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doctor-disc0 · 15 days ago
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Text Chat AU, Skyrim edition. This is between my two Dragonborns, Nerevar IV and Eivine. They're supposed to be trapping a dragon, but Eivine decided to join the Dark Brotherhood, much to Nerevar's annoyance.
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willstafford · 3 months ago
Peter Out
PETER PAN Oslo Nye Teater, Friday 11th October 2024 Ever since the first production of J M Barrie’s play in 1904, it has been traditional for the title role to be played by a woman — in stage productions at least — stemming from the pantomime convention of the Principal Boy.  This gender-swapping has led to many a queer reading of the play, with lesbian leanings running through it like…
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neoma-eltanin · 1 year ago
Prompt #15: Portentous
For FFXIVWrite2023 Character: Erjon Sjadarwesfv Warnings: None
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"Eivin! Eivindr!"
The voice that interrupted his peace with the sound of his name was a familiar one. Familiar enough for Eivindr to raise one eyebrow and peer down from where he sat, perched on a branch high up in an impressively tall cypress tree. His bow was resting lazily in his lap, and he had no cause to raise it. He recognized the Viera who stood at the root of the tree, waving at him.
"Njotr," he called back with a single wave and an acknowledging smile. "Escaping from your patrol duties, are you?"
"Psch," huffed Njotr before he started climbing up the tree. The clawed boots dug into the bark, making it easy to move upwards despite how tall the tree was. It didn't take long until he reached the branch where Eivindr sat. "What of you, then? I don't see your apprentice anywhere. Too lazy to keep an eye on him?" He grinned amused as he wandered along the tree branch, taking a quick look around.
Eivindr shrugged. "Frithi is on patrol. I don't have to watch over him all the time, he knows what he's doing. He's learning quick."
Njotr's brow raised just a bit, but he nodded. "Is that so? Well... Forest life is one thing. We'll see how he handles impressing anyone enough to spread their legs for him when he comes of age." Njotr snickered at his own tasteless joke before making himself comfortable next to Eivindr, enjoying the calm air of the forest.
Eivindr chuckled, shaking his head. "Please, neither you nor me have anything to brag about regarding that anyway. Did you come here just to tease the youngling or did you have something to tell me?"
"Why, can't I just visit a friend? Alright, alright... There was something." Reaching for the back of his belt, Njotr unhooked what looked like a metallic plate and tossed it to Eivindr. "I found this near the outskirts of the forest. Never seen anything like this before." His tone was suddenly quite serious as he regarded Eivindr's reaction.
Eivindr studied the metallic plate, frowning curiously as he examined the material and construction of it. "A shoulder plate? It's not of the forest, that's for sure..."
"That's not all." Njotr dug out a few empty cartridges from his pocket. "These are also foreign. We might have intruders."
Eivindr regarded the cartridges before gazing out across the green forest, gripping his bow. "How close?" He stood up to get a better view.
"Now? No clue, I haven't spotted-" It was then that the sound of wood cracking and breaking far in the distance caused both pairs of ears to swivel in the direction of it. A big tree falling, but that wasn't the only thing out of the ordinary. The way it cracked was too... Violent. Njotr quickly got up on his feet, anxiously looking between the direction of the sound and Eivindr.
Their thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a third Viera on a nearby tree. "Eivin! Njotr! Intruders, many of them!" The Viera looked nervous, like he had seen something that intimidated him like nothing else. "They have... I don't know what it is! Beasts made of metal!"
Eivindr frowned, realizing they would have to confront the intruders. He jumped down from his branch towards the third Viera. "Hrithi, lead the way! Njotr, get the others! We cannot let them reach the village!"
Bow in hand, arrow ready to fire. They were wood-warders, and they would do their duty in defending their home.
No matter who these intruders were.
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moonscentedlily · 3 years ago
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Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree
My tarnished Eivin and Millicent in the end of the way 
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
Sat[urday] 15 October 1836
8 35/..
