#Eileen Engel
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yasamsallik · 11 months ago
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Yaşamdaki ilk dersimiz sevmektir. Sevgi o kadar güçlüdür ki bozulamaz. Üstelik kavranabilen elle tutulan bir şey değildir. Onu bilebilirsin, ama dokunmaya kalktığında o elinden civa gibi akıp gider. Sevgi sahiplenilemez; o rüzgâr gibidir ve nereye gitmek isterse oraya gider. Sen de onunla birlikte akıp gitmelisin. Sevgi birliktir, bütünlüktür. Sevgi sınır tanımaz, engel tanımaz. Özgürlük sevgiyle gelir. Bir ruhu sınırlayan ve zincirleyip bağlayan korkudur; sevgiyse özgürleştirir ve tüm zincirleri koparır. Sevgi tüm kapıları açar, yaşamları değiştirir ve en katı kalpleri yumuşatır. Sevgi yaratıcıdır; o yapılandırır, birlik ve uyum içinde güzelliği yaratır. O, her şeyle birlikte çalışır, hiçbir şeye karşı çıkmaz. Sevgi öyle bir neşe getirir ki o bastırılamaz. O yaşamın içinde dans edip şarkı söyler. Kalbinde sevgi var mı? Başkalarına karşı sevgi? O senin içinden başlar ve daima dışarıya yayılır durur."
Eileen Caddy
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ik-leer-nederlands · 12 days ago
Dag 6 : November 20 2024
Vandaag heb ik dit drabble geschreven van ongeveer 150 woorden. Het is steeds moeilijk, en ik moet mijn hersenen dwingen om over te schakelen van Engels/Frans tot Nederlands. What a pain in the ass.
Suptober 2024 : 2. Spa Day
Een Zaterdag per maand hebben Dean en Castiel een echt “Family Spa Day”.
Soms is het een dag met de hele familie, Sam en Eileen en Jack. Dan maken ze masks en scrubs, geven ze elkaar en manicuur of en pedicuur, kijken ze naar Disney of Scooby-Doo of de chick flicks dat Dean doet alsof hij niet mag.
Soms is het een dag met Cas en Eileen in een kant van de bunker, en Dean en Sam in een andere. Cas en Eileen gaan naar een echt Spa, en Sam en Dean verzorgen zijn huiden en drinken tee.
Soms is het een dag voor Cas en Jack of voor Dean en Jack. De volwassenen doen min of meer al dat het kind wil. En ze praten met elkaar over alles. Of, voor Dean, ze brengen samen tijd door in dezelfde ruimte, en praten een beetje met elkaar.
Maar sommige weken, dit “Spa Day” is alleen maar voor Cas en Dean.
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degiovanniluigi · 1 year ago
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La galleria Mentana di Firenze, in prossimità delle feste natalizie, come ogni anno, il giorno 16 dicembre 2023 dalle ore 17,00 alle ore 20.00 terrà l’opening di “Orizzonti Contigui” Rassegna di Artisti Internazionali che animerà lo spazio sito nel cuore di Firenze, in via della Mosca, 5. 
Orizzonti Contigui
Attraverso le opere in mostra è possibile immergersi nelle descrizioni di pensieri, idee e sensazioni che danno luogo al mondo degli artisti presenti che, nella realizzazione delle opere, hanno trovano l’occasione per avventurarsi nelle sfaccettature della natura fatta di paesaggi e di atmosfere, per ritrovarsi nel mondo della fantasia o nelle problematiche dei percorsi dell’uomo, fino ad attraversare riflessioni o sogni che muovono dall’Io o dalla religiosità. Colori, pennellata e percorsi capaci di trasmettere il mondo della bellezza e delle contraddizioni dell’uomo che è sempre alla ricerca di quei valori che danno senso alle opere di questa bellissima rassegna artistica.
L’evento sarà anche occasione per scambiarci gli Auguri di Natale.
Artisti presenti in Mostra:
Eva Breitfuss - Audrey Traini - Lis Engel – Giancarlo Cerri – Aldehy – Bianca Vivarelli – Krasimir S. Marinov – Eileen Herres – Valerio Tanini – Tina Hliblom-thibblin - Camilla Vavik Pedersen – Patrizia Pepe – Luigi De Giovanni – Salvatore Magazzini – Anna Lapshinova
Galleria d’Arte Mentana
Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Via della Mosca, 5r 50122 Firenze (Italia) Telefono/Fax: +39 055 211985 Cellulare: +39 335 1207156 Email: [email protected]
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llovelymoonn · 2 years ago
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musings on rot
charles bukowski pulp \\ yves olade belovéd (via @raeiyyn) \\ john engels weather-fear: new and selected poems: "damp rot" \\ kay ryan tenderness and rot \\ eileen myles school of fish: "rotting symbols"
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stllimelight · 5 years ago
Take Ten with Colin Healy
Take Ten with Colin Healy
By Lynn Venhaus Managing Editor When composer and music director Colin Healy first heard the story of wealthy brothel madam and philanthropist Eliza Haycraft, he was intrigued. On Aug. 16, “Madam,” the musical about this infamous St. Louisan that he wrote the book, music and lyrics for, had its world premiere at the Bluff City Theatre in Hannibal.
Bluff City Theater commissioned the musical,…
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einsong3woerter · 3 years ago
Ist der junge hier (vorheriger Post) ein Opfer oder ein Täter?
Tatsächlich ist der junge beides. Er hat vieles falsch gemacht. Er wusste was er tat, wusste das es falsch war und tat es trotzdem. Weil er nicht wusste wie er sich anders verhalten soll. Weil er es nicht anders gelernt hatte. Doch weil er genau das wusste wurden die Depressionen schlimmer.
Dieser junge ist aufgewachsen in einem Elternhaus, in dem man keine Gefühle zeigte, in dem immer der andere Schuld war, man nicht über Dinge geredet hat sondern sie unter den Teppich gekehrt hat. Dort gab es keine Anerkennung. Ein Elternhaus geprägt von narzistischem Verhalten, Wut und Angst.
