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lustagel · 2 days ago
𓊆 . ໋ 𝜗ৎ DEREK MORGAN & FOX! READER ˚ ୭ . ⊹ ۫
au work content, female! readers race not specified, dark content ( BAU content ), some nsfw content.
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DEREK MORGAN & FOX! READER who had only been together for a couple months before his colleagues were sniffing at his clothes and giving each other knowing looks. of course, the looks don’t go missed by derek himself but he simply chooses to ignore them and let your smell cling to his shirt for the next couple weeks.
DEREK MORGAN who fully intended on keeping you to himself for a while—not out of shame, never that—he’s just not quite ready to give up the privacy of having his little secret yet. he intended on leaving it at small teasing and “needing to meet the misses soon.” a couple of grins, some smooth diversions—that had been enough. until one day, on the plane.
their places were already assigned by hotch, and there had been maybe two seconds of silence before emily broke it. “m’ just gonna ask what everyone’s been wondering—who’s the vampire?” emily teases, pointing at derek’s neck, her eyes bright with mischief. derek’s brow furrows until he mirrors her motion, his fingers brushing over the faint mark on his neck. then he remembers you—the way you’d smiled at him that morning, kissed him soft and sleepy before leaving him with a playful nip—and his mouth stretches into a wide, satisfied grin.
everyone is watching now, waiting. “none of your business. focus on the case,” derek says, his voice low and pointed. they all groan in unison. “ohh,” emily sings, eyes wide with mock scandal. “okay, mr. hit-it-and-quit-it.”
derek’s head snaps toward her, offended. “for the record, i am not hitting and quitting.” he points a finger at her. “It’s more of a hitting it and keeping it.” he gestures to spencer. “tell ’em, spence.” spencer immediately stiffens, wide-eyed. he looks at emily, caught. she’d had been interrogating him about for months. “i— i just found out like two days ago!”
emily’s mouth drops open. “so you did know!” she laughs, tossing a napkin at him. spencer looks down at it like it’s betrayed him. “wait, so you’ve seen her?” jj asks, shifting forward in her seat, suddenly a little too invested. derek’s eyes narrow. “hey—”
“you’re always worrying about who we’re interested in,” jj shrugs, shifting the file in her hand. “she’s got a point,” rossi chimes in with a shrug. “hey!” derek’s tone is all faux-offense, but his grin is sharp. “alright, alright, let’s stop harassing morgan and focus,” hotch’s voice cuts through the playful noise, his tone completely contrasting his slight grin.
“thank you,” derek sighs, settling deeper into his seat. but the low sound of soft laughs and teasing smiles linger.
DEREK MORGAN who is more than a little selfish about you even though he has no real reason to be. maybe because you have nothing to do with the BAU—and he likes it that way—or even though you don’t, you’re always keeping him on his toes and very much entertained. you make him work for it without even realizing you are, and derek? he wouldn’t have it any other way.
FOX! READER who always gives derek the illusion of control. he’s used to chasing—thrives off it—and the fact that you don’t even seem to notice you’re being chased just makes him want you more. you’re the sweetest to everyone on the team—always polite, always warm—but with derek, you’re different. you give him a hard time, whether on purpose or not, and derek loving this is an understatement—he adores it. he lives for the playful push-pull, the teasing edge you give him. and when he needs it—when the weight of the day is sitting too heavy on his shoulders—you don’t hesitate to be soft for him. no teasing, no resistance. just quiet warmth and your touch, grounding him instantly.
FOX! READER walks with grace in every step, always in loafers or thick-heeled shoes that click against the floor with quiet confidence. derek’s eyes track you every time. he adores your legs—always finding an excuse to slide his hand along your thigh, or press his mouth to the back of your knee when you’re curled up together. he’s obsessed with the necklace you always wear—the delicate chain resting just above the neckline of whatever low-cut shirt you’ve chosen—and he’ll trace his thumb over it absently as he kisses your throat, lazy and lingering. you’re quietly confident, showing it in the way you move and the way you speak—not cocky, just assured.
