna defend him with her whole chest and worships the ground he walks on. Lmao Unbelievable. What a way to degrade a female character, to turn her into a plot device--a cheerleader for their hero. Well done.
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shadow-sojourn · 9 months
when ur homophobic but also gay
Elias be the type to hold a meeting and tell Jon "Im sorry but it is simply not appropriate to have a boyfriend at work" and will look the other way for Tim and Sasha.
And then Elias needs funding. So he fucks his husband(?) (they might be divorced right now) in his office. whos gay now >:)
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vickozone · 11 months
The Magnus Archives
-S4 Notes-
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Handwriting translated below:
#121 Oliver. He’s dead and JON! YOU’RE OKAY!
#122 zombies and Jon’s first instinct from waking up from a 6 month coma is to read a statement. Icon.
#123 He just got back and Melanie wants to kill him and something is up with Martin. Also, The Web, I suppose. Coding?
#124 More Simon. What a guy. Also, Jon is… very concerned for Martin…
#125 The Slaughter is back and Melanie! CALM DOWN! MY HEADPHONES ARE ON LIFE SUPPORT AS IT IS!
#126 The Spiral clarity + Martin is being manipulated (SHE STABBED HIM!?)
#127 Another letter to Jonah. AND ELIAS IS JUST CHILLIN IN PRISON. GO OFF, KING!
#128 Breekon is nothing without Hope. The institute and ooo! Jon eye powers!
#129 Guy drowned in grandpa’s house and JON NEEDS AN ANCHOR! Also, very homosexual interaction.
#131 AAAA! AAAA! OH. OH NO. Jared is the Boneturner and Helen is an absolute queen <3
#132 Jon saves Daisy!! Yay! She is also The Hunt, but, whatever. The tapes drew him back…
#133 The Hunt ritual, and Basira… has feelingsss. The Hunt is about the chase, not the kill.
#134 The Extinction!? NO. Also Lukas is the worst. Hate that guy.
#135 “Have I ever told you how much I hate the sun?” -Manuela Lol, The Dark, The Vast, and The Lonely funded the space expedition.
#136 Annabelle! Creepy celeb puppet. And Daisy telling Jon he’s not responsible for everything gives hope. Yes! Therapy!
#137 The Slaughter ritual & Gertrude was fond of Gerry :( The Watcher’s Crown??
#138 “And then the sky blinked.” Elias is literally the ‘no need to thank me’ meme and Jonah and Smirke knew about the 14 fears and then he dies or smthn
#139 The life and crimes of Agnes. Jon MAYBE saw Peter’s plan and- PRAISE THE LORD, JON LIKES MARTIN!!
#140 Stupid Maxwell. Also, Santa is working working with the Devine Host (/j) & we’re going on a trip! :D
#141 Salesa statement from boat guy. Oh, Jon, I see why Martin has a crush on you now. 10/10 voice acting on everyone’s part.
#142 JEEZ, JON! You gave this poor woman literal trauma! Goodness…
#143 oh, it’s Manuela! Jon looked AT the darkness and HELEN IS A SAVIOR!
#144 MARTIN! We do NOT talk to people like that! Especially Daisy! This isn’t you! The Extinction is real, I guess, but, come on! Not cool.
#145 Gertrude is COLD. Dude’s head is somewhere in the institute- uh-
#146 5 people? Goodness, Jon. He can’t control it though, can he? Helen got Marcus and Basira is off to meet with Annabelle friggin Cane.
#147 Okay. No, he can control it. I love Anna. I also got Nikola flashbacks. Oh boy.
#148 Not 5 seconds in and Elias gets assaulted. Jon is worried for Martin and he read a statement about The Eye. A.
#149 Concrete Jungle. Oh and Martin is using Lonely powers. Greaaat.
#150 Homophobic endless houses and Melanie really said “nuh uh” to her job
#151 Simon is my new husband. Uhhh. He answered Martin’s questions, yada yada, he has Lonely powers
#152 More of The Buried. Jon and Helen chat more about avatar crap.
#153 Another odd desolation flesh cult, also Trevor and chic is here and he is HUNGRY
#154 Gerry’s dead dad gives a statement. J + M both F bomb, very gay, eye gouging is the only way out. (“It’s pretty drastic.” “What you gotta gouge your eyes out or something?” “…” “…” “…” “Fuck off.” <- funniest conversation in the whole series)
#155 Guy kills others to keep himself alive + MEL IS REMOVING HER EYES- OKAY-
#156 More extinction about an abandoned park and I am very scared for Martin
#157 another extinction- OMG MEL AND GEORGIE! Did… Helen stab Jon?
#158 SO MUCH. Martin played Lukas, Daisy is feral, ELIAS IS JONAH, Not!Sasha is loose, disaster duo is here, Martin is stuck in Lonely, Gertrude wanted ‘Elias’ to kill her. WHAT.
#159 Peter shares his story, is evaporated. “I see you, Jon…”
Look at the sky, Martin. It’s looking back.