Dieser junge wurde bis zur Oberstufe verbal und körperlich gemobbt. Er konnte sich nie einbinden. Er hatte nie viele Freunde. So hat er gelernt alleine zu überleben. Er hat gelernt das es besser für ihn ist sich niemandem anzuvertrauen. Er hat nie gelernt mit den Gefühlen anderer richtig umzugehen, aber damit zu spielen und Menschen zu manipulieren.
Bis der Engel kam.
Doch seine Vergangenheit hatte ihn eingeholt.
Das alles rechtfertigt in keinster Weise was er getan hat. Soll es auch nicht. Aber es gibt zu verstehen was mit Menschen passieren kann in ihrem Leben passieren kann, ohne das sie es wollen. Weil das Leben sie prägt.
Dieser junge war ich. Der von Dämonen verfolgte in der Geschichte, hieß Lisa. Und der Engel dieser wundervolle Mensch, heißt Eileen.
Das zwischen mir und Lisa war keine Liebe, es war Abhängigkeit. Wir haben den jeweils anderen gebraucht. Es hat nicht lange gedauert bis wir das wussten. Wir haben viel über solche Sachen geredet und es kam immer wieder auf, daß einer von beiden Schluss machen wollte. Aber wir waren noch nicht bereit dafür alleine zu sein. Als ich mit Eileen schluss gemacht habe wusste ich das es nicht die richtige Entscheidung war. Ich wollte auch zu ihr zurück aber konnte nicht. Lisa dachte ich würde sie komplett verlassen, ist durchgedreht bis sie im Bademantel bei sofie war und die Polizei vor der Tür stand. Ich hab Lisa früh gesagt das ihr nicht mein Herz gehört. Ich war es der Schluss gemacht hat und ich war es der gegangen ist. Deswegen mache ich ihr keine Vorwürfe das sie ihr Versprechen nicht einhalten kann.
Ich mache mir bis heute Vorwürfe dafür das ich mit Eileen Schluss gemacht hab. Ich konnte nie damit abschließen.
Ich liebe sie. Bis heute. Ich hab jeden Tag an sie gedacht. Lisa wusste das. Unbewusst, im Unterbewusstsein habe ich immer Lisa die Schuld dafür gegeben. Das hat sie gemerkt. Obwohl ich selbst schuld daran war.
Ich bin zu einem Narzisten geworden. Ohne es zu merken. Und ohne es zu wollen. In meinem Kopf entstand ein Kampf zwischen Schuldabweisung und eingestehen der Tatsachen. Und dieser Kampf hat mich emotional so weit mitgerissen das ich kurz davor stand alles zu beenden. Ich konnte nicht mehr mit mir selbst klar kommen.
Ich konnte Eileen nie eine Erklärung liefern. Ich konnte sie nicht belügen. Und fand nicht die richtigen Worte. Seit 4 Jahren suche ich nach den Worten. Dabei ist es nur ein Song mit 3 Wörtern. Ich liebe dich.
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drunk-on-books · 7 years ago
Read in 2017
Antonio Porchia - Voces
1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution
Kobo Abe - Identico al ser humano
Vasko Popa - Homage to the Lame Wolf: Selected Poems
Georges Bataille - Theory of Religion
Sylvia Plath - Ariel
Andre Gide - The White Notebook
Beyond the Visible: The Art of Odilon Redon
Zbigniew Herbert - The Collected Poems
Adam Zagajewski - Unseen Hand: Poems
Anne Sexton - Complete Poems
David Hinton - Classical Chinese Poetry
Eça de Queiros -  The Yellow Sofa
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Selected Poetry
David Hinton - Mountain Poems: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China
Gennady Aygi - Child-and-Rose
Gennady Aygi - Field-Russia
The Story of Han Xiangzi: The Alchemical Adventures of a Daoist Immortal
Jacques Prevert - Selections from Paroles
Toson Shimazaki - The Broken Commandment
Jean Cocteau - Tempest of Stars: Selected Poems
Natsume Soseki - The Miner
Jean Cocteau - The Infernal Machine and Other Plays
Narim Bender - Auguste Rodin: 101 Drawings
Mario de Sa-Carneiro - Lucio's Confession
August Strindberg - The Stronger
August Strindberg - Facing Death
August Strindberg - Pariah
Ivan Bunin - Dark Avenues
Franz Kafka - The Zurau Aphorisms
Edvard Munch Lithographs Etchings  Woodcuts
Toson Shimazaki - The Family
Alain de Botton - How To Think More About Sex
Josef Hirsal - A Bohemian Youth
Maurice Blanchot - The Madness of the Day
Miroslav Holub - Poems Before & After
Andre Breton - Poems
Stendhal - The Red and The Black
Paul Klee - Pedagogical Sketchbook
Donald Wigald - Klee
Paul Klee - Some Poems by Paul Klee
Arthur Schnitzler - Fraulein Else
Antal Szerb - The Third Tower: Journeys in Italy
Lu Xun - Selected Essays
Andrej Blatnik - Skinswaps
Statius - The Achilleid
Aleksander Wat - Lucifer Unemployed
Jacques Cazotte - The Devil in Love
Gerry Souter - Kazimir Malevich
Vladimir Lenin - Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
Friedrich Engels - The Principles of Communism
Vladimir Lenin - State and Revolution
Pyotr Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
Pauline Reage - Story of O
Errico Malatesta - Anarchy
Sergey Nechayev - Catechism of a Revolutionary
Oscar Wilde - The Soul of Man Under Socialism
Joris-Karl Huysmans - A la Deriva
Andre Gide - Prometeo mal encadenado
Simone Weil - On The Abolition of All Political Parties
Walter Benjamin - El Autor Como Productor
Haruki Murakami - La Biblioteca Secreta
Fernando Pessoa - 35 Sonnets
Bertolt Brecht - Terror y miseria del Tercer Reich
Fernando Pessoa - El Primer Fausto
Fernando Pessoa - Diarios
Vasily Grossman - Life and Fate
Fernando Pessoa - La Hora del Diablo
Fernando Pessoa - El Banquero Anarquista
Andre Gide - Teseo
Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism Is A Humanism
Albert Camus - The Misunderstanding
The Showa Anthology: Modern Japanese Short Stories
The Sound of One Hand Clapping: 261 Zen Koans with Answers
