#Elias Samson angst
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deepdisireslonging · 11 months ago
Elias Samson/Logan Shulo/Elijah Masterlist
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  Don’t Let Me Think Alone (family member death, F)
    Chiffon in the Streets, Lace in the Sheets (S)
    Jealous (S)
    Warm Me Up (AR, S, Virgin Reader)
    Melodies (Plus!Reader, AR, S)
    Never Let Me Go (Anxiety Attack, F)
    Learning the Ropes (TransMale!Reader, AR, A, F, S) [Moved to Series]
    Fuck the Demon Away (A, S)
    Vigorous Victorious Submissive Samson (S, F)
    Broken Chances (Angst Challenge, A, F)
    Perfect Autumn Day (AR, F)
    What Do You Need? (AR, F, S)
    What Do I Have? (AR, S, F)
    Full For A Song (S, Challenge Fic, Angel/Demon AU)
    Seventh Time in the Airport (F, Ficlet)
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years ago
From the Ground Up (Elias imagine)
Truthfully this has been in the works since April, so uh, here we go! Reader owns a ranch and Elias gets hired on a farmhand. This is definitely a slow burn so, uh, good luck! 
WC: 8467 words 
Warnings: this has so much angst, if you’re an AJ Styles stan, you might just wanna leave, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of abuse, Reader gets called sugar and dove, panic attack (kinda, sorta?) 
Tagging: @hardcorewwetrash​ @sporadic-fics​ @renegademustelid​ @neversatisfiedgirl​ @wrestlingfae​
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“Hey, kiddo, you ready to do this!?” Braun called out to me as I locked the barn door for the night, giving my horse, Nutmeg a final pat on the back before letting her rest. I turned and grinned, letting out a whoop of excitement then raced towards my friends. Drew snagged me by my waist and twirled me before I crowed, ”Stop, we’re gonna be late and you know that Hunter hates when we’re late!” 
Laughter peeled around me as we hurried to get situated in the two trucks for tonight’s event. I was a bull rider but couldn’t travel due to the fact that I was keeping my family’s legacy alive. We began pulling away when Bayley waved a hand at me, shouting, ”Hat?” I reached a hand out my window and Kevin threw it to me, my fingers barely snagging it. 
With a tight grip on the black material, I swung it into the cab of the truck, slipping it onto my head. I turned to Drew who shook his head and muttered, ”Ye and dat damn hat.” I grinned in response then cranked up the radio, singing along with the current song playing. Sarah laughed at my ridiculousness then joined in on my antics, thoroughly driving Drew to his demise. 
When we arrived at the rodeo, he stumbled out of the truck and cried out,”Freedom!” Kevin, Bayley, and Braun laughed at his exclamation then we walked towards the arena where my “agent”, Hunter Helmsley, was pacing a hole into the dirt. I snickered and jogged over to join him. 
“Oh thank god you’re here! You’re up in twenty minutes and you’re riding Hydro.” I stared at him for a moment then took a deep breath. Hydro was a Hereford bull that weighed about a thousand and three hundred pounds with horns about two feet long. He was the biggest bull in the league and only two people had been able to stay on for the eight seconds needed to succeed. 
I nodded in understanding and met Kevin and Braun near the pin. Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman had been family friends since I was knee high to a grasshopper and when my grandparents passed, they stuck around to keep the farm thriving. They were the crazy bastards who encouraged me to chase my dreams of being a bull rider. 
“Hey killer, who you riding tonight?” Kevin asked, swinging his arm around my shoulders. I glanced up and murmured,”Hydro.” He sucked in a breath then slid away, stating,”And just like that, you’ve been demoted from murderer to murderee.” 
I climbed up on the gate and hung my head, muttering,”I’m going to die. He’s going to tap dance all over my ribs.” Braun rubbed my back and assured me,”No, no, you’ve got this, kiddo.” 
“Nah, he’s going to break dance on your ass. You’ll be feeling it for a while.” Kevin cut in, patting me on the back. I groaned, rubbing at my eyes, then Bayley and Sarah raced to meet us, the two of them rushing out,”Watch this new guy ride!” 
“New guy? Who is he?” I asked, turning to face the arena as my favorite rodeo clown, Karl Anderson, braced himself to yank open the door to let loose the beast and his new rider for eight seconds. 
“Name’s Elias Samson. Guess he just moved here from Philly.” Bayley informed us and almost in unison, our noses crinkled up. We hated having new people in general but when they were city slickers? It made it a thousand times worse. 
The only reason why we accepted Drew was because he had experience in roping and riding horses, something that we desperately needed. After AJ left, it was a bit difficult to handle the horses, so Drew was a perfect fit for the job. That and he had a cool accent but we never told him that part. 
But when we watched the young buck ride, it was a different story. He rocked with the bucks of the bull, almost gliding with the force. It was something that I wasn’t expecting out of a Philly man. 
“Hey, buttercup, you need to go ahead and get ready.” Sarah stated, patting me on my thigh. I leapt off the fence and braced for the impact, my spurs letting out a small chime as they dug into the dirt. I walked into my small, written off area then pulled my hat off before tugging my vest over my head. 
“Hi sugar.” I paused in pulling my glove on then turned to see the new rider leaning against my doorway. I raised an eyebrow then fit my hat back onto my head as I stated,”New guy. How’s it goin’?” He sucked in his bottom lip then informed me,”Took away seventy five points on my first night so…” I hummed in acknowledgement then fixed my chaps as I said,”Well congrats, young buck, but that’s nothing.” He laughed and a shiver raced through my body as he did so, then I heard, ”(Y/N) (Y/L/N) to the arena, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to the arena.” 
I tipped my hat at him then stated,”See ya around, young buck.” 
I rushed to meet my team waiting for my arrival then Kevin and Braun grabbed my arms, yanking me up onto the gate before Bayley appeared, stating,”Alright, you are the only person riding Hydro tonight so you just need to last the eight seconds and get out of there before you get stomped on.” 
“Bays, that’s not a very good pep talk.” Sarah informed her girlfriend, patting her on the back. Karl peeked his head up then stated,”You’re gonna do great, kid.” I gave him a small smile then thanked him before winding my hand tightly in place. Braun looked down at me then said, ”When you get bucked off, you scramble like eggs in a hot skillet, you got me?” I nodded in agreement then braced against the bull, giving him a small pat on the back. 
Karl yanked open the door and out Hydro flew, bucking wildly. I gasped then tightened my grip, tensing my arm as my free hand hooked to my belt loop, forcing it to my side as he twisted and bucked around. In… Out… Repeat… Just need to last eight seconds. I leaned with his bucks, waiting for his next spin then watched as his legs flailed momentarily then he twisted once again, trying his damnedest to knock me away. 
As Hydro spun again, I dug my right spur into his side and he slowed his speed, only for him to pick up again. I tightened my thighs around him, listening to my chaps squeak quietly then a whistle blew over my head, alerting me that I survived my eight seconds. Now I just needed to clear the danger zone. 
I glanced over my shoulder then swung my leg over his head as he spun again, releasing my rope before I landed on my hands and knees, racing towards where my team was waiting. They pulled me upwards, freeing me from the angry bull. Drew pulled my hat off and ruffled my hair, chirping, ”Helluva ride dere, lil dove! Proud of ye!” I grinned at him then I waited for the announcer to inform the crowd and I of my score. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N) on Hydro has scored a ninety three.” The crowd roared with its approval and I let out a screech, ecstatic with my results. We exited the pen area and joined Hunter on the ground who congratulated me on the good work. I grinned at him then we walked back towards the trucks, ready to call it a night. I knew that Sarah and Bayley had found us a new farm hand who would be willing to help around the place and he was supposed to be at the farm bright and early.
“Hey, sugar, leavin’ so soon?” I turned on my heel then stated,”Hey, young buck, good to see ya again. Didja happen to see me?” 
“Yep. You did good.” I blinked a few times at him then he grinned, stating,”Kidding, I’m kidding. You did great. Never seen anyone take on such a big bull and get such a good score.” 
“Well you are a city slicker so that might explain a few things.” His eyes widened at my statement then Drew jogged up to me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he asked,”Ye ready ta go, luvey?” I raised my head and smiled at him, stating,”Yeah, just gimme a bit.” He kissed me on the temple then went back to the truck, the engine roaring to life. Elias gave me a small smile then said,”Well, I'll see you around, sugar.”
I nodded in agreement then joined Sarah and Drew in the truck, following Braun,Kevin, and Bayley out of the arena’s makeshift parking lot. I still needed to take a shower to wash away the dirt and sweat that the night had gifted me with, not to mention I still had horses and cattle to check on before I went to bed. 
I pulled my comforter over my head then groaned when I realized that the sun was up which meant that the new farmhand would be here anytime soon if he was punctual. I crawled out of bed reluctantly then joined Braun and Sarah downstairs who was drinking coffee while Bayley made French toast for what looked like an army. 
“Has anyone heard from this new guy?” Kevin asked, claiming the second to last cup of coffee that had been poured for everyone as he passed the island. I shook my head then Bayley chirped,”Yeah he’ll be here soon. He got lost.” 
Everyone but Sarah looked up at our favorite brunette then Braun asked,”He got lost? What, he’s not from around here or somethin’?” She shook her head and informed us,”No, he moved from a big city, said he always wanted to move south.” Scoffs sounded then we passed the large platter of French toast around, our group choosing however many pieces they pleased when the doorbell rang. 
Bayley’s head snapped up then she called out, ”Coming, hang on!” She twisted her apron around and it flapped behind her in protest as she ran towards the door to let the new guy in. But the rest of us were so focused on becoming lively for the day, we didn’t even register who was standing in the kitchen doorway leading in from the front door. 
“Well do I get breakfast too?” Forks clattered to the plates and Kevin choked on his current bite, Sarah pounding on his back while the rest of us turned to face our new farm hand. 
“Young buck. When you said that you’d see me around, I wasn’t thinkin’ you’d see me this soon.” I admitted, wiping my hands off. He grinned, shaking my outstretched hand, and stated,”Ehh, I figured I’d surprise you today instead of telling you yesterday.” 
“Well color us surprised then.” Braun rumbled, returning to eating. My lifelong friend hated new people and understandably so. In this day and age, there’s no telling who you can trust. Elias gave a tight smile then shot a nervous glance to Bayley who offered,”Go ahead and sit down, have some breakfast. There’s plenty to go around.” 
Elias began pulling the chair out from beside me and we all shared a knowing look then Drew rumbled from the hallway entrance,”Dat's ma seat.” The new guy turned to face the Scotsman as he grabbed his cup of coffee, ruffling Bayley’s hair affectionately then kissed me on the crown of my head, claiming his seat. Elias ended up between Kevin and Braun then I grimaced as the two began talking around him. 
Oh Lord, here we go with the hazing. 
“Boys, quit your talkin’ and eat your breakfast.” Bayley snipped, sliding a plate full of bacon and sausage beside the French toast platter. I glanced around at my comrades then cried out,”Bull rider of ninety three gets first pick!” 
