#Electronic Scales Market Growth
electronalytics · 1 year
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gonzalez756 · 25 days
12 Advantages and Disadvantages of ECommerce | Imagency Media
The rapid growth of eCommerce has transformed the way businesses operate, bringing both remarkable advantages and notable challenges. Understanding these can help businesses leverage eCommerce to its fullest potential or address its drawbacks effectively. Let’s dive into 12 key advantages and disadvantages of eCommerce.
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Advantages of eCommerce
Global Reach eCommerce breaks down geographical barriers, allowing businesses to reach customers worldwide. This expansive reach helps businesses tap into new markets and grow their customer base beyond local limitations.
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Lower Operational Costs Running an online store can be significantly cheaper than maintaining a physical storefront. Costs like rent, utilities, and staffing are greatly reduced, allowing businesses to reinvest savings into marketing and product development.
24/7 Availability Unlike traditional stores, eCommerce sites operate round the clock. This availability caters to customers in different time zones, providing a seamless shopping experience anytime, anywhere.
Personalization and Customer Experience eCommerce platforms can gather data on customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, allowing businesses to offer personalized recommendations and improve the overall shopping experience.
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Easy Scaling and Growth Scaling an online business is much simpler than expanding a brick-and-mortar store. Adding new products or services, targeting new demographics, and adjusting to market demands can be done quickly and efficiently.
Enhanced Marketing Opportunities Digital marketing strategies such as social media advertising, email marketing, and SEO are particularly effective for eCommerce. These channels allow businesses to target specific audiences and track results in real-time.
Disadvantages of eCommerce
Lack of Personal Touch Despite technological advances, online shopping often lacks the personal interaction found in physical stores. This absence of human touch can make it harder to build customer loyalty.
Security and Privacy Concerns With the rise in cybercrime, protecting customer data is a major concern for eCommerce businesses. Ensuring robust security measures is critical but can be costly and complex.
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Dependence on Technology eCommerce heavily relies on technology, including websites, payment gateways, and software. Technical glitches, downtime, or slow-loading pages can lead to lost sales and damage to the brand’s reputation.
High Competition and Price Wars The ease of starting an online store has led to increased competition, making it difficult for smaller businesses to stand out. Price wars are common, often squeezing profit margins.
Shipping and Logistics Challenges While eCommerce allows businesses to reach a global audience, shipping products efficiently can be complex and costly. Issues like delayed deliveries, high shipping fees, and logistics mishaps can affect customer satisfaction.
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Difficulty in Handling Returns and Refunds Returns are more prevalent in eCommerce, especially in fashion and electronics sectors. Handling returns and refunds can be costly and time-consuming, often eroding profit margins.
eCommerce offers vast opportunities for growth, flexibility, and global reach, but it also comes with challenges that businesses must address. By understanding these advantages and disadvantages, companies can better strategize and create a seamless, customer-friendly eCommerce experience.
Contact us
Imagency Media can help you navigate the eCommerce landscape, providing expert insights and tailored solutions to maximize your online success.
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kutlaytelli · 8 months
Financial Technologies and Law
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One needs to bear in mind that technology-related improvements have been a hot topic over the past few years around the globe. Traditional financial services have been rendered more globally, more cheaply, more accessible, more easily and more quickly by virtue of digital service providers. In a nutshell, FinTech has been undergoing a major transformation that also directly changes our lives. It is a living phenomenon. Tech-owned payment systems revolutionize and reshape the whole financial environment all over the world. The main intention of this book is to present a comprehensive FinTech guidance to all interested parties, especially entrepreneurs, investors and competent national authorities. It is intended to clarify the changing nature and current structure of contactless payment systems. Although tech-driven models support the facilitation of economic growth and improvement of financial inclusion on the global scale, they give rise to severe hardships in terms of financial stability and integrity. This available research, thus, further offers comprehensive observations about emerging risks and challenges associated with the e-payment financial markets. It is displayed that multifaceted aspects of electronic payment phenomena raise a variety of regulatory needs together with proper supervision over FinTech. Most jurisdictions have already improved legislation for FinTech but there are certain emerging challenges. Additionally, this book focuses on an adequate synthesis of the articulation of FinTech regulations in the light of universal principles. The available research also contributes to identifying the outcomes of supervisory authorities’ intervention and the involvement of judicial institutions in the tech-driven improvement.
My book is available online here: https://scholarpublishing.org/sse/eb351/
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solarpunkbusiness · 3 months
startup opportunity? only as a business at scale
Gold recycling up 9 per cent in 2023
At 3,644.4 tonnes, gold mining in 2023 reached its second-highest level ever after the record year of 2018. Total gold production rose by 3 per cent compared to the previous year, only one third of which was due to mine production. The other two thirds are attrubutable to strong growth in gold recycling, up 9 per cent year-on-year in 2023. However, last year’s increased momentum in the more climate and environmentally friendly recovery of gold, which further increased over the first months of 2024, is only subordinately due to growing environmental awareness.
High gold price and liquidity bottlenecks fuel recycling
Of the 350.8 tonnes of gold recycled in the first quarter of 2024, a significant part came from China, where the economic after-effects of 2023 are still leading to above-average sales of gold jewellery by private households. Recycling volumes increased more slowly in other Asian countries such as India. Europe and the US saw hardly any private sales of scrap gold to improve household liquidity. Rather, it was the sharp rise in the gold price that proved the main motivation to sell jewellery. Since the gold price rally picked up in March and April, the World Gold Council’s market experts forecast a strong increase in the sale of scrap gold and therefore in recycling in the coming months.
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mariacallous · 2 months
On July 26, Russia’s Central Bank decided to raise the key interest rate from 16 to 18 percent. This decision was driven by unexpectedly high lending rates that previous regulatory measures had failed to curb. Russians are borrowing money and spending more, leading to a surge in prices. Inflation over the past year reached nine percent, far exceeding the government’s target of four percent. Meduza explains just how indebted Russians are and if this surge in lending is a serious issue for the authorities.
Why are Russians taking out loans?
According to Russia’s Central Bank, the volume of loans issued in the country has been steadily increasing since the spring of 2022. A few days after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the bank raised its key rate to a prohibitive 20 percent, effectively halting all lending. However, it soon began bringing it back down. In April of that year, banks across the country issued loans totaling 859 billion rubles ($9.9 billion); by December, this figure had grown to two trillion ($23.1 billion).
In mid-2023, the Central Bank began raising the key rate again. Russians, realizing that loans were becoming more expensive, started applying for them sooner, causing overall loan volumes to jump to 2.4 trillion rubles ($27.8 billion) per month. This growth continued into 2024, driven by further government measures. Early this year, Russian authorities discussed curtailing preferential programs, primarily subsidized mortgages (a highly advantageous program for borrowers: while market rates were around 20 percent, the government offered loans at eight percent). Additionally, the Central Bank signaled a potential key rate increase. In response, Russians rushed to secure loans before rates increased. While the Central Bank has yet to release its official June report, analysts from Frank RG estimated that the volume of loans issued to individuals in that month increased by 13.74 percent (up 202.1 billion rubles, or $2.3 billion, compared to May 2024).
Another significant factor is income growth. Central Bank Head Elvira Nabiullina noted that people take out loans because “they’re confident in their future incomes” and feel they can “finance an improved life now.” According to Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), real disposable incomes grew by more than five percent in 2023 and continued to grow in 2024. Independent analysts indirectly confirmed this, noting that consumer confidence indices are near historical highs.
