#Elderly care services in Canada
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Senior Service Assistance
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slyandthefamilybook · 10 months
since we now know that all those "my blog is safe for Jewish people" posts are bullshit, here are some Jewish organizations you can donate to if you actually want to prove you support Jews. put up or shut up
Masbia - Kosher soup kitchens in New York
MAZON - Practices and promotes a multifaceted approach to hunger relief, recognizing the importance of responding to hungry peoples' immediate need for nutrition and sustenance while also working to advance long-term solutions
Tomchei Shabbos - Provides food and other supplies so that poor Jews can celebrate the Sabbath and the Jewish holidays
Ahavas Yisrael - Providing aid for low-income Jews in Baltimore
Hebrew Free Loan Society - Provides interest-free loans to low-income Jews in New York and more
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - Offers aid to Jewish populations in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the Middle East through a network of social and community assistance programs. In addition, the JDC contributes millions of dollars in disaster relief and development assistance to non-Jewish communities
American Jewish World Service - Fighting poverty and advancing human rights around the world
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - Providing aid to immigrants and refugees around the world
Jewish World Watch - Dedicated to fighting genocides around the world
Sharsheret - Support for cancer patients, especially breast cancer
The Aleph Institute - Provides support and supplies for Jews in prison and their families, and helps Jewish convicts reintegrate into society
Bet Tzedek - Free legal services in LA
Bikur Cholim - Providing support including kosher food for Jews who have been hospitalized in the US, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and Israel
Blue Card Fund - Critical aid for holocaust survivors
Chai Lifeline - An org that's very close to my heart. They help families with members with disabilities in Baltimore
Chana - Support network for Jews in Baltimore facing domestic violence, sexual abuse, and elder abuse
Community Alliance for Jewish-Affiliated Cemetaries - Care of abandoned and at-risk Jewish cemetaries
Crown Heights Central Jewish Community Council - Provides services to community residents including assistance to the elderly, housing, employment and job training, youth services, and a food bank
Hands On Tzedakah - Supports essential safety-net programs addressing hunger, poverty, health care and disaster relief, as well as scholarship support to students in need
Hebrew Free Burial Association
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services - Programs include early childhood and learning, children and adolescent services, mental health outpatient clinics for teenagers, people living with developmental disabilities, adults living with mental illness, domestic violence and preventive services, housing, Jewish community services, counseling, volunteering, and professional and leadership development
Jewish Caring Network - Providing aid for families facing serious illnesses
Jewish Family Service - Food security, housing stability, mental health counseling, aging care, employment support, refugee resettlement, chaplaincy, and disability services
Jewish Relief Agency - Serving low-income families in Philadelphia
Jewish Social Services Agency - Supporting people’s mental health, helping people with disabilities find meaningful jobs, caring for older adults so they can safely age at home, and offering dignity and comfort to hospice patients
Jewish Women's Foundation Metropolitan Chicago - Aiding Jewish women in Chicago
Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty - Crisis intervention and family violence services, housing development funds, food programs, career services, and home services
Misaskim - Jewish death and burial services
Our Place - Mentoring troubled Jewish adolescents and to bring awareness of substance abuse to teens and children
Tiferes Golda - Special education for Jewish girls in Baltimore
Yachad - Support for Jews with disabilities
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rreskk · 11 months
Im a huge fan of all your writings, your page is my all time favourite on Tumblr and I jus noticed you’ve taken requests and was wondering if you can write some smut of Trevor x his Therapist or Doctor
I fucking love this idea! Sorry it took long, I've been having a brain-rotting phase about my OC :)
Summary: Your favourite client has become more... Of a "friend."
TW: -Smut
Pairings: Therapist Fem!reader/ Trevor Philips
Word count: 1265
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AUGUST, 26TH – 1985
You’ll see grieved people hover in and out of your office with a suicidal tendencies, more likely than never. You’d also have people who’ve been through wars, people who have slept with family members, confessed murderers, suicidal drug-addicts, sociopathic teenagers, depressed elderly ladies, wealthy white men, menopausal women, schizophrenics, sexually confused religious men, teenage dirtbags; the list going on and on and on and on. Your folders only stack up with every unstable being paying brain-surgeon bucks to talk about how crappy life is. Some stories you wept alongside them, some you had to give them the cold-shoulder, some you had to refuse service. All in which was based in the memo when you began working within the professionality.
However, there was this one man with mountains of issues and emotional depth, some criminal, some traumatic, some petty; but he interested you greatly. A so-called trainee pilot for the Airforce. Personal record was fresh, great skill in flying, physically active, single, citizen of Canada. However, he was referred after his team had identified slight dangers in his emotional intelligence and anger management. He was once called “a fucking pyscho” by his referral, which had caused some mishap of violence. Nonetheless, the front page had suggested he was aggressive when “provoked”.
The first session was tricky, as predicted from his difficulties on concealing emotional bondage. But as the sessions became a regular occurrence, he slowly loosened up. Only recently had he talked about his childhood. Through painful cries and many times of walking out of the office eruptively, in which he returns hours later to continue, believing you are “the only person who cares” – his words exactly when you question his behaviour.
Unconsciously, you both grew close. After a good few weeks of working along side him, Trevor had named every person in his life; mother, father, brother, past lovers, past friends, etc… He trusted you with this information, and when he spoke freely about them, his eyes would stare into yours with tensity. He self-indulged in the eye-contact. You understood that it was his way of seeing your internal reactions and thoughts. Trevor’s constantly assessing you like you are with him, and whether it was meant to happen, it fell into this hole of deep relation. He relied on you. Extremely clingy. His sessions would extend from an hour to 3 or 4. It had gotten to the point where you with drawled other patience, just so you could invite him in again. Your managers assumed he needed more focus, so they allowed. But was it about focus?
It was something more personal than that. A transference. Therapist and patient romance. Forbidden touches of his hands against your thighs turned into extreme penetration in your office. From the desk to the sofa, from the floor to your bathroom. At some point, he had been everywhere with you. Trying to overcome this situation was flawed, and every-time you tried to give him this professional support, it turned into a lustful beg of his fingers and filthy tongue.
“Fuck – “ You panted when he crawled over you on the sofa-bed, his penis frantically searching for the entrance as he used his tongue to leave trails of his saliva against your jawline. Whereas the moments prior to this, he was talking about the lack of love given from his mother, and he instead admitted that the maternal need had been transferred onto you. Trevor struggled to explain his insane attraction to how “caring” you are, forgetting that it was your profession. But the way you’d reassure and rub his back – it always gave him a reason to go home and relieve that naughty arousal. And every session, he’s excited for this specific reason.
