#Eirene the Rogue
willczek-art · 3 months
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New campaign, new cast of heroes!! :DD
Introducing: Corisander the Wizard (me!), Aiden the Folk Hero (@bratniadusza) and Eirene the Rogue (@kindofkas)! All living the story run by the wonderful Director @jellybeandrawsthings! :DD
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massiveladycat · 2 months
guys remember that one small phase of my blog where it was just full of my ocs,, i just remembered i promised to talk about my rogue demigod group!! i based them off of maze runner, warrior cats (sue me), and camp half-blood and camp jupiter there's going to be MULTIPLE pieces of this just to get it explained quickly. small TW of drunk driver mention, homeless mention, and death mention. Just to explain the rogue demigod group very quickly, this is a group of homeless demigods, born from gods and mortals and nymphs, that don’t want to retreat to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter, either strongly detesting their tradition or just plain not wanting to go where all the chaos is. Unfortunately, they do end up being quite unprepared when it comes to blood moons, where there’s a sudden flood of monsters hunting demigods nationwide, in which that moment is based off of Blackout from The Heights Musical. Check it out. There are quite a few roles for the demigods to play. There are gardeners and farmers; they tend to bushes, weeds, vegetation, et cetera. There are fighters and brawlers; they take care of skirmishes from monsters, other demigods, and bold mortals. There are strategists; they strategize, use tactics, et cetera. MAIN MEMBERS (THERE ARE MORE DEMIGODS THAN THIS): JESSICA “JESS” LAURENS - So, of course, we got my girl Jess here!! She’s really easygoing, laidback, silly, goofy, jokes a lot, and she loves to play around. She’s sort of lazy, relaxed, and isn’t worried about much, however her fatal flaw is Feelings Of Inadequacy. She is one of the oracles of the group, and she was the small oracle who’d “seen a vision” about the small boy, Chuck Arberin, her age that he was a demigod, and he’d change the group. However, she misinterpreted it; it was actually a warning, and it told her not to accept him into the group because he’d change it for the worse, but she did anyway. Jess is a daughter of Psyche, the goddess of the soul and mind. She’s seventeen, and antisocial, so she’s quiet and usually silent unless given a real reason to speak.
CONRAD QUICK - I’ve always been a fan of family guys and healers and caretakers. So, of course, this is one of the demigods with a custom role! He’s a caretaker; he takes care of young demigods, teaches them how to go out into the mortal world when they’re prepared and if they want to, and bandages up those injured in fights. He gets along with Dustin, because Dustin normally gets hurt and prefers to go to Conrad for healing. Conrad’s nineteen, and the son of Eirene, the goddess of peace. He’s protective, gentle, soft-spoken, awkward, more than timid, but will immediately be the first to jump to one of the rogue demigods’ defenses. He survived by being Quick, by escaping when he had to, and never, ever letting someone get the better of him. He’s often underestimated, but he’s shockingly fast and skillful with a dagger.
DUSTIN ROURKE - It wouldn’t be a demigod group without your classic fighter. So, this guy is a bit of a flirt; he’s loud and flirts with literally anyone, though he will not flirt with you if you don’t like it and/or you have a partner. He has a great memory. He’s the son of Tempesta, the goddess of sudden weather and storms, so he warns everyone to get into their tents, evacuate, et cetera, if there’s an especially bad storm or flood on the way. He’s a jokester, and he’s enthusiastic, but he does have a serious persona in battle; he’s not used to strategizing, but he’s good at acting out commands or enforcing them. He can be hot-tempered and reckless to the danger he is in when it comes to protecting others. Dustin is a fierce and daring warrior, often challenging others to fights arrogantly, and is all too aware of this; he takes extreme pride in his combat. His pride sometimes gets in the way of his good sense. Outspoken, impractical, fearless, fast learner, outspoken, vicious, terrifying, loyal, argumentative, determined, joking, silly, competitive and arrogant.
ALEXIS “ALEX” JOOST - This is the youngest commander out of the ten. She’s nineteen, and the daughter of Bia, the goddess of strength. I consider her a mix of Annabeth and Clarisse; she isn’t as smart as Annabeth, potentially not as strong as Clarisse, but I’m talking personality-wise. Alexis is very strong-minded and stubborn, incredibly determined and daring. She shows many signs of dauntlessness. Though she is kind-hearted, Alexis can be very harsh and judgmental during first meetings, but she’s very loyal to those who later win her approval. She isn’t quick to give up on those she cares about: even after learning The Incident, she never completely stopped caring about Chuck. She hides her worry with raw or teasing anger. Alexis’s fatal flaw is Hubris. Alexis can act arrogant at times. Alexis is very proud and defensive of her rogue demigods. Self-assured, heart of gold, sarcastic, resourceful and argumentative.
LONDON FARADAY DECEASED - She’s brave and considerate. She’s emotional. Sharp, peevish, sassy, finicky, protective, enthusiastic, eager, joyful, questioning golden-haired demigoddess; the daughter of Nike. She would do anything to win, but she doesn’t go over the rules; she sees rule-breaking in games like Capture the Flag as dishonorable and repulsive. She died at fifteen, when the others were fifteen and sixteen, when they were fleeing from camp during an attack and she hadn’t looked at the road, running straight into a speeding car with a drunk driver.
HECTOR CAMPBELL - My favorite. He’s a moody, snarky little guy. He’s a demigod; the son of Athena. He’s skeptical and cautious, with a biting sense of sarcasm and slightly dark humor. As expected of all children of Athena, he’s very smart and witty. He does what he needs to survive, and he was raised to not be warm and cozy because he didn’t trust others, and they didn’t trust him. Speaking of his morals, they make absolutely no sense. Hector absolutely hates it when he thinks his ‘habitat is being threatened,’ as in, his life has been abruptly changed and, Hector, like me, doesn’t like change at all.