12 1/4
No kiss ver[y] rainy morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 45° at 9 50/.. - at w[hi]ch h[ou]r br[eak]f[a]st and h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d till 10 3/4 –
h[a[d Mr. H- [Husband] ab[ou]t the board[in]g up the hall for the bearers to br[eak]f[a]st in, and told h[i]m to be here tomor[row] ev[enin]g to
see ab[ou]t gett[in]g the coffin d[o]wnst[ai]rs int[o] the draw[in]g r[oo]m - at my desk at 10 3/4 or rath[e]r sid[in]g my
b[oo]k cupb[oar]d and h[a]d Ingh[a]m and Ch[arle]s How[ar]th and p[ai]d them up to tonight inclus[ive] and in full (exc[ept] Ingh[a]m
for the fence-wall[in]g at Hilltop that Mr. Husb[an]d h[a]s n[o]t yet meas[ure]d off) - all this took me till 12 3/4 –
Look[in]g ab[ou]t w[i]th A- [Ann] in the draw[in]g r[oo]m etc. then giv[in]g direct[io]ns to Bligh ab[ou]t the mak[in]g off the
buttery w[i]th the green cloth screens etc. etc. out – ab[ou]t –w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann + 4 – sid[in]g
up the court etc. etc. the 1st length of the 2 dry wall arches finish[e]d by Rob[er]t M- [Mann] and co. bef[ore] din[ner] –
Mark Hepw[or]th and anoth[e]r one h[or]se cart here today - Hemingway the Wyke gard[ene]r here this morn[in]g
b[u]t n[o]t this aft[ernoo]n – d[i]d n[o]t get to the Lodge r[oa]d today - the gard[ene]rs g[o]t a wett[in]g this morn[in]g in gett[in]g
heather and whims on the top of Bairstow - John Booth w[e]nt a 2[n]d ti[me] for beef today – n[o]t at right and
the cook w[e]nt - Bairstow and his 1/2 broth[e]r ca[me] to A- [Ann] ab[ou]t the Shugden head st[one] - she spo[ke] to them
at the door (ab[ou]t one p.m.) h[a]d n[o]t made up h[e]r mind – w[oul]d n[o]t dispose of the stone priv[atel]y w[i]thout
lett[in]g them kno[w] – walk[e]d w[i]th A- [Ann] on the flags oppos[i]te the h[ou]se fr[om] 4 50/.. to 5 1/2 then h[a]d the
 Shugd[e]n head
2 Manns fr[om] then to 5 3/4 – ab[ou]t 3 p.m. h[a[d h[a]d Mawson and Mallins[o]n the joiner bet[ween] 4 and 5 – ca[me] for
a check w[hi]ch Mr. Harper w[oul]d leave w[i]th me for ab[ou]t £100 – h[a]d nev[e]r got it - M- [Mallinson] to sp[ea]k
to Mr. Husb[an]d and might ha[ve] his mon[e]y immed[iatel]y on my rec[ei]pt of Mr. Harper’s ord[e]r –
M- [Mallinson] c[oul]d wait till Tues[day] - Mawson h[a]d co[me] on the sa[me] errand, and h[a]d the sa[me] ans[we]r – b[u]t
ment[ione]d als[o] the h[ou]se set out by Stocks - and his, Mawson’s wish, for a 10 h[or]se stab[le] w[i]th a
chamb[e]r ov[e]r it – s[ai]d I h[a]d no object[io]n - it w[a]s agreed at the lett[in]g of the Inn, I w[oul]d do wh[a]t
w[a]s reasonab[le] on rec[eivin]g a percentage on wh[a]t w[a]s laid out, and I w[oul]d adhere to this – s[ai]d M- [Mawson]
h[a]d best tell Stocks that his gett[in]g a licence transferr[e]d to his new h[ou]se oppos[i]te Mawson’s w[oul]d
be oppos[e]d in good earnest - and I th[ou]ght might the opposite[io]n might stand for so[me]th[in]g – b[u]t if
n[o]t, M- [Mawson] h[a]d on[l]y to mend his beer - sell good beer and ale and good wine, and he w[oul]d do ver[y]
well I h[a]d no doubt – Rob[er]t Mann h[a]d told me in the morn[in]g that Stocks off[ere]d Jos[e]ph
Wilkins[o]n 5/. a y[ar]d for the gr[oun]d and h[a]d giv[e]n 7/. p[e]r y[ar]d – perh[aps] ta[ke]s 400 y[ar]ds –
Settl[e]d w[i]th the Manns – talk[e]d ov[e]r the coal – Rob[er]t h[a]d talk[e]d to me in the morn[in]g
