#EZ justice
tehzeldamaster · 2 years
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more twitter requests :)
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fairy-edits · 2 years
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-Edens Zero-
(#Manga Color)
Credits: H. Mashima's Arts.
Color by me.
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eiirishi · 9 months
OLD RADIOCOMPUTER – The machine buzzes with life as a little boy puts in a new line of code, this time surely the correct one to make his Orbis script run without errors and big complaints from the machine itself.
Dinner his dad prepared lays forgotten in the fridge, there are much more important things on his mind. Like the long strip of paper full or error codes the radiocumputer keeps spitting out, the magnificent Locust city he is helping a friend build and how he really needs to ask his dad for more book on Orbis.
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EIIRISHI - "Always loved the idea of radiocomputers so I had to join Mikael in his love for them. Well, he likes the coding part more than I am familiar with coding itself, but radiocomputers are a technology that I am still endlessly curious about and we can both agree it's awesome."
Hope you like your gift @tylernol-the-guy
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petri808 · 1 year
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Du-Dun 😏
And the approving parents 🫢🥰
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murder-incarnate · 8 months
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i'm never gonna see act 2 ever again
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angiecakes1990 · 1 year
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They are soo cute 🥺🥺
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graydagay · 5 months
"Honey I'm home" the Onceler called, skipping through the door and chucking his keys on the side table. "Hello my darling" a tired gravelly voice rang through the halls.
Onceler wandered into the lounge, dropping his bag and greeting his husband with a sweet kiss on the forehead. He walked into the kitchen, wafts of cookies and cake filling the air.
Grinch's soft arms wrapped around Onceler as he slumped his head to rest on Onceler's shoulder, "Darling I made some snacks for tonight, so join me on the sofa when you're ready, mkay?" "Sure angel", he replied "Happy anniversary".
Slipping into his pajamas and grabbing a small box Onceler made his way into the living room and sat happily on the loveseat curled up against the Grinch.
"Okay what movie are we choosing", Grinch asked jokingly as he knew they had picked the same one for a decade straight. "I think we choose..." Onceler started "that one" he finished, inevitably pointing at their usual film of choice. "Lovely decision".
The movie was amazing as ever. And even though they each knew every line word for word, they enjoyed it nonetheless. Mostly because of eachothers company, but the tiniest bit because of that one word near the end that Grinch couldn't pronounce to save his life. Onceler thinks it's adorable -but hasn't mentioned that since the second time they watched the movie, for fear of another pink-frosted cupcake to the face.
"That was nice", the Onceler said excitedly "but now I have a little surprise for you". He reached for the little box that had been practically burning a hole in his pocket since he got home.
Passing the box to Grinch and jittering with excitement he motioned for him to open it. Grinch open it. It was a teeny brown orb. "It's a seed", Onceler burst out, "and I know it might not be your kind of thing but Grinchy I made a seed. I can bring trees back," he paused "and I want you to plant it."
Grinch was of course speechless, I mean his brilliant botanist husband had found a way to fix the world. And he had gifted him the key.
"Wow. I- I mean this is amazing Oncie" he managed to get out, "I want to plant it right now." "Grinchy darling it's practically midnight" "So by the morning we might have a sprout."
Onceler followed Grinch out with a flashlight, careful not to slip on the muddy hill. "Okay I found the perfect spot," Grinch announced. He had picked a plot of loose turned up dirt, near the side of the front porch. In the line of flashlight- light he used his fingers to dig a small hole in the dirt, placing the sphere and brushing the displaced ground back again.
Handing Grinch the watering can, he momentarily drifted the flashlight while admiring Grinch's round ass. Brought back by a gruff scoff he redirected the beam of light so Grinch could finish planting the first of the new trees.
@sneetsnartusonuvabitch out of all the ways you could have showed or sent me this this is how I get it
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lilbit32 · 10 months
I’m so sad about the shitstorm Mayans MC turned out to be. I didn’t watch the final season because it was such a mess, but I know what happens and I’ve seen bits here and there. Plus I’ve seen all the discourse about it online. When that show was in production, I was so excited, but this execution was just not it.
