#Edwin Tse
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Enya Balkunova by Edwin tse
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Lana Zakocela by © Edwin Tse
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September 16 2024 Paso Robles
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explanations under the cut
Elizabeth Afton is actually the Youngest Sibling - as @birdsareblooming pointed out, when we see her room in fnaf4, she has a torn-apart mangle toy. mangle was stated to be made to entertain toddlers. would also explain why she's not in the gameplay, she's at daycare/with her mom
The Vengeful Spirit is Michael Afton - another one where cori convinced me and I might have an entire essay that I will publish after I finally sit down and edit through the Security Logbook section but until then here's a bullet point post
Mimic = Burntrap - i dont think i have to explain this we're all talking about it i just know people are gonna be mad at me for it
The Girl in Drowning is representative of Charlie, not Cassidy - She's literally got gray skin, black hair, gray clothes, and neon green lighting, much like a certain gray-skinned black-haired pixel girl with a green bracelet who died in the rain (water motif). Her dragging Kara down because she doesn't want to be alone could be seen as a metaphor for Charlie trying to give life but instead kinda sticking them all in robots
FNAF AR had some BANGIN re-skins - come on. look at them. Clockwork Ballora? Bangin. Broiler Baby? Bangin. Catrina Toy Chica? BANGIN. Springtrap as an actual fucking clown???? BANGIN.
Vanessa is an Afton in the Gameverse, too – Cori's workin on a whole explanation diagram for this but the most BASIC evidence is "her last name starts with 'a' and she's a nepo baby." I dont think she's William's DIRECT daughter cause man died in the 90s and she was 23 in the 2030s so. grandkid or smth
If Edwin/David is a metaphor for anything it's William/CC and not Henry/Charlie – listen i understand the whole "single dad building the robots and then breaking one in a rage" thing from TSE but also the mimic likes to mimic its creator and child before all else and who is it mimicking? afton and the little boy in sb who happens to look a shitton like cc. also game!charlie is never indicated as having a special plushie that followed her everywhere but cc very certainly did and hey if mimic can grow and shrink to fit in anything whos to say it didnt shrink into the fredbear to repeat stock phrases to cc such as "tomorrow is another day." also in the character encyclopedia art of cc he is holding his fredbear plush the same way burntrap positions his arm to imitate holding something. an
They're not gonna pull the Charliebot twist again. Nobody's a secret robot – first off from a writing perspective that's not the kinda twist you do twice. second off with the... less than stellar reception to the twist in the first place i dont think theyre gonna pull it again
"Cassidy" isn't the Golden Freddy Kid's name, it's Crying Child's – the logbook has Crying Child communicate through manipulating the text, while the spirit he's talking to speaks in faint writing; the second spirit never has a confirmed identity, but CC is most definite considering the stuff referenced around him. The "ITS ME CASSIDY" is revealed through.... manipulated text. The clues are in........ manipulated text. "It's Me" is CC calling out to Michael. The other spirit says "My name is..." a couple times BUT they also ask CC if he remembers his name just a few pages before. Granted this might just be us not understanding something but also if Cassidy is CC's name then who the fuck is Golden Freddy Kid. is Michael Brooks still canon
The nightmare gas didn't "ruin the lore" it's just kinda funny – look guys literally all of this lore is fucked, the fact they just threw in "also William Afton was doing nightmare gas experiments on kidnapped kids and then abandoned it for shits and giggles" in the eighth book of their second anthology series and then moving on like nothing happened while the fanbase collapses in on itself is like THE funniest thing they could've done
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The fnaf books are consistently inconsistent.
So the fnaf books are full of mistakes that a literal child picked up on a bunch of glaring mistakes that a group of paid editors working for a multi million dollar corporation didn't. I'm gonna copy and paste a bunch of stuff he pointed out to me on discord.
Epilogue 2 (Tales from the Pizzaplex) says Nick is ginger and has green eyes. Epilogue 3 says he has brown eyes and brown hair. In Bobbiedots, Abe asks Olive about manually updating and she says it is not possible. In Bobbiedots Conclusion, it’s said that Rose was the one who said that.
In The Storyteller, Edwin says he was 24 thirty years ago. And yet in “The Mimic”, he was 24 in the 70s. The math doesn't add up at all, since this would mean that The Storyteller somehow takes place anywhere from 1994 to the early 2000s. Also, Mr. Burrows is referred to as "Mr. Burton" twice in one paragraph.
In the TSE trilogy, Charlie’s year of death changed from 1982 to 1983 between books.