“I tried to book a session last week,” He murmured darkly as his cock injected into your pussy, “The prick downstairs told me you were busy – with what?” His voice crackled a bit at the pleasure of having your warmth surrounding his erection.
Holding onto his shoulders, you breathed out a shaky moan, his name staining the tip of your tongue. The question went ignored until you found the capacity to give him the deserved answer.
“I had training.” You could barely say.
Trevor huffed in jealousy, his hips finding a steady pace as he gripped your hips to line up the act of penetration. Despite the angry frown plastered on his face, you knew he was enjoying himself. The way his tongue curled up between his lips, the concentration dilating his pupils. You had analysed his behaviour from day 1, so it became an easy job to predict his overall mood.
“I’m more important…” He breathed softly and ushered you to wrap your legs around his hips.
“I know…”
“I fucking love how loose you are,” Trevor desperately kissed your quivering lips before breaking away to increase the speed and groaning your name. “Oh… Oh, fuck. Yes. Mmm…”
The clock was ticking and when he was occupying your cunt, eyes began to fall upon the ticks and the toks. You’ve mentioned before this that a patient was planned to arrive within the next hour, so the nerves were beginning to boil your blood. The last thing you’d want is to be caught; especially with one of your most dangerous clients who’s supposed to have “professional” support. 
“Look at me.” He soon begged when noticing your lack of attention. His hands fell onto your breasts and gave them a loving squeeze, continuing the thrusting.
“I ought to…” It was hard to be vocal, so you tried a little harder, “I ought to prepare for the next – “
Trevor whimpered angrily and fucked you harder than before. His hands gripped onto your breasts, teeth grinding. He repetitively shook his head and silenced you from saying anything more.
“No, no, no!” He pled. His temper starting to spark.
You grasped his wrists, moaning out of pure bliss. This encouraged him to thrust a little faster, his shaggy mullet falling into different directions and flows. For a young pilot, he was especially rugged and quite ill-looking, but it made this more exciting. You were fucking an ill client… That was such an exciting experience, but why? The psychology was hard to work out, even for you. So his witchery could be blameful, the way his mouth casted spells on you.
“Please – “ You moaned and closed your eyes.
“Look at me!” Trevor whined again, his hands cradling your face as you both came close. He winced. The sluggish rock of his hips slapped against yours for the last time before he pulled out, cock ejaculating white fluids upon your stomach. “Oooohhh… Fuck!” Your patient ecstatically exaggerated.
You too had came. To refrain noise, it became a squeal of pure lust. When his warm semen painted your stomach, your fingers instantly rummaged through your clit, feeling how much cum he made you squirt. And with a moan, you felt him take charge of the inspection and licked up the white strands with his tongue. Trevor brushed your pussy and slurped up your taste with a puppy glimpse in his eyes. He looked at you when licking, begging to be praised.
“Fuck… Yes – “ Then the door knocked.
With quick motion, you threw on your shirt and zipped up your skirt as he groaned. Trevor wiped his mouth and gave your cheek a last kiss before throwing on a shirt and walking out. You noticed on the way out, he had gave your next client the meanest look to man-kind.
And the next week; that client had never returned.
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Hello again! Lately I've been really active in the whole the Jewish people are indigenous to the levant - but as a white American (I'm a Jewish convert), I feel hypocritical for not doing as much for the indigenous populations here. I asked you before about what to do irt helping more and you said to listen to native voices - which I definitely agree with! But I'm not sure of who/which advocacy groups specifically are a good resource? Do you have any recommendations? Anyone to avoid? Like avoiding JVP for Jewish resources! /gen
Here is a good article about Indigenous Artists, it explains Indigenous artwork and artists. It also explains how to help support indigenous artists.
Being Jewish and Indigenous is not a common combination. It's hard to find other people, but I have a few mutuals who could probably contribute to this post as well.
This is a page on North American Indigenous cultures, specifically revolving around women and two-spirited individuals.
This page is about the past and on going genocide in Canada reader discretion advised.
How to help give us a voice here
How to get involved
Jewish people need support in forms of helping the government see we are actually in danger here.
Help educate people about the past, literal history that is proven fact.
Donate to support Israeli citizens
Donate to your local Synoguage(s)
Look at Sefaria and read through Jewish theology and history.
Participation in events that support Jews.
Shut down and call out people being antisemetic
Helping Jews can be as simple as sitting and listening, go to a Synoguage and ask a Rabbi some questions, or email them.
Send an email to your local Synoguage and explain you'd like to help your local Jewish community and they will guide you to more localized services to help jews in your area as well.
Here is a charity that supports Israel and Canadian Jews in the following ways listed below.
Food distributed through soup kitchens, meal delivery, and food box programs
Medical assistance including prescription programs, support for doctor visits and in-home medical care
Support for the elderly including food, home care, and winter relief
Aliyah (immigration) flights from the former Soviet Union, South America and other lands of distress
Emergency relief in the form of clothing, food, and medical care
Here is another good Charity Lost Tribes, by Jewish Voice.
Jewish Federation of Canada
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lyledebeast · 2 years
A little vengeance, as a treat!
For all William Tavington in The Patriot and John Graves Simcoe in Turn: Washington’s Spies have in common, one of them ends his respective story dead and the other survives to lead a wildly different (and surprisingly historically accurate) life in Canada after the war. The reason for this lies not in these antagonists but rather the views of revenge held by the stories’ protagonists.  Benjamin Martin, Abraham Woodhull, and Edmund Hewlett all have the opportunity to kill their adversaries near the ends of their stories, but only Ben actually takes advantage of it.
Each of Turn’s four seasons contains at least one plot by members of the Culper ring to kill Simcoe.  First, Abe, Ben, and Caleb conspire to do so as a means of protecting Anna Strong from his advances.  Later, the focus shifts to protecting Abe when Simcoe suspects him of being Culper.  Similarly Hewlett’s reasons for wanting Simcoe dead have as much to do with stopping future violence as revenge for Simcoe’s past wrongs.  Self-preservation is included in this as Simcoe is every bit as enthusiastic about killing him! Their reasons for choosing to spare Simcoe, however, are both different and similar at once. 