Livy - The Early History of Rome: Books I-V
Bertolt Brecht - Antigone
Violette Ailhaud - L'homme Semence
Volodya: Selected Works
Stefan Zweig - Dos Hermanas
Stefan Zweig - El Amor de Erika Ewald
Stefan Zweig - Mendel el de los libros
Emile Zola - Nana
Stefan Zweig - Los milagros de la vida
Octave Mirbeau - Memoria de Georges el amargado
Federico Garcia Lorca - Bodas de Sangre
Samuel Beckett - Happy Days
Stefan Zweig - Ardiente secreto
Emile Zola - The Masterpiece
Akiko Yosano - Travels in Manchuria and Mongolia: A Feminist Poet from Japan Encounters Prewar China
Three Poets of Modern Korea
Santoka Taneda - For All My Walking: Free-Verse Haiku of Taneda Santoka with Excerpts from His Diary
Du Fu - Selected Poems
Yasmina Reza - El Trineo de Schopenhauer
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The First Circle
Frank Wedekind - Spring Awakening
Yasmina Reza - Un Dios Salvaje
Yasmina Reza - Art
Junichiro Tanizaki - Enredadera de Yoshino
Arthur Schnitzler - Apuesta al amanecer
Bertolt Brecht - La Judith de Shimoda
Natsume Soseki - Habitaciones y otras piezas breves
Federico Garcia Lorca - Selected Poems
Franz Kafka - Contemplacion
Natsume Soseki - Tintes del cielo
Ilya Ehrenburg - The Fall of France Seen through Soviet Eyes
Victor Garcia - Three Japanese Anarchists: Kotoku, Osugi and Yamaga
John Reed - Ten Days That Shook The World
Louis Aragon - Los Ojos de Elsa
Rainer Maria Rilke - Primavera sagrada y otros cuentos de Bohemia
Ishikawa Tokuboku - On Examining One Self
Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Carta de Lord Chandos
Charles Baudelaire - Diarios Intimos
Masuji Ibuse - Lieutenant Lookeast and Other Storues
Paul Eluard - Selected Poems
Robert Walser - El paseo
Robert Walser - Poemas
Basileus Imperator Eduardus A Rodrigus
Marina Tsvetaeva - Moscow in the Plague Year: Poems
Eileen Chang - Un amor que destruye ciudades
Gustave Flaubert - Memoirs of A Madman
Henryk Ibsen - Hedda Gabler and Other Plays
Guillaume Apollinaire - Calligrammes
Wu Jingzi - The Scholars
Victor Hugo - Les Miserables
Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun Vol 2: Sword & Citadel
Giovanni Boccacio - The Decameron
Comte de Lautremont - Les Chants des Maldoror (read again)
Yasunari Kawabata - First Snow On Fuji (read again)
Yasunari Kawabata - The Lake (read again)
J.R.R. Tolkien - Children of Hurin (read again)
James Clavell - Gaijin
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Silmarillion (read again)
J.R.R. Tolkien - Unfinished Tales (read again)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Cancer Ward (read again)
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings (read again)
Pierre Louÿs - La Mujer y el Pelele
Gustave Flaubert - Noviembre
Leo Tolstoy - War & Peace (read again)
Joris-Karl Huysmans - La-Bas (read again)
Oe Kenzaburo - Teach Us To Outgrow Our Madness: Four Novels (read again)
Fredy Pearlman - The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism
Fredy Pearlman - The Reproduction of Daily Life
Bertolt Brecht - War Primer
Friedrich Nietzsche - Aphorisms on Love and Hate
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years ago
A Hunter's Supernatural Guide to Disastrous Dating
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2LU33us
by Hirschdame
Sam kann es selbst nicht so ganz fassen: Seit Wochen kein einziger Fall und jetzt auch noch ein richtiges Date! So sehr er sich auch nach Normalität in seinem Leben sehnt - etwas ist daran nicht ganz koscher. Nach endlosem Ringen und viel Vorgeplänkel bricht er zu seiner Verabredung auf und merkt schon bald, dass der Frieden der letzten Zeit bloß die Ruhe vor dem Sturm war. Während Dean Castiel eigentlich nur mit zum Einkaufen nehmen wollte und feststellen muss, dass auch ein Mensch gewordener Engel einen Jäger ganz schön aus dem Konzept bringen kann, geraten beide Paare gemeinsam in einen Fall, der Sam dazu zwingt, sich seinen Ängsten zu stellen. - Doch halt, Paare?! Dean und Cas sind ganz sicher keins!
Words: 17909, Chapters: 3/3, Language: Deutsch
Series: Part 1 of Guides to Fluff
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Gabriel (Supernatural)
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy & Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Deutsch | German, Songfic, Song: Don't Cry (Asia), Song: American Pie (Don McLean), Case Fic, Dating, Alternate Timeline, Romance, Fluff, Humor, Human Castiel, Disguise, Slapstick, Insecure Sam Winchester, Struggling Dean Winchester, Team Free Will Family Fluff
Link: https://ift.tt/2LU33us
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avenueoflovers · 4 years ago
EXPLOSIVE: Behind Opus Dei's Veil of Secrecy (see Regnum Christi 3gf "Consacrated Women") Part One
EXPLOSIVE: Behind Opus Dei’s Veil of Secrecy (see Regnum Christi 3gf “Consacrated Women”) Part One
EXPLOSIVE: Behind Opus Dei’s Veil of Secrecy – Part 1 Guest Contributor March 1, 2021 No Comments By: Randy Engel  An Interview with Ex-Opus Dei Numerary Eileen Johnson – Part 1 Introduction            The following interview with ex-Opus Dei numerary, Eileen Johnson, was conducted over a period of several months in 2020 and 2021.  Eileen is a native of Yorkshire, England, where “a spade is…
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jackisreallycool · 7 years ago
Half way through Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh after you recommended it and I like it! Were there any other books you enjoyed last year?
