#Eiden Seitsurugi
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eiden-seitsurugi · 4 years ago
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“If that’s what it takes to be just, then I want nothing to do with justice. I’d rather be hated and feared like Mad King Ashnard. I��d rather the dark god take my soul. I’m going to save my people, Sothe. If the rest of the world paints me as a beast to be reviled and hated, so be it.”  
[[ Eiden as Micaiah, the Silver-Haired Maiden and Priestess of the Dawn, for All Saint’s Wake! Featuring Road Sparrow as Yune ]]
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tulnekaya · 5 years ago
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The Queen of Cups: Eiden Seitsurugi by @mafumafuriah
Upright Keywords 🌟 compassion  🌟 warmth  🌟 kindness  🌟 intuition  🌟 supportive 🌟 counselor  🌟 healer   🌟  
Reversed Keywords
🌟 insecurity  🌟 giving too much  🌟 overly-sensitive  🌟 needy  🌟 fragile  🌟 dependence  🌟 martyrdom 🌟
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aegir-ffxiv · 7 years ago
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jancisstuff · 7 years ago
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Obon Dori Festival
Saved a story and Eiden’s wonderful charm!
Thank you, Generous Hosts!
Not Zheng: "Next up is Miss Sela Wyssrael, a Westerner from the Palazzo Aldenard Opera House. This may be her first Bon festival."
Sela Wyssrael: "It's true, this is my first festival such as this, but stories, stories are universal."
Sela Wyssrael: "I'd like to thank you all for the honor of being able to share this one with you."
Sela Wyssrael: ||The small Keeper takes careful steps across the stage to settle herself at the center. She sits on her heels and places a small stack of colorful paper at her knees. Sela Wyssrael: ||She begins her tale in a clear voice, her motions carry a stillness to keep the audience’s attention on the story she would unfold using the subtlest of elemental aethers. Sela Wyssrael: “This is the story of two brothers who where close until troubled times befell them and they fought to decide which would lead their village.”
Sela Wyssrael: || She holds up two folded paper figures of the brothers and with a small burst of air from her palm they spin and battle each other.
Sela Wyssrael: "They fought to a standstill and neither would yield.” The paper figures flutter to the ground. Sela Wyssrael: “One brother took his followers to the sea..."
Sela Wyssrael: "But this is not their story.” With a flick of her wrist a small mountain scene rises from the stack of colorful papers.
Sela Wyssrael: “This is the story of the brother who took his people to the mountains where they shrouded themselves in the clouds and lived peacefully for many, many years.”
Sela Wyssrael: || She closes her eyes and with a measured sweeping motion surrounds the mountain with a small cloud that had coalesced in her palm. Sela Wyssrael: “Within this village there was always a priestess tasked with creating the swirling clouds that kept the village hidden from the outside world.”
Sela Wyssrael: || Another small puff of air from her palm and the figure of a priestess stood among the clouds, arms outstretched, and face tilted to the sky. Sela Wyssrael: || Her voice turned grave and flat.
Sela Wyssrael: "Until it was not."
Sela Wyssrael: "And a hell of fire and metal rolled through and the village was no more. Its people scattered like ashes in the wind.”
Sela Wyssrael: || The paper mountain was engulfed in a burst of sudden flame and disappeared into a whirl of ashes and embers.
Sela Wyssrael: “As you’ve probably guessed by now. This is not a story of my ancestors, rather the ancestors of beloved friends.” Sela Wyssrael: Her voice is warm now, her eyes bright as she coaxes sheet after sheet of colorful paper to flutter in the breeze.
Sela Wyssrael: “Even if you feel you have no history of your own, you are creating it everyday." Sela Wyssrael: "The home of my friends may no longer stand, but they do and are creating their own stories here and now!"
Sela Wyssrael: || Bright paper flowers burst into bloom around her and spin like the clouds from the story between her upturned palms. Sela Wyssrael: || The blossoms float and flutter among the listeners.
Sela Wyssrael: “I am honored that they would include me in this new history they are creating.”
Sela Wyssrael: || She holds aloft a single petal that begins to spin and petal by petal becomes a beautiful chrysanthemum. Sela Wyssrael: “That’s the power we all have, our stories that bridge distance and time.” Sela Wyssrael: “That’s the duty of storytellers, to pass on other’s stories so they may live on, eternal.”