FOX! READER who lets derek carry all the jealousy on his own because you almost have none. you know where his loyalty stands and you’re sure no one’s taking derek from you. sure, you might give a hard glance to someone who’s getting a little too close, but you don’t need to say anything. derek handles it.
“thought she was gonna kiss you if you moved over an inch,” you say, amused as you lean back in your seat, eyes sharp. derek’s mouth twitches. comically, he shifts a little closer, arm resting along the back of your chair. “do I get a kiss?” you raise an eyebrow, lazy smile playing on your face. “sure you don’t want to try her first?” derek’s eyes darken, his hand sliding to your thigh. “i’m damn sure.” and of course, you give him that kiss.
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work goes here . . will be filled soon!
asks are open for these two! read guidelines before submitting or i’ll just delete you’re ask lol.
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esamastation · 12 hours ago
I've been writing some first sentences / prompts as idle writing exercise and here's the first 100. You're welcome to use any of them, if you get inspired.
Across the deep blue sky streaked a comet, with a purple tail trailing after it like skirts of a dress and several small companions chasing her.
Across the cell the older man farted loudly in his sleep - which was good, since for hours now John had been wondering if he'd gone and died.
Before the grand three story mansion the half a million dollar Porsche burned merrily.
Backstage, half deafened by the deep bass and the beat, Jane threw up all the whiskey she'd been drinking that night. 
"Call me when you get there," was the last words John heard from his mother, before his hometown was engulfed by a blazing inferno. 
Cloud seeding was probably a good idea, once, back when rain was still mostly water and frogs were only a ground level issue.
Dark academia was, in John's honest opinion, an oxymoron - but that didn't mean he didn't look damn good in a waist coat and ascot.
During the end of the world there were a lot of people who wasted their time looting and running - but in the end, it was the people covering under their beds who survived the longest. 
Elephants are unappreciated as hallucinations, in Jane's most expert opinion - with elephants there was rarely any doubt about whether she was hallucinating or not. 
Effervescent, John thought as he bled over his crumpled up crossword puzzle, a gaping hole in his chest, and sighed, who even uses a word like effervescent.
For all the times Jane had driven him mad with her stunts, John loved her crazy ass - he just wished she'd drawn a line before murder.
Fall descended upon the countryside like a knife - with a swift brisk breeze that brought with it a cutting frost and killed all their crops in a single night.
Grave is such an unpleasant place to wake up in. 
Gulls raced the ship to the shore, despite being easily able to outpace her - whether they were like vultures circling a dying beast or doves bringing the message of hope and safety, John welcomed their company nonetheless.
High on the church tower, a little runaway devil was miming the acts of sodomy and making rude gestures at the gathering crowd of shocked and horrified parishioners.
Hot, acrid air blew in through the vents before John shut down the car's air-conditioning - not quickly enough to block out the stench of sulfur.
Inclined to be polite, Jane let the sexy bombshell into her office, even taking a moment to appreciate the figure she made even though she wasn't that kind of detective.
In the last moments of her life before the zombie virus scrambled her brains, Jane thought about John and concluded, there's a man whose brains she'd like to eat.
Just as the bell rang for midnight, the vampire lord took out a notepad and said, "Let's start with your parents, shall we?"
Jackal puppies are kind of cute, thought the mummy, even as they attempted to unravel his binding and probably feast on his desiccated flesh.
Kitchen is a bad place to fight ninjas, John thought, completely tuning out whatever Jane was ranting about; too many knives.
Kicking the door open without looking, John read through the front page again and so completely failed to notice the fact that there were people in his house.
Leading with, "We have only twenty hours to live," might've set an awkward mood for the rest of the meeting - but it was damn effective. 
Lowering the rope feet by feet, Jane cursed her armour; it was pretty and impressive, sure, it got her all the ladies, but it also creaked with every move and the dragon was waking up.
Man's defining flaw is definitely hubris, John decided, but started the jetpack anyway.
Most of the city had already evacuated by the time Jane made it out of the basement, with torn ropes still hanging in her wrist and fury burning like an artificial sun in her chest.
Media tried to give the invaders new names, each more fantastical than the last, but the public had already made its mind - they called the aliens Kaiju right from the start.
