#EXCEPT when it comes to things that. actually Matter. like being a cop. lmfao
everymlmhybrid · 4 months
ALSO @ anon from a few weeks ago who asked about my fic read that ↓↓↓ bc somehow i explained it way better this time idk what happened to me last time
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rigginsstreet · 3 years
Tell us how you'd write fp different from season one if u were in control 📝
ultimately id probably keep season one the same if we’re still keeping it r*verdale and not... parentdale lmao because then that becomes an entirely different show
but i do think he couldve been utilized a little more like we couldve done some things there. 
first and foremost im making that bitch GAY and yes that is very important to his character but i dont need to tell you that. but the layers that would add bitch! the layers! oh but i also wouldve given him and hermione/the lodges a proper backstory because that shit was not explored okay like i made a post about it before how all these people went to school together and then hiram randomly calls fp up one day cuz he needs a plot of land cheapened by his presence ksjgbkjbg and then add on the whole thing with fp hermione and fred. bisexual love triangle i would like to see.
OH and i would like to see his relationship with the serpents explored more i need to see him actually being a leader and making deals and running shit PLUS how joaquin came to be his like.... second in command i mean i know he was being used to seduce kevin but i really need that backstory too lmfao i need to see that conversation and honestly i think fp pulled that from his own experiences like i can 100% see fp in his younger days having to flirt his way through some situations just to gain some knowledge about whatever. but ALSO!!!! if we had a parallel of fp seducing fred to get info for hiram and fp first agreeing to it cuz hes still pissed at fred but then shit gets complicated because obviously hes still in love with him and then fp starts feeling bad and then oh no fred finds out just when he was starting to maybe open himself up to the idea of being with fp again..... we truly couldve done so much. and then you have freds slutty ass being caught betwen his ex girlfriend and ex boyfriend while also being sad about his ex wife still. so much drama
its really not until season 2 that his character fucking derails. I WANTED TO SEE HIM ACTUALLY IN PRISON! HIM RUNNING THE YARD! PRISON FIGHTS! SEXY!
i would have liked an actual sobriety arc. he said he got sober in prison and was attending meetings and then poof. that ended immediately. and fine. we could keep that but like... at least show the struggle and the guilt over it ya know? also he did not struggle nearly enough for coming out of prison for DUMPING A DEAD TEENAGER IN A RIVER like that town truly shouldve been on his ass about that theres no WAY him working at pops wouldnt have caused a scene.
like my main problem with fp as a character is that he truly never suffers any consequences for anything but also hes written to have all these problems that are never dealt with or remotely explored. and for as much as i would love for that bitch to get some therapy i also realize its not entirely realistic for him as a character and thats fine! but i want to see him struggle i want to see him actually acknowledge he has demons to face and work at them in his own way and both fail and succeed. 
ultimately what it all comes down to is he wasnt written as a person. which.... no one on this show is. they all just tick their little boxes of stereotypes and caricatures and its very annoying. if youre gonna give fp a drinking problem, show it! not just him passed out on the couch but him actually struggling. show him trying to get better and doing good for a while only to relapse, show how he actively has to make the choice every day not to drink. have him apologize to the people he hurt. let us see the actual damage it did to not just him but those around him. 
give him relationships with other people that are fleshed out and actually matter. the fact that he never once checked in on fred after he was shot is INSANE to me. gladys was only ever used as throwaway lines that never went anywhere. he had an entire daughter he presumably never tried getting in contact with based on her reaction to see him again like....but yet he has her name tattooed over his heart? so either that was a hollow gesture to appease his own mind or he actually deeply loves her but was so ashamed of himself and what caused gladys to leave that he couldnt even pick up the phone to call them. SHOW ME THESE THINGS!
show us what the serpents meant to him as a kid who got thrown out by his father at 16 and found a family in them instead. show us why he wound up back there after fred fired him. show us why hes so bonded to them. hell, even if he just went back out of desperation because times were hard and no one else would hire him and he needed that easy money.... fucking explore that shit! 
