#Either way Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji adopt a cute little Romulan a-Yuan and people always say he looks like LWJ.
chnqin · 4 years
Ok, so I’m sure this has been done 100 times before, but my main is ostensibly a Star Trek blog so I am contractually obliged to do this.
WELCOME to the USS Shuoyue, a research and exploritative constitution-class starship captained by the young but promising Lan Xichen and his crew:
Captain Lan Xichen - Captain
Commander Lan Wangji - First Officer
Lieutenant Commander Wei Wuxian - Head of engineering
Lieutenant Commander Wen Qing - Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Commander Meng Yao - Quartermaster and second officer
Commander Nie Mingjue - Chief Security/tactical officer and third officer
Lieutenant Jiang Yanli - Head of Communications
Lieutenant Jiang Cheng - Chief Conn Officer (navigator & helmsman)
Lieutenant Nie Huaisang - Tactical & Operations officer
Lieutenant Luo Qingyang - Comms officer, works closely with Nie Mingjue in security and tactics
Lieutenant junior grade Wen Ning - Science officer, specialising in botanical pathology and exobotany
Jin Zixuan - a diplomat, like his father
Character backgrounds
Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen are half Vulcan (I know, I know, I am literally making Lan Wangji Spock but also tell me that he isn’t, you can’t. Also Lans and Vulcans share a lot of similarities), with a human mother and Vulcan father. Their parents are both dead now, but their uncle - a high ranking member of the Vulcan High Council - was not happy about them joining Starfleet. Both were raised on Vulcan. Although Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen’s appearance is similar on an aesthetic level (looking primarily Vulcan), Lan Xichen takes more after his human mother physiologically, and is therefore able to express more emotion without being worried about being overwhelmed by those emotions. Lan Wangji, on the other hand, has a more Vulcan genetic makeup and therefore has to more carefully control his emotions, which are strong and volatile under the surface. Freaky Lan arm strength is here being translated into superior Vulcan strength. The only person who can regularly spar with Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji is Nie Mingjue (although Wei Wuxian when he joins the ship can give them a run for their money).
Wei Wuxian’s father was human, but his mother was half Betazoid half Bajoran, so he has a very unusual mix, and doesn’t really feel like he quite fits in anywhere (I struggled to decide between making him half Betazoid or half Bajoran - the latter has the tragic backstory and the former has maybe a bit more of the personality, and the telepathic powers sort of mirror aspects of his demonic cultivation - so I made him both because it’s my universe and I can). His parents were killed in a freak space accident, and bby Wei Ying was left at a space port, where he lived by sneaking around and stealing things for a few years. The Jiang Family, like the Jins, were diplomats and were travelling through the space station one day and found him. When they found out who his parents were they decided to adopt him (in this AU I think they have a closer and less conflicted relationship than in canon.) Though he grew up on earth, Wei Wuxian’s most dominant genes are his betazoid ones (he has the cute Bajoran nose ridge though), and he struggles with the psionic abilities which are inherent to that species, but can manifest themselves in odd ways in hybrids. This has caused him a lot of problems, and his telepathic abilities had him accused of cheating at the academy, but that is all in the past now (or is it?).
I thought I would make the Wens Romulans, because I don’t want everyone to be human and I think it fits the sect, and also attitudes towards Romulans in general aimed at WN and WQ mirrors their persecution in canon. Wen Qing is actually the one who recommended Wei Wuxian as chief engineer. They studied at the academy together and she knows he’s the best at what he does. Wen Qing and Wen Ning have claimed a sort of asylum from the Federation, who still do not get on with the Romulans. Both of them are incredibly good at what they do and Starfleet is happy to have them, although they moved around a few ships before they found one which accepted them (that the Shuoyue’s Captain and XO are both Vulcans helps). The ship has orders that if they encounter Romulans WQ and WN are to be hidden for their own safety.
The Jins and Jiangs are human, and I was considering making the Nies Klingon, but I’m not 100% on that. If they are then Nie Huiasang’s mother was human, and he is viewed as extremely weak by all his relatives on his father’s side and ridiculously strong by those on his mother’s side, even though he tries to hide it.
Meng Yao’s mother was Orion, which is why everyone is a huge dick to him (Jin Guangshan continues to be as sleazy and awful as possible in every universe). Meng Yao is both quartermaster and 2nd officer because both those roles suit him perfectly. The description of a second officer: “The 2O is often the closest officer to the XO and the CO due to the three generally being the most senior officers aboard. As such, the 2O also often acts as the CO's second conscience and confidante. It is another primary duty of the Second Officer to spearhead secondary away teams. This is so that the CO can remain safe in the confines of the bridge. The 2O is the assistant chief administrative officer on the ship and frequently helps the XO act as liaison between department heads.” In this AU his acceptance into Starfleet replaced the acceptance he wanted from his father, and his talents were appreciated a lot more in Starfleet than with the Diplomatic Dicks Association (as Wei Wuxian coined the Jins). As such, he is less evil and murder-y, and more sneaky and silently ruthless to their enemies.
Nie Mingjue is the third officer, but also a commander, which seems odd, but the chief tactical officer is often combined with 3rd officer, and he prefers to stick to training the crew and ensuring the security and safe running of the ship, rather than focussing on more administrative tasks and matters of diplomacy. However, he has a lot of experience and has earned a high rank as an officer, so only Lan Xichen outranks him. He’s been asked to captain his own ship many times but doesn’t want to have to deal with the bureaucracy that goes along with it.
People say that Nie Huaisang only became a lieutenant because of his brother, but he actually does most of the tactical side of things in the background. He works closely with Jiang Yanli from the operations side of things, and with Luo Qingyang from the security side, as well as his brother, and his unofficial job is in intelligence. He often gets sent on diplomatic away missions.
Although it is unusual for the head of engineering to go on away missions, Wei Wuxian like to come along when possible - first, because it allows him to annoy Lan Wangji; secondly, because he’s a curious (“You mean nosy” “Shut up Jiang Cheng”) person and he likes to meet new civilisations; and thirdly, because things often go wrong and it has been his inventive ability which has often gotten the away team out of trouble.
Lan Xichen, Jiang Yanli, and Meng Yao are the ones sent for missions which involve diplomacy. They all have additional diplomatic training on top of their existing held ranks, and Jiang Yanli is an expert in xeno-relations.
Jiang Cheng is the helmsman and navigator, and is on the command track. One day he hopes to captain a ship of his own with his siblings next to him.
The story begins with a transfer of three new personnel to the ship
Though unusual to have a changeover involving three officers at one time, Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli, and Jiang Cheng are an effective team which should not be split up. They don’t have long to get used to their new ship and crew before they are given orders to transfer a team of diplomats to a new Federation planet - a team of diplomats including Jin Zixuan (the man Jiang Yanli joined Starfleet to get away from after their betrothal was broken) and Jin Guangshan (all around bastard; the man Meng Yao mosts hates in this world). As if the journey wasn’t tense enough, Jin Guangshan is promptly murdered upon arrival at the planet, and there are too many suspects to count.
These are the voyages of the Star Ship Shuoyue...
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