#Eels Electroshock Blues
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iamtryingtobelieve · 7 months ago
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I looked up at the sky last night And I thought I saw a bomb
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This instantly made me think of the cover art for Eels' "Electro-Shock Blues" and now I'm in my feelings
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happy mario day
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beardedmrbean · 8 months ago
i made this one
and this one
Let's see what's been made
Love this song. It's Eels so duhh but still it's a standout I think
If you don't know what all was going on in E's life before you pop Electroshock Blues in, you'll have a pretty good idea what all was going on in his life after you've listened to it.
Not much on the subtext for that one, good he found that way to keep the healing/grief process going.
Knowing the guys story and then you hear this one
You get happy for the guy
I need to read this book, keep forgetting it exists.
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Think I saw the audio version of it on YT when looking up the video for the song, that will simplify things.
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postmoderntongues · 9 months ago
Tagged by @souvlakiandcocaine in the "spell your username with songs" meme
Fond Farewell by Elliott Smith
Acid Song by Johnny Hobo
Kim by Eminem
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville by MCR
Bunnyranch by Adam Green
Oasis by Amanda Palmer
In Memory Of Satan by TMG
Tearjerker by Korn
Haunted by a Freak by Mogwai
Every You Every Me by Placebo
Red (the) by Zhaeni
On The Willows from Godspell
That Time by Regina Spektor
Tar Lungs by Brennan Savage
Electroshock Blues by The Eels
Nobody Else Will be There by The National
Goodbye by Bo Burnham
I Never Knew You by Cage
Run by Snow Patrol
Life Is Beautiful by Lil Peep
Tagging @homegurlchaya @patsyramsey @newvegasdyke @m0destisthe0ttest @heavenlykittens
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lizard-shifter-noms · 2 years ago
Wayward Waters Chapter 3
Hello everyone! Chapter 3!
things slowly picking up :3
time to explore more of the world!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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I got jolted awake by what felt like a static shock but a thousand times stronger.
I jerked upright as much as my disoriented body could, which only resulted in me lifting my head abruptly.
Where. The. FUCK. was i?
I was on a boat alright, but this one was way smaller, and looking around I spotted people that were definitely unfamiliar to me.
The one closest to me was wearing gloves and holding some long fish.
It took my mind stupidly long to catch up and realize that it was an electric eel, presumably that was what gave me the electroshock.
The eel suddenly writhed around, slapping the young man in the face who let go in surprise.
The eel wriggled away all the way off the deck while the man tried to catch it again
“Nooo! Not again! Come back here!”
Well, what the fuck was going on?? And I was still in Ardua form on top of that so these guys might not even know if I was sentient or not.
Also I felt terrible! My vision was blurry but at least slowly clearing and I felt nauseous as hell! 
Great, I ignored the guy with the escaped eel for now to look at the rest of the people.
Alright there was, uhh some shaggy haired blonde guy, with blue webbed ears?
Uhh what? And it looked like he had gills on his neck as well, Was he some sort of merling?
Well he didn't look like a danger so i looked to the next person,  who was even weirder.
His skin was completely black, shimmering like polished stone and instead of hair there were porcupine-like pale spikes growing out of his head, on top of that the man had completely orange eyes, also like some sort of gem with no pupils or white at all.
Eerie as fuck in my opinion but he wasn't doing anything, I couldn't even tell where he was looking.
And then the last person, the smallest one in an oversized blue sweater.
They had bird legs! Like Oakley but more of a dark gray, but considering the size of the sleeves they had it was unlikely they had wings like him.
They were also staring at me with wide eyes that reminded me of a bird as well.
At a disappointed shout I turned back to the man who had shocked me with the eel, still feeling incredibly off somehow.
What the hell was wrong? There was a weird tightness in my chest and my heartbeat felt slightly off.
Did the electroshock do something to me?
Closing my eyes for a second I tried to calm down again and focus on what was wrong.
Though doing that only made me want to throw up so I opened them again.
Now that my vision wasn't blurry anymore I could also make the guy who now had lost the eel better out.
He had black salt stained hair and pointy ears? 
He wasn't an elf for sure so that meant another bastard?
Maybe? Also his eyes were blue like my own weirdly enough.
