#Easy cleaning baby play mat
baby-care-essentials · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to the Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym & Maracas Bundle: Nurturing Creativity and Development for Your Little Maestro
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Hey there, mama makers and papa crafters! Welcome to the wonderful world of nurturing your baby's creativity from the very beginning. As parents who love to get crafty, we know the importance of fostering a love for exploration, imagination, and of course, a little bit of mess-making fun! That's where the Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym & Maracas Bundle comes in.
This all-in-one playset is like a DIY symphony for your little one, bursting with sensory exploration, motor skill development, and playful melodies that will have them kicking their tiny feet with glee. It's more than just a toy – it's a springboard for creativity, exploration, and a lifelong love of music. So, grab your crafting supplies (because let's face it, parenthood is one big DIY project!), and let's dive into why this play gym might be the perfect addition to your little maker's world.
Unboxing the Fun: A Playful Palette for Tiny Picassos
Imagine a soft, colorful canvas – a vibrant play mat that's perfect for tummy time and those first wobbly crawls. That's the base of this awesome play gym! It's like a blank canvas just waiting for your little artist to explore it with their hands, feet, and of course, their growing sense of curiosity.
Overhead, there's a whole mobile of creativity-sparking toys waiting to be discovered. We're talking about:
A mirror: Because let's be honest, babies are endlessly fascinated by their own cuteness! This mirror provides endless entertainment as they discover their reflections and start to understand the concept of self.
A BPA-free elephant teether: For those busy chompers that just can't resist exploring everything with their mouths. This teether provides a safe and satisfying way to soothe sore gums.
A crinkle panda: The crinkly sound and soft texture will engage your baby's senses and encourage them to reach out and grasp. It's like a mini sensory explosion waiting to happen!
A rattle lion: This playful lion adds a touch of whimsy and encourages auditory exploration with its cheerful rattle sound.
Monkey cymbal clackers: These clackers add another layer of fun and encourage grasping and cause-and-effect learning as your baby discovers how to make the cymbals clash together.
And the Star of the Show? A Light-Up Piano for Musical Masterpieces!
The detachable light-up piano is truly the star of the show. It's more than just a toy – it's an invitation to explore the world of music. Here's what makes it so special:
Light-up keys: These colorful keys light up with every touch, providing visual stimulation and encouraging your baby to explore.
Multiple musical settings: From playful melodies to soothing lullabies, the piano offers a variety of musical experiences that will keep your baby entertained and engaged.
Volume control: No need to worry about the music being too loud. The volume control allows you to adjust the sound level to a comfortable level for your little one's ears.
Beyond the Play Mat: Crafting Connections Through Play
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This play gym isn't just about keeping your little one busy (although it definitely does that too!). It's all about helping them develop those important skills that will fuel their creativity later on. Here's how:
Sensory Exploration: The bright colors, contrasting patterns, light-up piano keys, and variety of textures (soft play mat, crinkle panda, teether) all work together to stimulate your baby's developing vision, touch, and hearing senses. This sensory exploration is crucial for brain development and lays the foundation for future learning and creativity.
Motor Skills Development: Reaching for and batting at the overhead toys strengthens your baby's arm and leg muscles, preparing them for crawling and rolling. Grasping and manipulating the activity toys helps develop dexterity and hand-eye coordination. These motor skills are essential for everything from holding a paintbrush to building a block tower – skills that will come in handy as your little one grows into a creative explorer.
Cognitive Development: The play gym also promotes cognitive development in several ways:
Object Permanence: As your baby learns to grasp and manipulate the activity toys, they begin to understand object permanence - the concept that objects continue to exist even when out of sight. This is a significant cognitive milestone that will help your little one develop a sense of the world around them.
Early Music Exploration: The light-up piano introduces your baby to musical concepts like rhythm, melody, and cause and effect. This early exposure to music can spark a lifelong love of music and lay the foundation for future musical development. Studies have even shown that musical experiences can enhance cognitive skills like memory, attention span, and spatial reasoning – all of which are important for future creative endeavors!
Beyond the Basics: Maximizing Playtime with the Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym & Maracas Bundle
This play gym is more than just a static play space. Here are some creative ways to get the most out of playtime with your little one:
Tummy Time Transformation: Prop up the soft play mat with pillows to create an inclined surface for tummy time. Engage your baby with the overhead toys and mirror to encourage them to hold their head up for extended periods. This tummy time transformation not only strengthens neck and back muscles but also helps them develop visual tracking skills – essential for future artistic pursuits!
Musical Maestro: Use the piano keys to create simple songs and sing along with your baby. Explore different musical settings and encourage them to touch the keys to discover the sounds. This playful interaction not only strengthens your bond but also introduces them to the concept of musical improvisation – a key ingredient in creative expression.
Sensory Scavenger Hunt: Place different textured objects (safe for mouthing) around the play mat. Encourage your baby to crawl or scoot towards these objects and explore them with their hands and mouth. This sensory scavenger hunt not only engages their senses but also encourages exploration and discovery – two essential components of creative thinking.
Storytelling with Song: Create a short story using the activity toys as characters. Let the rattle lion be the brave hero, and the crinkle panda be the playful sidekick. Incorporate the piano sounds to add sound effects and bring your story to life. This storytelling with song activity encourages imagination, language development, and a sense of narrative – all of which will be valuable tools as your little one's creative side blossoms.
Addressing Common Concerns: A Look at What Parents Want to Know
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Based on customer reviews, here are some common concerns parents have about the Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym & Maracas Bundle, along with solutions to maximize your baby's enjoyment:
Sound Volume: The piano can get loud. Utilize the volume control to adjust the sound level to a comfortable level for your baby. Remember, even at a lower volume, the piano can still be stimulating and engaging for your little one.
Keeping Baby Entertained: Rotate the overhead toys regularly to keep things fresh and exciting for your baby. You can also add new, safe objects to the play mat for exploration. This rotation and addition of new elements keep your baby engaged and stimulated, fostering a love for novelty – a key characteristic of many creative individuals.
Cleaning the Play Mat: The play mat is machine washable for easy cleaning. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for care. A clean play mat ensures a healthy and comfortable environment for your baby to explore and create.
The Maracas Bonus: A Touch of Musical Fun on the Go!
The included soft rattle maracas are the perfect addition to playtime. They are lightweight and easy for tiny hands to grasp, encouraging grasping skills and auditory development. Take the maracas along on car rides or stroller outings for a touch of musical fun on the go! These maracas not only provide auditory stimulation but also encourage exploration of sound creation – a fundamental concept in music and other creative endeavors.
In Conclusion We Can See That The Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym & Maracas Bundle - An Investment in Your Baby's Creative Future
This play gym is more than just a toy – it's an investment in your baby's creative future. It provides a stimulating environment that encourages sensory exploration, motor skill development, cognitive growth, and a love for music. As your little one explores the play mat, reaches for the toys, and discovers the magic of the piano, they're building the foundation for a lifetime of creativity.
Remember, fostering creativity isn't just about buying fancy art supplies. It's about providing opportunities for exploration, discovery, and imaginative play. The Fisher-Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym & Maracas Bundle is a fantastic tool to get your little one started on their creative journey. So, grab your crafting supplies, put on some music, and get ready to create a world of wonder and exploration for your little maker!
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Easy cleaning baby play mat
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luveline · 1 month
hi jade!! if ur still up for kbd, can we see an instance where mom feels insecure about her parenting like she feels like she's doing something wrong or being a bad mom (she's not) and Steve just helps her through it? thank<3
KBD —Steve can make you feel better just by being himself. mom!reader, 1.4k
Wren wriggles like a worm on the floor. You’ve spread her baby mat out over the rug, rainbow hearts and stars and smiley faces all around her. 
“Mom, what did you say? What’s tummy time?” Beth asks. “I can’t ’member what you said.” 
Wren whines. Her face is smushed into the floor again. 
“Tummy time is to help her develop her muscles,” you say. “It’s supposed to help her hold her head up by herself. Not working yet…” 
You slide your hand between Wren’s face and the floor. 
“Come on, baby, you can do it,” you say. 
“Try her on your chest,” Steve says, Dove in his arms as he walks through the kitchen doorway into the living room. “She’s much happier when I lay her on my chest before her nap. I lay real flat on the couch.” 
You scoop Wren up under her armpits. Her hair is getting much longer now, the same wavy texture as her father’s, though as she’s grown older her hair has thickened. You’re sure she’s gonna have full curls when she’s older, but for now, you hold her to your chest and brush a hand through those waves thoughtfully. It’s much darker than Steve’s, as are her eyes.
She gurgles as you carry her to the couch. When you lay down, Beth crawls to your side to ask if she can sit on your feet. 
“What are you upto now?” you ask Steve, laying Wren out on your chest. You realise that’s not gonna work and pull her down so her face and neck are flat on your stomach instead. 
“We just washed our hands,” Steve says, letting Dove down. “She made a little mess, that’s all. Need something?” 
“Come n’ sit down, baby,” you murmur, beckoning him in. 
Steve doesn’t need telling twice. He sits in the armchair by your head and feels around for the TV remote. Things go quiet, Dove with her Barbie’s to the right of the room where all the toys live, Beth squeezing your ankle, and Steve clicking through channels until he finds the family movie channel. You tease Wren’s cheek where she rests, but she won’t lift her head. You’re scared she’ll smother herself. 
“Honey, what am I doing wrong?” you ask. 
“Doing what?” 
“Tummy time? She never wants to lift her head.” You frown. “S’like she doesn’t wanna see me.” 
“Maybe you’re just comfy.” 
You sigh and lift Wren again. When she sees you, she smiles. “Ba?” she says. 
“Hiya, baba,” you say softly, “what’s wrong? You don’t wanna play with mama?” 
“Ba,” she says again, dribble curling down her chin as her hand grabs for your face. You let her down against your chest, unperturbed when she grabs your ear. 
“No tummy time, then.” 
“That’s fine, she was on her tummy for a long time earlier,” Steve says, “she’s probably just tired out.” 
“It hurts my neck to hold it up all the time,” Beth says. 
You scrub your eye. Are you hurting her? You hadn’t realised she was tired, but how could you not know that? You’re her mom. 
You’re tired, too. You murmur a sorry to Beth and take your legs from under her. You curl in, pill bug style, baby curled in with you. “Sorry,” you whisper, kissing her forehead. 
“Ba,” she says again, her spit on your cheek. 
You’ve had one of those shitty mom days. You burnt the last bagels in the toaster so Beth had to have toast, which she doesn’t even really like. You tore Avery’s Princess Polly dress trying to clean the sleeve. Dove cried because you didn’t listen to her story, Wren won’t do tummy time, and Steve wouldn’t have done any of those things. He’s amazing, and you’re just… you. He makes being a dad look so easy, he was basically born to do it, and you love your kids but you suck. Today sucks. 
Wren babbles all over you. “Ma-ba ma,” she says, then, “grrrrr.” 
“You growling at me, baby?” 
She lets out a bunch of gr’s and wr’s. You rub her back, tickle it until she giggles. Even the sound of her bumpy baby laughter doesn’t improve your mood. 
Steve goes to the kitchen in silence. He opens the freezer a couple of times, and then he’s calling for the girls to come and have some ice cream and chocolate fudge. Avery tumbles down the stairs from her room. She could take the hallway to the kitchen, but she stumbles into the living room instead. “Hi, mommy,” she says, smiling widely, “are you tired?” 
“A lot,” you confess. 
“Can a kiss make you feel better?” 
You turn your cheek and poke it. “Please. Just one,” —she darts forward to kiss you soundly— “go have your ice cream, baby, quick, before Dove eats it.” 