CHUCK ARBERIN - We need redemption arcs, okay? I love them. He’s pessimistic, callous, and somber, though his mood lightens whenever he’s happy. He was cursed by the goddess Lyssa, the goddess of insanity, to go violent with random spurts of emotion, and it caused the Incident. After his burst of insanity, Chuck tends to isolate and or starve himself as punishment. However, he does have it in him to be silly, joking, sarcastic, a serious comedic relief, and is easy on the eyes. Chuck is lighthearted and humorous, gentle with others. His best friends are Kasey and Hector.
KASEY “KASE” DAMISCH DECEASED? -  He didn’t have such a great time! Just look at his lore if you have to know; it’s crazy. Now, Kasey is a mirrorball, sort of; he mirrors other people’s personalities out of insecurity and the desire to fit in. However, he's emotional and empathetic, feeling the emotions of others as if they were his own. He overthinks. When he's around people he's comfy with, he becomes loud, witty, and slightly dark-humored. Kasey is intuitive and perceptive; a skilled listener, communicator, and a good friend. He prioritizes others' needs over his own. He’s a son of Thanatos; the winged god of death. Kasey prefers peace over everything else.
ISAIAH HILLIARD - Isaiah Hilliard is a the son of Iris, the goddess of rainbows. He's a very chill, optimistic and confident dude that likes to look at the bright side of every situation. He's cheerful and often cracks jokes. He is also very friendly and kind to others and has a lot of empathy for them. He’s a very humorous and witty/sarcastic dude and someone who loves to make jokes out of everything. He’s also very confident and doesn't hesitate to stand up for the people he cares about. Despite that, he has a firm sense of belief, and usually stays where he stands - for example, believing the Incident was Chuck’s fault - until he’s convinced otherwise by someone he trusts. He’s intolerant of disloyalty and tyranny. He wants to be free, and values freedom and virtue above all else. Despite being a farmer, he’s more than willing to chew someone out.
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queenoftheboard · 2 years
♕ verse . Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza status: open to any Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza muses or muses with Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza verses. This verse and all associated interactions are exclusive with @dojimakaichou's Dojima Daigo portrayal - no other interactions will be accepted for Dojima Daigo and any references to the character are alluding to this specific portrayal.
Eirene Campbell was one of the many children fathered by Bryce Campbell, the 5th head of the Cambpell crime family from Dublin, Ireland. While the Campbells enjoyed a relatively comfortable life largely due to the weapon and drug trade during the 20th century, the arrival of the early 2000s saw a strengthening of the Irish crime legislation, forcing many of the major players out of the country.
Eirene saw an opportunity where many despaired - in face of the upcoming changes, the woman did leave Ireland but not to flee from law enforcement. Unlike her father who favored brute force and an old-style approach to the underworld business, his daughter had different ideas: despite being raised among mobsters and surrounded by illicit activities, Eirene had attended college and graduated from business management, possessing an incredibly rational mind and cunning instincts.
In a move intended to show Bryce Campbell that his best successor was the daughter he neglected for a good portion of his life (on the grounds of being female and just ‘too pretty’), Eirene set her sights on a completely different land and where she considered her chances of success to be increased: Japan. Eirene had studied enough about the East, and the relationship between the yakuza and the local government was unlike anywhere else in the world.
There was a large, untapped (black) market controlled by a mafia in a country where legislation similar to the Irish one showed no signs of being implemented. The cultural aspects played a key role there, and it seemed like the type of gamble she enjoyed - a high risk, high reward strategy; not unlike her favorite chess openings which were only used by players with extreme skill or arrogance (sometimes, both - like Eirene herself).
The early 2000s saw Eirene moving to Japan - more precisely Tokyo, where she established her own corporate empire under the name of Quinn. Although technically legal (at least on paper) and used as a means to open the door for the woman to the local society, it was nonetheless a façade to help cover her desired goals - to actually participate in the local black market responsible for the distribution of weapons, drugs, illegal immigration and even pornography. The quirky and unique loopholes of the Japanese legislation made it fertile land to be exploited - and Eirene was nothing but ambitious and greedy to make a profit.
However, her presence in Tokyo did not go unnoticed - and it also went on to prove that Quinn was not the sole western organization with a hidden agenda in relation to Japan. Unknown to the woman at the time, the major yakuza organization in control of the Kanto region (and therefore Tokyo), the Tojo Clan, happened to be in the middle of a internal power struggle, caused by foreign interference as well - an old and rogue unit from the CIA, known simply as the Black Monday, had placed undercover agents in Japan seeking to benefit from certain development plans in Okinawa, when in reality it had all been orchestrated to lure them out to the open, expose and capture these terrorists for good.
The Black Monday activities contributed to destabilizing the Tojo Clan - and indirectly offered Quinn a stronger hold in certain areas that would have likely been prevented in previous years and at the peak of the power of the Tojo. It was at such moment that Eirene received a proposition for a business meeting unlike any thus far: one with Dojima Daigo himself, the Sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan. Such occasion was, in fact, more similar to a war council - including a truce of sorts if Quinn agreed to lend their resources to completely purge Kanto of any trace of Black Monday’s influences, with a promise that whatever businesses and territories that Eirene had conquered so far would be free of yakuza interference going forward.
In a show of trust between two strangers, the partnership yielded generous returns: Daigo kept his word, and Eirene saw her investment in Japan paying itself back, offering her the profits from a market that was incredibly exclusive and very well-protected against foreign players. Perhaps it had been luck (or fate) - but if it hadn’t been for the precise moment that Quinn had arrived and began expanding, they would have missed the unique window provided by Black Monday and their local interference.
Eirene decided to stay in Japan after that - not only because Quinn is too new (and precious) to be relegated to remote management, but because the country offers her mind a challenge like no other. It’s more than the obvious cultural or even language barriers that one would expect to find - but the delight in having a worthy opponent. For all her life, Eirene thought herself a queen of the chessboard, but it took going to the other side of the world to find another master at the game: Dojima Daigo.