The main driver of this income growth is the rapid increase in wages across many sectors of the Russian economy. As of April this year, nominal wages at large and medium-sized companies increased on average by 17 percent compared to April 2023, while real wages, adjusted for inflation, rose by 8.5 percent. Russian companies have to raise wages to attract employees as there’s a severe labor shortage in the job market.
Wages are growing fastest in industries fulfilling government defense orders. For example, in the production of “metal products” (as non-classified military goods are referred to in official statistics), wages increased by 24 percent in the span of a year. In the production of electronic products, which are also mainly supplied to the Russian army, wages rose by 28 percent.
As of May 2024, Russians owed banks more than 35.2 trillion rubles (over $408 billion). According to Meduza’s calculations, this represents an increase of nearly 22 percent in just one year. However, it’s not a record figure: in April, the amount owed was 36.6 trillion rubles ($423.6 billion). The payday loan segment grew even more rapidly, increasing by 28 percent in 2023, with Russians taking out 900 billion rubles ($10.4 billion) in loans. This growth continued into the first quarter of 2024, although the average loan amount remains around 10,000 rubles ($117).
Consumer lending has grown by 18 percent year-on-year, which economists attribute to the popularity of credit cards. Additionally, car loans have increased by 26 percent since the beginning of the year, which isn’t surprising given the record low availability of cars. Even pawnshops are showing positive trends: while there isn’t an increase in contracts, the average sum paid out gone up due to the rise in cost of precious metals.
As a result, the number of Russians with loans has reached 50 million. This is 40 percent of the country’s adult population. Over a quarter of these borrowers have more than three simultaneous loans, according to the Scoring Bureau credit history bureau. And that’s not the limit: 8.6 percent have taken out five or more loans, and the share of such debtors has doubled in two years.
One explanation is the popularity of mortgages. Eight out of 10 people with a mortgage also took out an additional loan, either for the down payment or for renovations. However, Scoring Bureau, attributes the increase to something else: the growing popularity of credit cards. In Russia, 27 million people have opened 91 million credit cards. Still, Central Bank representatives have expressed concern over the high level of indebtedness among Russians and mentioned “extreme cases,” including one person with 27 loans.
So Russians are saddled with debt?
Although more Russians are taking out loans, the average debt burden of the population — the share of household income spent on loan repayments — has remained relatively stable over the past few years. The Central Bank publishes data on this twice a year, and in the latest report from April, it noted that while the average debt burden has increased, it hovers around 11.2 percent. By comparison, in the first quarter of 2022, the average was even higher, peaking at 12.1 percent, and has since fluctuated within a two-percentage-point range. However, it’s important to note that this is an average, and some borrowers’ debt burden is significantly higher. Currently, 56 percent of borrowers in Russia have a debt burden of over 50 percent.
Another indicator of financial stability is the share of so-called bad debts — those with payments overdue by more than 90 days. In the consumer sector, this remains stable and doesn’t exceed eight percent, according to the Central Bank. According to a forecast from the ACRA rating agency, in 2024, the share of overdue debt in banks’ retail portfolios will not exceed three to four percent. The online lending service Moneyman calculated that Russians who take out payday loans actually repay their debts early in 43 percent of cases.
Frank RG analysts confirmed that the level of overdue debt and indebtedness indicators aren’t increasing. They pointed out that the ratio of the retail credit portfolio to GDP doesn’t exceed 30 percent, whereas in developed countries, the figure can reach up to 100 percent. Ivan Uklein, director of bank ratings at the Expert RA agency, believes that demographic factors alone may be driving the increase in the number of loans: in his opinion, Russia’s “boomer generation,” unaccustomed to living on credit, is starting to make way for bolder millennials
Of course, there are also skeptics. The Communist Party (KPRF) described the level of indebtedness as “catastrophic” and called for a credit amnesty for families with children. The Central Bank has identified problematic mortgage practices, with banks issuing loans to borrowers who already had a high debt burden. Kommersant reported that problematic credit card debt is at an all-time high in Russia, though the publication clarified that this growth is proportional to the increase in the number of credit cards issued. And RBC pointed to the slow but steady growth of debts involving bankrupt or deceased borrowers, where collection is impossible.
Indeed, personal bankruptcies have increased. The Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting predicts this trend will continue, as current rates prevent borrowers from taking out new loans to repay old ones. According to a survey by the Higher School of Economics, 70 percent of large families in Russia have loans, often can’t save money, and are sometimes forced to forgo essentials due to a lack of funds. The Federal Tax Service also reported issues, stating that 1.3 trillion rubles ($15 billion) in payments for 2023 were overdue.
Is the government worried?
The main risk lies with borrowers who have a high debt burden, those who spend 50 or even 80 percent of their salary on loan repayments. Elizaveta Danilova, the head of the Central Bank’s financial stability department, explained: “When the economy is doing well, [when] there’s work, and wages are rising, people with a high debt burden manage to cope. During crises, everything changes. We saw this during the pandemic. There were many requests for loan payment deferrals and those with the highest debt burdens and off-the-books incomes faced the greatest challenges.”
Last year, the Central Bank set limits on how much banks and payday loan organizations can lend to high-risk clients. Under the updated rules, that amount can be zero in some cases. As a result, the share of new contracts with high-risk borrowers fell to 14 percent in the first quarter of 2024, down from 36 percent in 2022. Additionally, banks must now inform such borrowers about potential risks and difficulties, even if they plan to take out less than 10,000 rubles ($117). For payday loans, the total cost of credit, including principle and interest, has been capped at 292 percent per annum.
The financial authorities claim that the current debt burden of Russians “looks acceptable.” The focus is on gradually slowing down lending: preferential mortgages ended on July 1, and market rates should deter borrowers. Developers have reported that demand for new apartments has already slowed by 14 to 30 percent. Egor Susin, the managing director at Gazprombank Private Banking, wrote that similar trends can be expected in other areas: construction plays an important role in business loans, and consumer loans were growing because people needed to cover down payments.
A survey conducted by Sravni showed that two-thirds of Russians have put off buying real estate due to the end of preferential programs. The United Credit Bureau noted a slowdown in car loans after a recent peak, which was also driven by government support measures. VTB Bank expects a decrease in demand for consumer loans, and Russian banks’ profits have been falling for the second month in a row. Meanwhile, the Russian State Duma is preparing for a possible crisis. Deputies have passed a bill that will safeguard a bankrupt individual’s only home from being seized, even if it’s mortgaged.
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spookysaladchaos · 3 months
Global top 13 companies accounted for 66% of Total Frozen Spring Roll market(qyresearch, 2021)
The table below details the Discrete Manufacturing ERP revenue and market share of major players, from 2016 to 2021. The data for 2021 is an estimate, based on the historical figures and the data we interviewed this year.
Major players in the market are identified through secondary research and their market revenues are determined through primary and secondary research. Secondary research includes the research of the annual financial reports of the top companies; while primary research includes extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts such as experienced front-line staffs, directors, CEOs and marketing executives. The percentage splits, market shares, growth rates and breakdowns of the product markets are determined through secondary sources and verified through the primary sources.
