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sublimesims · 2 months
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Love The Sims 3 Lepacy Challenge but you play The Sims 4? Look no further for I have created a lepacy challenge for The Sims 4 right here!
Here is the Google Document for the rules or read below!
As someone who loves the Sims 3 lepacy challenge, I thought I would create one for The Sims 4. I’m aware there is one already made by annaliesembsims on Tumblr but it didn’t fit the criteria I was looking for in the challenge. Their challenge looks wonderful, I just play a little differently. Thanks to both the sims 3 lepacy creator and annaliesembsims! If you see any similarities below, all credit goes to them. Let’s get into the basics!
This is an expansion pack only lepacy challenge. You don’t need to add any game packs, stuff packs, or kits unless you want to. ***Personally, whenever I start a new gen I will also be downloading the game packs and stuff packs that came out that same year.
Unless specified, your sim may have any traits or aspirations you wish.
Feel free to tag me so I can see your wonderful posts!
Generation 1 (Base Game)
You need a fresh start. What’s better than packing everything you own and moving to a completely new town? You move to this new town lost and confused about your future. Somehow, you get a job even though you have no degree or credentials! While your job is tolerable, you’re mainly missing having friends and hobbies and a lover. Now’s the time to do all of those things with your new way of life!
Must live in one of the three base game worlds (Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, or Newcrest)
Must have a base game job
Must have at least 3 friends
Max two skills
Must complete a base game aspiration
Must get married to a townie
Have at least 2 kids
***Packs that came out the same year as base game: None
Generation 2 (Get to Work)
You always admired your parents but saw how they both dreaded going to work every day. You want to work in a field you’re passionate about. As a kid you always dreamed of being the big boss, whether that be as a doctor, scientist, detective, or business owner. Time to get to workin’!
Move to one of the other worlds from Base Game (or Get to Work)
Must become a doctor, scientist, detective, or own your own business
If you chose a career, you must reach level 10
If you chose owning a business, you must earn at least 25,000 simoleons before the end of the generation
Max skills needed for job
Marry a coworker (or customer) and eventually get divorced
Have only 1 child
Make sure your child maxes all skills from infant-child and reaches all of their aspiration goals before becoming a young adult
***Packs that came out the same year as get to work: Outdoor Retreat, Luxury Party Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff, Day Spa, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Spooky Stuff
Generation 3 (Get Together)
Your parents always pushed you to do your best in school to the point of having the Perfectionist or the Erratic trait. Once you became a young adult you decided you wanted to relax and have fun! The rumors of Windenburg’s parties have lured you to the scenic town. You still talk to your parents but are trying to distance yourself as they pressure you to settle down and get a consistent job.
Must have the perfectionist or erratic trait
Live in Windenburg
Must have one of the traits from Get Together (dance machine or insider)
Must have the Leader of the Pack aspiration and complete it
Must max out dancing and DJing skills
Must have at least one kid (if you want multiple then they can not share the same father/mother)
Never get married
***Packs that came out the same year as get together: Get Together came out the same year as Get to Work and the other packs
Generation 4 (City Living)
Your parent showed you how to live life in an exhilarating way! While you enjoyed staying up late and eating junk food and basically having no rules your entire life, you also craved the stability that never came. Moving to San Myshuno always intrigued you but you knew you would never be able to afford it on your own. But, wait! Your best friend wants to leave Windenburg too! Isn’t that just dandy?
Live in San Myshuno with at least one roommate
Must have the Unflirty or Vegetarian trait
Must have the City Native aspiration and completed
Must get married to roommate 
Go to every festival
Become a critic, politician, or social media influencer, or singing “career” and max the job
If you chose the “singing” career just make sure you can make livable wages
Try every single food from the stalls
Have as many kids as you would like
Max singing skill
***Packs that came out the same year as city living: Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Dineout, Kids Room, Backyard, Vintage Glamour
Generation 5 (Cats & Dogs)
Growing up you had to deal with the hustle and bustle of city life. Everything was cramped, busy, and packed. There wasn’t even enough room for a pet. You saw an ad on Simtube about Brindleton Bay one day and ever since then, you have dreamed of living there. The fresh air, the pets, all of it sounds so enticing!
Live in Brindleton Bay
Own a cat and dog
Have a litter of kittens or puppies
Become a vet and max the skill
Max the pet training skill
Have the cat lover or dog lover trait
Have the Friend of the Animals aspiration and complete it
Get married and have three kids
Optional: Have a simstagram for your pet
***Packs that came out the same year as cats and dogs: Vampire, bowling, parenthood, fitness, toddlers
Generation 6 (Seasons)
Living in Brindleton Bay all of your life was great, except for the rain (listen…i know this isn’t technically right because you aren’t supposed to have seasons until your sims are young adults but work with me lol). While Brindleton Bay had all four seasons, you still felt it lacked something because of all of the rain. Time to move!
Live in any world except Brindleton Bay
Experience a holiday (whatever holiday you want) in each season
Rely only on beekeeping and flower arrangement for an income (feel free to have a florist shop)
Max flower arranging and skating skills
Have at least one aspiration reward trait from seasons
Declare favorite season/weather
Get married to someone who has the opposition declaration 
Have as many kids as you want but each child must max the scouting activity
***Packs that came out the same year as seasons: Laundry, jungle adventure, my first pet
Generation 7 (Get Famous)
Small town life never intrigued you. You thought everyone was boring, the town you grew up in was boring, and nothing interested you. Except being famous. You would stay up late watching Simtube and meticulously rating movies on Letter Box and obsessing over your favorite celebrities. Now that you’re a young adult you’re free to do whatever you want! Time to move to Del Sol Valley!
Live in Del Sol Valley
Have the self-absorbed trait
Have either the World Famous Celebrity aspiration or the Master Actor and complete it
Become an actor or influencer 
Max either the acting skill or media production skill
Have a pristine or atrocious reputation
Reach max celebrity level
Marry another celebrity
Have as many kids as you want but each kid has to be into the drama club
***Packs that came out the same year as get famous: get famous came out the same year as seasons
Generation 8 (Island Living)
Growing up with famous parents and being forced to go to red carpets, join the drama club, and having to deal with paparazzi has run you down and you just want to live life alone in peace. Sulani seems like the perfect place for rest and relaxation.
Live in Sulani
Attend all Sulani festivals (Don’t know when they happen? Try this mod!)
Have at least 5 friends
Marry a townie
Have 4 kids (make sure at least one child maxs all skills from infant-child and completes all of their aspirations from child-teen and gets A’s throughout entire schooling career)
Have the child of the island or the child of the ocean trait
Have the beach life aspiration and complete it
Become a conservationist, diver, fisherman, or lifeguard and make the career
Max athletic skill
***Packs that came out the same year as island living: strangerville, moschino, realm of magic
Generation 9 (Discover University)
Basking in the sun throughout your childhood has been wonderful but you have always craved knowledge. You always had A’s and maxed your skills to fulfill your need for knowledge but it was never enough. Your restlessness has made you antsy. Now that you’re a young adult, you can meet that need in University!