Steve dodges her. He has a bowl when he returns. He says your name so nicely you don’t think twice about taking it. An ice cream sundae melts inside, three scoops of thick ice cream adorned with cut fruit and a chocolate fudge heart. 
“It looked better five minutes ago. I did yours first.” 
“Where’s yours?” you ask. 
“I thought I’d share yours,” he says. “No?” 
You grin. “Nope.” 
“Alright. Can I sit with you, at least?” 
You straighten up. Wren stays in one arm, your bowl rests on your leg. You lift the other to take your spoon, while Steve sits next to you, not a millimetre of space between your two bodies. 
He doesn’t ask for the baby, which is actually nice. Usually eating with a child in tow is irksome, but you feel a little more capable without his asking. And besides, Steve’s fully trained. You could drop any baby into his lap at any hour and he’d take them without complaint. 
He doesn’t ask you what’s wrong, but you know you could tell him. Can tell he’s waiting for a confession, or ready to let it go. 
You don’t want to talk about it. Admitting your failings is too embarrassing, sometimes, and he’s biased, so he’ll tell you anything to make it go away if he needs to. Instead, you sit, you eat your ice cream, and you rest your face against his shoulder, listening to the girls scratch their bowls in the kitchen. 
“You can go to bed early, if you need to,” he says gently. 
“No, I’m okay.” 
“How about a shower? A walk?” He lifts his head to press his nose against you. “Just let me know what you want.” 
“I’m okay, really.” 
“Okay,” he says, both of you aware that you’re not fully okay, and that he doesn’t believe it. “Can I have some of those strawberries?” 
You scoop up some strawberries and lift the spoon, but notice movement from the corner of your eye that makes you laugh in surprise. Wren is opening her mouth, waiting for a bite. She’s just on the cusp of being old enough for soft foods, but she’s never expressed any interest, until now. 
“Oh, do you want to try?” you ask, laughing. “I’m sorry, baby, this is much too sugary for your first bite.” You lean down to kiss her head. “Sorry,” you murmur into her hair, “we’ll have to find you something tomorrow.” 
Steve smiles so hard you can hear it. “Wow, soft foods already!” he says to her, rubbing the tip of his finger up and down her chest. “Our big girl, huh? Are you mama’s big girl? Daddy’s big girl?” 
“Ma,” she agrees, before her lips part again for a taste. 
Steve looks into your face proudly, eyes darting between you both. He looks at you like you’ve just hung the moon, when you didn’t do much of anything. 
“What should we make her?” he asks. 
“I don’t know, what do you think she’ll like?” 
“What do you think?” 
You abandon your spoon to soothe one of her curls away from her forehead. “I don’t know… she looks like an applesauce girl, doesn’t she? Or maybe some sweet potato.” 
Steve wraps his arm around your shoulders. “We’ll have sweet potato mash for dinner, then, and she can have the first bite. Good idea, angel.” 
You turn into his hold, letting him nose at your ear. 
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turtletaubwrites · 9 months
Fighting Dirty
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This pure smut one shot can be read alone, but it would take place some time after part 18 of the poly fic, We've All Got Needs, linked below.
Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2341
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link
Summary: You can’t help it when you get distracted by Zoro during training sessions, so he brings the sparring mats to the bedroom to teach you a lesson.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Smut, Established Relationship, Play Fighting, Self Defense Training, Brief Mention of How Reader Would React if Attacked, Discussion of being hurt and overpowered during sex with consent, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Condoms, Choking, Rough Sex, Hair-Pulling, Anal Play, Anal Fingering, Mention of Rimming and Anal Sex, Praise Kink, Pet Names (including nickname, 'Needy'), Shameless Smut
A/N: Hope you enjoy the sparring session!
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Hand to hand training always made you dizzy. 
As driven as you were to get stronger and prove yourself, you still couldn’t help but get distracted.
Zoro had to be going easy on you, but with your body smacking to the mats, skin stinging as new bruises were sure to form, it didn’t fucking feel easy.
You tried to watch the movement and the tells of his body instead of the beads of sweat dripping down his lickable chest to his abs.
But he pulled you to him again, before dragging your body to the ground, pressing into you with his weight.
Your ragged breath hitched as your hips met, his body forcing you where he wanted you. 
He leaned close to your ear, his voice taunting and wicked.
“Needy, how are you ever gonna fight if you wanna get taken so badly?”
“Fuck you,” you gasped, struggling as he grinded his lower body against yours, laughing at you when your eyes rolled back in your head. 
He smacked your ass as he lifted away from you.
“Go hit the showers, needy girl.”
Groaning, you laid there for a few minutes as your heart rate slowed down.
“Fuck,” you yelped, as you shut the bathroom door on a familiar hand.
“Not so fast,” Zoro teased, shoving his way into the room, locking the door behind him.
“We’re not done sparring yet.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the playful glint in his eye, but your breath caught as he didn’t give you time to think.
His hands were on you, dragging you out of your sweat soaked clothes while you gasped, pulling at his hair.
“This is what you wanted, huh, Needy?”
He gripped your chin now, already free from his own clothes, his hard length teasing along your hip as he pulled you close.
“Do you like it when I throw you around like that,” he asked in a growl as you moaned softly for him. 
“You like it, don’t you, Needy? You want me to hold you down til you can’t move, want me to overpower you, huh, baby?”
Your breath was ragged, body trembling as he breathed down on you. He gripped your face harder, giving it a small shake.
“Get in the shower.”
You felt shivers trail along your skin as you obeyed. Your body was tired and aching, but it was still aching for him. 
He watched you from the shower next to yours, watched as both of you cleaned the sweat off your skin. 
“My hair…”
You complained as he started to drag you out of the bathing room before you’d been able to manage it.
“You’re gonna need another shower when I’m done with you.
Luckily no one saw you in the hallway while Zoro manhandled you toward his quarters. You wouldn’t have been able to hide your parted lips, your fluttering eyes. Anyone could see how much you love what he does to you. 
With a gentle push, he forced you inside. Your mouth fell open at the sight of the sparring mats on the floor, the sound of him locking the door making you shiver. 
He ripped your towel away, dropping his own. You watched his long cock twitch as it filled with blood, readying for whatever he was about to do to you. 
“Don’t let me take you down.”
His dangerous voice didn’t stop you from playing, risking more.
“Or what?”
“Or you’re gonna have a rough night, Needy.”
You lifted your chin with a small, but eager smile.
“I can handle it.”
His eyes narrowed at your confidence, and you almost broke your stance, but you kept your smile. 
Zoro set his palm against your collarbone, pushing you backwards slowly until you were standing on the mat before heading to his dresser. 
Returning with a condom, he put it in your hand and smiled.
“Put this on me, and you’d better not make a sound.” 
He smirked, knowing you normally gasp when you felt his cock in your hands. You held in your reaction as you reached for him, enjoying watching him throw his head back, hissing slightly as you wrapped your fingers around him. You rolled the condom over his warm, throbbing skin, looking at him with a challenge in your eyes as you stood.
You couldn’t help but gasp then as his hand found you, fingers exploring your already wet folds as he smiled.
“Looks like you're all warmed up. Now get ready, Needy. Stay on your feet.”
He backed up, and you let your body relax into the stance he’d taught you. 
He looked so fucking smug, you wanted to kick him, but you didn’t think you’d get the opportunity today. 
His body was loose, giving slight movements and feints that had you shifting, readying for attacks that didn’t come. 
He was laughing at you as you tried not to admire his nude form, his muscles stretching or tensing, his long cock bouncing as he shifted his weight, teasing you with the anticipation. 
“Come on, Needy. You’d better fight back.”
You sucked your teeth, letting yourself feel the breath moving in your body, narrowing your focus. 
And he fucking teased you, his arm shooting out, just grazing along yours before he jumped away.
Then he was serious, and you managed to shift away, dodging his grasp and he gave a short laugh.
Then he had you. 
His leg was behind yours, and you fought to break his hold. He laughed some more at your desperate struggle before overpowering you, bringing you to the ground. 
Zoro had your arms pinned, shin pressing down on your thighs while you growled. 
“Too bad, Needy,” he taunted, breathing a bit heavy as you fought his hold.
But you hadn’t given up yet. You used all your strength to twist and squirm your legs, fighting to bring one of your knees between you as you twisted your wrists.
“Ooh, my girl does have some fight in unf-”
You decided to fight dirty. You knew if an enemy ever had you on the ground like this, you wouldn't stick to sparring etiquette. 
And you knew Zoro would be fine. 
You started thrashing, his weight on your legs starting to slip as you twisted away, until the only hold he had was your wrists. 
You managed to twist enough to bite one of his wrists, hard.
“Ow, fuck.”
He didn’t let go, but he loosened enough for you to squirm away, kneeing him in the back as you scrambled away. 
Zoro grabbed for your leg, but you kicked backwards, making him grunt before he gripped you hard, pulling you toward him. 
Your feet kept attacking, and he had to grapple you, laying his upper body across your thighs while he grinned. He was so close to your center, but you fought back, smacking at his arm.
Punching or clawing him in the face probably would have worked, but that felt too far for your play fight.
Breathless and thrashing, you were satisfied to hear Zoro’s groans as he tried to keep your body still. But you were trapped now, unless you truly wanted to hurt him.
“Looks like I’ve got ya now.”
You waved your free arms at him.
“Only because I like your pretty face too much to claw your eyes out.”
“Shit, my girl fights dirty.”
“I’ll do whatever I have to.”
A slow smile touched his lips, sending shivers over your sweat soaked skin. 
“You won’t let anyone else take you down.”
Biting your lip, you breathed out your promise.
“Only you, Zoro.”
Gasping as he lifted from you, you didn’t have a second to catch your breath before he pinned your arms, rubbing his hard length against you, sliding your wetness along him while you cried out his name. 
“You’ll let me take you, Needy?
“You’ll let me hurt you?”
Moaning as he rubbed against your clit, all you could do was nod. 
He leaned close, breath mixing with yours as he threatened you.
“Use your words.”
“Please… Hurt me.”
With a soft moan, he released one of your hands, only to line himself up with your entrance and slam into you. 
It was so brutal that you let out a small scream, before choking on three of his fingers. 
His thrusts were ruthless, but the look in his eyes had you melting. His gaze was soft, satisfied. It made your eyes roll back in your head.
His fingers left your mouth, twisting into your damp hair and pulling hard, making you yelp as he brought your eyes back to his. Your freed hand dug nails into his back as he kept fucking into you, trying to drive himself through you.
“My girl is vicious, huh? You fight dirty, don’t you, baby?”
“I knew you were dark and dirty like me, Needy. You take everything I give you so fucking well.”
Your mouth was hanging open now as you panted through his punishing rhythm. That warmth was building up, your core twisting as you writhed beneath him.
Zoro’s hand left your hair to wrap long fingers around your throat. 
“Show me how much you love it when I hurt you, baby. Come on my cock while I choke you, show me what a freak you are, Needy.”
The pressure around your throat was intoxicating. You trusted him completely, knowing you were safe in his hands, but that didn’t stop the pleasure of the risk. Your body twitched around him, desperate, drawn out moans escaped your lips as you came. The pressure built up, and rolled through you, sending electricity through your skin. 
He let go of your throat, kissing along your jaw and neck while he kept thrusting into you. 
Suddenly your were empty, gasping as he’d pulled away from you.
“Flip over.”
Trying to scramble up, you couldn’t get your body to move yet. Zoro didn’t wait for you, manhandling you as he flipped you onto your stomach. 
Pulling your hips up toward him, Zoro gave your clit some attention, his fingers getting drenched while you gasped for him.
