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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-006 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"Baras asked me to go to the academy's jails to take a slave with me to Naga Sadow's tomb. This Twi'lek named Vette was captured because she was looking for relics in the ruins. The jailer gave me a remote to electrocute her if she wasn't cooperating. I took it without discussion but there was no way I was going to use it. Vette knew the location of the different opening mechanisms of the temple door and I think that without her precious help, I will always look for them nowadays. But once inside, Vemrin tried to attack me. Klemral warned me just in time so I could avoid the blow, but the poor boy ended up getting killed by that bastard. I liquidated him in turn, even if I would have preferred that he continue to live with the shameful memory of his defeat against me... After that, I approached the tomb, opened it and took the lightsaber of the deceased Sith Lord, as my Master had asked me. I am now officially Darth Baras' Apprentice and in possession of my first lightsaber. Strange way to acquire it but, after two years, it doesn't even surprise me anymore. If a Sith wants something, he usually gets it from the corpse of the one who had the object of his desire..."
[A little break.]
"Oh, I almost forgot... On returning to my new Master's office, I came face to face with Eskella, Tremel's daughter. She believes very strongly that I killed her father. At least our scheme is credible. However, I told her the truth about him. After all, it is her father and I thought she would be happy to know that he is fine. But following this revelation, she wishes to finish my "unfinished" work to restore her honor and that of her family... She accuses me and then wants to kill him with her own hands... I will definitely never understand the Sith..."
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-005 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"At the request of Darth Baras, I went to collect fragments of tablets from Tulak Hord's tomb. But when I came back to his office to give them to him, I came face to face with Klemral, one of my rivals, threatening me to give him my loot. Apparently, all the other Acolytes are dead, most of them killed by Vemrin, and he was not brave enough to venture into the ruins, for fear of being killed in turn. Not wanting to fight once again, I gave him my fragments and quickly returned to the tomb to get more. After all, as our future Master had said, ‘anything goes when it comes to obtaining these tablets’. But this probably disappointed Baras, who decided to send Klemral to the academy's jails surveillance and give me instructions for my last test, at the same time ousting Vemrin, my most dangerous rival."
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-004 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"A Sith Inquisitor asked me to question a Jedi named Quorian Dorjis who is imprisoned in the academy's jails. He was captured on Korriban and the Sith implanted false memories in order to trap the Republic and exterminate several of their colonies. I had to pretend to be the nice Acolyte, help him get his belongings back and make sure he could escape so that the Sith's plan could be achieved. But... too many lives were at stake... And I couldn't bring myself to put on an act more... So I quietly confessed everything to him, at the risk of sounding like a traitor... However... He told me something that still makes me think... That he was sorry that the Empire had enlisted me and not the Jedi... And that under other circumstances, I might have belonged to the Jedi Order... As if it isn't enough that I don't feel at home here, he makes me doubt myself even more..."
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-003 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"Back from Marka Ragnos' tomb where Tremel sent me to kill the Beast of this late Sith Lord, I was attacked by Dolgis who wanted to put me out of the race and to give Vermin every chance to become Darth Baras' new Apprentice. Migh as well say his attempt to intimidate me did not work. Tremel informed me that my potential future Master wanted to meet me in his quarters and warned me to always take Baras seriously. Then, on my way to the Darth's office, I found myself face to face with Teeno, Phyne and some Acolytes who offered to kill Vermin for me, which I refused. On the one hand, because the rules of the academy prohibit it, and on the other hand because I don't want to use these kinds of methods. Violence... Always violence... Why do people always want to use it?"
[A deep sigh.]
"So... During my private meeting with Darth Baras, he was dismayed to see that Tremel had not taught me the Sith Code and accused him of slackening. He even asked me to kill him and bring his hand back to him. In my opinion, it is a very slight proof to prove someone's death, but if that's enough for him, I might as well say that I've not needed to be asked twice. So I went back to see Tremel. He didn't give me time to finish my sentence and attacked me to defend his life. However, I had no trouble defeating him when I only have simple training blades, and I was able to finish my explanation. He finally accepted my proposal, cut off his hand and gave it to me before leaving Korriban discreetly. I may be merciful but he was there for me as soon as I arrived at the academy and I thought it was unfair to have to take his life... So I went to give his hand to Baras who asked me how I felt when I 'killed' him. The advantage of being a Chiss is that it is in our nature to remain impassive. Hiding our emotions and intentions is child's play... And it's probably what allows me to act as I do without others suspecting for a moment that I'm not a follower of the Dark Side..."