Get accepted into Britechester or Foxbury institute and live in the world
Have the academic aspiration and complete it
Max the research and debate skill or the robotics skill
Join an afterschool activity or an organization (secret society counts for an organization)
Achieve all A’s
Throw one party per semester
Once graduated, live anywhere you wish
End up having a job as an educator, law, or engineer
Have a college sweetheart and get married
Have as many kids as you want
Once you have graduated and joined a career, cheat on your spouse and get divorced
Marry sim you cheated with
Optional: Have a servo
***Packs that came out the same year as discover university: discover university came out the same year as island living
Generation 10 (Eco Lifestyle)
Your parents' love of knowledge has worn off on you, but for the worse. You are riddled with the knowledge of capitalism and its destruction of the planet. Evergreen Harbor has been on the news, specifically because of the pollution. Finally, you have had enough of just sitting around. You want to make a change! 
Live in Evergreen Harbor
Make sure every neighborhood in Evergreen Harbor has a green eco footprint
Have the freegan, green fiend, maker, or recycle disciple trait
Have the eco innovator or master maker aspiration and complete it
Max the civil designer job
Max the gardening, fabrication, or juice making skill
Marry a townie 
Have as many kids as you want
***Packs that came out the same year as eco lifestyle: tiny living, nifty knitting, journey to batuu
Generation 11 (Snowy Escape)
Since your parent was obsessed with nature and eco footprints, you spent a lot of time outside. This aided in your need for excitement and thrill. You were always at the playground and hanging out at the quarry. Now, you want to take your need for thrill to the next level in Mt. Komorebi!
Live in Mt. Komorebi
Visit all festivals
Have the adventurous or proper trait
Max the rock climbing, skiing, or snowboarding skill
Complete the extreme sports enthusiast or mt. komorebi sightseer aspiration
Have the salaryperson job (you don’t have to max this as it’s not your goal)
Visit all neighborhoods and complete some activities (meeting Yamachan in Wakaba, nature walk in Senbamachi, snowy activities in Yukimatsu, etc)
Marry a sim that has the same thrill for excitement and is mastering another skill you did not choose
Have 2 kids
***Packs that came out the same year as snowy escape: snowy escape came out the same year as eco lifestyle
Generation 12 (Cottage Living)
Mt. Komorebi is where your heart lies but you wish you lived more in the country. You have always loved animals but you can’t really own a cow when you live in the middle of town! You made a penpal in Henford-on-Bagley and they have convinced you to move there.
Live in Henford-on-Bagley
Have the animal enthusiast or lactose intolerant trait
Have the country caretaker aspiration and complete it
Max the cross stitch skill or the cooking skills (if you choose to go into canning things)
Have a barn, coop, and farm on your lot
Have the simple living or wild foxes lot challenge
Win a town fair
Complete at least 3 errands
Marry your “pen pal” (a townie)
Have five kids
***Packs that came out the same year as cottage living: paranormal, throwback fit, country kitchen, bust the dust, courtyard oasis, dram home decorator, industrial loft, fashion st, incheon arrivals, blooming rooms, modern menswear
Generation 13 (High School Years)
Your parents decided that the education you were receiving out in the country wasn’t good enough! They moved you all to Copperdale so you could have the true high school experience. Yay, I guess?
Live in Copperdale
Get all A’s
Join an afterschool activity or have a part-time job and max it
If you choose a part-time job you must create a club from get together so you can have friends!
Sneak out successfully
Throw a party while parents are out or on another lot
Have the overachiever, party animal, or socially awkward trait
Complete the drama llama, goal orientated, live fast, or admired icon aspiration
Get prom royalty or jester
Use social bunny often to update your status
Marry your highschool sweetheart (once you’re a young adult)
***Packs that came out the same year as high school years: carnaval streetwear, my wedding stories, decor to the max, moonlight chic, little campers, werewolves, first fits, desert luxe, everyday clutter, pastel pop
Generation 14 (Growing Together)
You had the time of your life as a teen! You also married your high school sweetheart. The two of you decide to move to San Sequoia because of the job opportunities and want for a big family.
Have a freelancer job
Have 3 kids
Have a dog or cat
Each kid must reach all of the milestones and have their own aspirations (and complete them) and traits (no repetition)
Must have a baby shower, family reunion, and sleepover at some point
Must visit recreation center often
Must have midlife crisis and do it (except the divorce one)
Optional: Max parenting skill (parenthood required)
***Packs that came out the same year as growing together: simtimates, bathroom clutter, greenhouse haven, basement treasures, grunge revival, book nook
Generation 15 (Horse Ranch)
Your parents let you have your own personalities and lives as you grew and you turned out to be a horse girl/boy! Congrats! San Sequoia lacked horses and equestrian activities. But, just a little bit east, is the town of Chestnut Ridge! Known for their horses, square dancing, and wine making, this town sounds just down right perfect for you.
Live in Chestnut Ridge
Have the horse lover or rancher trait
Have the championship rider or expert nectar maker aspiration and complete it
Master the riding and nectar making traits
Have at least 2 horses who makes their skills
Own sheep or goats
Get married
Have as many kids as you want
Have your spouse die (riperoni)
***Packs that came out the same year as horse ranch: modern luxe, poolside splash, home chef hustle
Generation 16 (For Rent)
Living in a small town where one of your parents was more concerned with their horses than you and the other one being dead has left you feeling a little lost. You crave the sense of a close knit family and friendship. You went on a trip in high school to Tomarang and loved every moment of it. Ever since you got back from that trip, you have thought about Tomarang. Now that you’re a young adult and can make your own choices you have decided to leave your parent to Chestnut Ridge in search of your own belonging in Tomarang.
Live in Tomarang
Have the nosy, generous, or child of the village trait (once you are an elder you need the wise trait)
Either become a property owner or have the part time handyperson job
If you are a property owner you need to decide if you want pristine living conditions where you have the highest ratings or the worst landlord known to man and achieve that goal
If you go into the part-time job you need to make sure you have at least 5 friends
Marry a townie and max your friendship with all of their family members
Have a pool party and potluck at some point
You must live with your spouse’s family
Have at least two kids
You need to have the seeker of secrets, five-star property owner, fount of Tomarani knowledge, or discerning dweller aspiration and complete it
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hpysprkl · 2 months
Kiki's Art Commissions
Commisions are: OPEN
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Who and What I Draw
Your Fallout OCs and fave companions. All Fallout, all the time. I've played every Fallout in existence (except that Tactics/BoS bullshit) and I love them all - yes, even 76.
Interested in non-Fallout art? Doesn't hurt to ask!
Looking for more examples of my work? Here's my tag.
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Prices (USD)
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More details on terms, what I will and won't draw, what I need from you, etc below the cut.
Payment is currently only available through PayPal. I'm looking into other payment options, such as Ko-Fi.