“You lil heathen.” Drew rumbled as Braun exclaimed,”Like hell you do!” And just like that, the three of us were engaged in a battle of forks for the best looking bacon and sausage. Laughter roared around us then I stabbed two pieces of sausage links, giving a shout of victory. 
“So young buck, whatdya think about our little town round here?” I asked before taking a bite of my prize, passing the plate of breakfast meats around. 
“It’s cute, I think I’m gonna like it here.” We all nodded in agreement and as we were cleaning up, Baron Corbin, my next door neighbor rushed into the house and shouted,” Cows are loose!” 
“Fuck!” we cried out, scrambling to slide our boots on then I darted out the door with Elias hot on my heels. I leaped off the porch and snagged my rope hanging off the railing then whistled at Nutmeg, who was thankfully in the mood to listen to me. She trotted towards me then I swung onto her back as Baron’s dog, Xavier came racing around the cows that had escaped the half broken gate. 
Elias opened the pen door for me to lead Nutmeg out after I fitted the rope into the loops of her halter then rode out to round up the miscellaneous cows. Braun kept a watchful eye on the rest of the cattle while Bayley helped me herd the loose ones back in their pen. 
I let Nutmeg back in her pen then turned to Elias, stating,”Your first order of business here? Fix the gate.” He nodded in agreement then I turned to Kevin, asking,”Can you show him where to find the field fence and tools? I’ve got to go work with Order.”
Order was a Belgian Draft stallion who was given to the farm by AJ as a parting gift. He was a skittish, not so little thing who stood at eighteen hands. I had his sister, Law, in a stall across from Nutmeg in the barn and because Order was such a large horse, we had to knock down the wall to his neighboring stall, letting him have the reign of the two. 
Kevin nodded in understanding then I grabbed the strawberries from the fridge that I had picked yesterday from the garden before walking into the barn where Order watched me with unsure eyes. I shook the bowl of fruit then slid into the pen with an outstretched strawberry to him. He took it from me gently then I smiled, grabbing the brush. 
About three hours passed and I was finally able to put the saddle on, but he refused to let me buckle it. 
I rubbed at his nose then Elias stated,”He’s beautiful.” I smiled up at him then replied,”Yeah, he is. He’s also a stubborn one.” Order nickered in protest and I could have sworn that he had rolled his eyes at me then I said,”You’re welcome to give him a strawberry. I’m about to let him out with Nutmeg and Law for a bit, get him to relax some.” 
He snagged one of the red fruits then offered it up to the stallion, who gladly took it, nearly chomping down on Elias’ fingers. I laughed at the surprise on my new farm hand’s face then said,”Alright, come on, let’s get this guy out in the pasture.” 
A full month had passed since Elias had rolled into town and proved his worth to the farm. Order had finally allowed me to buckle the saddle and take him on the trail around the river as long as someone else was riding Law with us. 
“Hey, dove, I have to go into town, I forgot the stuff to finish dinner.” Bayley informed me with a remorseful expression. 
“But.. but you’re supposed to go on the trail with me today.” I said, my tone becoming sadder with each word. She gave my hand a squeeze then stated,”I know! But I forgot that I needed to go to the store.” 
“Hey, is everything okay?” Elias asked, entering from the outside where he had been cleaning stalls. I sighed and hung my head, informing,”I can’t take Order on the trail today cause Bayley has to go into town.” He paused where he was finishing washing his hands then he offered,”Well, I could go with you.” Bayley and I turned to stare at him at the mention of his idea then he finished, ”Sarah’s been giving me lessons on my free days. I’m pretty good with Law.” 
My brunette friend shot me a knowing look then I agreed,”Alright, but if you’re not ready to go in the next ten minutes, I’m leavin’ your sorry ass.” He grinned, drying off his hands, then stated, ”Let’s get going then.” We saddled up the horses and led them out of the pen, mounting up outside to prevent Nutmeg from panicking. 
The first half of the trail was silent, with just the clicks of the horses’ hooves hitting the ground, then Elias asked,”So what’s the deal between you and Drew?” My head snapped over to him as we came to a stop at the river to give the horses a drink of water and rest for a bit. 
“I’m not sure whatcha mean.” I muttered, settling on a large rock after I tied Order to the big oak tree beside the bank. He raised an eyebrow at me and questioned,”Is that so? I mean are you guys together, dating, fucking?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes, then I replied,”None of the above. Drew and I are just friends.” He laughed and settled beside me as he stated,”With the way that man looks at you, I’m surprised you haven’t noticed it.” I raised an eyebrow as I settled beside him then questioned, “Oh yeah? And how does he look at me?” 
“Like you’re a five course meal that he’s ready to devour.” Elias informed, cupping his hands together to get some water to drink. I laughed at his statement then muttered,”Yeah, alright, pal.” My phone began ringing in my saddle bag and I reached inside, checking the screen, raising an eyebrow when I realized that it was Sarah calling me. 
“Hey, girlie, what’s up?” 
“AJ and Luke is here.” I ended the call quickly then rushed out,”We have to go, we have to go now.” He gave a questioning glance but mounted Law without a protest nonetheless. We quickly picked up our speed riding on the trail then when we arrived at the ranch, I immediately noticed the big truck sitting in my driveway. I led Order back into his stall and he neighed in protest, so I gave him a sugar cube so he would keep quiet. 
I exited the barn and brushed my jeans off, approaching the front of the house where Kevin, Sarah, and Braun stood with hatred burning in their eyes. I approached them and settling on the porch swing, asking,”Styles, to what do we owe this not so pleasurable visit?” He turned to face me, his familiar arrogance crossing his expression as he smiled at me. 
“My my, little dove, you are lookin’ prettier as you age. But comin’ to sweep ya back off ya feet isn’t why I’m here. I’ve got a fine offer for ya, if you’re willin’ to take it.” I gritted my teeth then forced back my well thought out murder scenario with AJ as the star victim before I replied,”I’ve already told you and your head honcho right there; I’m not looking to sell the ranch.” He sighed, in faux disappointment, and stated, ”Three years and you’re still not giving up on this damn place? What gives?” 
“I’m not a sellout.” I snapped, stepping toe-to-toe with the smug Georgia man. He let out a fully belly laugh then replied,”Oh trust me, sweetheart, I’m well aware of that. But just be cautious of the company you keep. There’s no tellin’ where a snake might be lyin’.” His blue eyes danced across the faces of my friends then turned back to me.
“Too fucking bad you didn’t give her that advice sooner. Could’ve avoided you like the plague you are.” Kevin bit out, cracking his knuckles in warning. Luke gave a sarcastic laugh then rumbled,”I’ll crush you like a pancake, Owens.” 
“Then step to it, Gallows.” Braun growled in response, raising an eyebrow as a challenge or even a warning perhaps. I slid between the men then shoved AJ backwards, spitting,”Get the hell off my property, Styles, before I call in the Sheriff and you know damn good and well that Shawn is still pissed at you.” 
His lips twitched to fight back the anger that was beginning to seep through his exterior then he stepped backwards, taking Gallows with him, calling over his shoulder,”You have a nice night now, dove.” 
“You lost the privilege to call me that three years ago, you son of a bitch!” I snapped, beginning to charge at him when Elias appeared and scooped me up by the waist, yanking me backwards as he crowed, ”Hang on there, sugar, no need to go for the soccer mom’s head.” Styles’ blue eyes flickered with annoyance at the side comment that my farm hand made then hopped into his truck, driving off like a bat out of hell. 
“Sonuvabitch is just lucky that Bayley wasn’t here. She’s been itchin’ to claw his eyes out for the betta part of three years now.” Braun mumbled as he, Sarah, and Kevin made their way back up to the house, the taller man tucking his leather gloves into his back pocket. Noncommittal mumbles answered the North Carolina man’s statement then I glanced down, realizing that Elias still had me by the waist, my feet dangling a good six inches from the ground. I glanced up at the hazel eyed man then murmured, “You plan on lettin’ me down anytime soon?” He looked down at me and gave a sheepish grin, settling me back on the ground as he apologized, “Oh, I’m sorry, my bad. Um… so who was that dick anyway?” 
I stared at where AJ’s truck had left minute ruts in my grass then replied, “No one important.” I stepped away from him and asked, “Would you mind putting away the horses? I forgot that I have a few things that I had to sort out for Hunter and if I don’t get it down by Wednesday for my meeting, I think he might just grow his hair long again, just so he can rip it right back out.” 
We laughed briefly then separated. As soon as Elias was out of sight, I raced up to the house and snagged a bottle of water from the fridge, chugging nearly the entire thing as Sarah asked, “You’re not going to tell him who he is, are you?” I settled the fourth of water back on the counter and stared at the marbling of the island as I answered, “I really don’t know.” 
Braun sighed, pulling out the rum and pineapple juice, stating, “Well, that’s your prerogative but I’m gonna go ahead and say this: that boy’s eyes get bigger than the moon when you’re around and I do believe that you’d be a good match for that boy out there.” I watched out the kitchen window as Elias rushed to help a freshly returned Bayley with groceries. It was obvious that my old friend had seen AJ and Luke leaving the property as she pulled into the driveway. 
“Yeah… I know. That’s what I’m afraid of.” 
We ended up settling in for the night with a couple decks of cards and alcohol to ease the tension that the two snakes had drug into the ranch house. 
“This was a terrible decision.” Bayley hiccupped after our third game of Kings. We played with two decks of cards, since there were so many of us, and the young brunette had unfortunately been paired with Elias as a mate when he drew the eight of diamonds. He had somehow managed to draw the majority of the eights and the man was not shy about drinking on the beer that Sarah had poured him. 
“You’re just a lightweight, doll face.” Elias slurred in return, flipping over his freshly chosen card. She went to flip him the bird, only to end up tilting into a sober Sarah’s lap, who just sighed, shaking her head. 
“Okay, I think it’s time to call it a night.” I admitted, finishing off my second glass of water. The first time that I was drunk, I had the worst hangover the next morning and from that day on, I swore that anytime I had any alcohol, I would drink at least two glasses before deciding to go to bed. Sarah helped her girlfriend to their shared room then Kevin and Drew bid us good night, the pair obviously remembering that they had some work to finish early in the morning. 
Braun and I began collecting the miscellaneous cards that had been flung across the room as Elias put away the liquor that had been brought out for our night of fun. Braun flickered his gaze over to me then muttered, “You should tell him now.” My eyebrows furrowed at his statement and I started to ask him what he meant, only for it to dawn me just seconds later. 
“What, no, that’s stupid! Why would I tell him now? He won’t remember it!” I hissed, flicking his bicep as I passed him. My tall friend raised an eyebrow and waited for a few seconds then it dawned on me- that’s what I wanted. I wanted to confide in Elias what kind of bastard AJ Styles really was but I didn’t want him to remember it because I wasn’t prepared for the questions to follow. If I told him while he was drunk, the questions would likely be put on hold at least until morning or I could get lucky and he wouldn’t remember the conversation at all the next day. Either way, it was time to come clean. 