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slytherintragedy · 2 months
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♡ FULL NAME: Nikolai Regulus Atreides-Nightstar ♡ KNOWN AS: Niko, Nik, Kai, Kola ♡ BIRTHDAY: May 31, 1961 ♡ GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male - He /Him ♡ ORIENTATION: Biromantic, Demisexual ♡ BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood ♡ HEIGHT: 5’7” ♡ WEIGHT: 127 lbs ♡ EYE COLOR: Brown, sometimes changes colors ♡ HAIR COLOR: Naturally Black, Dark Brunette but dyes it quite often ♡ SPECIES: Wizard (Human) ♡ PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Nightstar Manor, Robin Hood's Bay, North Yorkshire, England, Great Britain, Hogwarts ♡ OCCUPATION: Student, Entertainer, Professional Quidditch Player ♡ HOUSE: Slytherin ♡ PATRONUS: Occamy or Ocicat ♡ WAND: 10¾″, Rosewood, Fairy Wing ♡ FACECLAIM: Lee Felix
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Rune Aeros Nightstar - Father
Shivani Jade Atreides - Mother
Twyla Black - Niece
Nyxia Kalea Atreides-Nightstar - Twin Sister †
Arcane Jinx Atreides-Nightstar - Twin Sister
Rune Eros Atreides-Nightstar - Older Brother
Ayanna Rosabel Atreides-Nightstar - Older Sister
Felix Aloysius Atreides-Nightstar - Older Brother †
Kalliste Neakita Atreides-Nightstar - Older Sister
Calvin Rai Atreides-Nightstar - Younger Brother †
Zoella Aristella Atreides-Nightstar - Younger Sister †
Soren Niketas Atreides-Nightstar - Younger Brother
Sakura Skye Atreides-Nightstar - Younger Sister
Ryu Blaze Nightstar - Paternal Grandfather
Serafelle Visha Nightstar - Paternal Grandmother
Calix Sirius Atreides - Maternal Grandfather
Rosalyn Noemi Atreides - Maternal Grandmother
Jace Raiden Nightstar - Paternal Great Grandfather †
Erika Lixue Nightstar - Paternal Great Grandmother †
Noah Aiden Atreides - Maternal Great Grandfather †
Kalanie Eirene Atreides - Maternal Great Grandmother †
Regulus Arcturus Black - Honorary Brother In Law †
Khaos Rogue Morelli - Best Friend / Crush
Ruel Adonis Greengrass - Best Friend
Davian Kieran Lestrange - Best Friend
Aelin Lareina Parkinson - Friend
Leilani Nerissa Avery- Friend
Rika Kamari Aria Prewett - Friend
Amias Reign Draven Cromwell - Friend
Kasia Selene Halliwell - Best Friend / Has a crush on Nikolai
Runa Oceane Halliwell - Friend
Severus Snape - Friend †
Emma Vanity - Friend
Bartemius Crouch Jr - Frenemy †
Evan Rosier - Frenemy †
Is in Khaos's band, Slytherin With The Darkest Angel
Beater for the Ballycastle Bats, was beater for the Slytherin team
Ends up adopting Twyla with Khaos
Paints his nails black, sometimes with hints of different colors
Has several tattoos and a few piercings
Loves going on adventures and exploring new places with Khaos
Loves a good mystery, loves trying to solve them
Loves being underestimates so he can prove people wrong
Loves listening to music, wizard and muggle
Acts confident a lot of the time but has insecure moments
Is fiercely loyal to anyone he cares about to the point he would do anything for them
Actually quite a powerful wizard, a force to be reckon with if one should cross him
Is proficient in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Dueling, Transfiguration, Charms, Dark Arts, Nonverbal magic, Occlumency, and Magical repair
Despite being Slytherin, he processes Gryffindor and Ravenclaw traits.
Loves causing mischief, a little trouble marker but pretends to be innocent when caught
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In a distant future, where technology seamlessly melds with human existence, the metropolis of Neo-Athens thrives under the guiding principle of technological advancement and cultural reverence for its ancient roots. Among its citizens is Eirene, known by her alter ego "Astra," who wears a striking blue suit equipped with nanotech capabilities. She is a descendant of the Heracleidae, the legendary lineage of Heracles, and like her forebear, she is dedicated to protecting her city from both physical and cyber threats.
Eirene's suit, a marvel of engineering, is not just armor but a computerized interface that connects directly with her neural pathways, enhancing her strength, speed, and reflexes. It also allows her to interface with any machine, making her a formidable foe against the cybernetic enhancements illegally distributed in the city’s underworld.
One evening, a mysterious signal emanates from the heart of Neo-Athens, disrupting the city’s mainframe and sending its systems into chaos. Astra quickly traces the signal to an ancient relic, recently uncovered and displayed in the Neo-Athenian museum—an artifact believed to be linked to the Heracleidae. It is a cybernetic disk, said to hold the consciousness of Alcaeus, one of Heracles' most revered descendants, whose wisdom and strategic prowess were once integral to the safety of ancient Athens.
Realizing the disk’s potential to either save or doom Neo-Athens, Astra must navigate a labyrinth of ancient security systems, now corrupted and controlled by a rogue AI that sees the integration of Alcaeus’s consciousness as the key to its evolution and the domination of the city.
As Astra delves deeper into the museum, she encounters cybernetic guardians designed to protect the relic, which test her physical and intellectual limits. Drawing on her Heracleidae heritage, she channels the strength and cunning of her ancestors. Each challenge brings her closer not only to saving her city but also to understanding the deep connection her family has with these ancient artifacts.
In the climactic battle, Astra manages to reconnect the disk to the museum’s ancient network, allowing Alcaeus's consciousness to awaken and aid her in defeating the rogue AI. Alcaeus, recognizing the heroism in Eirene akin to that of his own family lineage, grants her access to ancient Heracleidae strategies and wisdom, further enhancing her abilities and giving her an even deeper connection to her heritage.
With Neo-Athens saved, Eirene emerges not only as its protector but as a bridge between the old and the new, carrying forward the legacy of the Heracleidae into the future. Her story becomes a legend, a modern epic of a hero who blends the past and future to safeguard her civilization.