What I need from you
your faceclaim(s). If they're not someone I can easily google, I will need a few clear photos from different angles. Don't have a faceclaim for your OC yet? This is a great place to start looking
in-game screenshots are sometimes useful, so include those as well if they look anything like your OC. I will always prefer real human reference though, so please give me a faceclaim!
basic details: height, build, age, hair color/texture/style, eye color, identifying marks, etc etc etc. For companions, give me your headcanons on any details not provided in-game (or if you headcanon something differently), or I'll use my own if you don't have any
what outfit(s) they wear. If it's vanilla/Creation Club/Atomic Shop, just the in-game outfit names will usually do (i'll tell you if I need more)
any personality traits, background info, or quirks you want to share are absolutely GREAT and help me breathe a little more life into a character
if I'm drawing them with a companion, tell me a little about their dynamic
Will draw:
your Fallout OCs
their companion(s) (including ghouls)
some blood/gore/injury
sfw romantic content
Difficult areas:
curly hair - I'm trying, I'm learning, but it's harder and might take me longer
Super Mutants - haven't tried yet, but it can't be that hard
artistic nudity/pinups: I'm really out of practice, I make no guarantees
Won't draw:
anything racist/queerphobic/transphobic/bigoted/etc
backgrounds. There's a reason this is a serparate, specialized job in animation and comic studios
nsfw romantic/sexual content (I don't have a problem with it, it's just way outside my wheelhouse. I'm learning.)
excessive blood/gore/injury (again, outside my wheelhouse)
creatures (same reason)
What you get
high-resolution digital art (A4/8x12" at 200dpi for busts, minimum of 12x12" at 200dpi for half body and up) suitable for printing for personal use only
If you'd like me to crop you an isolated closeup of a character for use as a profile pic, I'm happy to do so at no extra charge
my work always includes my signature watermark; you may not remove or modify it
you're not required to credit me if you share it on social media, but of course I very much appreciate it if you do, and a link back to my tumblr along with it will earn you my undying love and gratitude
What you DON'T get
the right to modify, redistribute, sell or in any way profit from the work or products derived from the work (you can share it on your socials or post it with your fanfic and that sort of thing, but you can't sell stuff or give things away with my art on it). If you are interested in licensing for prints, stickers, or any other digital or physical merchandise (even not-for-profit), please let me know so we can discuss licensing terms. The 'no redistribution' rule does include gifting. If you're interested in, for example, printing stickers with my art of your OC to hand out at comic con or something, please contact me.
copyright/intellectual property rights. It's still my original artwork. As such, I am free to modify and distribute it in any way I see fit, including for profit.
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high-pot-in-noose · 1 year
I am once again recommending 4THEWORDS, a customizable-avatar rpg game thtat you can play solo or with friends based around WRITING. You battle unique monsters in different realms and win prizes that you can use to pretty-up your avatar, or boost your stats, or build on personal plots of land, all by upping your word-count on whatever writing project you're currently working on, be it a novel, homework, a blog, fanfiction, or anything else. You can work and play at the same time!
Most importantly, I just wrote 200+ words in 10 minutes just by going against a monster that needed 150 words in 15 minutes to defeat it!
They keep the word-count and countdown timer right next to each other, and the monster and it's hp right next to those, and I don't know how to explain how motivating seeing those next to next is. It applies just the amount of deadline pressure I need to self-motivate, but also keeps things fun by applying gaming psychology. I was ready to jump on a harder monster as soon as I was done with the first one!
I used to play on a free trial account back when the game was still in beta, and let me tell ya, the expansion since then has been massive! The writing interface alone rivals Google Docs.
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Look how cute I am in just the starter outfit!
And this world map! Beautiful!
It's $4 a month, but the free trial is also a month, provides the full unlimited experience of a regular account, and doesn't require any credit card or banking information from you unless you decide to subscribe for more time. You can also earn crystals which can be used to purchase more subscription time as well. And even if you choose to walk away after the free trial, your account will remain unlocked with all you previously wrote saved for if ever you decide to come back and subscribe for more time.
Go to app.4thewords.com, and if you decide to subscribe for another month or more, use my code TXQZX29134 to get 22 free crystals for your 1st purchase!
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dullsaredoomed · 2 months
What Dollhouse Mafia dulls are doing : DULLhouse Mafia's barbarian action
DollHouseMafia became DullHouseMafia, which shares paid CCs for The Sims 4 in telegram, smells like spoiled dairy products now. Like any other groups, which has unwavering managing group for a long time, it became 'I-WON'T-HEARING-ANYONE' group like we can see similar cases in history.
When you join the group, you will enjoy the warm aura at the moment, but you will get it soon that your comments will be deleted without proper reason even your comments make sense.
Because the manage group, 'mods' in other words, only stands behind who sharing CCs, and if he or she said something untrue, it become roughly true in that group. Doner says always right thing in that group.
But it won't go long, because they can't remember that you did donation before. They are willing to do rude things to you. Their head storage is too small to remember something.
And they show tantrums when you just mention about the price of the CCs. Of course, people in the group usually are either a miser or not really going to pay any money for CCs. But when you just say how much the CCs are, you can see their tantrums in various way. Sometimes they look like burning moth. It's one of their funny reactions in the group.
However, DullHouse has several channels, and they sometimes ask each other for CCs. And you can see their another funny actions.
They can't even search what they want. They seriously NEED HELP when searching CCs, while normal people can search google, tsr or any other search engines. And I think some of them maybe are under IQ70s or suspicious adults who can't have credit cards.
They are just CC junkies. They just can't do ordinary thinking. NEW CCs are all they want. Or they want to excavate old FORGOTTEN CCs even their creators want to forget. They are endlessly screaming 'mine! mine!' like seagulls in FINDING NEMO.
They can't be creative. They are being parasites for 2~3 years since the group born, and never tried to learn any creative skills. Think about these 2~3 years. Some CC creators became famous, enhenced their skills, be an EA partners, or earned some money. But them? They are still in Goddamn shithole. Begging CCs 3 years ago still begging CCs there. I think they have no future.
They leak other people's CCs and Mods like pee leaking. They spill other people's bags of beans without any guilts. They leak other people's time, blood, sweat and tears without feeling sorry. I think they are going to spill great amount of pee when they get old same way, and they might join a group named 'DiaperHouse Mafia'.
They have no patience. At first, they showed respect to Early Access creators. At least they pretended to. But now, they are just dogs which drool, pulled their brains out whether it is Early Access or Perma Paywalled.
They are shameless. The mods who are managing the group became soaked in inertia. People would finally know what is in the mods' tiny brain. [Donation], in other words [Money] is always RIGHT, huh?
At first, they showed themselves as CC pirate badasses. But now? They are as obeying dogs to their doners. And they are not even badasses, they are just pooping asses. All they can product is only poop.
They have no principle, rules or any respectful behavior. They want just free things without any responsibility.
In conclusion, they lost their direction.
Meanwhile, people in the group showed helping mind even in their hard circumstances, but now?
They are just helpless BEGGARS.
Once, they had some compelling reasons, but now all they can do is just whining.
What they still missed out is that CC making needs education, skills which need thousand of times and efforts. It's different from the time when playing with sloppy polygons in old times.
Of course, CC creators who create awful polygons should not thumbs up to this post. Some of them should not even feel happy at this article.
It is kind of destiny to get criticism since when you decided to publish your CCs to everyone.
People have EYEs, SENSEs and Aesthetic criteria.
Some of creators should be aware of how hard it is to get money from CCs and to satisfy others, and do not make fun of their CUSTOMERS.
If you once decided to sell your products, you have to treat your CUSTOMERS. Do not block or mock any of customers without proper reason.