of the new line of rail-r[oa]d to go ov[e]r Micklemoss to Bradford - the Manns h[a]d been s[e]nt for
ab[ou]t the tunnell[in]g thro’ the moss – h[a]d told John Mann to say £15 p[e]r y[ar]d (rough guess) to
Mr. Norris – b[u]t John h[a]d s[ai]d £12 w[hi]ch they w[oul]d n[o]t stick to – dimens[io]ns
of tunnel (of stuff tak[in]g out) 20 deep x 20ft. wide - Mr. N- [Norris] want[e]d informat[io]n as to wh[a]t
good w[oul]d be done to Mr. Stocks in loos[in]g his coal - RM- [Robert Mann] told me the benefit w[oul]d be ver[y]
gr[ea]t - I told h[i]m to calcul[a]te as nearly as he c[oul]d and let Mr. N- [Norris] kno[w] - it w[oul]d n[o]t ans[we]r
to any of us to benefit Mr. Stocks’ coal-trade too m[u]ch for noth[in]g - this subj[ec]t to be
furth[e]r and well consid[ere]d and Rob[er]t to co[me] and talk to me ab[ou]t it tomor[row] week - the Manns
ga[ve] me their calculat[io]ns of wh[a]t my coal will make p[e]r ac[re] – Jos[e]ph f[ou]nd the coal at the extent
Est[a]te by the Manns of the val[ue] of my coal
of my boundary str[ai]ght, ab[o]ve Walker pit, adjoin[in]g the waste = 15in. i.e. hardly 4 loads p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d
b[u]t suppo[se] 4 l[oa]ds to co[me] out of a sq[uare] y[ar]d and to be g[o]t at 3d. p[e]r l[oa]d and bank[in]g and pull[in]g and str[ai]ght work
and tools and taxes and ev[ery]th[in]g = 2d. p[e]r l[oa]d .:. exp[ense] p[e]r load =5d. + 3d. profit =8d. p[e]r l[oa]d
on talk[in]g it ov[e]r they th[ou]ght 1/2d. p[e]r l[oa]d w[oul]d be en[ou]gh to allow for agency
they calculat[e]d 3d. p[e]r l[oa]d prof[i]t =£242 p[e]r ac[re]    I s[ai]d I th[ou]ght as m[u]ch as this w[oul]d be bid
well! then, s[ai]d they, there m[u]st be so[me] partic[ula]r way of gett[in]g a liv[in]g out of it
coal m[u]st sell for mo[re] or so[me]th[in]g - they th[ou]ght 3 ac[re]s p[e]r ann[um] w[oul]d n[o]t be g[o]t and sold
at 1st - I alw[a]ys say and alw[a]ys ha[ve] s[ai]d fr[om] the 1st I m[u]st ha[ve] 3 ac[re]s p[e]r ann[um] g[o]t
Perh[aps] the Manns’ calculat[io]ns may co[me] as n[ea]r as any case co[me] - they are n[ea]r en[ou]gh to my
own - and so long as coal sells at 8d. p[e]r l[oa]d and wages are as ab[ov]e I m[u]st n[o]t calcul[a]te
up[on] clear[in]g mo[re] than £200 p[e]r ac[re] up[on] the low bed and ab[ou]t £100+ up[on] the upp[e]r b[e]d p[e]r ac[re]
I m[u]st let a sm[all] quant[it]y on a sh[or]t term –
wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Duncan, undertak[e]r, etc Halifax’ and s[e]nt it by Frank to desire gloves and bisc[ui]ts to be
s[e]nt to Mrs. Ja[me]s Briggs (as ment[ione]d last night when D- [Duncan] w[a]s here thro’ Rob[er]t the f[oo]tman) and to Rachel Sharpe, late
cook here - to be direct[e]d to her at her fath[e]rs’ Pump S[ou]thow[ra]m – chang[e]d my pelisse – din[ner] at 7 to 8 – coff[ee]
upst[ai]rs A- [Ann] r[ea]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - I look[e]d int[o] her Pinnocks’ Goldsmith’s Rom[an] hist[ory] - then 1/2 asleep on the sofa - then wr[ote] my journ[a]l
till now at 10 1/2 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 47° ver[y] rainy morn[in]g b[u]t fair bet[ween] 9 and 10 a.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds damp, muggy, Nov[em]b[e]r like day –
 Pr[ice] of JW-‘s [Joseph Wilkinson] gr[ou]nd
sold to Mr. Stocks.
