#Eddie Munson royal au
bug-fics · 2 years
Pairing: Stable boy! Eddie Munson x Fem! reader
Summery: Eddie was just a mere stable boy who yearned for adventure and a happy ending. Falling in love with a nobleman's daughter was never apart of the plan, nor was stealing her away from the life of luxury she was handed.
AN: This is set up to be a mini series, so depending on how this does ill knock out another part soon. This part is basically all world building, i would have just made it longer to include actual plot but its better this way.
Word count: 5.6k
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Living as a stable boy was never a part of Eddie’s life plan. Being the son of a provincial farmer was discouraging enough for the young dreamer, his boyhood was full of work, and no time to be a kid. Generation after generation, the Munson family were victims of the working class. His uncle helped around the quaint farm, helping take care of the small selection of livestock while his father was able to tend to the small plot of land that held an assortment of crops. Farm work wasn't ideal, but at the end of the day, it was honest work. Following his written legacy, Eddie took on the job as a stable boy to provide stability to the small household.
The funds were good, excellent even, seeing as though he worked for the highest noble family in the diminutive village of Hawkins. Nonetheless, while money was generous, Eddie yearned for adventure, and making up stories wasn’t enough for his wandering mind. The young lad was always drawn to fairytales, ones about great wayfarers who got the pleasure of undergoing danger and heroics, and maybe even love if they were fortunate.
But Eddie wasn't a traveler, he's never come close to leaving his small town. The rumors of the edge scared most people from leaving. The woods were filled with trouble, magic, and dangerous beings. Only an idiot would go beyond the edge without proper protection. Hell, Eddie hasn't been to most of the places in his hometown, spending most of his time at the cottage helping around the farm or slaving away in the stables. If he found the time, he would spend his nights at the local pub, his tab growing through the night as he told made-up tales to the locals. Against the barmaid’s pleas, Eddie loved to stand on the long tables, shouting theatrics and acting out sword fights with anyone willing to join in on the fun.
Lucas Sinclair, the baker's son, who had a habit of burning everything he touched was one of the few people who've stuck by Eddie all his life. Mike Wheeler, a sarcastic barkeep who happened to work at the dingy hideout with the rest of his family. The teen did more talking than working, continuously getting told off by his elder sister. Lastly, there was Gareth Emerson, an apprentice for the local blacksmith. His mother was a lovely woman, a lady in waiting who worked alongside Eddie at Cambridge manor. The two had a mutual understanding of life, both families dependent on the only people who seemed to matter in this godforsaken town.
The elders of the village feared the small crowd was supplying the younger residents’ minds with stupidity, a few of them already endeavoring to leave in search of conquest. This never dwindled Eddie’s spirits, in fact, he wished he had the nerve to pull the same stunts, rejecting the cards handed to him for a real taste of freedom.
“I don't know why you won't just leave,” Dustin Henderson was one of Eddie's best friends, he was one of the only people who could keep up with the dramatics that the farmhand lived by. Being one of Eddie’s closest comrades, Dustin also experienced every yearning sigh, every rant of adventure, every sad glance at what could exist in the beyond. “God knows how badly you wish to leave, why force yourself to stick around? Even Wayne has told you to relish in new liberations. Why are you still here?”
“There are things keeping me in this stupid place, I don't know.”
Dustin rolled his eyes at this response, it was no secret that Eddie had eyes for his employer's eldest daughter, “And by things you mean a certain Cambridge who you've barely spoken to, ‘oh Dustin! She looked at me today like really looked at me. Dustin, you won't believe what she said to me today. Her laugh oh her laugh, can you believe I made her laugh’ honestly dude, it's getting kind of embarrassing.”
A deep blush flooded Eddie’s face, I mean yeah he thought you were pretty, and yeah he thought your laugh sounded better than any music he's ever heard. And I mean sure, he thought your eyes were rather fetching, and your hair always looked lovely, and when you wore those tight, tight, riding pants during your lessons near the stables he couldn't help but stare. 
But he didn't have a crush on you, Dustin's right, he's barely even spoken to you. It was an unspoken rule that nobles and the working class don’t clash. Your family was likable, but it was social suicide to even consider having a meaningful conversation with the long-haired man.
Shoving the young boy, Eddie fought with his brain to think of a rebuttal. “Listen, it's complicated. I can't just leave, the only thing that would make me leave is if I absolutely had to. Like a life or death situation, or maybe if I was kidnapped.”
Yeah, Eddie adored the fantasy of adventure, but as much as he would love to run away he had a job, responsibilities, and his uncle to take care of. He couldn't abandon all he loved just because he wanted to experience a rush of a crusade. Getting to watch you from afar was just the thing that made his life bearable. So he sat, drank, yelled, and laughed his nights away and in the morning he would suffer a day of hard work. It was his only option, adventure wasn't written in his cards unless an outside force made him have to run.
“You need to get out of here, we need to get out of here. This village is rotting from the inside out. Please, we could leave now it wouldn't be hard.”
“Dustin, we can't. You know we can't. Not now at least.” It was hard to deny the opportunity. If Eddie was a real adventurer he would agree as soon as Dustin asked. He’d run and gather his things and leave before the sun broke through the dark sky. But he wasn't a real adventurer. He was a coward, he was scared of the edge, he was scared of leaving his family, and he was scared of failing.
The night ended soon enough and the group of friends who littered the bar well past closing hours sluggishly swayed home, attempting to get just a little sleep before their day of work began again. This was the routine that was built.
Drink, sleep, work, repeat.
It was a disappointing loop, everyone was living to die. Money was tight, food was scarce, and no one was happy. Yet, Eddie and his crew seemed to be the only ones longing for an out. The poor grew weaker as the rich gained new opportunities.
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Dawn broke in the sky bright and early, the roosters waking Eddie up, the natural alarm clock he needed to get on with his day. Dressing in his work linens, he rushed down the old wooden stairs, nearly tripping down the last few into the small kitchen of his dainty hut. Breakfast consisted of three large eggs from the barn, and a warmed slice of stale bread. It was the breakfast of an adventurer, Eddie liked to tell himself. This allowed him to play into his internal fantasy world when in reality, it was the breakfast of an impoverished rural family who could hardly make ends meet.
Eddie was the main source of income for the Munson household. The Cambridge family was a distinguished name in the village of Hawkins. They were the local emissaries for the kingdom of Demo, the family being the only contact people had with the sovereign when they needed resources. Many pleas went unheard, war was looming over the nation and the king believed he had more important duties than making sure his people survived the famish. The Cambridge family could only do so much.
Victor Cambridge was the head of the house. He was wealthy, awarded many luxuries from his position in the noble ranks. He had no time to help care for his lineage, it was no secret that he neglected his family’s needs, preferring to spend every waking hour he had working hard to keep the village from sinking further into filth than it already was. His wife, Virginia, was a kind woman, a lovely lady who had used to be a commoner in her youth. She spent most of her days in charge of the house staff, handing out workloads to the retinue of workers. She was a simple lady, a devotee to her husband and his love.
The couple had three children. The heir, Henry, was a young boy with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was expected to fill in his father's position as every son for generations has. The stress already fueled the young boy's rage and internal anguish, with no time for play. He was forced to be a man. 
The youngest daughter, Alice, was a shy sprite of a girl. She was a mere child, easily influenceable, a small little field mouse who was rarely given the opportunity to flourish. She was tenacious and rotten, often using leverage over the staff to get what she asked for, a behavior often demonstrated by her father.
Lastly, there was you. As the family's Eldest daughter, you understood the politics of the town and the detrimental situation of those in the working class. Being a daughter of a nobleman, you were often ignored even when you tried to make your voice heard. Women had no place in the world of war. 
Eddie looked up to you, he’s overheard tales from other staff members of instances where you stood up for those who needed a voice; turning a blind eye when a break lasted too long, indulging the staff in royal gossip, and being one of the few members of the family to treat the staff as human. While you were headstrong, speaking out was still against the rules, and in fear of diminishing the Cambridge name, you slipped into the background most days. However, Eddie would never see you as a simple background character. You were the girl of his dreams, a kind spirit, a work of art.
Eddie knew little to nothing about you, but he was head over heels. A small crush that plagued his thoughts and fueled his existence in a silly fantasy he could indulge in while going about his day. He had a sweet image of you fabricated in his creative mind. You were a delicate flower who’d love him eternally, even if he was a simple man who worked for your family.
He was lucky enough to secure a position under the Cambridge family, many wished to work in such a position, and being in the right place at the right time paid off. Eddie could still remember the day he was offered the job, walking past the luxurious manor just as the old stable boy was thrown to the curb. Rumor states he was stealing jewels from the family and was finally caught. When Victor noticed Eddie standing, watching the commotion go down, he was offered a job. Eddie would have been stupid to turn down the offer, and his small history of working on a farm for his family was enough to give him a confidence boost to accept.
Work was far from glamorous, many hours were spent shoveling horse manure and caring for the horses under the hot sun. However, some days Eddie was granted the opportunity to teach the Cambridge children their riding lessons. The family had a professional instructor to aid in classes but with the impending war, it wasn't rare for her to be called away, handing the torch over to the stableboy.
Teaching the younger children was always a low point of his day, but these instances were some of the only opportunities Eddie had to properly speak with you. Mumbling dumb jokes that forced you to stifle a laugh, listening to you softly rant about your morning, and discussing the duties he was forced to partake in for work. However, his favorite moments were those when he could slip in a small compliment in passing. The flustered look you'd shoot his way always made the risk of getting in trouble worth it.  
‘My lady, have I ever told you that you are the sunlight through a window in which I stand, warmed and welcoming.’
‘Edward, I don't appreciate flattery.’
‘Nonsense. Venus in her shell was never so lovely, and Diana in the forest never so graceful as you’
‘Shut up’ A soft smile graced your face as you made an attempt to shy away from him. The huge grin Eddie presented went unnoticed
His favorite memory was a recent one. A month or so ago the heel of your boot got caught against the stirrup of the saddle. Your shriek rang through his ears, fear in your voice as the ground rushed towards you, but Eddie was quick, as he managed to catch you in his arms. The smell of your floral perfume clouded his mind as you begged him not to drop you. ‘only a fool would drop a girl like you’. The shy expression that graced your face at his words as you let a soft smile slip through the elegant façade was enough to put Eddie in the best spirit for the rest of the day.