Sela Wyssrael: || She bows with a smile. "Thank you for allowing me to share this with you."
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Eiden Seitsurugi let out a little wistful sigh, she had a feeling a heavy burden was carried by the former. She bowed to Jancis, "how may I assist you, miss?"
Jancis Milburga bows to Eiden, "Good eve, Lady. I had been watching your work before the stories. You are quite kind to attend to so many these bells. If I could, I ask you for a charm."
Eiden Seitsurugi: "Of course, do you have a specific desire? Wards against ill-fortune, for luck in travel, or for clarity in certain pursuits?"
Jancis Milburga furrows her brow thoughtful for some time, "I do not know. I am a visitor and still learning this colorful land. I have a daughter now. New to the world. Her life will be difficult and in light of that I had a charm bracelet made for her to help her should she become lost that guides back to people she can rely on."
Jancis Milburga: "I wish it for her and I would rely on your insight to choose one."
Eiden Seitsurugi: "Certainly." Eiden took a step back. Her own wrist was bound with a string of prayer-beads carved from jade and petrified wood. She looked to the crystalline pieces she had gathered as well as the silk. The young woman began to unravel the strips of cloth and twine them once more for a fine thread. "How old is your child?"
Jancis Milburga answers Eiden with a soft warm awestruck tone, "A moon nearly. I travel far and quickly to only be gone shortly."
Eiden Seitsurugi focused her aether on the pieces of crystal. It had a gentle shine, and she took a small tool from her bags of belongings to begin to shape it into a bead. Close examination would find that it was jade. Once the bead was smoothed, she prepared eleven others. Only the first was threaded, however. "Each moon that passes, set another of these charms along the silk cord. The final one should be set for her first year, an auspicious date."
Jancis Milburga leans forward on her feet, watching intently as she listens, looking back up to Eiden. Her mouth opened, eyes wide at the touching gift. She repeats the instructions quietly. "I shall do this, Lady. Without fail."
Eiden Seitsurugi: "The river spirits are kind to new mothers, I have been told." Eiden set the charm in a small bag and handed it to Jancis with both hands. "Meditate to them, and leave an offering when you have time. Please, travel safely."
Jancis Milburga reaches to Eiden's hands with both of hers to squeeze them gratefully as she takes the bag. "Thank you, Lady. May the Twelve with the kami ever be close you."
Eiden Seitsurugi >> (( Hope you enjoy! <3 I try to put a little extra thought into any potentially plot- relevant charms! )) >> Eiden Seitsurugi: Thank you, this will add a lot to my character's role play. I've been on the other side of fortunes and it's a really nice thing to RP)) Eiden Seitsurugi >> (( Yes! I do mostly I-ching for the specific questions, since it's what I"m more familiar with. ^_^ Take care! )) >> Eiden Seitsurugi: You too! :D))
Eiden Seitsurugi Jancis Milburga
August 23 2018
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for-gold-and-glory · 3 years ago
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[Balmung] Obon Odori August 21st @ 7PM EST Doman Enclave
Dance. Remember. Release.  Pray to the spirits, honor the dead. Obon is a traditional Eastern festival where families and community come together to visit, to remember, and to release their beloved ancestors. The Obon Odori is the festival dance performed in honor of the spirits as they are sent off on lighted lanterns down the One River.
Join us on August 21st in the Doman Enclave. Enjoy local vendors and food. Step up and tell a story about your ancestors in the story garden. Build a lantern with the Aramitama Vault. Watch a segaki ritual be performed by the Sasori Shayou-Dera. Create the Daimonji. Join in the Obon Dori led by miko Eiden Seitsurugi. And send off your lanterns down the One River led by a Suiren Shrine.
Would you like to join the festival as a vendor or storyteller? join our discord: https://discord.gg/7AJqa2hCmb Event Doc: https://tinyurl.com/26bnvtxb
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taebeast · 6 years ago
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What: Obon Odori
When: Sunday September 1st
Time: 7pm edt/6pm cdt/ 4pm pdt
Where: The Doman Enclave in Yanxia [Balmung]
“Offering of Lights, Moonlight on the river, For the Departed.” 