gr[ea]t benef[i]t to Stocks.
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alexcunninghamstl · 7 years ago
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Flyer I made for Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel with Mondo RIp, and my collaboration with Kevin Harris and video artist Chad Eivins (aka Chizmo.tv) at Foam, this Tuesday, August 8th. 
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liberace19 · 4 years ago
By MOM LIBERACE Christmas was always the most iirmortant holiday in our family, Mv children planned all year long for the Christmas celebration, ana the other holidays were simply rehearsals for the biggest day of all. Something about Christmas made them work toward making it somethine special. They en joyed their own cards and gifts, and I liked that because it gave them a sense of doing as well as eivine. And what I always found most winning of all was their habit at Christmas of bringing surprises to the Christmas dinner which they had bought out of their small allowances. Every- year they made up a program of entertainment for the family, relatives 'and friends. Usually It consisted of singing and dancing, acted out Christmas scenes, all leading to a bit community sine The musical note was dominant even in Lee's childhood, for he was invariably the "producer" of the program. One year the children got very ambitious and gave their inter pretation of the Nativity. This called for costumes. Lee raided the attic and found some old faded draperies, which he used to robe his sister Angelina as Mary, In togas made of bedsheets, fas tened at the waist with a length of clotheslines, George and Lee
The Star Gazer Appears in the Daily Globe, Morning and Evening were shepherds. Rudy, then baby, was the Christ Child. It was all acted out with deep sincerity. I remember how deeply affected we all were as we watched it. The holiness of the day, and the solemnity of the child actors touch me even now as I remember it. I remember that Christmas of course, because of the little playlet. But each of our Christmases is a treasured memory. Each drew our family closer together, as the holiday draws together families all over the world. On this Christmas I am grateful for the rewards I have had from my family, grown up now. I am able to have pride in my children for many things. It is one of my prides that we have not changed greatly from the times before success came to the children. And I can rejoice that our Lnnstmases have not changed at all. Lee I still the "producer" of the family Yule fete. 'Each year he tries to excel his performance of last year. He plans the decorations not only on nur home, but also in the homes of his brothers and sisters. The feast is also his responsibility, and because be has had more than his share of restaurant eating during the year, he is insistent at Christmas on a home-made feast. And on that he gives me preparations that require weeks. Needless to say, I enjoy everj hour of it It is only Christmas day that I find among my presents all the little things I have wanted and admired and never got around to buying. Lee has never forgotten one of them. It renews my faith in Santa Claus. You see. I have to believe in him, so I can share Christmas with my four grandchildren. For children of years. aso and for children now God Bless them all. And a Merry Christmas to all the readers of this column.1954 dec
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loki-godofmischief-myking · 6 years ago
Love Makes Fools Of Us All
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Loki x Asgardian!Reader
Asgard is restored years after Ragnarok. Thanos is still an impending threat that King Thor and Prince Loki must attend to.  They travel back and forth between Midgard and Asgard leaving little time for their personal relationships.