By that point, Abe is no longer trying to protect anyone, even himself.  He draws his pistol on Simcoe while he is on the ground, gasping for breath after being shot through the side by Caleb, surrounded by Loyalist soldiers.  Killing Simcoe in that moment would likely result in his own death, but Abe’s strategy of joining a Loyalist regiment has been something of a suicide mission from the beginning.  However, he also has information that would prove instrumental to a Continental Army victory, information that would never get into Washington’s hands if he chose death in the service of revenge.  Like Gabriel and Benjamin Martin, he chooses the cause over vengeance, but unlike them, he never gets another chance with Simcoe. But when he reaches Simcoe’s story in the “Where Are They Now?” monologue he gives in the final episode, there is no bitterness.  If anything, elderly Abe is pleased by the good Simcoe was able to do in helping to make Canada a refuge for formerly enslaved people in spite of all his wrongs when they knew each other.
Unlike Abe, Hewlett could likely have gotten away with killing Simcoe on the boat. They are alone, and Simcoe is too severely injured to protect himself.  Had Hewlett actually poisoned the apple he forces into Simcoe’s mouth, he would likely have been able to get off the boat before the effects were discovered and traced back to him.  The reasons he gives for not doing that are more philosophical than Abe’s.  He explains to Simcoe that while he has long wanted to kill him, and still does to a degree, but he also wants to embrace the opportunity for change that the outcome of the war has afforded him, and part of that change is allowing Simcoe to do the same. What he does share in common with Abe is the conviction that revenge is not worth the cost of other principles.
As in Turn, revenge in The Patriot is balanced against “staying the course” with Gabriel urging his father to prioritize the war effort over avenging his brother. Also, the “soon” Ben promises Tavington when asked why he wants to wait to kill him only becomes “now” at the end of the movie, on the battlefield, after Tavington’s  regiment has been practically destroyed. The difference is that while Abe and Hewlett must balance protection--particularly of civilians, and more particularly, civilians they care about personally--against vengeance and the cause, Ben and the militia refuse to divert any attention away from the war effort to that end.  Rather than using the militia’s collective strength to stop the Green Dragoons when they begin terrorizing their families, uses the militia to lure them into the swamp. When the dragoons’ violence escalates, he sends his men to their individual homes for a week’s furlough, a bizarre decision that does nothing to either help the war effort or offer meaningful protection to civilians.  Following Ben’s lead, ironically, his men only take matters into their own hands after the dragoons burn their family members alive in their church: vengeance over protection once again.
Ben and Gabriel can agree with Abe that the cause is more important than revenge, but rather than an inferior justification for violence, they see it as a privilege.  “There will be time to avenge Thomas, but not at the expense of our cause,” Gabriel tells his father. In a reversal of their parent/child roles, he frames revenge as the dessert that can only be enjoyed once Ben has done justice to the main course.  Lesson learned, he only goes after Tavington once the tide of the battle has turned in the Continental Army’s favor.  
Interestingly, this idea of violence as a reward for doing well in the war game is mirrored in Tavington’s petulant “Is it not enough that I have never lost a battle?” when Cornwallis threatens to withhold land in the colonies if does not stop executing surrendering enemy soldiers and in Simcoe’s confusion over Hewlett’s refusal to kill him even though he has earned the right to do so. While Ben, Tavington, and Simcoe all have different motives for their violence, what they share in common is a comfort with it that is completely foreign to Abe and Hewlett.  If violence is on the table, it is the option all three are choosing; Tavington and Simcoe are just more honest about it.
Although Abe and Hewlett’s plotting does not turn out the way they planned, their attempts to stop Simcoe do save lives.  Indeed, they do far more to contain Simcoe’s violence than the militia attempt with regards to Tavington’s.  Ben’s choice to wait, to kill Tavington (just) before the war is over and call it vengeance rather than “soon”(er) and call it protection contributes to the movie’s very high civilian body count.  Turn uses the conclusion of these three characters’ relationship to disparage vengeance as violence for the sake of violence, something they must leave behind if they are going to grow. There are moments where The Patriot appears to do the same, but by the end, it does just the opposite.  There is a reason why the characters who are most opposed to vengeance, Gabriel and the priest, both die while seeking it themselves and those who are seeking it from the beginning, Ben and Major Villenueuve, survive and succeed.  By uncritically presenting it as a privilege that must be earned, The Patriot elevates revenge as wholly consistent with the principles of a good father, a good Christian, and, of course, a good American, no matter what it costs.
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battleangel · 11 months
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Who Cares About a Bunch of Dead Black & Brown People?
"Canadian wildfires" from this summer, if you remember them, were a "100 wildfires that started simultaneously in Canada". Yeah, okay.
Yet, if you recall, all the videos on the news and social media were of the smoke that completely filled and covered the sky on the east coast of the U.S. like a literal alien attack movie, like ID4.
People on social media reported seeing mushroom clouds and bombs being tested in NYC.
This is because the government was testing alien weaponry including bombs.
Right after the "Canadian wildfires", a former CIA director admitted in a Congressional hearing that "non-human remains" aka alien remains had been found by the government for years.
During this time this past summer, record levels of air pollution and toxicity were reported on the east coast as well as record humidity.
Yes, due to climate change but also due to government testing of confiscated alien weaponry and bombs that polluted the air and created unheard of levels of humidity.
Climate change has been known for decades and yet nothing real has been done about capitalism which drives every aspect of climate change, from the destruction of the rainforest by fast food conglomerates, to greenhouse gas emissions fueled by the auto industry, factory farming practices responsible for ethane from animal feces which is a huge climate change contributor plus all the millions of gallons of water required, drilling for oil, oil spills, oceanic pollution from non-biodegradable trash that ends up in the ocean, endless Amazon warehouses, endless SHEIN & Amazon landfills, air conditioning house at 70 degrees at all times, endless cars clogging the highway all rushing to nowhere to sit in traffic to waste the day away inside in a building wasting your life away for a paycheck & benefits, emitting pollutants out of your exhaust pipe smoke smog killing the environment depleting the ozone layer creating smog difficult to breathe, dirty machines belching smoke and gas on concrete highways to hell.
Yet noone does anything about rampant overconsumption, wastefulness, mindless spending, mindless buying, keeping up with the joneses, wasting money at IKEA, buying furniture to impress guests that never even come over, consumerism, materialism, oversized portions of food at restaurants, fast fashion worn today thrown in a landfill tomorrow, private jets killing the environment flying to nowhere for nothing, drones delivering Amazon packages that nobody needed in a day much less an hour and nobody does anything but to demand Amazon Prime deliveries in half an hour and Elon Musk is colonizing Mars and Bezos is flying rich wypipo to the moon.
This weekend, IGN via Bloomberg  reported 50k year old zombie viruses being released due to climate change causing Siberian glaciers to melt.
Government wants disabled, immunocompromised, elderly, lower income black and brown people gone. As many as possible.
Whoever else dies is just collateral damage.