According to the new market research report “Global Discrete Manufacturing ERP Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Discrete Manufacturing ERP market size is projected to reach USD 9.78 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 10.6% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Frozen Spring Roll Market Size (US$ Mn), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Frozen Spring Roll Top 13 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Discrete Manufacturing ERP include Visibility, Global Shop Solutions, SYSPRO, ECi Software Solutions, abas Software AG, IFS AB, QAD Inc, Infor, abas Software AG, ECi Software Solutions, etc. In 2021, the global top five players had a share approximately 66.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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thosearentcrimes · 1 year
In the 1970s and 80s there was a chain of electronics stores in the New York media market that became quite famous for its over-the-top commercials. They hadn't invented that style of ad (which, as far as I can tell, rose and fell with the independent or small chain retail market), consisting of a very excited "insane" guy with a catchphrase about prices (His Prices Are INSAAAAANE!), but they flooded the Tri-State area airwaves with it.
I'm not really talking about this company because of their advertising, except in the sense that I am familiar with this company because my father told me the story of the ads once, while mentioning that he got some suspiciously cheap but good electronics there. You see, Crazy Eddie, named after primary ringleader Eddie Antar, was also a criminal enterprise and a fraud. According to one of the participants, Sam E. "Sammy" Antar, whose detailed and presumably highly misleading account of the case is available on his amazingly-named website White Collar Fraud, it had always been engaging in fraudulent accounting.
From its humble beginnings as a private company, profits were skimmed and employees were paid under the table, allowing the Antar family to, ah, manage their tax obligations. My understanding is that neither of these practices is or was particularly uncommon in the world of brick-and-mortar retail.
Now, as Crazy Eddie expanded, it became less and less reasonable to engage in petty fraud at that scale. What they had to do next was stop committing tax fraud. Not only would that allow them to avoid getting caught doing tax fraud, by progressively skimming less of the profit they would be able to appear to achieve an impressive rate of growth. This was all in preparation for the smart bit of the scheme, going public.
This is how it works. Stocks trade speculatively at a significant multiple of earnings. This means that if you control and own most of a company, if you can dump your own money into your company and then sell a significant amount of your stock, you can still easily come out well ahead. Soon, the Antars were painstakingly laundering money they had sucked out of Crazy Eddie while it was privately held back into the company past the not particularly vigilant auditors in order to look good to the financial markets.
Eventually the scheme started falling apart socially and financially, and the company suffered a hostile takeover from a competitor who subsequently found that there was $40 million less inventory than advertised. Caveat Emptor, I guess. Eddie Antar tried to flee to Israel but was extradited, upon later getting out of prison he tried to start another electronics retailer called Crazy Eddie, which surprisingly didn't work. Sammy Antar turned state's evidence and is now a fed-lite.
Why am I saying all this, why am I pointing out this particular case? Well, obviously it's because I think there are a lot of modern-day Antars running around making a lot of money, and presumably a lot of their CFOs are also going to flip and reinvent themselves as forensic auditors once they get caught. I assume most startups are somewhat more legal than anything Crazy Eddie did, but many of the market principles remain the same. In fact, corporate lawyers have developed more and more ways to do the same things the Antars did legitimately.
It is ironic that stealing from their own company was worthwhile for the Antars so long as the company was a serious business for them, albeit one that they were operating in a criminal manner, while pumping money into their company was only the correct thing to do once they were divesting themselves of ownership. Obviously this is just how tax evasion and pump and dumps work, but I find it contrasts interestingly with the capitalist dogma that ownership makes for better stewards of the property, still used as the primary political argument for privatization even though capitalist firms are also run managerially.
Ultimately, my takeaway is that the Antars were basically your regular shady retail guys, until they spotted an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of Shareholder Value Maximization. My other takeaway is if you get something cheap because someone is fucking the shareholders, mind your own business probably.
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shantitechnology · 1 year
Top 10 ERP Software for Engineering Industry
In the contemporary and dynamic commercial environment, the engineering sector in India is confronted with a diverse range of obstacles, including intense competition, increasing client expectations, intricate project administration, and resource allocation optimisation.  In the contemporary era of technology, the utilisation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become an essential and irreplaceable instrument for engineering firms aiming to optimise their operational processes, improve productivity, and foster long-term and sustainable expansion.  Boost your engineering company's efficiency with cutting-edge ERP software – STERP software offered by STERP (Shanti Technology) – one of the most trusted firms offering ERP software for engineering companies in Mumbai.  Take the first step towards success today with STERP!
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This blog article offers a comprehensive examination of the ten leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software packages specifically designed to cater to the distinct requirements of the engineering sector in India.  The aim is to assist organisations in making well-informed choices that will contribute to their future success.
·         STERP Software:
STERP Software is a cutting-edge ERP solution offering an array of features to streamline business operations.  It excels in location tracking, task management, and mobile user visit reports.  Additionally, it enables seamless tracking of finished goods progress and efficient document management.  ISO audit reports and vendor ratings ensure compliance and supplier assessment.  The dynamic dashboard provides real-time insights, while multi-currency support facilitates global transactions. 
The export documents feature simplifies international trade, and auto-email & SMS integration enhances communication.  Quotation lost analysis ratio aids in optimizing sales strategies.  Depreciation calculation and auto JV streamline accounting.  Moreover, it's Android & iOS mobile app enables easy on-the-go access, including component process tracking.
·         Tally.ERP 9:
Tally.ERP 9 is a highly renowned and extensively utilised enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in India, serving a diverse range of businesses, including engineering enterprises, irrespective of their scale or magnitude.  Tally.ERP 9 offers comprehensive financial management, inventory control, and taxation modules that enable engineering organisations to adhere to Indian accounting rules and effectively handle financial data management.
·         Oracle NetSuite:
Oracle NetSuite is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that offers a cohesive platform, encompassing ERP, customer relationship management (CRM), and electronic commerce (eCommerce) capabilities.  The software's adaptability and capacity to accommodate the needs of engineering businesses of varying sizes in India allow for the optimisation of operations and the acquisition of significant knowledge regarding their business procedures.
·         Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a multifaceted enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that encompasses several functionalities like financial management, supply chain operations, and project accounting.  By incorporating localization capabilities specifically designed for India, the software enables engineering organisations to effectively streamline their processes, adhere to regulatory standards, and improve overall client satisfaction.
·         Ramco ERP:
The Ramco ERP system has been specifically developed to cater to the distinct needs and demands of the engineering sector within the Indian market.  The inclusion of modules pertaining to project management, asset management, and production planning facilitates the attainment of operational excellence and the stimulation of growth within engineering enterprises. 
Empower your engineering firm with advanced ERP tools offered by STERP – one of the renowned ERP solution providers in Mumbai.  Get a free consultation to discover how!
·         EPPS ERP:
The EPPS ERP is a software solution originating from India that has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of the engineering industry.  The EPPS ERP system offers a comprehensive range of modules that encompass several aspects of project management, including project planning, procurement, and quality control.  By leveraging these modules, firms can effectively streamline their project management processes while upholding stringent quality standards.
·         Marg ERP 9+:
Marg ERP 9+ is widely favoured among small and medium-sized engineering enterprises in India.  The programme provides a wide range of capabilities, encompassing inventory management, order processing, and adherence to GST legislation, so facilitating operational efficiency and ensuring compliance with local legal requirements for enterprises.
