#Eleanor afton
sparklerzii · 1 month
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afton family!!! (without the weird purple guy dude ewww...)
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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Gotta say I’m REALLY proud of this, they sleepi
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
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The Afton Family, September 10th, 1979
(alt. "spoiler" version under the cut sssshhhhh~)
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spiritgenie · 2 years
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lemuelthelemmy · 2 years
“It seems that in the end your son has been useful for something”
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New FNAF clown Jackie from secret of the Mimic!!
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vamprray · 1 month
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I'm just drawing wtf ever atp
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themayhemmachine · 6 months
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"It was like it was singing a song, but too softly for Larson to make out the words. He held up the pendant to inspect it, and the sun shone through it. It was dazzling."
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Also for Vanny specifically, Vanessa wouldn't be doing the top surgery it would be the crazy murder Bunny.
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I need all newcomer FNAF fans to understand that William is not a normal child killer. Not in the sense that he has some great depth, but rather he is fixated on killing/hurting children to a weird degree. There is no normal degree, but he somehow found a weird degree.
I made a post about this a couple years back, and I did get the facts slightly off, so I will give an updated take. Ahem
He did not just kill 5 children at Freddy's, when Freddy's opened 2 years later he got a fake identity to kill 5 kids again. He used his apparently very wealthy company and his insane level of technological genius to build several highly advanced machines that function like they are from the 22nd century, have stuff like 'voice mimic lure' and many other advancements, and he used these godly accomplishments to kidnap and kill more children. He discovered Scarecrow-esqe hallucinogenic gas and used this for, you guessed it, torturing kids in his underground lab. They had like a whole fake house down there with a bed and a dinner table and everything bro was intricate.
After he became undead, he went to a fake pizza place he knew was a trap juuust so he could see if there were any actual kids here to kill.
So film fans if you are asking yourself if William is just a normal child killer, the answer is no. It is more that he is on some sort of crusade upon children everywhere and dedicates his entire existence to killing or hurting more kids. It's his goal in life, it drives him. He would invent time travel but only if every time the device was used to travel in time, it kicked an orphan in the balls.
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scentofasnake · 4 months
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collect them all!
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glamnessaau · 9 months
GVAU 1 - Reassembled
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Here you have it! The first page in my reboot of my Glamrock Vanessa "AU" (more of a continuation really) is OUT! I intend to make this comic more story-driven. This part is specifically referencing lore bits I mentioned here and here except now I know what a "The Mimic" is and am changing around how Vanessa and Vanny function as two different entities.
The Glamrock Vanessa design isn't in this comic but don't worry we'll get there!
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
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They have such sibling energy
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
The Aftons are primarily British American, but William's and Eleanor's sides of the family are still present, albeit subtly.
Eleanor came from a German and Scandinavian family that had immigrated to America, hence her maiden name being "Schmidt". William, meanwhile, was of both Egyptian/Arab and Caucasian ancestry on one of his parents's side, being born into a wealthy family who lived in the UK before moving to America after graduating high school and meeting Henry in college, deciding to start a business with him after the two become best friends.
This bleeds into the lives of the Afton kids, in how Michael knows how to speak some basic phrases in both German and Arabic, and how learning them orally via repeatedly speaking them and practicing their pronunciation and learning their meaning is MILES better than trying to read them or write them.
It bleeds into how Elizabeth has her mother's bright chartreuse green eyes and shimmering, impossibly curly and frizzy ginger hair that needs to be straightened out often because it was such a struggle to brush.
It bleeds into how Evan surprisingly likes the black sweet tea his father brews on occasion (he called it 'Arabian tea'... how nostalgic, the taste is). It's how Gregory has faint memories and misses the Tahchin, curry hotpots, halva, shakshuka and many more dishes his mother would make on special days with the recipes William had stored in the book his family had.
It bleeds into how the cultural influences from both sides of the parents continue to bleed in- in the food they eat, the lives they live, their mannerisms and perception of the world, the generational trauma they inherit from their parents, and much, much more.
Evan was a premature birth, which caused him to be born frail and sickly (including his mental conditions), resulting in back-to-back trips to the hospital for the first 3 years of his life- Michael was neglected a bit and later parent-ified to take care of Evan until the latter grew strong and old enough to be able to reach a stabilized condition.
He as a result of being premature was born intersex, but was assigned male at birth- and he naturally has a weird relationship with gender, so he secretly tries on Elizabeth's dresses occasionally. Just to get a feel for how he might look in them, and if the nagging in his mind about his already slightly unstable identity would ever be quieted, let alone satiated.
Michael has naturally slightly darker skin than the rest of his family due to some Arabic ancestry- although all of them are very much white, Michael has very slightly but visibly tan skin- he also artificially tanned when he was in his teen years to accentuate such a thing. He didn't really care about racist comments directed towards him and his skin color, he thinks he would've gotten them anyways. When he grows into an adult, he takes off the artificial tan, despite after-effects still being present.
Although William is of some Arabian descent, he never really bothered to learn about the cultural traditions, let alone practice them. He only has recipe cookbooks from his mother that he gifted to Eleanor. He's British through and through, and doesn't trust too-spicy food nor does he drink any tea other than English tea.
Meanwhile there's Michael and Evan who LOVE Tahchin and Halva, and Michael, being as good at cooking as he is, dedicates the cookbook's recipes to memory by heart because of the amount of memories the smell holds.
Also, Evan has self-harm scars from his psychotic episodes he would ride out alone and merely dismiss afterwards. In the Alive!AU, everyone has varying but equally mortified and terrified reactions to such a secret being revealed.
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spiritgenie · 2 years
i could possibly make a nora rp blog thats honestly just me messing around, i could possibly start serious roleplay with it but it would mostly be funny sh*tposts
so i'll let y'all decide
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engiar · 4 days
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After a short break I decided to immediately continue the series with the villains of the series
And now the villains from Fazbears Frights
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