#Eivor Imagine
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imnotadogiswear · 6 months ago
One thing I like about post-Desmond Assassin's Creed is that the games are a canon thing. Do both sides have to monitor the fandom in case secrets are compromised? Does Abstergo have to fire employees for writing Assassin smut on the job?
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greenaway-torres · 1 year ago
To hear them say how beautiful I am laid out in front of them. How pretty my pussy is when it’s dripping wet. Then they’ll take their time, breaking me and making me whine under their touch. Make me so weak and near helpless. When I try to run away, they’ll just pull me even closer to them.
“Where you going, girl? I just want to make you prettier. Imagine how good you’ll look when I ruin you.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 11 days ago
Would you consider writing Eivor x f!Reader from AC Valhalla, where Eivor is really protective over the Reader? Doesn't matter to me if it's the male Eivor or female Eivor, use whatever you feel like writing.
No worries if this doesn't inspire you, and thank you.
I love this ♥️
A sharp bristling wind breaks through the front door of your small home, nestled against the black rocky cliffside. There’s a bitterness to the wind and when you step outside you feel the ache of your fingers—knowing that you’ll have to go foraging or hunting.
But you’re neither forager nor hunter, and there’s a chance you won’t find anything. It was a fact that had left you hungry more than once during the long winter hours.
Your husband, a marriage without love, was dead. He had gone on a raid, never returning.
And your marriage of less than a year was over.
As you step outside, a sharp thwack of a knife embeds into the exterior frame near your door. Your eyes grow wide like a doe about to skitter off when you hear that familiar laugh.
“Eivor!” Your eyes turn from fear to anger, and you start glaring at the intruder to your property. Whilst they do nothing but laugh at you and the sound you made, you turn toward the knife and try to pull it from the wood. Your fingers curl around the hilt, giving it a tug to now avail.
“Come little rabbit, let the big bad Viking aide you.” Her voice is just as warm yet husky as before. Her hand brushes against yours as she helps you, holding your hand within hers as she tugs. “You really need to eat more-“
“And how do you suppose I do that?” You whirl your head around, fixating the glare upon her again. “With no husband-“
“You need no husband.” She smirked at you, blue eyes reflecting a playfulness that was always evident when she was with you. “Men would be useless for you.”
“Eivor-“ you protest, or at least you want to, until her rough and calloused hand brushes along your cheek, feeling your chill.
“I have food for you, and warmer clothes. You will freeze out here, rabbit. Left to the wolves.” Eivor’s gentleness is touching, and you appreciate that someone cares for you out here. “Or worse, men.”
You laugh, though it sounds more like a scoff than not. It’s soft and it could’ve fallen deaf to the wind. Above you Eivor’s raven flies and squawks, circling the two of you as if she was a lookout.
“I have food, and clothes.” She speaks again, giving your wrist a tug to pull you away from the small house your husband left you. It’s in disrepair now, and you really were trying your best to survive but you didn’t know how.
“Rabbit,” Eivor mumbles the pet name, and slides a hand up your back, pausing when her fingers brush against the hair at the back of your neck, “come with me. I have a warm fire, food to fill your belly-“
“A bed to be warmed?” You tease her now, turning the tables and accusing her of having alternative motives—even if the prospect wouldn’t be denied by you.
“I have more places than just a bed that need to be warmed, little rabbit.” She doesn’t spare a moment, she cups your neck and draws you closer. Her lips crash into yours, without hesitation, as she tastes you and claims you. “Come, now.”
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artschoolglasses · 2 years ago
To all the people who don’t like canon Eivor because of her voice:
I’m so sorry you were cursed with terrible taste.☹️💔
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freydis-freydat · 6 months ago
Who: @eivorxelvhen Where: The wildlands/Freydis’ lil folklore cabin  When: After Neptunalia and before the wolves quest Notes: I promise I will name the ter tyrig by the time I reply
It was peaceful and quiet at the top of the hill Freydis sat and waited at. A sea of long, soft grass rippled in the early evening breeze below the wide span of an orange-pink sunset. Behind her, the horse Aurea had lent to Freydis for her use while staying in the Wildlands countryside grazed. Beside Freydis the loyal ter tyrig, who had proven itself a faithful companion, produced a steady, gentle whirring sound and closely tracked the movement of birds in a nearby tree. They had been waiting for the arrival of a particular elvhen for some time, but Freydis didn’t mind the wait. She had left earlier than necessarily intentionally. 
Eivor had offered to assist with Freydis moving away from Eterna, and if she had enough possessions to fill a single steamer trunk, she likely would have accepted his help. But as it were, she could carry the sum of her possessions on her back, at least she could if she were willing to part with Glaceor. Even now, the shield was strapped at her back. Instead, she had requested another favor from Eivor. A kind worker from The Tower’s library had been trying to track down a tome for the jarl they suspected would have a passage relevant to Freydis’ inquiries into the archfey Nintra Siotta. It had taken so long to locate the book that Freydis had left town–but the librarian had offered to hand copy the passage onto a separate parchment for Freydis, and Freydis had in turn requested Eivor deliver the transcript when it was ready rather than assisting her with relocating. Thank goodness the kindly librarian was willing to meet the grumpy elvhen at the post office because The Tower was simply too spooky for him.  