“Elias, you asked me about the son of a bitch who came to the house today, right? Well, that’s AJ Styles, the bastard who wants my family’s farm.” I informed the curly haired man, claiming one of the stools that Sarah had brought in from outside. 
“Okay, but why does he want it so bad?” Questions were expected, especially since no one had given the poor man any insight on the past AJ and I shared, but I was aiming to give vague answers that would satisfy his curiosity. Judging by how drunk he was, I was hoping that my half assed answers would be good enough for him. I sighed and settled down at the table before I replied, “AJ and I were engaged when my grandparents died and they had it in their will that I would get the ranch no matter what. AJ thinks that even though we broke up, he deserved at least half of the place. But as long as I’m here, that’s not going to happen.” 
“Why’d you break off the engagement?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. Braun glanced up from where he was putting away the clean dishes then he stated, “Shoulda seen that one comin’, dove. Might as well tell him it all.” I kicked the chair beside me out from underneath the table then nodded at it, offering, “You’re gonna wanna sit for this one, it’s kinda a mind fuck.” He did as I suggested then Braun claimed the seat behind me, prepared to help me through the story that I often avoided telling people. 
“AJ and I were childhood friends. Him and his family had moved here from Georgia when we were both youngins and we got along great all through school and college. Even though he was older than me by years, he was my first love… he was a lot of my firsts. First kiss, he took me on my first date, and yeah, he took my virginity. I was 22 when I finally figured out that I wanted to take over the ranch. I had always had a passion for this place and all of the animals and responsibilities that it came with. But I also wanted to ride. Bull riding was my first love over it all and everyone who knew me well enough could acknowledge that fact. But AJ wanted me to quit and I wasn’t willing to.” 
I paused in my storytelling, taking a drink of the water that Braun slid me, then took a deep breath, preparing myself for the rest of the tale. Elias leaned forward and murmured, “Hey, you don’t have to tell me. Eventually you’ll be fully ready to talk to me about it and if tonight isn’t it-”
“No… no, it’s okay, really. I need to get this out of the way. Um, so when my grandparents died, AJ tried to convince me to give it all up so we could take care of the ranch. But when I told him no, he uh… He didn’t take it very well. He popped me right in the mouth with a slap. Told me that no wasn’t an option anymore and it was time to walk away from the riding. After that night, I agreed: no more bull riding.” 
“But it wasn’t just the thing that I loved most that he took from me: he secluded me from Kevin and Braun, told Bayley and Sarah that I was always busy with the farm. And it only got worse from there. Anytime I would refuse him on anything, he’d beat me bloody, until I was laying on the floor begging for his mercy, apologizing until that was the only thing that would come out of my mouth. One night, I finally had enough. He wanted to talk about who’s name should go on the mortgage of the ranch.”
“I told him that my name was already on it, thanks to the will. Guess that’s what happens when you have one of the best damn lawyers in the town as an old family friend. AJ wasn’t willing to take that as an answer. He decided that he needed another approach, so he tried… he tried to uh..” 
I blew out a slow breath and ducked my head between my knees, determined to get my breathing back under control before I flew into a panic attack that would decommission me for the week. Braun let a soft hand on my back then began to rub slow circles, grounding me back to the present, before he murmured, “You don’t gotta tell him the rest. I think he gets it.” I hiccuped softly as tears began to stream down my face then sat back up slowly, insisting, “No. No, I need to get this off my chest. I can do this. Just give me a minute.” 
The two men just watched me, waiting for me to say something, then I let out a sob, prepared to reveal the rest of the nightmare that my life had become years ago. I pushed my hair out of my face and said, “He tried to rape me. But he wasn’t expecting me to have my family waiting outside with Shawn for the bastard to make a move. I screamed faster and louder than anyone was expecting and before the sonuvabitch knew what the hell was going on, everyone was inside and Braun and Bayley was ready to commit murder.” 
“Shawn was gonna help us hide the fucker’s body while we were at it too.” the taller man rumbled, cracking his knuckles at the memory that flashed through our minds. 
“You’re damn right we were gonna kill that bastard.” Bayley hissed and we turned towards the hallway where my family stood. I sniffled at the statement then walked towards the group of people, Drew pulling me into a tight hug when I got in arms length. I wrapped my arms around his waist and began to cry into his shirt as my friends joined our hug. 
“Shh, it’s okay, that son of a bitch won’t ever touch you again.” Kevin assured me, cupping my face to kiss me on the forehead. It was an old technique that he and Braun often used to calm me down and admittedly, it made me feel more human. Sarah and Bayley squeezed me into one of the tightest hugs that I had received from them in a while but it was almost like they were pressuring all of the pieces that AJ had broken away from me back together once again. I was their Humpty Dumpty but this time, the King’s Knights had super glue on hand. 
I heard the chair screech behind me and I turned to face Elias, prepared for his reaction. When I had told Drew the truth behind AJ and I, the Scot tried to hunt the fucker down in the middle of the night, prepared for actual murder. But what I wasn’t expecting to see, was the curly haired man crying. 
“Elias! Don’t cry, it’s okay! It was three years ago… Really, I’m okay. I’ve got the best support system a girl could ask for and with you along for the ride, I couldn’t ask for anything more.” He sniffled and pulled me into a hug, murmuring into my hair, “I’m sorry. A person like you should never have to deal with something like this. I- I’m here for you.” I gave a small laugh and returned the hug. He had taken it significantly better than I was expecting but it made me feel so much better. He didn’t reject me because of my past. 
“Alright, I think it’s about time for us to head to bed. We’ve had a hell of a day and someone just had to reveal her tragic backstory to our young buck, so now we’re all teary eyed and blubbering.” Kevin joked, shaking his head. I poked him in the side and we all separated to our respective bedrooms. I settled underneath my blankets then turned on the lamp that sat on my desk after turning off the lights. After everything that AJ ever did, I refused to sleep in complete darkness, in fear that he would sneak in and try to do something while I was asleep. 
The next week was a bit uncomfortable because it seemed like Elias was now walking on  eggshells when dealing with me. We didn’t speak much, due to me dealing with the harvest that we needed to finish. October has always been the busiest month for the ranch but even still, I figured that he would at least attempt to make conversation with me in passing. But that’s when Bayley came into play. 
“What do you mean he doesn’t want to intrude on me?” I asked, crossing my arms. Sarah and Bayley exchanged glances, uncertain on how to explain, then the longer haired woman sighed, answering, “He doesn’t want to push you to do anything. Dove, I think this guy really cares for you and he doesn’t want to fuck it up. Can’t say I blame him. Maybe you can just talk with him, tell him how you feel about the whole distancing thing.” Bayley nodded in agreement and chirped, “I know that you feel the same about him and I’m not saying that you should go out with the guy but you should at least tell him what’s going through your head.” 
“Hmm… yeah, I guess that makes sense. Hey, Bays, don’t you have to go into town today?” I asked, glancing over at my close friend. She glanced up from where she was writing something down then answered, “Yeah, why?” Pointing down at the list she had made earlier, I questioned, “That the list of things that we need?” She nodded and handed it over to me without a second thought, clearly catching onto my plan that I formulated in seconds. 
I walked out the door and scanned the yard in search of my farm hand, zeroing in on where he was chatting with Braun and Kevin beside the cattle pen. Cupping my hands around my mouth, I took a deep breath and shouted for him, snickering when he jerked his head to look at me so fast that he nearly tripped. He rushed over to me then flashed a smile as he stopped, glancing up at me. I stared at him for a moment then tipped his hat upwards, fixing it to where I could see his eyes. 
“Uh, what’s up?” he asked, clearing his throat. I gave a small cough and fidgeted with my own hat as I answered, “You and me are on errand duty. Bayley and Sarah are working on the tractors so you get a day in the town with me.” He grinned at me then chirped, “Sounds like a plan to me.” We piled into my truck and off we drove into town with our first stop being the grocery store. I glanced up at him as he grabbed a car then asked, “Do you just want to shop together or split the list and get our respective items?” 
“I think if we split up, we can get this part of the trip done with faster.” he suggested, holding his hand out for his list of items. I nodded in understanding then grabbed my own basket, prepared to zoom through the store for my objects. And it was going so well until I began heading towards our agreed meeting spot. I was walking towards the check out when I bumped into someone, my hat fluttering to the ground. 
“Hey, watch it-” Immediately I paused in my statement, freezing when those blue eyes met my steely gaze. Styles grinned at the sight of me and chirped, “Oh ho, well if it isn’t my lil dove. Where’s your guard dog, darlin’? Leave him at home to watch over the cattle?” I snatched my hat off the floor and snapped, “Not that it’s any of your business, but Elias is here with me. Now if you’ll excuse me, you slimy bastard, I have to get back home.” 
I began to walk away, only for him to grip my wrist, yanking me back to face him. I froze in his grasp then he murmured, “Good to see that ya still react like this. Now, I think it’s about time that we sit down and have a nice lil chat between the two of us, dontcha think?” I started to tremble in his hold, mind and body both failing to do anything to protect me, then someone snapped, “No, that’s not gonna happen.” AJ turned to face Elias, blue eyes now har, then he chirped, “Well, I’ll be. She didn’t even have to whistle but the dog still came a-running to her side. She’s got you well trained, huh, young pup.” 
“That’s Elias to you, bastard. Now, let her go. I won’t ask again.” The two stared at each other then AJ lifted my arm before releasing my wrist, a small chuckle filling my ears as he backed away and he said, “I’ll see ya around, darlin’. We still need to have that chat.” And with that, Styles disappeared into the crowd of people that had surrounded us, clearly eager to see what the young buck had in him. 
Elias cupped my face then touched his forehead to my own, murmuring, “You okay there, sugar? Hey, talk to me.” I buried my face into his chest as I shook my head, eager to just disappear from sight, then muttered, “I just wanna go home. I-I just need to get out of here.” He nodded in understanding and replied, “Alright, it’s okay, just breathe with me. Let’s pay for these groceries then we can go home, okay? Come on, here, take my flannel.”
He pulled off the checkered material then draped it over my shoulders before scooping the basket out of my arms, leading me into an empty check out. He placed all of our items onto the conveyor belt then I reached for his hand, giving a quick squeeze. Elias glanced down at me and returned the squeeze, pushing the cart towards the bagging area. 
“I’m sorry about that, darlin’. I’ve been there before.” the cashier admitted in a soft tone, giving me an apologetic nod. I inched closer to Elias and mumbled, “I’m sorry that you had someone do that to you. I hope you’re out of that relationship.” He nodded and finishing bagging our items as he answered, “I am. Now I’m happily married and my husband is the best man I could ever ask for. I think you’ve got yourself a good one, if I do say so myself.” 
I glanced up at Elias and attempted to lean away from him, only for him to tug me back into his side as he chirped, “She’s my sugar, wouldn’t trade her for anyone else in this crazy world. My eyebrows furrowed then he kissed my forehead, only to turn back to the cashier 
to pay for our items when I gaped up at him. Elias flashed a smile to the man working the counter then chirped, “Thanks man, have a great one.” He finished putting our groceries into our cart and tugged on my hand, pulling me out of the store. 