show us him forming these relationships with the younger gay serpents because hes got all this baggage from his own upbringing and he has a soft spot for kids like him and wants to protect them, even if it is through a drug running gang. show us that abuse fucks up your perception of love and how to do it but its all he knows so hes working with what hes got.
fp honestly works best as a tragic character. trying to do good but he can never quite make it. always drawn to shadier things because ultimately its what he knows and its where he feels safe. but he wants to be better at the same time! he just truly cannot help himself. and thats what needed to be explored more with him but not in a way that romanticized it. like he really is a fucked up person when you break him down and the fact we were all supposed to look at him as the hero or something is so bizarre to me and it never worked because we were expected to just forget everything he was. 
hes not an evil guy either hes just deeply misguided because thats just the shit he grew up in and he doesnt know anything else. except for fred and what he saw with the andrews and that shouldve been an important relationship like they really couldve played on how opposite fred and fp are and used that to a narrative advantage, them being best friends. theres SO MUCH to be done with that but fuck me i guess. 
idk i just always think about how fun fp wouldve been if they had just let him indulge in his devious ways like theres no way fp jones wouldve ever taken a cop job seriously and not used it to his own advantage. theres no way he wouldve been that bent out of shape about gladys running drugs when hes done SO MUCH worse. we shouldve gotten more scamming against hiram and him and hermione being in cahoots. 
like hes a street rat. he will always be a street rat. he cannot shake this. fucking play with that! indulge in it! have fun! have him settle down with his husband but he still cant stop himself from living on the fringe of the law
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drferox · 5 years
I should never have needed to type the phrase ‘Fascist Nazi Captain Planet RPer’ with my own two hands.
In light of the whole captain-planet-official nazi dogwhistles thing…
Doesn’t matter if they know what they’re doing or not (but they certainly do) or if they’re doing this ‘ironically’ (a cop out excuse to claim plausible deniability when they get called out) this fascist nazi Captain Planet blog is influencing its readers in a bad way, and you should be aware of how. Because honestly I’ve used some of those techniques too.
“But it’s all a joke!” No it’s not. It’s masquerading as a joke, hiding behind that claim if the heat gets too intense, but it’s not a joke.
Well, except maybe for the fact that the right wingers are laughing at you trying to figure it out, ‘getting confused’ or defending parts of what’s been said.
The short premise is that the more positively you feel about a personality on the internet, the more likely you are to agree with them, and the more likely you are to side with them on issues that you didn’t previously have an opinion on. At some point you file them away in your brain as ‘someone I agree with’ and use them as a shortcut for ‘If they said this, I agree with them’. It’s a very human thing, it’s why advertisers pay so much for celebrity endorsements.
So part of what this Nazi Captain Planet rper is/was doing (I can’t believe I typed that phrase with my own two hands, what even is 2019?) is making you feel attached to them, and partly it’s training your brain to accept and normalise their rhetoric.
So how does a blog set about accomplishing this?
Start with an easy one- giving you a nickname or term of endearment. It makes you feel special, and like you belong to something. They use Planeteers, I used Vetlings. People crave belonging.
Then have an approachable front: a much loved cartoon character. The trusted profession of veterinarian.
Now if you’re trying to do this deliberately, start getting people into a quick habit of agreeing with you. Pick neutral ground that’s hard to criticise - protecting the environment is good, don’t litter, we want good things for our pets, etc.
And once you’ve got people agreeing with you on multiple points in succession, it becomes easier to get them to agree with, or at least tolerate, the next point. Especially if you’re on a relatively unassuming blog about ‘saving the environment’ or animal health.
Did you ever try that trick as a kid where you ask someone to repeat the word ‘silk’ out loud ten times in a row, and then ask ‘what does a cow drink’? A bunch of them will automatically reply ‘milk’ instead of ‘water’ because you primed their brain.
So you can use this repeated behavior to desensitise readers to an idea, get them used to agreeing with you, until you slip some things in which they might normally side-eye.
It’s making the brain practice how you want it to think before the main event. It’s showing your work so that other people can apply it to other situations. I’ve done it too, rather more unintentionally most of the time on this blog, though I use it when communicating directly with clients.