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The eel had escaped him so he disappointedly pulled the gloves off while the bird legged one walked over to him.
Only to kick him square in the shin.
Ouch, that looked like it hurt.
He yowled and dropped the gloves, cursing them out.
I ignored it in favor of trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with my chest, the heartbeat still felt very off and i hoped the electroshock didn't do anything bad to me.
My ears twitched at the string of curses from the bird legged one, who was apparently cussing out the eel guy?
What? Why?
I decided to listen for a second and figure out what was wrong later.
“You fucking idiot! You couldn't have waited till we got closer to land to wake that thing up? Now we have some Giant green cat onboard that could smash a hole in our ship!! And only because you're such a dumbass nerd! If that thing kills me I WILL Haunt you!
Also this time you can get a new eel alone!”
They slapped him with sleeve covered hands for good measure, and then despite bitching about me being here, walked away from him in front of me.
What exactly-?
I pressed a paw against my chest as it still felt very weird and just, off.
The blonde guy with the gills spoke up for the first time.
“I don't think that's gonna happen Jamie, the thing looks mostly confused if i'm honest”
So the bird legged one was named Jamie? I'd have to remember that.
I turned my head to the guy that had held the eel, who had come a lot closer and got a magnifying glass from who knew where.
These guys clearly didn't know if I was sentient or not but the darker haired bastard didn't seem to care, opting to inspect some of the plants on me up close with the glass in hand.
Well, he wasn't hurting me so it was probably okay? I looked over the deck again to see if there were anymore people but that didn't seem to be the case.
The only thing I could see was some sort of crane bolted to the ship with a big hook to load stuff onto it.
Also the weird crystal-esque person again, who now spoke for the first time.
“Ronan, maybe you should give our guest some space to get their bearings again? I doubt people appreciate to be examined like that after near drowning”
He had a deep voice that for whatever reason reminded me of sunwarmed rocks even if that made no sense at all.
Well, at least he seemed friendly enough?
The man who was apparently named Ronan jumped back a little.
“Huh? Oh sorry! I just got excited again! 
It's not everyday you see a creature like this! Wait person? What‽”
So this guy really had no idea I was sentient? Great, just great.
Also miserable self preservation on his part.
The crystal man spoke again.
“Yes, person, there clearly is the spark of sentience in their eyes”
The guy named Ronan stumbled back a little, tripping over some disorganized stuff on the floor.
“Oh fuck! I'm so sorry! Wait, do we even speak the same language?
Uhhh ᚺᛖᛚᛚᛟ? ᛁᛗ ᛋᛟᚱᚱᚤ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᚲᚺᚨᛟᛋ, ᛁ ᛞᛁᛞᚾ'ᛏ ᚴᚾᛟᚹ”
I understood exactly none of that.
“Uh what?”
“Oh so you speak Suorin as well! Good! I'm pretty rusty in other languages!, also uhh sorry bout this chaos by the way”
Nice, whatever, where the fuck was i? And where were the others-?
I stood up abruptly, trying to see if I could make out the Victory Rose anywhere, accidentally knocking over Ronan and the blond guy.
“Whoa! Hey, watch it! Our ship is aint that big!”
One of them complained but I was preoccupied trying to find my friends.
I stood for maybe a total of five seconds before my weirdly out of sync heartbeat made me feel a bit sick again and my legs buckled under me.
I was back to laying on the deck, pressing a paw against my chest to try and figure out what the fuck was wrong, breathing heavily and just trying to clear the fog form my head.
I vaguely heard the bird legged one ,Jamie?, complain to Ronan.
“You broke him! You stupid ass nerd!”
He argued back and the blonde guy tried to calm them down, but I ignored it in favor of trying to get my brain in order again.
Okay, so what happened?
There was a storm and uhh, Robin! The falling mast! I went overboard!!
Oh no! I hoped they were okay, but what now? 
How would I get back to them? 
Maybe I could ask these guys? As weird as they were, none of them had actively tried to hurt me thus far, eel thing not counting.
Though I was pretty sure they only used the eel to wake me up.
And my chest still felt off somehow.
Yeah like that I wasn't going anywhere, not that I could seeing as we were on the ocean and I wasn't about to swim for hours just to try and find land.