“Can you show me how dirty you are for me, Needy?”
“What do you mean?”
Zoro swirled the back of his thumb around your clit, before dipping it inside of you, covering it with your slick. He brought his palm to your ass, teasing his thumb up and down on your cheek. 
“Will you be a good girl for me, and take my thumb in your ass while I fuck you, baby?”
Your body clenched at his raspy, menacing words, and you couldn’t tell him no.
“Yes, please.”
He moaned at your ‘please,’ bringing his thumb back to your center until it was practically dripping in your pleasure. 
Waiting for the new sensation, first you felt his swollen cock tease along your clit before entering you so slowly. He set a gentle pace that felt so strange after the beating he’d just given your aching pussy. 
Your breath caught as you felt his wet thumb gently touch and circle your asshole. You had felt the pleasure of Sanji’s tongue there before, but had never gone further than that. 
“Mm, listen to those noises you're making. Does my needy girl want my thumb in her ass?”
The steady rhythm of his cock, and the teasing sensation of his thumb massaging around the outside of that sensitive ring of muscle had your body moving to meet him.
“Hmm, yes what, dirty girl?”
“Please Zoro, I want your thumb in my ass, plea-”
The filthy moan you let out had Zoro chuckling as he’d pressed his thumb into you. His gentle movements were overwhelming, the sensation so intense as you felt yourself twitching around him. 
Zoro’s thrusts started picking up speed, and you clung to the mat beneath you as Zoro used your ass like a handle to fuck into you.
“Fuck yes, Needy, gods you’re so fucking hot like this. Such a little freak, just for me.”
“Mm, Zoro…”
“I know, baby. You love taking my cock, don’t you? You’re taking my thumb so swell in your sweet little ass.”
“Finger yourself, show me how fucking needy you are for me, baby.”
Your fingers found your dripping cunt, barely touching your clit before you came, moaning as you took in all the sensations at once. 
“Fuuuck, you feel so fucking good when you come, Needy, you’re gonna do it again for me. I’m not done fucking you like this.”
You were still twitching and clenching while he demanded you, and he fucked you harder through your orgasm, still driving you crazy with the teasing pressure in your ass.
“I didn’t tell you to stop fingering yourself, Needy. If you wanna stop, you’re gonna have to come again first.”
His growl brought a gasping moan, but you obeyed, dancing your fingers along your swollen clit.
“Good girl, so fucking dirty for me. You’re fucking dripping, Needy. You like having my thumb in your ass?”
“Yes, Zoro, it feels so good.”
“Oh yeah,” he purred, hitting you with a few slow, but deep thrusts. “Does my needy girl wanna take my cock in her ass someday?”
Your whole body clenched, squeezing around him while you moaned, eyes rolling back. 
“Mm, that sure felt like a yes. Is my girl that needy? You can’t wait to fit my cock in your tight ass?”
“Fuck… yes…” 
You kept moaning now, as another orgasm ripped through you at Zoro’s filthy words. 
“Shit, fuuuck you feel so good, So fucking good. Keep milking my cock while I come, Needy-”
Zoro’s last few thrusts kept you twitching, and his groans had you biting your lip. The feel of him pulsing and throbbing inside you was fucking incredible, even with all the overstimulation. 
Finally, you were panting, laying on the mats as you both came down. 
Zoro looked over at you with his self satisfied smile that you still wanted to punch. 
“Alright, training’s over. Time to hit the showers, Needy.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals
A/N: I hope you're enjoying these extra scenes!
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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dfortrafalgar · 5 months
I'm Losing You... (But We're Filling the Cracks)
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem. But sometimes, you just need a little bit of love... and a little bit of science.
Warnings: read chapter 1 for warnings.
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock | @whore-of-many-hot-men | @nerdisthenewcool | @lilypadmomentum | @1dkneo | @kitsunechan707
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Chapter 29
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The last thing you and Law were able to fully enjoy together to prepare for the arrival of your babies was setting up the nursery in the second bedroom, after having your friends assist with clearing it out and cleaning up the carpet, that was.  Once completed, Law was now hunkered down to a strict schedule of meetings with almost hundreds of people in preparation for the biggest, longest, and most daunting surgery of his life.
But prior to that, he was able to spend an entire day with you, putting together cribs, assembling toys, installing two small dresser sets and changing tables, and organizing all of the baby clothing and supplies you received from your generous friends.  You had never seen Law more delighted, except maybe on your wedding day.  The way he carefully assembled one of the mobiles and hung it delicately over the top of one of the cribs brought a warm smile to your face.  As the days grew closer and closer, the thought of Law holding your babies made your heart flutter more and more.
The room was much smaller than your master bedroom, but it still had ample room as a nursery for two babies.  You had taken the opportunity (thanks in part to your lenient lease) to paint both of the walls a simple, muted mint-green color, calming to the eyes and yet still allowing the room to glow with light when the blinds were open.  Law had even bought a paper trim decorated with animal prints to place on the highest points of the wall, surrounding the corner where it touched the ceiling.  Both cribs were situated in opposite corners of the room, separated by a small window.  At the ends of both cribs sat their small dressers where their respective clothing, bedding, and supplies were stored, and above the dressers sat their changing tables and changing mats.  The rest of the room was dedicated to storing their plethora of toys until they were old enough to begin playing and exploring their world.  In your kitchen, two high chairs were placed against the wall, ready to be used at your table.  Two car seats with sturdy handles and foldable sun covers were ready and waiting in your extra closet, along with the folded up double stroller.  In your bathroom, Law had installed a small additional storage container for you to keep your unused breastfeeding supplies in, which he insisted on sterilizing three times a week despite not being touched yet.  Everything was ready to go, now the only thing left to do was wait.
But now, Law was spending more and more time at the hospital, which you completely understood, but that he lamented over.  Before he left every single day, and the second he returned home from however long his shift was, he kissed you on the lips before traveling down and planting two tender kisses against your bump.  The bump of which had become quite the hindrance as you approached the 36 week mark.  You were at 34 now, and according to Robin, your twins’ organs were fully developed and they’d be able to breathe on their own once born… whenever that was.
And while you were happy to have made it to 34, overjoyed even, the Braxton Hicks contractions were incredibly annoying.
“They are not indicative of labor,” your doctor had said.  “Trust me, you’ll know when your contractions go from false alarms to actual labor.”
You took her word for it.  But that didn’t make the 30 second increments of sudden cramping rippling across your belly at all hours of the day any better.  Sometimes, the pain would subside for an hour or two before coming back in full.  And they weren’t agonizingly painful, but they were prevalent enough that it was near impossible to ignore them.
While Law was at work more and more frequently in preparation for the surgery, Shachi and Penguin basically moved in with you.  They were walking Bepo, feeding Bepo, playing with Bepo, kissing Bepo, all while you were laying on your couch like a log.  A log with a huge belly and spontaneous Braxton Hicks contractions.
“What does Mama want?” Penguin asked from your kitchen, rifling through your pantry.
“Please don’t call me ‘Mama,’” you groaned.  It was endearing when Law did it, and very awkward when anyone else did.
“Got it.  What does the fat woman on the couch want?” he called back.
“Don’t make me come over there and stab you,” you yelled.  “I’m cranky enough as it is.”
Shachi emerged from the bathroom down the hall.  “Penguin quit bugging her.  That’s my job.”
“You guys are going to make me deliver early,” you snipped.
“Give the poor woman some food,” Shachi demanded, driving a harsh spank against Penguin’s ass through the man’s cargo shorts, resulting in a high-pitched yelp.  That finally forced a smile to break out on your face.
“I’m glad to see you two finally came to your senses,” you chided, trying to push yourself up against the armrest of your couch where a pillow was situated against your back to support you.  “What’s it like having graduated from roommates to sex?”
“It’s the exact same, but way hotter,” Shachi replied with a mischievous, toothy smile.
“Okay, I’m sorry for calling you fat, please stop talking about my sex with this lunatic,” Penguin groaned, emerging from your pantry with a few unopened boxes of pasta while you and Shachi giggled over his modesty.  “How does a simple baked ziti sound?”
You moaned from the couch.  “That sounds heavenly.”
Shachi left the kitchen to enter the main living space with you, sitting on the floor with his legs spread and allowing Bepo to crawl onto his lap.  “Nervous?” he asked, looking up at you.
Your hands soothed over your belly as another false contraction rippled through you in waves.  “More than nervous.  But I’ve been trying not to think about it.  I’m worried that too much stress will induce labor.”  After a brief pause, you added, “I’m worried that everything out of the ordinary will induce labor.”
The redhead hummed beside you, idly stroking the soft fur of Bepo’s head as the dog began to fall asleep on his lap.  “Do you have a hospital bag packed?”
You nodded.  “Law packed one for me a week ago.  It has all of our stuff in it… it’s pretty heavy.  He said, ‘If anything happens while I’m away and you have to go into L&D, have either Shachi or Penguin take this to the hospital.’”
“What’s ‘L&D’?” asked Penguin from the kitchen as he dumped two boxes of pasta into a large pot of boiling water.
“Labor and Delivery,” you clarified.  “We’re all assuming a lot of this is going to be spontaneous, so there’s no real indication of when I’ll have to go in because… well, we don’t know when I’ll give birth,” you explained.  “Most moms with one baby give birth at around 40 weeks, give or take.  But with twins, the average is apparently 36.  And I’m at 34.”
Shachi whistled through his lips.  “So it really could be at any moment.”
“Great time for Law to have to replace a man’s organs, huh?” Penguin piped up from the kitchen.
You laughed.  “The timing couldn’t have been better!”
The smell of baked ziti very slowly began to permeate your apartment as Penguin cooked, Shachi doted on Bepo, and you lounged on the couch, standing intermittently to continue to stretch your legs.  The contractions didn’t stop, if anything they increased in frequency as time slowly ticked away.  And every once in a while, one of your babies would kick against your muscle.
Law was fighting with every fiber in his body to stay awake.  He was leading his surgical team, for crying out loud.  He needed to be front and center for this meeting.  He drove the tip of his pencil through his pant leg into the flesh of his thigh to snap him out of his dozed state.  God, he needed coffee.
At the front of the conference room, directly in front of where Law sat, was the head of the hospital’s Transplant Transport team, which Law’s team joked was a very humorous name.  He was quite a stocky older man with a distended belly that barely fit into the gray dress shirt he had tucked into his slacks.  He was going through an itinerary on a pulled-down projector screen.  
“The patient, to remind those of you who just arrived, is a 51 year old man with a history of cardiopulmonary failure.  He has had two open heart surgeries in the past, and suffered a collapsed lung in his youth.  Both he and his family have been willing to try every treatment possible, and that is why we are meeting here today.  As far as I am aware, this hospital has never performed a double heart-lung transplant before, am I correct?”  He turned his attention to Law, who crossed on leg over his knee, asking silently for the lead surgeon’s approval.
“Correct,” Law affirmed, nodding his head.
“Dr. Trafalgar, would you mind walking your team through the procedure step-by-step?” the man asked, stepping aside to allow Law room to stand up in front of the packed conference room.
With a silenced grunt, Law stood up and smoothed his white doctor’s coat over his chest.  He took a deep breath and turned to face the room.  In front of him, every seat at the table and scattered chairs against the wall were filled by his surgery team, ICU nurses and doctors, hospital technicians involved with the case, and members of the Transplant Transport team.  “The surgery is scheduled to begin at 8:00 AM on May 12th.  That morning, a helicopter will be arriving with the heart and lungs from the donor patient, where they will then be transported by the transplant team to our operating room and hooked up to an artificial body where they’ll be kept living while we remove the damaged tissue from our recipient.  A coronary bypass machine will be used to keep the patient alive while his organs are removed and replaced.  This is the simple explanation, whenever everyone’s ready, I will begin discussing the more heavy aspects of the procedure.”