PS. The audacity they had to bring back a day one SOA baddie (Happy Lowman) just to have him killed at the hands of the Reyes brothers makes me hate the writers SO MUCH.
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queenlua · 2 years
wait, does Apollo Justice ever canonically use his magic tell-seeing power to, like... play a fucking game of poker?
...Phoenix helps him unlock this broken-as-hell talent, proceeds to immediately render the dude unemployed, and Apollo decides that, instead of doing the obvious thing (”take that magic power straight to Atlantic City and win big”), he’ll just let himself come crawling back to work for Phoenix?  am i getting this right.  was Apollo just too square to even consider this option.  c’mon dude
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amxlm · 2 years
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• Jelsie •
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Another great Edens Zero episode!
Rebecca’s leaping ability would be way too broken if it didn’t have some drawbacks. Only being able to go a few minutes back in the past and at extreme physical cost will make her much more reluctant to spam that in the future.
Of course, that’s not the full extent of her power. She still hasn’t mastered the week long leaping style she did in the last arc, but even when she does master that it’ll have the drawback of creating a new world line.
Cute Weisz and Hermit bonding! That headpat was so sweet. But man, this bum Dr. Müller is back and as hypocritical as can be. Didn’t he just hate machines? Now he’s turned himself into one and working for one lol.
Seeing hermit get a legit bout of PTSD there was rough. Can’t wait to see she and Weisz take that loser down for good.
And Ah it wouldn’t be a battle shonen without the character who has a blinding sense of justice trying to stop the heroes from accomplishing their mission 😂 wonder what Elise did to get Justice this angry. Titan, who is weaker than Justice, easily took down beast 1 who are considerably stronger than beast 6 who Shiki and co. struggled against. This’ll be fun.
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alelelesimz · 7 months
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HI HELLO i'm doing this fun challenge by @buttertrait!!
i made @ezra-trait's aki ukishima!!!! i asked ezra about aki's style and he said and i quote "she's a style hopper" so here she is, gyaru!aki and gothband!aki. i hope i did her justice, thanks for letting me recreate her ez she's precious!! i'm gonna go put her in a crystal box on my desk now
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : COACH HARLOW
A/N : Thanks to my bby @harlowsbby for this beautiful idea. I hope I did it justice 💜 & to @harlowcomehome for always reassuring me about my writing because I was doubting this one bad.
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Today was an exciting day, it was the 4th annual kickball tournament of The Homies, and your husband was going to join in on the fun.
The kids were also excited about it, it’s all they’ve been talking about non stop since they found out, even asking if they could be on the team and play.
You were finishing up getting EZ dressed so you can meet Jack at the stadium. “Momma, is daddy wearing shirt like me?”
You nod, tying his New Balance shoes “Yess baby, even the same shoes.”
“Yay, we gonna be twinsies.”
“Cheesy, you need to get a hat because daddy is wearing that too.” Mia announces as she’s making her way inside the bedroom. “Oh and some shades.”
“Momma, I don’t have hats or shades.” He gasps.
You smile at him, “Don’t worry baby, daddy called me saying he’s got you covered with that. Now let’s head out.”
“Mommy.” Mia giggles. “Look at nino Urby, he’s all tanned and his shorts are really, really short.”
You look ahead and find Urban standing next to Cole and Jack, and Mia was indeed correct. “He’s just like your father, being out in the sun too much will get them all burned quickly.”
“But daddy is really pale, like his shirt, momma.”
“EZEQUIEL.” You laugh. “You’re correct but still don’t say that to him.”
Mia nods “Come on Cheesy, let’s go annoy uncle Ace and Shloob.” She takes a hold of her brothers hand and they run off.
Jack spots you and smiles at you and starts jogging your way.
“Well you look hot.” You tell him as soon as he’s in front of you. “My kids are somewhere around bothering their uncles. Do you want to sneak off somewhere before my husband notices??”
Jack rolls his eyes, pulling you in. “Role play only in bed.” He gives you a quick kiss. “Those were your words if I recall correctly.”
You shrug and tug at his KY necklace. “You know I’m a mess when you wear this chain.”