the vegetarian was deeply shocking, surreal. I am currently getting through rosemary’s baby and bruce wagner’s dead stars. it’s so mean, but perfect. you might know him as the screenwriter of david cronenberg’s beautifully hateful hollywood satire map to the stars. 
and one book I havent read yet but I am waiting to get my copy but I already know I will love it: marian engel’s BEAR. it’s the story of a woman in love. I dare not say anymore lest I spoil the shock of it all that i’ve heard about it. I really wanna read it but I havent but I recommend it to everyone anyway
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wildwechselmagazin · 5 years ago
Philippinum und Stadt Marburg organisieren „One Billion Rising“
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Rund 400 Schüler*innen, Lehrer*innen und weitere Marburger*innen setzten auf dem Schulhof des Philippinums tanzend ein Zeichen gegen Gewalt an Mädchen und Frauen.  (Marburg) Tanzend demonstrieren: An der Aktion „One Billion Rising“ (OBR, auf Deutsch: Eine Milliarde erhebt sich) haben sich rund 400 Schülerinnen, Lehrerinnen und viele weitere Marburger*innen beteiligt und vor dem Gymnasium Philippinum tanzend gegen Gewalt protestiert. 400 Marburger*innen tanzen gemeinsam gegen Gewalt an Mädchen und Frauen Die Tanzdemo, die weltweit stattfindet, macht darauf aufmerksam, wie wichtig es ist, für Gleichberechtigung und gegen Gewalt an Frauen einzutreten. Los geht die Tanzdemo in verhaltenem Tempo zum eher langesamen musikalischen Intro. Dann wechselt der Rhythmus. Mädchen und Jungen, Frauen und Männer laufen im schneller werdenden Takt auf der Stelle, heben die Arme, tanzen passend zum Text der OBR-Hymne. Walk-Dance-Rise. Break the Chain! Der findet sich in dem Motto der diesjährigen Tanzdemo wieder: „Walk-Dance-Rise. Break the Chain!“ (auf Deutsch: Geh-Tanz-Erhebe dich. Zerbrich die Ketten!). Unter diesem Motto beteiligten sich viele Menschen an der Demonstration gegen Gewalt, die das Gymnasium Philippinum auf dem Schulvorplatz initiiert und gemeinsam mit dem Gleichberechtigungsreferat der Universitätsstadt Marburg organisiert hatte.
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Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Spies (rechts) dankte den Schüler*innen und Lehrer*innen des Gymnasiums Philippinum, die gemeinsam mit dem Gleichberechtigungsreferat der Stadt Marburg, die Tanzdemo auf dem Schulhof organisiert hatten. „Über die Zusammenarbeit mit den Marburger Schulen und insbesondere über das Engagement der Lehrerinnen und Schülerinnen des Gymnasiums Philippinum, die den Aktionstag vorbereitet haben, freuen wir uns sehr. Über Gewalt gegen Mädchen und Frauen auch an den Marburger Schulen aufzuklären, ist wichtig und notwendig“, sagte Oberbürgermeister Thomas Spies. Dr. Christine Amend-Wegmann, Leiterin des Gleichberechtigungsreferats, erläuterte: „Jede dritte Frau erlebt laut Statistik der Vereinten Nationen in ihrem Leben Gewalt. Weltweit sind das eine Milliarde Opfer von Gewalt.“
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Rund 400 Schüler*innen, Lehrer*innen und weitere Marburger*innen setzten auf dem Schulhof des Philippinums tanzend ein Zeichen gegen Gewalt an Mädchen und Frauen.  Die Universitätsstadt Marburg beteiligt sich seit mehreren Jahren an der Kampagne „One Billion Rising“ (OBR). Im Rahmen dieser Kampagne setzen weltweite Aktionen jedes Jahr am 14. Februar ein klares „Nein“ gegen jede Form von Gewalt an Frauen und Mädchen. Ins Leben gerufen wurde die Aktion von der US-amerikanischen Aktivistin Eve Ensler im Jahr 2012 als Reaktion auf die weltweit große Anzahl an von Gewalt betroffener Frauen und Mädchen. Mittlerweile finden OBR-Aktionen in etwa 190 Ländern statt. Auf dem Vorplatz des Philippinums hob auch Studiendirektorin Miriam David ihre Freude darüber hervor, dass sich Marburgerinnen jeden Alters an der Tanzdemo beteiligten. Freudig begrüßt wurden außerdem Schülerinnen von der Kaufmännischen Schule, der Waldorfschule, der Elisabethschule und der Schule am Richtsberg.