·         Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine):
Infor CloudSuite Industrial, previously recognised as SyteLine, is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that specifically caters to the needs of process manufacturing and job shop industries.  Its suitability for engineering firms in India lies in its ability to effectively manage different production requirements.
·         Focus i:
Focus i is an ERP software that has been designed in India specifically to address the distinct requirements of the engineering industry in the country.  Focus i is a software solution that offers several functionalities, including project management, production planning, and HR management.  This comprehensive suite of tools enables engineering organisations to enhance their operational efficiency and financial performance.
Optimize your engineering projects and increase profitability.  Get ERP solutions offered by top ERP for manufacturing company in Mumbai – STERP (Shanti Technology).
·         Reach ERP:
Reach ERP is a nascent participant in the Indian enterprise resource planning (ERP) industry, specifically tailored to cater to the needs of small and medium-sized engineering enterprises.  The cloud-based design of this system, in conjunction with its various capabilities such as inventory control, order management, and financial accounting, facilitates efficient operational administration for organisations.
Final Thoughts:
The pursuit of efficiency, innovation, and sustainable growth holds significant importance in India's engineering business.  The adoption of digital transformation within the industry has led to the recognition of ERP software as a crucial facilitator.  This software plays a significant role in assisting engineering companies in optimising their operations, enhancing the efficient allocation of resources, and ultimately improving customer satisfaction.  The aforementioned list comprises the top 10 enterprise resource planning (ERP) software systems that are tailored to address the unique requirements of the engineering sector in India.  These software solutions offer a wide range of comprehensive features and functionalities, specifically designed to effectively address the many difficulties and opportunities prevalent in the market.
When making a decision on the choice of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, engineering businesses should take into account many variables like scalability, localization capabilities, simplicity of integration, and vendor support.  Gain a competitive edge in Mumbai's engineering sector - Implement effective ERP solution offered by STERP (Shanti Technology) – one of the distinct ERP software providers in Mumbai!  The use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology represents a strategic decision that holds the potential to bring about dramatic changes within the engineering industry in India.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
What Was Japan’s Lost Decade? How Did It Happen?
What Was Japan’s Lost Decade? How Did It Happen? (December 12, 2022) Japan, stuck in a liquidity trap, faced a particularly deep economic crisis between 1991 and 2001.
What Was Japan’s Lost Decade?
Between 1991 and 2001, Japan’s once red-hot economy was in trouble. An asset bubble had formed in both its housing and stock markets, and when the Bank of Japan implemented a series of steep interest rate hikes as a way to tame inflationary pressures, you could almost hear the bubble pop.
Japan’s stock market tanked, and asset prices fell. Several big banks, which were overleveraged with speculative investments, either failed outright or needed to be bailed out by the government. Businesses folded, and unemployment rose. Japan became mired in a decade-long recession.
The country was actually experiencing a liquidity trap: It seemed like everything Japan’s central bank did to help didn’t work. Interest rates were cut, but fearful for the future, Japan’s citizens sat on their savings instead of spending them.
The government tried instituting large-scale public works projects, similar to what U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt implemented during the Great Depression, but that only increased Japan’s budget deficit. Finally, its central bank injected huge supplies of yen into the markets through quantitative easing, which lasted for five years. This, along with the resultant inflation, effectively got Japan’s citizens spending again, and the country began a slow recovery.
What Caused Japan’s Lost Decade?
The poster child of 20th-century economic growth, Japan had transformed itself from a largely agricultural nation in the 1960s to the world’s second-largest economy by the 1980s. Japan had figured out ways to make high-quality products cheaply, and these products found their way all over the world.
People sported Sony Walkmans on the street and drove Japanese cars around town. Kids watched Japanese cartoons on Japanese-made televisions. Movies like Shogun dominated the box office, and corporate success manuals extolled the virtues of “Japan, Inc.” Everyone wanted to know Japan’s secret.
A lot of it had to do with how Japan’s businesses were structured. They followed the traditional concept of the keiretsu, a close-knit network of business interests centered around a main bank. These groups took majority shareholder interests in one another instead of being financed through stocks or bonds, and as such, this “socially controlled” investment provided the perfect conditions to nurture, test, and perfect new ideas before they were brought to the larger market.
One well-known keiretsu is the Mitsubishi Group, composed of the MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and the Mitsubishi Corporation. Together, it employs over 80,000 people in the automotive, energy, chemicals, and food industries—essentially acting as its own supply chain.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the Japanese Ministry of International Trade & Industry allowed easy credit to the keiretsu, in addition to a period of protection from foreign competition, so that their businesses would have time to become cost-effective production powerhouses. Once they gained dominance in their respective industries, the businesses would embark on export programs, which is how Japan’s electronics, computer, automotive, and aircraft industries grew so quickly.
Growing hand-in-hand with Japan’s successful businesses was a booming stock market. The Nikkei Stock Average hit an all-time high of 38,916 on December 29, 1989. In addition, real estate grew incredibly valuable—commercial land prices rose over 300% between 1985 and 1991, and it was said that one square mile in Tokyo’s government center was worth more than the entire state of California. A bubble had formed; that was plain to see.
As asset prices grew, so did speculation, particularly in real estate, which was financed largely by corporate stock profits. Banks were lending and not looking twice. Sometimes, collateral was not even required.
Depositors thought they were in safe hands because Japan’s banks were backed by the government, and in turn, the banks believed the government wouldn’t let them fail, so they bundled these deposits into packages of ever-higher rates of interest and risk, and sold them to speculators.
Worried about inflationary pressures, and attempting to quell the bubble, the Bank of Japan began a series of steep interest rate increases from 2.5% to 4.25% at the end of 1989, and then to 6% in 1990. But since rising rates made borrowing more expensive, speculators quickly defaulted on their investments.
Several of Japan’s biggest keiretsu banks began to fail, threatening to take entire industries down with them. The stock market nosedived. By December 1990—just one year from its all-time height—the Nikkei had lost over 43% of its value.
What Happened During Japan’s Lost Decade?
Between 1991 and 2001, Japan’s economy entered a deep recession. GDP declined, and borrowers became insolvent. Big banks failed, including the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank, the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, and Nippon Credit Bank. The days of easy credit from banking networks were long gone, and to a large effect, the keiretsu unraveled.
Some businesses went under; in others, production simply slowed, but they lost their competitive edge as a result. The country, which once had guaranteed employment for life, now struggled with unemployment—which affected recent grads and young workers most significantly.
Consumer confidence plummeted, demand declined, and deflation took hold—it was a dangerous mix.
How Did Japan Recover From Its Lost Decade?
It seemed like everything Japan’s central bank tried to do to help didn’t work: Interest rates were slashed to zero, and kept there for a very long time; still, the recession continued. Land prices dropped 15% in some of Japan’s largest cities, which meant that homeowners owed more than their homes were worth.
The Japanese government tried to instill confidence through large-scale stimulus packages. It built new roads and bridges, even when they weren’t completely necessary, and by doing so, created new jobs. These efforts helped boost the economy, but it wasn’t enough to lift it out of the malaise—in fact, they just added to the country’s deficit in the long run.
What finally helped was the quantitative easing program Japan’s central bank began in 2001, which would last until 2006. By 2003, GDP reached a healthy 2% clip, and exports grew once again, due in large part to China’s emergence into the global marketplace, since many of China’s products depended on Japanese parts.