Always be in your mind that transaction and contract make new relationship between you and your followers.
If you do not? I won't care about being your CCs are in that Dullhouse Mafia's savage hands or not.
I only feel sorry for hardworking creators and their cc leaks.
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shadesofromeo · 3 months
Droll Pics - Sell your Selfies,
Creating a story in 3 photos means conveying a narrative or sequence of events using just three images. It’s similar to telling a short story or capturing a moment in a way that presents a clear beginning, middle, and end.
In your proposed concept, you offer the first two photos for free and charge one credit for the third photo, which likely contains the resolution or conclusion of the story, enticing users to engage and pay to see the full narrative.
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plalaii · 10 months
*Open for rounds [ /5] (trial round)*
Earn money for food ✨
*Can start work immediately*
❗️**Please read carefully before ordering**❗️
Paper size: 2000×2000px
Scale: head-waist 25$
Working time: 1-5 days
Add character: 15$
Props: Free smaller props, less limit or equal to 10 pieces (if you want to add a small prop +3$/1 piece), large size (such as a doll pillow) limit less than or equal to 3 pieces. (if you want to add a large prop +6$/1 piece)
Background: Free single color background if there is more than 1 color or a location scene 5$+ (if you don't tell us the color you want, such as a blue background light pink background We will just use it as a white background.)
Order: 1 person can order 3 jobs /1 round.
Receive✔️: female/male, chibi, oc, canon, mimi, loli/shota, pixel art
Not Receive✖️: Too much detail work, furry, NSFW, robots, old people, grand backgrounds.
Briefing work 📝
- Send a picture of the character or reference (if any) you want. Explain the mannerisms and details clearly, tone color.
- If you have ych, you can send a picture of your character along with ych. and other details can come.
- If you have booked in the comments. *You can chat with us directly, or if you forget, we'll talk to you ourselves*
- Deposit half before starting work. *If the deposit has not been paid, work will not start*
- Sort the queue from the transfer.
- Do not reserve play work. And if the event is canceled There will be no refunds in any case.
- The received file will be a colored PNG and a transparent PNG. If you want to use another file Please inform me.
- Work submission will be sent in Google Drive only.
- If you want to publish the work Please credit the artist who draws Watashi Plalai*
- Finished work, we will ask for permission to use it as a work sample for the next time. If anyone doesn't allow it, you can tell me.
- Commercial ×2
Transfer channel💸
- PromptPay
*If you have any other questions You can ask for more information✨*
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How to Use the Uber for House Cleaning App Like a Pro
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In today's fast-paced world, keeping your home clean can be a challenge. Thankfully, technology has come to the rescue with the "Uber for House Cleaning" app. This app makes it incredibly easy to schedule and manage professional cleaning services from the comfort of your home. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to use the app like a pro, ensuring your home stays spotless without any hassle.
Understanding the Uber for House Cleaning App
What is the Uber for House Cleaning App?
The Uber for House Cleaning app is a revolutionary service that connects homeowners with professional cleaners. Similar to how Uber connects riders with drivers, this app allows you to book a cleaning service at your convenience. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can have a trusted cleaner at your doorstep.
Benefits of Using the App
Convenience: Book cleanings from anywhere at any time.
Reliability: Access to a network of vetted and professional cleaners.
Flexibility: Schedule cleanings based on your needs and preferences.
Quality: Consistent and high-quality cleaning services.
Setting Up Your Account
Downloading and Installing the App
The first step to using the Uber for House Cleaning app is to download and install it on your smartphone. The app is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Creating Your Profile
Once the app is installed, you'll need to create a profile. This involves entering basic information such as your name, address, and contact details. Make sure to provide accurate information to ensure seamless service.
Setting Up Payment Methods
The app offers various payment methods, including credit/debit cards and digital wallets. Set up your preferred payment method to make transactions smooth and hassle-free.
Booking a Cleaning Service
Choosing the Type of Cleaning Service
The app offers different types of cleaning services, such as:
Standard Cleaning: Regular cleaning tasks like dusting, vacuuming, and mopping.
Deep Cleaning: More thorough cleaning, including areas that are often overlooked.
Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning: Specialized cleaning for moving in or out of a property.
Speciality Cleaning: Services like carpet cleaning, window washing, and more.
Scheduling the cleaning
After selecting the type of service, choose a date and time that works best for you. The app provides a calendar view, making it easy to see available slots.
Customizing Your Cleaning Preferences
Specify any special instructions or preferences you have. For instance, you might want the cleaners to focus on certain areas or use specific cleaning products.
Managing Your Cleaning Appointments
Tracking Your Cleaner
Once your booking is confirmed, you can track the cleaner's arrival in real time through the app. This feature ensures you know exactly when to expect them.
Communicating with Your Cleaner
The app allows you to communicate directly with your assigned cleaner. Use this feature to provide any last-minute instructions or address any concerns.
Rescheduling or Cancelling Appointments
Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes, you may need to reschedule or cancel your cleaning appointment. The app provides easy options to do so without any hassle.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of the App
Maintaining a Cleaning Schedule
To keep your home consistently clean, consider setting up a regular cleaning schedule. The app allows you to book recurring appointments, ensuring your home stays in top shape.
Providing Feedback
After each cleaning session, the app prompts you to provide feedback. Use this feature to rate the service and provide constructive comments. This helps maintain high service standards.
Referring to Friends and Family
Many apps offer referral programs that reward you for inviting friends and family to use the service. Take advantage of these programs to earn discounts or free cleaning.
Ensuring a Smooth Cleaning Experience
Preparing Your Home for the Cleaner
While professional cleaners are equipped to handle most tasks, a little preparation can go a long way. Clear clutter from surfaces and ensure easy access to areas that need cleaning.
Being Clear About Your Expectations
Effective communication is key to a successful cleaning session. Be clear about your expectations and any specific areas you want the cleaner to focus on.
Staying Safe
Ensure a safe environment for both you and the cleaner. If you have pets, secure them in a separate area during the cleaning.
Advanced Features of the App
In-App Chat and Support
The app typically includes an in-app chat feature for quick support. If you encounter any issues or have questions, use this feature to get immediate assistance.
Loyalty Programs
Many apps offer loyalty programs that reward frequent users with discounts or special offers. Check if your app has such a program and take advantage of it.
Integration with Smart Home Devices
Some advanced cleaning apps can integrate with smart home devices. This feature allows you to control the cleaning process using voice commands or automated schedules.
The Uber for House Cleaning app is a game-changer for busy individuals and families looking to maintain a clean and organized home without the hassle. Learn expert tips on using the Uber for house cleaning app effectively. Discover how a top on-demand app development company can enhance your experience. By understanding how to use the app efficiently, setting up your preferences, and taking advantage of its advanced features, you can enjoy a spotless home with minimal effort. Embrace the convenience and reliability of this modern solution and become a pro at managing your house cleaning needs.
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course4you · 10 days
How to O_btain Free GO.Ogle Play Gift Cards: A Comprehensive Guide😍😍
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Obtaining free Google Play gift cards is a popular pursuit among users looking to benefit from the apps, games, and services available on the Google Play Store. There are several legitimate and safe ways to get free Google Play gift cards, which we will explore below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Chance to get a $100 Google Play Gift Card - Shop. Play. Get Rewarded!