"Now that civilisation has fallen, it's the survival of the fittest," declared her former highschool bully, before Jane racked the shotgun.
Night fell upon the office like some kind of hex, wearing on their already frayed nerves; the Deadline approached.
On her deathbed, Jane would announce a game, a treasure hunt to her great fortune - fortune which didn't even exist anymore.
Owned by the worst kinds of people, attracting the worst kind of user base, using the worst tech and implementing the worst kinds of terms and conditions… is it any kind of surprise that virtual reality went on to destroy a whole generation of people?
Parking the spaceship on top of the tallest skyscraper was probably an overkill - but it certainly got the message across.
Power cut off three days after the end - on the exact fucking moment John hooked his electric car to a charger, of course.
Quills aren't great tools for stabbing, maybe - but they hold poison very well.
"Qilin are supposed to mark the king, aren't they?!" he demands while again narrowly avoiding being stabbed by the unicorn deer from hell.
"Questions will be after the presentation," said John firmly to his captive audience, chained to their seats.
Rather than die in ignominy like the rest of her family, Jane made something of herself, digitising her mind at age of thirty and becoming a ship's AI by fifty.
Rest of the tenants were asleep when John broke out through the third floor window - and thanks to a whole lot of sleeping pills, so we're the attendants.
"Verily I say unto thee," slurred the handsome, completely shit-faced elf, "Thou truly art a harlot of the highest degree."
Venting her frustrations by throwing her smart phone across the street was a terrible idea - not only would Jane need a new phone now, but it hit a random passerby smack in the middle of the forehead and now she's going to be sued… again.
Without any damn sense at all, John falls in love on the same day he'd planned to kill his dad.
While busting up some dance moves on the battlefield isn't the best way to win a battle, sometimes it wins out an audience with a king; in unrelated news, Jane thinks she might be about to become the court jester.
"X marks the spot isn't driving directions, John - oh, shit never mind, I see it," Jane says into the phone, and gapes at the house - a true modern masterpiece if she ever saw one.
"X," the alien argues, sounding like a buzzer from a TV show, and lifts a laser gun to emphasise the point.
Yawning as he refilled his coffee cup, John didn't quite register the earthquake until he was two swallows in - moment later, the house begun falling apart
Yesterday everything was fine and Jane's world was normal, ordinary, blessedly boring even; today, she met John again.
Zero effort was spent in writing the actual article; the headline "Aliens Conquer the Moon" by itself was enough to sell the papers.
Zealous isn't how Jane would describe John, exactly; completely batshit crazy is much closer to the mark.
One thing could be said about the whole portal incident; it definitely turned a new leaf in Jane's life.
Two of the bandits had already broken into the back of the wagon - judging by the sound of it, they'd also found the gold.
Three times Jane had thrown John's clothes out of the window and into the street, and he was damn well going to make sure there wouldn't be a fourth time.
Four of Jane's students quit on a monday and another two would follow in the following week; by the end, she'd figured the problem might be her syllabus.
Five new starts lit up the night sky, which by itself was already an astronomically significant event - the fact that they were in a circle made it less significant and more ominous.
Six bullets in John's gun, each with its own target and a plan and chance to change destiny - and he missed each and every fucking time.
Seven is supposed to be the lucky number, but somehow all the worst things in Jane's life happen on the seventh - including this.
Eight coins in his pouch is a pitiful showing for a season's hard labour, except for one thing: they're each and every one of them magic.
Nine years old, John thought grimly looking over the crime scene, the blood, the body, and the unrepentant culprit - nine years old and already with blood on her hands.
"Ten outta ten," Jane breathes, her body limp and her vision full of stars, and sighs happily, "Would fly again."
Already Jane's hands were shaking, and she'd barely begun; cutting up frozen bodies was never going to be her favourite part of the job. 
Before the fire John used to love swimming, but now the scent of chlorine makes him want to cry.
Calling her boss at one in the afternoon to tell him she'd be late, Jane mused whether she should consider moving to an area with fewer reported spatial anomalies.
Deciding he'd had enough of zombie dogs in his lawn, John invested in automated machine guns - big mistake. 
Enemy drone sightings had gotten fewer and fewer in the last two days, as the fires had died down and the base laid in ashes - the plan, it seems, worked.