A few nods and curt words of consent were shared amongst the room.  Law took a deep breath and began speaking once more.
You were sitting naked on your bed, having just gotten out of the shower, when your phone started buzzing on your bedside table.  Your husband’s name popped up, immediately making you smile.
“Hey, baby!” you called into the receiver.  “How’d the presentation meeting go?”
A long, pent up sigh was heard through the speaker, making your heart pang with sympathy.  [About as good as it could’ve.  It’s hard explaining a 15 hour surgery to a group of 50-some-odd people.]
“Do you think your team is ready for it?” you asked, using one hand to slather moisturizing lotion onto your knees and calves.
[I think so.  I mean, I damn hope so.  I’ve had a lot of my nurses and team members review the same materials I’ve been studying to make sure everyone is on the same page.  As the day gets closer, I’m having my assistants complete simulated operations on their down time.]
“You can do that?”
[It’s a teaching hospital, we’ve got plenty of equipment.]
You grinned, dropping your legs and falling backward onto your bed, rubbing your belly with one hand while your other held your phone to your ear.  “Well, that’s good.”
Law’s voice hummed in agreement.  You heard him take another deep breath.  [I miss you.]
A part of you wanted to joke that he was only about five minutes away, but you knew what he meant.  He was missing the last few weeks of your pregnancy, something he had wanted to avoid since the two of you started trying for a baby.  It was vital to him that he was there to support you, to protect you, but once again, he wasn’t.  He was kept away from you by his taxing job, a job that he loved with a deep passion, but one that fought with his unwavering commitment to you.
Instead of commenting something witty in response, you replied with, “I know… I do too.”  A thought came into your mind, something you had read earlier in the day while your friends were out with your dog.  “Hey… Law?”
[Yeah, baby?]
“I know it’s hard to ask this over the phone but… I read online that parents with twins are more likely to suffer relationship breakdown.”
Law seemed to know what you were alluding to immediately, even without you having to explicitly state your worry.  [Remember everything I’ve been telling you?  About how much I love you and how that’s not going to change at any point?]
A smile tugged to your lips.  “Yeah…”
[Relationships break down because of stress.  But we’re good at working things out together.  We jump through hurdles at the same time because we communicate and we love each other.  That’s not going to change with babies.  Even with two new mouths to feed instead of one.]
“Your words always help me feel better,” you sighed into the receiver.  “I love you.”
[Get some rest, sleeping beauty.  I love you, too, always.]
34 weeks turned into 35.
The waiting was starting to take years off of your life, you thought.
Shachi and Penguin had bunked up in your living room.  You only saw your husband about three times while he prepared religiously for the operation.
Somewhere at another hospital, a comatose man was being prepped and signed off to be removed from life support and have his organs harvested.  And ten minutes from your apartment, a middle-aged man with his own family was getting ready to receive them.
And you were carrying two babies in your womb.  Two babies who, according to your very last ultrasound, were both facing head-first toward your cervix.  It was looking like a completely natural birth would be possible, as long as no complications arose in the moment.
Hopefully, according to your latest health workup, everything would be fine.  Your blood pressure had remained steady throughout your pregnancy, all of your blood panel conditions had been very healthy.  Your body felt ready, if the constant Braxton Hicks contractions were anything to go off of.
It was just.  The.  Waiting.
Your journal was almost completed.  You only had two more pages before your prompts switched to journaling the post-birthing experience.
You uncapped your pen and began writing.
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0bviouslyem1ly · 10 months
It's nice to see another fan of obey me in the agere community :) By chance could you do something with CG Lucifer? Moodboard or headcanons, whichever you're in the mood for I dont mind
Of course! I love the thought of him as a caregiver so much :D I'll make a moodboard too!
Caregiver Lucifer (Obey Me) headcanons!
•He's very strict, and likes to have rules. He mostly doesn't want you getting hurt, but his brothers cause so much trouble on a daily basis as it is, he doesn't wanna deal with too much more trouble. He'll make sure you don't get into anything, he'll make sure you eat/drink enough, have a bedtime/nap time schedule, and a daily schedule in general.
•In the room he works, he has an area set up for you in the corner. He has everything you like! He's got blankets and pillows, a play mat, plenty of toys and sensory items, stuffies, books, whatever you enjoy doing.
•Whenever he's working and you really want attention, he might let you sit on his lap while he works. He'll hold you and cradle you with one arm, and do paperwork with the other. He's used to multitasking.
•He's really good with kids, seeing as he raised 6 naughty little demons.
•He tries to keep up the "tough guy" and strict act, but it always fails. He has a huge soft spot for you, and loves to see you happy.
•He sings to you at bedtime, or if you're gonna take a nap. He will sing lullabies to you, and hold you as he does so.
•He likes when you lay on his chest.
•Lucifer doesn't really trust any of the others with you. He's super overprotective of you, but especially when you're regressed. You're in such a vulnerable state of mind, and he only wants you to be happy. The only person he trusts to babysit you would be Diavolo. He might trust one of his brothers, but he usually prefers Diavolo to take care of you.
•He didn't really know what age regression was. He had to do some research to figure out the exact meaning. But once he figured out, he went full dad-mode.
•He loves any nicknames you give him! He would be open to any nicknames, and would adore them all.
•If you like drinking from bottles, he'll hold you in his arms, rock you back and forth while feeding you a bottle. He may even hum or sing while doing this to help you relax and feel safe.
•He's like a big teddy bear. He lets you do whatever you want with him. Put stickers, makeup, marker, gems, ect on him. He'll let you, as long as it's easy to get off. His brothers would definitely tease him if they didn't come off easily.
•He bought you two one of those necklaces that you can put a picture inside. It's silver and has a little bat on it. He put a picture of you and him inside each of them so you can always be together.
•He will give you piggyback rides/carry you. He gives you full on royalty treatment.
•Lucifer likes tea parties and playing dress up. He loves letting you dress him up, and style outfits for him.
•He's always there for you if you regress, and will stop everything for you.
•If you get hurt, he will immediately rush to your side and check on you. He's very good at taking care of your wounds, and calming you down if you're hurt so he can clean them out.
•He gives the best and biggest hugs.
•He's actually pretty clingy. He always wants to be by your side, cuddling you up and giving you lots of love and affection. He just thinks you're the cutest thing, and wants to smother you with love.
•He has a very calming singing voice, and a very smooth voice in general. He'll often sing to you, whether it's silly songs from movies, or random beats and sounds.
•He is one of those caregivers who just look down at you, and coo about how cute you are. Huge baby talker.
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bonefall · 2 years
Herb Guide: Basic Hygiene
A quick aside for @kingmystrie​ who has a stinky Clanmate
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[Image ID: sketch of a cat licking its outstretched leg]
For the most part, a healthy warrior can be expected to keep themselves perfectly clean. Cats have special tongues with ridges on them perfectly evolved to keep their coats shiny and healthy.
When a Clan cat is long-furred, sick or elderly, or displaying signs of mental distress, the Clan will give them special attention to keep them clean. This is not just a job for the medicine cat; allo-grooming is a social behavior, close to the heart of a collectivist cat culture.
Herbs only come into play when hygiene becomes a health problem. The two most common issues are Mats and Fleas.
Time to clear up a common misconception; a mat is not a knot. A mat is what happens when a knot tangles with a bunch of other knots, wrapping up dead skin, dirt, layers of shed fur, and other gross debris into a solid mass. If a mat has formed, there’s been a breakdown in proper care!
When they do form, they are likely to form where the cat has trouble reaching, like the lower back.
Not only are mats filthy, but they can also pose a health hazard by weakening and pulling painfully on the skin below, allowing infection to take root. Mats must be removed as quickly as possible, before they become too large. Taking care of mats can take several painful, time-consuming days.
Oil made from flax seeds can be use to lubricate and loosen them, if the mat is not too large to be a lost cause. Carefully brush with claws, teeth, or a bone comb, if your Clan is capable of simple carving.
The best treatment is to carefully shave the area. A sharpened mussel shell, or a flint or stone blade will do. Take care to not cut the skin below, which could be thin and sensitive from bearing a mat.
Aside from ticks which are treated with the infamous canonical mouse bile, fleas are another concern to Clan cats. While they’re only annoying to adult cats, they can sicken elders and kill kittens if they become a camp-wide infestation.
Fleas can’t be completely eliminated, but Clans go to great lengths to keep them at bay. Cedar chips are used as den flooring, especially in the nursery, producing a fresh pine smell that insects can’t stand.
Mint can be planted around the camp and rubbed into fur to repel fleas and prevent them from leaping onto a patrolling warrior; but this is kept away from the nursery as mint is extremely poisonous and babies have a bad habit of putting things in their mouths.
“barkface what do if flea outbreak bad TIME SENSITIVE“ -Kestrelpaw, desperately texting StarClan
For a VERY bad flea infestation, an herbal bath is an easy but detested solution. A large clay bowl (or, in SkyClan, a stolen birdbath) is filled with water for soaking, vinegar for killing, and a blend of mint and lavender for repellent. From there, the unfortunate warrior is plunged in, usually yowling and crying, and forced to soak for an hour.
Repeat for every. Single. Infested warrior. Even if they are WAILING LIKE BABIES.
They must be prevented from licking clean after this bath. Licking the bathwater off will poison the Warrior from the mint. Since it’s only a repellent, the mint could be optional, but WILL be included if the camp is actively infested... in spite of the soaked warrior’s grumblings.
The number one flea-killer, bar none, the GOLDEN KING of bug eradication, is none other than SALT. In addition to being a seasoning, having as much salt as possible in the medicine cat den is invaluable for controlling flea breakouts. Salt will be added to the herbal bath when it’s available.
In the Forest Territories, there was no salt. In the Lake Territories, collecting salt takes a long journey to the beach, and a patrol capable of carrying it home. As far as the Clans are concerned, salt works miracles so these trips are scheduled visits.
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ghoultrifle · 9 months
Just read the pissboy phantom fic (which was great) and if you’re up for it, i’d love to see you expand more on Phantom’s idea of taking Rain (or whoever) out to water the plants.
Pissboy Chronicles Part 4 - (Soil) Enrichment Time
WC: 1.7k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Phantom takes Aether out to water the plants
Notes: It's piss, don't read it if it's gonna squick you out :) and to anon, I'm so sorry it's been over two months I hope you enjoy it >:)
CWs: PISS, humiliation, mentions of rope play, semi-public sex (masturbation)
Thank you to @herbal-quintessence for bullying me into finishing this and @mac-and-thefox for giving me all her plant knowledge !! fuck it @high-imperatrix piss tag
Read below the cut or on AO3
Phantom stands back to admire his handiwork. Aether, limbs tied to the bedposts, deep blue rope leaving raw marks on his lilac skin. A tale told through the abandoned wand and the streaks of white adorning his hairy chest.
“So good for me, baby,” Phantom says as he strokes a hand through Aether’s slicked back hair, “Let’s get you cleaned up, hmm?”
Aether whines at the cold cloth being run down his torso, rivulets of the water running down to his spent dick, making him shiver. Sat on the bed, Phantom offers him a glass of water, “Aeth, you lost a lot of fluid. Fuck that was hot, seeing you all sticky ‘n sweaty, but you need to replenish.”