It was late in the afternoon, you had lost yourself in your work. Your hands mindlessly moved on their own pinning fabric up into the flattering silhouette of the standard mannequin. Smoothing out the lines you wished to refine and picking up the hem just enough so the would-be gown could barely kiss the ground or in this case, the platform you had set it on. The skirt was full and obstructed your view to the door, even then you did not hear the footsteps of the unwanted guest.
“Do you know you smile more at fabric than you do me?” Loki smirked as your eyes landed on him. Just like every time before, your smile vanished at the sight of him. “See,” he waited for you to give a snarky reply as he had grown accustomed to your abuse but it never came. Instead, you went back to work. “Am I really that appalling to you?”
Again no response.
“I’ve been told my looks are above any mortals and even some gods.” 
Yeah, by who? Those quivering quims you always turn to when I turn my back? It was always best to ignore him. For centuries Loki had been a touchy subject to you. Once married, twice engaged, countless midnight rendezvous in the palace and your shop. You blamed his looks and that silver tongue of his. 
Looking around your desk he could see a few designs scattered about. A sheet from top to bottom filled with numbers, most likely measurements. Small squares and strips of fabric, beading, and what looked to be hand embroidered flower trim. “As I recall you were the first to bring it to my attention.”
“My mistake, your highness.”
Specs of green fluttered in front of you and in the blink of an eye the dress was complete.
You groaned in anger as he once again took retaliated by ridding you of your work. To many, that would seem like a positive but you loved your work. Nothing brought you more joy than knowing you created something so beautiful with your own two hands. He knew that. “Why must you always-”
“You were ignoring me then addressed me as if I were a stranger.”
“I addressed you by your title.”
“And you know nothing angers me more than when you ignore the fact that we are much more acquainted than that my dear wife.”
“I am not your wife!”
“But you are my love.”
“You died.”
Loki laughed at your ridiculous excuse. “Clearly I am here standing before you, in the flesh.” He followed you as you took the finished dress off the mannequin. 
That was the problem with Asgardian marriages. They were for all of eternity, only nullified when someone died.
The dress was immaculate, perfectly made. Every stitch, every detail like you had designed it. Curse him. There was no need to steam it either. He had made it perfect for the rack. “I think I preferred you dead.”
“How very facetious of you.” His arms wrapped around your waist as he brought you close enough to where he could feel your racing heart. “You are elated to see me, admit it.”
Sure. After finding out you were living as an illusion of your father I found myself in tears of joy to know you were alive. You hadn’t been present the moment Thor revealed Loki’s deception but word quickly got to you. The contempt for your husband only grew when you heard he had left for Midgard without seeking you out to apologize for all the stress and heartache he had caused you. 
Then all hell broke loose, literally, with his sister bringing Ragnarok upon Asgard. Again she became the bearer of bad news when she told you of Thor and Loki’s death. You chose not to believe it but when she took over as Queen you had no choice. “All that time Loki, I was pregnant with your children and you just watched from afar. You let me believe you were dead, that I would raise your sons on my own.” Tears were starting to gather in the corners of your eyes. From anger or sadness, you did not know. “Do you know how difficult it was to see Hela walk off with Eirik (Eric) and Eivin (Even)?” 
Loki became tense. “I-” for once his silver tongue failed him. He knew no amount of apologies could make up for the amount of fear you felt during Hela’s reign.
Exactly. “You don’t...” You sighed as his arms loosened enough for you to retreat if you wished. 
To Loki’s surprise, you did the opposite. You leaned in, laying your head on his chest as you suppressed a cry. His arms tightened once more but not before he kissed the top of your head.
During Asgard’s construction, you kept yourself busy trying to forget about him. It was easy when he was in Midgard helping Thor and the Avengers but now that he was back... “Hela nearly killed our sons and all I could think about was how I failed you. How I failed to protect my last connection to you.”
The last few words came out as a whisper. You were getting choked up talking about your feelings letting it be known that you still cared for him. 
“Ah,” two fingers rested on the bottom of your chin as he tilted your head up. “So you do still love me, my Queen.” 
“Only because I am a fool.”