Ughhhh, this was awful! I wanted to go home!
Home? Huh, yeah I did have one now, how strange.
The crystal like man came up to me while the other three were doing, who even knew but the bird legged one was a lot tinier than the others.
Maybe four feet give or take a few inches with floofy hair and an intense stare.
A majority of their body was covered by a light blue sweater that looked a few sizes too big and covered their hands completely.
The sweater was paired with shorts weirdly enough and the entire outfit didn't fit together at all.
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Also those claws looked mean.
I shook my head, my brain really was all over the place and I tried to focus on the approaching crystal like man.
Up close he was even stranger, his skin looked like actual obsidian and he didn't look like he was breathing at all.
“Are you alright? You look rather stressed”
Rather stressed? They could be glad i wasn't flipping the fuck out! What the hell happened?
“I feel sick and disoriented, what the fuck happened?”
He stood there, and didn't even blink before walking over and grabbing that Ronan guy by the scruff like a naughty cat and dragging him in front of me, leaving the other two to stop their argument.
He was set in front of me by the weird crystal guy who then left with the blonde towards the crane while that Jamie person climbed up the mast.
“Uhh, yeah sorry about all of this chaos, i have to say i was pretty surprised when we found you drifting on the ocean with your claws dug into a wooden trunk, but hey it kept you from drowning! I think?”
Oh so that's why I didn't go under then.
“And after that? How'd I get here?”
“Oh uh we used the crane we have to put you on the deck,  we tried to wake you up for like an hour but you didn't even react, So I, uh, got the eel? I kinda thought you were dead for a moment”
Oh, I must have looked miserable then for them to assume that.
“Thanks? I guess? I feel awful but at least alive, I think? Where are we even?
I need to get back to my friends! We were on a big ship and ended up in a storm. 
The reason you found me in the water was because I shielded them from a falling mast. 
I NEED to get back and let them know I'm alive!”
They probably thought I was dead! But on top of that they still had the mission to do! Ohh this was horrible!
“Calm down? You almost drowned!
Also we can try to figure out how to get you back to them a bit okay?
He was right, I still felt awful and couldn't even figure out why!
I let my head sink onto the wooden floor, still feeling incredibly off.
“Hey, what's your name anyway? I'm Ronan,  the bird legs up on the sails is Jamie, 
the blonde guy with the gills is Imik and the glass guy is Akeem”
Oh so that's what their names are.
“Im Donovan”
I didn't really feel up to chatting right now, I needed to get back to Robin and Rikaad!
Even worse was that this boat was a lot smaller than the Victory Rose so I only had enough space to maybe turn around.
Strangely enough the spot I was laying on had been reinforced somehow with what looked like steel plates.
Which reminded me, what exactly were these guys doing? 
I was on a random ship with strangers! 
“Hey uh, what exactly do you do? 
Like this doesn't look like a fishing vessel”
He seemed confused for a second.
“Hm? Oh well we kinda do different things here? I like researching biology! So I'm doing that! Imik is kinda a treasure hunter that raids sunken ships! Jamie just likes sitting up on the mast and watching the area!
As for Akeem, well he helps us out or just does nothing”
Aha, so not anything dangerous- wait did he say biology? He didn't plan on cutting me up right?
“Biology? Is that why you fished me out of the water?”
He nodded.
“Yeah! Not everyday something like you comes along! Also you clearly don't belong in the water anyway!
Though i wasn't aware you're sentient so sorry if i got too close beforehand! I just wanted to know why you have plants growing on you”
I sighed, all of this was way less than ideal.
But right now these guys where my only chance of help and i would try not to fuck it up.
“You're not the first to be curious about those, as long as you tell me what you're doing and don't rip any out you can look at them”
He nodded and pulled the magnifying glass out again, then froze.
“Does ripping them out hurt? Have some been ripped out in the past?”
The only instance I could think of was when Oakley ripped one out to test something, and yes that did hurt.
“Uh, well it's kinda like ripping out hair? I guess? I mean both are growing out of my skin”
My mind was still reeling a little bit and the weird feeling in my chest still hadn't dissipated.
Ugh, I wanted all of this to be over!
I wanted to go home and do dumb stuff with Robin!
I let my head sink on my arm, noticing that at least the bracelet was still there.