Eddie couldn’t help but think you were the prettiest thing he’s ever laid eyes on. Your passing conversation was enough to leave a smile on his face, he’d envision your laughter while he worked, and the gleam in your eyes would help to make time speed by faster. And most of the time Eddie would imagine what it would be like if you were in one of his stories, one where he was the hero who got to fall in love with the princess. But of course, he was just your average stable boy, none of him worthy of a maiden such as a nobleman’s daughter, especially not one as beautiful as yourself.
Today was no different, when Eddie rode in on his less-than-impressive family steed, you were already seated in the lush garden on an expensive blanket, enjoying your breakfast with a book in hand. The food on the cloth were commodities Eddie couldn't even dream of enjoying. Imported fruits, fresh bread still producing a soft steam from the cool morning air, sweet tarts from the king's baker himself, and small sandwiches that would look ridiculous between his calloused fingers. 
The dress that rested against your plush skin was expensive, everything about you and your family was expensive. Your gaze lifted from the crisp pages of your book to glance towards the stable boy as if you felt his lingering gaze taking in every detail of your being.
The breath Eddie was holding was sucked away when you beamed his way with a short wave. Your family was less than kind, a smile like that was rare, but being on the receiving end felt like heaven. You weren't supposed to converse with the commons who littered the grounds of the manor, your siblings had no trouble following that authority, but you were never a stickler for every rule. You were often found gossiping with the gardener, telling stories to the cooks, and being friendly with the cleaners. Eddie was internally grateful when he learned Gareth’s mother worked under your authority, a kind soul, rather than the evil that plagued your family.
That's one of the things Eddie was enamored with. You were beautiful, gorgeous, ethereal even, but your kindness even if rarely directed towards him was admirable. The smile Eddie's way was enough to kick him into gear, sending him straight to the barn with a flush of red gracing his cheeks.
The day was a slow day for the pair, Eddie’s daily chores were already complete and your lessons were cut short due to a small royal emergency. Deciding to make the most of your free time you snuck out around the distant barn to the stables, picnic basket resting in the crook of your elbow as you searched for your favorite boy. Of course, Eddie didn't know you felt that way, you've barely interacted, but he always treated you with such devotion and care without treating you like some princess. It was romantic, even if he was only being friendly.
“Sir Munson, it's awfully warm out today. Care to join me for lunch?”
The sound of your voice was enough to make Eddie jump. This was the most you'd spoken to him in a day, it was rare for your paths to cross. And yet you had put in the effort to seek him out. Your previous attire was replaced with a simple dress, one he’s never seen on someone with such high power. You were wearing a commoner’s dress.
“Oh, I don't think your father or mother would approve of such, don't you think my lady?” The soft words were spoken as Eddie dropped to a small bow, still able to make eye contact. His big puppy eyes stared into your soul as a small smirk graced his lips.
“Maybe I'm done following the rules?”
“All the rules? Lady Y/N, murder is a very serious commitment. Do you wish to be burned at the stake for this outrageous announcement?” A hand was sent to his chest, an exaggerated gasp slipped from his pink lips as he did his best to give you a serious look.
"You know that's not what I mean Sir Munson.”
“Oh no no no, I'm positive I heard you say all the rules. Are you here to convince me to be an accomplice for these heinous crimes you wish to commit? An aristocratic woman like yourself should know better.” As he initially sought to receive, you offer him a soft giggle. It filled Eddie’s mind with sweetness and sunshine.
“Okay, maybe not all the rules. But I think you deserve a lovely meal for all of your hard work, don't you?”
“As you wish.”
With a smile, Eddie swiped his arm in another bow, a silent lead the way hung in the air as he followed you through the wooden gate of the barn, down the grassy hill, towards a huge blooming willow tree. There was a river nearby, adding the soft sound of trickling water to the air. This was a spot many knew well by the staff. It was one of the only places that provided a sense of peace, especially during a hard day of work. The destination was far enough from wandering eyes, but near enough where if called you could rush back to the manor without much worry.
Offering you a soft glance, Eddie took the basket from your arms, opting to be a gentleman, and set out the picnic that you'd brought along. It was the least he could do, you were jeopardizing everything your family stood for by being near him, let alone offering him a small feast for his hard work. Your kindness would be thought about for months, anything you did lived in his mind for ages. A soft conversation lulled between the two of you, today was one of many firsts.
“What's it like working in the stables? I've always wondered what it was like to have a proper job.”
“It's a lot of work if I'm being honest. I've always lived on a farm so caring for horses is nothing new. I think the worst part of the job is the fear of messing up. If I mess up on my farm it's okay, my horses are cheap, if I don't braid their manes or something, everything is fine. But here? Here I feel the impending doom that one mistake will have my head on a spike. Don't get me wrong, your family has never threatened me, but there is always that fear that comes with working. I enjoy it though, it's good money.” Eddie was right, finger sandwiches looked hilarious held between his fingers. “I think you're lucky, god knows I wouldn't wish for a job if I got to live in luxury as you do. Being poor is the only thing the village is known for, a noble like you wouldn't fit in with the working class. Nice dress by the way.”
The silence between you two was deafening. Eddie didn’t mean to overstep, his mouth moving faster than his mind. It was no secret that no matter how kind nobles were to their people, everyone despised the rich. Especially in the villages with high poverty rates. 
However, implying you wanted to play dress up as an impoverished maiden wasn't the way to your heart, even if Eddie didn't mean to be crude. God, here you were providing him with a lunch fit for a king, better than the staff typically get, sitting with him under a gorgeous willow tree, asking him about his life, and he goes and blew it.
“I'm so sor-”
With a soft breathy laugh, you interrupt him, “You're right, wishing to be a commoner is ridiculous. I just hate it here so much you know? It's lonely. And I see all of the staff have a found family of sorts while I'm forced to keep to my bubble. I can't remember the last conversation I had with either of my parents. Nannies can only do so much, I'm tired of being prim and proper. I wish things were different, I think that's why I look up to you. You and everyone else in the town are dealt, pardon my French, shitty cards, and yet I've overheard you in the kitchens, talking about your nights in the tavern and it just makes me smile.” You risk a glance towards Eddie, offering a look of awe. There was no hurt behind your eyes, Eddie had not overstepped like he thought he had. You looked up to him.
All his life Eddie had assumed that a life of money provided enough stability to feel content no matter what problems were thrown your way. Nobles and kings didn’t have to work all day to afford a loaf of bread. They didn’t have to worry about cold winter nights harming a loved one when the temperature dropped too low, they should be happy. Yet, here you stood sharing your sorrows with the stable boy. Loneliness was a burden no one should carry. People always say money can’t buy happiness, and now Eddie had living breathing proof that statement was true.
You looked up to him.
“I’ll tell you what. Pick a day, I’ll risk everything to sneak you into the tavern. You can drink to your heart's content, stand on tables, yell and laugh as loud as you want. You can meet new people, I’ll introduce you to my friends, you can have people in your corner for once. It'll help to give you your freedom, you deserve it.”
“Promise, I'd do anything for you, my lady.”
The conversation took a lighter turn, hope filling the air. Eddie told you all of the stories his friends have gone tired of listening to. He showed you how to sword fight using branches he ripped from the willow and he was able to make you laugh when he let you win, dropping to the ground in a dramatic defeat. The little bubble under the willow was enough to relish in this newfound fantasy. There were no nobles and commoners. No rich and poor, Just you and Eddie being able to enjoy a newfound friendship.
Eddie could still imagine the shocked look that fell onto your face when he made you laugh so hard that let out an unattractive snort. The action was quite unladylike, something that would get you in trouble within the manor walls, which only fueled the fire, making the pair double over in a fit of laughter once more.
 You told him of your favorite novels, ones quite similar to the stories Eddie loved to tell. You shared the new gossip that flittered throughout the manor recently. He even told you all about the time that he and his friends had gotten so drunk they barfed all over the floor, leaving the poor Wheeler family to care for the rowdy group in their state of intoxication.
The best part was the moment when you begged Eddie to teach you how to climb a tree for the first time. He showed you how to scale the thick branches of the willow tree, before climbing down to help you do the same. A dark blush erupted across his face when he accidentally got a glance up your dress.  In his humble opinion, the memory he will cherish forever was being able to watch you attempt to hang down from a thick branch. Your knees bent, attempting to keep hold while you laughed, begging him to make sure you didn’t fall.
‘Eddie! Please if I fall I'll kill you, I'll do it. I'm gonna die, holy- don't let me fall. Eddie! I’m gonna fall, don't drop me! Please! Please I'm begging’
The shrieking of your words masked by the laughter you slipped out. And as a true gentleman, he gave you the same response he gave you months ago.
‘Relax, only a fool would drop a girl like you.’
The sacred moments were over faster than either of you had hoped, the two of you stood barefoot in the river, splashing water and giggling together. Your hands reach out between you as you grasp tightly onto Eddie's fingertips, eyes disappearing from how wide your smile was. It was the happiest you had felt in a long while until your name was called from a distance. Your disappearance was finally noticed.
Eddie waved you off, offering to clean up so you didn’t get in more trouble for running off than you no doubt were already in. With one last grin, brighter than he's ever been offered before, you ran away leaving Eddie to marvel at the experience he had just lived. Not only did you offer to spend the afternoon with him under the hot sun, but you laughed with him, you talked to him, you showed him a new side of you he's never seen before, and you looked up to him.
He couldn't wait to share this moment with anyone who would listen. A new fantasy to fuel his day of work, one where you fell in love with him, one where you ran away from responsibility and expectations. One where he was your hero, giving you the life you yearned for.
One where it was just you and Eddie.
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Being home was never something Eddie enjoyed. It was a reminder of the way the world worked. The doors of the cottage were rotting, mildew sprouted from the walls and the thatch on the roof had microscopic holes that allowed rainwater to dribble in during a storm. It was ugly and smelled awful, but it was home. Dinner had gone and passed, and as Eddie prepped for a night of rest, the thoughts of his afternoon danced through his mind. 
The way you looked at him like he was a person, a friend. It was new. Eddie wasn't stupid, today changed nothing, he was still just a mere stable boy, you would marry a wealthy man, a prince if you were lucky, and rule over a village just like Hawkins. It was written in your cards, just as working to survive was in Eddies.
Sleep was short-lived, Eddie barely drifted off into a slumber before the sound of pebbles hitting his window had awoken him. It wasn't rare for one of his friends to wake him in the middle of the night, the dark was the perfect time to do things that aren't acceptable to do during the day, but tonight Eddie wanted a night of rest. 