For example, in my writing I can lead you down the garden path of:
“Purebreds have problems because they haven’t had new genes introduced in generations”
> “mixing of breeds is a good thing”
> “breed purity is a bad thing, maybe not immediately but it is bad”.
Then I will often leave readers to make the last step on their own, because I trust they’re intelligent and reasonable, and a conclusion you reach yourself has more sticking power than any I just hand you.
So when you conclude “racial purity is a completely bullshit concept and detrimental to the health of those ‘races’, are Nazis actually trying to make us as screwed over as German Shepherds?” you will hold that opinion more strongly than if I just said it to you.
Similarly, a different blog leading you down the path of “Invasive species are a result of globalism and must be removed” with “there are three types of people: black, Jews and normal” is leading you towards the path of “blacks and Jews are not normal, they are invasive and we should remove them” and then that goes to “but humanely! We can humanely euthanize invasive species!” and I’m sure you can see where that is going. It also co-opts real conservation talk and terms, but it’s glossing over the fact it’s trying to get you to think about people this way, often with as much plausible deniability as they can muster. Throw the thoughts out there, see what sticks, then backtrack if it doesn’t work.
On that note of backtracking, this is where Dogwhistles come in.
A Dogwhistle is a phrase that on its own looks perfectly benign, or even makes sense in context, but has a specific meaning for a particular subgroup of people that change the context. Just like dog whistles are heard by dogs, but not by people.
A classic example is the phrase ‘family values’, which often means anti-LGBT+ in a Christian context even though it sounds like it should mean something supportive.
The Nazi and alt-right ones change periodically. From relatively old school ones like ‘14 words’, the number 88, and ‘final solution’, to more recent ones like putting names in (((brackets))), particular emojis and even ‘Subscribe to Pewdiepie’.
Yes, ‘Subscribe to Pewdiepie’ became a Nazi dogwhistle, regardless of whatever you might think of Pewdiepie. If it was thrown into a context where it didn’t necessarily seem to belong, it changed the meaning of those words. And if that person was called out on it, they’d backtrack and claim they simply liked the content. And the bigger the meme became, the easier it was for them to use.
Ah, you might think by now, but lots of people also use ‘Subscribe to Pewdiepie’, emojis and sentences with 14 words. And 88 is a perfectly ordinary number, a birth year even, there are times when it’s really just being used legitimately?
Of course there are. But when you start to see a lot of them together, it starts to look suspicious.
And if you are a minority regularly targeted by such a hateful group, it starts to look really very intimidating. So if everybody starts reblogging these dogwhistles from a colourful Captain Planet blog, it makes it look like there are far more Nazi supporters than anything else. And it isolates those minorities.
This is why it’s so insidious that they claimed something like Captain Planet - a character with significant nostalgia, a show with a pretty diverse group of main characters and a good message, and co-opted it into spreading these dogwhistles and priming unwary minds to think these rhetorics, these training ideas, are reasonable.
“But it was clearly a troll, lmfao!”
Oh hell no. These are real tactics. They will say it’s a joke, it’s trolling, or that you’re overreacting, but that’s part of the plan to seed these ideas. Don’t defend it. Don’t fall for it.
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scottsumrners · 5 years
my general thoughts on the negative aspects of the movie, in a more organize manner:
1. palpatine’s plot makes no sense. he spends three movies telling people he needs to kill rey, only for in the last minute go “no...actually i always wanted you to come here, because then i can possess you in the exact same way that the force leech possesses kyle ron on nando scottsumrners’ rewriting of tlj, which i am sure is just a coincidence”
2. also why would all the sith be stuck trapped on palpatine’s body? like. what. being a sith lord isn’t even a genetic thing????? like. how does this make any sense? why would it be transferred to her? why not use crylo ren, when he is literally grandson of anakin skywalker?? who planned this????