Ronan meanwhile was busy inspecting one of the daisies that grew on my shoulder.
“Hey, what the hell did you even do with the eel? I feel still awful”
He looked up.
“Huh? Well since you weren't responding to anything I thought you were dead, so I got the eel and uh, Made it shock you?”
“That's the solution you came up with? Really? There was no better idea? Because my chest feels funny and-”
It was then that i realized what the fuck had been bothering me.
My second heart, the one that didn't beat and just sat there in my chest like dead meat had begun to function.
What the fuck!? I didn't even know that was possible!
“Hey? You okay? You're spacing out! And what's with your chest? You said it felt funny, Maybe I can help?”
I snapped back from the really unusual revelation.
“Wh-? No, I'm fine now I think, figured it out, don't worry.
But I still need to get back! Ohh I hope nobody else went overboard! What if the ship sank?!!”
Ronan did his best to awkwardly comfort me.
“Uh well a bigger thing is more likely to be swept out so i'm sure everyone else is fine! As for the boat, how big was it?”
How big? Uhh.
“Like, five times bigger than this with three masts, it's named Victory Rose, have you ever seen it?”
He shook his head.
“But I think I know someone who mentioned it a few times!
As for getting you back, do you know where they wanted to go?”
Where did we want to go? Oh no, I should have paid more attention to the map and explanations!
“Uhh not really, we were going to the trader islands to kick some pirates and deserters of the Maringand army”
He looked deadpan at me.
"The trader islands are a big area of thousands of islands, Can you get any more specific?”
“No, i forgot to look at the map”
He looked at me with a face that clearly said, really? But brushed past it pretty quick.
“Okay so you don't know the destination for sure, can you at least tell me where you're from? Maybe we can bring you back there instead?”
Back to Kamerasca would already be great!
“Yeah! I'm from Kamerasca! Do you know where that is?”
“Uhh i have heard of it, the crab meat is supposed to be tasty! But I don't know where it is from the top of my head, I'd have to get a map!
Luckily I am sure I have one! And if not, I know where to get one!
We're done here anyway so back to base it is!”
He sprang up and climbed up the stairs to the elevated part of the front of the ship.
Imugi? So there were five people on the ship?
Suddenly a big serpentine head with a bony beak emerged from the water and leaned over the railing in front of Ronan, close enough to snap him up.
Before I could even move it had tilted it’s head like an affectionate dog and Ronan began petting it.
What the fuck?
Weren't seamonsters dangerous? 
“You should've seen your face! Ahahahahahaha Imugi isn't dangerous you dumbass! She's a big softie!”
Came the mocking laugh of Jamie from the top of the sail.
Great, this would get incredibly stupid wouldn't it?
And they were still laughing at me until the crystal man whacked the wooden mast and shook the entire thing, making Jamie yelp and start cussing him out instead.
If I was to spend more than just a day on this ship I was bound to learn a lot of new curse words.
Ignoring whatever the hell those two were doing I turned my attention back to Ronan who was coddling the seamonster like a puppy.
The seamonster, Imugi? Made clicking and whistling noises in response and seemed to adore the attention.
I leaned my head a bit off of the ship to look at the thing a bit better.
It seemed to have some sort of flippers that looked like a mix between turtle flippers and dragon wings, it also had rounded spikes on its spine with one being way larger than the others and sticking out like the fin of a shark.
On top of that its head had a pale bony beak and something akin to thick fins at the back of its head.
Lastly it had some gills and the end of its tail also was a large fin.
Being honest it did look cool, But why was Ronan coddling it like a puppy?
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He let go of its head and walked to the front of the ship out of my sight.
The seamonster made another whistle-click sound and slid off the side of the boat, steering towards the front where Ronan had gone.
These guys seemed to be friends with seamonster, who knew?
Well, at least Ronan was friends with it, but I would make damn sure to not fall in.
Well those guys were out of sight and Jamie was back up on the mast somehow, where the glass like man went I had no idea.
The only one still there was the blonde guy, Imik? And he was dragging what looked to be a really old and waterlogged crate from the crane socket down the stairs to the lower part of the deck.
Should I attempt smalltalk? I was kinda curious about the box now that I recalled Ronan saying this guy was diving for treasure regularly.