Deciding to ignore the sound, he closed his eyes in an attempt to seek the comfort he desired until the sound of something heavier hit his window. It was clear the perpetrator wasn't going to leave without a fight, and Eddie was forced to drag himself out of the straw mattress he called his bed. 
Throwing on a few layers of clothes, enough to hang out if his friends wouldn't take no for an answer, Eddie crept down the stairs, making as little noise as possible. The thought of waking his uncle wasn't something he wished to do.
Opening the door, Eddie came face to face with Dustin, who has a weary smile on his face. Behind him stood the rest of their shared friends. Gareth stared Eddie down with a deep unreadable stare as Mike and Lucas avoided eye contact, like two children being scorned by an angry parent. They all shared a skittish look, one that could only mean trouble. Eddie was used to solving their problems, especially after the many nights the group spent drinking away their sorrows at the hideout.
“What did you do Henderson?” His question was answered by a different voice. Not one he was used to hearing, a soft yet cheerful sound, one he recognized immediately.
“Eddie! Hello, wonderful night isn't it? It seems as though I've been taken for ransom,” There, thrown over the back of a horse, one of your horses, you shot Eddie a wide smile. You were tied by your wrists and ankles, dressed in a long satin slip that was made no doubt for sleep. The look you shot Eddie was one of amusement, as if this was the best thing to ever happen to you. Aggressively rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Eddie did a double take towards where you were draped, just behind a stuffed satchel, no doubt filled with supplies.
“Shush, you're supposed to be a hostage. Really, Eddie, she's been cracking jokes this whole time. I think she's perfect for you. You know, I thought you were crazy. I mean what poor man falls in love with royalty, but now I see why,” The young boy shot Eddie a wide smile before glancing your way.
“I'm sorry, what on earth is going on here? Why Is she tied up? Why are you all here? What the hell is happening?”
“You said you wanted an adventure, now we have one. You're looking at your adventure party!”
“That doesn't mean kidnapping a princess?”
You let out a quip in response even though no one seemed willing to acknowledge you at the moment, ‘for the record, not a princess.’
“You said you would leave this sad excuse for a village if it were life or death… your life is currently on the line. You also said you would leave if you were kidnapped. We kidnapped. This is literally what you asked of me!”
“Dustin, I swear to every higher being... you're insane. I aid if I was kidnapped, not just anyone? This is crazy, you’re all crazy.'' The exasperated look on Eddie's face made you stifle a giggle. In reality, this whole situation should be terrifying, but Eddie was nice. When Dustin appeared in your room that night he had mentioned being a friend of Eddie’s. Your conversation from the afternoon still stuck in your mind, you willingly followed out of the window, only to be tied up.
“Hey, I am doing you a favor, though we need to hurry, time is running out.”
“Time? We need to return her, what are you on about?”
“Well, when we took her we left a note. Well, we didn't really take her, it was easier than I thought. She was very willing when we mentioned your name. Anyways, we left her family a note and they think you, my dear friend, kidnapped her.”
“Me? Henderson I swe-”
“As I said, time is running short, get on her horse, I'll grab one from your barn and we can be on our way. We already have plenty of supplies, food, weapons, first aid, clothes. You don't really have a choice here do you?” The young boy shot Eddie one last smile before jogging towards the farmland behind the cottage.
With a frustrated cry, Eddie took a solemn glance toward his cottage before reflecting on the men standing in front of him. These were his closest friends, and they were jeopardizing everything to give him the one thing he's always yearned for. They were his family, his people. Each one stared back at him with the same look.
‘This is how we get out.’
Call him a fool, but Eddie was handed the perfect opportunity to seek adventure. Granted this wasn't the tale he imagined. He was now the villain, but it was still a chance at freedom. Sighing he hopped on the horse you were draped across. This was it. Eddie wanted an adventure, now he had one. With a final glance towards the three other men that surrounded him, he took a deep breath before commanding the horse to ride towards the dark edge. 
Crossing over the threshold would mean no turning back, they would be fugitives for the rest of their lives. With one final glance towards the world, they once knew the party set off.
This was the only chance of newfound freedom.
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daydreampending · 17 days
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The Lost Princess
Years after running away from your kingdom, escaping your regal duties and joining a pirate crew, you find yourself back under the hand of a royal realm. Forcefully entwined amongst a palace’s workers, you struggle to hide your true identity.
An identity that once had the entire seven seas searching for you. An identity that grew up accustomed to stately etiquette and its rules. An identity that once belonged to the heir of a throne.
Word Count: 6.7k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
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eddiesghxst · 1 year
princess!reader and best friend!eddie whos the son of the local blacksmith. you’ve been friends since you were kids because his dad makes most of the armory for the kingdom and whatnot and eddie has always liked you a lot more than just a friend but you’re the princess and he’s just common folk
but he always makes you something pretty on your birthday, a beautiful bracelet or an elegant hairpin and he spends so much time on it, they’re always perfect.
you always sneak eddie in through the many secret tunnels of your castle and you stay up for hours with him, sitting by the fireplace and laughing at the stories he tells you with such animation.
and you’re both slowly but surely falling more in love with each other with each day.
eddie being hesitant when you ask him to be your first time because he doesn’t want to corrupt the princess. but you beg so pretty and eddie loves you and he only wants you to himself anyway
sneaking out to the city to visit eddie and going places with him you should never be seen. and when you do your monthly public appearance in the city you always make your carriage stop by his fathers shop, and you always leave a heavy tip, even if you get nothing. and whenever you walk over to talk to eddie whilst he works you try so hard to not be obvious about your affection towards eddie because your guards are there and word will spread if anyone catches you.
but atp you don’t think you care much, because you love eddie.
uGh and don’t get me started on the angst when you start getting suitors UGHHHH
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i don’t need wings to help me fly, pt. 1
Steve still vividly remembers the day his grandmother had flown in to Indianapolis when he’d turned sixteen years old. He’d never met her before but his constantly-traveling parents weren’t around, so he’d been tasked with airport duty and delivering his grandmother to the best hotel in the city.
His grandmother had turned up her nose and sniffed the minute she’d walked off the plane in head-to-toe pink Chanel.
“Your parents let you live here?” She’d asked in a posh British accent, not a single hair out of place even after an 11 hour flight from Europe.
“Oh, we don’t live in the city,” Steve had told her, smiling and taking her bags from her diamond-encrusted hands. “We live an hour away from here.”
His grandmother had done a double-take at that. “You don’t even live in the city?” She’d sounded so appalled as Steve led her through the airport, her eyes widening as they’d passed the food court and she saw the McDonalds and the Dunkin Donuts. “Is this what you eat here?” She peered at someone’s tray as they’d passed with their Big Mac.
All Steve could do was laugh and accept his grandmother’s invitation to eat dinner with her in her penthouse suite at the hotel, where she’d hired a private chef for her week-long stay in the city. It was actually more of a command than an invitation, anyway.
That night, Steve had laughed as his grandmother had told him he was the Crown Prince of Genovia.
“Shut up,” Steve had laughed, dropping his fork with a clatter on the fancy porcelain of his plate.
“Shut up?” His grandmother had repeated, sounding aghast.
Steve shook his head. “No, I mean, like. Stop pulling my leg. That’s very funny, grandma.”
“I’m not joking, Steven. You are Steven Pierre Harrington Renaldi, Prince of Genovia.”
“Grandma,” Steve had said, still smiling. “I couldn’t even tell you where Genovia is on a map.”
And the rest had, as they say, been history. There had been a few bumps in the road and he’d almost abdicated his throne once or twice, but after spending every summer in Genovia for the past five years, he’d come to love his country and its people. Now, with his twenty-first birthday just one week away, he’s finally moving to Genovia’s Royal Palace full time.
When he’s brought into the palace from the private royal airport, he’s told that his grandmother is in a meeting with representatives from Genovia’s parliament. Since Steve hasn’t been crowned king yet, he’s technically not allowed to sit in on those types of meetings, but when he’d been exploring the palace when he was 17, he’d found a passage that ran directly behind his grandmother’s public state rooms where she met with foreign dignitaries and domestic politicians. After being delivered to his room by palace staff, Steve quickly changed from his airplane clothes and made his way to the passage. As he unlocked the tiny gate that would allow him to see and hear what was happening in the room, he hears his grandmother’s raised voice.
“You cannot possibly be serious!” She says loudly and it’s the first time Steve has ever heard his grandmother come close to yelling. “That piece of legislation is absolutely archaic!”
“Archaic though it may be, it still exists,” the man across from where his grandmother sits says smugly. Steve does not like the condescending way the man looks at his grandmother.
“We’ve never enforced the law before,” his grandmother insists.
“We’ve never needed to,” Prime Minister Motaz concedes reluctantly from Steve’s grandmother’s side. Steve watches as she turns to him in shock.
“And we don’t need to now!” Steve thinks his grandmother might be coming close to slamming her fist down on the table.
“Steven is young. He has no experience,” another voice comes from someplace in the room that Steve can’t see. “It’s not a bad idea to give him as much support as he can possibly have.”
Steve goes hot all over, flushing with indignation. His throat burns. He wants to defend himself, but he’s technically not even supposed to know who’s in this meeting right now.
“And forcing him to marry would be our way of giving him support?” His grandmother sounds incredulous. Steve’s mouth goes dry. Marry? Him? He’d only just graduated college
“No one’s forcing anything,” the smug man across the table from his grandmother says gleefully. “He’s allowed to pick whoever he wants. As it happens, I have the perfect candidate in mind.”
“If you’re talking about your deadbeat, drop out of a son, then this meeting is officially over,” Steve can practically hear the way his grandmother rolls her eyes at the man. He can’t help the smile that spreads across his face as he hears her.
“I’ll have you know that Eddie has returned to school and is currently at the top of his class in the comparative literature program,” the man says haughtily.
“Oh, perfect, his ability to analyze Chaucer will be the perfect addition in running the country to Steve’s expertise in international relations and political science from his accelerated dual masters program,” Steve’s grandmother replies sarcastically.
Steve practically fist pumps in his hiding spot. His grandma is so badass.
“Your Majesty,” the prime minister cuts in reluctantly. “Now that Viscount Mabrey has brought the marriage clause to our attention we have no choice but to bring this to a parliamentary vote. The entire body is meeting tomorrow morning; we’ll cover it then. You are, of course, welcome to attend, but you mustn’t interfere with the vote.” He glances across the table at the smug man who is apparently Viscount Mabrey. “Either of you.”
