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artharakka · 2 years ago
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Sala, a cleric of Menura of Many Songs, a deity of imitations and art 🌙🦚
...unless it’s actually Eilir, fiancé of Deervale’s princess Aella, running from their arranged marriage.
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fantazyys · 3 months ago
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Just like me fr (tired)
Summery redesign, shout out to when his got chopped off
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jhami-lu · 8 months ago
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Primera ficha agregada de mi wawa Eli! Al fin termine está cosa x"d Espero guste ya vendrán más!
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cl0wnimp · 1 year ago
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My Huevember from this year
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bugsinshoes · 4 months ago
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after many redesigns and development, may i introduce you all to: the crew of the Fortuna!
years before aysel met ford, he was the pilot and captain of a spaceship called the Fortuna. however, she needed a crew! so, during his travels, he rescued and picked up inter-dimensional outcasts which later stayed on the ship and became permanent members!!
i really love these guys so much. wacky space hijinks ensue.
below the cut are some old doodles i made + the original concepts for the characters + a bit more about them!!!
(also!!! scrappy was created and designed by @afuckingtree and callista is by @s3viee !!! shoutout to my moots!!!)
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a gifted soldier and pilot who was thrown into a life of war since the beginning of their existence. their only purpose was to fight. that is, until they stumbled upon aysel and got roped into his adventures. they saw the opportunity to leave the life of violence they were born into and start anew. plus, this human guy could really learn how to fly better. and so, comet became the first person aysel ever had on his crew.
a being who was granted the gift of foresight. an oracle, of sorts. however, since losing her eyes, they're no longer able to peer into the future. does she mention her gift to the crew? yes. do they mention she can't do it anymore? no. does this lead the Fortuna into dangerous situations? of course it does. but it's always forgiven. mostly.
a feral little guy. they were found in a storage closet on the ship, wrapped up in one of aysel's old cloaks and eating some stale food. aysel couldn't just leave scrappy on the closest planet to fend for themself, so, they were taken in. the crew later found out scrappy is also an excellent mechanic, which is always useful. EILIR
a stuck-up arrogant asshole who is really only on the team so he can stay relatively safe from the bounty hunters that want his head. extremely knowledgeable in weapons and stuff. he can hold 4 guns at once. he later softens up to the crew and sees maybe there are still some genuinely nice people who care for him. obviously he never shows this because he's too #coolandmysterious
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cypher-is-sane · 4 months ago
(Eilir sits at the break room table, tapping it with a pen nervously. They hadn't seen Cypher in the past few days and their anxiety had been through the roof. Last they saw him, the two had gone on a hike to the beautiful hidden area Eilir suggested they go to. They'd spent all day there, talking, admiring the scenery, and just enjoying each other's company. It had ended when Eilir abruptly sat up pale-faced. They had completely forgotten about work, they had said, then headed off for the Archives with the explanation that they needed to get caught up on work. Cypher seemed deflated, but he understood. Eilir Saw him stand up and sort of follow them out of the woods before they turned their attention to the Archives. They hadn't been home since, obsessively worrying that they had ruined their friendship with Cypher by cutting their date short. They tried to drown it out with the stress of organising the Archives--successfully managing to put a dent on one section--, but their anxiety started interfering with their concentration, so they gave up on it. They looked like hell, even worse than Jon. So much so that Jon himself asked Eilir if they were sleeping, to which they replied with an unfocused 'yeah' that screamed 'no, I very much have not'. Tim and Sasha asked if they were ok, Martin even brought them tea once, but they just retreated further into the Archives to avoid speculation. Where was Cypher? Did something happen to him? Did Eilir make him upset? Questions plagued their mind and Beholding was cruel enough to not answer them. Cypher visited them every day. So much so that you'd think he was an employee. It was highly irregular for him to not show up)
Finally. Finally he showed up. He looked better than before- mostly less pale, less ragged, less... fragile. He was bright again, and vibrant. He seemed relatively content as he walked into the archives, though obviously a little nervous about what Eilir would think about his disappearance. He really missed them. Did they miss him? Did they care, even? No, no, it didn't make sense for anyone to care about him-
He had to cut those thoughts short before he did something he'd regret later. "Eilir?" He mumbled softly when he saw them shuffling a mess of papers around, seemingly in no particular order. "Oh- oh gods I'm so sorry I ran off like that. I was being Hunted for a while and they almost had me because I didn't want to feed the Slaughter and I got so weak I-" He froze. Instantly he seemed sorrowful. "I needed to get away so.. I... made it slow. An old friend was back in town and- uhm.." He trailed off, voice going a little choked. "Sorry I didn't come to see you."
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Amelie grabs a few books, working with skilled precision. They come back after a bit, putting the books down on the desk.
"Please take a look at which are fitting. Also, would not suggest attempting to leave the library with them,afterall, the reading rooms are quite lovely."
(a strange scrawny being carrying a stack of books enters the Library. The air around them seems to glitch slightly and there is a noticeable ever-present static surrounding them)
Oh, your new. What happened to the other spider person? Well, I shouldn’t really say person should I, seeing as none of us are actually people anymore…
That aside, I’m here to return these and check a few more out. Also, do you happen to have access to Artefact Storage? I would like to take a look at some of the Leitners that we keep.