He also seemed to have trouble dragging it behind him, maybe i should offer to shove it closer to where he wants it with a paw?
“You uh, need help? I can shove the box for you a little?”
He stopped to stand up fully, stretching his back out.
“That would be nice! I wanted to bring this inside before imugi sticks her head into the crate and eats inedible stuff again, or a hundred year old veggie oil”
He seemed to shudder a little at the last part and I wondered what the hell was up with that sea monster.
Imik pointed to the door where he wanted the soggy crate to go and I carefully shoved it in that direction with a paw.
“Thanks! That probably spared me half the back pain haha!”
“Well, you said you'd help me as well so doing small things is the least i can do”
I also hoped they really would help me, After all, they didn't actually have any incentive to help me so I'd better stay on guard as soon as any sort of land to another ship was in sight.
I'd also better not shapeshift while here, who knows if they'd attempt to steal the bracelet, or what the biology guy would do if he found out.
A sudden tug went through the boat, and then another, making it go slowly forward despite there being no wind at all.
I looked confusedly to the front, Was the sea snake thing dragging the entire ship?
Imik seemed to see my confused gaze and confirmed my thought.
“Oh don't worry! That's just Imugi! She sometimes drags the boat when we can't catch a breeze! She's pretty strong, I have to say! Thanks again for helping! I'll bring this crate where it belongs now!”
He left and dragged the waterlogged crate down the stairs.
So the sea snake, Imugi, was really dragging the entire boat? Huh, I'd better not mess with that serpent then.
While not fast it WAS a steady force pulling the entire ship forward.
Suddenly the guy with the crystal-like skin appeared next to me, making me flinch.
“We must seem mad to you to have a sea serpent as part of our crew, but i assure you Imugi wont hurt you, the beak is for cracking seashells”
Cracking seashells? That didn't really make me feel better,  though why did they have a sea serpent in the first place?
“Hey why do you-”
He was gone again, having walked up the stairs to wherever Ronan had disappeared, leaving me alone again.
I laid my head down on my arm again and wished to be back home.
But right now I had no idea where I even was, not to mention that the double heartbeat still made me feel weird.
Probably for some time, so I'd just have to deal with it.
Ughhhhhhh, this was stupid! This was just supposed to be a simple mission to scare some deserter Maringand soldiers but nooooo of course a stupid storm had to happen!
“So uh, do you feel like you need medical attention?”
I looked to the source of the voice and saw Ronan again, When did he come down the stairs?
“I- uh, i don't think so? If anything, have you fixed too much? Kinda?”
He looked baffled.
“Fixed too much? WHAT do you mean by that?”
Ugh, slip of the tongue, and of course I'd tell it to the biology guy.
“Oh uh, well I have two hearts, but till now only one was working so I think the shock you gave me did something? I don't really mind but it's really weird, makes me feel nauseous”
He looked horrified for a single moment before catching himself.
“Two hearts!?! And only one was working? Ohh wait what if one of the hearts is like a safety backup? Or is that not normal for your kin? Is it a mutation?”
His questions came a mile a minute but i was luckily used to such already.
“Calm down, I can only answer one question at a time! But for the record yes only one was working and no i don't fucking know why i have it in the first place, But I'm not sure if it's a mutation, maybe? I'm really not sure”
I trailed off, I really didn't know, I'd never asked Oakley either because it just wasn't a problem.
“Huh, hey if I may ask, and I really don't wanna seem rude, but what are you? I've never even heard of anything matching your description”
Huh? Oh right, why would he know what I was? And of course the biology obsessed guy would ask.
“I'm what's called an Ardua, can I get a turn asking questions now?”
He laughed and then nodded.
“Of course! I'm really sorry if I ask too much but I'm really just curious!”
Well curiosity wasn't a bad thing in itself, but it could get dangerous.
“Well, uhh how come you guys just have a sea Serpent? Like, how come you managed to befriend it?”
His eyes lit up at the question, but before he could answer me he got bodied by Jamie again who dragged him to the back of the boat.
Great, so no answer for me then.
Why was he dragged to the back anyway? Was something wrong?
Hearing Jamie shout at him to go get seaweed out of the steering rudder I surmised it was nothing bad.