“You are much more than that my love.” 
You were now standing face to face with your husband. His tall frame towered over you as he looked into your eyes with his beautiful cyan orbs. Hypnotizing, they always demanded your attention. 
“You are my equal, my best friend, my love, my wife, the mother of my children.”
You watched his adam's apple bob up and down as the emotion got to him. He was just like you- proud, stoic. This was literally hurting him to say. Your hand automatically went to his chest, laying upon his heart. Easing him was simple when you have had years of practice. He visibly relaxed under your touch.
“I love you Y/N- always have, always will.”
“I love you too Loki- I’ll never stop.”
A/N: This has been a long time coming. I know I’m new and maybe not a lot of you will bother to read this but...
Should I turn this into a series?
I literally have a whole long story for this in my head. I can write the before and after of this fic. From the moment they met / when they were younger, up to this moment and from then on going into the whole Thanos thing and Avengers finding out Loki is married etc.
Let me know!
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years ago
1834 April Tuesday 22nd (part one)
Tuesday 22
Not even play last night on account of her cousin asleep directly ver[y] fine morn[in]g F48° at 6.45 – I out at 7.45 till br[eak]f[a]st at 8.30 – out ag[ai]n at 9.15 Miss W-[Walker] w[i]th me w[i]th the workmen then – w[e]nt to the bot[tom] of walk and b[a]ck to see the plant[in]g (mov[e]d to the spot yest[erday] aft[ernoo]n) of the piece of box hedge w[i]th 2 hollies in it that w[oul]d at the edge of the grass in front of the draw[in]g r[oo]m wind[o]w – At Cliff Hill at 11.30 for 35 min[ute]s – 1/2 h[ou]r at Lidg[a]te b[a]ck at 1.30 – f[oun]d Miss Mary Briggs here – Miss W-[Walker] a li[tle] tir[e]d and lay d[o]wn – I b[a]ckw[ar]ds and forw[ar]ds w[i]th h[e]r and out – the hedgehog holly that w[a]s just bel[ow] the ab[ov]e nam[e]d box and 2 holl[ie]s mov[e]d to n[ea]r the Draw well as als[o] the oth[e]r bit of the old box holl[ies] that w[a]s n[ea]r the brewh[ou]se corner – and the small[e]r of the 2 large holl[ie]s that stood at the end of the terr[a]ce n[ea]r[e]st the wall n[o]t satisfi[e]d w[i]th the pl[a]ce int[o] w[hi]ch I h[a]d mov[e]d it bef[ore] just bel[ow] its orig[inal] place – all put n[ea]r the draw well clump-wise – in the course of the aft[ernoo]n n[ea]r p. 2 and 1/2 p. 3 and finish[e]d my let[ter] to M-[Mariana] beg[an] on Sat[urday] told Miss W-[Walker] she might read it she did and approved exceedingly “Shibden Hall Sat[urday] eve[nin]g – 9 April 1834 Your few hur[ried] lines, my d[ea]r[e]st Mary of the 15th, w[hi]ch I rec[eive]d on Thur[sday] ev[enin]g M[o]st sinc[erel]y ha[ve] been writ[ten] at the mom[ent] of your rec[eivin]g my last let[ter] – I need n[o]t say how m[uch I ha[ve] th[oug]ht of you, you are qui[te] aware, that my own happ[ine]ss m[u]st be imperf[ec]t till I am bet[ter] assur[e]d of y[ou]rs – b[u]t I still hope, and still pers[au]de mys[elf], that you will, by and by, see th[in]gs thro[ugh] a bright[e]r medium, and that you will live to acknowl[edge], I ha[ve] been a juster stew[ar]d than you th[in]k, both for your comf[or]t and my own – I am qui[te] sure you ha[ve] no reas[o]n to disappr[ove] wh[a]t I ha[ve] done – it is wh[a]t you ha[ve] repeat[edl]y advis[e]d and wh[at] you m[u]st ha[ve] seen that I determ[ine]d to do, fr[om] the mom[en]t ypu h[a]d tak[e] the only poss[ible] means of convinci[in]g me, that this adv[i]ce w[a]s sincere – God gr[an]t, my d[ea]r[e]st Mary, that we ha[ve] b[o]th been right!