What Lessons Can Other Economies Learn from Japan’s Lost Decade?
The 2007–2008 Financial Crisis had shades of Japan’s Lost Decade written all over it: This time, the asset bubble was created by the U.S. housing market, fueled by toxic subprime mortgages. When the Federal Reserve began a series of interest rate hikes, many subprime borrowers, whose loans were tied to adjustable-rate mortgages, quickly saw their monthly bills shoot up, and millions of homeowners defaulted as a result.
Banks had made profits by pooling these loans into mortgage-backed securities, which were traded by investment banks around the world, and as the mortgages imploded, a series of dominoes began to fall, which affected investors up the ranks of the securities markets: Banks experienced a credit crunch, and investment banks, such as Lehman Brothers, declared insolvency. The crisis affected financial markets around the world and would usher in the Great Recession.
With Ben Bernanke at the helm, the Federal Reserve took notes from past crises and acted swiftly—and by doing so, some say Bernanke helped to avoid deflation and the economic stagnation that had plagued Japan for so long.
The Fed cut the Fed funds rate to 0% for an unprecedented 6-year period between 2008 and 2014. It also implemented a series of quantitative easing measures. The U.S. Congress approved a $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), which provided emergency aid to banks as well as underwater borrowers. In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was passed, safeguarding consumers from predatory home lenders and limiting banks to the amount of speculative trading they could undertake.
The U.S. economy was jump-started again by the middle of 2009—quite a speedy turnaround compared to Japan’s.
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sagarg889 · 1 year
Sirens Market Research by Key players, Type and Application, Future Growth Forecast 2022 to 2032
In 2022, the global sirens market is expected to be worth US$ 170.1 million. The siren market is expected to reach US$ 244.0 million by 2032, growing at a 3.7% CAGR.
The use of sirens is expected to increase, whether for announcements or on emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks. A siren is a loud warning system that alerts people to potentially dangerous situations as they happen.
Rapidly increasing threats and accidents have resulted in more casualties and missed business opportunities in developing economies. Demand for sirens is expected to rise during the forecast period as more people use security solutions.
As a result of rising threats and accidents in developing economies, the number of victims and lost business opportunities has rapidly increased. Adopting security solutions, such as sirens, is an effective way to deal with these challenges. Long-range sirens are used in mining and industrial applications, whereas motorised sirens are used in home security. Hand-operated sirens are used when there is no power or when a backup is required.
Some additional features of sirens include a solar panel upgrade system to keep the batteries charged and a number of digital communication methods, including Ethernet, satellite, IP, fiber optic and others. Sirens have conformal coatings on their electronics, which help protect them against harsh environments. Some of the systems are made in such a way that they can be expanded or scaled depending on future capabilities.
Omni-directional sirens can be used in areas of high noise levels and those with large population densities as they provide a greater area of coverage. Sirens have external controls with triggers, which can be customized according to needs. The lightening types of sirens include bulb revolving, LED flashing and xenon lamp strobe. The loud speakers in sirens are adopted from latest piezoelectric ceramic technology.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-4274
Other sirens are hydraulic or air driven and mostly find applications in plants and factories. Lithium batteries have replaced alkaline batteries in sirens now, since lithium batteries need not be replaced for several years. Modern sirens use latest technologies and find applications in civil defense, emergency vehicles, security systems and others. Typically, sirens are made of stainless steel, aluminum or UV stabilized polycarbonate to avoid corrosion and are equipped with protection cages. An LED flashing siren has a light source with a semi-permanent lifespan and it is used in places where bulb replacement is a problem.
Region-wise Outlook
In the global sirens market, the dominant share is held by the U.S., India, China, Japan, Australia, Germany, Singapore and the UAE. This can be attributed to the demand for security solutions in developed as well as developing economies.
The regional analysis includes:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Mexico. Brazil)
Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain)
Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)
Asia-Pacific (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries, S. Africa, Northern Africa)
The report is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by industry analysts, inputs from industry experts and industry participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with market attractiveness as per segments. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various market factors on market segments and geographies.
Market Participants
Some of the key market participants identified in the global siren market are Acoustic Technology Inc., Sentry Siren Inc., MA Safety Signal Co. Ltd, Whelen Engineering Co. Inc., Federal Signal Corporation, B & M Siren Manufacturing Co., Projects Unlimited Inc., Phoenix Contact, Mallory Sonalert Products and Qlight USA Inc.
Rising population and rapid urbanization have led to an increase in demand for security solutions. The need for implementation of security has paved way for the use of electronic equipment on a large scale globally, which in turn has created opportunities for the global sirens market. As these products are durable with a high voltage capacity and easy to install, they find high selling propositions. Characteristics and properties of electronic and pneumatic equipment play a vital role in security solutions, thereby driving the global sirens market with a rise in diverse end-user applications, such as industrial warning systems, community warning systems, campus alert systems and military mass warning systems.
Report Highlights:
Detailed overview of parent market
Changing market dynamics in the industry
In-depth Polishing / Lapping Film market segmentation
Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value
Recent industry trends and developments
Competitive landscape
Strategies of key players and products offered
Potential and niche segments, geographical regions exhibiting promising growth
A neutral perspective on market performance
Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint.
Browse Detailed Summary of Research Report with TOC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sirens-market
Key Segments
Product Type:
Single/dual toned
By Application:
Civil defense
Industrial signaling
Emergency vehicles
Home/vehicle safety
Security/warning systems
Military use
By Installation Type:
Wall mounting
Water proof connector
By Regions:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
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mira1308 · 2 years
Explore digital marketing.
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rameshjadhav · 2 years
“Recently Released Market Study: The Future of the Zinc-Bromine Battery Market by Global Market Size, Distribution and Brand Share, Key Events and Competitive Landscape”.
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The global Zinc-Bromine Battery Market was valued at USD 36.92 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 182.05 Billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 25.6%.
The battery market is currently in a dimensional change, with the high demand for energy-dense, long-lasting and inexpensive energy storage devices being an unwavering goal to meet the increasing demand for compact electronic devices, Electric vehicles, and power sources. Zinc-Bromine Batteries hold dense energy storage capacity by plating metallic zinc as a solid onto the anode plates in the electrochemical cell during charging. The total energy storage capacity of the system depends on both the size of the cell (electrode area) and the size of the electrolyte reservoir. Flow batteries with several redox pairs in aqueous media are one of the most promising technologies for large-scale energy storage. Among these, Zinc-Bromine batteries are very attractive because of their amazing longevity properties. Electrochemical energy storage solution that offers a range of options to successfully manage energy from renewable sources, minimize energy losses, reduce overall energy consumption and costs, and ensure the security of supply. Zinc-Bromine Battery provides Continuous energy delivery with a high discharge rate for up to 10 hours or longer.
Introspective Market Research report presents detailed analysis on the Zinc-Bromine Battery Market consumption trends by globally, historic and forecast consumption volumes and values at market and category level. It also provides indispensable data on brand share, distribution channels, profiles of companies active in the global Zinc-Bromine Battery market along with latest industry news, in addition to mergers and acquisitions. This allows domestic and foreign companies to identify the market dynamics to account sales overall and to know which categories and segments are showing growth in the coming years.