1. How can I get Google Play gift cards through paid surveys?
Answer: Many websites and apps offer rewards in the form of Google Play gift cards for completing short surveys. Some notable options include:
Google Opinion Rewards: An official app from Google that provides rewards for completing surveys.
Swagbucks: Offers points that can be converted into Google Play gift cards by participating in surveys and various tasks.
2. Can I earn Google Play gift cards by watching ads or trying out new apps?
Your Chance to get a $100 Google Play Gift Card - Shop. Play. Get Rewarded!
Answer: Yes, some websites and apps offer rewards to users for watching ads or trying out new apps. Examples include:
FeaturePoints: Allows you to earn points by trying new apps, watching ads, and performing certain tasks, which can be converted into Google Play gift cards.
AppBounty: Provides points for trying out apps and watching videos, which can be redeemed for Google Play gift cards.
3. How do referral programs work for earning Google Play gift cards?
Answer: Certain apps and websites offer referral programs where you can invite friends to join their services and earn rewards when they use the app or website. For example:
CashPirate: Rewards users for inviting friends to sign up and try out apps.
4. Are there contests that offer Google Play gift cards as prizes?
Answer: Yes, some websites run contests and offer prizes in the form of Google Play gift cards. Following these sites and participating in contests can be a way to get free gift cards. One such platform is:
Gleam.io: A platform that organizes various contests that may include Google Play gift cards as prizes.
5. Can I earn Google Play gift cards by playing games?
Answer: Yes, certain apps and games reward players for the time they spend playing, and these rewards can be converted into Google Play gift cards. An example is:
Mistplay: An app that allows you to earn points for playing games, which can then be converted into Google Play gift cards.
6. How can forums and social media groups help me get free Google Play gift cards?
Answer: You can join groups on social media platforms or forums that focus on sharing offers and legal ways to get free Google Play gift cards. These groups can be a good source of information and new offers.
Important Tips
7. How can I avoid scams when trying to get free Google Play gift cards?
Beware of Scams: Avoid websites and apps that ask for sensitive personal information or credit card details in exchange for Google Play gift cards.
Read Reviews: Before signing up for any app or website, make sure to read reviews and feedback from other users to ensure its reliability.
Avoid Illegal Methods: Using illegal methods to obtain Google Play gift cards can result in your Google Play account being banned.
There are many legal and safe ways to get free Google Play gift cards. By participating in surveys, reward programs, referral programs, contests, and forums, you can collect Google Play gift cards and use them to purchase apps and games on the Google Play Store. Always follow safe methods and avoid suspicious websites to protect your personal information.
Free Google Play gift cardsEarn Google Play gift cardsPaid surveys for gift cardsReward programs for Google PlayReferral programsContest prizesPlay games for rewardsAvoid gift card scamsSafe methods to get gift cards
Your Chance to get a $100 Google Play Gift Card - Shop. Play. Get Rewarded!
#FreeGooglePlayGiftCards #EarnGooglePlayGiftCards #GooglePlayRewards #PaidSurveys #RewardPrograms #ReferralPrograms #ContestPrizes #PlayGamesForRewards #AvoidScams #SafeGiftCardMethods
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urparking · 18 days
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UrParking : Your Canadian parking Marketplace
Struggle to find parking in Canada. Spend less time circling and more time enjoying your day with Urparking, the hassle-free marketplace connecting drivers with hidden gems – unused parking spaces!
Drivers, rejoice! Forget the frustration of endless searching. Urparking's user-friendly app lets you find the perfect spot in seconds. Filter your search by location, price, and even accessibility to ensure it meets your needs. See live parking updates – no more driving to a spot only to find it occupied! Book it on the go and pay securely with your preferred method: credit card, digital wallet, or even top up your Urparking wallet for seamless transactions.
Own a parking spot that sits empty most of the time? Urparking can turn that unused space into extra cash! List your spot on our secure platform and connect with drivers in need. You set the price and availability, while Urparking handles the bookings and payments, ensuring a smooth experience. Manage everything – bookings, earnings, and communication with renters – conveniently through the app.
Urparking offers peace of mind for everyone. Secure in-app payments protect both drivers and owners. Need a spot with disability access? Filter for it! Rest assured, Urparking verifies all users and enforces clear parking policies for a safe and reliable experience.
Ready to ditch parking woes? Download the free Urparking app from the App Store or Google Play. Registering is quick and easy. Upload your documents for verification (it won't take long!), and you'll be ready to park or rent out your spot in no time.
Join the Urparking community and say goodbye to parking stress! It's time to reclaim your time and unlock the earning potential of your unused space. Download Urparking today and experience the future of convenient and affordable parking in Canada!
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paypant · 30 days
ShopAtHome Review: Is It Legit or a Scam?
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Do you want a cashback app that is worth your time? What about one of the industry's oldest? Learn more about the cashback app ShopAtHome in this in-depth review, and whether it is a legit or scam cashback site. Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that some fantastic earning opportunities are available online today. For example, you can earn money by completing microtasks, taking surveys, and playing games. ShopAtHome is a website that offers cash back on purchases made through the site. It is a cashback site enabling users to earn money back online purchases. But is it a legit cashback site, or is it a scam? This article will take a closer look at ShopAtHome and review everything you need to know about ShopAtHome. Related: Ultimate Rebaid Review! (Save $ 100's)
What is ShopAtHome?