In Frights, in Coming Home, Samantha's age gets mixed up. In Pizza Kit, Peyton and Marlie’s names are mixed up multiple times, along with the book’s own description getting their names mixed up.
In FNaF2, the kid in SAVEHIM is called, well, HIM. And yet in FFPS, Henry refers to him as “his daughter”, Charlie.
In The New Kid, It's established that Devin and Mick have been friends for 6 years, however later in the story it's said that they've been friends for 10 years.
In The New Kid, Kelsey dies on Monday, several days pass and people start getting worried, Mick wonders if Kelsey could still be alive, to which Devin responds that its been 6 days, Friday is not 6 days after Mondays.
This is fucking pathetic.
#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#tales from the pizzaplex#fnaf security breach#fnaf the mimic#the bobbiedots#fnaf andrew#Tiger Rock#Fnaf books#fnaf the silver eyes#fnaf the twisted ones#fnaf the fourth closet#Charlie Emily#fazbear frights#fnaf the puppet
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Even apart from the abject absurdity of having Henry and then about 5 other single parent haunted men with uncanny overlap and parallels with Henry's story in the silver eyes in the same world and continuity I have always considered the concept of TalesGames a far too simplistic and often clumsy solution to the elaborate and excellent narrative technique that Scott has figured out for these short stories. Could some of these characters exist in the canon? Perhaps. Does that mean all of them do? Doubt it.
The mimic could be a metaphor for baby (fuckin obviously, given the direct story parallels between TSE and this story) it could be a metaphor for CC, for Sammy, for Eleanor, for Nightmare, for Novel Charlie for any number of things, for the animatronics in general, for nuanced elements of facets of the storyline. The mimic could literally be agony, it doesn't even need to be specific characters.
What do you think?
Well first off- 5? Am I missing 4 other single fathers creating wild ass robot for their kid who dies via car related accident? Henry and Edwin have some similarities, but I don't think that means that Edwin doesn't exist just cause he created a robot for his kid who died from a car related accident- if we're talking about TSE parallels specifically then that didn't even happen in TSE. Charlie's death had nothing to do with cars in the novel trilogy.
Personally I wouldn't say making a book series canon would be a "simplistic and clumsy solution" and I'm not sure what you mean by "the elaborate and excellent narrative technique that Scott has figured out for these short stories". I don't think having Tales take place in the game canon would,, idk- ruin anything? I think it just enhances the story, because if you add what Tales has introduced to the canon, then I think the story makes a lot more sense and is a lot stronger than what we previously thought.
Also I'm so sorry but I have no idea what the second paragraph means- Like- you're not saying they're literally those characters, but you're also saying you don't think Edwin is real? I think?? So I'm not entirely sure who you think the Mimic is made by,,? But then you said "The mimic could literally be agony, it doesn't even need to be specific characters." which makes me think that you think Mimic could literally be one of the characters you listed- I'm so so sorry but the second paragraph makes absolute no sense to me- I've been asking my friends and they don't get it either, so I can't really make a proper response ^^;
#Chip Chatter#also please use more commas in the first paragraph next time- my half asleep brain could NOT figure out what your point was when I first-#-read this lmao/nm
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wait are people claiming henry built the mimic despite evidence outright saying he didnt??
I dont think outright claiming but theorizing/hoping. the biggest example of it I've seen is john fuhnaff, but he isnt doing it in a content farmy yt theorist kinda way but in just a truly passionate for the story kinda way where he knows how underwhelming an Edwin 'reveal' in sotm would be. itd be in his words copy and paste book lore and not the least bit interesting to think about or engage with if that's the case (which it will be) so it's less hoping to drag back old characters and more just wanting sotm to have like. anything new at all and not be boring asf with like zero room for discussion bc itll just be confirming stuff we all already knew
he even blatantly says in his vid that he doesnt even think Henry built the mimic and that its just a theory and he knows itll end up being Edwin, and I think that's what most other ppl who say the same thing think as well. they just want sotm to be anything other than book lore reruns out of just genuine like for the story. I havent seen much of this discussion tho bc I'm not involved with mimic/tftp discourse bc I dont really care (its obvious tftp is canon and what the mimics future 'lore reveals' are so what's the point in thinking deeper about it) so I'm sure some ppl out there genuinely believe it. but tbh after watching John's theory they arent even insane or copium induced for drawing connections the connections between Henry from TSE and mimics game story are very much there and c&p almost
#i recommend johns latest fnaf theory vid (the biggest fnaf debate is about to end) if u want more insight on why ppl think this#as someone who also dislikes how theyre handling mimics story and sotm i understand where john+Henry instead of edwin hopers r coming from#pandas.txt#pandas asks#discourse
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¡Les dan seis horas! CC emplaza al TSE y exige informe de Carlos Pineda

La CC debe de resolver dos apelaciones presentadas por Carlos Pineda y el diputado Edwin Lux, con la que piden revertir el amparo que suspendió sus candidaturas.