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-002 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"Some Sith are completely stark raving mad... I met a girl named Malora who is Lord Renning's Apprentice. She explained to me that her Master was researching the Tuk'atas because they would be the pure expression of the Dark Side because of their incarnate aggressiveness, that it was perfect idiocies and that it was a real waste of time and money for the Empire. She asked me for help to denounce the uselessness of his work and make him lose all credibility, which I agreed to do. If this is true and can allow her to have a slightly more promising future than staying on Korriban, I don't see why I wouldn't have given her a helping hand. Hoping it doesn't come back to bite me..."
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-001 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"I've been on Korriban for two years now. The days follow one another and look alike desperately... The lessons with the specialists in the archives of the academy, the sword-fighting training on the dummies or on the K'lor'slugs in Ajunta Pall's tomb... And above all try not to get killed by Vermin and Dolgis, two of the Acolytes that Tremel is also in charge of, the Overseer who welcomed me when I arrived. Tremel informed me that Darth Baras is looking for an Apprentice and that Vermin is the one who is being approached to become one, which does not seem to help his business because it is a half-blood. However, I am no better than him. I'll even say I'm worse. I am a Chiss, Force-sensitive people are rare among my people and I must probably be the only one of my lineage to be so. Then I don't know what Tremel's scheming, but it's not with me that the true Sith will rule as masters..."
[A sigh of weariness.]
"So... In order to put me to the test, he asked me to interview three prisoners held in the academy's jails. But he was quite surprised by my decisions. While he found it wise not to waste potential resources for the Empire by sending the first one to the Sith Secret Service, he found it questionable to keep a fallen Sith in a cell instead of offering him a death in a last fight and releasing the last innocent prisoner instead of killing him because he had spent enough time on Korriban to know our infrastructure and perhaps resell the information. I don't like this Sith behavior of killing so easily. A life is a life and there is no way I'm taking that of someone who doesn't deserve it. I prefer to let a man think about the consequences of his acts as many years as it will take behind bars rather than give him death just to ease his tormented conscience. My values are very different from those of the Sith, even the Empire, but I will not lower myself to their level."
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-007 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"When we arrived on the fleet, Vette asked to speak to me in private. So we went to the cantina of Spacedock Vaiken and got to know us better. It's still a little more pleasant to do this over a drink than in an imperial prison. She asked me if I could take off her slave necklace. Which I immediately agreed to do. I wasn't going to let her have it anyway. I hate this term... Slave... I prefer to have allies I can count on in all circumstances rather than slaves at my service who act in a forced manner. Who knows, maybe over time we can get along well."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING…
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[3645 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3645BBY-001 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
[In the command room, several people are present. Two young Chiss women stand beside their chairs, while Lord Rasche, a Sith Pureblood , walks slowly through the room, talking to Colonel Edeyrn. The two men seem to have known each other for a long time.]
Lord Rasche: Colonel Edeyrn... I see your continuation is already assured.
[The Chiss respectfully tilts the bust.]
Colonel Edeyrn: I am not in age to be retired, but you flatter me, my lord. My daughters are my pride and I hope they will serve the Sith Empire as fervently as I do. Lord Rasche: Oh, I don't doubt that for a moment. However... I didn't know one of them was a Force-sensitive.
[Saying this, the Sith lays his hand on the shoulder of the youngest of the girls who remained stoic. The Chiss raises an eyebrow slightly, an imperceptible expression of astonishment on the face.]
Colonel Edeyrn: A Force-sensitive? No offense, but you must probably be mistaken, my lord.
[The Sith approaches the officer with a slow step and comes to face him, tilting his head slightly and looking him straight in the eye.]
Lord Rasche: Would you question my word, Colonel? Colonel Edeyrn: N-no... Absolutely not, my lord. Lord Rasche: Good. I would like to avoid having to give you good hiding for daring to make such an affront to me. You're a good member here, on Ilum. Perhaps it would be good to ask your daughter for some explanations? Because she seems to have deliberately hidden this little detail from you.
[The Sith steps aside and starts walking around the room again with a satisfied smirk on his lips. Skillfully containing his annoyance, the Colonel turned to his younger daughter, frowning imperceptibly.]
Colonel Edern: Earynn? What do you have to say for yourself? Earynn: I know the fate of those of our people who are Force-sensitive and I know the hopes you had for me, Father. I didn't want to get you in trouble or shame our family. Lord Rasche: Oh... What a self-sacrifice. It would be almost... moving. If only it were possible to perceive the slightest expression on her face or the slightest emotion in the tone of her voice. I find that.... fascinating.
[Faced with the Sith's sarcasm, Earynn does not flinch while her elder sister who remains silent observes the other three people in turn.]