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Rund 400 Schüler*innen, Lehrer*innen und weitere Marburger*innen setzten auf dem Schulhof des Philippinums tanzend ein Zeichen gegen Gewalt an Mädchen und Frauen.  Studienleiterin Martina Schremb, die die Tanzdemo gemeinsam mit Biologie- und Sportlehrerin Claudia Busmann sowie Deutsch- und Kunstlehrerin Susanne Koch initiiert und organisiert hatte, verdeutlichte die Bedeutung dieser Aktion: „Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen passiert leider in den unterschiedlichsten Ausprägungen sehr häufig. Wir müssen deutlich machen, dass wir Gewalt gegen Mädchen und Frauen nicht tolerieren. Wichtig ist auch, darüber zu informieren, dass es in Marburg sehr gute Unterstützungsangebote für Betroffene gibt.“ Weitere Informationen gibt es beim Gleichberechtigungsreferat, Dr. Christine Amend-Wegmann, (06421) 201-1909, [email protected]. Weitere Veranstaltungen in Marburg
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Sonntag 16. Februar 2020 Närrische Kinderparty 14:15 Paderborn Paderhalle  Typ: Karneval-Fasching-Fastnacht
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Sonntag 16. Februar 2020 Heinz & Hildegard Rehborn • Marokko - Die Königsstädte 15:30 Paderborn Kulturwerkstatt (Caféteria)  Typ: Vortrag
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Sonntag 16. Februar 2020 NightWash Live • Costa Meronianakis, Simon Pearce, Jamie Wierzbicki und Sven Bensmann 18:00 Paderborn Audimax der Universität Paderborn  Typ: Comedy Jetzt: Ticket kaufen
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Sonntag 16. Februar 2020 Mondsüchtig 18:00 Paderborn Theater Paderborn (Studio)  Typ: Konzert
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Sonntag 16. Februar 2020 Birgit Brade • Steps on Stage - Stepptanzshow 19:00 Paderborn Kulturwerkstatt (Großer Saal)  Typ: Tanz   Ww-Artikel über Veranstaltungen in Marburg Philippinum und Stadt Marburg organisieren „One Billion Rising“ Bei der Aktion „One Billion Rising“ (OBR, auf Deutsch: Eine Milliarde erhebt sich) haben rund 400 tanzend gegen Gewalt protestiert. Ausgehtipps für Marburg – Was ist los in Marburg? Die neusten Ausgehtipps für Marburg von Eileen Reckert: Hier findest Du somit regelmäßig neue spannende Ausgeh-Tipps für die Stadt an der Lahn! Veranstaltungen im Kulturzentrum KFZ Marburg: Vielfältig, bunt und engagiert! Das Kulturzentrum KFZ Marburg ist seit über 40 Jahren eine Instanz, wenn es um Veranstaltungen, Kunst und Kultur in der Uni-Stadt an der Lahn geht. Matthias Brodowy & Detlef Wutschik im KFZ Marburg: Kabarett mit Menschen und Puppen! (Marburg) Matthias Brodowy & Detlef Wutschik kommen mit der Bert Engel Show ins KFZ! MaNo-Festival 2020: Maximal Multi-Kulti in Marburg! (Marburg) Das MaNo-Festival 2020 bringt drei Tage lang Musiker aus aller Welt in die Lahnstadt. Read the full article
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stllimelight · 6 years ago
Variety's Best Yet 'Little Mermaid' Sparkles and Shines
Variety’s Best Yet ‘Little Mermaid’ Sparkles and Shines
By Lynn Venhaus Managing Editor
Radiant performers in a shimmering production of “The Little Mermaid” chased the gloom away on a chilly, gray day, as their contagious joy on the Touhill stage was a sight to behold.
The 10th anniversary musical by Variety – the Children’s Charity of St. Louis — Theatre celebrated their special achievement as the only production of this kind in the U.S. in royal…
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filmflits · 6 years ago
House Of Eliott Seizoen 1 tm 3
Nieuwe Film Merchandise op https://filmflits.nl/house-of-eliott-seizoen-1-tm-3/
House Of Eliott Seizoen 1 tm 3
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EAN: 9789089412744
INFO: DVD | Engels | 16 december 2010
PRIJS: €32,5
House Of Eliott Seizoen 1 tm 3 Gegevens
Releasedatum: 16 december 2010
Distributeur: Memphis Belle
Label: Memphis Belle
House Of Eliott Seizoen 1 tm 3 Cast & Crew
Acteur(s): Cathy Murphy, Judy Flynn, Diana Rayworth, Aden Gillett, Louise Lombard, Stella Gonet
Schrijver(s): Eileen Atkins, Jean Marsh
House Of Eliott Seizoen 1 tm 3 Kijkwijzer
Advies: Angst, Geweld
Adviesleeftijd: Vanaf 6 jaar
House Of Eliott Seizoen 1 tm 3 Specificaties
Drager: DVD
Aantal stuks in verpakking: 12 discs
Verpakking: Amaray
Speelduur: 1740:00 minuten
Regiocode: 2
Taal: Engels
Overige talen: Engels
Ondertiteling: Nederlands
Beeldkleur: Color
Beeldformaat: 4:3
Audio: Dolby digital 2.0
Extra’s: Cast Filmographies|Picture gallery|The House of Eliott Collection
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davidisen · 8 years ago
NYC Music I Like Jan 11-17
...trad jazz, Gypsy, swing, bluegrass, choro etc. w/ folk roots & virtuoso ensemble playing... Explanation/disclaimer.
[Caution! Please verify with musician, venue, etc. before going. Send updata here.]
Allied music listings with overlapping tastes: Jim's Roots and Blues Calendar.  Eileen's Lindy Blog - This Week in Swing.
Note: In these listings the common three-valved brass instrument will be called a cornet for the next four years (or as long as necessary).
This Week
Wednesday, Jan 11, 5:30 PM: David Ostwald's Louis Armstrong Eternity Band, Birdland (most Wednesdays) 7 PM: Jeanne Gies (vocals) w/ Saul Rubin (guitar). Andanada.    7 PM: Oran Etkin (clarinet), Elias Bailey (bass). Shanghai Jazz., Madison NJ. 7:30 PM: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers. Esperanto. 8:30 PM: Marcos Sacramento (vocals) w/ Vitor Gonçalves (piano). Bar LunAtico. 9 PM: Eden & John's East River String Band w/ R. Crumb. Jalopy. 11 PM: Avalon Jazz Band hosts Hot Jazz & Gypsy Jam. The Keep. (most Wednesdays)
Thursday, Jan 12, 7 PM: Warren Vache Trio. Shanghai Jazz., Madison NJ. 8 PM: Terry Waldo Quartet w/ Terry (piano), unknown others. Black Tail. 9 PM: Emily Asher's Garden Party w/ Emily (trombone, vocals), Evan Arntzen (reeds), James Chirillo (guitar), Rob Adkins (bass), Jay Lepley (drums). Radegast. 9 PM: Gypsy jazz jam, Fada. (Most Thursdays.) 10 PM: Megg Farrell Band. Manderly Bar.
Friday, Jan 13, 5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. 7 & 9:30 PM: Jon-Erik Kellso and the EarRegulars w/ Jon-Erik (cornet), John Allred (trombone), Matt Munisteri (guitar), Neal Miner (bass). Pangaea. (Note: Save $5 with on-line tix!) 8 PM: Joanna Sternberg (bass, vocals, songwriting, etc.) and Joe Cohn (guitar). Jalopy Tavern. 9 PM: Abbie Gardner and Carolann Solebello (a Red Molly reunion, kinda). Jalopy. 10:30 PM: Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers. St. Mazie. 10:30 PM: Fridays at Mona’s, 14th & B.
