studiokultuurscape · 7 months
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"Seeking Resilient Architecture: The Complexity of Sustainability in temporary versus permanent structures"
Sustainable architecture extends beyond specific construction methods. It involves creating projects that align with the unique context, taking into account the program, location, needs of the current and future users, and societal factors. Consider for instance a police station at two different locations: a concrete structure in an urban setting can be easily repurposed within the existing building, offering commercial/residential possibilities. Due to its longer lifespan with adaptive reuse, the project can significantly reduce embodied carbon compared to a temporary structure. Conversely, if the police station were situated along a busy highway, it would be more advantageous to utilize a temporary structure, given the limited options for repurposing in that location. Opting for permanent architecture would result in unnecessary waste of materials and energy. Combine this insight with smart use of biobased materials and you have set the first steps in a resilient and sustainable architecture. - The images are a combination of a casus on the Intelligent Ruïn at the university of Antwerp & A building site visit of the re-use of containers.
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