Amelie looks up from the book it was reading, putting it down on faer desk.
"New¿? I am the longest lasting librarian here. Way longer than Marione."
It rolls faer eyes, glancing at the books.
"And what sort of books would you like to check out¿?"
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ur-local-flesh-hive · 3 months ago
Um, hello, I’m here to ask if you ever wanted to do a follow up statement? Your main one is being processed now.
i' ve ssa id all i nn ee ded to sa yy. i a mm nno t a cco wa rd any mo re , t re mm bli ng at thh in gs i did nno t un der sst an d, dd elu di ng my sel f tth ink i ng i nne ede d yy ou r h el p. tth e so ng is a ll i hha ve eve r n eed ed.
translation: I've said all I needed to say. I am not a coward anymore, trembling at things I did not understand, deluding myself thinking I needed your help. The song is all I have ever needed.
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kryptosippos · 3 months ago
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Some Moth memes. :^)
more info/buy me book: https://www.dorian-christo.me
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wildhemlock · 2 years ago
Happy Spring Equinox 2023!
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Happy First Day of Spring! or Vernal Equinox, a milestone of the Earth’s revolution around the sun. The day and night cycle is close to equal – about 12 hours and 10 minutes of sunlight here in Western Pennsylvania today. Today is halfway between the [approximately] longest day of the year in June and the shortest day in December. Flora and fauna are waking from their winter dormancy.
During the Equinox, the Sun’s Ecliptic Pathway crosses the Celestial Equator, as per the Glossary of Astronomical Phenomena:
Vernal Equinox – The intersection of the celestial equator and the sun’s ecliptic pathway in it’s northern ascent towards the tropic of Cancer. At this time, the Earth’s axial tilt is facing neither toward nor away from the sun, and there is approximately 12 hours of daylight and nighttime. This marks the beginning of the spring season in the northern hemisphere.
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Right now, night is receding and making way for longer, warmer days. It is time to get outside and enjoy it!
Click Here to Learn More at WildHemlock.Com!
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fantazyys · 3 months ago
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Time travel redesign. Yes I'm for real
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jhami-lu · 11 months ago
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Algo que era pa Halloween pero que no pude terminarlo en su momento x""d
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cl0wnimp · 2 years ago
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My Fe3h brainrot has returned so new Fe3h oc because I rather not bring back Fe3h!Florian.
This is Eilir(they/them). They're a commoner who family runs a trailor shop. They inherited their parents passion for fashion, however they don't seem to have a designer eye. Their clothing are often labeled as "ugly"
They're very sweet and caring. Also very reserved 🦋
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cypher-is-sane · 3 months ago
(It was dark out again. Eilir didn’t know what time it was. They were just glad no one was here. They sat with a pile of papers surrounding them. The memories… were they really their memories? Did that… did that really happen? How many more promises are they going to break? Are they just… will they just stand around as another gets killed? Why does Cypher love them? What did they do to deserve that? He shouldn’t love them. They don’t deserve it. They knew they had failed before so many times and that they were bound to fail so many more. They had hurt so many people in the process. They had broken so many promises. Why has the universe spared them? Why were they here? They don’t deserve this. Why is the universe always this cruel? Now here they are again being glad that Jon has to take on the hurt and pain and suffering instead of them. They. Don’t. Deserve. It. They sat there sobbing violently, their nails digging deep into their skin and among old and new scars, not caring what forces were watching them this time. It was futile to hide. They only draw entertainment from Eilir’s pain, they know this far too well. They’ve lost the motivation to care. Their only purpose has ever been organising the Archives, it’s why they came back. If they can do that, then maybe, just maybe, they’ll be more than a monster deserving only of punishment. No amount of apologising can fix what they’d done. They still sat there, the air glitching, as the torrent of memories played again and again)
Cypher was drawn into the archives by the flashes of light coming from the window while he was on his walk. His eyes lit up at the prospect of chaos. He needed it back. Whatever forces were controlling him now were hungry.
He slipped into the Archives, walking casually past confused staff who were unsure why he was here. He crept silently into the room Eilir was in, stopped, and stared.
He was silent for a while, watching. He found he couldn’t move just yet to comfort his partner.
When he did get his legs to work, he silently went over to them, his rough hands pulling their nails away from their skin. He didn’t ask what was wrong; they Knew he’d listen. He held their hands in his in the meantime, trailing his thumbs over the backs of their hands comfortingly. He’d help clean the new cuts later.
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unseeliej · 1 year ago
Happy Spring Equinox!
Hello! It’s Tuesday. It’s also the Equinox, Alban Eilir, or, in some traditions, Ostara. (Unless you’re in the southern hemisphere, in which case: Happy Mabon!) This is essentially the second part of the celebrations of spring: Imbolc, the Equinox, and Beltane. If Imbolc is when spring wakes up, the Equinox is when it really gets going, and Beltane is the height of its strength. Since it’s…
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psych0phily · 2 years ago
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When u have to snipe yourself
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