When Freydis noticed Eivor coming over the horizon, she took her time to rise to her feet. There was still plenty of distance for him to cover to meet her when as she collected the horse’s reigns in her hand and began to lead it toward the base of the hill. A rabbit dangled from its saddle pack–she had taken care to ensure her guest wouldn’t be left hungry after riding out to meet her, especially given he was there as a favor to her. Before she could utter a command, the ter tyrig was bounding forward to keep pace with Eivor. 
Once he was close enough, Freydis led her own horse forward a few paces closer to where Eivor was mounted, one hand dipping down to call the ter tyrig back to her side and give it an affectionate pat as she looked up at the elvhen. “Vangaurd Sparkles,” she addressed him, though she refrained from extending much more of a welcome. One of the last times she had greeted him she had hugged him, and he had seemed utterly repulsed by her. She had learned not to repeat that mistake quickly. Freydis suspected he handily capable of caring for himself in the face of a day’s journey, but she dug into her saddle bag and produced the humble offering of a cold waterskin and an apple. When he either denied or took them, she mounted her own horse. “How was the ride?” she asked as she gently struck her horse’s flank with her heels to prompt it to move in step with Eivor’s own horse.
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gravehags · 7 months ago
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floralpunkbarton · 1 year ago
i'm tryin to work and all my brain will let stick to the wall is "valhalla au but eivor is Seriously Hurt in the fight against kjotve and can't follow sigurd to england right away (like. a year or two delay.)"
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intrepid-creations · 2 years ago
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Rancher Eivor, inspired by @blkdyke's post
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paws-of-the-quill · 1 year ago
Someone please write an Assassins Creed Valhalla and HTTYD crossover Please!!!
Or maybe the twins or Leonardo and Ezio
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mirendils · 1 year ago
i’m very normal but also if i think about disabled assassins for two seconds i need to do this
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magstorrn · 1 year ago
not the asgard section of ac valhalla being the reason i finally start liking sigurd
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wolfkcst · 10 months ago
pick eivor up and they will scream
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greenaway-torres · 1 year ago
I would love to be with a woman who believes her strap is actually a part of her and not just plastic. The way I would tease her with it. Brushing against it when I know she has it on. Running my thumb across it through her pants. Kissing the bulge before I unbuckle her pants. I love it when she gets so weak for me and I barely touched her.
“You like that baby? Want me to put it in my mouth? Then beg.”
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fanworldbuildingfun · 2 years ago
With it being too hot to tolerate the heat PC gives off while playing games...
Unity has hit a pause
Instead, brain switched to AU mode. So now I am mentally mapping out a version of events wherein Eivor wakes up in the past, memories of all that passed in the future (not including Final Chapter) intact
It's just probally an attempt to go through the disappointment I felt when Eivor was named the Jarl of Ravensthorpe, with no other option. Just a small mental AU wherein Eivor has time to reflect on how stifling being trust into position she did not want was. And to add some more time for reflection, let's just pretend time travel happened just after Sigurd left for his travels to Byzantine Empire, Rome, Africa etc. Maybe dip into potential of who provided Hidden Ones with information on Kjotve?
Maybe a merchant in Stavanger? That would fit (given that it's a coastal location). Mind, I'd have to check if the merchants from Byzantine / Abassid caliphate would have travelled there... But it's always possible someone hitchiked back with the people who travelled from Norway and back? (Do I want to have Eivor pop to the merchant's location with the 'rumors' from time to time because she missess Hytham and his bureau? Maybe)
Ideas, ideas... If only I had a solid idea of where this might go
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thcdoomed · 1 year ago
"This isn't you, Driona! Think!" // twirls my hair
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Send “This isn’t you” for your muse to try and stop my muse from doing something reckless. || accepting
|| @wolfkcst
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Red eyes gleamed with an anger seldom seen on the archer's face. But it isn't just anger, is it? No, there is hunger in those eyes, a hunger that was intentionally triggered by someone who now knew Dronia's dark little secret. Usually, it was Karlach who would catch Dronia starting to slip but she wasn't close enough this time to stop the hold the dhampirism had on her and talk her down. Copper sweetness had drifted to her, overwhelming her senses and all she could think about was tearing into the villain that stood before her. Because it's what they wanted, to see her composure slip, to see that veneer of control shatter to tiny pieces on the floor. Teeth were beared, grim pointed tips more akin to the beasts she used to hunt than the human she was, and those red, red eyes and how they glistened in the center.
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Faintly, she could hear Eivor's words as they called out to her; a desperate plea for saner heads to prevail. Words she almost brushes off, except there was still a fight in her, a fight to resist this bloodthirst that always seemed to be there now. She strangled out a sound, something nearly painful, as her eyes regained focus. Concentrating on their words, she replayed them in her head: this isn't you, Dronia.
No, it wasn't her. With a violent shake of her head, she pulls back, still glaring at the scene before her. "You'll not make a monster out of me."
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sapphosraven · 2 months ago
An Unexpected Lesson
Rated: Teen+ but really just for language/some talk of sex
Words: 3,138
“What is it that you like about girls? What about them makes your heart flutter in your young chest?”
Ceolbert considered the question with careful regard. “I suppose I like it when they wear pretty dresses. And put… flowers in their hair?”
Birna nodded. “Why can’t I appreciate a woman in a pretty dress with flowers in her hair?”
- Or, Ceolbert is confused about lesbianism and Eivor, Randvi, and Birna answer his questions. Light with some vague background Randivor pining
Read here on AO3!
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