Steve can tell that the meeting is clearly wrapping up and it’s only a matter of time before his grandmother comes looking for him, so he quickly latches the little window and hurriedly leaves his hiding spot behind. As he’s glancing down at his clothes, brushing dirt and cobwebs from the fabric, he bumps into someone as he rounds the corner of the main hall. The stranger grasps Steve’s elbows, keeping him upright. Steve raises his gaze and meets a set of intense, deeply brown eyes. Pretty, Steve thinks.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” the stranger smiles and Steve registers the rest of his face. He takes in the dimples and the long curling dark hair falling around his shoulders. Pretty, Steve thinks again. “Wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“No, uh—no worries, my fault,” Steve stammers out, before clearing his throat. “I’m Steve.”
The stranger tilts his head. “Yeah, man, I know.” His smile widens. “I’ll see you around, Prince Steven.” And then, without another word, he continues his way down the hall, in the direction Steve had just come from.
“I don’t get it,” Steve says to his grandmother, running a shaking hand through his hair. “I spent all this time studying and reading and interning and now they’re telling me I can’t be king unless I’m married? What kind of old-fashioned, ancient law is this?”
“Honestly,” his grandmother replies, “the law, sadly, is not even that old. It was ratified only 75 years ago. I’m not sure why, as it’s never been enforced until now. We’ll have to keep a keen eye on Viscount Mabrey and his no good son, though. They’ve got to be up to something.”
“Who’s his son?” Steve asks.
“Oh, I don’t remember his name. He’s completing a degree at Oxford—though between you and me, he’s dropped out twice already, so who knows about all that,” his grandmother waves a dismissive hand through the air.
“Grandma,” Steve says reproachfully, but even he can’t help but laugh a little. These people are trying to steal his crown, after all.
“Oh, Steven, I wanted your birthday week to be perfect for you,” his grandmother turns to him and grasps both his hands in hers, her eyes glassy. “I know this isn’t what you expected to come home to, but there’s nothing we can do until Parliament casts its vote in the morning. So let’s just focus on your birthday ball tonight, shall we?” She squeezes his hands in hers and then let’s them drop. “I’ve flown Paulo in to help you dress for the night.”
Steve groans. The last time he’d seen Paulo, the stylist had leaked his identity as the long lost prince of Genovia to the press. But he’s so good at what he does, his grandmother had apparently found it in herself to forgive him. And honestly, the leak had been somewhat of a blessing in disguise, one that allowed Steve to embrace both sides of himself: the small-town Indiana boy-next-door and the European royal with the world at his fingertips.
“Time to get ready for your ball, Steven,” his grandmother tells him happily.
Steve always feels strange when he has to dress up for a big event. He doesn’t hate it, exactly—he actually kind of likes it—but he still feels a little like he’s wearing a costume and he knows occasions like this are going to be even more frequent after his coronation in a month and a half.
Steve makes his way into the ballroom and let’s himself be announced to his guests. The ball has already started and he crosses the dance floor to greet his grandmother.
“Ah, Steven,” she greets him, kissing him on each of his cheeks. “You look beautiful, my darling.”
“Thank you, grandma,” Steve responds, glancing down at his tux. “You look gorgeous as ever, of course.” And she does. Her dark hair is curled and piled on top of her head, artfully arranged around her shining diamond and pearl tiara. Her deep violet gown flares out at the waist and brings out the emerald green of her eyes. She’s stunning and regal, all the things a queen should be. Steve’s going to have a hard time filling her shoes when he’s crowned king.
“Happy birthday, my love,” his grandmother says, hugging him to her. “Go have fun. Dance. Eat cake.” She gently pushes him toward the dance floor and Steve can’t help but laugh.
He wanders over toward the buffet table full of cupcakes and cookies, his giant green and gold birthday cake in the center. His mouth waters slightly just looking at the flowers of spun sugar decorating the top. He knows it’s chocolate with vanilla frosting, his favorite. He’s so intent on getting himself a piece of his birthday cake that he misses the person crossing his path.
Steve bumps directly into a hard body for the second time in one day. He’s usually not this clumsy. A large, ringed hand flies out to grasp his bicep, keeping him upright.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” a familiar deep voice says, laughter lacing the words. Steve stares up into now-familiar deep brown eyes.
“Oh, you—sorry,” Steve replies, smoothing his palms down the front of his tuxedo jacket. The stranger from earlier stands in front of him, wearing black on black on black, polished and pressed and just as beautiful as before. His curly hair is tied in a neat low ponytail and his mouth is curved into a smile, once again showing off the dimples Steve hasn’t stopped thinking about since this afternoon. His eyes are sparkling.
“Not at all,” the stranger shakes his head. “My fault entirely, Prince Steven.”
Steve clears his throat. “You don’t have to keep calling me that. You can call me Steve.” He’s glad he doesn’t stutter this time, his voice coming out smooth and clear, regaining some of his Indiana charm.
“Steve, then,” the stranger’s smile widens.
“And you are?” Steve prompts.
“And I… was just about to ask you to dance,”the stranger says, holding out his hand.
Steve is… completely charmed. Sure, he doesn’t know this man’s name, but he’s beautiful and charismatic and Steve only has a few friends his age here in Genovia, so he takes the stranger’s hand and let’s himself be led out on to the dance floor. The stranger must be in the high ranks of Genovian society to have even scored an invite to tonight’s ball and Steve racks his brain to remember if there were any sons of Parliament members he hadn’t met yet. He doesn’t think so.
Once they’re on the dance floor, Steve’s breath catches as a strong hand circles his waist, another entwining their fingers together. Steve feels himself being twirled around the dance floor and it’s dizzying for more reasons than one. The stranger is captivating, his gaze magnetic.
“Okay,” Steve says after a few minutes of dancing. “You have to tell me your name, man.”
The stranger smiles again. “You can call me Eddie.” The song they’ve been dancing to comes to an end. Eddie raises Steve’s hand to his lips, brushing his mouth across Steve’s knuckles. “I hope we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other, Steve.” And then he turns and disappears into the crowd, leaving Steve dizzy and blushing on the dance floor.
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atimeofyourlife · 9 months
A royal escape
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: royalty au | rated: t | wc: 1000 | tags: trans Steve Harrington, trans masc Steve Harrington, royal Steve Harrington, royal au Steve is better known to the world as Princess Stefania, but he wants to live as the man he knows he is. With the help of his best friend, Robin, and Eddie, an acquaintance of hers, he finally gets the chance.
Steve hated almost everything about his life. And he knew it sounded incredibly entitled, from the outside it looked like he had the perfect life, as the Princess of Upside. But it was what the public didn't see that made him so miserable. The way he couldn't live his life as the man he knew he was. The way his father ruled every second of his life with an iron fist. At times it felt like he couldn't have a drink of water or use the bathroom without his father's approval. It made him dream of the chance to escape, to be free.
His chance came during a royal tour. A stop in a small town close to the border with the two neighboring countries, Hawkins and Lenora. When his father was less focused on him and more focused on showing a good face to the public. At a time they were all dressed down, to try to prove that they were normal people, just like everyone else. But it also made it easier for Steve to blend in. When his parents, the staff, and most of the crowd weren't looking, he was able to slip through the throngs of people and broke into a sprint as he reached the other side, thankful that, for once, he had been allowed to wear jeans and sneakers instead of impractical skirts and painful heels. He had his route planned out in his head, having spent weeks pouring over maps, with the excuse that he wanted to learn about the places they were visiting, figuring everything out with Robin, a musician who had played for the family, and his only friend. He snatched the backpack Robin had hidden for him, quickly pulling out the items that were to be his disguise. A massively oversized hoodie, to hide what he was wearing and his figure, and a hat for him to tuck his long hair into. He would have much preferred to have the chance to change fully, and even cut his hair. But time was of the essence, he needed to get away before anyone started looking for him.
As he ran, he started looking out for the getaway driver Robin had arranged for him. She'd given a clear description of a dirty white van that was to pick him up away from the center of town. He spotted it idling on the other side of the road, and just sprinted straight across.
"Are you the guy Robin sent?" He asked through the open window, getting a good look at the man in the driver's seat.
"Sure am. Hop in." The guy said.
"Thanks." Steve climbed into the passenger seat, and the van was moving before he'd even shut the door behind him.
"I'm Eddie, by the way. Let's get you out of here."
"I know, Robin told me everything. We'll be crossing into Lenora first before going to Hawkins, to help keep the border guards off your trail. You'll need to hide in the back before we reach the border, help keep the suspicion down." Eddie explained.
Steve just nodded, unable to form a response. He sat for a few minutes in the passenger seat, trying to catch his breath from the running and the adrenaline of the escape. When he felt a little more normal, he let Eddie know before climbing into the back, hiding among a pile of boxes and blankets.
Steve was aware when they reached the border, as Eddie's driving slowed down into a very stop and start motion. He held his breath when there was a tap on the window.
"ID and purpose of the visit?" A guard asked.
"Running errands. My uncle needed some stuff picked up, I need some stuff from Lenora, so I killed two birds with one stone and made a day of it. I'll be heading home from Lenora tonight." Eddie explained, and Steve was surprised at how smooth it was.
"Mind if we check the back?"
"Sure thing."
Steve held his breath as he heard movement, not wanting anything to give away his presence. He could see a small amount of light streaming in through a gap as the back doors opened, and could only wait anxiously.
"Everything seems alright." The guard said. "You're free to go."
Steve let out a sigh of relief as the rumble of the van moving started up again. He stayed in position for a few more minutes, until Eddie said that it was safe. He crawled out from the back, and pulled himself back into the passenger seat of the van.
"I just need to grab some stuff, then we'll be heading into Hawins. You won't have to worry about the border here, the guards are much more chill." Eddie said. "Then it's on to the first day of the rest of your life. Robin will meet us in a few days."
The first morning staying with Eddie, everything felt strange. He'd met Eddie's Uncle Wayne, who didn't seem to care that Steve had appeared without an explanation. It was the getting up when he wanted to, not having to dress up before leaving the bedroom, instead going downstairs in his borrowed pajamas. Eddie and Wayne were already up when he went down.
"Morning, Steve. Coffee's in the pot if you want some." Eddie called.
"Thanks." He mumbled, shuffling over to the kitchen. He poured the coffee, and gulped half of it down. It wasn't the best coffee, but the freedom made it taste better than any other.
He joined Eddie and Wayne, and his attention was caught by the news on the tv.
"Back to the main story. Princess Stefania of Upside went missing yesterday during the royal tour. The current belief is she was kidnapped-" the tv shut off.