ShopAtHome is a website that pays you a percentage of your purchase via its app. This site is affiliated with many online retailers. You'll be offered a cashback if you purchase a product from one of its online retailers via ShopAtHome. The percent of cashback you receive depends on the retailer store you purchase from. Most stores give you 1% to 40% cashback on your purchase investments. To become eligible for ShopAtHome cashback services, you must create an account and start shopping via its site. How ShopAtHome Works
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ShopAtHome is one of the most popular online shopping destinations that offers customers a unique and convenient online shopping experience. With ShopAtHome, you can shop for your favorite products from the comfort of your home and save money while doing so. Here's how it works: When you visit the ShopAtHome website, you'll find various products from different categories, including clothing, home goods, electronics, and more. You can browse by category or search for specific products. Once you find a product you want to buy, click on the link to view more details. When you're ready to buy, click the "add to cart" button and follow the instructions to complete your purchase. Your order will be shipped directly to your door, and your purchase is secure and private. In addition, you are protected by ShopAtHome's Buyer Guarantee and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. To learn more about the ShopAtHome Buyer Guarantee, visit ShopAtHome. After you purchase an item via ShopAtHome, you'll receive a percentage of that purchase back in a cash rebate. How to Sign Up for ShopAtHome
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ShopAtHome's sign-up process is simple and straightforward. It will only take a minute to complete it and become a member of their website. All you have to do is click the free sign-up button on their homepage and log in with your Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ account. You won't have to remember any additional login information to access your account. You can join the site using your existing email address and create a new password. The app will also sync with the email or social media account you used to sign in, sending all necessary updates to your inbox. Pros of ShopAtHome With ShopAtHome, you can earn cash back on your purchases, and there is no limit to how much you can earn. When it comes to making online purchases, there are different options to choose from. One of the best and most convenient options is ShopAtHome.com. Here are some of the pros of using this service: - Convenience: One of the biggest pros of ShopAtHome is its convenience. You can easily search for the items you want and purchase them without leaving your home. In addition, you can access ShopAtHome.com from anywhere with an internet connection. - Easy payments: Another benefit of ShopAtHome is its fast payment services. It also allows you to make payments with checks, credit cards, debit cards, or cash. - Variety: Another big benefit of ShopAtHome is its variety of products. You can find any product on the site, from clothes and accessories to electronics and home goods. This makes it an excellent one-stop shop for all your online shopping needs. - Free shipping on most items: Another benefit of ShopAtHome is its shipping policy. ShopAtHome, like some online retailers that have ways to get free shipping supplies, can give you free shipping on most items you purchase. To access the free shipping service, you'll need to ensure that the product you are buying meets ShopAtHome's free shipping policy. Cons of ShopAtHome ShopAtHome is a great way to save money on purchases, but it has a few drawbacks. Here are the cons of ShopAtHome: - Lack of good deals. ShopAtHome partners with certain stores, and you may not be able to find the best discount on the item you're looking for. - Inaccurate Search Menu: When you type in the name of a product in the search menu, ShopAtHome will sometimes show you a list of stores that don't offer the product. - Cashback offers are not always available. - The FAQ section contains limited information. - Not available to a global audience
How To Make Money With ShopAtHome
Everyone wants to know how to make money with this ShopAtHome app and whether those methods suit their needs. As a result, this is an important part of our ShopAtHome review, which will help you decide whether ShopAtHome is legit or a scam. Unlike traditional cashback apps, which offer limited saving options, ShopAtHome offers a variety of options. Here's a detailed breakdown of each of them so you can pick the best one for you. Get ShopAtHome Rewards
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ShopAtHome's main money-making tools are its cashback offers. You can easily get cashback on your purchases when you know where to look. First, log in as a member and navigate to your dashboard. Then, click the "view offer" button to view the list of offers and the terms and conditions for each one. If you like a cashback offer on the list, simply click the button and notify the retailer that you're purchasing through ShopAtHome. Then, you will be taken to the retailer's website to continue shopping as usual. Remember that you will not receive cashback if you visit the retailer's website after viewing the offer and buying the same product. As a result, you must navigate the site to find your desired brand. After completing the purchase, you will receive the cashback amount specified in the offer. However, the amount will not appear on your dashboard immediately because the platform needs time to verify your purchase. Get Paid To Take Surveys with ShopAtHome This feature distinguishes ShopAtHome from other cashback sites. There are many cashback rebate sites out there, but there ain't many that offer paid surveys, but ShopAtHome does. However, this does not imply you will have access to many surveys daily, as you would on a legitimate survey site. Furthermore, most of their surveys are preceded by qualifying questionnaires, which can be time-consuming. However, if you complete a survey on their website, you will be paid right away. They also give you five cents even if you cannot complete the survey, which is very thoughtful. However, if you are disqualified from more than five surveys in a single day, you will not receive any additional disqualification payments on that day. If disqualified, other best survey sites pay cash instantly. Get Referral Program Bonuses with ShopAtHome
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Just like sites that pay you to refer friends, you can also make money on ShopAtHome by referring it to your friends and family. You will receive a $5 bonus if your referral signs up for the platform using your link and makes a verified purchase within 30 days. We like their referral program because it rewards you and your friend who joined through your link with a $10 bonus from the platform. To begin earning money with ShopAtHome Tell A Friend, simply copy your unique link and share it on Twitter or Facebook. You can increase your visitors by sharing their banners on your social media accounts.
ShopAtHome Features
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ShopAtHome App The best thing about ShopAtHome is that it has a mobile app like many other cashback sites. So, you can check the app ones d the go for deals, discounts, and coupons, like ShopAtHome Payments. Another thing we like about ShopAtHome is that its payment system is simple and clear. What you earn from their cashback offers, coupons, discounts, and surveys will go straight to your member's portal on the site. After a while, you can turn your earnings into cash or gift cards. To get paid in cash, you'll need to reach the site's minimum threshold of $25. Get a Unique gift card with just $10 Here's some good news: even if you've only earned $10, you can use the platform to get a unique gift card. If you're wondering how much money you can make on the site, you're in for a pleasant surprise. ShopAtHome's cashback percentages on all their brands are pretty high compared to other cashback sites. So, depending on how much you spend, you can quickly get $10 to $25 cash back each time you shop, depending on how much you spend. ShopAtHome works with well-known stores like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, and Walmart. This is the best part. This means you can buy everything you need from one of the partner brands, from every day groceries to luxury items. Also, the presence of many brands and stores means there are always lots of deals for you. Before you buy something you need, you should check the app or website to see if the advertised discounts are still valid. So, you'll never miss a chance to get cashback. ShopAtHome User Reviews Positive Review by ShopAtHome Amazon Users "Okay...so I LOVE Shopathome.com. I like that I can shop online at the stores I normally would (at least most of them) and get a percentage back from my purchases! Let me tell you when I got a check after my Christmas shopping online. It made it all worthwhile. I've…" Bonnie, U.S A MUST-HAVE straightforward and comprehensive shopping and saving app: Shopathome. " I use this on my Kindle Fire as well as the chrome browser extension. The app works much better and is one of my favorites regarding shopping and saving. Everything is pretty straightforward. When you click on any of the listed featured stores (compiled from your… " Mobrinkley, US " Great app. I use this app to make extra money when I order from stores online. You go to this app before you order and find the store you will order from. This app will give you an extra percentage or discount off of your purchases. It is a great way to make money off…." Sandra, U. S Negative Review by Complaint Board Users "Cashback not credited I have earned over $ 5 000 in cash back for the last seven years, using 6 or 7 different cashback sites, so I know the rules and am always very careful. Please, be careful, too, when using ShopAtHome as your cashback platform. I have experienced so many problems with" TheRealJC, U.S. "Offers big rebates, but won't pay after the purchase ShopAtHome ripped me big time by paying me rebates I had earned through their site. After I made the purchases(Puritans Pride)through SAH, I wasn't getting paid the rebate, so On their site, I used their trackback to prove that I used their site to make my purchases, but they claimed that when they contacted Puritans Pride that I went direct through… " Bill Zeromski, U.S "110% guarantee not received. They cheated me out of the 110% guarantee I requested the day I placed a large order. I am absolutely positive that I did everything correctly and should have been awarded an additional 4.8% savings on my order. The so-called "customer service" claimed that I never sent a request in for a 110% guarantee, when in fact I did it 2X just… " Michael Pes, US ShopAtHome Review: Is it Legit or a Scam? Our verdict is that ShopAtHome is a legit site that offers online shoppers the ability to earn cashback on their purchases. The ShopAtHome coupons are good; however, the fact that getting cashback isn't always easy, as many users say, is definitely a problem that SAH needs to fix. The site has been around since 1999 and is one of the oldest and most well-known cashback sites. ShopAtHome is legit, but there are a few things to be aware of before using the site. Firstly, ensure you are registered with ShopAtHome through a legitimate referral link. Unfortunately, there are lots of scammers who use ShopAtHome referral links for fraudulent acts. Secondly, not all retail stores on ShopAtHome enable you to earn cashback for your purchase. Therefore, before purchasing from a retail store listed on ShopAtHome, you need to verify if the store allows you to earn cashback.