Lord Rasche: I can easily understand that for someone as high-ranking as you, Colonel, this little incident can be very... annoying within the Chiss Ascendancy. But... I can offer you a solution that will help both your business and ours.
[Edeyrn turns his eyes away from his daughter and focuses his attention on the Sith.]
Colonel Edeyrn: I suppose you're talking about sending her to Korriban? Lord Rasche: Indeed. I suspect that this is not what you envisioned for her future, but in this way, you will be relieved of this burden and we will see if she can serve the Empire by becoming a Sith. Colonel Edeyrn: I don't think I really have a choice anyway, do I?"
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[3647 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3647BBY-001 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING...
"I know I should do everything I can to ignore my affinity with the Force, but I can't help it. It's as if I'm trying to hide a part of myself at all costs. I like to sit in my room, calmly and focus my thoughts to make small objects levitate in the palm of my hands. It allows me to clear my mind, to chase away all the negative thoughts that disturb me, to refocus on myself and to experience a certain inner peace. I really need it, especially because of the anguish and fear I have on a daily basis if someone were to learn about my abilities. Why do the Chiss consider their Force-sensitive congeners to be flawed when in other species, on the contrary, they are highlighted and invited to develop their skills..."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING...
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[3649 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3649BBY-001 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING...
"Earlier on the afternoon, while I was doing my homework, I reached out my hand towards my glass of water so I could drink. But as I was about to grab it, it started to vibrate and move on its own. For a moment, I wondered if there had just been a small earthquake. I looked around, nothing had moved, not even the chandelier hanging over my head. Intrigued by what had just happened, I once again reached out my hand towards the glass, focusing my thoughts on the will to bring it to me, and the glass, after having vibrated slightly again, began to slide on the desk to my hand. I-I did not expect this at all... to be a Force-sensitive... Because few Chiss are sensitive to it... and because these individuals are very poorly regarded in our society because they are considered to have a genetic anomaly that must be purged..."
[Her voice is getting slightly more febrile.]
"I-I don't want to go on the operating table, get my brain crushed or take any medication... I'm too afraid that it will change me forever and not be myself anymore... But I don't want my parents to be ashamed because of this news because I know my father build his hopes up about me in the Nuruodo Familly... Whether in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Forces or the Sith Empire... "
[A sigh is heard, then silence, and her voice seems to resign itself.]
"I... will try to hide my new skills as much as possible in the hope that it won't be noticed... Otherwise, I can scrap my future... and my life as I know it..."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING...
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>> GENERAL INFORMATION - Full name: Deve’aryn’nulundra, married Shan - Nickname: Earynn, Commander - Birthdate: 3665 BBY - Race: Chiss - Gender: Female - Origine: Csilla - Occupation: Commander of the Eternal Alliance - Allegiance: Eternal Alliance (formerly Sith Empire)
>> FAMILY - Father: Deve’deyr’nuruodo, known as Colonel Edeyrn - Mother: Deve’wyl’sabosen, known as Ewylsa - Siblings: Deve’avan’nuruodo, known as Nef’tys or Cipher 9 (older sister) - Husband: Theron Shan (formerly Malavai Quinn) - Children: Ievenn Shan, Sorenn Shan - Allies: Vice-Commander Shil’an’dra, Lana Beniko - Ennemies: ---
>> PHYSICAL - Height: 169cm - Weight: 57kg - Hair: Black, short - Eyes: Glowing red without pupil, dark makeup - Skin: Bright blue lightly tending towards purple - Special signs: Some scars and burn marks on her body
>> PERSONALITY - Alignement: Light side - Like: Learning, respect for others, diplomacy, honour, technology, artefacts - Dislike: Killing innocent people or for pleasure, gratuitous violence, prejudice, racism - Qualities: Calm, meticulous, courteous, impassive - Flaws: Independent, withdrawn
>> ABILITIES - Combat: Handling two lightsabers (ambidextrous) - Spoken languages: Cheunh, basic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> JOURNAL ENTRIES FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT A RECORDING...
- Entry 3649BBY-001 - Entry 3647BBY-001 - Entry 3645BBY-001 - Entry 3645BBY-002 - Entry 3645BBY-003 - Entry 3643BBY-001 - Entry 3643BBY-002 - Entry 3643BBY-003 - Entry 3643BBY-004 - Entry 3643BBY-005 - Entry 3643BBY-006
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING...