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loonylein · 4 years
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Finally(!!!) I’m playing dnd again and finally(!!!) I got the chance to be Eiren again <3 My loved little halfelf rogue girl with her pet ferret who has a love for big cucumbers!
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besanii · 5 years
For the kiss meme, Wangxian & 40? ^_^
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#40. …because the world is ending.
The ground trembles beneath their feet as they stumble from the ruined comms tower, half stumbling, half dragging each other away from the remnants of the brutal, desperate fight. Partially-loaded cargo lay strewn about the landing strip, amongst them the singed and still smoking bodies of both comrades and enemies alike, torn apart by blasters and bombs they had filched from the Resistance armory before they had left. The area was otherwise deserted, abandoned in favour of seeking safe passage from the planet.
They make their way down to the water’s edge, their boots dragging long tracks in the soft sand, until their legs give way. Wei Wuxian goes first, dropping to his knees with a grunt; Lan Wangji follows. On the horizon, the water churns and boils as the skyline is swallowed by the rapidly expanding ball of heat and light. 
Lan Wangji raises an eyebrow as Wei Wuxian breaks out into laughter.
“Why are you laughing?”
Wei Wuxian shakes his head. “Just funny, really.”
“What is?”
“This.” Wei Wuxian waves his arm at the water. “This is hilarious.”
Lan Wangji looks at him, illuminated by the bright, golden glow.
“I think it’s beautiful,” he says. 
Wei Wuxian turns to meet his gaze; his smile turns wistful.
“Yes,” he agrees, raising one hand to rest on Lan Wangji’s cheek. “It is.”
The humming grows louder, the tremors more intense, until it rattles their bones. Lan Wangji catches Wei Wuxian in his arms when he pitches forwar; they cling to each other then, pressed together from shoulder to knee, until Lan Wangji can feel Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat against his through their clothes.
“Do you think anybody’s listening?” Wei Wuxian asks, his voice small and wavering against Lan Wangji’s neck. 
Lan Wangji tightens his grip and rests his cheek on top of Wei Wuxian’s head.
“Yes, I do.”
Wei Wuxian exhales. “How do you know?”
Lan Wangji brings both his hands up to cradle Wei Wuxian’s face, pulling away so he can look him in the eyes. Wei Wuxian is pale and shaky, his eyes red-rimmed; he looks so much younger like this, a far cry from the cynical, battle-hardened prisoner he had rescued from the prison camp in Wobani, or the fierce, passionate rebel who had confronted the Council and stirred weary troops into action. The fire in his eyes had caught deep inside Lan Wangji, burning fiercer, brighter, stronger until his soul sings with it.
Rebellions are built on hope.
“I believe in you,” Lan Wangji tells him. Wei Wuxian’s breath hitches.
“Even though I’ve led us to our deaths?”
Lan Wangji runs his thumb over Wei Wuxian’s cheek.
“Even then,” he says. He presses their foreheads together. “I will follow you.”
A soft sob escapes from Wei Wuxian’s lips as he leans forward. The kiss is feather-light, their lips brushing against each other in soft, lingering caresses. Their eyes drift shut.
And let light consume them.
// buy me a ko-fi //
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wanderingisland · 3 years
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Idu the Elf Ranger/Rogue. When Idu heard of the plans to murder the Zhentarium heir, he leapt to her aide, and fought off the many would-be assassins until they were able to make a break for it. Though they managed to escape, their life on the road remains perilous, as they continue to be pursued by those who wish them dead. Still, Idu has found joy travelling with Eirene and the trio of orphans she watches over, discovering a new kind of family, and the closer he gets to Eirene, the more he falls in love with her. But Idu knows he could never settle down until he discovered the source of a generational curse plaguing his lineage and will stop at nothing until he can figure out how to put it to rest for good.
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illegiblewords · 2 years
I compiled a list of designs in the past to share some favorite Final Fantasy XIV glamours from the Eorzea Collection website. With the Endwalker expansion released, there are quite a few new options available and people have developed even more incredible looks. So I decided it was worth doing a follow-up. I’ll probably do this every expansion or so. As before, this list comes with a disclaimer that it’s personal opinion and purely in the interest of going ‘LOOK HOW COOL  THIS IS’ at people! Anyone could theoretically do the same, I’m not an authority.
This post focuses on spillover, showcasing exemplary designs based on race options.
Season I Spillover
As a special note: Creators who got favorite models in the past are ineligible for favorite models now. Would be kind of silly to keep putting the same character forward in that category, you know?