Because by 2030, white people will become the minority in the US if current birthing trends continue and they will be replaced with blacks and hispanics making up the majority as their birth rates are much higher than white peoples especially amongst hispanics.
The elites are using the government to do whatever it can to reduce and delay this trend before white people become the minority in the US.
The government also wants to reduce Medicaid and Medicare enrollment as well as the money spent on these programs and what better way to do that than weaponizing viruses (COVID & 50k year old "zombie" viruses) via policies to kill off lower income food service, fast food and big box retail employees, people living in inner cities, disabled and the elderly, the majority of whom are black and hispanic?
Look at Beyonces and Taylor Swifts concerts over the summer, all the crowds and unmasking despite an increase in COVID cases, mutated COVID cases and long COVID cases with severe health consequences including extended hospitalizations and lung damage.
Why did noone care that this COVID resurgence was happening alongside the Eras and Renaissance tours with literally over a million people in attendance, extremely large crowds gathering with a real chance of concert attendees infecting one other?
Because, as we saw with George Floyd and the temporary black squares on Instagram, once the performative virtue signaling stage of COVID was over, nobody gave a fuck anymore and the elites know most people dont really gaf about poor, disabled, elderly black & brown people so the new COVID mantra became "stay tf inside if youre vulnerable, I aint wearing a mask to Eras or Renaissance cuz I look tew cute".
They correctly surmised people were o-v-a-h it and most had been summoned back to their wage slave 9 to 5 life of drudgery so they knew people wouldnt complain about the concerts as they had already done their "say her name Breonna Taylor" performative virtue signalling bullshit and now they wanted to shake their dreads to Slayonce and Taylor.
Who cares about a bunch of dead poor, disabled, elderly black & brown people anyway?
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Bringing X-rays to the Patient: The Benefits of Portable Diagnostic Devices
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The global portable X-ray devices market is on a significant growth trajectory, driven by advances in medical imaging technology and increasing demand for mobile diagnostic solutions. According to the report, the market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11% over the forecast period of 2022-2028. The revenue generated by the portable X-ray devices market was approximately USD 6.3 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach approximately USD 12 billion by 2028.
What Are Portable X-ray Devices?
Portable X-ray devices are compact, mobile imaging systems designed to provide high-quality X-ray images in various settings outside traditional radiology departments. These devices are crucial for performing diagnostic imaging in emergency situations, remote locations, and in-home care settings. They offer the advantage of flexibility, allowing healthcare professionals to conduct imaging procedures without the need for patients to travel to a hospital or clinic.
Get Sample pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/sample-request/327
Market Dynamics and Growth Drivers
Several factors are contributing to the robust growth of the global portable X-ray devices market:
Increasing Geriatric Population: The growing elderly population, who often have mobility issues and chronic conditions, is driving the demand for portable X-ray devices. These devices enable convenient and effective imaging for patients who are bedridden or have limited mobility.
Rising Incidence of Chronic Diseases: The prevalence of chronic diseases such as respiratory disorders, orthopedic conditions, and cardiovascular diseases is increasing, leading to a higher need for diagnostic imaging. Portable X-ray devices are essential for managing and monitoring these conditions.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in X-ray technology, including the development of lighter, more compact, and more efficient portable systems, are enhancing the capabilities and adoption of portable X-ray devices. Improvements in image quality, battery life, and ease of use are driving market growth.
Emergency and Critical Care Applications: Portable X-ray devices are increasingly used in emergency and critical care settings, where rapid and flexible diagnostic capabilities are crucial. Their ability to provide immediate imaging results supports timely medical decision-making.
Growing Demand for Home Healthcare: The rise in home healthcare services is fueling the need for portable diagnostic solutions. Portable X-ray devices facilitate imaging in home care environments, improving patient comfort and reducing hospital visits.
Regional Analysis
North America: The North American market leads in portable X-ray device adoption, supported by advanced healthcare infrastructure and high technological adoption. The U.S. and Canada are prominent markets due to their strong healthcare systems and increasing demand for mobile diagnostic solutions.
Europe: Europe is experiencing substantial growth in the portable X-ray devices market, driven by an aging population, rising healthcare expenditures, and technological advancements. Countries such as Germany, the U.K., and France are key contributors to market expansion.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing rapid growth in the portable X-ray devices market, driven by increasing healthcare investments, expanding healthcare access, and rising prevalence of chronic diseases. Emerging economies like China and India are significant markets.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa: These regions are gradually adopting portable X-ray devices, influenced by improvements in healthcare infrastructure and growing healthcare needs. Market growth is supported by increasing investments in medical technology and healthcare services.
Competitive Landscape
The portable X-ray devices market is competitive, with several key players and emerging companies shaping the industry. Notable players include:
GE Healthcare: A leading manufacturer of portable X-ray devices known for its advanced imaging technology and comprehensive healthcare solutions.
Siemens Healthineers: Offers a range of portable X-ray systems with cutting-edge technology and high image quality.
Philips Healthcare: Provides innovative portable X-ray devices designed for various clinical applications, including emergency and critical care.
Canon Medical Systems: Known for its portable X-ray solutions that combine high performance with user-friendly features.
Carestream Health: Offers portable X-ray systems with advanced imaging capabilities and flexible options for diverse clinical settings.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/global-portable-x-ray-devices-market
Challenges and Opportunities
The portable X-ray devices market faces challenges such as high costs associated with advanced technology and the need for regular maintenance and calibration. Additionally, there may be regulatory and compliance issues related to medical device standards.
However, there are significant opportunities for growth. Increasing healthcare investments, technological advancements, and rising demand for mobile and home healthcare solutions present avenues for market expansion. Companies that focus on innovation, cost reduction, and expanding their product offerings are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for portable X-ray devices.
The global portable X-ray devices market is poised for substantial growth, driven by technological advancements, increasing demand for mobile diagnostics, and rising healthcare needs. With revenue expected to reach approximately USD 12 billion by 2028, the market presents significant opportunities for innovation and investment. As healthcare continues to evolve, portable X-ray devices will play a crucial role in enhancing diagnostic capabilities and improving patient care across various settings.
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nannycareblog-blog · 2 months
Choosing a Live-in Caregiver in Toronto: What You Need to Know
Finding the right live-in caregiver in Toronto can be a crucial decision for families seeking professional and compassionate support for their loved ones. Whether you're considering this option for elderly care, childcare, or assistance for individuals with special needs, understanding the process and requirements is essential. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the selection of a live-in caregiver in Toronto.