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isa-ah · 2 months
what is the pettiest beef any of your ocs have with each other? and/or do you have any aus of your main ocs that you're particularly attached to??
isaiah has crazy beef in highschool w my husbands oc gideon bc he moves to jackalshide in highschool and is also a very cute twink but hes like straight passing while also having this flamboyant streak (and gay moms) that makes isaiah so insanely jealous every time he sees gideon with all of his social grace (especially if he talks to hunter or cam oh my god).
they have conversations in front of cam where cams like aw that was a sweet interaction and then hunter (who speaks twink) goes that was a fucking bloodbath actually. that curdled my milk dude. that soured the earth. jesus christ
in their late twenties / early thirties they meet again for the first time in a decade and are so fucking normal and friendly its comedic. its like they never had any beef to begin with. isaiahs like my buddy gideon is so talented wow look at him fix the town =')
&& i like playing with aus where hunter and isaiah met later in life bc isaiah (and by extension riker) would grow up WAYYY differently without hunters influence. theyd be those scary mean loner kids u think might bring a gun to school sometime. isaiahs hair stays really long and unkempt and riker probably never gets in w bette because theyre too dysfunctional for bette to want to have anything to do with them like that.
it makes for a much more quiet and grungey isaiah who just fuckin blossoms like a gay little flower about hunter when they finally DO meet. i love it.
my favorite au DESIGN though is the rebel prince. its a like medieval au where elias is a really awful king that has their kingdom on the brink of ruin and isaiahs creating his own uprising against his dad to get him dethroned but bc his dad never taught him how to rule hes usually a mess about actually taking the throne. he looks cute ill find some pics =')
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doueverwonder · 1 year
actually not a soul in the Swedish government guessing Björn is gay is unrealistic yes, but also so funny.
he has a framed picture of him and fin on his desk "it is good to know he has such close relations with neighboring countries :)" that is his husband, Karl.
There's a pride flag outside of his house, "It's nice to know he supports those communities :)" He is a part of those communities, Anna.
in 1979 he called in sick bc he "was feeling gay" "I honestly can't believe he's going along with this" He is gay of course he's doing it Elias.
Someone saw him at a pride parade; "It's great he mingles with his people like this :)" so fucking help me Astrid take a hint
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jazz-kitty · 4 months
Wait which one of them is retaking the "am i gay" quiz at 60? Because I am 200% certain that for Elias that quiz was still answering "yes" when he was like 20 and contemplating if he's in love with Phoenix.
"My master gave me an emerald straight from god and it cured blindness I was born with and now I feel like I must dedicate my entire life to staying as close to him as possible at all times to ensure he is safe and well taken care of. Is this religious love of god?"
elias, 2 me :-)! sorry to be all "awww what good friends <3" under their metaphorical wedding photos but i always saw phoenix and elias as some kind of family far worse than husband & he/him wife. specifically they r like brothers to me, but even with that aside [since it's unfair to judge their relationship like that, since that's just how i see it as. i get why someone'd see them as lovers i'm just not that someone] elias is the most repressed LOSERRRRR OF ALL TIME
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it takes him 40 years of standing by one man's side and then his death and THEN traveling back in time to see his father's own interpretation of the connection between the alcantara & hazel family for him to even CONSIDER. that. maybe solaris had seen him as more than just a kind of shitty coworker.
he'd take a gay quiz and have to close the laptop screen two questions in and lay in bed pensively for the next four hours
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I love how absolutely toxic Ghost Husbands would be if you stuck to canon more but it's just two goofy old men in love in fandom.
Like in the game, Rorke deadass kills Elias! Elias has Logan and Hesh beat the fuck out of Rorke earlier in the game! Rorke also kills several other Ghosts, people under Elias's orders and responsibility! No way would they be smooching.
But here we are, "Hey, they should like, be married." lmao.
Whole reason I even started shipping them was because I thought Rorke thinking about his nemesis 24/7 was a little gay. Like what you think about him so often for? Not all of that can be plans to ruin his life! (But also it's based on their vibes pre-pit/fall. Pitfall? Hm. Anyways, Rorke just seemed to favor his Lt from what we've seen. Rorke saves his life in the heli because Almagro was going to shoot him, then Elias shoots Almagro and saves Rorke. Gay.)
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The minor bracket for the gay wrongs/murder husbands and wives poll is here! Major bracket is being made rn, decided to make and seed the minor bracket first since it's shorter.
Full list of couples/ships & sources under the cut!
(Not in order they're in the tournament)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher - Scream (movie)
Neil Josten & Andrew Minyard - All for the game
Basil & Sunny - Omori
El Mariana & Slimecicle - QSMP
Peter Nureyev & Juno Steel - The Penumbra Podcast
Herbert West & Dean Cain - Reanimator
Neo & Miw & Shin - 3 will be free
Root & Sameen Shaw - Person of interest
Jin & Malos - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Yan Wei & Xu Youyi - Couple of mirrors
Buddy Aurinko & Vespa Ilkay - The Penumbra Podcast
Nigel Colbie & Alex Forbes - Like Minds (2006 movie)
Charn & Tinn - Laws of attraction
Mr. Erskine & Mr.White - Old Gods of Appalachia
Millions Knives & Legato Bluesummers - Trigun (one submitter specified Trigun Maximum)
Jolyne & Foo Fighters & Ermes - Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean
Wu Zetian & Li Shimin & Gao Yizhi - Iron Widow
Elias Bouchard & Peter Lukas - The Magnus Archives 
Adam Parrish & Ronan Lynch - Raven Cycle series
Augustine & Mercymorn & John - The Locked Tomb series
Jane & Lizzie - DnDads
Mick Rory & Leonard Snart - Flash (TV series)
Phillip Morgan & Brandon Shaw - Rope
Mike Walters & Edgar - Woe.Begone
Sergey Razumovsky & Oleg Volkov - Major Grom comics
Lord Hater & Commander Peepers - Wander Over Yonder
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