Obon Odori is a festival of dance and lights. It is a time to reflect and give offerings to your ancestors and the departed; offer gratitude for the blessings received by the spirits; and celebrate life as a community. It is a time for family to reunite, some coming from far away lands, to return to their ancestral home and tend to the graves of their families and ancestors.
And thus, the lights of lanterns are sent down the rivers and into the heavens to guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife, where they can find peace. Those who have survived in their stead, celebrate the life that were given to usher in blessings that will comes in the next. 
Order of Events:
Start Time: 7PM EDT
Opening Ceremony: 7:30PM EDT
Story Sharing: 8PM EDT
Bon Dance: 9:30PM EDT
Lantern Procession: 10PM EDT
Closing Ceremony: 10:30PM EDT
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Memories' Toll Staff: Lepus Hominem Bells of varying sizes, lacking a clapper rendering them non-functional, to symbolize how the loss of loved ones can leave us feeling incomplete. Legends say that when a loved one's spirit visits, the bells ring. 
Uranami Onsen [https://uranami-onsen.tumblr.com/about] Staff: Nohni Vhaze & Ira'to Zeerrha   Wellness Products (Bath Salts, Bath Bombs, Soaps, UO Namazu Kamon Hand Towels, Healing Ointments & Salves)
Sea Dog's Sway [https://seadogsway.tumblr.com/] Staff: Isilfyr Ankafyst Street Food ( https://tinyurl.com/obonsway )
Shroudrose Teahouse [https://tea-ffxiv.tumblr.com/] Staff: Faye Covington & Keimo Sorata Teas and snacks  
The Suiren Temple will be offering Kami-blessed cherry blossoms, prayers/spiritual guidance (free but IC or OoC donations appreciated  ) 
Fortunes, blessings, readings, and charms are being offered by Eiden Seitsurugi.
House of Flowers is a Hingan style Teahouse staffed by Geisha, providing entertainment and hospitality services (( Located at: P28 12W Contact: Contact Pae'a Atiyeh for more information ))
Our event is being watched over by some of the Sekiseigumi and a few members of the House of Flowers guard staff, so please be mindful of your behavior! [Sakura Sato, Megotama Rokuyo, Lenna Warner]
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Opening Ceremonies will be held at the One Garden, as well as the Bon dance, hosted by Hingashi’s own House of Flowers teahouse and geisha. The story sharing segment will have approximately 10 spots for people to share their stories, please contact Eiri Takara (taebeast#1924 for discord, or @taebeast on tumblr) to sign up ahead of time! Lanterns will be distributed and a procession from the One Garden to the main docks, where the priests of the Suiren temple will perform the closing ceremony.
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vierafication · 6 years ago
Five Gifs! For Faolan
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Tagged by @miqo-vynnie ! Thank you!
Tagging @fratres-fatali @roses-and-grimoires @eiden-seitsurugi @zhihua-sasori @glitchysstorytime @songstresswendy @blackrose-ffxiv @floating-city-of-nem
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mikhasunthistle · 6 years ago
Mikha is going for a ride!
Mikha is dog-like in his love of car rides.
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By @doodling-fiend featuring @eiden-seitsurugi !
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eiden-seitsurugi · 4 years ago
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[[ Gathering the tortured, sorrowful, harrowing and bitter memories of the dying to look cute ]]
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tulnekaya · 5 years ago
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Echo Bearer by Winterleigh, a portrait of Eiden Seitsurugi
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ikayuro-arts · 6 years ago
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A commission from @eiden-seitsurugi for their friend, @glitchysstorytime! I hope you enjoy it- he was a blast to draw! c:
Looking for me on Social Media, or perhaps you’d like to buy this artist some coffee? Click here for a Tumblr post with all my links!
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glowinggunmetal · 6 years ago
📖 “An odd request, Mister Gravespast, but would you mind telling me a story or two?” Eiden would smile at the man while she worked at her ledgers.
Luke looked over as he worked on repairing yet more damage that the Glory had suffered and blinked at the odd request, lips twitching.  “Miss Seitsurugi.... of course,”he said with a sigh, still working on planing the wood and re-checking the hole he was drilling by hand.
