This is the story about my journey on Star Wars: The Old Republic | Independent semi-RP blog based on SWTOR Lore | Written by Aryalaenkha
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[3643 BBY]
[Vette asking to Earynn if she could take off her slave necklace.]
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-007 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"When we arrived on the fleet, Vette asked to speak to me in private. So we went to the cantina of Spacedock Vaiken and got to know us better. It's still a little more pleasant to do this over a drink than in an imperial prison. She asked me if I could take off her slave necklace. Which I immediately agreed to do. I wasn't going to let her have it anyway. I hate this term... Slave... I prefer to have allies I can count on in all circumstances rather than slaves at my service who act in a forced manner. Who knows, maybe over time we can get along well."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING…
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Andronikos Revel.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Khem Val.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Darth Zash’s other Apprentices on the Dark Temple.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Lord Kallig on the Dark Temple.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Darth Zash on the Dark Temple.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Lord Kallig.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra getting Kallig’s lightsaber back on Nar Shaddaa .]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Lord Kallig.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Darth Thanaton.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Andronikos Revel.]
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[3643 BBY]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTRY 3643BBY-011 FOUND... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCODED DATA… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DECODING IN PROGRESS… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> START PLAYING THE RECORDING…
"When I entered in Dromund Kaas orbit, I was contacted by Darth Thanaton, a member of the Dark Council, via the holocom of my ship. What surprises me is that he tried to warn me of my Master's profoundly evil nature and that I had to beware of her. This was confirmed by my dear ancestor when he came to say hello again just after my discussion with Thanaton. It seems so worried that something is happening to me that he asked me to go get his lightsaber... that the members of the Escalus lineage who served him have kept it for centuries... on Nar Shaddaa... Did I already said I hate this planet?"
[Exasperated sigh.]
"This little problem solved, I joined Zash at the Dark Temple who was waiting for me to perform her ritual. However, I was surprised to see her real face, that of an old bag all wrinkled. That bitch keeps her cards close to her chest! Especially since her damn ritual was to transfer her essence into MY body! Luckily, Khem intervened just in time to save me. But unfortunately, my former Master's soul is now stuck in the body of my dashade and both are fighting for its control. If there's one of them I'd rather save, it's Khem. At least I know I'll have his eternal loyalty as a result, not like Zash who'll take advantage to kill me as soon as my back is turned."
[Small smile in voice.]
"Anyway... To celebrate my promotion to the rank of Sith Lord, Andronikos invited me for a drink. And for once, not at Mos Ila Cantina! We quietly settled down on the sofa of my ship and talked, getting to know each other better... at least not in a bed. I have to say that his approach was mostly like a pick-up technique, but... I don't mind. I like this man more and more and I'm almost tempted to let myself be seduced..."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF PLAYBACK OF THE RECORDING… >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FILE CLOSING…
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra getting the Tulak Hord’s artifact on Alderaan.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra on Alderaan.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking to Rehanna Rist.]
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[3643 BBY]
[Majh’an’dra talking with Elana Thul.]
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