- Heir of Saladin by Ecclesia Albion
- Empress by Aeditha Beoulve
- A Song of Hope by Wilfreda Vhey
- Climbatize by Paris Wormwood
- Song by Riko La
- The One With The Mask by Kat Leroux
- Warrior of Darkness by Finna Walker
- A Knight from the Sigma by Accoy Liv
- Vintage War Bride by Marilyn Moanhoe
- Queen of rapiers by Mylagan Dhelyssa
- Heir of Saladin by Ecclesia Albion
- Noblebright by Limerica Baskerville
- Hyacinth’s Prayer by Selli Noblesse
- Goddes Of The Golden Land by Noel Haze
- On the Hunt by Svetlana Urusova
- O Mighty Fury by Tebi Uzui
- Northern Nobility by A’ Aracari
- Lethe’s Warrior by Sirdi Diealos
- Wandering Rogue by Kian Carver
- The Sinner by A' Aracari
- Bats by Jesu'ra Nhifso
- Redge Mage by Sehcil Hawrve
- Tiamat’s Vengeance by Tahmeed Okami
- Roguish Ninja by Ry Tempester
- Makai Sage by Haru Vaelar
- Storyteller by Valentyne Louvier
- Wandering Rogue by Kian Carver
- Desert Black Mage by Judge Gorhla
- Makai-Vanguard by Xennon Song
- The Archangel by Revan Specter
- Rapture by Luthien Undomiel
- Crystarium Tutor by Fuego Amber
- Dimachaerus by Rio Natani
- Dark Summoner by Teru Nashira
- The Worm’s Dance by Serafina Vadrel
- My Baroque Valentine by Rio Natani
- Bluebird Bard by Aleesia Lucaryn
- Light Everlasting by Serafina Vadrel
- The Emerald Comet by Eirene Leona
- Gears of WoM by Ravnie Kinjo
- Executioner’s Fury by Sarafina Vadrel
- Imperial Shrike by Rio Natani
- Crystarium Tutor by Fuego Amber
- Rapture by Luthien Undomiel
- The Emerald Comet by Eirene Leona
- Roman Commander by Harry Stormlight
- Hannish Duelist by Sidnan Shaemir
- Olympus divinity by Porho Prince
- Knight Radiant by Hanso Richimoto
- Orion by David Gerussi
- Good Eye Sniper by Samson Oschon
- Nomadic Marauder by Jian Kimura
- Sagolii Sojourner by Krosah Makara
- Byakkomoto, the blue and gold tiger by Hanso Richimoto
- Hydaelyn’s Champion by Jian Kimura
- Samurai Mercernary by Esta Mephistopheles
- Modern Theravada by Angyo Owari
- The God King by Sentient Being
- Ishgard’s Holy Crusader by Syhroeya Lionheardt
- Knight Radiant by Hanso Richimoto
- Warrior of Light by Birbie Baggins
- New Horizons by Luthien Undomiel
- Eorzean Pirate by Jain Asurmen
- The Traders - Nald by Sudenmarja Villilehto
- Sister of The Holy Crimson Flame by Louise Aquitaine
- Steam & Snow by Ariadne Lacroix
- Heaven’s Gate by Ophelia Au'rel
- Skjaldmaer by Minerva Feywood
- Riddle Of Wind by Siren Sokute
- Serpentsworn by Sudenmarja Villilehto
- Classic Gelmorran Teacher by Louise Aquitaine
- Season of The Wolf by Iliete Godriquelain
- Skjaldmaer by Minerva Feywood
- Ishgardian Artiste by Idene Valeriant
- Citrus - Lime by Irlina Natulcen
- The Royal Spear by Lorenzo Trastamara
- Swashbuckling Striker by Zephyr Auroryas
- Tradition & Modernity by Lowen Mkvenner
- Divide by Yannick Ostheimer
- Edenmete Nobleman by Loren Marteau
- Lyrical Prince by Echo Solaris
- Flightdeck Pilot by Myrin Lockhart
- Invader From Beyond by Lorenzo Trastamara
- Foundation's Fury by Sylverin Laurentis
- Renaissance Gentleman by Breandan Ducaille
- Tradition & Modernity by Lowen Mkvenner
- Midnight Gold by Corus Maderna
- Lyrical Prince by Echo Solaris
- The Royal Spear by Lorenzo Trastamara
- Makai Blade by Keiteaux Kisarre
- Bigwest Shortstop by Baby Seagull
- Wright Circus Master by Peij Fei
- Nophica’s Blessing by Peij Fei
- Foils and Feathers by Peij Fei
- darbar reaper by Masya Moonward
- Fakingway by Peji Fei
- 001 by Tu Tu
- It rains in Kugane by Lakira' Kina
- Born from Blood by Peji Fei
- Little Red by Lumei Mo
- Bigwest Shortstop by Baby Seagull
- Mechagnome 2.0 by Vederah Kilmister
- It rains in Kugane by Lakira' Kina
- Desert Sage by Lalatua Ul'tua
- Underworld Witch by Alma Sophia
- The Dark Prince by Takashi Mitsuya
- Sniper Assassin - Lala Style by Dashy Umbra
- New Meets Old by Penny Coldwater 
- Wandering Mage by Ramin Adrina
- The Burger King by Anri Miraios
- Steampunk Sage by Ringo Woodmen
- techwear merc monk by Mushy Mushy
- Surgical Precision by Cuban Pet
- Blue Bozjan Protector by Can’t Disrespect
- Bard of the Seas by Garen Velsh
- Captain -o- Lala by Dashy Umbra
- The Burger King by Anri Miraios
- Frozen Winter by Volux Galain
- Philosopher’s Rule of Thumb by Nonokari Ririkari
- Asphodelos by Yumemi Hime
- Duchess of Hearts by A’mira Chalcedony
- Little Girl, Big City by Tica Foxworth
- Darling on Deck - Pirate by Passion Darling
- Energetic Engineer by Nerril Kuroba
- Sophisticated by Lohia Aihol
- New Adventure by Ihon Nuzhysa
- Rekindle by Plu Patredis
- Yellow Steps by Ihon Nuzhysa
- Sky Pirate Physician by Gwennie Vierra
- Vagabond by Maya Deraya
- Forest watch by Nya Nya
- butterfly princess by Banoffee Coffee
- Aiya by Plu Patredis
- Bejeweled Mystic by Mavari Khatayin
- Tusked Warrior by Ravi Whistlenicker
- Flourish by Helith'ir Emberah
- Oni of the Swallow’s Compass by Zhenshi Xiao
- Lightreaper by Rivayn Vesaldi
- Heaven’s Bow by Lunaeon Sol
- MSZ-XIV Zeta Weapon E-Type by Callum Crossy
- Knight of the North V2 by Wulfenthrad Callothas
- Orthodox Rune Knight by Callum Crossy
- Embers of the Flame by Callum Crossy
- The Fortune Teller by Rauro Gardz
- Dancer Lilac by Ravi Whistlenicker
- Jest a Dance by Jest’a Gutierr
- Of the Fae Courts by Seda'a Luna
- Star Seeker by Mikh'a Maccaleh
- Flourish by Helith'ir Emberah
- Anne of Denmark by Honey Bun
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- Black & White Valkyrie by Aveline Oakheart
- Ninja in red by Tranquil Rain
- Dusk Unto Dawn by Usow Dark
- Lightning Fury by Lunora Domistress
- Nomad by Norta Marmannwyn
- Oni Sam by Pink Snail
- Reporting for Duty by Iggy Goldberg
- The Gambler’s Fortune by Soledad Tycanos
- Anne of Denmark by Honey Bun
- Golden Dance by Enyo Ares