But I was kinda cheated from the answer.
“He found an egg on the beach when he was little”
I startled at the voice who had come out of nowhere and looking to my other side I saw Imik, who apparently was done with the crate for now.
“What? And he was allowed to keep it?”
Imik shrugged.
“Apparently it looked like a round and longish rock, how he knew it was an egg is beyond me.
And from what I heard the staff at the orphanage nearly got a heart attack when he walked out of his room one day and held a sea serpent over his head.
Must have looked so weird to anyone else, and he had to keep it as far away as possible or they would have killed her”
Orphanage? Wasn't he a bastard? Why was he allowed to-?
Oh right, not everyplace is as mean to Fae folk as Kamerasca was.
I kinda wished I could have had that too.
“So he just kept a sea serpent baby? What was he thinking?”
“I don't think he was, he's smart for sure, but uhh Ronan and consequences of his actions don't mix very well, its like he just can't perceive that doing something dangerous might get him hurt”
“So no wonder he tossed an electric eel at me”
I rolled my eyes, just my luck to end up with some weird maniacs.
“Well, I'm going to go help them detangle the rudder, after all I'm the only one with gills here! Aside from Imugi, but Imugi doesn't have hands”
He left to go help his crewmates, which did make me wonder who even the captain was here.
I let my head sink back onto my fuzzy arms again, I wanted home!
This wasn't fair! It has just been getting better for me!
And I missed my friends! All of them! Robin, Arthur, Rikaad and Oakley! Even the cat Gloxinia!
But nooo, I was stuck on a small boat with strangers and didn't even know how to get back to Kamerasca!
This was just stupid! This was supposed to be a simple trip to scare some deserters of the Maringand army but I ended up who the hell even knew where!
I continued to lay there until they managed to remove the seaweed stuck in the rudder and resume the journey.
Ronan immediately ran to the front again to chatter at Imugi while the others did who even knew what until it got dark.
At some point Imik handed out sandwiches.
I got offered one as well but declined, I didn't need it anyway, and who knew what they put in it?
Then they went to sleep, all of them going into the boat itself except for Jamie who climbed up the mast to the weather thing on the boat, what was it called? Crows nest?
Whatever really, it was dark, it was late and even the sea serpent had gone to sleep due to being tired so we had to anchor as she slept on the bottom of the ocean.
Maybe I should just sleep as well? Nothing else to do really.
But i didn't have the medicine Oakley gave me, but with how stressful everything had been and how confused i was, I doubted I would have a hard time sleeping.
Also i was pretty sure if i fell into the water i would know.
Resting my head on my arms as a cushion against the floor I slowly fell asleep as well, if a bit uneasy.
I was woken up some time later by something that felt like a kick from a chicken.
Opening my eyes blearily i could see Jamie standing there.
Why? Did they like to kick people for fun?
“Whuh? Why'd you wake me?”
I asked them confusedly and they made a rather deadpan face to that question.
"You were whimpering like a kicked dog!  I woke you up before you started howling like one as well and woke everyone up!"
Oh, so i had bad dreams again, not that i remembered it this time.
“Sorry, i'll try to be quiet, you can go back to sleep, i'll just stay awake till tomorrow or something”
They made a face that clearly conveyed the words ‘what the fuck’ and walked around my arm, claws tapping on the ground.
“What the hell dude? I admit I don't know what's going on but you sounded like you were tortured or something, are you okay?”
Their voice was gruff and somehow reminded me of a puffed up and angry chicken.
“Im fine now, just not so pleasant memories i guess, don't worry about it”
They made a face that didn't look like they believed me.
“Suure, but if you whimper like a kicked stray dog it don't seem like it”
Whatever, why did they care anyway? 
Didn't they bitch to Ronan about me being on the ship?
“I'm not gonna tell my story to a bunch of strangers, but I can assure you as soon as I get back home I'll be fine!”
They did not look convinced but thankfully let it drop.
“If you say so, i'm going back to sleep, if you start whining in your sleep again i'm going to kick your snout”
They climbed back up the mast with those words.
What a weird person, and they were still wearing the sweater.
Though I had to admit climbing the mast with sweater paws was impressive.
After an unhappy glare from them they settled down in their nest thing and out of sight.