“Yeah, that’s why I wore it.”
“Mhmm.” You look at him up and down. “I love that the jerseys have your foundation logo.”
“You did good by suggesting it.”
“I know, you should listen to your wife more.” You smirk.
“Don’t I always?” He raises his eyebrows but before you could answer him, your two children were tackling their father to the ground.
You can’t help but smile and admire them, Jack really is a great father and you couldn’t be more thankful for him.
“Daddy, I need hat and shades like yours so we can be twinems.”
“Neelam has that for you little man.” Jack stands up from the ground, the kids attached to him like some koalas. “You guys want to learn how to play?”
EZ nods excitedly, while Mia pulls away and stands in front of her father, raising her eyebrows at him. “Isn’t it just kicking the ball and running around?”
You can’t help but let out a little chuckle at Jack’s offended look on his face. “Not exactly.” He signals Urban to throw him the ball.
“So this is what you do.” Jacks starts, earning a groan from his oldest, but an excited shriek from his youngest.
After thirty minutes of Jack explaining to the kids how kickball works, he’s ready to let them have a little practice game with the guys.
“Remember Mia, you kick the ball from the side of your foot, not the front.”
That has her groaning, “Dad, I thought that was for soccer.”
Everyone chuckles, which causes Mia to glare at all of her uncles and her dad. “It’s not even funny, so I don’t know why you’re all laughing.”
“Damn, she’s a feisty little seven year old huh?” Cole asks Jack
“Oh, you have no idea.” Jack smiles, nodding.
“Daddy, can we play now?” Ezequiel asks.
“Yeah, you’re up first little man.”
Urban rolls the ball towards Ezequiel and to your surprise he ends up kicking it really far and and hard.
“HE GETS THAT KICK FROM ME.” Urban yells the last part.
Jack rolls his eyes “Keep thinking that.”
Ezequiel makes it to third base and does a little shake of his body to celebrate his success. “Your turn Mia bug.” He yells to his sister.
“Nino Urb, not too hard okay?”
Urban nods, “I got you princess.” He tosses the ball towards Mia but she misses and doesn’t kick it. “It’s okay, you get three tries.”
“Throw it straight, you’re throwing it to the side and I’m right here.” Mia grumbles out.
“Keep your eyes on the ball Mia.” Jack yells.
“What do you think I’m doing?”
You chuckle but not loud enough that she can hear you. “Mia, está bien mami, tú puedes.”
She turns to look at you, pouting “Pero se están riendo de mí.”
“Guys, can you please not laugh? She’s trying her best.”
“Mia, I’m tossing it slower this time okay?” Urban yells.
Mia nods and waits for the ball to be a foot closer so she can kick it. “YES” she yells as she sees that she ended up kicking it and tries to run to second base but she ends up kicking the ball straight into Urban’s hands.
“MIA YOU’RE OUT.” Nemo yells.
You, Jack and Urban glare at him, while Mia stops mid run and sees Urban drop the ball immediately.
“UGH I DON’T WANNA PLAY ANYMORE.” She stomps her way towards you and hugs your legs. “Nino Urby, why did you catch it? And Nemo, you are annoying.”
Urban smiles sadly at her “I didn’t catch it, you have good aim that you kicked it into my hands bug.” You know he’s lying but you’re not about to make your daughter feel worse.
“Daddy, I hate this game and I don’t want to play.”
“She’s competitive like you, Jackman.” Cole adds.
Jack starts jogging his way towards you and Mia once he notices that she really is frustrated and got her feelings hurt about the game.
Jack kneels in front of her “Mia, baby?”
“Hmm?” Is all she mutters out, scrubbing at her eyes.
“You and I are the same, you know?” He stands up and holds Mia to him. “We both love to win and we hate when the game doesn’t go our way, but we have to realize that at the end of the day, it’s just a game and we should enjoy the time with our loved ones, just running around and laughing.”
“But daddy, what’s the fun in that? I want to win.”
You and Jack share a smile because you’ve heard him say those exact words more than you can count. “The fun is being with family.”
Mia sighs, “I guess. But is it okay if I just watch?” She looks behind Jack, towards the field “Plus, I think Cheesy is the sporty one, he did really well.”