"It's okay." Eddie whispered, squeezing Steve's hand.
"Don't worry about anything, Steve. You're gonna be safe here." Wayne added.
And there was something about their sincerity, their warmth, that made Steve believe them.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Anastasia AU. Bc I’m watching the movie right now :D
But Steve isn’t Anastasia. It’s Eddie.
Steve’s Dimitri.
The Munsons are cursed from Vecna.
A young Steve saves/helps the young prince and his uncle. But all get separated. The young prince is knocked out and taken in by an orphanage.
Years later, Eddie is finally kicked out and makes his way to figure out who he is. His only clues are the guitar pick locket and a promise to be in Paris.
Steve is determined to escape, resorting to cons. After hearing rumors of the youngest Munson still alive. He plans to hire someone who could pass.
After picking up a dog, Eddie tries for a ticket for Paris but can’t… after hearing about Steve, goes looking for him.
The auditions drags and no one is even close to being the missing prince. Steve gives up and makes new plans.
At the same time, Eddie follows by his dog into the building and eventually finds his way around until Steve finds him. Steve convinces Eddie that he could be the missing prince.
I’m gonna stop now before I just write out the whole movie out lol. Plus my edible is reallllly hitting now ANYWAY, I think this would be fun :)
UPDATE: @penny00dreadful wrote a fic based off this!!! here it is on here OR on ao3, here’s that link!
Especially because normally Steve is the prince. But I think Eddie would work toooo. Don’t ask me who is the others. I can’t figure it out :(
Idk if this counts for a fic? But I’ll still my Permanent tag everyone anyway 🩷
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @bookworm0690 @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito
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anxiousstark · 1 year
The Honour of My Queen | EDDIE MUNSON
Bastard King! Eddie x Queen!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Mentions of sexism, inappropriate comments, bo0bies and pp s€x(?), being caught, Eddie being absolutely bewitched by his queen and being a lil perv . DNI NEEDED. THOSE YOUNGER THAN 18, LEAVE!
A/N: SURPRISE! My fic The Banished King (I recommend reading it to be able to understand this one better) got far more attention than I anticipated, which made me very happy because I put a lot of effort into it. Several people commented on how much they enjoyed it (comments I peruse from time to time because they make me very joyful), so I decided to create this! Based on a comment made by @mimsie95 and @jenna-jd stating that they needed more ;)
All Rights Reserved. The author, me, does not allow any type of copy or adaption.
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The ladies' conversation was cut short by the sudden opening of massive doors.
You smiled at the ladies seated in a circle, gracefully sipping from their tea cups, but who were quickly interrupted by the person who had chosen to enter the room, silencing the faint conversation and giggles of a group of influential women married to men in high positions. You turned your head as carefully as possible, only to be met by a concerned, even anxious, gaze. Dustin stood at the large doors of the room, which was exclusively used for tea gatherings.
"Please pardon me for a moment." Because of your serene grin, the women nodded their heads. You grabbed the skirts of your dress after delicately resting your cup on the table, not wanting to step on them and tumble face-first to the ground. As you drew closer to Dustin, your heels echoed against the new marble floor. "What is going on?" You inquired softly, unbothered by his intrusion and concerned by his expression. You could no longer listen to Mrs. Stanlin complain about how her husband was losing his hair and no longer resembled the attractive man she had met as an adolescent.
"Eddie." He spoke in hushed tones. You gulped, tightening your grip on your skirts as you imagined the worst. "I'm not sure what occurred, but he told me to prepare for war."
"What?" You whispered with your eyes wide open. "Was there anything else he said? Did he share more information about the situation?" Dustin quickly shook his head. You took a couple of big breaths while sighing and looking down at the ground. Then you turned to your right, where Max stayed rigid but contemplative of her surroundings, settling into her new role as an official imperial guard. "Max," she looked in your direction once you mentioned her name. "Could you kindly look after the ladies? Make them go home, but without raising suspicions about anything. We do not want rumours or people finding out what's going on." She gave a furious inclination of her head. "At least not until I know." You sighed again after she nodded, returning your attention to Dustin and swiftly inquiring about your husband's whereabouts.
Your mind could not stop turning as you made your way to the throne chamber. After Eddie and you married, you both had no enemies and acquired even more allies. After seeing King Edward in your company, many people ceased judging him based on his father's wrongdoings. The man they believed was so terrifying was, in fact, an honourable and caring man. So, who would have wanted to start a war with your country? 
Eddie would never start a war, but he would put one down if necessary.
Not only did your gut churn at the thought of war, but so did your head. Because no war ends happily, just with pain, anguish, and death—something you did not desire for your country or any other.
Could your father and brother have been involved? Were they still angry at you for marrying King Edward? And gosh, not only after five months of marriage to him and being afraid for your mother being alone in their company, you chose to assist her in escaping from the castle. Fortunately for your mother, she had found a new love. 
She had fallen in love with Hopper, a middle-aged man who had previously worked for Eddie. He no longer worked for him, however, as he had fled with her, showing that he was a man capable of loving and caring for her as much as she would for him. So, with tears in your eyes, you bid your mother and Hopper farewell.
You wished she had stayed in your new country; the one you shared with Eddie. You knew your husband would keep her secure, but she had stated that she wanted to go away and do everything that women were not permitted to do. Things she was never permitted to experience.
When you finally arrived at the throne room, you swiftly grasped the knobs and, grunting and employing a great deal of strength due to the size of such large, dark reddish doors, you were able to pry them open.
Eddie's eyes would always locate you when you entered a room. It is as if he knew you were there, as if he sensed your presence and felt compelled to be by your side. Yet today, he had not run in your direction, welcoming you with what was supposed to be a soft kiss but soon transformed into a passionate kiss in which your spouse would swiftly dismiss everyone in the room.
You were merely met by the back of Eddie's head.
Individuals crowded into the chamber.  They dashed from one half of the room to the other, carrying maps, documents, and weapons. Eddie's voice, which was stern, rigid, and demanding, directed their every move.
"Eddie." As you stepped closer, your voice came out as a murmur, and your hands intertwined in front of you, twitching. "Eddie." You attempted yet again because it was obvious he hadn't heard you the first time. But as you repeated yourself, your voice was not been heard. "What exactly is going on?" You asked Billy, a man with a small moustache, who was in charge of the nation's plan in the event of war.
He tried to maintain his composure, but you had heard from Eddie numerous times that Billy Hargrove was ideal for his role in the castle since your husband was convinced that the man relished conflict. "My Queen." He bowed slightly, his gaze falling to the ground as a sign of reverence. You impatiently waited for him to resume speaking. "We are about to go to war."
You sighed, irritated but attempting not to show it. "For what purpose? What occurred? Who decided to attack us?" Your bosom heaved since you hadn't taken a single deep breath while asking some of the questions racing through your head.
He chuckled. "King Edward," he said. You scowled, tilting your head to one side. "The combat is being started by King Edward." Your pupils dilated as Billy bowed before departing the room, accompanied by some of the people under his leadership.
You took a long, deep inhalation. "Everyone, out!" Your voice echoed throughout the room, causing everyone to come to a halt and their chatter to cease as they looked in your direction. Without a second thought, they all began making their way to the door, bowing one by one before leaving. 
As the door closed behind you two, you took a step closer to your husband, who was standing in front of a dark wooden table, poring over maps and tracing lines with his ring-filled fingers. "What's the matter, Eddie?" He didn't turn to face you, which stunned you. "You're beginning a war, according to Billy." Such statements could not be believed. Eddie cared deeply about harmony and security.
"I am." You couldn't see his face, but his icy tone sent shivers down your spine.
"For what purpose? You despise bloodshed." One of your hands reached for your scalp, fingertips interlocking with hair strands. "What has happened?"
"They began it, and I'm just going to finish it." You walked around the table, still perplexed, until you were directly in front of him. Nevertheless, you couldn't see his face since he was looking down, his hair covering his face.
"I've seen or heard no one threatening us."
"He struck in a very distinct manner." He eventually looked up, his gaze restless as he moved his eyes all over your face, taking you in.
"Hey," You walked closer to him, your left hand resting on his chest and the other on his cheek, causing him to look into your eyes. "What's the matter, Eddie? I'm absolutely petrified." His palms landed quickly on your cheekbones, and his brow pressed against yours. His eyes closed for a few seconds, and you took the moment to appreciate his beautiful lashes while he drew a big breath.
"Lord Ramsay." It was the only thing he said for a few minutes, which gave you enough time to wonder why Lord Ramsay would do such a thing. Eddie had admired him and considered him one of his most loyal allies. "He mentioned your bosom." You took a step back, seeing the rage on his face.
"Eddie!" In the process, the palm that had been lying on his chest slapped it. "Are you initiating a war because someone talked about my chest?" He nodded as if it were the most natural thing in the universe. "You can't do that!"
He sneered and turned to saunter to his throne. "Why not? I am the King. I am free to do whatever I want. And if somebody endeavours to make such a remark about my wife and Queen, war will be declared." He slumped on his throne. "How could he!?"
Your body was assaulted by new sensations. On one side, your chest swelled with gratitude as you comprehended how much you meant to Eddie and how much he loved you. You had always assumed that your father and brother would marry you to the most heinous monster who had ever existed. Nonetheless, you have ended up with the most outstanding man. Yet you couldn't fathom that he wanted to start a war because someone had talked about your chest, even though you were not comfortable with such remarks; it was not an incentive to start a war in which others would suffer. Not for a subject like this.
"Eddie, my love." As you used one of his favourite endearments, he groaned. "I understand you're upset. I would be if someone said something inappropriate about you." As he settled on his throne, his legs were wide open, and his crown was slightly crooked as he slugged on it, glancing your way. "But you cannot start a war because of it." You took a step closer; your eyebrows scrunched up. "Others will be involved and suffer as a result of Lord Ramsay's inability to control his thoughts."
"Why does he have to think like that?" His tone was stern; he was offended by what had been stated about you.
"Well." You got closer. "Indeed, I do have a great bosom, if you ask me."
His gaze was drawn immediately to your chest as he shifted around his chair, attempting to find a comfortable position. "I know you do." His gaze never left your breasts as he admired how your chest was propelled by your corset, emphasising their appeal even more. Eddie had advised you that if they were uncomfortable for you, you didn't have to wear them. But goddamn, he adored it when you wore one. "I know it quite well."