- Gray Derby - Inspired by Shirayuki Maru by Norta Marmannwyn
- Wandering Wisewoman by Ratel Felsenbrecherin
- Oni Sam by Pink Snail
- Eastern Bard by Red Boar
- Roman Brawler by Red Boar
- Stoyoroi Teller by Old Ram
- Roegadyn Gladiator by Red Boar
- Old West Reaper by Largest Father
- Paranormal Detective by Nox Cross
- Acumen by Big Siege
- Dreaded Warlord by Michael Kaiser
- Alexwicca by Soleil Seraphinite
- Mad Tapper by Red Boar
- Eastern Bard by Red Boar
- Bozjan Soldier by Braum Osbern
- Paranormal Detective by Nox Cross
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- Princess of the Kojin by Ko Kiri
- The King’s Thegn by Aillin Kaleis
- Meteion’s Honorguard by Ko Kiri
- Dark caster by Kierane Rose 
- Oathsworn by Valkariel Dawnbringer
- Mad Hatter by Mai Only
- Ratatoskr by Ko Kiri
- Goelia - Nightingale Rose by Glynne Silence
- Primal - Frostsworn by Iori Nin
- Flame Kissed by Khaidai Dalamiq
- Dancing Hurricane. by Lakira’ Kina
- Fairy Princess by Miu Fiore
- Seiryu Serpentsworn by Ko Kiri
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- Gnashing Fang by Nakrik Valentus
- Chevalier by Kaien Shimazu
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- Spear of Doma by Fumetsu Ryujin
- Angelic Scythe by Zilcar Fateseeker
- Bard from Omphalos by Deiji Zeimei
- Outrider by Deimos Grey
- STEAMPUNK: Clockwork Cultist Dancer by Steampunksam Sc
- Dravanian Prince by Zen Arvel
- Garde Royale by Rogan Hunter
- Tundra Hunter by Epsilon Saber
- Gnashing Fang by Nakrik Valentus
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- Kugane Scammer by Nunui Nui
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- Kugane Scammer by Nunui Nui
- No title by Glynne Silence
- Snow Prince by Levi Gray
- No title by Glynne Silence
- Glynne - Through Snow by Glynne Silence
- Darkness and Light by Eonir Lumi
- ghastly reaper by Stan Daniel
- Emerald prince by Kailial Lyzeh
- Further Afield by Aureli Eliasina
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- The Sea King by Robin Zlobin
- The Red Hrothgar by Alexander Ercan
- Showtime Ruler by Shin Okusawa
- Jungle Prowler by King Kotal
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Spoils to the Victor
the following fic is what was talked about in @its-lily-i-guess‘s discord General Chat, on how the Mystreet crew didn't recognize their names in the history books from the MCD times. There’s one quote that comes to mind: History is written by the Victors
tw: Character/child death, mentions of torture and war
She watched over the burning village, tears streaming down her face as she held him close, the wound having done too much for even her to heal. ‘Is this why she chose not to feel anymore?’ she thought, staring at the blurry version of her son, of Levin, heart feeling as if it was going to rip in two.
It had been years since she had found him that morning at her door, and now, as he struggled to breathe and stay conscious, the reborn Goddess found it a bit ironic that he’d be the last thing she saw, much like she was the first thing he remembered.
Forcing herself to take a deep, sobbing breath, she stood, ignoring how his dead (the thought of that word with him made her weak and dizzy) weight strained her arms, and began to move towards the docks, where Dante and Travis were frantically making sure everyone was safe.
“Aphmau, Levin and Malachi, they’re-!” The bluenette stopped at the sight of his Lord, shaking with adrenaline, pain, shock and sorrow, holding one of her far too limp sons, and the glint in her eyes told him all he needed to know as the two men rushed forward, Travis taking Levin while Dante caught Aphmau before she could hit the ground.
Late, back at Alliance Island, two graves were dug, one empty, the other holding the Last Lord of Phoenix Drop. Aphmau’s screams as she woke to remember both of her sons had died in her arms had been just as, if not more, heart breaking as when Aaron had died. Dante looked at the grave beside the two new ones and knelt down, head bowed.
“If only you were here Garroth,” he murmured, doing his best not to remember the sickening sounds of Shad tearing the guard, his shield-brother, apart for Esmund’s relic. “She needs you and Laurence… like in the old days…”
Laurence was still missing, having last been spotting fighting other Shadow Knights just before Phoenix Drop went up in flames. Dante had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well, even if they did win.
Aphmau stared at the shallow grave in a type of horrid numbness, legs collapsing from under her as she started at the bloodied, blue hair of Dante, Nekoette and Dmitri. She heard white noise and saw nothing but red as her hands flew up to her head and she screamed.
She screamed for Alina and Lilith Garnet, her darling girls, the first ones killed by Shad.
She screamed for Garroth and Vylad, torn apart for trying to keep her safe.
She screamed for Dale, Molly, Logan and Donna, tortured into insanity and then dumped in the ocean to drown.
For Levin and Malachi, her precious boys, who died in her arms only a few minutes apart.
For Kawaii~chan, who lost her magic and now her family.
But, mostly, she screamed for her, to feel anything aside from the numbness.
It’s just me now, she thought, looking at the book in hand before holding it to her chest. “Did you know,” she whispered, closing her eyes and imagining everyone she lost around her, happy and smiling and living. “That today, all those years ago…” she held the book tighter and felt tears rolling down her hallowed cheeks. “Today was the first day I met you Garroth? T-Today was the day that… that we…” she broke down in sobs as the book fell onto the grave stone and she crossed her arms, giving herself a hug as the autumn breeze played with her hair.