Ughhh, I wanted to go home! Or at least back on the Victory Rose where I had more space and could shift without having to worry about my bracelet getting stolen!
I wanted my friends! I wanted to lazily doze on my favorite rock and lay in the sun! I Wanted to hear Robin Rambling about plants! Or Arthur complaining that Nea hit him again! I even missed the cat Gloxinia!
But I was stuck here, swimming was definitely not an option, I'd drown before I would get near land.
I let my head sink back onto my arm heavily and closed my eyes again, hoping that this time I wouldn't have some vague nightmares, if only just so Jamie wouldn't kick me for it.
The next time I woke up it was to a surprising and somewhat painful  pinch in one of my ears.
Startled awake I shook my head like a dog to get rid of whatever that was only to hear some expletives followed by a splash.
Looking around my memory came back to me, 
right, not the Victory Rose and not my friends.
FUCK! I looked over my shoulder to see who had landed in the water and saw someone in a now soggy blue sweater tread water and curse loudly.
Oh fuck i had flung Jamie into the water! 
Now they surely wouldn't help me anymore! 
The sound of footsteps drew my attention and I saw Imik run down the stairs and trip only to be caught by the scruff by the crystal man- Akeem.
They both looked over the railing where Jamie was in the water, and they started laughing!
Imik leaned far over the railing to call out to the soggy looking Jamie.
“JAMIE! I told you not to do that! Be glad you landed in the water and not on the hard deck! What were you thinking pinching his ear with your claws like that?! This time I'm not going to help you get out! You can wait for Imugi to wake up!”
Wait, they were not angry at me? What? I had just flung one of them into the water! And they were laughing?
I doubted I'd get what the hell was going on here but at least they didn't seem to be upset, at least Imik wasn't, with Akeem it was hard to tell considering his face seemed to be made of actual obsidian.
They also made no move to get the chicken legged menace out of the water and back on the boat.
Oh right, Imik did say they could wait for the sea serpent to wake up for help.
Also they were now shouting profanities at each other which I blended mostly out.
Turning my head the other way, I came face to face with Akeem and froze.
He looked, well, stone faced but not mean or anything.
“Did Jamie puncture anything? I am well aware that those claws can be rather sharp, i have held as a whetstone for that often enough”
There was just the tiniest smidge of amusement in his voice at the last part and i wondered what the fuck i had stumbled into here.
I started to question if I HAD died and this was some sort of Limbo.
Forever stuck on a small boat with weird strangers.
I also did feel my ear to see if anything was bleeding which luckily wasn't the case.
“Uh, no i'm fine, just startled, sorry for flinging Jamie off the boat i didn't know what the hell was going for a minute”
“Its fine, we are used to such antics and this is nothing new, though one of the funnier ones, at least for the onlookers i suppose”
Well, I could see how it could be funny to see someone flung into the water like that, but I was mainly glad nobody was mad at me.
“I- I guess? But why my ears? One already got a small scratch i don't want more”
He just shrugged and then left to the front of the boat where I was pretty sure Ronan hung out with his serpent.
Yup, i was right in that one as i looked at the water again and he was sitting right there on top of the sea snake, holding out a hand for Jamie to climb with him on the head.
Imugi lifted her head way out of the water and set them on the deck near me and now that they were out of the water Jamie's sweater clung comically to them and made them look like a soggy chicken.
Imugi made a lot of whistle and click sounds before swimming in a circle and then coming up to the side to lay her head on the boat.
Her head was about as big as mine,  maybe longer though and had frills, all in all she was about my size but a good bit longer thanks to the tail and fins.
Her bony beak poked at me and I froze, The thing looked sharp and I wasn't keen on getting bitten.
Luckily that wasn't the case as she only sniffed at my fur a little before making more clicking sounds that reminded me of an excited child squealing.
“Awww, she likes you! How nice! If you're careful you can give her a pat!” Ronan seemed more enthusiastic than me but I figured this would be my only chance in life to pet a sea serpent.
That would be quite the tale! Petting a sea monster like a puppy!
I carefully extended my paw and brushed it over her damp head, It was strangely smooth!
She made more happy clicks and whistles and ‘gummed’ on my fur without actually breaking any of the hairs or plants.