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Understanding Live-in Caregivers
Live-in caregivers provide around-the-clock care and support to individuals who require assistance with daily activities, medical needs, companionship, or household tasks. This arrangement allows the caregiver to reside in the client's home, offering continuity of care and personalized attention tailored to the individual's specific needs.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Live-in Caregiver
Assessing Care Needs: Evaluate the specific care requirements of your loved one. Determine whether they need assistance with personal care, medication management, mobility support, meal preparation, housekeeping, or companionship.
Legal Requirements: In Canada, including Toronto, hiring a live-in caregiver involves compliance with federal and provincial regulations. This includes obtaining a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and ensuring that the caregiver meets the eligibility criteria for the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).
Qualifications and Experience: Look for caregivers with relevant qualifications, certifications, and experience in caregiving, particularly in the specific areas of need (e.g., elderly care, childcare, disability support). Ask for references and inquire about their previous work experience and training.
Cultural and Language Compatibility: Consider the cultural background and language proficiency of the caregiver to ensure effective communication and cultural sensitivity, especially if your loved one has specific cultural preferences or language requirements.
Personality and Compatibility: Assess the caregiver's personality traits, compassion, patience, and ability to build rapport with your loved one. Compatibility and a positive relationship between the caregiver and client are crucial for effective care and emotional well-being.
Finding a Live-in Caregiver
Caregiver Agencies: Contact reputable caregiver agencies that specialize in placing live-in caregivers. Agencies like Nannies Inc. can assist with the recruitment, screening, and placement process, ensuring that caregivers meet legal requirements and client-specific preferences.
Online Platforms: Explore online platforms and job boards dedicated to caregiver services where caregivers post profiles and qualifications. These platforms often provide reviews and ratings from previous clients, helping you assess their suitability.
Referrals and Recommendations: Seek recommendations from healthcare professionals, community organizations, or friends and family who have experience with hiring live-in caregivers. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights and trusted recommendations.
Benefits of Hiring a Live-in Caregiver
Personalized Care: Live-in caregivers offer personalized care and support tailored to the individual's needs and preferences, promoting comfort and independence.
Companionship: Beyond practical assistance, caregivers provide companionship, emotional support, and social interaction, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Tap this link to read more. 
Continuity of Care: Having a live-in caregiver ensures continuity of care, familiarity with the client's routines, preferences, and medical history, which can improve overall health outcomes.
Family Support: Hiring a live-in caregiver provides relief and peace of mind for family members, knowing that their loved one is receiving professional care and supervision in the comfort of their own home.
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Legal and Practical Considerations
Employment Contract: Draft a clear and comprehensive employment contract outlining duties, responsibilities, working hours, compensation, benefits, termination clauses, and any specific arrangements or preferences.
Work Permits and Immigration: If hiring a caregiver from outside Canada, ensure compliance with immigration regulations, work permits, and documentation requirements. Work closely with caregiver agencies or legal professionals to navigate this process effectively.
Training and Supervision: Provide necessary training, orientation, and ongoing supervision to ensure the caregiver understands their role, responsibilities, and your expectations for quality care.
Choosing a live-in caregiver in Toronto involves careful consideration of your loved one's care needs, legal requirements, caregiver qualifications, and compatibility factors. By conducting thorough research, seeking recommendations, and working with reputable caregiver agencies or online platforms, you can find a compassionate and skilled caregiver who enhances the quality of life for your loved one while providing peace of mind for your family. Prioritize open communication, mutual respect, and a supportive environment to foster a positive and trusting relationship between the caregiver and your loved one, ensuring optimal care and well-being in the comfort of home.
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swiftmedcareinc · 2 months
Comprehensive Patient Transfer Services in Toronto, Brampton, and Mississauga: Ensuring Safe and Reliable Healthcare Transportation
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When it comes to healthcare, timely and safe patient transfer is a critical component of ensuring patients receive the care they need. Whether it's moving a patient from home to a healthcare facility, between hospitals, or to a specialized treatment center, the importance of reliable patient transfer services cannot be overstated. In the bustling regions of Toronto, Brampton, and Mississauga, several dedicated providers offer exceptional patient transfer services to meet these needs.
Understanding Patient Transfer Services
Patient transfer services are specialized transportation solutions designed to safely move patients who may require medical attention during transit. These services are crucial for individuals with limited mobility, those recovering from surgeries, elderly patients, and individuals with chronic illnesses. The primary goal is to ensure comfort, safety, and efficiency throughout the transfer process.
Patient Transfer Services in Toronto
Toronto, as one of Canada's largest cities, boasts a vast network of healthcare facilities, including world-renowned hospitals and clinics. Patient transfer services in Toronto are designed to cater to the diverse needs of its population, offering:
Non-emergency medical transportation: For routine check-ups, dialysis appointments, and rehabilitation sessions.
Emergency transfers: Quick and efficient transfers in critical situations.
Long-distance transfers: Transportation to and from specialized treatment centers outside the city.
Specialized transport: Services equipped for bariatric patients, those with complex medical needs, and pediatric transfers.
Providers in Toronto are equipped with advanced medical equipment and staffed by trained professionals to ensure patients receive the highest level of care during their journey.
Patient Transfer Services in Brampton
Brampton, a rapidly growing city, also has a significant demand for reliable patient transfer services. The healthcare system in Brampton relies heavily on these services to ensure seamless patient transitions. Key features of patient transfer services in Brampton include:
Wheelchair-accessible vehicles: Ensuring mobility and comfort for patients with disabilities.
Professional medical staff: Trained paramedics and nurses to provide necessary medical care during transit.
Customized transportation plans: Tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient, whether it's for a regular hospital visit or a complex medical transfer.
Coordination with healthcare providers: Ensuring smooth communication between different medical facilities for efficient patient handovers.
Patient Transfer Services in Mississauga
Mississauga, with its diverse and growing population, also requires robust patient transfer services. These services are integral to the city's healthcare infrastructure, offering:
24/7 availability: Round-the-clock service to cater to emergency and non-emergency needs.
Advanced life support vehicles: Equipped with the latest medical technology for critical care patients.
Skilled medical personnel: Including EMTs, paramedics, and nurses to ensure patients receive the necessary care en route.
Comprehensive coverage: From local hospital transfers to long-distance medical transport across Ontario.
Why Choose Professional Patient Transfer Services?
Selecting a professional patient transfer service in Toronto, Brampton, or Mississauga ensures that patients are transported safely and efficiently, minimizing stress and health risks. The benefits of using professional services include:
Safety and comfort: Patients are transported in specialized vehicles designed for medical transfers.
Expert care: Trained medical staff provide continuous monitoring and care during transit.
Reliability: Punctual and dependable services ensure patients reach their destinations on time.