"You do." His hips pushed up slightly as his fervent gaze followed your motions. You sat sideways on his lap, adjusting his crown while kissing his forehead. Your chest was positioned near his face due to the action, and he couldn't help but plant a wet kiss on top of your right breast while his hand moved higher to your left, using his full palm to tightly grasp it, causing you to moan.
"Unfortunately," you said as he hid his nose between your breasts, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes as you murmured. You could feel him unwind a little. "Such remarks will always be made. I am sure someone in your kingdom has thought the same thing or something along those lines."
His face rapidly escaped his protective haven. "Are you trying to make me burn down my own kingdom?"
"Eddie!" You yelled, hitting his shoulder. A little grin flashed on his face, indicating that he was somewhat kidding. "Should I just evict every woman from our kingdom then?" He pinched his brows in confusion, and you thought it was adorable that his hand was still holding your left breast. "I'm sure several women have fantasised about becoming your queen and doing even dirtier things." When you thought of that, you pouted and felt a piercing sensation in your chest. However, the feeling vanished as soon as you reminded yourself that he was yours and you were his. "Even men, for sure."
"Yes, you, Eddie." Your left hand became entangled in his locks. "They probably thought about how...you know." You were flushed. "And then there's your hands..."
"Sweetheart," he groaned as he swallowed. "That makes me think he probably considered other parts of your body that are mine." He hissed, his fingers dropping slowly towards the warm spot between your legs. And you wished you weren't wearing so much clothing so you could feel his fingertips. "I need to adhere to my plan." As he attempted to rise from the throne, his gaze darkened. Nonetheless, your weight pushed him down. 
"It is irrelevant what Lord Ramsay or anyone else says, Eddie." He groaned, not wanting to look into your lovely eyes, prompting you to take his chin and turn his face towards you. "I'm all yours." You kissed his lips sweetly.
"You're all mine?" His voice had gotten huskier. You nodded as he drew you closer to his body, his hands squeezing your thighs through the clothes. "All?"
You lowered your head once more. "All."
"Let me bury my cock in between them." His hands swiftly moved higher, clutching your chest harshly and causing you to toss your head back. "Please remind me that they are mine." As you met his, your mouth was already open; tongues were not waiting to dance lusciously, urging each other around from one mouth to the other. "I want you to get down on your knees." Your chest heaved due to the kiss, and Eddie bit the top of your right breast as soon as he spoke those words. 
You crawled on your knees, your wide eyes focusing on him with a sparkle that told Eddie you were just as hungry as he was. He couldn't wait to have your soft hands play with his thighs and zipper. He desired you. Your chest. Your mouth. Fuck. As he lowered his bottom half, his hands shook.
It made you want to whimper when you noticed he wasn't wearing underwear, but he never did. And fuck, he was already hard, standing tall and proud, twitching now and again.
The tip was somewhat crimson, swiftly turning purple, and you couldn't help but be proud of the impact you had on your spouse. You blew on the tip from afar, and a bead of cum began to drop from the side of his shaft in response. "It's crying out for you, my Queen."
You immediately attempted to undo your corset and dress. Why had you opted to wear one today? "Geez." You complained, your fingers growing a touch red as you fumbled with the laces on your dress.
"Sweetheart," For you to glance up from your bodice, the endearment had to be repeated. "I understand this is one of your favourite gowns."
"Eddie." You warned, your gaze following his hands as he ripped your entire top with one of his rings. "Eddie!" As your chest fell free, he grunted. It looked even heavier than before. "This is one of my favourites."
"I know, my love." He pouted, his right hand stroking under your chin. "But I can order millions of dresses just like this one for you." He whispered, his eyes ablaze. "But I won't be able to order a new dick if this one falls off." You chuckled, making him grin with delight. "Don't laugh, dear. It hurts a lot." He scowled. "I can't even sit up straight anymore. It's cutting through my gut." You smacked his thigh, causing him to chuckle and recline. He spread his legs. "Get me out of my misery."
Eddie's gaze was once again focused on your chest. You always avoided wearing any bralette due to the corsets and the bulky dresses, so as soon as he ripped your dress from the midsection, your chest sprung free, and your nipples were erect—not because of the cold, but because of his stare. 
His respiration was uneven, and as you came closer to him, it grew worse.
You softly and tentatively licked the tip of his member with the tip of your tongue, already feeling a slight saltiness. He moaned, clenching his jaw and shutting his eyes for only a few seconds.
You proceeded to take the full head in your mouth while staring at him, sucking and twirling your tongue around it. "Please," he implored, and you didn't need to hear anything else to figure out what he desired. Your hands swiftly clasped the side of your breasts, engulfing the remainder of his member and warming him even more. "Fuck." He tossed his head back, his hips slowly pushing upward. "Is this heaven?" You chuckled around him, causing him to gasp once again. His hands reached for your hair, and you believed he would grab it. He did, however, just fix your crown. "I can't have my queen all dishevelled." His cheeks were already red, and perspiration on his brow caused his curls to adhere to his face. "You know," he said quietly, his breathing heavy. "I've been thinking about you all day." You sucked harder as you whimpered around him. "Thinking of all the rooms in this castle that we still haven't fucked on, the furniture... fuck." There were so many places remaining, and yet you had done it in so many.
Eddie had an outstanding libido.
You began hollowing your cheeks and sliding your breasts faster around his member. "I'm not going to last. I've been hoping to see you all day so I could fuck you from behind after your lady friends left the tea party." His hand once again fixed your crown. This time, however, it lingered, tangled between your locks. "I was afraid I'd end up fucking you in front of them if they took any longer." His hips began to drive forward, and you had to manage your breathing so as not to suffocate. "They would have been shocked." He grinned, his eyes gleaming. It would not have been the first time he fucked you in public or under unusual circumstances.
"Fuck, sweetheart. I'm close." He mumbled. His thrusts were resilient, grazing the back of your throat. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, stop." With one last lick, your tongue left his cock. Nonetheless, your chest engulfed him. "I want to cum on them." You nodded, heated and longing for him to paint your chest. "You want that too, right?" He laughed. "You want to see the contrast between my cum and your skin colour?"
Eddie came on your chest with a scream—something you adored since Eddie was never hesitant about expressing his joy. "Fuck yeah, sweetheart." Ropes of cum adorn your bust. "Fuck, baby." His hands gripped your breasts once they had released his member, not caring if he got his own cum all over his hands. "Sit." He patted his lap and motioned for you to sit on it. 
"Eddie." You muttered.
"I never get tired of you in any aspect of my life, sweetheart." He kissed the side of your neck, causing you to moan. "I require my daily dose of you. To be honest, more than a dosage." His left hand grabbed your left breast and drew it into his mouth. 
"Now, open your legs."
Eddie's fingers slipped between your legs, and his mouth sucked on your chest. If only you'd known Eddie had an appointment with Lord Ramsay and had entered the throne room while you were in such peril.
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urhoneycombwitch · 6 months
i had an idea for high nite but then I forgot and fell asleep so I missed it 😔 but luckily I remembered 😁
I've seen some royal aus but they normally make Eddie the knight/blacksmith/stable boy which is cute but imagine the reverse
imagine prince Eddie who is very silver spoon but with a rebellious streak who has his eyes on maid/royal librarian/servant of some kind reader and will steal as many moments as he can go flirt even though it's a big no-no within the castle and would definitely make his father, the King, upset if he knew his Prince son had affection for someone "lower"
But don't imagine Prince Eddie in all his royal garb and his curls soft and shiny from the elegant products and his crown glistening as it goes askew on his head from hiking up reader's skirts to take them up against the wall trying to be quiet as to not alert anyone
waiiiiiit okay listen I’ll be the first to admit i’ve not been huge into the historical!au genre, however… this might’ve just swayed me, anon.
+18 mdni
because yeah have we considered Prince Eddie of the Western Plains who’s a known scamp. just an absolute dog for the maidens. so when he sets his sights on you, the Royal Gardener’s assistant (not the perfectly eligible, much more age-appropriate Royal Gardener, herself) it’s so… overwhelming.
he literally shirks all his duties, so there’s plenty of time for fucking around in the stables all day, broken up by the greenhouse visits he takes every few bells to tease and flirt with you.
“could come see me after dinner hour, princess,” Eddie says, leaning against one of the sturdy oak gardening tables, directly in the way of your handheld broom’s path.
you swat at his side with the brush, whipping around to make sure no one else was nearby before chiding with a hiss- “shhh. keep your voice down, sire. you’re going to get us both in trouble, calling me that.”
he pouts. unamused, you tap at his side again. “please, Eddie- move. you’ll get dirt on your trousers, besides.”
“i think I liked being called sire, by that sweet mouth, better than my own name.” he chooses an opposing table to drape himself against, silver circlet in his hair twinkling with sunlight as he tilts his head- “what’s got you all pent up, hmm?”
“I think you know what,” you whisper, with a clipped edge to your tone- “winding me up all day, putting a hand up my skirts as you pass-”
“careful, my lady.” Eddie’s voice is suddenly at your ear, his front fitting snug against your back, hips pressing your own into the table. “that sounds like heresy speech against a royal. they could put you in handcuffs, for that.”
your breath hitches. his long hair tickles at your cheek. the greenhouse is eerily quiet, just you and Eddie and the smell of rich, damp soil as you press back into the thickening bulge of his crotch.
“gonna tie me up, my lord? is that a promise?”
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penny00dreadful · 20 hours
Rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
Alright let's go! Thanks for the tag @hbyrde36 and for the word FRUIT.
For just a minute longer.
Through The Valley
Robin nearly ran into the wall, her face was flushed from exertion, one pant leg was untucked from a boot which was coming unlaced and her undershirt was half hanging out of her still beautiful but not quite as lavishly embroidered waistcoat.
From my upcoming SteddieBigBang fic, Royal Pain
Up ahead, on the dais and seated comfortably on their thrones were King Robert and Queen Josephine Harrington, two beautiful people with the best of intentions, even if they sometimes weren’t sure how to properly execute them.
From my upcoming SteddieBigBang fic, Royal Pain
In all his planning and all his ideas of how this was going to go, he hadn’t thought that Steve was going to be looking like a walking wet dream.
Through The Valley
TEXT BOX: Steve Harrington, aged 16, Paladin.
From the storyboarding of my upcoming Devotion comic
I used a random word generator to come up with my word now and my word for you is: DEALER
No pressure tags!: @arelliann, @hornedqueenofhell, @fuctacles, @spectrum-spectre, @sidekick-hero, @klausinamarink, @sourw0lfs, @shares-a-vest, @pearynice, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, @augustjustice
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paradimeshifts7 · 1 month
⚔️ 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 ⚔️
Part III: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒂𝒅
Link here
Mind the updated tags!