“Hey, keys, sugar. You’re not driving, not when you’re like this. C’mon, hand ‘em over.” he encouraged, reaching his hand out for the key ring that was looped on my pants. I unhooked the clip and dropped them into the palm of his hand, climbing into the passenger seat of my truck. Seeing AJ so soon after the conversation that I had with Elias had me shook to my core and I couldn’t help the fact that I was still trembling. He quickly put the groceries in the bed of the truck and joined me in the cab, turning the engine over. 
“Elias,” I murmured, causing him to turn to me, “I asked you to come with me so we could talk about why you weren’t talking to me. I know that you don’t wanna push me. But to be honest, not talking with you is kinda killing me.” He stared at me for a while then tangled his fingers with my own before bringing it to his lips and he murmured, “Okay. Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t stop talking with you again. Promise you, sugar.” I slid closer to him and he wrapped his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side as he backed out of the parking lot. 
“Put your seat belt, you heathen.” Elias joked, but I did as he requested, knowing that I did need the safety mechanism on anyway. We drove down the road like that, his arm around my shoulders and my head on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat echoing around my head. We pulled into the drive and I took notice of Kevin and Braun watching us like hawks from the porch, the men clearly hiding their thoughts from their expressions. Part of me was desperate to find out what they were thinking but another part was begging me not to ask my closest friends how they felt. 
We slid out of the truck from the driver’s side then Elias nudged me towards the house, encouraging, “You go ahead, I’ve got these. Go relax, you deserve it.” I dragged my feet as I walked to the house and my oldest friends came to a stand when I approached the porch. The two knew me so damn well, I didn’t even have to say anything about what happened at the store. 
“AJ, wasn’t it?” I scratched at the back of my head and gave a timid nod, ducking my head. Braun gave a sigh and pulled me into a hug, muttering, “Bastard’s gonna catch you on the wrong day and we’re gonna be with you for it. You need a nap, kid?” I nodded and Kevin patted me on the back before he stated, “Go on in, we’ll wake you up for dinner.” 
“Those sonsabitches didn’t wake me up for dinner.” I growled when I reached the kitchen. The light was now off and a note was attached to the fridge: ‘Dove, I know we said that we were gonna wake you up for dinner, but when dinner got done, we all just kinda agreed to let you sleep. You definitely needed it. Food is in the fridge for your three am meal. See you in the morning, don’t stay up too late.’ There was miscellaneous signatures at the bottom of the note and I could faintly made each name. All of my friends had orchestrated what was supposed to be a measly fifteen minutes into a nine hour nap, something that I both loved and resented them for. I did need the sleep but now my sleep schedule was going to be seven ways of fucked for the next week. Fantastic.
I shrugged and opened the fridge, ready to eat whatever the group had wrangled together for dinner. I scanned the labels of the containers and paused when I read, ‘Dove’s Dinner for After Her Nap’. Rolling my eyes, I pulled the dinner out and removed the lid before sliding it into the microwave to reheat the mashed potatoes, barbeque chicken, and carrots that was made. I stirred them a few times every minute then pulled the container out, glancing at the clock: 2:28 in the morning. October was the perfect time for stargazing and since I was the only one awake, I could take advantage and watch as the stars glisten above my head. 
I grabbed a pop and walked out of the house, prepared to settle on the stairs of the porch, only to pause. Elias was sitting on the steps, head tilted up to the stairs as he hummed a tune that I didn’t recognize. The screen door swung shut behind me and he jerked to face me, surprise written across his face, then he smiled at my appearance. 
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty, how you feelin’?” I narrowed my eyes him then replied, “I told you guys to wake me up for dinner and instead, you let me sleep for the rest of the day. I’m annoyed.” He slid over and patted the space beside him, saying, “Yeah, but now you look better, so you’ll be okay. Come on, sit, eat, watch the stars with me.” 
I pursed my lips at him but sat down nonetheless. They did it for my own good and as annoying as my altered sleep schedule was, I couldn’t be mad at them. I settled on the step and began to eat my dinner as Elias returned to stargazing, that tune quickly returned but it wasn’t loud enough for me to try and figure out who the artist was. 
“What’s that song?” I inquired, swallowing the last of my carrots. He glanced over me and smiled then answered, “Sweet as Sugar. It’s my song, why?” I paused at the song title then set my half eaten dinner on the floor of the porch  before turning to face him all the way and asked, “Sweet as Sugar? Like sugar as me?” He leaned closer and raised an eyebrow at me, murmuring, “Maybe. And if it is?” I slid even closer then mumbled, “Maybe I like that you wrote a song about me. What’s the lyrics?” 
“No lyrics yet. At least, not ones that I’m willing to give you. It’s still a work in progress but I dunno… you just make my heart sing.” he admitted, hazel eyes fluttering to meet my gaze. I smiled softly at his statement then cupped his face as I replied quietly, “Oh good, I was wondering if you felt the same. I kinda feel like our friends have been making bets on how long it would take for us to get together.” 
“They definitely have been making bets. I caught Bayley and Kevin arguing the other day over how long it would be until we held hands with each other.” Elias informed me and I snickered, shaking my head, then paused as I whispered, “I wonder if they’ve made bets over when we would kiss.” He cupped my jaw and tilted my head up to him, answering, “Oh, for sure. The sons of bitches are shameless after all.” 
“Who do you think is the closest?” Elias paused at my question then replied, “I don’t know. We won’t know until we kiss, ‘member?” I blinked up at him and tangled my hand in his shirt, pulling him closer until our noses brushed, then asked, “Are you going to kiss me then, young buck?” 
“As soon as you tell me to, sugar. I’m not doing anything without your permission.” My chest ached at his statement and I murmured, “In that case, Elias, would you please kiss me?” He cupped the other side of my face and pulled me to him, kissing me softly. My lips parted and I sighed into his mouth, delighted in the tenderness that he offered, then he backed away. 
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked as he stood up. Elias glanced over his shoulder and replied, “I’m going to bed. You’re going to finish eating your food then you’re going to bed. And in the morning, I’m taking you out for breakfast as our first date. Sound good?” I stared after him wordlessly, stunned that he could be so suave after kissing me, then began to finish eating my dinner, only to pause when I heard a quiet whoop. I squinted through the crack of the front door and snickered when I saw the man I just kissed doing a ridiculous dance, pumping his fist into the air. Ahh, so he wasn’t as unaffected as I thought he was. 
Elias was someone who I wasn’t expecting to come along and simultaneously fix and shake up my world, but I couldn’t have been happier to find someone who fit the missing piece of my life puzzle so well. For years, I was unsure on whether I would ever find someone who could fix the damage that AJ Styles had caused me, but now that I had this young buck? I was more than certain that life was looking up.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 5 years ago
2020 - archived
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[18+ advised ] This is going to be long af. I’m going to do my best to put everything - all my writing on this blog, in one goddamn place, but I make no promises, so forgive me in advance. Below the cut is everything I’ve written and posted, for every single wrestler I’ve written for so far.  If its’ not linked, then I haven’t posted it yet or it’s a placeholder. If it’s bolded/has an m out beside it, it is most definitely mature and only meant for a mature (18+) audience. If there’s an asterisk (*) out beside the title, it belongs to or is part of something else that I have on the blog.
If you want to be on the taglist for my writing, you can find that [here]. If you want to know what I write / how often I write and stuff like that, my faq/about post is [here]
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adam hangman page | take you home | spring | mature.
adam hangman page | baby fever | winter| mature.
adam hangman page | darlin | summer | mature. 
baron corbin | right now | winter | mature.
darby allin | the sound of silence | spring | mature.
drew mcintyre | somebody watching me | spring | mature.
drew mcintyre | alpha | winter | mature.
ethan carter iii | worship you | winter | mature.
jon moxley | duality| summer | mature.
jon moxley | allnighter | summer | mature.
jungle boy | touch myself | winter | mature.
jungle boy | unnamed as of yet | summer | mature.
kevin owens | morning | summer | mature.
kyle o’reilly | backseats and phone calls | spring | mature.
kyle o’reilly | the quiet game | winter | mature.
mjf | dessert first | winter | mature.
mjf | sweet | summer | mature.
mjf | morningafter | summer | mature.
roman reigns | alpha | winter | mature.
sammy guevara | dirty dancer | winter | suggestive.
sammy guevara | cheater | summer | mature.
trent beretta | blackout | summer | mature.
trent beretta | sneaky | fall | mature.
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adam hangman page | whatcha gonna do by hinder | angst / comfort.
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adam hangman page | push my buttons [ suggestive] | 
adam hangman page | i’m erasing myself from the narrative | i’m putting myself back into the narrative | may you always be satisfied | the story of tonight. 
adam hangman page | second one to know |  dancing around an open fire | | 
adam hangman page | dreaming of a wedding dress | | 
adam hangman page | the love boat || | 
adam hangman page | sweet cherry pie || that dress is begging to come off [ virgin oc; mature af } 
adam hangman page | | honey on my table suggestive | motion of the ocean - cruise romance au, mature | 
adam hangman page | alone among the couples | 
adam hangman page | im yours - alphaverse au | won’t you stay with me alphaverse au |  bathtub mermaid - alphaverse au/suggestive | 
adam hangman page | she’s a nutcracker | 
adam hangman page | virginia on my mind, angst | fuck you and the horse you rode in on [ an au of what ifs second chapter, holy shit mature]  | | punishment pretty please, goes with wildside/whatifs holy shit mature | pour some sugar on me, mature | | 
baron corbin | everything you can do i can do better | 
baron corbin | follow me | prince not so charming | 
baron corbin | love on the rocks | 
curtis axel | | | boop [  mature ] | be kind rewind [ roommates au, mature ]| 
curtis axel | discount chocolate day | | 
drew gulak thoughts of yesterdays | august rush | lost in your eyes [ suggestive.]
drew gulak | he loves me, he loves you not [ miiild suggestive, alphaverse] | | leave her wild [ suggestive alphaverse..kinda] | 
drew gulak |once upon a dream [ soulmate au] |  starcrossed lovers and other strangers [ suggestive ] |
drew gulak | valentines day episode | 
drew mcintyre | marionette | | just between me and you | 
drew mcintyre | burnt homemade chocolates [ conclusion to my alphaverse short fic, suggestive and fluffy ] | 
edge x ofc x christian | seeds of unrest | 
elias samson | couples costume contest | 
elias samson | waiting on your friends to leave 
ethan carter III | winners remorse | rewrite history [ a retelling of w.r] | |
finn balor | after an endless dream | 
jay white | graveyard smash | punch drunk princess [ vampire au; mature] | it should’ve been you [human version of vampire au]
jeff hardy  | it all started with glow paint [ suggestive; bordering mature ] | 
jeff hardy | do i look lonely |  my lips are up here [suggestive]
jon moxley | hurt me so good | if I loved you less I could talk about it more | can’t find a better man [mature].