Read More: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/reports/zinc-bromine-battery-market/
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Smart Glove Market - Forecast (2021 - 2026)
The Smart Glove Market size is analyzed to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% during the forecast 2021-2026 to reach $4.67 billion by 2026. Smart Glove is considered as a wide range of Sensor technology gloves for advanced and customized solutions, such as hand protection, high-tech rehab device and other assistive device services. The Smart Gloves are designed electronic devices with microcontrollers to offer avant-garde opportunities for various kinds of application suitable to the business requirements, including industrial grade gloves and medical grade gloves, and thus, contribute to the Smart Glove market growth. The rapid prominence of the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and connected devices, along with the increasing innovations in wearable health devices, smart personal protective equipment, integrated with GPS, wireless communication features and in-built voice assistance have supported the Smart Glove Industry development successfully. In fact, the growth of the market is also observed due to the growing advancement of the Bluetooth chip, flex sensors, microcontroller, and accelerometer. Furthermore, the progression of microencapsulation and nanotechnology pave the way for sensor technology which offers lucrative growth possibilities. The influx of brands like Samsung, Apple, and Fossil are broadening the functionalities, which further promotes Smart Glove Market. 
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Smart Glove Market Report Coverage
The report: “Smart Glove Industry Outlook – Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Smart Glove Industry.
By Offerings: Software and Service By Application: Fitness & Wellness, Specific Health Monitor, Infotainment, Ergonomic wearable and others By Industry Verticals: Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Enterprise and Industrial, Consumer Electronics and others By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and Others), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others)and RoW (Middle east and Africa). 
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Key Takeaways
The growing demand of wearable medical devices owing to the increasing awareness on fitness and a healthy lifestyle along with prominence of connected devices in Healthcare, contribute to the growth.
Asia Pacific is estimated to hold the highest share of 40% in 2020, followed by North America, owing to the significant adoption of IoT, large scale implementation of a wide range of ubiquitous systems, such as wearable computing and sensor technology across the several business verticals.
The advancements in consumer electronics with a wide range of technical advantages, including touch sensitive features and miniature designs, resulted into the market growth.
Smart Glove Market Segment Analysis – By Industry Verticals
By Industry Verticals, the Smart Glove Market is segmented into Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Enterprise and Industrial, Consumer Electronics and others. The Enterprise and Industrial segment held the major share of 37% in 2020, owing to the propensity for cutting-edge products and significant investment to pursue radical evolutions in commercial applications. In order to address the growing requirement of several end users across automotive, oil & gas, manufacturing and logistics, customizable smart gloves with built-in scanners are introduced for more effective operations. In April 2019, the manufacturer of a smart, wearable technology, ProGlove, unveiled its MARK 2 to a U.S. audience ProMat in Chicago. The new MARK 2 enables the user to scan up to 5 feet away from a device and can connect to a corporate network via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), with up to 15-hour charge battery. ProGlove provides hands-free scanning solutions across a number of industries, and thus, in September 2020, Panasonic announced a partnership with ProGlove, to combine the mobile computing solutions of the two companies in order to offer rugged, innovative and user-friendly wireless barcode scanners. The strategic collaboration is also formulated to deliver seamless as-a-stand-alone scanning solution with an embedded Panasonic’s voice picking solutions for the warehouse operations, supply chain, and inventory checking. Therefore, the growing demand of integrated gesture sensor solutions for dynamic workstations, and a more efficient working environment accelerated the demand of Smart Glove Market. 
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Smart Glove Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
Asia Pacific is estimated to hold the highest share of 40% in 2020, followed by North America in Smart Glove Market. The early adoption of IoT, large scale implementation of a wide range of ubiquitous systems, such as wearable computing and sensor technology across the several business verticals, along with the growing interest of consumers towards ‘sensorized’ fitness wearable devices are estimated to drive the market in these regions. Furthermore, numerous research investments propel the innovations of soft and stretchable electronics design that propel a competitive edge to smart wearable solutions. In January 2021, HaptX Inc. announced the release of HaptX Gloves DK2. The HaptX Gloves DK2 is an upgraded design and the world's most advanced haptic feedback gloves, which deliver unprecedented realism, with more than 130 points of tactile feedback per hand. These gloves have astoundingly real-life superpowers with VR, XR, and robotics technologies to meet the demand of various enterprises for quality requirements. Hence, the promising demand of industrial wearable and other smart personal protective equipment in these regions are estimated to drive the Smart Glove Market. 
Smart Glove Market Drivers
Growing prominence of healthcare wearable
The growing demand of wearable medical devices owing to the increasing awareness on fitness and a healthy lifestyle along with prominence of connected devices in Healthcare, contribute to the growth of Smart Glove Market. Moreover, the rise of high-tech devices to usher clinical-grade wearable with 3G and 4G connection led to various viable solutions. In July 2020, UCLA bioengineers designed a glove-like device that can translate American Sign Language (ASL) into English speech in real time through a smartphone app. The entire system is integrated upon a pair of gloves with thin, stretchable sensors to translate hand gestures into spoken words. Hence, the sizable demand of personalized care, specific health issue monitoring devices and user-friendly, compact medical wearable propelled the growth of the Smart Glove Market. 
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Advancements in consumer electronics
The advancements in consumer electronics with a wide range of technical advantages, including touch sensitive features and miniature designs, resulted into the growth of Smart Glove Market. The advent of digitalization and latest development in sensor technology to enhance user performances is further driving the market. In April 2019, British music tech company Mi.Mu, founded by Grammy award-winning artist Imogen Heap announced the release of newly designed Mi.Mu gloves, allowing artists to map hand gestures to music software. The new gloves of Mi.Mu are durable with a removable battery system that offers artists complete control over their musical performances. Moreover, the breakthrough innovation in microfibre sensor technology offers strain sensing capabilities that provides gesture-based control. In August 2020, A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS), led by Professor Lim Chwee Teck, developed a smart glove, known as 'InfinityGloveTM', which enables users to mimic numerable in-game controls using simple hand gestures. Therefore, the launch of sophisticated wearable electronics products, extensive glove's capabilities and rising usage of convenient-to-use devices are some of the factors that are estimated to drive the Smart Glove Market. 
Smart Glove Market Challenge
High price of Smart Glove solution
The market of Smart Glove is expanding due to the significant technologies development, using the amalgamation of sensing and feedback operation to denote smarter systems. Thus, the commercially available devices, pertaining to smart glove features are prominently expensive, which is a major constraint that demotivated the rapid adoption. Thus, factors such as less sensible investment and unobtainability of some of the latest smart gloves technology around some regions  due to high cost are likely to restrict the Smart Glove Market. 
Market Landscape
Partnerships and acquisitions along with product launches are the key strategies adopted by the players in the Smart Glove Market. The Smart Glove Market top 10 companies include Apple Inc, Flint Rehab, Haptx, Lab Brother Llc, Maze Exclusive, Neofect, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, Seekas Technology Co., Ltd, Vandrico Solution Inc, ProGlove, Workaround Gmbh and among others 
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Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In December 2019, HaptX, the leading provider of realistic haptic technology announced the partnership with Advanced Input Systems along with a Series A financing round of $12 million. This acquisition provides a great opportunity for HaptX as they can finance the production of the next generation of HaptX Gloves, which represents the world’s most realistic gloves for virtual reality and robotics, coupled with product development, manufacturing, and go-to-market collaboration.