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dustedmagazine · 6 years ago
Detail – Day Two (No Business)
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Idiomatic allegiance in improvised music still holds a surprising amount of sway, at least when it comes to commercial concerns. Norwegian saxophonist Frode Gjerstad found out the costs of deviation firsthand with his early enterprise Detail, a multinational ensemble with a curtailed longevity that feels tragic with hindsight. Day Two documents an October 1982 studio date from relatively early in the band’s run. Keyboardist Eivin One Pedersen had cut ties due to creative differences leaving South African bassist Johnny Dyani and British free improv pioneer John Stevens to gel even closer with the fresh-faced Gjerstad in an intimately attuned unit. The saxophonist released the music on LP several years later, adding to a scattered, mostly cassette discography.
Sequenced into two LP-side sized pieces, the disc documents a classic extended example of the trio’s egalitarian ethos. Stevens never overshadows his colleagues and the communication lines remain open even when one or more of the players opts for silent listening over sound-driven input. Gjerstad opens on intentionally furtive soprano, tracing melodic figures against the massive throb of Dyani’s strings and the steady tidal tumble of Stevens’ sticks. The speed increases incrementally with tension building organically apace. There’s a stretch near the end of the first piece that dips dangerously close to longueurs where Gjerstad’s tenor appears briefly bereft of directional purpose, but his partners swiftly swoop in to shore the gap with a shared focus. The B-Side develops more deliberately while exuding equal heat. 
Stevens was also in charge of the studio controls and the clarity of the recording creates a sense of three-dimensional space, particularly regarding Dyani’s bass. Lightly amplified and closely miked, his stout strings convey an enveloping amount of weight and presence in complementary contrast to the drummer’s staggered and slanted beats. There are sections where his blurred strums approximate the power of single prop plane engines whirring to life and achieving airborne independence. Gjerstad wails and purrs, sounding frequently like he’s having the time of his life in the fast company of personal heroes. That palpable joie de vivre bleeds any sense of bitterness from the saxophonist’s postmortem summation, “Detail was too much jazz for the free music people and it was too far out for the jazz people.”
Derek Taylor
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tyoiq · 2 years ago
Eivin perde o controle da sua caminhonete | Alasca: A Última Fronteira |...
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hsawaynk · 2 years ago
Download Homestead Kitchen: Stories and Recipes from Our Hearth to Yours: A Cookbook EBOOK BY Eivin Kilcher
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[*] Read PDF Here => Homestead Kitchen: Stories and Recipes from Our Hearth to Yours: A Cookbook
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ferretart19 · 6 years ago
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Real name: Yeremi Eivin Min Lee Internet name: Y3Mer! (Yemeri( Teenage Catboy
General things: -He can act like a normal teen but he just don't like do it -Sadistic, love gore and self harm -Anime and horror movies lover -Have a girlfriend but it's bisexual -He past his first 10 years in a hospital -He love plushies too Important thing: -His tail and ears are so puffy fluffy -His blood can be galaxy or rainbow, sometimes pink, mint, blue and lavander but always with darkness or lightness spots -He only have one eye -scars/marks in all the body
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moonscentedlily · 2 years ago
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My tarnished Eivin
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glucophage5mg · 3 years ago
Eivin Kilcher Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Wife, Kids, Bio-Wiki
Eivin Kilcher Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Wife, Kids, Bio-Wiki
Eivin Kilcher Celebrated Name: Eivin Kilcher Real Name/Full Name: Eivin Kilcher Gender: Male Age: 37 years old Birth Date: 6 March 1984 Birth Place: Homer, Alaska, United States Nationality: American Height: 1.70 m Weight: 70 kg Sexual Orientation: Straight Marital Status: Married Wife/Spouse (Name): Eve Kilcher Children: Yes (Findlay Farenorth Kilcher) Dating/Girlfriend…
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