jon moxley | bloody valentine | 
jon moxley | your days are numbered | spared but not forgiven | nature adores a virgin [mature]
jon moxley | all the guys want cheerleaders | ps i lo- | no more almosts | warm desert wind | | dark as night [ roommates au / suggestive ] | 
jon moxley | siren song [ soulmate/pirate and siren au | 
jungle boy | sweet boy | 
kyle o’reilly | can I see through you | | death of a bachelor | 
mjf | did you just grab yourself on tv | 
mjf | candy hearts taste like chalk | 
pete dunne | you jump i jump jack | | you can’t win | I’m melting
pete dunne |bitter bite alphaverse au |  aftershocks suggestive |
roderick strong |  trying not to smile | 
roderick strong | kisses like cruelty [suggestive,borderline mature] | | | 
roderick strong | walking the line | put ‘em up | 
roman reigns | patchwork heart | 
roman reigns | slow roasted | 
roman reigns | anorgasmia | 
sami zayn | farmers market | moonbeams on pumpkins
sami zayn | heart and soul |
sami zayn | reflecting light | 
zack ryder | rough rider 
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12 Days Of Christmas Masterlist 2020
My entries for the 12 Days of Christmas on both my writing blogs can be found on this post right here.  [ merry christmas clicky ]
New Years
Valentines Day
Other Holidays / Special Occasions
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original character, Adeline x | 
original character, Kasey x | 
original character, Violet x | 
adam hangman page x [m] | x - soft hangman | x -hangman does halloween | x hangman on your first date [ fluffy,suggestive]|  x [soft] | adopting a dog | enemies to lovers | roommates to lovers | softly mature | more halloween hangman | 
buddy murphy x [ mature, sex life] | 
cash wheeler x [ suggestive ] | 
chuck taylor x [soft]| x more soft | 
damien priest x [ mature ] | 
darby allin x[soft] | x [mature] | 
drew gulak x | 
drew mcintyre x [ mature ] | 
eddie kingston x | x | x mature | enemies to lovers | 
elite x celebrating Halloween with the Elite | 
ethan carter iii x [m] | 
finn balor x [ m] | x [m] | 
heath slater x | 
jeff hardy x[m] | sick female!SO [pms mentioned briefly] | 
jon moxley x [m] | x [m] | 
jungle boy x[food/cooking] | x [ actual! jungle boy in love ] | fall softness | 
kenny omega x [ suggestive ] | x | x [halloween] | 
kevin owens x [m] | 
kyle o’reilly x [ mature - werewolf!kyle ] | 
luchasaurus x[mature+soft] | 
marko stunt  x soft and mature | x mature | x soft | x daddy kink of sorts |
matt jackson x [m] | x more m | enemiest to lovers -suggestive | 
nick jackson x [suggestive] | losing a basketball game to you | x mature/soft mix | 
orange cassidy x [lowkey m] | 
Pac x [suggestive fluff] | 
pentagon jr x mature | 
pete dunne x [ mature ] | 
prince devitt x mature | 
ecw era raven x [soft ] | x [m] | x[halloween] | 
roderick strong x [ adopting a kid with ] | 
roman reigns x!HeelRoman, slight nsfw | 
sami callihan x [ music preferences ] | 
trent beretta x [lowkey m] | x [ soft ] | x [ more soft ] | 
tyler breeze x [ enemies to lovers, polyamory hinted at | 
undertaker x [ gender neutral baker / biker taker SO] | 
wardlow x [ m ] | x [m] | x [ soft] | x[ halloween] | x mature | x Christmas with Wardlow | 
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- adam hangman page [ f s v ] | o i d | c m x | k l | 
- cash wheeler [ i l s ] | [ m o r ] | c s u | 
- chuck taylor [ j m w ] | [ a d l ] | [ c  v ] | i k w | n u x | 
- darby allin [  k o t ] 
- jack evans [ b t h ] | 
- jon moxley [ a k r ] | 
- jungle boy [ d m o ] | 
- matt jackson [ k q w ] |  [ b d e ] | f i o | u y | c j v | 
- mjf [ s k v ] | b m u | 
- nick jackson [ a b g ] | [ m o ] | c i o | 
- orange cassidy [ f h x ] | [ o ] | [ i p v ] | [ k w ]
- pac [ d m x ] | [ i p u ] | [ f o s ] | 
- santana [ a o q ] | 
- trent beretta [ j m u ] | 
- wardlow [ d j w ] | [ k u ] | [ b m r ] | [ a o v ] | c i p | 
- chad gable [ b o u ] | 
- damien priest [ d i v ] | 
- drew mcintyre [ b e d ] | i p w | 
- jinder mahal [ g i w ] | 
- roman reigns [ c u m ] | 
- timothy thatcher [ c j y ] | f k | d | 
- tyler breeze [ l x y ] | d j u | 
- heath miller [ b e d ] | 
- jay white [ d f k ] | k u m | b j w | 
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264 notes · View notes
inagetawaycarxo · 4 years ago
It’s spooky season.
Got a Halloween request? Send it In
Headcanons, preferences, imagines, oneshots, fics, drabbles, blurbs, smut, angst & fluff.
You can request as many as your heart desires. FEM!READER ONLY!
Create A Candy Wreath
Bob For Apples
Scavenger Hunts
Local Psychic
Palm Reader
Werewolf Tag
Flashlight Tag
Lantern Making
Playdough monsters
Pumpkin Patch
Haunted House
Halloween Costume Party
Corn Maze
Pumpkin Carving
Matching Costumes
Trick Or Treating
Decorating The House
Roleplay According To Costumes
Tricksters Watching
Halloween Candlelit Dinner
Bake Halloween -Inspired Treats
Visit A Haunted Attraction
Go See A Horror Movie
Jump Scare
Scary Stories
Play Sexy/Scary Dress Up
Watch Scary Movies
Late Night Corn Maze
Ghost Tour
Picnic At A Graveyard
Tell Scary Stories By The Campfire
Scary Movie Marathon
Late Night Walk In The Cemetery
Jump In A Pile Of Leaves
Make Candy Apples
Pick Pumpkin From Pumpkin Patch
Bobbing For Alcohol
Camp In The Backyard
Surprise s/o With Sexy Costume
Haunted Hayride
Ghost Hunt
Costume Shopping
Smores By The Fire
Paint Pumpkins
Make Jack O’Lanterns
Road Trip To Spooky Destinations
Alien AU
Angel AU
Affair AU
Amnesia AU
Angel/Demon AU
Apocalypse AU
Assassin AU
Asylum AU
Alien Invasion AU
Alpha/Beta/Omega AU
Betrayal AU
Banshee AU
Blackmail AU
Bonnie & Clyde AU
Cabin In The Woods AU
Castaway AU
Criminal AU
Crossroad Demon AU
Cowgirl AU
Cowboy AU
Criminal And Accomplice AU
Dragon AU
Dark Fantasy AU
Demigod AU
Double Agent AU
Demon AU
Dead/Death AU
Demon Hunter AU
Damsel In Distress AU
Demon Slayer AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Dark Angel AU
Enemies To Lovers AU
Enemies AU
Fantasy AU
Fae AU
Fake Relationship AU
Fake Dating, AU
Fake Marriage AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fairies AU
Fairy AU
Fugitive AU
Fallen Angel AU
Guardian Angel AU
Ghost AU
Greek Gods AU
Genie AU
Goddess AU
God AU
Hero/Villain AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
Hitman AU
Hunter AU
Heat {also known as Mating Cycle} AU
Hunters Dating
Hybrid AU
Horror Film AU
Imaginary Friend AU
Immortal/Human AU
Immortal AU
Incubus AU
Jealousy AU
Kidnapped AU
Lost In Space, AU
Love Affair AU
Love/Hate Relationship AU
Love Triangle AU
Love Spell AU
Love Turns Them Evil AU
Lured Into A Trap AU
Lost In The Woods AU
Mob!Boss AU
Mafia AU
Medium AU
Mutant AU
Mistaken Identity AU
Magic AU
Maid AU
Merman AU
Mermaid AU
Murder Mystery AU
Merpeople AU
Mythological Creatures AU
Mobster AU
Mad Scientist AU
Mythology AU
Medieval AU
Nephlim AU
One Sided Love AU
Outlaw Couple AU
Pirate AU
Protector AU
Prisoner AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Possessed AU
Possessive AU
Roaring 20s AU
Rivals To Lovers AU
Resurrection AU
Rival AU
Reincarnation AU
Runaway AU
Reapers AU
Supernatural AU
Superpowers AU
Secret Identity AU
Secret Admire AU
Spell AU
Soulmates AU
Secret Relationship AU
Spy AU
Space AU
Stalker AU
Stripper AU
Siren AU
Succubus AU
Secret Agent AU
Secret Spy AU
Superhero AU
Telepathy AU
Time Traveller AU
Thief AU
The Little Mermaid AU
Time Travel AU
Time Travelers AU
Unrequited Love AU
Vigilante AU
Vampire/Werewolf AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Vampire AU
Vampire Hunter AU
Villain AU
Weakness Turns On Lover AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Taking The Kids Trick Or Treating
Fandoms I write for
Adam Cole
Aj Styles
Andrade Cien Almas
Buddy Murphy
Bobby Fish
Drew McIntyre
Elias Samson
Finn Balor
Kyle O’Reilly
Roderick Strong
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
The Miz
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Triple H, 
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Billie Kay
Candice LeRae
Charlotte Flair
Dakota Kai
Mickie James
Peyton Royce
Sasha Banks
Stephanie McMahon
Tegan Nox
Zelina Vega
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Sylvie Brett
Gabby Dawson
 Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg Gerwitz
Kevin Atwater
Kim Burgess
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
 Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Ella Lopez
Dan Espinoza
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Sam Wilson
Carol Danvers
 Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
 Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Isaac Lahey
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
 Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
 Freya Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
 Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Bonnie Bennet
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Harry Styles
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jensen Ackles
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XjT59f
by mysticaldream
Words: 5589, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Lucifer (TV), Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Criminal Minds (US TV), Supernatural, Teen Wolf (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, DCU, DC Extended Universe, World Wrestling Entertainment
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Relationships: Klaus Mikaelson/Reader, Elijah Mikaelson/You, Elijah Mikaelson/Reader, Kol Mikaelson/Reader, Hayley Marshall/Reader, Rebekah Mikaelson/Reader, Marcel Gerard/Reader, Davina Claire/Reader, Freya Mikaelson/Reader, Stefan Salvatore/Reader, Damon Salvatore/Reader, Malachai "Kai" Parker/Reader, Malachai "Kai" Parker/You, Katherine Pierce/Reader, Enzo/Reader, Lorenzo "Enzo" St.John/Reader, Tyler Lockwood/Reader, Elena Gilbert/Reader, Caroline Forbes/Reader, Bonnie Bennett/Reader, Lucifer Morningstar/Reader, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/You, Chloe Decker/Reader, Mazikeen/Reader, Mazikeen Smith/Reader, Amenadiel/Reader, Jay Halstead/Reader, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Reader, Adam Ruzek/Reader, Antonio Dawson/Reader, Kevin Atwater/Reader, Kim Burgess/Reader, Erin Lindsay/Reader, Hailey Upton/Reader, Connor Rhodes/Reader, Will Halstead/Reader, Ethan Choi/Reader, Kelly Severide/Reader, Matt Casey/Reader, Sylvie Brett/Reader, Gabby Dawson/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, Spencer Reid/Reader, Luke Alvez/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Jack Kline/Reader, Crowley/Reader, Bruce Wayne/Reader, Diana Prince/Reader, Lena Luthor/Reader, Kara Danvers/Reader, Clark Kent/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Tony Stark/Reader, Thor/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Loki/Reader, Carol Danvers/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Derek Hale/Reader, Peter Hale/Reader, Isaac Lahey/Reader, Malia Tate/Reader, Scott McCall/Reader, Jordan Parrish/Reader, Chris Argent/Reader, Roman Reigns/Reader, The Miz/Reader, Drew McIntyre/Reader, Elias Samson/Reader, andrade cien almas/reader, Jey Uso/Reader, Jimmy Uso/Reader, Triple H/Reader, Adam Cole/Reader, Cesaro/Reader, charlotte flair/reader, Becky Lynch/Reader, Maryse/Reader, Maryse Ouellet/Original Female Character(s), Alexa Bliss/Reader
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Tumblr Prompt, prompts, Reader-Insert, mysticaldream
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XjT59f
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logicstates12 · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Bayley | Davina Rose/Elias Samson Characters: Finn Balor | Prince Devitt, Elias Samson, Bayley | Davina Rose Additional Tags: Late Night Conversations, Demons, Babies, Demonic Possession, Established Relationship, Polyamory, Awkward Conversations, Awkward Tension, Fluff and Angst, Don't worry- it's mild angst Summary:
“We’ve never formally met.” Elias took care in choosing his words. The last thing he ever wanted was to (inadvertently) disrespect The Demon King. "I'm Elias- one of Finn's partners."