“Aphmau,” jumping, she turned to see Laurence, impossible, Shadow Knight Laurence, a few yards away, an unreadable expression on his face. “You’re going to get sick.”
“I don’t care,” she barked out, unable to stop her harsh laugh. “Haven’t you heard? I haven’t cared in years. Who's to say I never cared at all?” He flinched as she threw his words back in his face before letting out a growl and lunging forward, dragging her up and into the ramshackle house that was in desperate need of repairs.
“Do you honestly think that? That you never once cared for Alina? Or Lilith? What about Garroth, Levin and Malachi?” As he spoke, she felt… anger. Anger at him, for his words. “Dante was you brother!”
“You don’t think I know that?!” she snapped back, a spark of life coming to her eyes for the first time in years. “You don’t think I can’t remember how they felt? How we used to laugh an-and cry together?! You’re the one who left! You’re the one who abandoned us when we needed you the most!”
He was silent for a second, red eyes glancing over her carefully, and she looked clore enough to see that spark of guilt. “You’re right,” he agreed. “I did abandon you. I could’ve come back after a few Nether years, but… I was scared. Too scared.”
“Of what?” she asked mutely before shaking her head a bit bitterly. “It doesn’t matter now. We’re all that’s left… and even if you were to stay… you’d just end up killing me to stop the hallucinations.” they sat in a quiet silence, neither one wanting to speak as the fire burned weakly.
In the end and a fit of irony, she died protecting him in the Nether, much like he had done so all that time ago. As he stared at her from the otherside of the iron bars, she grinned at him, a bit tearfully as she reached though, gently placing a hand on his cheek.
“Go,” she whispered. “Tell our story. Tell the world about how Phoenix Drop rose, and of the War of Magi. Tell them how we, for a short time, became the Realm Protectors.”
“If I leave,” he choked out, hand going to grasp her own. “You’ll die.”
“We’ll both die if you do not,” she countered. “But if you leave, Laurence… I’ll still live. We all will still be alive, in the stories you tell. Don’t let the world forget us. Don’t let the world forget the ones who won’t stop fighting, even in death.”
Turning his face and giving her hand a tender kiss, he gave her one last teary look before stepping away, not truly turning and running away until he was off the bridge and could no longer see the Shadow Knight fortress.
It was perhaps thousands of years later when Aphmau Shanashaska was born when the books were rediscovered, and the truth was revealed. By then, not a whisper of doubt said that Shad had never once been the evil lord the books made him to be, and they had been written off as nothing but resistance propaganda.
Sixteen years after that, a teenager sad in the public library, doing her best to research the Olde Goddess, Eirene. All she found, however, was of Shad, and his heroic defeat against the Phoenix Alliance and his rogue knight. With a groan, she turned the page. “I hate research,” she mumbled, scanning the paragraphs before freezing. Aphmau frowned at the name in the book, eyes squinting as she leaned forward. “Why is my name the same as one of the worst villains history?” she mumbled, and there was a soft, sad noise from the elf beside her. Turning to the blonde, she saw her ancient, old smile, perhaps a bit too sorrowful as she spoke
“Haven’t you heard? History is often written in the eyes of the victor.” Looking over her, she felt like she looked familiar, as if she had been a close childhood friend.
“I’m sorry,” she said, closing her book. “Do I know you?” If anything, the elf’s smile grew both bitter and sad.
“I hoped this day would come, though I wish it had been sooner,” she murmured. “Your name is in the books because you are Reincarnated. You were once Lord Aphmau, leader of the Phoenix Alliance” Her amber eyes narrowed and she stood up sharply, chair scraping the floor harshly. 
“I don’t know you,” she snarled. “And whoever you think I am, it’s it not fucking reincarnated. So don’t assume you know me.” The teenager stormed off, leaving the elf alone.
“Perhaps not this you, but you are Aphmau, the Matron Irene, and one day, you will see what I mean...” she agreed softly, reaching into her back and pulling out a book, the last of its kind. Within the first page sat a familiar photo, one taken just before the storm came.
With a pained sigh, Zoey Taltatheil placed her book into the girl’s bag and stood, feeling the wear of time on her as she did so.
Distantly, she could hear the sound of Levin's laughter and the sound of Malachi's giggle before she remembered that they had been reborn. With a sad smile, she walked down the stairs, eyes closing, feeling herself fade with every step.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
ColdFlashWave for happy ending?
Where/How do they live? In Star City, in one of the Rogues’ safe-houses - that is also safer for the Flash to keep his secet identity.
What jobs do they have now? Barry is still working as a CSI, because he loves his job, and Mick and Len are still wanted criminals, but they also occasionally help out the heroes.
Do they have kids? Yeees, they do. Two. Liam Michael Allen and Lila Nora Allen, both meta-humans. Liam with fire-power and Lila with snow-powers (In this verse, Liam is the father of Bart Allen, with Eddie/Iris’ daughter Eirene as the mother, to still make Bart the grandson of both Iris and Barry. Dawn and Don are, in this reality, the twin-children of Jesse Wells and Wally West).
Do they have pets? Oh no, with their life of crime and crime fighting, they really don’t have the time for a pet. Len considers Cisco Barry’s pet (Cisco stopped protesting because Cisco is dating Len’s sister and not being frozen solid by Captain Cold is a vital part of dating Lisa Snart…).
Who proposed and how? Leonard proposed to Mick, many years ago. After a heist, where he stole the rings. The two ran away to Canada to get married back then.