The first glass of water disappears almost instantly, sessions with Phantom really take it out of an older ghoul. The second glass he sips on while the younger ghoul cleans him up, quickly finishing that too. A third and fourth glass make their way past Aether’s lips and before he knows it, he needs to piss, badly. Phantom won’t deny it was his plan all along, he easily notices the telltale signs - squirming, clenching, rocking back and forth. It’s tantalising for the young ghoul. He wordlessly takes Aether’s hand and prompts the larger ghoul to start walking with him. Unfortunately for Aether, he thinks Phantom is still in aftercare-mode, simply helping his sore lover to the bathroom. That is until Phantom reaches the exit to the abbey, “Colour?” he asks. Aeth stumbles over his words, unsure where this is going. But with full trust in Phantom, he gives green.
The walk to the greenhouse is short, there’s no reason it should take the larger ghoul so long to hobble over. If anyone saw him, he’d have no excuse for his pained limp as he clutches his dick through his jeans. They’d see him, escorted by a smirking Phantom, small hands around Aether’s hips, guiding him. The older ghoul unable to think or walk straight, the overwhelming pressure dulling every other sensation.
“Can’t have you all filled up for nothing, Aeth,” he exclaims, “And don’t the plants look so dry. Like they’re begging to be watered, no?”
Aether shudders, the persistent ache in his bladder crying out for relief. It would be so easy to let go, to do as Phantom bids, but he can’t give in this easily. The plants do look dry; soil matted in thick clumps, dejected leaves laying their heads in defeat.
His dick lies bare in Phantom’s dainty hand, fighting the urge to relax. The soil on the floor is disturbed as Aether leg fidgets in desperation, willing himself to hold onto the last morsel control. The younger ghoul behind him can tell it’s getting too much, that Aether’s close to losing it.
“Let go, big boy, I’m right there with you.”
Aether strains, mind given up but his body still fighting, “‘m trying, Ant, just can’t get it out!” he whines in frustration, everything is telling him this is not the place to do it, screaming at him to find a bathroom.
Phantom hushes him, “S’alright. Here let me help you out,” he coos as he snakes a hand around Aether, fingers dipping into the bulge in his belly, draining the pressure.
“Hng fuck- it’s coming!”
“That’s it, good boy,” the younger ghoul asserts, taking Aether’s length in his free hand. It’s definitely a little chubbier than usual, a little more solid to the touch. It’s reassuring to know Aether’s also getting off on it despite his apprehension. Phantom will never not be impressed by the all-round size of Aether’s cock, not only a decent length, but strikingly girthy, enough to split Phantom open if the other wasn’t so careful in prepping him. Not that Aether tops often, but when he does he’s a gentle lover.
Aether is fully leaking now, all barriers down. Phantom holds him, guides his stream over the plants. First, the lavender, watching as the liquid drips down the buds one by one, collecting in a pool where it’s potted. The younger ghoul then directs Aether’s cock towards Mountain’s beloved foxglove plant, piss welling up in the bells before they tip over, showering the soil beneath in Aether’s shame. “Look at you, filthy thing, defiling poor Mountain’s plants with your piss.” Phantom smirks, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the bees never came back after what you’ve done to their home, you should be ashamed of yourself Aether.” Not that the older ghoul needs any encouragement to feel that deep-seated sense of shame that gets him hard like nothing else, but it helps.
The wires in his brain are most certainly crossed now, there is no going back. Relinquishing control, being vulnerable for Phantom like this has Aether’s cock kicking in the younger ghoul’s hand as his stream tapers off. Just as he’s beginning to relax, finally nearing the end of Phantom’s bidding, the younger ghoul stuffs Aether’s dick back into his boxers with such urgency that his stream is still strong enough to make it look like he’s wet himself. Aether’s always had a humiliation kink, that’s not news, but combining it with the mortifying ordeal of pissing over the plants and himself has his cock straining against his now wet boxers. 
“Shit, Ant. What was that for?” he whines, “Was pissing all over the greenhouse not enough? Needed me to piss myself as well?!” There’s no bite to it, Aether knows Phantom can feel him chubbing up at the sensation of the warm, damp fabric against him, clinging to his dick. The last few drops are soaking into his pants as Aether feels a flood of warmth on his back, “Wha-”
“Shh Aeth, just enjoy it,” Phantom whispers as he dips his length further beneath the waistband of Aether’s boxers, revelling in his own release, in finally letting go of the desperation he tried his best to hide. And by the bewildered sounds from the ghoul in front of him, he thinks it worked. Bewilderment turns into arousal as what?!’s turn into hhnn’s.
“You know clothes are my weak spot, Aeth.” he says, grinning, “Need everyone to see just how easily you submit to me, need there to be evidence of it.” The pattering of droplets on the stone ground only fuels Phantom’s fire, ensuring no part of Aether’s trousers remain dry. Upon finishing, the younger ghoul neatly tucks himself back into his jeans, leaving Aether to marinate in the cocktail of their piss.
The walk of shame back to Aether’s room leaves him hanging his head as he contemplates which stain is more important to hide - front or back - both inflicted by Phantom. He settles on removing his sweater and tying it around his waist. There’s no rest for the wicked, however, when the younger ghoul insists they sit on a bench next to Sunny’s allotment. That Aether must sit down as is, get his tan sweater drenched in shame too. 
It was easy enough to miss it on his trousers, the dark fabric masking just how wet they are, but since Aeth decided he can’t have anyone seeing, Phantom is hell-bent on making sure everyone knows just how much of a pissboy the older ghoul is. To see the usually calm and stoic ghoul in this state, taken apart by his master and forced to waddle in his soggy clothes like a misbehaved dog who’s rolled in the mud.
Aether would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying every second he spent with Phantom. Being teased, chastised for his pliability. “Putty in my hands,” the younger ghoul whispers as they’re sitting, waiting for the piss to soak into the sweater too. He gets off on the debasement of it all, especially at the hands of such a new summon, a ghoul he should be barking orders at, not the other way around. All Aether can do is whimper in reply, too far gone into submission to do anything else. He’s rock hard at the realisation that everyone will see him, hips rocking up just to get some friction on his trousers.
“Go on, I know you need to, I’ll watch,” Phantom says sweetly, placing a hand on Aether’s crotch, hearing the squelch as he scrunches his hand in the fabric. Aether moans, more loudly than he should, watching as the younger ghoul removes his hand and flicks the remaining piss right back onto Aether. He feels himself twitch as Phantom treats him like a mere towel to wipe his hands on, nothing more than an object.
“What are you waiting for, Aeth? Scared someone will see?” Aether can only spit out a small mhm before Phantom interrupts, “Come on darling, you’re so worked up it’ll be over quickly anyway. You’re so cute when you’re desperate.”
The older ghoul groans, reaching down to unbuckle his belt, shimmying his trousers down just enough to free his dick, but not so far that he can’t still revel in the humiliating sensation of wetness enveloping him. His cock is heavy in his hand, red at the tip, waiting to be stroked. In the corner of his eye he can see Phantom palming himself at the sight and it pushes Aether to start stroking. He tries to set a steady pace but his hand takes over as he watches it fly over his ruddy cock, smearing pre down the shaft. He’s hooked on the feel of his palm against the warm liquid on his shaft, listening to the slick noises as he strokes himself with fervour. It can’t be more than thirty seconds before it’s more than pre spurting from his cock. Aether’s head is thrown back, moaning with abandon, eyes screwed shut as he adds to the mess he and Phantom have already made.
He opens his eyes to find a dishevelled Phantom with a wet spot on his jeans that definitely wasn’t there before. “Hey! Don’t think you have the moral high ground just because you’re hot,” Phantom shouts, “You know this is my dream, Aeth, just take the compliment and wipe that fucking grin off your face before I piss on you again.” And Aether wouldn’t be complaining, but that’s for another time. For now, Phantom will gently walk him back to the dorms, smirking at their bandmates who give him a knowing look. Rain takes particular note, proud of his little pissboy.
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crazycrippledqueer · 11 months
CCQ's Tips for Showering
I'm physically & mentally disabled & these are some things that have helped me with showering & some more general hygiene things.
-use a shower chair or stool
-long scrub brushes for your back & legs & anywhere else you can't reach
-grab bars/railings can be so helpful (and keeping a waterproof cane close by too)
-pivot transfer mats or transfer boards or one of those shower chairs that has a bit that sticks out of the tub to make transferring easier
-if you choose to shave, doing it with electric razor in bed
-unscented soaps & shampoos
-leaving caps of your soap bottles unscrewed so you can open them on your own
-flexible removable shower head on a hose
-if you're short like me & your feet dangle from shower chair even on the lowest setting, a plastic stool under your feet can make it much more comfortable
-grippy mat on tub floor to decrease chance of falls
-using the bathroom right before shower to decrease the chance of incontinence (mileage may vary depending on your particular situation)
-keeping all soaps & things in easy arms reach from the shower chair (there's baskets that adhere to the side of tubs ive found helpful)
-laying towels over yourself if being undressed is triggering for you (especially if someone else is helping you in the shower)
-this is personal preference but i like having a towel on my wheelchair so it isn't as bad of a sensory issue when i get out (and keeps my chair dry)
-play nontriggering media or media you know will keep your mind occupied (if it won't distract you to where you can't remember what you're doing)
-hang a laminated page of the steps of showering (however detailed you need to be). i haven't found a good way of marking off yet where i am in the process, but even still having it has been helpful to remind me what needs doing
-if you hurt from cold, using a space heater to warm the bathroom before shower time can be helpful
-leaning your head forward and resting your elbows on your knees to wash hair
-prioritize. i always do pits & privates first in case i start struggling too much physically or mentally & need to get out before i'm all the way done.
-having a shower day & no expectation of anything else getting done. that's thursday for me. it gives me a day i know will be for shower & the rest of the week (especially physical tasks) i plan around shower day. this also helps me plan infusion set changes (i don't like using sets that have gotten wet)
-laying a chux pad on the bed (over or under a towel depending on your preference) if you don't like putting brief on while you're still damp
-having a nice little reward planned can be nice. usually for me that looks like laying in bed & watching one of my favorite shows. nice to have something to look forward to for after
-also for after, if you get that bone cold hurt after showering, a heated blanket can help some
-if you have someone in your life you really trust, you can ask them to help. you can also hire an aide to help you
When I can't shower:
-no rinse soap is a lifesaver. i like whatever that generic pump one is from walgreens. baby wipes work okay, but not as well in my experience
-no rinse shampoo too. i've had the best luck with the cap types
-bidet on the toilet if you can swing it
-deodorant that works with your body chemistry
-clean clothes can go a long way if you can manage changing (or learning how to dress/undress without being uncovered, i usually put the new shirt/dress on over the old to stay covered)
I'm probably forgetting some things. If I remember anything else I'll update this list. Stay safe everyone 🤍
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josielewis · 4 months
What is Gelli Plate Printing?
Gelli plate printing is a monoprinting technique that uses a soft, gelatin-like plate to create unique and vibrant prints. It's a fantastic medium for artists, crafters, and anyone who loves to experiment with colors and textures. Unlike traditional printing methods, each Gelli print is one-of-a-kind, offering endless possibilities for creativity.
Brief History of Gelli Plates
The concept of gelatin printing has been around for a while, but modern Gelli plates were popularized in the early 2000s. These reusable plates are made from a durable, non-toxic gel-like material that mimics the texture of gelatin, allowing for repeated use without degradation.
Materials Needed for Gelli Plate Printing
Before diving into the process, let’s gather the essential materials:
Gel Plates For Printing
The gel plates for printing is the heart of this printing technique. Available in various sizes, these plates are flexible, reusable, and easy to clean.
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Paints and Inks
Acrylic paints are the most popular choice for Gelli printing, but you can also use water-based inks. These mediums work well on the Gelli plate and produce vibrant results.