Saturday, Jan 14, 11:30 AM: Molly Ryan Quartet. Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Saturdays.) Noon: Glenn Crytzer Trio. Rowhouse Harlem. 1 PM: Garden Party Quartet frequently with Emily Asher (trombone). (Most Saturdays.) Fraunces Tavern. 2 PM: Lisa Liu (guitar), Thor Jensen (guitar). Rosamunde Sausage Grill (285 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn). 4 PM: Roy Williams & Friends. The Shanty. (Most Saturdays, personnel varies). 6 PM: Vilray. Rockwood One 7 PM: David McKay (vocals). SuperNova at Novotel, Times Square. (Most Saturdays.)  9 PM: Megg Ryan Jass Band. Bar Velo. 11 PM: Ehud Asherie (piano), Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet). Mezzrow.
Sunday, Jan 15, Noon: Megg Ryan Jass Band. Brunch at House of Yes. 12:30 PM: David McKay (vocals). Jazz brunch at The Royal Munkey. (Most Sundays.) 1 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio w/ Glenn (guitar, banjo, vocals), Ian Hutchison (bass), Mike Davis (cornet). Bocca Di Bacco, 9th Ave in Chelsea (not the one on 9th Ave in Midtown!). (Most Sundays) 1:30 PM: Koran Agan (guitar), Eduardo Belo (bass), others. Radegast.  (Most Sundays.) 4 PM: The Stride Piano Jam w/ Terry Waldo & Ehud Asherie. Fat Cat. 6:30 PM: Glenn Crytzer (guitar, banjo, vocals), Mike Davis (cornet), others. Delilah, 155 Rivington. (Think Pegu in a new place!) (Most Sundays.) 8 PM: The EarRegulars w/ Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet) is joined this week by Matt Munisteri (guitar), Evan Arntzen (clarinet), Sean Cronin (bass). The Ear. (Most Sundays.) 10 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band w/ Jared Engel (banjo), others. St. Mazie. (Most Sundays.) 10 PM: Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers. The Wayland.
Monday, Jan 16, 7 PM: The Brain Cloud, this week with Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, mandolin), Grant Gordy (guitar), Raphael McGregor (lap steel guitar), Sean Cronin (bass), and Kevin Dorn (drums). Barbes. (Most Mondays.)  7:30 PM: Tara O'Grady & the Black Velvet Band w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), David Shaich (bass), Dan Lipsitz (reeds). Artisanal Bistro. (Most Mondays). 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Mondays). 8 PM: Sweet Megg and the Wayfarers. The Belfry. 10 PM: Mona’s Bluegrass Jam, Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B (Most Mondays).  10 PM: Terry Waldo & The Rum House Jass Band w/ Terry (piano), Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), Jim Fryer (trombone), Eddy Davis (tenor banjo) and frequently Dan Levinson (clarinet) & Molly Ryan (vocals). The Rum House. (Most Mondays). 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
Tuesday, Jan 17, 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the very best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Tuesdays).  8 PM: Tara O'Grady & the Black Velvet Band w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), David Shaich (bass). Winnie’s Jazz Bar. (Most Tuesdays.) 9:30 PM: The Brass Tacks Trio w/ Danny Lipsitz (clarinet, sax). The Rum House. 10 PM: Michael Daves. Rockwood One. (Most Tuesdays). 10 PM: Svetlana & The Delancy Band, w/ Dalton Ridenhour (piano), others. Brooklyn Speakeasy at Bedford Hall, 1177 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. (Tuesdays until further notice.)  11 PM: Roy Williams & The Human Hands. Rockwood One. 11 PM: Mona’s Hot Jazz Jam, hosted by Mona’s Hot Four. House band this week: Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, etc.), Jon Weber (piano), Nick Russo (guitar, banjo) & Sean Cronin (bass). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
Jan 18, 7 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli's 91st Birthday w/ Bucky (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 7 PM: Jeanne Gies (vocals) w/ Jack Wilkins (guitar). Andanada.  8 PM: Rebecca Kilgore (vocals), Ehud Asherie (piano). Mezzrow. 8:30 PM: Andy Statman Trio. Rockwood Three.
Jan 19, 8 PM: Terry Waldo Quartet w/ Terry (piano), unknown others. Black Tail. 9 PM: Bjorn Ingelstam's Hot 5. Radegast.
Jan 20, 8 PM: Joanna Sternberg (bass, vocals, songwriting, etc.) and Joe Cohn (guitar). Jalopy Tavern.
Jan 21, 11 AM: Timbalooloo Duo Concert Series w/ Oran Etkin (clarinet) and mystery guest. National Sawdust. 9:00 & 10:30 PM: Tim Clement (guitar), Ryan Weisheit (clarinet), Julian Smith (bass), Dani Danor (drums). Cornelia Street Cafe.
Jan 22, 8 PM: Terry Waldo's Gotham City Band w/ Terry (piano), unknown others. Fat Cat. 8:30 & 10 PM: Koran Agan (guitar), Eduardo Belo (bass), Raj Jayaveera (drums). Cornelia Street Cafe.
Jan 23, 8:30 & 10 PM: Anouman w/ Koran Agan (guitar), Peter Sparacino (saxophone), Josh Kaye (rhythm guitar), Eduardo Belo (bass). Cornelia Street Cafe.
Jan 24, 8 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio. Radegast.
Jan 25, 8 PM: An Acoustic Evening with Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt. Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield CT. Tix on sale Nov 18. 9 PM: Danny Lipsitz & His Brass Tacks. Radegast.
Jan 26, 8 PM: Terry Waldo Quartet w/ Terry (piano), unknown others. Black Tail.
Jan 27, 8 PM: The Brother Brothers w/ David Moss (guitar) and Adam Moss (fiddle) plus the Rad Trads w/ John & Michael Fatum. Rockwood Two. 8 PM: Joanna Sternberg (bass, vocals, songwriting, etc.) and Joe Cohn (guitar). Jalopy Tavern.