Peace of mind: Families and caregivers can rest assured knowing their loved ones are in capable hands.
In the dynamic regions of Toronto, Brampton, and Mississauga, patient transfer services play a vital role in the healthcare system. These services ensure that patients receive timely, safe, and comfortable transportation to and from medical facilities. By choosing professional patient transfer services, patients and their families can focus on what truly matters – health and recovery.
If you or a loved one requires patient transfer services, consider reaching out to local providers in Toronto, Brampton, or Mississauga to learn more about how they can support your healthcare journey.
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iopanic · 2 months
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
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St. Kateri Tekakwitha, also known as the "Lily of the Mohawks," was born in 1656 in the Mohawk village of Ossernenon, which is near present-day Auriesville, New York. She is the first Native American woman to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.
Early Life
Kateri's birth name was Tekakwitha, which means "She who bumps into things." Her mother was an Algonquin Christian, and her father was a Mohawk chief. When Kateri was around four years old, her village was struck by a smallpox epidemic, which claimed the lives of her parents and younger brother. Kateri survived but was left with severe scars on her face and impaired eyesight.
Conversion and Faith
At the age of 19, Kateri converted to Christianity, taking the name "Kateri" in honor of St. Catherine of Siena. Her conversion was met with hostility from her relatives and the community, but she remained steadfast in her faith. She eventually fled to a Christian Native American village in Kahnawake, near Montreal, where she could practice her faith freely.
Devotion and Lifestyle
Kateri was known for her deep devotion to the Eucharist and her acts of penance. She led a life of prayer, fasting, and severe mortification, which inspired those around her. Despite her fragile health, she worked tirelessly to teach prayers to children and help the sick and elderly in the village.
Death and Legacy
St. Kateri Tekakwitha died on April 17, 1680, at the age of 24. It is said that her scars vanished upon her death, and her face became radiantly beautiful. Her final words were reported to be "Jesus, I love you."
Kateri was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980 and canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 21, 2012. She is celebrated as the patron saint of the environment, ecology, and Indigenous peoples.
Patronage and Feast Day
St. Kateri is venerated as the patron saint of the environment and ecology due to her deep connection with nature and her respectful treatment of all creation. Her feast day is celebrated on July 14 in the United States and Canada.
Influence and Inspiration
St. Kateri's life continues to inspire many people around the world, particularly Indigenous communities and those who work for environmental conservation. Her story is a testament to the strength of faith, the importance of cultural heritage, and the need to live harmoniously with nature.
How can I honor St. Kateri?
Honoring St. Kateri Tekakwitha can be a meaningful and fulfilling way to deepen your spiritual life and commitment to environmental stewardship. Here are several ways you can honor her:
Prayer and Devotion
Pray to St. Kateri: Recite prayers dedicated to her, such as the one mentioned earlier. You can also ask for her intercession in your prayers for environmental causes, personal needs, or the well-being of Indigenous peoples.
Celebrate Her Feast Day: On July 14 (in the United States and Canada), participate in Mass or a special prayer service in her honor. This is a great day to reflect on her life and virtues.
Create a Prayer Space: Set up a small altar or prayer space in your home with an image or statue of St. Kateri. Include items that represent nature, such as flowers, leaves, or stones, to remind you of her connection to the environment.
Environmental Stewardship
Participate in Environmental Activities: Get involved in local clean-up efforts, tree planting, or conservation projects. Dedicate your efforts to St. Kateri and her example of caring for creation.
Adopt Sustainable Practices: Make conscious choices to reduce waste, recycle, and conserve energy and water in your daily life. These small acts can collectively make a significant impact on the environment.
Support Environmental Organizations: Donate to or volunteer with organizations that work to protect the environment and promote sustainable living, especially those that also support Indigenous communities.
Cultural and Educational Efforts
Learn About Indigenous Cultures: Educate yourself about the history, culture, and contemporary issues of Indigenous peoples. Reading books, watching documentaries, and attending cultural events can deepen your understanding and appreciation.
Support Indigenous Communities: Purchase goods from Indigenous artisans, support Indigenous-led initiatives, and advocate for the rights and recognition of Indigenous peoples.
Teach Others: Share St. Kateri's story and her message of environmental stewardship with others. This can be done through social media, community presentations, or informal conversations.
Personal Reflection and Growth
Live Simply: Emulate St. Kateri's simple and humble lifestyle by focusing on what is essential and reducing excess in your life. This can help you grow spiritually and live in greater harmony with the environment.
Spend Time in Nature: Take time to appreciate and connect with the natural world. Go for walks, hike, or simply sit in a park, reflecting on the beauty of creation and how you can protect it.
Practice Gratitude: Regularly express gratitude for the gifts of nature and the environment. Keeping a gratitude journal focused on these blessings can help foster a deeper connection to the natural world.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can honor St. Kateri Tekakwitha and carry forward her legacy of faith, simplicity, and care for creation.
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industryforecastnews · 3 months
Hand Sanitizer Market Size To Reach USD 10.84 Billion By 2030
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Hand Sanitizer Market Growth & Trends
The global hand sanitizer market size is expected to reach USD 10.84 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 6.1% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Rising prevalence of regular hand washing and sanitization among consumers owing to recent pandemic has been driving the product demand.Major sanitizer manufacturers have been ramping up their production capacity as well as improving their supply strategies to cater to the unprecedented spike in product demand worldwide. According to a report by Adobe Analytics, the demand for hand sanitizer in the U.S. spiked to 1,400% between December 2019 and January 2020. The U.S. government further promoted the usage of hand care products to avoid health issues.
Many companies are also taking initiatives to help fight infection due to the large population that is at a higher risk of disease contamination, such as elderly people and population and individuals with other chronic ailments. For instance, in January 2021, Reckitt Benckiser donated 35,000 bottles of Dettol hand sanitizer to Russian HIV community centers in Moscow, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kursk, Orel, and Vladimir. Hence, initiatives like these supported market growth. Gel-based hand sanitizer segment held the largest share in 2022 and is expected to maintain dominance over the forecast period. These hand sanitizers come in a variety of fragrances that appeal to customers of all ages.