Los magistrados de la Corte de Constitucionalidad (CC) emplazaron al Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) para que en un plazo no mayor de 6 horas entregue el expediente de la inscripción de la Segunda Asamblea Nacional de Prosperidad Ciudadana que habría tenido vicios legales.
La solicitud se hizo a través de un "auto para mejor fallar", el cual es una facultad de los tribunales y se pronuncia para que se entreguen determinadas pruebas que permiten aclarar los puntos que puedan ser dudoso y que permitan a los juzgadores tomar una mejor decisión.
En la solicitud de información se pidió:
Informe rendido por el observador designado por el Registro de Ciudadanos en la Segunda Asamblea Nacional de Prosperidad Ciudadana.
El Dictamen del 5 de diciembre de 2022 identificado como DOP-D-95-2022 emitido por el Jefe del Departamento de Organizaciones Políticas del Registro de Ciudadanos.
El acta y sus atestados.
"La orden anterior se emite bajo apercibimiento de que en este caso de incumplimiento, la autoridad compelida incurrirá en las responsabilidades establecidas en la ley de la materia", señala la resolución.

Además, se formuló la salvedad de que "si no tuviera en su poder la documentación solicitada, deberá remitir el requerimiento a donde corresponda a efecto de cumplir con lo solicitado en el pazo" de 6 horas señalado.
La resolución de la apelación se prevé para mañana viernes 26 de mayo, según reveló el abogado de Carlos Pineda, Erick Castillo. Sin embargo, los magistrados están conociendo el tema este la tarde de este jueves y solicitaron los informes que les permitan tomar una mejor decisión del caso.
La candidatura de Pineda podría depender de lo que decida la CC, pues el aspirante a presidente lucha contra el tiempo para aún aparecer en la papeleta electoral.
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Photographer Edwin Tse
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Mackenzie Davis photographed by Edwin Tse for Globe Style Advisor
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Mayya by Edwin Tse.
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Lana Zakocela by © Edwin Tse
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July 17 2019 Sunset 2
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In conjunction with his solo show at the Museum, UOVO Prize-winning artist John Edmonds has organized part of program 2 of Art on the Stoop: Sunset Screenings. His selection includes videos by Sara Cwynar, Steph Foster, Ja’Tovia Gary, Glenn Ligon, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, and Ka-Man Tse, which screen Friday and Saturday evenings at 5pm through November 7th.
The three works featured here all explore the reverberations of past cultural artifacts, from early cinema to vintage jewelry boxes. In Soft Film (2016), Sara Cwynar employs plush jewelry boxes, which she sourced from eBay, to explore the cycles of captialism as well as subtle forms of discrimination against women.
Ja’Tovia Gary’s video An Ecstatic Experience (2015) manipulates historical and contemporary footage—including a 1965 TV show featuring an adaptation of a narrative by a former enslaved woman—to meditate on both the liberating and violent cycles of history.
For his 2008 video The Death of Tom, Glenn Ligon had originally planned to create a reenactment of the climactic scene of Edwin S. Porter’s 1903 silent film adaptation of the anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe. After learning that the film had not been properly loaded, Ligon decided to still use the abstracted footage, suggesting a history that cannot be fully represented and remains unfinished.
Sara Cwynar (Canadian, born 1985). Soft Film, 2016 [Still]. 16mm film on video with sound, 6 min., 28 sec. Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production © Sara Cwynar ⇨ Ja'Tovia Gary (American, born 1984). An Ecstatic Experience, 2015 [Still]. Single channel video with sound, digitized 16mm film, 6 min. Courtesy of the artist and Paula Cooper Gallery, New York. © Ja'Tovia Gary ⇨ Glenn Ligon (American, born 1960). The Death of Tom, 2008 [Still]. 16mm film transferred to video, black and white, sound, 23 min. Courtesy of the artist and Regen Projects, Los Angeles. © Glenn Ligon
#Sunset Screenings#johnedmondsbkm#john edmonds#sara cwynar#uovo#film#video#brooklyn museum#brooklyn#nyc#glenn ligon#Ja'Tovia Gary#sunsetscreenings
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Débora Müller photographed by Edwin Tse
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