Brayers and Rollers
A brayer or roller is used to spread paint evenly across the Gelli plate. It helps create smooth, even layers of color.
Stencils and Masks
Stencils and masks are essential for creating patterns and designs. They add complexity and interest to your prints.
Paper and Fabrics
You can print on a variety of surfaces, including different types of paper and fabric. Experiment with materials to find what works best for your projects.
How to Make a Gelli Print
Creating a Gelli print is a fun and straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:
Preparing Your Workspace
Set up a clean, flat workspace with plenty of room for your Gelli plate, paints, and paper. Lay down some newspaper or a protective mat to catch any spills.
Choosing Your Paints
Select your favorite acrylic paints. You can use a single color or mix several to create a gradient effect.
Applying Paint to the Gelli Plate
Squeeze a small amount of paint onto the Gelli plate. Use your brayer to spread the paint evenly across the surface. The paint layer should be thin and smooth.
Creating Textures and Patterns
Use stencils, masks, or found objects to create patterns in the paint. You can also use tools like combs or brushes to add texture.
Printing on Paper or Fabric
Carefully lay your paper or fabric onto the painted Gelli plate. Press down gently but firmly to transfer the paint. Peel the paper off to reveal your print.
Tips for Layering and Combining Colors
For more complex designs, let each layer dry before applying the next. Experiment with different color combinations and layering techniques to achieve unique effects.
Techniques for Gelli Plate Printing
Enhance your Gelli prints with these creative techniques:
Using Stencils and Masks
Stencils and masks can help you create intricate patterns and designs. Place them on the Gelli plate before applying paint, then remove them to reveal negative space in your print.
Creating Abstract Patterns
Play with colors and shapes to create abstract designs. Use tools like brushes, sponges, or even your fingers to manipulate the paint.
Incorporating Found Objects
Use everyday items like leaves, string, or bubble wrap to add texture and interest to your prints.
Printing with Natural Elements
Experiment with printing leaves, flowers, or other natural elements. These can add organic shapes and textures to your artwork.
Experimenting with Different Papers and Fabrics
Different papers and fabrics will absorb paint differently, affecting the final look of your print. Try rice paper, canvas, or even old book pages for varied effects.
Cleaning and Maintaining Your Gelli Plate
Proper care will extend the life of your Gelli plate.
Immediate Cleaning After Use
After each session, clean your Gelli plate with a baby wipe or a damp cloth. This prevents paint from building up and affecting future prints.
Deep Cleaning Methods
For a deeper clean, use mild soap and water. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the plate. Let it air dry completely before storing.
Storing Your Gelli Plate
Store your Gelli plate flat in a cool, dry place. Keep it in its original packaging or between sheets of wax paper to prevent dust and debris from sticking.
Creative Projects with Gelli Prints
Once you've mastered the basics, use your Gelli prints in various creative projects:
Making Greeting Cards
Personalize your greeting cards with unique Gelli prints. They add a special touch to any occasion.
Designing Custom Stationery
Create beautiful stationery sets by printing matching designs on notepaper and envelopes.
Creating Art Journals
Incorporate your prints into art journals. They make excellent backgrounds for drawings, writings, and collages.
Crafting Decorative Home Items
Use your prints to cover boxes, frames, or even create wall art. They add a vibrant touch to your home décor.
Using Gelli Prints in Mixed Media Art
Combine your Gelli prints with other art mediums like painting, drawing, or collage to create complex and layered artworks.
Advanced Gelli Plate Printing Techniques
Take your Gelli printing to the next level with these advanced techniques:
Layering Multiple Prints
Layer several prints on top of each other for depth and complexity. Each layer adds a new dimension to your artwork.
Using Metallic and Neon Paints
Experiment with metallic or neon paints for a bold, eye-catching effect. These paints can make your prints stand out.
Gel Medium Transfers
Use gel medium to transfer images onto your Gelli prints. This technique adds interesting textures and layers to your work.
Collage Techniques
Combine cut-out sections of your Gelli prints with other materials to create collages. This adds a new level of creativity to your projects.
Gelli plate printing is a versatile and exciting art form that offers endless possibilities for creativity. With the right materials and a bit of practice, you can create stunning, unique prints. So, grab your Gelli plate and start experimenting today!
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homemakinghippie · 8 months
Things on My Crunchy Mom Baby Registry
Crib- I was going to do a bassinet and then transition to a floor bed when he got too big, then I thought we'd bedshare. Now we've decided to do a sidecar crib where we set it up right next to our bed with no rail between us so I can reach him.
Bottle Nipples- We're going to use mason jars as bottles so I'm just getting nipples. There are a few brands that fit regular mouth mason jars. He'll only get maybe one bottle a day so my husband can have that time with him. He'll be mostly exclusively breast fed so I'm only getting a few.
Manual breast pumps- Like I said I'll be mostly feeding him "from the tap" 😂 but I want to get a Haakaa and Boon Trove to catch letdown on the side he doesn't nurse and build my stash that way so meyhusband can do feedings. They're also good for helping with clogged ducts and whatnot so there's that too.
Silicone pouches- Store bought baby food and applesauce pouches have microplastics since they're generally pasteurized in the pouch. I don't plan on doing purees, but applesauce is an easy snack on the go I still eat as an adult 😂
Cloth diaper inserts- I plan to cloth diaper so my mom is actually sewing me all of my diapers, but I told her I'd take care of buying inserts since 30 diapers is a lot lol. I plan on doing a mix of pockets and covers so I'm getting flats and prefolds mostly.
Cloth wipes- To go with the cloth diapers I'm going to try cloth wipes. I figure it shouldn't be much more laundry and they can be used as cleaning rags in like 10 or so years when I'm done having kids (or saved for them to use).
Wet bags- These are for the diapers and wipes until wash day. I might get a hamper or something to put it in like you do with trash bags and bins, but I also might just have a bag sitting 😂.
Diaper sprayer- I'm not convinced I need this, but I've heard it makes spraying 💩 off diapers easier.
SO. MANY. BOOKS.- My mom is a librarian and reading is just really important to my husband and I so the majority of my registry is books 😂. Most of them are physical books, but I do have a Yoto player and some cards to go with it. A Yoto player is basically an audiobook machine, and the one I'm getting works as a clock as well.
Baby wraps/carriers- I plan to baby wear pretty much all day so I have lots of carrier types so I can have him with me all the time. I plan to contact nap and I don't want to be forced to lay down with him lol.
Sleep sacks- It can get pretty cold where I live and my husband likes to keep the house cooler anyway, so since he can't have a blanket I'll have these.
Adjustable high chair- Dangling feet can mess with their hips so I'm making sure to get a high chair that lets me adjust where the foot rest is so his feet are flat on it.
Car seat with a high rear facing limit- It's best to wait until they max out their car seat's rear facing limits to switch them so I'm getting one that goes up to 50lbs.
Washable play mat- For diaper changes, tummy time, and sensory bins when he's older. The one I'm getting also makes a great picnic blanket.
That's pretty much it besides a few teethers, clothes, and bath/health items. I could change my mind and decide other things are worth it later, but this is all I feel is necessary right now.
Things I'm NOT putting on my registry coming soon 🥰.
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46 for the love prompts!
Thank you for the prompt! I kind of went off and wrote a whole thing so now it's on AO3 and here it is as well. I've become tempted to try and answer all of these.
Prompt: "You can go first."
Eddie had always assumed that when Wayne had first put his down-payment on his trailer (exactly ten miles from his childhood home) he hadn’t really investigated the bathroom before agreeing to cash up front. It’s the only logical solution for his uncle who can mount frames and change oil and caulk to accept a bathroom like theirs.
Sometimes he imagined a Wayne like Springsteen, born to run with the sleeves shorn off his flannels and hair that was tickling his neck, positively bursting at the seams for a place to call his own. Without his father and brother hooking him into their schemes, leaving their evidence under his bed because if anybody was likely to get off on morale alone it was Wayne. Community college drop out with his head on straight, nothing worse on his name than a parking ticket, looking out and seeing only horizons.
New job at the plant, new lumpy bed to call his own, and too delighted at Carol from the office calling him “Sir” to realize that the shower was practically a squat little spigot with lukewarm water no matter which way you turned the handle.
Just a jumping off point to get him through trade school at nights, a home to trade up for one day. And then that Hawkins mud got around his ankles, and there was no moving. And then there was Eddie with a backpack and a prayer.
Even on his first night (he wouldn’t have been crazy enough to say it) Eddie had wondered why Wayne had chosen to hitch his life, his mug-collection and MVP award from basketball and his old dog, to a one-post little box of a building with a shower that was only better than a hose because it had a bit more privacy.
Now though, now Eddie got it.
If you’d told him that all he had to pay to get out of Hawkins was to have to lower his head and limbo his body around a bit to get clean then he’d trade that easy.
But it was nice to learn, in Max Mayfield’s trailer, that apparently piece of shit showers were the unifying design feature of the park. The same way suburbia seemed to be playing fast and loose with the same brick floor plan, each trailer had a shower that was designed to foster scoliosis and wash either your hair or your body. At least Mrs. Mayfield had apparently splurged for a clover-green floor mat and a pale blue curtain that didn’t match the mat but did remind Eddie of her daughter’s eyes.
The mat was already soaked through, so the curtain wasn’t apparently very effective. Or maybe Nancy and Robin had just been too tired to care, too kind to want to take any more time than they had to leave Eddie and Steve dripping in lake water and muck in the kitchen with a litter of children who were starting to get a little too uppity about helping to save them.
The lake water had only just started to dry crusty while Eddie sat in the kitchen and he had been oddly grateful.
It wasn’t the weirdest thing about the so-called “Upside Down” (Eddie was sure that he would’ve found a more creative moniker for the place if he’d found it but he’s too tired to formulate anything good now) that they never dried all the way out from the dive. If you asked him for the weirdest thing Eddie wasn’t sure what he’d say, but he’d get you an alphabetized list once he had some sleep. 
But Eddie was gonna feel the cup of wet denim around his legs, silt in his sleeves, in his nightmares if he’s not careful. And that was before the gunk and the blood and the mold and the fear-sweat made the feeling even heavier.
Needless to say it wasn’t the weirdest part of the Upside Down that made them all smell like a compost pit, a mosh pit, a pig carcass, and an old gym bag left in the rain had a nightmare baby. But it was currently the best reminder of a new chapter in the worst story Eddie thought he’d ever live through.
The kids, after the hugging and Henderson wiping a single relieved tear and Mayfield dumping the contents of her sparse cabinets out for them on her kitchen table as their legs all but collapsed back on ground that was finally the right-side up and Nancy Wheeler telling them how the world was going to end, eventually demanded they shower before considering rest or their next step.
Eddie, hoisted up on a kitchen counter as he jammed an entire pack of saltines in his mouth, was immediately drawn to walking across the way to use his own shampoo and Wayne’s Irish Spring before realizing that being naked down the hall from a tear in dimensions would probably be a bad idea.
Max hadn’t even looked put upon, just gestured down the hall and pulled exactly four towels of different faded colors out of a cabinet.
“Just don’t get gunk on the towels,” Max had said, head completely stationary beneath her headphones in a way that Eddie had never mastered. “My mom’s got a thing about the towels.” Instead of crawling down her spine, jangling in her elbows, it was like Eddie could almost see the music tethering her to the ground.
Apparently she was floating earlier. That was the end of a long list of things Eddie’s almost buzzing with questions about, almost shoving his hands into his mouth to stop. But did you feel it?