3. palpatine’s hand-waving of how he survived because the dark side has many abilities some would consider unnatural is. LITERALLY. such a cop-out. it’s literally just steven moffat saying he wouldn’t explain how sherlock survived because the how didn’t matter, what mattered was the why - it’s bullshit. the how matters. especially because it makes no sense with the timeline! how did palpatine create snoke to fuck with crylo ren’s head from the womb literally just a couple of years after he was yeeet’ed down a ventilation shaft? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
4. also the timeline makes no sense. did palpatine, who was already disfigured, really have a kid with mara jade some random woman during the empire? and then, despite the fact that he already was planning to fuck with crylo ren since birth, he waited over fifteen years to go after his own daughter/son? and then what? he was expecting 9 year old rey to kill him? and then he would possess her?
5. actually the mental image of palpatine going through puberty in a teenage girl’s body is HILARIOUS. thanks for the mental image, jj
6. also speaking of jj, this bitch really had the AUDACITY of saying they were explore more of finn’s past and then. not do anything with it? we still don’t know who finn is or where he comes from! in fact, all the movie did was dismiss finn’s heroic break free of first order control as just, like, something any of the other stormtroopers could do. even though the movie confirms finn as being force-sensitive (and never uses it)
7. speaking of which, not to toot my own horn, but finn SHOULD have been the one to wield leia’s saber, like in my rewriting
8. absolutely dreadful that han AND leia AND luke sacrificed themselves for crylo ren. and for what? he doesn’t DO anything except resurrect rey! which wasn’t even necessary to begin with! it felt like they didn’t know what to do with crylo, so he kind of just. hung around, i guess?
9. and like. i know they move through lightspeed or whatever, but the fact that crylo could be literally everywhere at any moment was absurd. like they managed to tract rey down in 1 minute and in less than 2 they were already down on the planet hunting her. they really just game of thrones season 8′ed this shit
10. speaking of which. jj gave rey the same treatment finn got in tlj: she spends 75% of the movie going on a goose chase that is rendered entirely pointless by the end of it. she is searching for the wayfinder but ends up...having it destroyed? why didnt she just go after kyle ron’s to begin with?
11. finn and poe kinda...dont...do anything? they just run around after rey, bickering the whole time. i actually liked their interaction in that aspect, and so much of it could’ve been read as romantic, or very nearly moving towards it
12. i’m sorry but zarii’s existence doesn’t make gay poe invalid at all lmfao. none of their interactions read as romantic?????? zarii’s very first scene is she straight up flirting with rey lol and then when they arrive back in the base, poe and zarii LITERALLY GIVE EACH OTHER THE GAY HEADNOD. yeah he asks to kiss her and makes faces at her, but it reads as an inside joke more than anything
13. i also high key wish zarii and jannah had more development. jannah has more so than zarii, but mostly because she is like a female counterpart to finn. thankfully there are no romantic undertones there
14. but i hate, hate, hate how they sidelined rose. she has more lines/presence than most people are saying she does. people said she only has 2 lines, but that’s not true, she has several scenes through the movie, but jj decided to strand her back in the base, and there are practically no scenes in the base this time, so she is barely there. still, she should have accepted finn’s offer and gone along. there’s no reason why she needed to stay behind
15. i’m not even gonna touch the kiss thing because it was...ooc and bad. everything about the palpatine stuff was bad. i don’t get why they just didn’t make her a clone, if they wanted her to be related to him????? it would’ve made more sense. maybe she was a clone that was “successful” (in a similar vein to x-23 being a successful clone to wolverine) but the geneticist who was working on the project saw what would happen to her and decided to smuggle her out, and then left her behind in jakku. it would explain why rey, despite being roughly 9 years old in that memory, somehow doesnt remember her own name or any other memories from before being stranded there
16. the most emotional moment of the movie was chewie crying when leia died, everything else was a....not it, scoob
17. i dont understand why rey was with bb-8 in the final scene? unless finn and poe were passionately making out back in the falcon and couldn’t be bothered to come along with her, it made no sense for POE’S DROID to be with rey. even when she was training. why wasn’t she with r2 and c3po????
18. also i dont...understand...why people think she is gonna isolate herself in tattooine??? she just went there to bury the lightsabers lmfao???? the ending with the twin suns was just a homage to the original
overall. Bad. Very Bad. Not worth the money spent tbh
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