Jack smiles, “You did too, baby.”
She rolls her eyes, “Thank you for being nice.” she taps his shoulder signaling him to let her down. “Now go win, me and mommy will be cheering you on.”
“You got it Mia.” They do their little handshake and Mia watches her dad run off towards the middle of the field where her brother and uncles were.
Mia crosses her arms, looking towards the field, then back at you with raised eyebrows. “Mommy, can we get wings and icey? It’s gonna be a long day seeing these silly boys run around in a triangle.”
You smile, and fix your sunglasses. “Yes let’s go, I’m dying in this heat.”
“How much you wanna bet daddy and uncles are gonna loose?”
You gasp, “Mia, we’re supposed to be cheering them on.”
She shrugs, “We will, but I know and you know that they’ll lose.”
“You are evil, young lady.” You shake your head.
“I get it from my daddy.” She smiles.
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 1 month
and i don't even like you that much... wait, i do (fuck)
Speculative s7 fic by @sagegreenfrogs and I! Next up, Camp Counsellor AU!
Soren gave General-Queen Amaya her arm-punch much sooner than he'd thought. That was nice, but the cons outweighed the pros. The cons being that Katolis was in shambles and still burning, that after everything, Viren still managed to evade justice, and, oh yeah, Aaravos was out of his prison. That had been hard to miss.
Commander Gren had directed him to a tent near the hall where the wedding had been held, to where Ezran sat, talking in a low voice with Queen Aanya of Duren and Queen Janai.
The younger girl looked up when he entered quietly and bowed, placing a hand on Ez's back and nodding to Soren. “Why don't I go make arrangements for you to come to Duren with me?”
He reached out for her before seeming to remember himself, curling his fist around thin air. “But what about… What about my brother? What about Rayla, my people? The Crownguards, the castle staff?”
“I'll find a mage to send word to Prince Callum,” Janai promised, getting to her feet. “Your people are always more than welcome here.”
Aanya nodded in agreement. “The same will go for me. We can consolidate our powers, Duren and Katolis and New Aurea. We will find a way to defeat Aaravos, and we'll help you rebuild Katolis. There every step of the way.”
Ezran took a deep, shaky breath in, and soldiered to his own feet alongside Aanya. “Alright. Thank you two so much.”
Queen Janai squeezed his soldier gently. “Of course. We are not only allies, King Ezran, but family.”
The two queens took their leave, and Soren was left alone with a shuddery Ezran. He waved him over, wiping his hands on his bright red pants in the heat.
“Hey,” he said. “How bad is it, really?”
Soren averted his gaze. “It’s… bad, King Ezran. Really bad. The castle is in the ground, and so’s the town. But we got a lot of the citizens out, nearly all of them.”
He stayed quiet for a long moment, an uncomfortable one.
Soren stepped forward. “Listen, evacuating and abandoning the castle was my idea. No one else's. Get mad at me, but don't blame-”
Ezran cut him off with a tight hug. “Thank you,” he whispered. “That was a good choice. The right one. I'm so proud of you, Soren. I trust you.”
For once, it didn't feel like what Soren was being told was the right choice was an ulterior motive in disguise.
Soren held him back, wishing he didn't have to deliver the next news. But Ezran was his friend and the king, his king, and so he had to.
“Viren is dead,” he whispered, and Ez lurched back. “He used his heart for a spell to protect people, to make them fireproof.”
“The one from Lux Aurea? The Storm Spire?” Fear flashed in Ezran’s eyes, but not fear of him, fear for him. Because Ezran had known how desperately terrified of becoming a monster, especially at his father’s hands, that Soren was, and then had handed him all the tools to do it on a silver platter.
He nodded. “Yes.”
Ezran looked down. “Okay. Okay. It's not- it's not great, but we can work with it. At least he's not a threat anymore, right? Assuming he doesn't get resurrected for a third time.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t tend to stay gone,” Soren agreed, laughing in spite of everything. “But, King Ezran- it's- okay, I have one more piece of bad news for you.”