In November 2019, Ansell Limited, a leading provider of safety solutions, announced a partnership with ProGlove, a renowned industrial wearable manufacturer.  The acquisition is formed to deliver advanced hand protection solutions to ensure the personal protective equipment (PPE) compliance in the workplace.
For more Electronics Market reports, please click here
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happyhuntersblog · 9 hours
Scrape Walmart Product Data from Walmart Canada & USA
How to Scrape Walmart Product Data from Walmart Canada & USA?
Sep 09, 2024
In 2024, the retail industry continues to evolve, with e-commerce giants like Walmart leading the charge. With Walmart Canada and Walmart USA offering millions of products, scraping their product data is invaluable for businesses looking to stay competitive, optimize their strategies, or enhance market research. By using a Walmart product data extractor and leveraging Walmart product API scraping, businesses can gather comprehensive information to drive their decision-making processes.
This blog will guide you through Scraping Walmart product data from Walmart Canada and the USA. We’ll explore the best tools, techniques, and use cases while highlighting some key 2024 statistics to help you understand why this process is critical for your business.
Why Scrape Walmart Product Data?
Scraping Walmart product data offers businesses many insights into pricing, inventory levels, and product trends. Whether you're a retailer, manufacturer, or market researcher, extracting product data from Walmart enables you to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of your competition. Some everyday use cases include:
Competitor Analysis: Track competitor pricing and inventory to make informed pricing decisions.
Market Research: Analyze trends in customer preferences, product availability, and seasonal pricing changes.
Price Monitoring: Ensure you are competitively priced by regularly monitoring Walmart’s product listings.
Inventory Tracking: Scrape Walmart USA product data and Walmart Canada product data to track product availability in real-time.
Key 2024 E-commerce Statistics for Walmart
As of 2024, Walmart remains one of the largest e-commerce platforms globally, with over 10% market share in the U.S. alone.
Walmart’s online sales in the U.S. are expected to grow by 14.7% in 2024, while Walmart Canada’s e-commerce growth is set to exceed 10% .
With millions of unique monthly visitors, Walmart offers one of the most comprehensive product catalogs, including groceries, electronics, clothing, and more.
Tools for Scraping Walmart Product Data
You’ll need the tools and technologies to scrape Walmart product data efficiently. Here are some popular options to get started:
1. Python with BeautifulSoup and Scrapy
Python libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy are excellent for scraping Walmart product data. These libraries enable you to crawl Walmart Canada and Walmart USA websites, extract data, and save it into structured formats like CSV or Excel files.
2. Walmart API
If you prefer a more official approach, Walmart offers an API that provides structured access to product information. By integrating Walmart’s API, you can pull Walmart product data directly, including product names, descriptions, pricing, and inventory levels.
3. Enterprise Web Scraping Solutions
For businesses that require large-scale data scraping, enterprise web scraping services like Mobile App Scraping offer tailored solutions for Walmart product scraping. These services can handle the complexities of scraping at scale and ensure data accuracy and reliability.
Step-by-Step Guide to Scrape Walmart Product Data
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started with Walmart product data extraction:
Step 1: Define Your Requirements
Before you begin scraping, defining what type of data you need is essential. Common data points include:
Product Name
Product Description
Reviews & Ratings
Seller Information
This step ensures you are focused on extracting the right data points from Walmart.
Step 2: Choose Your Target Market (Canada or USA)
Scraping Walmart Canada product data and Walmart USA product data may have different challenges and structures. Walmart USA typically offers a broader product range than Walmart Canada, so adjusting your scraper accordingly is essential.
Step 3: Build Your Web Scraper
For those using Python, libraries like Scrapy or Selenium can help you extract Walmart product data. Here’s a simple example using Scrapy:
Step 4: Use Walmart’s API
For those using Walmart’s API, the process is much simpler. You must sign up for Walmart’s Developer program and obtain API access keys. Here’s a simple request to extract product data:GET https://developer.walmart.com/product/v3/items?apiKey=yourAPIKey
This API allows you to extract real-time product data from Walmart’s product catalog, ensuring that your dataset is up-to-date.
Step 5: Scraping Best Practices
When scraping Walmart product data, follow these best practices to avoid potential issues:
Respect Robots.txt: Walmart’s robots.txt file outlines which parts of the site you can scrape.
Limit Request Frequency: Avoid overwhelming Walmart’s servers by spacing out requests.
Data Validation: Always clean and validate your data to ensure its accuracy.
Use Cases for Walmart Product Data Scraping
1. Dynamic Pricing Strategies
Retailers can use Walmart product scraping services to monitor competitor pricing in real time. For instance, scraping Walmart Canada product data helps Canadian businesses adjust their prices based on current market trends.
2. Product Matching & Comparison
By scraping Walmart product API datasets, businesses can match their products with Walmart’s listings. This enables easy price comparison and allows businesses to position themselves competitively.
3. Stock Monitoring & Inventory Management
E-commerce businesses can use Walmart product scraping to monitor stock levels. For instance, scraping Walmart USA product data helps companies track product availability, ensuring that they can react quickly to inventory shortages.
4. Market Research and Trend Analysis
Market researchers can use Walmart product data extraction to analyze product trends, seasonal demand, and price fluctuations. Extracting product data from Walmart's API can give insights into which products are gaining popularity.
5. Consumer Insights
Scraping product reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into consumer preferences. Businesses can analyze consumer feedback to refine product offerings.
6. Reseller Monitoring
Brands can monitor third-party resellers on Walmart to ensure their products are sold at the right price and under appropriate conditions. By scraping Walmart product API data collection, businesses can maintain brand integrity across all resellers.
Addressing Common Challenges in Walmart Product Data Scraping
1. Anti-Scraping Mechanisms
Walmart has anti-scraping solid measures in place, including CAPTCHAs and rate-limiting. To circumvent these, you can use proxy services or rotate user agents regularly to avoid detection.
2. Data Quality
Validate your extracted data regularly to ensure its quality. Use data cleaning techniques to remove duplicates and inconsistencies, ensuring the data is actionable.
3. Legal Considerations
Always ensure that your scraping practices comply with Walmart’s terms of service and legal guidelines in the respective countries (USA & Canada).
Walmart Product Data in 2024: The Bigger Picture
With Walmart continuing its growth in the e-commerce space, scraping Walmart product data is more valuable than ever. As online shopping grows post-pandemic, real-time data from Walmart’s product listings will provide businesses with critical insights to optimize their product offerings and marketing strategies.
According to industry experts, the global web scraping software market is expected to grow by 25% by 2024, primarily driven by the increasing demand for e-commerce data. Walmart is a leader in online retail, so businesses that capitalize on Walmart product scraping will have a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Scraping Walmart product data from both Walmart Canada and Walmart USA is a powerful tool for businesses aiming to stay competitive in the ever-evolving retail landscape. Following the right processes and leveraging the appropriate tools can gather essential product information, track market trends, and optimize your pricing strategies.
Ready to start scraping? Mobile App Scraping offers tailored scraping services for Walmart Canada and USA, ensuring you get the most out of your data. Contact us today to learn how we can help you extract Walmart product data efficiently and effectively.