Balor slowly turned, his back to the bassinet. He revealed ice blue eyes that Elias had never seen before. With one look, any doubt Elias had flew away.
This was not their Finn.
@Storyranger- Happy belated birthday! Hope this is what you wanted, and I promise it’s not the last time we visit this idea! 
  On the night of their daughter's arrival, Bayley sleeps while Elias has a very interesting conversation with someone he never expected to meet.
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xtinaparade · 8 years ago
Master List of Fics
    Ain’t No Other man
          Characters: AJ Styles x Tina Henderson (OFC)
          Warnings: Fluff, angst, non-cannon, mainly fluff
          Summary: AJ and Christina have been dancing around their attraction for each other since before his divorce. However, neither have acted on it, and AJ and her still remain friends. Their friends see how much they like each other and try and tell the other.  
         Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
    4 AM 
          Characters: AJ Styles x Tina Henderson (I love these two)
          Warnings: angst, cheating, sadness, anger, eventual smut
          Summary: After Ain’t No Other Man, Tina and AJ have been together for a while, when AJ has a night out with the guys that leads to him cheating on his girl. Can AJ win back Tina’s trust, or is their relationship broke forever.
          Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
    Down On Me
          Characters: AJ Styles x Reader
          Warnings:  Daddy kink, smut, AJ Styles smut, basically smut
          Summary: When (Y/N) has been champion for a while, and the pressure is getting to her, AJ Styles steps in to make it better.
          Part 1
    Get On Your Knees
          Characters: AJ Styles x Reader
          Warnings: oral sex, sex toys, smut, control sex, basically smut
          Summary: (Y/N) doesn’t want flowers, wine and dining, or pretty poems. She wants AJ Styles on his knees in front of her, and that is what she gets. 
          One Shot
    Welcome Home
          Characters: AJ Styles x Reader
          Summary: After being a part for a few weeks, (Y/N) was missing her man like crazy. Knowing he was due home that evening, (Y/N) began to send AJ sexy pictures of herself. When AJ gets home, he shows her exactly what he pictures have awoken.  
          Warnings: Daddy Styles, can’t rape the willing, rough sex, multiple orgasms…smut basically smut.  
           One Shot
A Late Christmas Party
          Characters: AJ Styles x Reader
          Summary – AJ Styles and (Y/N) are throwing a late Christmas party, and AJ finally works up the courage to ask (Y/N) an important question.  
          Warnings – fluff, AJ Styles Fluff, proposals, late Christmas party, all amazing fluff
          One Shot
Finn Balor
    Finn’s Nurse
          Characters: Finn Balor x Reader
          Warnings: oral, smut, nipple play, basically smut,
          Summary: Finn has been out for months now, and had the goal of being in the Royal Rumble. At the doctor’s appointment to get clearance for the Pay Per View, Finn’s hopes are dashed, as he can’t be cleared just yet. More depressed then he’s been in weeks, he lets his girl know the bad news in a text, before making his way home to drink away the night. (Y/N) has other plans for her man, and shows up in a sexy barely there nurses outfit, and makes Finn feel better.  Basically smut
          Part 1
    Bang Bang
          Characters: Finn Balor x Reader
          Warnings: oral, possession, angst, smut basically smut
          Summary: It’s know that Finn Balor had a dark side, and he’s a pro at controlling it, most of the time. When Elias Samson touched his girl, Finn lost it, letting Balor out to show who (Y/N) belonged too.
          Part 1
The Shield 
(Dean Ambrose x Roman Reigns x Seth Rollins)
     Four’s Company
          Characters - Dean Ambrose x Roman Reigns x Seth Rollins x OC (Katy)
          Warnings - polyamours and gay relationships, angst, jealousy, ultimate smut, fluff, don’t like this kind of thing don’t read. 
          Summary - Kathryn, or Katy as her friends called her, never felt comfortable in a normal relationship. She tried the whole dating scene in college, but she'd always get bored with the guy. She'd always move on and usually without even telling her current boyfriend. Coming from a particularly religious background, Katy didn't exactly tell her mother her desire to be with more than one man at the same time. The trouble, she soon found out, was not many men felt the same way. Katy learned to keep that desire to herself, and resigned to living alone. Fast forward, Katy is the latest up and coming in ring announcer and interviewer in the WWE, a job that she loves. She gets to travel the world, see wrestling, and hang out with some of the hottest guys she's ever seen. Arriving in 2013, Katy became fast friends with the three men of the Shield, and began to fantasize about not only having sex with all of them, but at the same time. Katy has long known how to keep her fantasies to herself, and never mention them aloud. That is until one night, she went to her friend's birthday party, and a few games of shot roulette later, Katy admitted her fantasy to her good friend, who came to pick her up, Roman Reigns.
          Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Jey Uso
     The Grand Tour
          Characters - Jey Uso x Reader
          Summary - (Y/N) makes her Smackdown Live debut, and soon finds herself being given the backstage tour by the Uso’s. When Jimmy sees the chemistry sparking between his brother, Jey, and (Y/N) Jimmy leaves them alone, to find out where the night goes.
          Warnings - brief wrestling plot, oral sex, flirting, fluff, cuteness
          One Shot
Jeff hardy
    Side to Side
          Characters: Jeff Hardy x OFC
          Warnings: casual sex, angst, friends with benefits, oral sex, nipple play, sex toys, smut, fluff, and more.
          Summary: Perrie is the latest WWE Makeup Artist, and catches the eye of Jeff Hardy. What starts off as fuck buddies, leads to feelings and maybe more, but will the other feel the same?
          Part 1 Part 2
This will be constantly updated as I put out more work. Also check out my blog for a page dedicated to this list of works as well. 
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houndofjustice-imagines · 8 years ago
Fic Recommendation list!
hey guys, I promised you guys a Fic Recommendation list! From this week onwards I’ll post a Fic Recommendation list every Sunday! 
Baron Corbin; SummerSlam Addition (Fluff)
Dash Wilder; Why is there a pregnancy test in the trash? (Fluff) Taking baby to work (Fluff) Drabble 1 (Fluff)
Elias Samson;  Waiting (Suggestive)
Finn Balor; Opps (Fluff)  You’re a Dad (Fluff) Drabble 1 (Smut) The Chase (Fluff) Burn (Angst, Smut)
Jimmy Havoc; Bloody Rose (Fluff)
Jinder Mahal; Such an ass P1 (Smut) Such an ass P2 (Smut) Such an Ass P3 (Smut)
Karl Anderson; The Talk (Fluff)
Mark Andrews; Handlebar hearts (Fluff)
Marty Scurll; Playful Dinner (Suggestive Fluff)
Sami Zayn We might not be the greatest love but we’re pretty good (Fluff) Holding Hands (Fluff)
Samoa Joe; Those are my socks (Fluff)
Seth Rollins;  Drabble 1 (Suggestive)  TJP I’m in love with you (Fluff) Championship comfort (Fluff) Reflection (Fluff)
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years ago
From the Ground Up (Elias imagine)
Truthfully this has been in the works since April, so uh, here we go! Reader owns a ranch and Elias gets hired on a farmhand. This is definitely a slow burn so, uh, good luck! 
WC: 8467 words 
Warnings: this has so much angst, if you’re an AJ Styles stan, you might just wanna leave, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of abuse, Reader gets called sugar and dove, panic attack (kinda, sorta?) 
Tagging: @hardcorewwetrash​ @sporadic-fics​ @renegademustelid​ @neversatisfiedgirl​ @wrestlingfae​
Tumblr media
“Hey, kiddo, you ready to do this!?” Braun called out to me as I locked the barn door for the night, giving my horse, Nutmeg a final pat on the back before letting her rest. I turned and grinned, letting out a whoop of excitement then raced towards my friends. Drew snagged me by my waist and twirled me before I crowed, ”Stop, we’re gonna be late and you know that Hunter hates when we’re late!” 
Laughter peeled around me as we hurried to get situated in the two trucks for tonight’s event. I was a bull rider but couldn’t travel due to the fact that I was keeping my family’s legacy alive. We began pulling away when Bayley waved a hand at me, shouting, ”Hat?” I reached a hand out my window and Kevin threw it to me, my fingers barely snagging it. 
Keep reading
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years ago
What type of request do you do?
concepts, angst, fluff, smut, preferences, fake social media & headcanons, song fics, AU’S, blurbs, drabbles, gif imagines/drabbles, mood boards & aesthetics.
reader insert though!
Also, here is a list for fandoms I write for atm.
Chris Evans
Jensen Ackles
Richard Madden
Jake Gyllenhaal
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
 Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Sylvie Brett
Gabby Dawson
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Jay Halstead
Greg Gerwitz
Adam Ruzek
Antonio Dawson
 Kevin Atwater
Kim Burgess
 Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
 Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Clark Kent
Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, T’Challa, Loki, Wanda, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson, Mj.