He also wondered what constituted as gunk, and where else it would go other than the towels or the shower drain. They’d each already tracked footprints all over Eddie’s living room. If there wasn’t already a huge hole in the ceiling he might be worried about how Wayne would react. Eddie saw Wayne sitting in his recliner in the way he does when Eddie has bad news, after the school’s called or a squad car’s dropped him back home, like a lighthouse in the dark when he was biking down an alternate version of a street. He’d felt like he’d crawl on his knees through broken glass just to have lived through everything to tell Wayne what had happened.
Granted, Eddie might have just put his head on Wayne’s thigh and cried like a little kid. All this time getting Wayne to see him as a man, to see that Eddie could handle it all, and once Eddie saw him again he knew he’d just bawl till he was empty.
Maybe that was how Mrs. Mayfield would react to seeing bat guts on her towels.
At this point Eddie was glad that the trailer was empty when they had burst in with a suddenly conscious Nancy Wheeler just because watching somebody’s mom blow a gasket about towels might have given him an aneurysm.
“Seriously, if you don’t shower soon we won’t live to see tomorrow,” Dustin had said, shoving Steve Harrington away from him but not so far that he would have been out of reach.
For a second nobody had moved from the kitchen, teens ravenously shoving anything they could find into their mouths and kids looking at them like if they blinked for too long they might flicker away, but of course it was Steve Harrington who got shit moving.
He was apparently one of those let’s hustle kind of guys, who probably woke up early on Saturdays to get shit done and started a light jog as soon as a crosswalk told him to use the crosswalk. 
He’d distinctly, in fact, told Eddie to hustle when he was trying to extricate himself from an outcropping of Skull Rock that was laced with a spider-web of living roots. Like Eddie wasn’t clearly trying for stealth here, Steve.
“Ladies,” Steve had said almost imperiously around a spoonful of peanut butter that he was demolishing by the jar around bites of a not entirely ripe banana. Eddie supposed it was post-workout food, just another day in the life of a jock who had somehow been involved in saving the world three separate times before now.
The purple lash about his throat bobbed oddly as he swallowed, Eddie was trying not to watch it go. Trying not to think about Steve Harrington, shirtless and covered in hair that definitely wasn’t there in fourth grade P.E., and dripping soupy black blood from between his teeth.
“Oh, chivalry isn’t dead?” Robin Buckley from band’s leg was jogging beneath the table but she still had a sour twist to her lips around the sandwich she’d made with Harrington’s peanut butter and half a sticky jar of marshmallow fluff. “Steve, ladies first is not–.”
“A good way to show I respect girls I know, I know. Girls aren’t objects I remember. All I’m saying–,” Steve Harrington popped a fourth of the banana (all that remained of it) into his mouth and finished his thought around a mouthful of mush. “–iz tha’ id’ll take less time.”
He gestured at his own hair and then Eddie’s, which was beyond rank and drying crunchy at this point before sucking peanut-butter off the flat of his palm.
Eddie, in the middle of a genuine crisis, couldn’t help but stare. At this point he would take what he could get. On one hand, Robin Buckley looked like she wasn’t buying it, but on the other she also looked like her principles were quickly losing the fight to her physical discomfort.
But Eddie also had a feeling that what Steve wasn’t mentioning was the way Nancy Wheeler hadn’t stopped shaking since she’d come back, that she looked like it was February and she’d run out to get the mail in just a long sleeve and no shoes. That she’d been demolishing the remaining half of a bag of shredded sharp cheddar mechanically, far-away, but had perked up slightly at the prospect of a shower.
And so Nancy and Robin had gone off together, nobody choosing to go anywhere alone, and the familiar kick-thud of the shower running almost made Eddie want to lull to sleep while the sight of Steve Harrington putting away a whole pack of baloney by himself kept him awake.
They didn’t talk much other than Henderson, who proceeded to talk about any and everything because apparently it had been a while since he’d updated Erica on his cat.
Eddie learned in no uncertain terms that Dustin’s first cat had apparently been eaten by a multidimensional slug that had become quadrupedal and the size of a pretty big dog. He also got to hear a play by play about Steve Harrington protecting three of the gaggle before them in a junkyard from a pack of the things.
All Eddie could consider was the fact that he had seen Dustin Henderson every Friday for a whole semester, he’d called the kid Weird Al for a month straight to haze him after his fucking t-shirt, and before any of that he’d given a real monster that gap-toothed smile and named it after a musketeer.
When the girls had come back (Nancy in a robe of Mrs. Mayfield’s and Robin left in an oversized pajama shirt of Max’s that fit her like normal), they were more pink than they had been with hair that had been toweled to fluffiness and a warm mist practically hanging off their shoulders.
It had looked beyond nice, and proved that any kind of shitty shower was worth its weight in gold.
Eddie had followed Steve Harrington to the bathroom in some sort of trance, his life a swirl of exhaustion and strangeness, and that didn’t improve when he and Steve Harrington faced each other in the yellow of the bathroom. Eddie fully clothed, Steve’s chest still peeking out from between Eddie’s own vest and half of Nancy Wheeler’s shirt.
“Do you think this shit’s infected?” Steve asked poking his makeshift bandage like they were making small-talk that didn’t mean anything over the counter at Family Video.
“Probably,” Eddie said, and found himself turning away on instinct when Steve started peeling the makeshift bandage back. That’s when he took note of the clover mat and the blue curtain, suddenly feverish with the need to look away from Steve Harrington’s glorious bod and its slightly squelching wounds.
It’s fine, Eddie had told himself, thinking of skinned knees and fake blood pouring up from a guy blowing on a blood tube under Kevin Bacon’s bed and the time he’d gotten his head cracked open from falling on a bleacher and needed staples. You should be fine to look.
And yet he found he couldn’t turn around. There were two sets of shampoo and conditioner in a little shower caddy. A strawberry shampoo and a nondescript white bottle that boasted treatment for dry hair. A strawberry conditioner and a similarly slim white bottle of conditioner. One cake of lavender soap and a loofa. A hair-trap bound up with red curls like copper wire in the drain.
There were heavy chunks of…something in the hair trap like pebbles speckled along the bottom of a fish tank.
Eddie looked back at Steve before he could take stock of the qualities of the chunks, and found Steve Harrington looking at him in the mirror.
“You can go first,” Steve said with a hand in his hair that was clearly tugging at something that had only just stopped bleeding based off his face. The ruin of Steve’s hair would almost be a comedy if Eddie hadn’t almost died earlier today.
“Aw, Buckley was right about chivalry,” Eddie cooed around a smile that had suddenly appeared. “But shouldn’t you…deal with that?”
“It’ll take too long. Better I go last just in case, yeah?”
Eddie fanned seductive fingers against the curtain of his bog-weed hair. “With these curls? You’ll be lucky if the hot water’s not gone.”
“I’ve had worse,” Steve Harrington said in a way that was radiant for how strange and heroic it was. For how suddenly almost an action hero he looked. Guys who kept going and going because they had to. “What about you? Anything to deal with?”
“Few scrapes,” Eddie said with a catalogue of aches to his name. Scrapes and achey muscles and a few times he’d got honest to God gnawed on. But none of that stopped him from fluttering his eyelashes and smirking. “Why? You offering to help me with them?” 
Again Eddie sees the movie-like picture of Nancy Wheeler’s field medicine over Steve’s heaving chest. He imagines himself, hands splayed across the planes of Steve’s body.
Steve Harrington huffed out a breath like finalizing a decision. “I would,” Steve said easy as anything, almost in a daze himself. Almost offended, like he was pissed Eddie wouldn’t assume that yeah he would help with the wounds in the way Eddie’s gut suddenly dropped at the thought. “I’ll be right outside. Say the word if you need…help.” 
And then he went to stand outside, like a guard. Like a promise. Like Christmas Eve as you fall asleep, the lure of it just outside your bedroom door. And Eddie didn’t have to wonder about why Steve didn’t just leave. Why nobody wanted to be alone.
And as Eddie shucked off his pants, as he cringed at the strange bruising of his body and the thought that once he got out of the shower nothing would have changed, he tested the water with his hand and found it to be slightly warm.
It was only once Eddie tilted his head back, curled up like a pillbug with his arms close to his chest, to let the water sluice through his hair that Eddie considered Steve Harrington’s willingness to help in abstraction under a cottony layer of exhaustion from being a wanted man to leaving reality behind.
Under the relief and the wonder of warm-ish water that wasn’t from a lake there was a thought about sharing water for efficiency’s sake. Beneath the pool of pink strawberry shampoo in his palm there was the consideration of somebody else’s fingers rubbing it in. Lathering soap that stung on his scrapes, the idea that if he could only remember the words to one he would be singing Steve Harrington a song. In the chill of his face, suddenly devoid of warmth as he scrubbed at his shoulders, the wonder that it was Steve Harrington of all people who would come if he called.
Who would cram his body into this shower of his own free-will and gently wash Eddie’s wounds.
Who let Eddie shower first.
And it was Steve Harrington for whom Eddie made sure there was still hot water. Steve Harrington, for whom Eddie left his towel on the sopping floor because the mat was kind of useless.
It was Steve Harrington that Eddie bowed for, bid him enter the bathroom, and for whom Eddie planted his back against the wall just in case he needed help. Just in case he called for Eddie. Just in case he needed him.
(AO3 Link if you need it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43846077)
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velocitypon3 · 1 year
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[gallery ids="2085,2086,2087,2088,2089,2090"]   The 5-in-1 Baby Gym Soft Padded & Plus Size Baby Play Mat: The baby playmat is constructed from durable and body-secure fabrics, thicker with delicate and smooth touch. Lay jumbo sized mat(43.3*39.4 inch).It will also be used immediately on the hardwood floor, providing cushioning and protection for baby to lay、roll、sit down、crawl、stand and play. Convenient Storage & Machine Washable : This activity gym may also be folded up to create a ball pit.Velcros are invisible.One-minute quickly installed or got rid of without tools, small in size, easy to fold and carry for convenient storage or trip.Machine washable, not easy to rip. 5-IN-1 Baby Play Gym: 5 in 1 adjustable play environment grows with baby through developmental stages:play mat/tummy time mat/baby gym center/baby ball pit and baby playpen.Accompany baby from newborn to active toddler. Ball Pit: Our baby gym can transfer to a ball pit easily, which is durable and very fun, grow with me from infant to toddler, ages newborn and up. Also a great baby shower gift for your loved one one. Celestial Dreams Play Gym: Created in the crescent moon with interesting starry sky sensory toys, which are easy to draw your baby's attention in all directions, allow baby to experience more fun and new challenges.Ideal gift for new parents. [amz_corss_sell asin="B0BYJP9QFH"] The 5-in-1 Baby Gym Review The 5-in-1 Baby Gym & Ball Pit Thick Play Mat is a fantastic product for newborns, babies, and toddlers that aims to develop their motor and cognition skills. The starry dreams soft padded and plus size baby play mat is made from durable and body-safe fabrics that are thicker and provide a delicate and smooth touch. The jumbo-sized mat measures 43.3*39.4 inches, and it can also be used directly on the hardwood floor, providing cushioning and protection for the baby to lay, roll, sit, crawl, stand, and play. One of the best things about this baby play mat is that it's easy to clean and store. It can be folded up to create a ball pit, and the Velcros are invisible, making it easy to install or remove without tools. It's small in size, convenient to fold and carry, making storage and travel quite easy. The mat is machine washable and not easy to rip, making it a perfect fit for parents who prioritize hygiene in their baby's environment. Furthermore, this 5-in-1 baby play mat is adjustable and grows with your baby through developmental stages, serving as a play mat, tummy time mat, baby gym center, baby ball pit, and baby playpen. It's designed to accompany the baby from newborn to active toddler, making it one of the best investments for parents looking for a versatile product. The ball pit feature of this activity gym is a unique and fun aspect that sets it apart from the rest. It easily converts to a ball pit, making it durable and very enjoyable for little ones from infancy to toddler stages. This product is an excellent baby shower gift for parents expecting babies, as it offers countless hours of enjoyment for their little ones. Finally, the celestial dreams play gym design is breathtaking, as sensory toys in all directions attract the baby's attention, allowing them to experience more fun and new challenges. It is an ideal gift for new parents, providing their babies an exciting and enjoyable environment while stimulating cognitive and motor development. Overall, the 5-in-1 Baby Gym & Ball Pit Thick Play Mat has proven to be one of the best products in the market for babies, with its durable design, versatility, and safety features.