“I won’t bore you with the way the tales traditionally started, when I heard them from my mother - it’s odd but I never hear much ‘ve a sort of start like that anymore, like they faded off-” He grinned, a chuckle.  “Apologies... anyroad though...
“Long ago, before the red moon was made ‘n formed, there was a land far far to the north, where snow and ice hadn’t gripped it because this was thousands of turns ago, and when the star was younger, t’ frozen north was warmer, an’ richer.  There was a kingdom there, like y’ don’t have ‘round here any longer, with a proper king an’ court like all the whispered stories say the star overturned.
“When the king, who was a young king then, and a wife at his side, looked across the star he saw lands ravaged by war, and destroyed by hunger.  Tha’ king, young then, raised up his sword and declared that he had listened t’ the gods who told him, from their lands of light and eternal joy, how t’ bring peace t’ t’ star and he would unite all the lands against the evils that befall men.
“The king, who has no name in stories now jus’ ‘the White King’ all we have left, sent runners t’ the other lands an’ empires, beggin’ them to look to their hearts, and hear the reason tha’ the crystal sang to them.  The very start ‘ve the White King... which is a far longer story than we’ve the bells for, Miss Eiden,” he added with a grin.
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ryantiffxiv · 7 years ago
Now that one could mention it, he was also absent his camera. "You're up so early."
Tagged by: @eiden-seitsurugi (sorry it was so boring!)
Tagging: @glowinggunmetal @mveerah @captaingiddyblack
Post the last IC sentence you wrote and then tag as many people as there are words in that sentence.
“Curse that son of an Alteraci whore with every imaginable pestilence on Azeroth!”
Tagged by: @georgianathackery || @anahearn Tagging: I’m not tagging anyone!
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for-gold-and-glory · 4 years ago
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[Balmung] Obon Odori September 12th @ 8PM EST Doman Enclave
Pray to the spirits, honor the dead. Obon is a traditional Eastern festival where families and community come together to visit, to remember, and to release their beloved ancestors. The Obon Odori is the festival dance performed in honor of the spirits as they are sent off on lighted lanterns down the One River.
Join us on September 12th in the Doman Enclave. Enjoy local vendors and food. Step up and tell a story about your ancestors in the story garden. Build a lantern with the Aramitama Vault. Watch a segaki ritual be performed by the Sasori Shayou-Dera. Join in the Obon Dori led by miko Eiden Seitsurugi. And send off your lanterns down the One River led by a Suiren Shrine.
We are looking for vendors and storytellers. If you would like to help build this event, please join our event discord:
Hosted by the Lord Takara of the Aramitama Vault and Lord Sasori of Sasori Shayou-Dera
We are looking for storytellers, vendors, and other helpers. Please join our discord: https://discord.gg/SQy7KZfED8
Event Doc: https://tinyurl.com/94bn8yns
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vierafication · 6 years ago
Soulmark Color: Lionnet Blodoint
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Your soulmark color is: White
Also known as the kinder soulcolor, people with white soulmarks are seen as innocent, childlike, and pure. Most people before they enter adolescence will glow white when around a soulmate, but they will grow out of it in their teen years. It’s the rarest color to have as an adult.
Many people who glow white are treated like children, so they present themselves in an adult like way. They are structured, focus on maturity, and distance themselves from things that bring them joy. They are least likely to share their interests around people they don’t know and are afraid of being patronized.
This type is highly intelligent and appears to prefer being single than in a relationship. They are often alone, preferring not to bog themselves with unnecessary drama, and have no patience for those who criticize them or their work.
Despite their tough exterior, these people are gentle souls. They often express their interests to a select few they trust, and they spend their time theorizing about or analyzing things they enjoy. They are studios and curious, especially when it comes to what makes things work, and have a childlike wonder to them despite being so adamant to present as a mature individual.
Tagged by @eiden-seitsurugi @sasori-no-zhi and @narcissusgladioli ! So I’ll do three lol Please look forward to it!
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eiden-seitsurugi · 5 years ago
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Memories? Myths? All the same, all a dream, all blanketed in boundless light...
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