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daydreampending · 6 months
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The Lost Princess
Years after running away from your kingdom, escaping your regal duties and joining a pirate crew, you find yourself back under the hand of a royal realm. Forcefully entwined amongst a palace’s workers, you struggle to hide your true identity.
An identity that once had the entire seven seas searching for you. An identity that grew up accustomed to stately etiquette and its rules. An identity that once belonged to the heir of a throne.
Pairings: Eddie x Princess!Reader, Pirate!Eddie x Pirate!Reader, Prince!Steve x Pirate!Reader
Enemies to Friends to Lovers | Mutual Pining | Hidden Secrets
Main Masterlist
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (coming soon)
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vegasol · 9 months
For the fairytale and fantasy/royalty AU lovers, I've just published a Steddie Cinderella AU which I hope can bring some holiday cheer :)
It's based on Europe's favourite christmas version of Cinderella, "Tři oříšky pro Popelku," which means it's got a fun little twist to it for those of you who are used to the Disney version.
Three acorns for Eddie Words: 12,564 Rating: Gen Relationship: Steve/Eddie Tags: Royal Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson as Cinderella, Jason Carver being an asshole, Minor violence, First kiss, Getting together, Happy ending
Summary under the read more:
Eddie had thought he would have the whole woods to himself today, all is quiet apart from Brego’s hooves in the snow and his huffed breathing as they canter and jump over fallen logs in their path. But when he slows down for a break he sees people in the distance, their colourful clothes lighting up like beacons between the dark gloom of the trees and the blinding white snow. Eddie halts and jumps off, whispering to Brego to stay still as he sneaks closer.
There are three of them, and Eddie is pretty sure he recognizes one of them as the prince, prince Steve, remembering his face from when the king’s family traveled past their lands last summer. Evidently, he has been blessed not only with the fortunes of royal birth, but with disgustingly good looks as well. His hair catches the rays of sunshine filtering through the trees like drops of golden honey, framing his handsomely chiseled jaw, and the cold weather has given his cheeks a healthy red glow. For some reason it irks Eddie, and he can’t resist the idea of playing a prank on the prince and his friends.
Or: A Cinderella story, where destiny brings Eddie and prince Steve together, but they take it into their own hands to stay together.
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eddiesghxst · 4 months
enemies to lovers marriage of convenience royal au with eddie ?? anyone ?? pls someone🥹
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steventhusiast · 2 years
little fantasy-ish royal au drabble yayy
prince steve’s parents are detached yet controlling of him, so every so often he rebels and sneaks out of the castle to go visit events and areas in the kingdom he knows will be densely populated. he wears plainer (but still obviously expensive) clothes as well as a thin but long scarf he bunches up around his neck to hide as much of his face as he can, and lets his hair fall naturally rather than his signature styled look. the disguise is barely there, but as long as the attention stays off him and no one gets too close, he never gets caught.
until this time. he’s at some type of crowded market, with everything from herbs to crystals to food being sold there, watching distantly and leaning against a wall. he likes to listen to the people speak so casually and carefree while he’s out, and yearn for the easy companionship people seem to have. but as he’s watching a couple lean against each other as they argue fondly about which baked goods to buy, someone leans on the wall next to him. he glances to them, and finds it’s a man in plain clothes with long dark curls, studying him.
“i was intending to ask for one’s name, but i suspect i already know it.” the mystery man says with a quirked brow, and prince steve adjusts his scarf to cover more of his lower face.
“i know not what you mean.” he tries to play off the observation, but in response he gets a smirk from the man.
“his royal highness is not interested in one peasant’s name? one should not have expected more, i suppose.” the man sighs and drops his head forward slightly. his dramatics cause some curls to fall in his face, and prince steve feels his cheeks redden slightly for a reason unbeknownst to him.
“you may speak plainly, sir.” prince steve suggests to fill the silence.
“only if you speak plainly, your highness.”
“and my name is eddie, though i like ‘sir’ in certain situations as well.” and with that, the man winks and pushes off the wall. he saunters toward a stall held by a small group with what looks to be tarot cards, dramatically flicking his hair back as he goes.
prince steve sighs, and continues to yearn for a life he cannot have, but this time with a slight blush on his cheeks.
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fastcardotmp3 · 7 months
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“Steve–” he croaks, half a sob and half a cry, keys clanging together with the shake of his hands as he rushes to the lock, to get it open, to get him out out out. “I’m here, I’m here— We’re leaving, okay? Robin and Nancy have prepared us horses, I have a plan and we’re leaving tonight.” » Steddie // Rated T // Medieval AU // 2.1k » Febuwhump #9: Hostage Situation & Too Weak To Move » Febuwhump Masterlist
read on ao3 // preview under the cut
Eddie Munson carries the eyes of his father, expressive and dark and cutting. 
He is a familiar face down these hallowed halls, lined with the scruples of a kingdom eternally at war and the gifts of those too afraid to be anything other than allies. 
He is recognized to the point of no longer being of note even as the click of his shoes echoes across stone floors of this expansive, ever-expanding castle and he makes use of this fact regularly. 
To sneak into the kitchens and ruffle Maxine Mayfield’s hair; to pull on the pigtails of his favorite lady in waiting Lady Wheeler and ease some of the tension that comes with being an eldest child in need of a good and wealthy match to care for her family. 
To rough house with Dustin in the courtyard and delight in the bickering of the Sinclairs in the stables and find joy and light in places other than the dingy corners of a place he is cursed to remain for the rest of his days. 
Because Eddie Munson carries the eyes of the King, but he carries the name of his mother, and so he will never be more than a wandering bastard with nothing more than a cottage to share with his uncle, his only surviving family, at the edge of the castle grounds. 
Still, though. 
He is a recognizable face. To the very point of it turning unnoteworthy. 
So he zips up his terror, the roil in his gut, the haste he wishes to take instead of the slow, unnoteworthy pace he must maintain until he is no longer in sight of the general public. Eddie makes use of his invisibility, puts to work his inconsequential position, and apologizes to his mother for any gratitude he might feel that her death led to such a thing being possible. 
Gratitude he does feel, however, when he finally reaches the staircase at the back of the East Wing, the one that goes unguarded for long portions of the day, the one with an exit straight onto the lawn which backs up almost immediately to the forest. 
Gratitude because if he weren’t what he is, if he weren’t a bastard free to frequent town and make a ruckus and meet people as his whole self rather than one designed for diplomacy and battle in equal measure, he never would have met Steve Harrington.
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prettybrownelf · 2 years
From Eden
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Chapter 9
Pairings- Knight! Eddie Munson x Prince! Male! Reader
Summary- The day of your beautiful wedding is upon you, but instead of the treachery you believed you where in, a spark of joy begins to take place
Word Count- 3133
Content Warnings- Smut, Biting, Oral (Reader Giving), Spit, Rough Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Handjobs, Hair Pulling, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Praise, Pet Names, Aftercare, Light Fluff
This is real. It's really happening. 
Staring at yourself in the mirror, feeling bile slowly begin to build in your throat, taking in the last few moments you have to yourself. 
The fancy black suit your mother had made for you is uncomfortable, taking up your space, keeping you caged in your own body. Gold decorates the suit, complementing the rings, bracelets, and necklaces that make your skin cold. Manual breathing is the only thing keeping you from passing out as you finally get the strength to leave the room. 
Time moves strangely to you. Cutting to the next moment in the blink of an eye, your mind is unable to concentrate. The music that fills your ears does nothing to keep your thoughts on track as you watch Nancy walk down the aisle, her father next to her. 
She truly is a beautiful girl. The large pink dress is complemented with navy blue accessories, her long veil trailing behind her. She's good at faking a smile. 
Her standing in front of you is nearly enough to make you fall over. As the crowd gets quiet, and the priest begins talking, you attempt to keep your breath in control. Be the perfect child they're expecting you to be, the perfect chess piece. The priest's words fall on deaf ears for you as you wait for the words you've been destroying yourself over since you realized you needed to get married. 
“I do.” Nancy says, squeezing your hands as if she knew you needed help being brought back to reality. Vomit threatens to leave your throat as the priest continues, waiting for you to say the words you've been expected to say since you were born. “I do.” It's meek and small, but it's out, a final tie, the final straw, your life forever tied to the girl in front of you. The priests proudly close the book in your hands. “I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride.” He bows as he takes a step away from the two of you. 
Your body moves by itself as you rest your hand on Nancy's cheek, bending down slightly to reach her height. The grip she has on your hands tightens when your lips touch. It's small, and you both give your best smiles. The crowd cheers and you swear you can hear your mother crying. But Nancy gives off an energy you know all too well. Even when she pulls away and turns her smile to the cheering crowd, her hand in yours as you walk down the aisle together. You pray the air between the two of you is what you think it is as you grab each other's hands. 
There's someone else you'd both rather be doing this with. 
The feast is the most overstimulating thing you've ever experienced. Too many people laughing and talking, music that's far too loud, plates and cups getting clanged together. The infuriating sound of people's feet as they dance. The world feels like it's spinning in circles around you. 
“Hey.” A kind-hearted whisper breaks your trance as you look over to Nancy. She gives you a warm smile as he puts her hand over yours. You didn't realize you were practically clawing at your thigh till she rubs her thumb against your knuckles. “It's gonna be ok.” It won't be, you know it won't be, but at least you can pretend, the same way you always have. 
“I know.” You smile, trying to keep any tears that want to come forward back. There's no toast, which isn't surprising. Instead, the night is filled with dancing, laughing, drinking, and you, staring ahead at the wall, praying someone will take notice of how uncomfortable, praying someone will just whisk you away from all of this. 
No one does. You're a ghost to them, an invisible form that no one can see as you disappear into your own thoughts. Forever the chess piece child that everyone loves, but nobody can see. 
“Do you want to dance?” Nancy asks. Your eyes don't move as you shake your head, lightly picking at the plate of untouched food in front of you. Nancy nods as she stands, happily walking to the floor with Robin following behind her. 
She links arms with Robin as they dance together, the people around laughing, too drunk to notice that she's not dancing with her husband. It's a nice sight to see her so happy, even on a day like this. 
Your eyes wander around to the others around, smiling, the smile you should have. Heat rushes to your body when your eyes lock with familiar brown ones. Eddie stands by the wall, his eyes never leaving yours. A small hint of sadness enters your body as you rip your eyes away, no matter how hard it is, staring at your plate in hopes that the night would end sooner than later.