Furthermore, hand sanitizer gels frequently contain moisturizing ingredients that help keep hands soft and limit the product's harsh effects on the skin. These products are also easier to spread and drip less than spray or liquid counterparts, which contributes significantly to segmental market trends. The hypermarket & supermarket segment contributed a majority of the revenue share in 2022 to become a larger division. The increasing penetration of independent retail giants, such as Walmart and Costco, is boosting product visibility and attracting a larger consumer base. Consumers prefer to physically verify these products before buying, which is driving sales through this channel. The market is highly fragmented with the presence of a large number of regional and local players.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Hand Sanitizer Market Report
Hand Sanitizer Market Report Highlights
The foam-based product segment is projected to register the fastest CAGR over the forecast period. Foam-based sanitizers are more cost-effective for large organizations as it dispenses less amount of product per pump
The online channel segment is anticipated to register the fastest growth rate during the forecast years owing to promising growth exhibited by e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Alibaba, Walmart, and other such service providers
Asia Pacific is expected to register the fastest growth rate during the forecast period with brands rolling out sanitizers due to rising hygiene practices in countries including China and India. 
Hand Sanitizer Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global hand sanitizer market based on product, distribution channel, and region:
Hand Sanitizer Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Hand Sanitizer Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Hypermarket & Supermarket
Pharmacy & Drugstore
Convenience Store
Hand Sanitizer Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Australia & New Zealand
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players of Hand Sanitizer Market
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Procter and Gamble
The Himalaya Drug Company
GOJO Industries, Inc.
Henkel AG and Company
Chattem, Inc.
Best Sanitizers, Inc.
Browse Full Report: Hand Sanitizer Market Report
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Elder Care Market is set for a Potential Growth Worldwide: Excellent Technology Trends with Business Analysis
Eldercare, on the other hand, frequently becomes a concern when a loved one begins to struggle with activities of daily life, both comfortably and economically. Eldercare is a type of specialized care that is meant to satisfy the needs and requirements of elderly individuals at various phases of their lives. As a result, the phrase "elder care" is quite wide, encompassing anything from assisted living and nursing care to adult daycare, home care, and even hospice.  Even while old age is not in and of itself a reason to consider elder care, it is generally the numerous illnesses and physical issues that come with old age that spark a discussion about eldercare.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/180978-global-elder-care-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Elder Care Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Elder Care Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Elder Care The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Interim HealthCare Inc (United States), Revera (Canada), Sunrise Senior Living (United States), National Mentor Holdings, Inc (United States), Orpea (France), Korian (France), Four Seasons Healthcare  (United States), Brookdale Senior Living (United States), Attendo (Sweden), Clover Health (United States),
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Southeast Asia.
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adityarana1687-blog · 3 months
Hand Sanitizer Market Size To Reach $10.84 Billion By 2030
The global hand sanitizer market size is expected to reach USD 10.84 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 6.1% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Rising prevalence of regular hand washing and sanitization among consumers owing to recent pandemic has been driving the product demand.Major sanitizer manufacturers have been ramping up their production capacity as well as improving their supply strategies to cater to the unprecedented spike in product demand worldwide. According to a report by Adobe Analytics, the demand for hand sanitizer in the U.S. spiked to 1,400% between December 2019 and January 2020. The U.S. government further promoted the usage of hand care products to avoid health issues.
Many companies are also taking initiatives to help fight infection due to the large population that is at a higher risk of disease contamination, such as elderly people and population and individuals with other chronic ailments. For instance, in January 2021, Reckitt Benckiser donated 35,000 bottles of Dettol hand sanitizer to Russian HIV community centers in Moscow, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kursk, Orel, and Vladimir. Hence, initiatives like these supported market growth. Gel-based hand sanitizer segment held the largest share in 2022 and is expected to maintain dominance over the forecast period. These hand sanitizers come in a variety of fragrances that appeal to customers of all ages.
Furthermore, hand sanitizer gels frequently contain moisturizing ingredients that help keep hands soft and limit the product's harsh effects on the skin. These products are also easier to spread and drip less than spray or liquid counterparts, which contributes significantly to segmental market trends. The hypermarket & supermarket segment contributed a majority of the revenue share in 2022 to become a larger division. The increasing penetration of independent retail giants, such as Walmart and Costco, is boosting product visibility and attracting a larger consumer base. Consumers prefer to physically verify these products before buying, which is driving sales through this channel. The market is highly fragmented with the presence of a large number of regional and local players.
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 Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Hand Sanitizer Market Report
Hand Sanitizer Market Report Highlights
The foam-based product segment is projected to register the fastest CAGR over the forecast period. Foam-based sanitizers are more cost-effective for large organizations as it dispenses less amount of product per pump
The online channel segment is anticipated to register the fastest growth rate during the forecast years owing to promising growth exhibited by e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, Alibaba, Walmart, and other such service providers
Asia Pacific is expected to register the fastest growth rate during the forecast period with brands rolling out sanitizers due to rising hygiene practices in countries including China and India. 
Hand Sanitizer Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global hand sanitizer market based on product, distribution channel, and region:
Hand Sanitizer Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Hand Sanitizer Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Hypermarket & Supermarket
Pharmacy & Drugstore
Convenience Store
Hand Sanitizer Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Australia & New Zealand
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players of Hand Sanitizer Market
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Procter and Gamble
The Himalaya Drug Company
GOJO Industries, Inc.
Henkel AG and Company
Chattem, Inc.
Best Sanitizers, Inc.
Contact Us - https://www.grandviewresearch.com/horizon 
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markeduke · 3 months
All About Assisted Living in Canada, Government Support and Services
In Canada, assisted living is a vital component of elder care, offering elders individualised help while preserving their dignity and independence. The need for these services is increasing as the population becomes older, leading to actions from the government and the business sector to protect elderly citizens’ well-being. In Canada, the government offers a number of programmes and support systems that help make assisted living more accessible.
Assisted living facilities in Canada offer a range of services designed to assist seniors with daily activities while promoting autonomy. These Assisted Living Canada services may include help with meal preparation, housekeeping, medication management, transportation, and personal care such as bathing and dressing. Additionally, many assisted living communities offer recreational and social activities to foster a sense of community and engagement among residents.
One of the primary ways the Canadian government supports assisted living is through funding and regulation. Provincial and territorial governments oversee the licensing and regulation of assisted living facilities to ensure they meet certain standards of care and safety. These regulations cover aspects such as staffing ratios, training requirements, facility amenities, and resident rights. By enforcing these standards, the government aims to protect the well-being of seniors and maintain the quality of care provided in assisted living settings.
In addition to regulatory oversight, the Canadian government provides financial assistance to seniors who require support with the cost of assisted living. Programs such as the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) offer financial assistance to low-income seniors to help cover the cost of basic necessities, including housing and healthcare. Furthermore, some provinces offer specific subsidies or funding programs to help offset the cost of assisted living for eligible seniors.