ShopAtHome Alternatives
BeFrugal It would be best to consider joining BeFrugal, a high-paying cashback site. The site is extremely popular, and it not only gives new users $10 when they sign up, but it also gives a $10 referral bonus. Because the platform has over 5000 retailer partners, you can earn cashback on almost every purchase you make. Rakuten Rakuten is a legit site that gives each new member a $10 bonus. It was formerly known as Ebates. It's easily one of the most popular cashback sites out there. Besides that, along with valid cashback offers, the site automatically applies coupons and discounts to all purchases when you download it as your browser extension. TopCashBack This well-known cashback site will pay you $15 just for signing up. Furthermore, it ranks first in terms of quick, instant payments. TopCashBack currently operates only in the UK but will open up soon for visitors worldwide. Is ShopAtHome For You? But the site does have some bad things about it. The interface hasn't been updated, so it looks old and is hard to use. Also, there aren't enough cashback offers, which is a big problem because that's how the site makes money. In the end, the choice is completely up to you. If the downsides bother you, you can go to other cashback sites with better deals. On the other hand, you should try ShopAtHome if you think there's nothing to lose. Before signing up for any online cashback site, you should always ensure you've done your research. This can save you time and help you avoid possible scams. Related: QuickRewards Review: Is it Legit?
Bottom Line
ShopAtHome is a legitimate cashback site that offers users rewards for shopping online. The site is easy to use and is affiliated with many online retail merchants. So if you want to earn cashback for shopping online, ShopAtHome is a good option. Overall, ShopAtHome is a legitimate site that can help you save money on your purchases. It gives you great ways to make money, like coupons that save you money, cashback deals, referral bonuses, and paid surveys. Also, the website pays out quickly in cash and gift cards.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is ShopAtHome? ShopAtHome is a website allowing users to browse and purchase items from online retailers. In addition, the site offers a variety of deals and discounts on items from other stores, and users can also earn cashback on their purchases. ShopAtHome also has a section where users can find coupons for different stores. Q: How does the cashback system work? The cashback system allows customers to earn money by spending it. Stores participating in the program will give a percentage of a customer's purchase back in cash. The rate can vary but is usually around 5% of the total investment. Sign up for a store's loyalty card or download an app to take advantage of the cashback system. Then, they can start earning rewards on every purchase they make. Tips are usually given as points, which can redeem for cash or other items. Q: Can I really get Cashback on ShopAtHome? Yes, you can. ShopAtHome is a website that allows you to shop online for items and receive cashback on your purchase. You can also find discounts and coupons on the ShopAtHome website. Q: How Do I start using ShopAtHome? To use ShopAtHome, you need to create an account. Once you have created an account, you can begin shopping. When you are ready to checkout, select ShopAtHome as your payment method. You will then be redirected to the ShopAtHome website. After you have completed your purchase, your cashback will be deposited into your ShopAtHome account. Q: Will I receive cashback if I cancel my order? You can cancel your order if you don't get your package within the time frame given for each product. Unfortunately, orders are sometimes sent out before we can cancel them. So, if you cancel your order but still get the package, email us, and we'll figure it out! Q: What happens if I receive the wrong item? If your order is the wrong size, color, broken, or otherwise not what you wanted, just let us know, and we'll refund you or try to get you the product you wanted. Read the full article
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iosgods · 1 month
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getmega · 2 months
Complete Guide to Rummy Circle App
Rummy Circle is one of India's most popular online rummy platforms, offering a seamless and exciting gaming experience for players of all skill levels. Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned pro, the Rummy Circle app provides a user-friendly interface, enticing rewards, and a vibrant community of players to compete against. In this guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know to get started on the Rummy Circle app, including how to play, tips for success, and strategies to improve your game.
How to Play Rummy on the Rummy Circle App:
Download the App: Start by downloading the Rummy Circle app from the App Store or Google Play Store. The app is free to download and easy to install on your smartphone or tablet.
Create an Account: Once you've installed the app, create an account by providing your email address, phone number, and a password. You may also have the option to sign up using your Facebook or Google account.
Navigate the Interface: The Rummy Circle app features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and find games. You'll find various game modes, including Points Rummy, Pool Rummy, and Deals Rummy, each offering a different style of gameplay and prize structure.
Join a Table: Choose a game mode and select a table based on your preferred buy-in amount. Rummy Circle offers tables for players of all skill levels, from beginners to experts.
Arrange Your Cards: Once you've joined a table, you'll be dealt a hand of cards. Arrange your cards in sets and sequences to form a valid hand. A valid hand consists of at least two sequences, one of which must be a pure sequence (without a joker).
Draw and Discard: On your turn, you can draw a card from the open deck or the closed deck and then discard a card to the open deck. Try to form your hand by picking and discarding cards strategically.
Declare Your Hand: Once you've arranged your cards into valid sets and sequences, you can declare your hand. If your hand is valid, you win the game and earn points based on the cards remaining in your opponents' hands.
Collect Your Winnings: If you win the game, your winnings will be credited to your Rummy Circle account. You can use these winnings to enter higher-stakes games or withdraw them to your bank account.
Tips for Success on the Rummy Circle App:
Understand the Rules: Familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, including how to form valid sets and sequences, the role of jokers, and the scoring system.
Practice Regularly: Like any skill-based game, practice is key to improving your rummy skills. Play regularly on the Rummy Circle app to hone your strategy and improve your gameplay.
Observe Your Opponents: Pay attention to how your opponents play and adjust your strategy accordingly. Look for patterns in their gameplay and use this information to your advantage.
Manage Your Bankroll: Set a budget for your rummy gameplay and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses or playing with money you can't afford to lose.
Stay Calm and Focused: Rummy is a game of skill that requires concentration and strategic thinking. Stay calm under pressure and focus on forming valid sets and sequences.
Strategies to Improve Your Rummy Game:
Focus on Pure Sequences: A pure sequence is essential to a valid hand in rummy. Try to form a pure sequence early in the game to avoid getting caught with high-value cards if your opponent declares.
Discard High-Value Cards: If you have high-value cards that don't fit into your sequences, try to discard them early in the game to minimize your points if your opponent declares.
Watch the Discards: Pay attention to the cards your opponents are discarding. This can give you clues about their hand and help you make informed decisions about which cards to pick and discard.
Use Jokers Wisely: Jokers can be used to complete sets and sequences, so use them strategically to maximize their value.
Keep an Eye on the Clock: In timed games, such as Points Rummy, manage your time wisely. Don't spend too long thinking about your moves, as this can lead to timeouts and penalties.
By following these tips and strategies, you can improve your rummy skills and increase your chances of success on the Rummy Circle app. So, download the app today, practice your skills, and start winning exciting rewards!
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paycape · 3 months
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Will Nvidia Overtake Apple In Market Value? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/will-nvidia-overtake-apple-in-market-value-technology-org/
Will Nvidia Overtake Apple In Market Value? - Technology Org
Nvidia is on the verge of surpassing Apple to become the world’s second-most-valuable company.