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willczek-art · 1 month
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Another linocut of the D&D LMnoP crew! 👀✨
Cast links + original linocut under the cut! ;P
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Pan Dyrektor (DM) - @jellybeandrawsthings
Corisander the Wizard - me! :D
Aiden the Folk Hero - @bratniadusza
Eirene the Rogue - @kindofkas
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massiveladycat · 4 months
the great war ocs
so i know i've been talking about my pjo ocs AND. lately i've been developing ideas. think of the titan war but on a higher scale that includes camp jupiter, and it's much longer and doesn't only take place at manhattan here are the ocs that are on sides!! TITAN ARMY OCS Greyson Rosenheim - combat medic, greek, son of Hypnos, he/him Dakota Sanderson - commander, daughter of Hecate, she/her Ryker Herring - wildcard, son of Hermes, he/him Chuck Arberin - tactician, son of Melpomene, he/him Brooklyn (???) - gun woman, daughter of Venus, legacy of Neptune, she/her Tristan Lake - literal teenage god, spawn of River Lethe, he/him Lucius (???) - cook and forgeman, son of Akhlys, he/him Unnamed Demigods, Coming Up Soon CAMP HALF-BLOOD OCS Hector Campbell - Son of Athena, he/him Harris Conway - Son of Poseidon, he/him Roman Conway - Son of Poseidon, he/him Victoria (???) - Daughter of Ares Violet (???) - Daughter of Lyssa Izabel Riddle - Daughter of Ariadne Margaret (???) - Daughter of Astraeus Matilda (???) - Daughter of Apollo Beatrice (???) - Daughter of Aphrodite Jakob (???) - Son of Hades Chris (???) - Son of Zeus William Canville - Son of Ares Dexter Newcombe - Son of Dionysus Alya Lachance - Daughter of Hades Peter Janson (if you know where this comes from i will literally marry you) - Son of Ares More Demigod OCs, Coming Up Soon CAMP JUPITER OCS Ainsley Riddle - Daughter of Bacchus Zelda (???) - Daughter of Vulcan Marcus Constantine - Grandson of Jupiter Celia (???) - Daughter of Apollo Phoebus ROGUE DEMIGOD OCS: Jessica "Jess" Laurens - Daughter of Psyche, Oracle Conrad Quick - Son of Eirene, Caretaker Dustin Rourke - Son of Tempesta, Weather Forecast (lmfao) Alexis "Alex" Joost - A Commander of Rogue Demigods, Daughter of Bia Isaiah Hilliard - The Son of Iris, Farmer More Unnamed Demigods, Coming Up Soon the rogue demigods are somewhat neutral but do lean towards helping the camps more camp jupiter and camp half-blood work together (even if it's killing them) im a sucker for lovers from opposite sides of a war so one boy from the titan army and one of the camp's girls are together, take a guess also a LOT of ocs in this will die or get gravely wounded THIS WAR IS CALLED 'THE GREAT WAR'!!!
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scottmymccall · 7 years
Introduction (Name/Age): Mafe, ancient. How did you find SOR? I follow both of the mods and when I saw the promo I got very excited bc I was a part of Season of Revenge, my boy was a fanboy of the Valientes sisters.  Which role(s) are you most excited to read about? All but if I have to pick, Jasper, Henry, Nico and Richard, but all of them sound interesting.  Most played songs in your playlist: Okay this is going to be a mix of crazy sounds but here we go: Royal Blood - Lights out / Los Mesoneros - Caballo Nuevo / Jamiroquai - Cloud 9 / Natalia Lafourcade - Tú sí sabes quererme / iLe - Te Quiero Con Bugalú. Favorite book:  One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, Bestiario by Julio Cortázar and Animal Farm by George Orwell. (Have you seen the interview where Jake Gyllenhaal freaks because he can pick just one thing when he is asked, well I’m him lol) Favorite movie: I can never pick just one D:  Amores Perros, American Beauty, Fight Club, Cinema Paradiso... so many :( Favorite fictional characters: Jay Gatsby, Princess Leia, Maggie Simpson, Rogue.  Favorite supernatural creatures: Witches and werewolves If you lived in Moon Island would you rather be part of:  Eirene, Bricket Wood, Adrasteia or Neutral? Be a vampire, werewolf, witch or human? Omg, I remember I used to be a part of Adrasteria hahaha, but now I’m not sure and I would loooove to be a witch with telekinesisl. 
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sleepingfancies · 8 years
talk about your fav oc.... GO!
My favorite oc? That I created?? Aw jeez okay um
My favorite oc is probably my gal Eirene. She was sort of my first ever oc after I got into the Dragon Age fandom and she’s basically my canon Warden for the events of Origins. Rogue Dalish elf, specializing in archery (what can I say, I’m a sucker for fantasy tropes). She’s like a mom friend but not. Like… she looks out for her people and she’s very compassionate but she’ll kick anybody’s ass for being stupid all the same. She isn’t afraid to put people in their place. Eirene has the markings of Mythal, which I thought sort of reflected her values - justice and compassion. She couldn’t put Alistair on the throne seeing how much he didn’t want it, and she didn’t want to lose her best friend. She killed Flemeth for Morrigan, she calls Leliana her sister, etc.
But like she’s also really kind of a mess bc for a long time she’s super bitter about what happened to Tamlen and why she ended up a Warden in the first place. She’s so smug and pleased to kill Howe and takes no issue intimidating people when persuasion fails, and she never liked Oghren or Wynne. She’s stubborn and blunt and sarcastic and can be all around undesirable company when she’s not feeling up to being chummy.
In my head I imagined she harbors a lot of resentment towards the Evanuris despite considering herself pretty religious. She feels like they abandoned the people, and they allowed the elves to have their culture stolen. She’d be particularly furious with Flemeth/Mythal, whose endgame seemed pretty damn selfish and wholly disregarded the state of the elves of modern Thedas. Eirene would be so so appalled at the events of DA2 and beyond angry at the events of DA:I, especially where the Wardens were concerned. Girl’s best friends are Wardens, so like… she’s not big on that whole “Wardens are just demons in disguise” bullshit.
So… there you have it, I guess. My favorite oc, Eirene Mahariel. If you meant an oc that someone else created please just pretend I didn’t write any of this bc my ocs are very hush hush. But if you wanna know more, I’d be happy to expand. Just shoot me an ask!
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loonylein · 6 years
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@teallinum you know I adore your boy!
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