Another significant way the Canadian government supports assisted living is through healthcare services. Canada’s publicly funded healthcare system provides access to medical services, including primary care, specialist consultations, and hospital care, which are essential for seniors living in assisted living facilities. Additionally, home care services, such as nursing visits and therapy sessions, may be available to seniors who require additional support to remain in their assisted living residences.
Furthermore, the Canadian government invests in initiatives to promote healthy aging and improve the quality of life for seniors. These initiatives may include funding research on aging-related issues, developing educational programs on healthy living and disease prevention, and supporting community-based organizations that provide services to seniors. By addressing the broader social determinants of health and well-being, the government aims to create an environment where seniors can thrive and age with dignity.
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of aging in place, allowing seniors to remain in their homes or community settings for as long as possible. To support this goal, the Canadian government has invested in programs and services that enable seniors to access the care and support they need while remaining in their preferred living arrangements. This may include home care services, community-based programs, and initiatives to improve accessibility and infrastructure for seniors.
Despite the government’s efforts to support assisted living in Canada, challenges remain. The demand for assisted living services continues to outpace supply in many regions, leading to waitlists and shortages of affordable housing options for seniors. Additionally, disparities in access to care exist, particularly for marginalized populations such as Indigenous seniors, immigrants, and low-income individuals.
In Canada, assisted living is essential to maintaining elders’ health and wellbeing as they age. The Canadian government strives to guarantee that seniors have access to the care and support they require to live freely and with dignity through financial aid, healthcare services, regulatory control, and programs to promote healthy aging. To guarantee that all seniors may age with the resources and support they deserve, it is still imperative to address the persistent problems and gaps in access to care.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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microcosmicworld · 4 months
Council apologises for postponing end of care charges – Disability News Service
Elderly IRA Australians Canada had to follow Royal practices in England occupied English homes stolen from welfare of disabled ID didn't let genuine British have disability welfare. Those were against Royalty and now refunding all that they took from England..
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shubhampawrainfinium · 2 months
"Enteral Nutrition: Genuine Market Growth or Overblown Industry Hype?"
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Enteral nutrition involves delivering essential nutrients directly to the gastrointestinal tract through a tube, crucial for patients who cannot consume food orally due to various medical conditions. This method is vital in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and increasingly in home settings, particularly for those with chronic illnesses, swallowing difficulties, or recovering from surgery. As healthcare advances and the prevalence of chronic diseases rises, the market for enteral nutrition is expanding, driven by innovations in medical technology and growing awareness of the importance of nutritional support.
Market Dynamics
Increasing Prevalence of Chronic Diseases: The rise in chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and gastrointestinal disorders necessitates effective nutritional support, fueling demand for enteral nutrition products.
Aging Population: As the global population ages, more individuals require enteral nutrition due to age-related health issues like dysphagia and malnutrition.
Advancements in Technology: Technological progress in feeding devices, such as improved feeding tubes and pumps, enhances patient safety and compliance, driving market growth.
High Costs: The expense of enteral nutrition products and associated services, including feeding tubes, pumps, and specialized formulas, can be substantial, impacting accessibility for some patients and healthcare systems.
Regulatory and Compliance Issues: Meeting stringent regulations for product safety, labeling, and quality across different regions can be challenging and costly for manufacturers.
Intense Market Competition: The competitive landscape requires companies to continuously innovate and differentiate their products to maintain a competitive edge.
Growth in Home Healthcare: The increasing trend toward home-based care creates opportunities for developing portable, user-friendly, and cost-effective enteral nutrition solutions that cater to home settings.
Personalized Nutrition Solutions: There is a growing demand for tailored enteral nutrition products that meet individual patient needs. Developing customized formulas and delivery systems can address specific nutritional requirements and enhance patient outcomes.
Sample Pages of  Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/sample-request/1030
Regional Analysis
North America: The North American market benefits from advanced healthcare infrastructure and high demand due to chronic diseases and an aging population. The U.S. and Canada are key markets, with significant growth driven by technological innovations and increased awareness of nutritional needs.
Europe: Europe features a mature market with a strong focus on regulatory compliance and sustainability. Countries in the European Union have established standards for enteral nutrition products, driving demand for high-quality and eco-friendly solutions.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in the enteral nutrition market due to expanding healthcare access, rising elderly populations, and increasing healthcare expenditures. Major markets include China, India, and Japan, where demand for enteral nutrition is rising due to improved healthcare infrastructure.
Latin America & Middle East & Africa: These regions are seeing gradual growth in the enteral nutrition market, supported by improving healthcare systems and increasing awareness of nutritional needs. Market development is driven by rising healthcare access and patient care improvements.
Market Segmentation
By Product Type: The market is segmented into enteral feeding formulas, feeding tubes, and feeding pumps. Enteral feeding formulas, including standard, elemental, and specialized options, are a major segment due to their essential role in patient nutrition.
By Application: Key applications include oncology, gastroenterology, neurology, and critical care. The oncology and critical care segments are significant due to the high demand for nutritional support in these areas.
By End-User: The market serves hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home care settings. The home care segment is growing rapidly as more patients and caregivers opt for home-based nutrition solutions.
By Region: Regional segmentation includes North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa, each with unique growth drivers and market characteristics.
Competitive Landscape
Market Share of Large Players: Major players such as Abbott Laboratories, Nestlé Health Science, and Danone hold substantial market shares due to their comprehensive product portfolios, global reach, and established market presence.
Price Control by Big Players: Large companies often influence market pricing through economies of scale and strategic sourcing, setting trends and standards for the industry.
Challenges from Smaller Companies: Small and mid-sized companies challenge larger players by focusing on niche markets, innovative formulations, and cost-effective solutions. They often introduce specialized products that cater to specific patient needs or emerging market trends.
Key Players:
Abbott Laboratories
Nestlé Health Science
Fresenius Kabi
Braun Melsungen AG
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Mead Johnson Nutrition
Report Overview: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/global-enteral-nutrition-market
Future Outlook
New Product Development: Ongoing innovation in enteral nutrition products, such as advanced formulas and improved delivery systems, is crucial for addressing evolving patient needs and maintaining market competitiveness. New product development helps companies adapt to changing demands and capture new market opportunities.
Sustainable Products: The growing emphasis on sustainability is driving demand for environmentally friendly enteral nutrition products. Companies focusing on eco-friendly packaging, sustainable sourcing, and reducing environmental impact will likely appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and enhance their market position.
The enteral nutrition market is expanding due to advancements in technology, an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, and a growing aging population. Despite challenges such as high costs and regulatory complexities, opportunities in home healthcare and personalized nutrition solutions offer significant growth potential. Companies that invest in innovation and sustainability will be well-positioned to succeed in this dynamic and competitive market.
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