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Stefan Salvatore
 Kai Parker
Katherine Pierce
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
 Damon Salvatore
Alaric Saltzman
Tyler Lockwood
Rebekah Mikaelson 
Hayley Marshall
Bonnie Bennet
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Matt Donovan
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Rebekah Mikaelson
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Malia Tate
Scott McCall
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Isaac Lahey
Roman Reigns
The Miz
Drew McIntyre
Elias Samson
Andrade Cien Almas
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Tripe H
Adam Cole
Charlotte Flair
Becky Lynch
Alexa Bliss
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xfirespritex · 8 years ago
Tye Dillinger:
Falling For The Perfect 10:  Told from the point of view of an original female character we follow the ups and downs of dating, and falling in love with, Tye Dillinger.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  
Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7 Chapter 8 
Chapter 9  Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 
Chapter 13  Chapter 14 Epilogue
Tyler Bate:  
Falling Slowly: A Tyler Bate X Reader story.  You meet Tyler while working in a restaurant/bar not far from Full Sail University and, without knowing it, both of you are slowly falling for the other. Some cute awkwardness, some chivalry and some smut for good measure.
Prompt: *evil laugh* This is so much fun!! So… how about a Tyler Bate fluff fest where the reader is Pete’s little sister and is backstage for Pete and Tyler’s match at TakeOver. Tyler is immediately smitten with reader but doesn’t say or do anything out of respect for Pete. But as he and YN become closer, it’s getting hard for both of them to hide their feelings from Pete???
Requested by: @caramara3
Boy: A Tyler Bate X Reader story. Reader is older than Tyler and is concerned with the age difference. insecurities arise, bad communication and a massive misunderstanding make everything come close to falling apart. Can it be fixed?
Sami Zayn:
Freckles & Seashells: A beach day with a bunch of wrestlers turns into much more. Fluff and smut. 
I Can’t Stay Away: Sami and the reader are in a friends with benefits situation but it isn’t enough for the reader. What happens when they have a huge misunderstanding and both are left brokenhearted?
Part 1 Part 2
Confessions in the Dark: Reader is invited to a Halloween Party by Jose. There she learns a lot more than she bargained for about her friend and crush.
My prompts are:
Quote: “ are you shivering cause you’re afraid or…”
Location: party in the woods
Situation:  stories around campfire
Supernatural element: werewolves
Part 1 Part 2
Time to Heal: Y/N meets Sami at physical therapy and while both of them are healing from different injuries they end up falling for one another. A little angst, lots of fluff.
Finn Balor:
Home Alone Tonight: Told from the POV of the reader, what happens when the reader and her ex are at the same bar and Finn Balor comes to the rescue. Fluff and smut.
Part 1 Part 2  
Ruin the Friendship:  Request by @ caramara3: 
First of all.... YAY!!!!! I am so happy that you're back to writing again!! I've missed you so much!!!! AND... I am dying for some Finn Balor angst smut!!! I've been listening to Demi Lovato's "Ruin The Friendship" and all I can think about is Finn. Let's say Finn and the reader have been friends for years and he starting crushing on her. But he sees her "flirting" with another superstar (Samoa Joe?) and gets jealous. They fight and don't talk for a while until she confronts him. Smut ensues.
Mistletoe and Eggnog:  Requested by @lclb13
may I request a Finn Balor one shot where Y/N goes to see her cousin Karl during the Christmas Raw event and she bumps into Finn , her long time crush? The feelings after so long come rushing back and the two just finally get together? Maybe some angsty smut between them?
A Warm Embrace: Requested by @blueblazezz
I would love a Finn fluff where he is being so sweet and helpful around the house even making you a bubble bath due to you being in crappy achy mood from your period.
A Confession: Requested by @caramara3
Soooo I know you have like a billion fic requests already, but.... I had an idea that only you could possibly bring to life!! It's a Finn piece with angst, fluff, and smut!! Y/N is OGBC and has had a huge crush on Finn since the beginning. When Cathy dumps him, she decides to finally tell him how she feels, but he doesn't really respond the way she expected. It's not until she, Gallows, & Anderson are moved to SD that he realizes just how much he truly does love her.
Mojo Rawley:
Let Her Go :  When the reader gets an unexpected visitor one night in the form of her longtime friend Mojo Rawley they hash out their feelings.
Trent Seven:
Wildfire :  A year after their breakup Trent Seven comes to the reader, hoping for a reconciliation. Still friends but still feeling burned she has her doubts. Will she let him redeem himself? 
A Glass with Dessert: Requested by @ellothelongwaydown
Can I request this prompt “Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” With Trent Seven? (Is this an okay format?) 😘
Stay the Night
This is my submission to the lovely 2K followers challenge by @theworldiscolorful
My Prompt: #53 “Will you stay the night?”
Adam Cole:
Love Me Harder: Based on an unofficial request from @hiitsmecharlie​after I posted about maybe opening requests. If this goes well I’ll consider opening requests.
"He falls for (y/n) and he’s flirty towards her but she’s a shy girl and she doesn’t open up easily, and is nothing like the women he’s used to, only one night stands, so he needs to step up his game and fight for her."
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3
Seth Rollins:
Comeback: A barbecue at Roman’s house causes old flames to run into each other. There’s a lot to sort out before they can move forward.
Tell Me You Love Me: So.... I have another idea. I don't know what it is about Demi Lovato, but she is just giving me great ideas! "Tell Me You Love Me" and ANGST ANGST ANGST!!! Seth and the reader are fwb's and while he wants to make it more, she is scared to make it official. They're all out one night and he sees her dancing with some guy and gets pissed. They fight and it ends with him saying "tell me you love me..."Requested by: @ caramara3
Part 1 Part 2
More than Friends:
OMG YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Seth Rollins. Seth and (Y/N) have been best friends for years, he has had feelings for her all that time and is just so sweet and cute to her. He gets jealous when she accepts to go out on a date with Baron. Roman tries to enter some sense into him. Angsty/fluff (you know me haha), maybe smutty. Hope this is clear. Thank you! Requested by @heeltothequeen
Corey Graves:
Leave Your Mark: A visit to the tattoo shop in Corey’s hometown leads to the reader and Corey growing closer. But, how close is too close and when will the truth come out?
Sunshine and Sugar:  Hello!! If you wouldn't mind I'd like to request a story!! I can't make up my mind between Aleister Black and Corey Graves, but I think something cute and fluffy for either would be nice!!! Thank you so much!! Oh! I really like cuddles and head kisses!!! Early mornings just waking up and tracing tattoos... I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!!! I'm sure it'll be spectacular!! Thank you!!!
Requested by: @vampire-kitty13
TJ Perkins
More Than a Game: Reader and TJ are friends but when he sees her in a new light he decides he wants to know more. Will this work out or ruin their friendship?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pete Dunne:
This Means War:  Pete and the reader run into each other a year after you had a fling that was both intense but neither of you had put a label on it. You’d let it die slowly, no real closure but no real wounds. Pete approaches the reader for another chance.
Jealous: The reader has feelings for Pete but he seems to like things the way they are. What happens when jealousy rears its ugly head and it makes both parties confess things they didn’t dare to previously?
Safe:  Ok so I have another idea but I don't know if you would write it though. It deals with the reader being in an abusive relationship and Pete Dunne sorta rescuing her from it. How about if the reader is getting back into the whole dating scene after getting out of an abusive relationship and Trent and Tyler set her up on a blind date with Pete? And say maybe one night they're all out and she sees her ex and Pete goes into full protect mode followed by some fluffy smut? 
Requested by @caramara3
Tommaso Ciampa:
New In Town: Based on an unofficial request from @sonjashuterbugjohnson
“Y/N is at a bar and this guy won’t leave her alone, keeps trying to buy her drinks. She goes up to Tommaso and his group, asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend, things go from there”
The Road Less Traveled: Requested by @ sonjashuterbugjohnson
Hello! I have a request hopefully it’s not a rambling mess. Y/N and Tommaso Ciampa have a love hate relationship. They are forced to ride together and get snowed in at the hotel. Sharing a room/Bed confessions of feeling all the hits! As smutty as you are comfortable with.
So In Love With Two:
Story Summary:
Prompt: Y/N and Tommaso used to date but had a bad break up. They still have feelings for each other Y/n decides to move on he does not take that well. Jealousy Angst arguing and Make up sex......... (And with further elaboration and discussion) Yes! She and Tommaso used to date but she starts to get close to Johnny over the loss of him. She realizes that there are feelings for both poly for everyone!  (She moves in with Johnny after the breakup). 
Johnny X Reader X Tommaso
Requested by @sonjashuterbugjohnson​
Dean Ambrose:
Weathering The Storm:
Part of the Dog Days of Summer Fic Writing Challenge by @sammiielli and @fan-fiction-galore
Summary: Dean Ambrose x Reader.  Prompts below:
Quote: “I will go through you if I have to- I am leaving.” 
Location: Lakefront cottage
Situation: Power outage and stranded
 Baron Corbin:
Dancing with The Wolf:
Story Summary: Baron Corbin and the reader are sort-of friends. What happens when they grow closer and Corey is all for his friends getting together?
Part 1 Part 2
Need You
Story Summary: Set the night Neville loses the title to Enzo. Reader goes to comfort Neville. 
Elias Samson
Eye on You
Story Summary: Anon Request -- Hey! Could you write a fluff where Elias has had his eyes on you ever since you came up to the main roster. And that he seems to be there when all the other wrestlers would flirt with you but they would stop as soon as he got there. And then he confesses his feelings to you. Yikes. This sounded better in my head. I understand if you don’t want to write it. But thanks anyway 😘 you’re an incredible writer.
A Gentleman’s Invitation
Prompt:  Hey! I love your writing so much! Could I request an Elias story where y/n (plus size if you can) has a huge crush on him and all her friends know about it and they always try to push them together but they never succeed until one day there’s a long plane ride where the only empty seat is next to Elias and while at first flustered they have a great conversation but y/n falls asleep on his shoulder and he wakes her up at the end and she’s embarrassed about it but he says she looked cute sleeping.
Requested by Anonymous
Beautiful on You
Prompt:  I just thought of an Elias fic, if this is up your alley. I’ve noticed he wears a lot of floral scarves so maybe the reason he wears them is his signal to his girl that he’s thinking of her? Or maybe it started as a joke between them and now she just keeps getting him floral scarves and he just wears them because she got them for him? And if you care to make it smutty instead of just fluffy maybe they can use one of his scarves as a restraint or a blindfold? Sorry if this idea is a mess.
Requested by @secretagentfangirl
Andrade Cien Almas
My Champion
Story Summary: Can you try writing for Andrade? l know you haven’t written him yet but I’m sure it will come out great if the inspiration hits. l was thinking a fic that’s fluffy and angsty (smut optional or even implied) that takes place just after he won the NXT championship and the reader is feeling a little threatened by his working relationship with Zelina Vega (because she’s gorgeous and was there for him immediately after winning and there was that time he was “known” for being a party boy/player) 
Requested by @secretagentfangirl
Johnny Gargano
So In Love With Two:
Story Summary:
Prompt: Y/N and Tommaso used to date but had a bad break up. They still have feelings for each other Y/n decides to move on he does not take that well. Jealousy Angst arguing and Make up sex......... (And with further elaboration and discussion) Yes! She and Tommaso used to date but she starts to get close to Johnny over the loss of him. She realizes that there are feelings for both poly for everyone!  (She moves in with Johnny after the breakup).