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happymattystore · 22 days
Brighten Your Baby’s Space with the Fruit Print Premium Matty
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At Happy Matty Store, we believe in blending fun, comfort, and practicality into every product. Our Fruit Print Premium Matty is a delightful addition to any nursery or play area, featuring a vibrant and playful design that not only keeps your baby cozy but also stimulates their senses. With its lively fruit print, this premium mat is perfect for parents seeking both style and functionality for their little one’s space.
A Splash of Fun with Fruit Prints
The Fruit Print Premium Matty is adorned with a colorful fruit pattern that’s as refreshing as it is charming. Bright, cheerful fruits like watermelon, pineapple, and more make this mat visually engaging, turning your baby’s playtime into a fruity adventure. Whether you place it in the nursery, living room, or play area, the playful fruit design brings a burst of color and joy, enhancing the look and feel of any space.
Four Layers of Comfort and Protection
Comfort is at the heart of every Happy Matty product, and the Fruit Print Premium Matty is no exception. This mat is designed with four layers of cushioning, providing a soft, padded surface for your baby to rest, play, and explore. The thick, multi-layered construction ensures that your baby enjoys a plush and comfortable experience, whether they are taking their first steps or simply lying down for some tummy time.
Safe and Non-Toxic Materials
Your baby’s safety is our top priority, and the Fruit Print Premium Matty is made from non-toxic, baby-friendly materials. It’s free from harmful chemicals, ensuring that your baby is not exposed to any dangerous substances while playing or napping. The mat also features a non-slip backing that prevents slipping, giving parents peace of mind knowing their little one is safe and secure during active play.
Easy to Clean for Busy Parents
Babies are known for creating messes, but the Fruit Print Premium Matty is designed with convenience in mind. Its durable and easy-to-clean fabric allows for quick wipe-downs in case of spills or accidents, while the mat is also machine washable for those bigger messes. This makes it an ideal choice for busy parents who need products that are both functional and easy to maintain.
Perfect for Home or On-the-Go
Whether you're at home or on the move, the Fruit Print Premium Matty is versatile enough to meet your needs. It’s lightweight and foldable, making it easy to pack up and take with you wherever you go. From playdates at the park to visits with grandparents, this mat ensures that your baby has a soft and comfortable place to play, no matter where life takes you.
Why Choose the Fruit Print Premium Matty?
Playful Design: Bright and colorful fruit prints bring joy and excitement to any space.
Ultimate Comfort: Four layers of soft cushioning provide the perfect surface for playtime, rest, or tummy time.
Safety First: Made from non-toxic materials with a non-slip backing for added security.
Easy Maintenance: Simple to clean with machine-washable fabric for convenience.
Portability: Lightweight and foldable, making it perfect for travel and outdoor use.
At Happy Matty Store, we’re committed to creating products that add joy and practicality to your parenting journey. The Fruit Print Premium Matty offers the ideal combination of comfort, safety, and fun, making it a must-have for any parent looking to create a vibrant and welcoming environment for their baby.
Ready to add a splash of fruity fun to your nursery? Visit Happy Matty Store to purchase your Fruit Print Premium Matty today!
#FruitPrintPremiumMatty #HappyMattyStore #BabyComfort #BabyPlayMat #NurseryDecor #ParentingEssentials #NonToxicMat #PortableBabyMat
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childrenssoftplayuk · 1 month
Soft Play Near Me
Create the Ultimate Soft Play Environment at Home: Affordable and Fun Solutions for Your Kids
Are you searching for "soft play near me" in the UK and finding it challenging to locate the perfect place for your children? Why not bring the fun and excitement of a soft play centre right into your home? At Children's Soft Play, we specialise in providing a wide range of soft play products that can transform any space into a safe and delightful playground for your kids. From ball pits to soft play castles, we have everything you need to create an engaging and affordable soft play environment at home.
Why Choose Home Children's Soft Play
Convenience and Accessibility
One of the biggest advantages of setting up a soft play area at home is the convenience it offers. No more rushing to make it to a soft play centre before it gets crowded, or dealing with the hassle of finding parking. Your kids can enjoy their playtime whenever they want, right in the comfort of your own home. This convenience is particularly beneficial for busy parents who want to provide a fun and safe environment without the logistical challenges of visiting a public venue.
Cost-Effective Fun
Regular visits to a soft play centre can add up over time. By investing in home soft play equipment, you provide endless entertainment for your children without breaking the bank. Our products are durable, safe, and designed to offer maximum fun, ensuring that you get the best value for your money. Moreover, home soft play equipment can be a more economical option in the long run compared to frequent outings to commercial play centres.
Affordable Soft Play, Cheap Soft Play Solutions, Budget-Friendly Soft Play at Children's Soft Play
Safe and Hygienic
Public soft play centres, while fun, can sometimes pose health risks, especially during peak seasons. With home soft play solutions, you have complete control over the cleanliness and safety of the play area. Regular maintenance and supervision ensure that your children play in a hygienic and secure environment. This peace of mind is invaluable, especially for parents who are particular about hygiene and safety standards.
Our Range of Soft Play Products
Ball Pits
Ball pits are a classic favourite among children. Our Ball pits come in various sizes and shapes, filled with colourful, non-toxic balls that provide endless fun and sensory stimulation. Easy to set up and store, they are perfect for any playroom or living space. They encourage physical activity and help develop motor skills while providing a safe and enjoyable play environment.
Soft Play Mats
Safety is paramount when it comes to playtime. Our soft play mats offer a cushioned surface that protects your children from bumps and falls. Available in a variety of colours and designs, they are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, making them a great addition to any home. Soft play mats are also easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your play area remains hygienic.
Soft Play Castles
Spark your children's imagination with our soft play castles. These whimsical structures provide a fantastic setting for creative play, allowing kids to embark on imaginary adventures in a safe and controlled environment. Made from high-quality materials, our soft play castles are built to last and can be customised to fit your specific space and theme requirements.
Soft Play Slides
Add an extra element of excitement with our soft play slides. Designed for indoor use, these slides are safe and fun, providing a great way for children to develop their motor skills while having a blast. Easy to assemble and disassemble, they are ideal for any home setup and can be stored away conveniently when not in use.
Soft Play Sofas
Our soft play sofas combine comfort and fun. These versatile pieces can be used for lounging or as part of a play setup, offering both relaxation and entertainment. Perfect for reading, napping, or imaginative play, our soft play sofas are a hit with both kids and parents. They are designed to be durable and easy to clean, making them a practical addition to any play area.
Customisable Soft Play Packages
We understand that every home and family is unique, which is why we offer customisable soft play packages. Whether you have a spacious playroom or a cosy corner, we can tailor our products to fit your space and meet your specific needs. Our team is here to help you create the perfect play environment for your children, ensuring that every element is designed to maximise fun and safety.
Easy Setup and Maintenance
Our soft play products are designed with busy parents in mind. They are easy to assemble, move, and clean, ensuring that you spend less time worrying about setup and maintenance and more time enjoying precious moments with your children. Detailed instructions and support are provided with every purchase, making the process straightforward and stress-free.
Easy Soft Play Setup, Low Maintenance Play Equipment, User-Friendly Play Solutions visit Children's Soft Play
Transform Your Home Today
Creating a soft play area at home has never been easier or more affordable. With our extensive range of products, you can bring the joy and benefits of a soft play centre to your home, providing a safe, fun, and engaging environment for your children. Whether it's a rainy day or you simply want to keep your kids entertained, our home soft play solutions are the perfect choice.
For more inspiration and to explore our full range of soft play products, visit Children's Soft Play. Transform your home into a play haven that your children will love and cherish.
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topitemsselection · 2 months
8 Most Popular Kids and Babies Travel Gears Items
Here are eight of the most popular kids and babies travel gear items that parents frequently rely on for safe, comfortable, and convenient travel experiences:
### 1. **Convertible Car Seats**
   - **Description**: Convertible car seats are designed to grow with your child, transitioning from rear-facing for infants to forward-facing for toddlers and young children. Their versatility makes them a must-have for any family that travels by car frequently.
   - **Popularity**: Parents love the longevity and safety features, such as impact protection and adjustable harnesses.
### 2. **Portable Travel Cribs**
   - **Description**: Portable travel cribs are lightweight and easy to set up, providing a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for babies and toddlers on the go.
   - **Popularity**: These cribs are essential for overnight stays, vacations, and even naptime at a relative’s house.
### 3. **Strollers**
   - **Description**: Travel-friendly strollers are compact, easy to fold, and lightweight, making them ideal for navigating airports, city streets, and public transportation.
   - **Popularity**: With features like reclining seats, storage compartments, and adjustable canopies, these strollers are a favorite for their convenience and comfort.
### 4. **Baby Carriers**
   - **Description**: Baby carriers allow parents to keep their baby close while keeping their hands free. They are perfect for hiking, walking, or even just moving through crowded places where strollers may be impractical.
   - **Popularity**: Parents appreciate the bonding experience and the convenience of being able to carry their baby comfortably over long periods.
### 5. **Diaper Bags**
   - **Description**: Stylish and functional, diaper bags are designed to carry all the essentials, including diapers, wipes, bottles, and extra clothes, in an organized way.
   - **Popularity**: Many parents prefer bags with multiple compartments, insulated bottle holders, and changing pads.
### 6. **Portable High Chairs**
   - **Description**: Portable high chairs can be attached to tables or used as standalone seats, making mealtime easier when traveling or dining out.
   - **Popularity**: These chairs are valued for their convenience and the ability to provide a safe, familiar place for a baby to eat.
### 7. **Travel Bottle Warmers**
   - **Description**: Travel bottle warmers are compact and designed to warm up baby bottles on the go, using either a car adapter or a battery.
   - **Popularity**: They are a lifesaver for parents who need to prepare bottles quickly and conveniently while traveling.
### 8. **Travel Play Mats**
   - **Description**: Travel play mats provide a clean, soft area for babies to play, stretch, or practice tummy time wherever you are.
   - **Popularity**: These mats are portable, easy to clean, and can be used both indoors and outdoors, making them ideal for travel.
These popular kids and babies travel gear items are favored by parents for their practicality, safety features, and ease of use, ensuring smoother and more enjoyable travel experiences with little ones.
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babykingdomaustralia · 3 months
Explore with Baby Kingdom's Top-Rated Baby Play Mats
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Transform playtime with Baby Kingdom's Baby Play Mat. This soft, cushioned mat offers a safe and comfortable space for your little one to explore, crawl, and play. It is made of  high quality material and comes with easy to clean features for durability. Crafted from safe, durable materials that are easy to clean, it features a vibrant design that sparks sensory development and keeps your baby engaged. Whether in the nursery, playroom, or on outings, Baby Kingdom's Baby Play Mat ensures joyful and safe playtime for your little one.
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