Ezran pulled away from the embrace to look up at him with apprehensively raised eyebrows. “What?”
He bit his lip.
He looked away. “Aaravos is out. My sis- Claudia freed him.”
Ezran lurched away and spat out a string of words that Soren couldn't exactly say he approved of, but sure did accurately describe the situation.
He eased the younger boy down onto his chair, holding a glass of water to his lips as he struggled to breathe. “Hey, it's okay. Breathe in and out.”
Ezran shook his head, fisting his hand in the fabric over his heart and using the other to slam down on the table. “No. No, I’m fine. I have to be fine. Letters. I- I need to send letters, get help and tell Callum-”
“I already did that,” Soren assured him. Written on the ride over, handwriting wonkier than its usual wonkiness, but he’d gotten word out across the continent asking for aid.
Ezran gripped his sleeve and looked up at him gratefully. “Thanks.”
“Don’t even mention it. Now, why don’t we go get you some fresh air?” Soren offered a hand up.
Ezran ducked his head and took it, allowing him to adjust the gleaming crown around his head. Just once, Soren wished he could yank it off and let the boy be a kid. Not a king, not someone with the weight of the world on his young shoulders. Just a kid who hadn’t even gone through puberty yet.
“You’ve got this,” Soren assured him, because, well… there wasn’t much other choice, was there?
Ezran’s eyes saddened. He knew it, too.
Read more on ao3!
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angiecakes1990 · 1 year
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So he goes for it 😂😂
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raayllum · 1 year
Anyway Runaan-Callum parallels slap so let's talk about 'em (semi requested by the lovely @hoothalcyon)
Although Runaan and Callum are about as different presentation wise as they could possibly be, especially in Arc 1 - one a stoic, serious Moonshadow elf sworn to duty over family, who believes wholeheartedly in a dastardly human enemy, and the other a goofy heart-on-his-sleeve prince who always believes elves may be worth reasoning with - they do have, at their steely cores, have a fair few similarities. This is largely in their respective relationships with Ezran and Rayla.
For starters, in spite of Callum's idealism, he does have a more skeptical core (just like Runaan) both in regards to potentially listening to / trusting 'former enemies' and in trusting the people they love with possibilities they've already deemed impossible.
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Runaan: No. Humans are liars. This is a trick and a trap. You're a fool, Rayla.
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Rayla: Just... trust me. Callum: Right, right. That makes sense. Since we go way back. Like that one time, ten minutes ago, when you chased me through the castle trying to stab me. Haha, good times!
You have Callum and Runaan both being terse/angry at Ezran ("Ezran, you don't get it, do you? Why do you think they're sending us away? Because they're coming to kill him!") and Rayla ("Of course he was afraid, but you had a job to do! You let him live but you killed us all") for not seemingly getting the severity of the situation they've found themselves in, even though Callum told Ez that everything was okay when the younger boy expressed doubts earlier, and even though Runaan didn't listen to Ethari's cautioning that Rayla wasn't ready for this sort of mission.
Runaan and Callum are both also lied to / betrayed by people they trusted, leading ultimately to disaster once the illusion has been revealed; for Runaan, it is his adoptive daughter, and for Callum, it is his childhood friend(s) in Claudia and Soren. And both turn away from each girl in the end, leaving them staring off sadly as Runaan and Callum devote themselves to the missions they believe have to be done that Rayla and Claudia were attempting to derail.
Callum and Runaan also believe that Rayla can be better than how she's presenting herself ("Why? You know this is wrong" / "You're better than this") even if they have opposite ideas of what 'better' is. For Callum, it's Rayla embracing her compassion ("You have a big heart") and for Runaan, it's largely shutting it off ("Your heart isn't hard enough to do whatever it takes"). Which is why I think it's nice that they are both the ones who label Rayla's said compassion, initially in Callum's case, as hesitation.
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And of course, in Chasing Shadows, they are the two voices inside Rayla's head, helping her retain her identity (to a degree with Runaan, who is also paralleled with RedFeather in spite of the distance and/or fraught dynamic between them, as well as being the two people to pull her out of the water from near drowning.