Nancy takes your arm and forces you to reality. She looks anxious, despite the award-winning smile on her face. “It's time.” She says, her voice almost cracking as you stand up. You didn't think you had been lost in space for so long till you realized it was night, most people from the event have gone home, or passed out at the tables. 
Your body is shaking, and it's strangely comforting to know that Nancy is shaking too. The walk to your bedroom is silent, only the sounds of the ongoing partying from the townspeople below. 
Shutting the door behind you, you take a deep breath as you sit down on your bed, Nancy sitting next to you. 
“Listen (Y/n).” Nancy's voice cuts the tension in the room as you look over at her. “I understand if you don't want to do this with me.” The way she talks seems like she's trying to get something out that she can't. 
Your body is trembling so hard that you forget to breathe as you stare at the floor. “I can't do this with you, Nancy.” She gives that same smile she always does as she scoots closer, resting her hand on your shoulder. “I know this isn't an ideal situation for either of us but we can work something out.” Meeting her eyes is difficult as a single tear forces its way down your cheek. “That's not what I mean Nancy.” Her eyebrow raises as she tries to soothe you. 
“I can't do this with you.”  
Instead of the angry, shocked, and sad reaction, you were expecting. Nancy gives the biggest smile you've seen her give all day as she throws her arms around you, letting out a deep breath. You slowly return her hug as her soft voice whispers near your ear, accompanied by small tears landing on your shoulder. 
“I can't do this with you either.” 
Every weight you had built up on your shoulders over the past weeks falls from you, fresh air entering your lungs as your grip on Nancy tightens. She moves her body to sit on your lap, both of you resting your heads against each other. 
Nancy is the first to pull away, wiping her eyes as she looks up at you. “You know.” She starts, a devious smile forming on her face as she stands up, pulling you up with her. “Everyones is probably asleep, they all drank a lot tonight.” You nod along with her, trying to understand what she was getting at. “I doubt anyone would notice if we switched around a little bit.” A smile grows on you as the two of you sneak out of the door, making your way down to Nancy's guest room. 
You didn't expect Robin and Eddie to be laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling together, they didn't seem to like each other, but maybe something happened while you were gone one day. “Robin!” Nancy giggles as she falls into the bed in front of her. Robin looks at the two of you with a cocked eyebrow. “Did yall really finish that quick?” Nancy playfully hits her shoulder as she falls into her lap. “No love, we just had a little discussion about things.” Robin looks at you fearfully as you lean against the door, smiling at the two girls. “Nancy suggested switching around a little bit for the night.” 
This piques Eddie's interest as he looks up at you. “Won't someone notice?” He asks, picking up his helmet as he stands. You shrug as you crack the door open. “It's just for the night. Everyone's probably too drunk to notice anything.” The smile Eddie gives you warms your heart as he makes his way over to you. “Let's go then.” Nancy laughs as she moves over in the bed next to Robin. “Have fun!” 
You laugh at her as you and Eddie sneak out the door, damn near running down the castle halls to get to your room. 
The second the door to your room is shut Eddie's hands are on you, his lips immediately finding yours. Any breath you had in your lungs is gone as you tilt your head, deepening the kiss as your hands fall into his long brown hair. You can feel him smiling into the kiss as he pulls away, resting his forehead on yours as he begins taking off his armor. “I've waited so fucking long for this.” He whispers, letting his armor fall off of him as you quickly untie the bands holding them on. 
Words lose you as you smile wider than you can ever remember, placing your lips back on his as you both fall back against the bed. Eddie keeps himself up by the knees as he unbuttons his shirt, watching you with a strange tenseness as you throw your clothes on the floor. You're both done faster than you thought was humanly possible as Eddie falls over you, trapping you between his arms. 
“You're all mine tonight.” 
The wolfish grin that shines on his face in the moonlight sends a shiver up your spine as you drag his face down back to yours. “You better make it worth it.” Eddie narrows his eyes at you as he runs his hand over your cheek, his thumb dragging along your bottom lip. “Trust me, I will.” You don't get the chance to retort before his lips are on yours, his other hand dragging along your stomach before wrapping around your semi-hard cock. 
Your arch into his chest, digging your hands into his hair. A groan is all you earn in return as you tug against his hair. Eddie's lips are surprisingly soft against yours despite the desperate needy kiss he's trapped you in. He smirks against your skin as he drags his hand over your tip, chuckling as you pull away from the kiss to whine. His name falls off your tongue like honey as your grip on his hair gets tighter. “Does thank feel good, handsome?” Words fall flat on your tongue as you quickly nod, bucking your hips into his grasp. 
Warm heat enters your stomach. Your brain goes blank, only being able to keep up with Eddie laughing above you as you finally cum, feeling it land on your lower stomach as you desperately try to catch your breath. “Having fun there baby?” You smile widely as you lean up to peck his lips. 
Eddie's hands guide you upwards till you're sitting on the edge of the bed. “Be a good boy for me and suck my dick.” Your brain can barely keep up with itself as you sit, slowly sliding his length into your mouth. He's longer than you expected and certainly more girthy, but you definitely aren't complaining. 
His hand slides into your hair as he guides his cock deeper into your throat. Eddie chuckles darkly above you when you gag, small tears threatening to fall against your cheeks. “You're doing so well for me baby.” You swirl your tongue around his length the best you can as you hear him moan above you. Your jaw goes slack as you let him thrust into your mouth, the grip on your hair getting tighter. Eddie groans as he begins thrusting faster, being careful not to hurt you too much. “Feel good baby?” Muffled moans are all he gets back in return as drool slowly falls from the sides of your mouth. Eddie's eyes roll back, not noticing how rough he was being with you, but you didn't protest. “You gonna swallow love?” He chuckles to himself as he watches you desperately attempt to nod against the harsh thrust of his hips. 
Despite the warning Eddie gave, you're still a bit shocked when he holds your head against his hips, letting himself cum down your throat as you attempt to swallow. The second Eddie hears you gag again he pulls out, letting you take in choked breaths. A warm hand caresses your cheek as Eddie leans down to your level. “You alright.” You giggle as you try to catch your breath. “Yeah, I'm ok.” “Good.” Eddie places a loving kiss on your forehead. You crawl back to the middle of the bed and reach your hands out to him. “Now get over here and fuck me.” Eddie chuckles as he crawls over you, leaving a small kiss on your lips. “Whatever you want, love.”
To your dismay, Eddie decides to actually prep you before fucking your lights out. “Come on Eddie, it's fine.” He rolls his eyes as he places small kisses on your neck, finally pushing a finger inside of you. “Quit being so impatient or ill edge you and leave.” That shuts you up quickly as you whine into his ear, desperately bucking your hips as he adds another finger. You feel him curl his fingers, sending a shiver up you as you try to keep your voice down slightly. “That's enough Eddie, please.” A chuckle is all you get in response as he finally obliges, removing his fingers and looking down at you. “Do you have anything we can use?” You shake your head, a small bit of anxiety and disappointment entering your body. Eddie sighs and spits on his hand. “That's fine, just might hurt a bit.” “I don't care, I just want you inside me.” Red covers Eddie's face as he lubes his dick, hoisting your leg over his shoulder. 
“Ready baby?” You nod as you hold a bit tighter at the sheets below you. Eddie's other hand rubs your hip as he slowly pushes in, earning a long groan from him as he throws his head back. “Gods you feel fucking amazing.” Your mind goes blank as he shoves the rest of his length in, immediately hitting a certain spot that makes your eyes roll back. “Fuck!” You slam your hand over your mouth as Eddie slowly pulls out, only to slam back in again. “Such a good boy for me.” Eddie's words only add to the growing heat in your stomach as his grip on you tightens. He wasted no time slamming into you at a pace you didn't know was human. Sentences can't form in your mouth, only moans and Eddie's name fall off your tongue as you desperately try to keep up with Eddie's pace. 
A pain in your leg interrupts your mindless rambling as you lock eyes with Eddie. Small drops of blood fall down your calf as Eddie removes his teeth, licking the marks that he left. “You like being marked up baby?” You nod feverishly as Eddie continues his thrust, throwing his head back to keep the hair out of his face. “I've thought of this so fucking much.” Eddie moans as he bends over, stretching your leg more than you thought it could. He holds himself up by his legs as the grip he has on your hip somehow gets even tighter. “You're just as perfect as I imagined.” The way he whispers in your ear is enough to throw you over the edge. Your hands grip his hair as you feel your body shake. 
Eddie groans into your ear as he continues his thrust. “Pull my hair a little harder.” He whispers, letting his head fall against your shoulder. You oblige, gripping harder, praying you're not hurting him too much. Clearly, the pain is what he wanted as Eddie finally stops, moaning your name as you feel him cum. 
He doesn't move at first as he catches his breath, letting go of your leg as you rub his back. After a few moments, he gets up, wiping his hair out his face. “Do you maybe wanna bathe?” You nod a little as you lay on the mattress. “I don't think I can move.” Eddie chuckles as he leaves for the smaller room. You hear the water begin to run as he returns, picking you up bridal style as he takes you to the bathroom. The two of you sit in the tub as the water fills it. Your head instinctually falls against Eddie's shoulder as he wraps an arm around you. 
“I didn't bite you too hard did I?” You nod as you cuddle up to him, playing with small bits of his hair. “No, it felt good. I was just worried I pulled your hair too hard.” Eddie laughs as he rubs your sides. “Trust me, you could never pull my hair too hard.” You chuckle as Eddie moves to turn the water off. Before he has time to sit back down you get behind him. Eddie takes a second before sitting on the step below you. The water reaches his neck, but he doesn't seem to mind as he lets his head fall into your lap. 
You're both too tired to even know what you're talking about. Small “You did amazing”’s and “You were so good for me.” As the two of your help each other bathe. 
You almost immediately fall asleep when your head hits the pillow, wrapping yourself in the warm blanket above you. Eddie wraps his arms around you as you tangle your hands in his hair, gently massaging his scalp as his eyes threaten to flicker shut. 
“Is it too soon to say I love you?” He asks. 
Words lose you for a moment before you can speak again. Eddie's eyes pour into yours as you gently smile at him. 
“Not at all.” 
Eddie smiles back as he pulls you closer to him. “I love you.” His voice is just above a whisper. As if no one else needed to hear it, as if you're the only person who was allowed to bear witness to this side of him. You peck his lips as you lay your head back down on the pillow. 
“I love you too.”
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