Johnny X Reader X Tommaso
Requested by @sonjashuterbugjohnson
Drew Gulak
Take Me Home
Story Summary: 
Y/N and Drew Gulak have been friends for a long time and while her crush lingers she is glad to be his friend and by his side through all the ups and downs. After his loss to Mustafa Ali in Dallas on March 20th Drew is brokenhearted. Even more so when the flight home to Philadelphia to see his family is canceled. Y/N sees a chance to help her friend so she alters her plans to help him out. How will this change their relationship?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Kyle O’Reilly
Strong and Faithful
Prompt: Hey! I was wondering if you could write me something?  I would love a Kyle O’Reilly one because there’s hardly anything on here for him. I was thinking maybe she’s dating Adam but she’s always been in love with Kyle and he’s always been in love with her but neither of them know that and then she finds out Adam cheated on her and goes and gets really drunk or something with a bunch of other wrestlers and her and Kyle are dancing really sexy with each other and maybe leads to smut and a confession. If you don’t wanna write smut that’s okay I can try and think of something else? I love your writing by the way!
Requested by: @shieldgirl95
Roman Reigns
Prompt: Hmm... let me think. I'm kinda thinking about maybe some angst fluff smut with Roman Reigns. Only if that's ok with you. Maybe he and the reader broke up a few years ago because he couldn't commit to her. Now she's started a 'fling' with Jason Jordan. RoRo gets jealous seeing them, makes a scene, and the reader goes to his room to confront him about it. Feelings are revealed, fluffy stuff followed by smutty things maybe???
Requested by: @caramara3
Remember When
I need some Ricochet fics in my life like you have NO IDEA!!!! Ok so here's the idea: both the reader and Ricochet had a thing way back in the indies but it ended once the reader got signed to WWE. So when they see each other again for the first time since at TakeOver: War Games, he meets up with her back at her hotel room to talk about them and why they ended it. Things escalate quickly and smut ensues back at reader's hotel room.
Requested by: @caramara3
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deepdisireslonging · 6 years ago
@xladyxfatex here are those series (each chapter should link to the next at the end of the chapter): 
To Love the Sea: A smut-centered Pirate!AU where the wench!Reader is taken on an adventure by Captain Loki. But Commodore Thor comes to “rescue” her and she has a choice to make. 
Promises: The Reader and Loki made a pact when they were young that if they weren’t married by a certain age, they would marry each other. As Y/N gets older, though, Loki isn’t sure she can wait as her parents try to arrange a match. Will she allow him to mischievously interfere, even when he begins to think she’s in actual danger? (No smut)
Nowhere to Run: (Smut, angst, Still ongoing) The reader and Steve Rogers are in a relationship, but then he finds out she’s behind an explosion downtown. If that’s not bad enough, the reader can’t figure out what went set the explosion off as bad as it did... until she gets back to her lair. 
Consequences: Winchester Boxer!AU. The reader gets sucked into the world of fixed boxing when she meets Dean “Raisin’ Cain” Winchester. She inspires him to fight out. But what can they do when Raphael starts threatening everyone Dean holds dear? (No smut)
Sister in Arms: The reader swoops in to help her old friend, Finn Balor, againt Bray Wyatt. She starts to butt heads with Elias too, in a flirty-but-I’ll-kick-your-ass kind of way. When Sister Abagail needs a vessel, the reader is the successful top option. Finn and Elias disagree on how to bring the reader back. (No smut) 
Betrayal at Every Turn: (Ongoing) Serena has everything going for her. She’s on the rise in the women’s division, and she’s made powerful allies. Like Elias Samson. Together, they are set to take the Raw roster by storm. But in their path is Samoa Joe. The Submission Master is observant enough to know some things aren’t as sure as they appear. When Serena’s world shatters, is she willing to accept help to pick up the pieces? Can she trust anyone? (No smut)
And if you want a giant WWE series...
Family Found: (50 Chapters) When Y/N joins the journalism crew of WWE, she is trying to make a name for herself. Then her missing past begins to catch up to her, and she finds herself capable of filling a void she never thought could be filled again. (No Smut)
I also recommend anything by @concussed-to-pieces because they are amazing at world-building. The fics are longer, and they don’t include a word count, but oh my gosh you will not mind! They write for several fandoms. Here’s their wrestling master list: Here.
I am utterly bored! Does anyone have or knows someone whom has a multi part fanfiction I can read? It can be anything but preferably one of the following
The Walking Dead
Arrow/The Flash
The Boondock Saints
Sons of Anarchy
Can also be AU if its available.
@theworldofotps @sassymox @trent7thirsting @neversatisfiedgirlfics @sjwrites22 @queenofthearchitect @let-me-love-you-loki @writing-reigns @gold--gucciempress @kittysilver86 @xprincessofthefallenangels @deepdisireslonging
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logicstates12 · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bayley | Davina Rose/Elias Samson Characters: Bayley | Davina Rose, Elias Samson Additional Tags: Werewolves, Reconciliation, Established Relationship, Breaking Up & Making Up, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Angst, Fluff, Supernatural Elements Summary:
He hadn't expected to be waking up to someone pounding on his front door the morning after the full moon. But here he was, crawling out of bed at 6:17 AM, the pounding continuing as he slithered out between the sheet.
“Thought I'd come back."
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XjT59f
by mysticaldream
Words: 5589, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Lucifer (TV), Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Criminal Minds (US TV), Supernatural, Teen Wolf (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, DCU, DC Extended Universe, World Wrestling Entertainment
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Relationships: Klaus Mikaelson/Reader, Elijah Mikaelson/You, Elijah Mikaelson/Reader, Kol Mikaelson/Reader, Hayley Marshall/Reader, Rebekah Mikaelson/Reader, Marcel Gerard/Reader, Davina Claire/Reader, Freya Mikaelson/Reader, Stefan Salvatore/Reader, Damon Salvatore/Reader, Malachai "Kai" Parker/Reader, Malachai "Kai" Parker/You, Katherine Pierce/Reader, Enzo/Reader, Lorenzo "Enzo" St.John/Reader, Tyler Lockwood/Reader, Elena Gilbert/Reader, Caroline Forbes/Reader, Bonnie Bennett/Reader, Lucifer Morningstar/Reader, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/You, Chloe Decker/Reader, Mazikeen/Reader, Mazikeen Smith/Reader, Amenadiel/Reader, Jay Halstead/Reader, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Reader, Adam Ruzek/Reader, Antonio Dawson/Reader, Kevin Atwater/Reader, Kim Burgess/Reader, Erin Lindsay/Reader, Hailey Upton/Reader, Connor Rhodes/Reader, Will Halstead/Reader, Ethan Choi/Reader, Kelly Severide/Reader, Matt Casey/Reader, Sylvie Brett/Reader, Gabby Dawson/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, Spencer Reid/Reader, Luke Alvez/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Jack Kline/Reader, Crowley/Reader, Bruce Wayne/Reader, Diana Prince/Reader, Lena Luthor/Reader, Kara Danvers/Reader, Clark Kent/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Tony Stark/Reader, Thor/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Loki/Reader, Carol Danvers/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Derek Hale/Reader, Peter Hale/Reader, Isaac Lahey/Reader, Malia Tate/Reader, Scott McCall/Reader, Jordan Parrish/Reader, Chris Argent/Reader, Roman Reigns/Reader, The Miz/Reader, Drew McIntyre/Reader, Elias Samson/Reader, andrade cien almas/reader, Jey Uso/Reader, Jimmy Uso/Reader, Triple H/Reader, Adam Cole/Reader, Cesaro/Reader, charlotte flair/reader, Becky Lynch/Reader, Maryse/Reader, Maryse Ouellet/Original Female Character(s), Alexa Bliss/Reader
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Tumblr Prompt, prompts, Reader-Insert, mysticaldream
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XjT59f
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ao3feed-twfemslash · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XjT59f
by mysticaldream
Words: 5589, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Lucifer (TV), Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Criminal Minds (US TV), Supernatural, Teen Wolf (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, DCU, DC Extended Universe, World Wrestling Entertainment
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Relationships: Klaus Mikaelson/Reader, Elijah Mikaelson/You, Elijah Mikaelson/Reader, Kol Mikaelson/Reader, Hayley Marshall/Reader, Rebekah Mikaelson/Reader, Marcel Gerard/Reader, Davina Claire/Reader, Freya Mikaelson/Reader, Stefan Salvatore/Reader, Damon Salvatore/Reader, Malachai "Kai" Parker/Reader, Malachai "Kai" Parker/You, Katherine Pierce/Reader, Enzo/Reader, Lorenzo "Enzo" St.John/Reader, Tyler Lockwood/Reader, Elena Gilbert/Reader, Caroline Forbes/Reader, Bonnie Bennett/Reader, Lucifer Morningstar/Reader, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/You, Chloe Decker/Reader, Mazikeen/Reader, Mazikeen Smith/Reader, Amenadiel/Reader, Jay Halstead/Reader, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Reader, Adam Ruzek/Reader, Antonio Dawson/Reader, Kevin Atwater/Reader, Kim Burgess/Reader, Erin Lindsay/Reader, Hailey Upton/Reader, Connor Rhodes/Reader, Will Halstead/Reader, Ethan Choi/Reader, Kelly Severide/Reader, Matt Casey/Reader, Sylvie Brett/Reader, Gabby Dawson/Reader, Derek Morgan/Reader, Spencer Reid/Reader, Luke Alvez/Reader, Dean Winchester/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Castiel/Reader, Jack Kline/Reader, Crowley/Reader, Bruce Wayne/Reader, Diana Prince/Reader, Lena Luthor/Reader, Kara Danvers/Reader, Clark Kent/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Tony Stark/Reader, Thor/Reader, Bruce Banner/Reader, T'Challa/Reader, Loki/Reader, Carol Danvers/Reader, Sam Wilson/Reader, Derek Hale/Reader, Peter Hale/Reader, Isaac Lahey/Reader, Malia Tate/Reader, Scott McCall/Reader, Jordan Parrish/Reader, Chris Argent/Reader, Roman Reigns/Reader, The Miz/Reader, Drew McIntyre/Reader, Elias Samson/Reader, andrade cien almas/reader, Jey Uso/Reader, Jimmy Uso/Reader, Triple H/Reader, Adam Cole/Reader, Cesaro/Reader, charlotte flair/reader, Becky Lynch/Reader, Maryse/Reader, Maryse Ouellet/Original Female Character(s), Alexa Bliss/Reader
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Tumblr Prompt, prompts, Reader-Insert, mysticaldream
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XjT59f
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