“An island is land,” said a voice in her head, so playful and cheeky she could almost see his smile. [...] “A hidden dagger,” Rayla understood. It was something Runaan had told her time and time again: “a defenseless enemy may keep their daggers hidden.”
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I love you. I wish I could say that we will see each other again, but I don’t know if we will. I hope so. 
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Callum can also be determined bordering on stubborn, like Runaan (a trait many of the main cast share, given the adversity of their circumstances; "We have to keep going, no matter what" from 1x08; "Justice will not be denied" from 1x03) but he is ultimately more willing to change. He can be stoic (in S4) if not very well, and has his own self sacrificial tendencies, particularly if that means protecting his loved ones: "We'll be stronger as five" now that Runaan knows the mission will likely require sacrifice and "I need you to kill me" now that Callum knows Aaravos has turned him into a threat. Given the trouble that magic has recently brought Callum, I wonder if we will start to see him have similar doubts as Runaan in Bloodmoon Huntress over being an assassin, of "I wonder if perhaps I shouldn't have become..."
However, as Ethari lays out in BH: "Souls like that feel called to protect everyone as fiercely as those they hold close. I've known since we met that this is Runaan's calling, that nothing will deter him from his duty." When Runaan is offered freedom and a chance to go home to Ethari - to free himself and return to his loved ones, to ease their suffering - he doesn't take it. It is the end of his episode in which he states, "I will never help you," allowed to hold fast. (Even though, if he had been freed, he possibly could've taken the coins holding Lain and Tiadrin with him as well, if through force.)
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But Callum has his "I will never help you" at the beginning of his episode, so it's unsurprising from a structural standpoint that Callum's vow doesn't hold (and doubly unsurprising from a characterization standpoint) since as we all know, Callum "values those close to him more than anyone or anything."
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Now, we don't know what Runaan would've done if one of his loved ones' lives had been on the line, as opposed to Viren just further threatening his own safety, but he was willing to sacrifice the lives of all of his assassins (granted that they were equally willing of the risk), so there's a little grey room. We also know that Finnegrin had to meet a challenge similar to Viren's: Callum didn't fear his own lack of freedom, torture couldn't break him, and he wasn't scare either when it seemed he was assuming he was the one going to be fed to the giant sea serpent. So Finnegrin had to find something that Callum, likewise, would "fear more / find worse than death" and he did:
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Magic is very important to Callum and it's what he absolutely wants to pursue, but he's not willing to risk his life or heavily bend his morals just for his calling (2x04, 2x02, 2x08); he is willing to do those things for his loved ones, time and time again (1x01, 1x02, 2x07, 3x09, 5x08).
The fun thing is that we see this sort of language (Finnegrin's whole thing about fair prices) reflected in BH with Runaan as well, specifically with Kim'Dael holding an innocent Skywing boy hostage and using him as leverage for Runaan to sacrifice himself (which, given Callum's subsequent dark magic use, is also a level in 5x08, because he's also willing to sacrifice/risk corrupting himself further to save Rayla):
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Which we could see Callum consider if there's something that requires him to do dark/dangerous magic again in S6, since in his mind, he's already 'tainted' and stained by dark magic, just as Kim'Dael taunts Runaan over it (and those sweet assassin-dark mage parallels continue to persist):
I know you're brave. The kind of brave that would sacrifice your life to save the ones you love. Let's make it simple. Give me your blood, assassin, and those two you came with walk away free. You've killed, but they haven't. They can still have long full lives.
(I do still lean towards this ultimately coming back around for Rayla first and foremost because BH basically exists to hold up a sign like "Runaan and Rayla are similar" / her paying the price motif and sacrifice, but I do think ultimately both Callum and Rayla will end up in a situation similar to Runaan's above whether in structure or in how they process it.)
Where are all these parallels going, besides Callum being the one to free Runaan and co. in S6, and Runaan possibly encouraging the "You need to kill me" idea at first? No clue! But they're fun either way.
Other fun misc. parallels:
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Guiding moon (Ethari and Rayla to Runaan and Callum respectively, parallel, maybe)
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And last but not least, the parallel that gave me the tag for their foils / dynamic in the first place
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