Well, as a sea creature she probably hasn't had contact with such things.
“YO! Who wants a sandwich? I got some! Also we need to get more bread, The one we had is now soggy!”
My head swiveled to the source of the voice and saw Jamie, still in the wet sweater, holding a basket with weirdly cut bread pieces and some things like jam.
Also half the bread was soaked in saltwater that dripped from the sweater.
Yeah, I'd decline again.
“Uhh, no thanks, not really a fan of soggy bread”
They shrugged and bit into their own, very soggy, bread.
At least it wasn't moldy but I started to doubt that any of these guys could cook or do anything more than a sandwich in the kitchen.
I was now Really glad I didn't need to eat.
There was a wet slap and a dead fish landed right next to my arm.
Startled, I drew the limb closer to myself and stared at the lifeless fish.
There were whistling and clicking sounds coming from Imugi who I realized was the one that had thrown the fish.
“Uh, why'd Imugi toss that at me?”
I pointed at the fish with a claw.
Suddenly Jamie started choking on a bit of sandwich between laughter and even Imik tried to hold back his giggling while Ronan Keeled over and almost lost his breath.
The only one not laughing was Akeem but even he had an amused smile on his face.
“What? What's so funny about your seamonster trying to slap me with a fish?”
Ronan was still laughing while Imik tried to stop Jamie from choking to death.
“She likes you! And if you don't eat the fish she’ll be offended and sad!”
Eat the fish? And that raw?
I started debating if I really couldn't just swim to land.
“I- do i HAVE to? That's raw! And don't fish have those weird bones in them? Also I'm not keen on having to eat raw fish generally!”
I stared at the lifeless fish, its eyes already starting to get milky and glassy, not the most appetizing thing.
Then I glanced over to Imugi who watched with such a happy and trusting face that I couldn't really say no, Besides, I wasn't about to jeopardize my only source of help.
“Are you SURE that I have to eat it?”
I really hoped they were joking but I only got a nod in return and with the way Imugi was looking at me there really was no way to avoid this.
I sighed and skewered the floppy thing on a claw, 
wanting to just get it over with.
I shoved it into my mouth and tried my best not to gag at the taste and texture, swallowing it instead.
I nearly choked as my body tried to send it instinctually to the pouch as it was larger and more awkwardly shaped than a normal bite of food. 
I managed though, and sincerely hoped Imugi wouldn't bring me another one.
They all laughed at the face I made but at least the sea serpent was happy and not about to drag me into the water for offending her.
“Urk, glad to know im the source of your amusement” I told the laughing bunch snarkily, that had been really unpleasant.
Fuck, i bet Robin and Rikaad didn't have to do such stuff.
I did wonder what they were doing though, did they think i was dead? 
Or maybe the boat capsized later in the storm?
Oh no, I hoped not, but even so without the biggest sail they wouldn't be fast anymore.
“What's got you so down suddenly big guy?” A voice to my side asked me and I turned my head around to see Ronan standing there.
I let my head sink onto my paws again with a sigh.
“...I miss my friends, and I'm worrying! The ship is damaged now and what if the storm destroyed it?”
“How big was the boat? Like, if it was just twice the size of ours it's very likely that they're okay! And if it's even bigger than that then even more so!
Bigger boats don't topple over as fast as small boats, so if your ship was big then I'd say they should be okay!”
I glanced over at him while Jamie and Imik put the rest of the soggy sandwiches away.
“You think so? I hope you're right”
He nodded and I let my head sink onto my paws again.
I hoped they were doing okay, especially Robin and Rikaad, the two had probably seen in full view how i fell off.
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sampothepancake · 7 years ago
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postmoderntongues · 1 year ago
omg seeing you like the eels makes me so happy theyre such a deeply underrated band. top 5 songs?
3 speed
electroshock blues
susans house
my beloved monster
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postmoderntongues · 4 years ago
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postmoderntongues · 5 years ago
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postmoderntongues · 6 years ago
top five songs to cut to
dmn yall go right to the meat.  A lot of these are the same ones from my HS days
Voicemail For Jill by Amanda PalmerSuffer Little Children by The SmithsEvaporated- Ben FoldsIf- Pink FloydElectroshock Blues- Eels
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