Jan 29, 7 PM: Eddie Barbash & His Orchestra. An upscale evening of music & food prepared by chef Andrew Carmellini. The Lafayette. Tix/info. 8 PM: Terry Waldo's Gotham City Band w/ Terry (piano), unknown others. Fat Cat.
Jan 30, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
Jan 31, 9:30 PM: The Brass Tacks Trio w/ Danny Lipsitz (clarinet, sax). The Rum House.
Feb 18, 11 AM: Timbalooloo Duo Concert Series w/ Oran Etkin (clarinet) and mystery guest. National Sawdust.
Feb 26, 1 PM: The Anat Cohen Quartet. Cole Auditorium, Greenwich Library, Greenwich CT. 6:30 PM: Frank Vignola (guitar), Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Jason Anick (violin). Sarah’s Wine Bar. Ridgefield CT. Call for reservations: 203-438-8282 7 PM: Al Dimeola, 40th Anniversary of Elegant Gypsy. Paramount. Peekskill NY.
March 18, 2017 Rhonda Vincent. Ramapo College, Mahwah NJ. Info/tix.
March 22, 2017 Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage plus Aoife O'Donovan. Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfiend CT.
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halsteadproperty · 6 years ago
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REBNY Honors residential leaders and dealmakers at awards gala
The Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) celebrated its 30th Anniversary Residential Brokerage Deal of the Year Charity & Awards Gala this Tuesday at The Plaza, where leading professionals in New York City residential home sales and rentals were with honored for their achievements, professionalism, and service to the real estate industry.
REBNY’s 30th on the 30th gala raised funds for REBNY’s “Member in Need Fund,” which provides grants to residential brokerage members who are experiencing a financial crisis or hardship.
“The Residential Deal of the Year Awards are presented to professionals of note who have excelled in and demonstrated their commitment to our industry through their accomplishments and dedicated service,” said John H. Banks, REBNY President. “We were honored to celebrate this year’s award recipients alongside hundreds of their peers at our 30th annual gala, and thank our sponsors and the Residential Deal of the Year Charity & Awards Gala Committee for helping us make this great evening possible.”
Steven O. Goldschmidt, Senior Vice President and Director of Sales for the Upper East Side at Warburg Realty, was honored with The Henry Forster Award for Lifetime Achievement. This award recognizes an individual who has a long-standing reputation for excellence in residential real estate, is a top-producing agent who displays outstanding ethical conduct in the profession, and contributes to cultural, charitable, and community organizations outside and within the industry.
Karen L. Duncan of Halstead Real Estate was presented with The Eileen Spinola Award for Distinguished Service. This award honors a REBNY broker or agent who has made significant contributions to the REBNY community by volunteering time, lending expertise and showing leadership in the areas of education, ethics, and professional services. The winner of this award personifies the best of brokers and agents who work tirelessly for the betterment of the residential real estate industry.
Ann Cutbill Lenane of Douglas Elliman took home The Residential Brokerage Agent of the Year Award which recognizes a member Sales Agent or Associate Broker who has demonstrated skilled achievement, superior leadership, high moral character, and professional behavior both in the real estate industry and the community-at-large. Nominations for this award are made by colleagues—salespersons and broker associates—from within the nominee’s firm or the industry-at-large.
Shan Chowdhury of Halstead Real Estate was named The Residential Brokerage Rookie of the Year for his standout accomplishments within his first years working in New York City’s residential real estate market.
Among The Residential Brokerage Division Deal of the Year Sales Awards:
– Sanjya Tidke of Halstead Real Estate and co-broker Mary Dunne of Warburg Realty won the First Prize Residential Sales Award.
– Tristan Harper of Douglas Elliman and co-broker Caroline Guthrie of Brown Harris Stevens took home the Second Prize Residential Sales Award.
– Naomi Davis and Monika Ingram of Brown Harris Stevens received the Third Prize Residential Sales Award.
The Residential Brokerage Division Deal of the Year Rental Award was presented to Derek M. Koch of Douglas Elliman and co-broker Corey Wecler of City Connections.
The winners of the Residential Brokerage Division Deal of the Year Sales and Rental Awards were chosen anonymously through a judging committee. Only members of firms who did not submit deal entries were allowed to judge.
The Member in Need Fund was created in 1994 by the Residential Brokerage Division Deal of the Year Charity and Awards Gala Committee and is supported through proceeds from the Annual Residential Deal of the Year Charity and Awards Gala. The Fund assists REBNY residential members who are experiencing severe financial hardship as a result of a personal or family illness or catastrophic event.
Corporate sponsors for #RESDOY18 were: Chase Bank, Wells Fargo, Popular Bank, Perchwell, Engel & Völkers NYC, World Wide Holdings, Brown Harris Stevens, Hudson Yards, Realtor.com, Romer Debbas, Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP, Real Plus, Alp Signs, Terra Holdings, Miller Advertising, Apartments.com, Pro National Title, and Family First Funding LLC.
Raffle sponsors for #RESDOY18 were: XL Property Management, AVENUE, The Corcoran Group, New York Post, Patricia Fisher Design, Ace Hotel London, TAO Cares, Brook Furniture Rental, Roadway Moving, The Corcoran Group, Bradford Portraits, 53W53, Tom James of NYC, Katz and Matz, Blossom Restaurant, Loop Consulting Group, Gloria Restaurant, Halstead Real Estate, Brown Harris Stevens, Citizens Bank, Chase Bank, Churchill Living, Spire Realty, Quest Media, Rotisserie Georgette, Toloache NYC, Tre Otto, Buchbinder Warren, Compass, HottinDaro, LIC Pilates, Samuel Shriqui Salon, Soho Grand Hotel, Fox Residential Group, Loco Coco, Chaves, Perlowitz and Luftig Law Firm, Marjorie Hilton Interiors Inc., and Total Tennis.
Photo courtesy REBNY/Richard Lewin
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miriadonline · 7 years ago
NEWS: From the Working Class Movement Library
Southern Voices exhibition ‘Out of the shadows: 1914-18 perspectives of colonised people’
In 2015 Southern Voices, a Manchester-based community group, received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to develop this exhibition exploring the role and experiences of colonised peoples of the British West Indies, Nigeria, India and German and British East Africa during World War I. We are delighted to welcome them to the Library.