__[ TAG ]_____________________________________________
Earynn | Reflexion
Earynn | Holojournal
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>> GENERAL INFORMATION - Full name: Shil’an’dra Siviihr, married Kimble - Nickname: Shil, Jedi Master Shil’an’dra, Vice-Commander - Birthdate: 3671 BBY - Race: Miraluka - Gender: Female - Origine: N/A - Occupation: Vice-Commander of the Eternal Alliance - Allegiance: Eternal Alliance (Formerly Galactic Republic)
>> RELATIONSHIP - Father: N/A - Mother: N/A - Siblings: Majh’an’dra Siviihr (twin sister) - Husband: Archiban Frodrick Kimble, known as Doc - Children: Ae’than Kimble - Allies: Commander Earynn, Theron Shan, Lana Beniko - Ennemies: ---
>> PHYSICAL - Height: 172cm - Weight: 65kg - Hair: Red, short - Eyes: Blind - Skin: Pale - Special signs: Some scars on her neck and jawline
>> PERSONALITY - Alignement: Light side - Like: Meditation, justice, defend people, being on the battlefield - Dislike: Revenge, cowardice, torture - Qualities: Courageous, loyal, protective, dedicated - Flaws: Distrustful, sometimes cold
>> ABILITIES - Combat: Handling two lightsabers (ambidextrous) - Spoken languages: Miralukese, basic - Others: Vision through the Force
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> JOURNAL ENTRIES FOUND… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT A RECORDING…
- Entry 3655BBY-001 - Entry 3655BBY-002
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING…
__[ TAG ]_____________________________________________
Shil’an’dra | Reflexion
Shil’an’dra | Holojournal
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>> GENERAL INFORMATION - Full name: Deve’avan’nuruodo, married Hyllus - Nickname: Eavann, Nef’tys, Cipher 9 - Birthdate: 3667 BBY - Race: Chiss - Gender: Female - Origine: Csilla - Occupation: Imperial agent - Allegiance: Sith Empire
>> FAMILY - Father: Deve’deyr’nuruodo, known as Colonel Edeyrn - Mother: Deve’wyl’sabosen, known as Ewylsa - Siblings: Deve’aryn’nulundra, known as Commander Earynn (younger sister) - Husband: Vector Hyllus - Children: --- - Allies: Darth Majh’an’dra - Ennemies: The Galactic Republic
>> PHYSICAL - Height: 170cm - Weight: 61kg - Hair: Black, short - Eyes: Glowing red without pupil, dark makeup - Skin: Bright blue lightly tending towards purple - Special signs: Some scars on her body
>> PERSONALITY - Alignement: Dark side - Like: Listening, observing, learning, having power through information - Dislike: Betrayal, pity, the Galactic Republic, her younger sister - Qualities: Tactician, keep a cool head in all circumstances - Flaws: Impassive, sneaky, manipulative, calculating
>> ABILITIES - Combat: Vibro-Knife, Blaster Rifle - Spoken languages: Cheunh, basic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> JOURNAL ENTRIES FOUND… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT A RECORDING…
- Entry 3645BBY-001 - Entry 3645BBY-002
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING…
__[ TAG ]_____________________________________________
Nef’tys | Reflexion
Nef’tys | Holojournal
0 notes
[3645 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3645BBY-003 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING...
"Korriban. Sand as far as the eye can see and almost no vegetation... This planet is almost as inhospitable as those who live there. They say that the Chiss tend to be xenophobic... I think that the Sith are no better when you see the consideration they have for Force-sensitive aliens... I, who was destined for a brilliant career as an officer in the Sith Empire, am now being treated as less than nothing, hardly better than a K'lor'slug. I know that by doing so, the Overseers are trying to go us over to the Dark Side. Humiliation, anger, hatred, not to mention the fact that they are trying to raise us up against each other so that we can confront and eliminate our rivals who would dare to stand up on our way to power. Some of the Acolytes who arrived at the same time as me have already succumbed. Others have already begun to show physical signs of corruption. But I remain a great mystery to them. Because of my stoicism and impassivity, they cannot know if what they do to me affects me or not. And I have a lot of fun with it. We Chiss have at 10 years old the maturity that humans have at 20 years old. So if they think I'm a young girl just out of my teens, they're completely wrong. They will never break my mind and I intend to follow the path I have chosen."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING...
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[3645 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3645BBY-002 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING...
"I knew that sooner or later it would be difficult for me to hide my Force-sensitivity without medical treatment or surgery. But... I didn't expect one of the Sith stationed at the Imperial Base on Ilum to notice it so easily and inform my father without any subtlety. Their arrogance and self-sufficiency are unbearable to me. I have no desire to leave the Chiss Ascendancy or go to Korriban. However, I have to pack my bags with the minimum of belongings to go there in a few days. What will happen to me there, on this dusty planet, surrounded by strangers, in this universe I don't know? I think for the first time in my life the unknown scares me."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING...
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