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simran709 · 16 hours
Digital Marketing Packages In India
In the modern digital age, businesses thrive or struggle based on their online presence. Digital marketing has become indispensable, making the right digital marketing package in india crucial for business success. But what exactly is included in these packages? Let's break it down and explore all the services encompassed within a digital marketing package.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing refers to all marketing efforts that use the internet or electronic devices. From social media ads to email campaigns, it offers diverse avenues for businesses to reach their audiences. The demand for digital marketing has surged as customers increasingly rely on online research before making purchasing decisions.
Brief Overview of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing can range from a simple social media presence to intricate, multi-channel campaigns. It leverages websites, search engines, emails, and social media platforms to connect businesses with prospective customers.
Importance in Today’s Business Landscape
The global business landscape is shifting towards a more digital-centric model. Digital marketing allows businesses to meet customers where they spend the most time—online. Whether you're a startup or an established brand, digital marketing helps you scale, target specific audiences, and track results with unparalleled accuracy.
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The Essentials of a Digital Marketing Package
Digital marketing packages are designed to provide a comprehensive solution tailored to a company’s specific needs. These packages typically include a range of services that allow businesses to build a cohesive online presence, reach their target audience, and optimize performance across multiple digital channels.
Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Package for Your Business
Not all digital marketing packages are created equal. Businesses should choose a package that aligns with their specific needs and goals.
Tailoring Solutions Based on Business Goals and Size
Small businesses may need only a few basic services, while larger enterprises may require comprehensive packages that include advanced analytics and multi-channel campaigns.
1. Define Your Business Goals
Identify what you want to achieve through digital marketing. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive more traffic to your website, generate leads, or boost online sales?
Your goals will determine which services you need, such as SEO for traffic, social media marketing for engagement, or PPC for quick lead generation.
2. Understand Your Audience
Know where your target audience spends their time online. If they are active on social media, social media marketing might be essential. If they use search engines for information, SEO should be a priority.
This will help you choose a package that focuses on the platforms and strategies that resonate with your audience.
3. Assess Your Budget
Digital marketing packages come in various price ranges. Determine how much you’re willing to invest and match it with the services you need.
Remember, while low-cost packages might be tempting, investing in a comprehensive plan often yields better long-term results.
4. Choose Core Services Based on Needs
SEO: If organic traffic and long-term growth are important, invest in a package that offers strong SEO services.
Social Media: For businesses looking to engage customers, a social media marketing package might be best.
PPC: If you need quick results, opt for a package that includes pay-per-click advertising.
Content Marketing: For establishing authority and building a loyal customer base, choose a package with robust content creation services.
5. Evaluate the Agency's Expertise
Research the digital marketing agency’s experience and reputation. Look at their case studies, client testimonials, and portfolios to assess the quality of their work.
An agency with experience in your industry is likely to understand your needs better and offer a package that aligns with your business goals.
The Future of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is continuously evolving. To stay ahead, businesses must adapt to emerging trends and technologies.
Emerging Trends
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are becoming increasingly important in digital marketing. These technologies enable better targeting, automation, and personalization of campaigns.
AI, Machine Learning, and Automation
AI-driven tools are revolutionizing digital marketing by making it easier to analyze customer data and deliver personalized experiences at scale.
What is typically included in a digital marketing package?
A typical package includes SEO, social media marketing, content creation, PPC advertising, email marketing, and more.
How do I know which digital marketing package is right for my business?
Assess your business goals, budget, and target audience to determine the services you need. Consult with a digital marketing expert for guidance.
How much does a digital marketing package cost?
The cost varies depending on the services included and the level of customization. Packages can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month.
How long does it take to see results from digital marketing?
Some strategies, like PPC, can deliver immediate results, while others, like SEO and content marketing, may take a few months to show significant improvements.
Is social media marketing necessary for all businesses?
While not mandatory, social media marketing can significantly benefit most businesses by increasing brand visibility and engagement.
What are the benefits of using video in digital marketing?
Video content can increase engagement, improve SEO, and boost conversion rates by communicating your message more effectively.
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mordormr · 4 days
The Rise of Clinical Trial Support Services: Trends and Market Insights
The clinical trial support services industry plays a critical role in the advancement of medical research and drug development. As the demand for innovative therapies continues to grow, the need for efficient, reliable, and comprehensive clinical trial support services is more important than ever. The Clinical Trials Support Services Market Size is projected to be valued at USD 26.10 billion in 2024 and is anticipated to grow to USD 37.5 billion by 2029, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.52% throughout the forecast period (2024-2029).
Market Overview
The clinical trial support services market has been experiencing significant growth, driven by an increasing number of clinical trials and the rising complexity of drug development processes. With a projected market size valued in billions by 2024, this industry encompasses a range of services, including project management, regulatory affairs, site management, patient recruitment, and data management. The global focus on accelerating drug approval processes and improving patient outcomes is propelling the demand for these services.
Key Trends Influencing the Industry
Increased Focus on Patient-Centric Approaches As clinical trials evolve, there is a growing emphasis on patient engagement and recruitment. Companies are adopting patient-centric strategies that prioritize the needs and experiences of participants. This includes using digital tools for better communication, streamlining enrollment processes, and ensuring that trials are designed with patient feedback in mind.
Adoption of Technology and Digital Solutions The integration of technology is transforming clinical trial support services. Electronic data capture (EDC), electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO), and telemedicine are becoming standard practices. These technologies enhance data accuracy, improve patient monitoring, and streamline trial processes, making it easier to manage large-scale studies.
Regulatory Changes and Compliance Requirements With evolving regulatory landscapes, particularly in regions like North America and Europe, clinical trial support services must adapt to new compliance requirements. This has led to increased demand for regulatory affairs experts who can navigate complex regulations and ensure that trials meet necessary standards.
Growth in Outsourcing Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are increasingly outsourcing clinical trial support services to specialized providers. This trend allows sponsors to focus on core competencies while leveraging the expertise of service providers to enhance trial efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate timelines.
Emphasis on Data Analytics Data-driven decision-making is becoming essential in clinical trials. Companies are investing in advanced analytics to derive insights from trial data, improving operational efficiency and enhancing the likelihood of successful outcomes. This trend is leading to better patient selection, optimized trial designs, and improved regulatory submissions.
Expansion of Global Clinical Trials As pharmaceutical companies seek to tap into diverse patient populations and expedite timelines, global clinical trials are on the rise. Clinical trial support services are adapting to accommodate the unique challenges of conducting studies across multiple countries, including managing logistics, regulatory approvals, and cultural considerations.
Challenges Facing the Industry
Despite the promising growth outlook, the clinical trial support services industry faces several challenges. These include rising operational costs, recruitment and retention of qualified staff, and navigating complex regulatory environments. Additionally, the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced uncertainties that require adaptability and resilience.
Future Outlook
The future of the clinical trial support services industry looks promising. As healthcare continues to advance and the demand for new therapies grows, the need for efficient clinical trial processes will remain critical. Companies that can leverage technology, prioritize patient engagement, and maintain compliance will be well-positioned to thrive in this dynamic landscape.
The clinical trial support services industry is integral to the success of clinical research and drug development. With increasing complexity and a growing emphasis on patient-centricity, the market is poised for substantial growth. By embracing technology, fostering collaboration, and navigating regulatory challenges, stakeholders can drive innovation and improve patient outcomes in the evolving landscape of clinical trials.
For a detailed overview and more insights, you can refer to the full market research report by Mordor Intelligence https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/clinical-trial-support-services-market  
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