Nvidia chip in a mainboard – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay, free license
The rapid growth in value for Nvidia is driven by a remarkable surge in its shares fueled by the growing demand for its semiconductor chips, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, where they power tools like ChatGPT.
In just nine months, Nvidia’s market valuation has soared from $1 trillion to over $2 trillion, outpacing major entities such as Amazon.com, Google-parent Alphabet, and Saudi Aramco along the way.
Presently, Nvidia’s market capitalization stands at approximately $2.38 trillion, trailing Apple by around $230 billion and Microsoft by roughly $645 billion.
The company’s robust performance in the high-end AI chip market, where it commands an 80% share, has not only contributed to its staggering growth but has also played a significant role in propelling Wall Street to record highs this year, with Nvidia accounting for over 5% of the benchmark S&P 500 index.
Nvidia, experiencing a remarkable 95% increase, and Meta Platforms, with a notable 46.6% increase this year, have surpassed other members of the so-called Magnificent 7, clearly illustrating the growing investor enthusiasm for all things related to artificial intelligence (AI).
Amidst challenges such as slowing iPhone sales, Apple relinquished its position as the most valuable U.S. company to Microsoft for the first time since 2021 in January. Nvidia has also recently overtaken Tesla as the most traded stock by value on Wall Street.
Despite its impressive run, Nvidia’s 12-month forward price-to-earnings ratio of 36.6 is lower than a year ago, making it comparatively more affordable than other stocks in the “AI narrative” category.
However, there are indications that Nvidia’s stock may be approaching a peak. Analysts’ median target price over the next 12 months suggests a trading value of $850 per share, below the latest closing price of $926.
While sustaining rapid growth for a mega-cap stock becomes challenging due to the law of large numbers, the stock price could potentially remain at these levels if Nvidia continues to meet or exceed analysts’ high expectations.
Written by Alius Noreika
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betterburger0 · 4 months
Just Dropped: The Better Burger App — Your Shortcut to Burger Bliss
Calling all burger lovers! Are you tired of waiting in line or calling in your order? Do you dream of having your favorite Better Burger delivered straight to your door? Well, your dreams have come true! We are excited to announce the launch of our brand-new app, making it easier than ever to enjoy our delicious burgers.
Your Shortcut to Burger Bliss
Remember, life is too short for mediocre burgers. Download the Better Burger App now and unlock a world of flavor, convenience, and pure burger joy. 📱🍔
Order your favorite burgers, sides, and drinks with just a few taps. No more waiting in line or on the phone.
Get your order delivered right to your doorstep. Relax and enjoy a delicious burger without having to leave the house.
Track your order in real-time. See exactly when your burger will arrive.
Pay for your order securely with your credit card or debit card. No need to worry about having cash on hand.
Save your favorite orders for easy reordering. No more having to remember what you want every time you order.
Earn rewards points with every order. Redeem your points for free burgers, sides, and drinks.
Stay up-to-date on our latest specials and promotions. Never miss out on a great deal again.
The Better Burger Difference
Better Burger is not your average burger joint. We are committed to using the freshest, highest-quality ingredients to create burgers that are bursting with flavor. Our beef is never frozen, our buns are baked fresh daily, and our toppings are always crisp and delicious.
We also offer a variety of vegetarian and vegan options, so there is something for everyone to enjoy. If you have any dietary restrictions, just let us know and we will be happy to accommodate you.
Download the App Today!
To provide a seamless ordering experience, the Better Burger App also serves as your gateway to all things Better Burger store. From learning about our commitment to quality ingredients and sustainable practices to discovering the story behind our mouthwatering burgers, our app is your one-stop shop for everything Better Burger.
So what are you waiting for? Download the Better Burger App today and take your taste buds on a journey to burger bliss. The Better Burger app is available for free download on the App Store and Google Play. Download the app today and start enjoying your favorite burgers in a whole new way!
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howget · 4 months
How to Get Free Google Play Redeem Code 100% Working Methods
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Discover effective methods to obtain Google Play Store redeem code free and access premium content without spending money. Learn How to Get Free Google Play Redeem Codes for free through surveys, reward apps, promotional campaigns, and more.
How to Get Free Google Play Redeem Code With 5 Methods
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Are you eager to access premium content on Google Play without emptying your wallet? Look no further! In this guide, we'll delve into actionable strategies to acquire free Google Play redeem codes effortlessly. Whether you're a gaming enthusiast, app aficionado, or movie buff, these methods will help you unlock a world of entertainment without spending a dime. Online Surveys Platforms like Swagbucks and Google Opinion Rewards offer users the opportunity to earn points by sharing their opinions through online surveys. By dedicating some time to completing surveys on these platforms, users can accumulate points that can be redeemed for Google Play gift cards. - Swagbucks: A popular survey platform that offers various earning opportunities, including surveys, watching videos, shopping online, and more. - Google Opinion Rewards: Google's survey app rewards users for providing feedback on a wide range of topics and experiences. Download Reward Apps Reward apps such as AppNana, FeaturePoints, and CashPirate offer users the chance to earn points by completing simple tasks on their smartphones. - AppNana: Allows users to earn nanas (points) by downloading and trying out free apps and games, which can be redeemed for various rewards, including Google Play gift cards. - FeaturePoints: Users can earn points by downloading and trying out apps, taking surveys, and watching videos, with the option to redeem points for Google Play credits. - CashPirate: Offers users the opportunity to earn coins by completing tasks like trying out free apps, watching videos, and referring friends, with rewards including Google Play gift cards. Join Reward Programs - Many mobile service providers, credit card companies, and retailers offer reward programs that include Google Play gift cards as rewards for customer loyalty. - Check with your service provider or credit card issuer to see if they offer any rewards programs that allow you to earn points or discounts redeemable for Google play redeem code free. Participate in Promotional Campaigns - Keep an eye out for promotional campaigns and giveaways hosted by Google Play and third-party companies. - Google Play often runs promotions where users can earn free credits by purchasing specific apps or games, or by completing certain actions within the platform. - Third-party websites and social media accounts may also host giveaways where you can win Google Play gift cards. Referral Programs - Referral programs offered by various apps and services can be a lucrative way to earn free Google Play redeem codes. - Share your referral link with friends and family to encourage them to download and use the app or service. - Earn points or credits for each successful referral, which can be redeemed for Google Play gift cards. Conclusion With these proven methods Get Free Google Play Redeem Code at your disposal, obtaining a How to Get Google Play Redeem Code free is not only possible but also remarkably straightforward. Whether you choose to participate in online surveys, download reward apps, join reward programs, participate in promotional campaigns, or utilize referral programs, there are plenty of avenues to explore. By dedicating some time and effort to these strategies, you can unlock a world of premium content on Google Play without spending a penny. So why wait? Start implementing these tactics today and elevate your digital experience without breaking the bank. FAQ How to Get free Google Play redeem codes no survey? Earn free Google Play redeem codes without surveys through reward apps, promotions, referrals, and participating in reward programs. How to get free redeem code of Google Play Store? Obtain free Google Play Store redeem codes through promotions, reward apps, referrals, and loyalty programs, excluding surveys. Read the full article
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