The exhibition runs from Wednesday 4 to Friday 20 October and is open Wednesdays to Fridays 1-5pm, and on Saturday 7 October 10am-4pm.
This exhibition is part of the Library’s celebration of Black History Month (see also below our Grunwick Strike talk and our hosting of the Townsend Productions play about Grunwick), as well as continuing our theme of commemoration of World War One hidden histories.
A full listing of the many events going on to mark Black History Month Greater Manchester can be found here. It includes an exhibition at the Portico Library about the legacy of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Manchester and around the world, and a free screening of images of black culture, community and characters from over a century of British film and TV on 30 October at Central Library, Manchester.
Invisible histories talks – the Grunwick Strike and more… Our Wednesday 2pm talks series continues on 11 October when Sheila Cohen will speak on The Grunwick strike – drowning in support, starving for action.Sheila’s talk about the seminal 1976-78 strike at the Grunwick film processing factory will focus on issues of direct versus representative democracy – the union leadership being the ‘representative’ side – and also the need for link-ups in workplace trade unionism in order to build and encourage solidarity.
Organisations like Labor Notes in the US and Sheila’s own magazine in the 1990s, Trade Union News,  show how bringing activists from across the movement together via publications, conferences and workplace union groupings can overcome sectarianism and build workplace strength.
This talk is part of the Invisible Histories series as well as Black History Month Greater Manchester – all welcome, admission free, light refreshments afterwards.
Future Invisible Histories talks are:
25 Oct                   Angela Whitecross The Co-operative Party 100 years on – a reflection
8 Nov                    Andy Clark The occupation of the factories – women’s resistance to factory closure in Scotland, 1981-82
22 Nov                  Cathy Hunt Brave hearts and missionary zeal – the National Federation of Women Workers 1906-21
6 Dec                     Neil Faulkner A people’s history of the Russian Revolution
Full details at www.wcml.org.uk/events.
We are the lions, Mr Manager A new play about the Grunwick strike is coming to the Library for two performances on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 October at 7.30pm.
We Are The Lions, Mr. Manager! is based on the experiences of Jayaben Desai, the inspirational leader of the 1976-78 Grunwick Strike and of members of the Strike Committee, and tells of their long battle against the management and establishment forces to gain union recognition.
The last play performed here by Townsend Productions, Dare Devil Rides to Jarama, sold out so we encourage you to book tickets in advance here, price £12.50 (£10.50 concessions).
Manchester Martyrs play
Straightforward Theatre’s production of Eileen Murphy’s new play Edward and Eliza and the smashing of the van, marking the 150th anniversary of the deaths of the Manchester Martyrs, is being staged in our vicinity at:
5-6 October 8pm Hope Mill Theatre, Manchester M4 7JA 8 October 3pm Chorlton Irish Club, Manchester M21 9DJ 11 October 7.30pm Garrick Theatre, Whitefield M45 7JF 12 October 8pm Salford Arts Theatre, Salford M5 4BS 13 October 7.30pm Waterside Arts Centre, Sale M33 7ZF 14 October 7.30pm Oldham Coliseum OL1 3SW 15 October 7.30pm Labour Club, Glossop SK13 8AT 18 October 7.30pm Curtain Theatre, Rochdale OL11 1EB 26 October 7.30pm The Old Courts Wigan WN1 1NA 27 October 8pm Socialist Club, Bolton BL1 1DY
More information re booking details, and the full list of tour dates, is at http://straightforwardtheatre.com.
Lancashire cotton famine poetry – project launch
A reminder about an event we’re hosting here in our annexe on Saturday 7 October at 1pm as part of a project we’re involved in about Lancashire Cotton Famine Poetry: it will feature an introductory talk by Simon Rennie who’s leading the project, an performance of some of the newly-discovered poetry in Lancashire dialect by Jennifer Reid, and a talk on the process of discovering the texts.
It’s free and open to everyone, no pre-booking required.  You can find out more about the project here.
Peel Park fire garden To celebrate the re-opening of Peel Park after its renovation, Walk the Plank have been commissioned to bring their Fire Garden to ‘the healthy lungs of the City’.
Further to the writing workshop held here in September we are looking forward to the Peel Park Fire Garden, Friday 13 October, 6-8pm, Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4PD
Walk the Plank say: ‘Dress warmly and join us for a magical evening. The flames will be dancing amongst the trees and across the river to music. A million shadows, fire sculptures, twirling smoke, heat and leaping flames will capture your imagination’.
Manchester walks on Engels and Marx
On Sunday 15 October and again on Saturday 25 November there are guided walks on Engels and Marx starting at 10.45am at the Engels statue outside HOME (Part 1) and outside St Ann’s Church at 1pm (Part 2).
While on the topic, a reminder that our very popular exhibition on Marx and Engels is available in a travelling format of smaller boards – please contact us on [email protected] if you’re interested in taking the exhibition.  There is also a booklet available containing all the texts from the exhibition boards.
There are also walks on Peterloo (Saturday 4 November 2pm outside Central Library), on the Manchester Martyrs (Thursday 23 November 11am Craft Centre, 17 Oak Street) and on the Pankhursts (Sunday 26 November 11am outside St Ann’s Church).
Most walks cost £8. More information at www.newmanchesterwalks.com. Raymond Williams Society AGM
The Annual General Meeting of the Raymond Williams Society will take place on Saturday 28 October at 2pm at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS. All are welcome. The annual lecture has been moved to spring and will be given by Professor Michael Denning in Manchester on Wednesday 7 March 2018.
Call for papers: Labour & Nationalism conference, May 2018
The Society for the Study of Labour History has announced a preliminary call for papers in anticipation of a conference to take place on Saturday 5 May 2018.
Labour and Nationalism will take place at the University of Huddersfield and seeks to bring together Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English labour historians.
The intention is that the conference will encourage early career researchers to contribute alongside longer established staff in providing new and cutting edge research and the hope is that the papers at the conference could be turned into an edited collection of essays. .
For more information contact Professor Keith Laybourn: [email protected].
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