Figuring out she'd done enough for one day, Jane set aside her saw and hammer and went looking for a dog to play with - it shouldn't be difficult, the estate has about two hundred of them. 
Going with his gut feeling, John got a baseball bat and a trash can lid before investigating the noises coming from his basement - whether it was racoons or demons from the underworld, they wouldn't catch him unawares.
Hiding under her bed was a comfort thing Jane refused to feel ashamed for, not after it had saved her life twice. 
Including the weird kid in the game seemed to be a great idea - up to the point where John started throwing up frogs and Jane started floating during musical chairs.
Joking had been Jane's defence mechanism since she'd been young, and it usually worked, but going "Ey, how you doing?" at a serial killer was probably not the smartest plan. 
Keys rattling like a bunch of chains and his heart pounding in his chest, John peered into the darkened office and lifted his flashlight.
Lifting the well cover, Jane leaned back, fully expecting it to smell awful the way still water not disturbed in decades should - and the fact that it didn't was alarming.
Mowing the lawn on the eve of the asteroid impact might not be the most productive use of his last hours on earth, but John didn't care - even now it brought him peace.
New hires always get the worst jobs, Jane reminded herself while picking everyone's trash around the office - at least she was still being paid.
Oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner got pretty boring after two months, but thank god John had even that much prepared.
Pleased with her progress so far, Jane lifted her hand and wiped John's arm - she isn't sure why he wanted the tattoo of a bunch of random letters all over his arm, but it was coming along nicely.
Quelling his rebellious stomach the best he could, John reached for the baby wipes - changing diapers is a basic fucking task for a dad, and he's going to do it, he's not going to throw up and he's going to do it. 
Rationally speaking, what she was seeing couldn't be what she was seeing - because portals to other worlds weren't real - but in her heart…
Singing as he worked, "Going down to the river,"  John lifted another log over his shoulder - ignoring with long practice the way his coworkers gaped at him.
Trying for several different things was how Jane had gotten where she is now - ballroom dance, coding, waitressing and working at a zoo might look like they had little to do with each other, but each was a useful skill for an assassin.
Under his house there's a basement and under the basement there's dirt, and under that, well, John isn't sure, but whatever it is makes a lot of very concerning noises.
"Vacancies 0," informed the sign of a clearly long abandoned roadside motel - of course they pulled over to check it out., 
Without John at the helm, the ship wouldn't budge, the AI simply refused to respond - which is unfortunate because someone had thrown John out of the airlock about half an hour ago.
Xylitol gum and old cigarettes - there was something very nostalgic about that scent, Jane thought, as she watched the old woman push her shopping cart over the crack in the pavement and right into the ditch.
"You know you're going to have to clean that up, right?" John asked as they watched the blood dye all primary colours of the carpet in hues of red.
"Zoom!" went the kid on her tricycle as she drove right over John's foot that morning, somehow breaking two toes in the process.
The store keeper glared at John and John glared right back - between them the dragon egg rocked gently side to side.
For as long as Jane had known him, she's never seen John read - which isn't really something you notice about a person, not until they have to do the thing… and they clearly can't. 
Finding people was rarely the hardest part of starting a new adventuring party, since there were always some newcomers hanging around the tavern - bringing them all back alive though…
Deciding that he needed some professional help with his problem, John went to consult the wizard, who then pointed him to a witch… who pointed him to a sorcerer… who summoned a demon… who pointed at him and laughed.
Even before everything changed, Jane had had a bad feeling about things, like, the sky shouldn't be that colour and she didn't used to get that many static shocks and the TV didn't use to be that… purple.
John and Jane tossed a coin over who got the first go at the treasure - and of course the coin landed on its side. 
Digging for gold used to be an honourable profession for loners and lunatics - now it's all about grave robbing and tomb raiding.
There was a noise coming from outside like the world was ending, but Jane was almost done with the damn report and not about to let herself be distracted. 
The doctor looked at him sadly, the way they do when there's nothing to do and no time left, and said, "I'm sorry, there's no easy way to put this; sir, you're inflicted with stage two lycanthropy."
When she was a kid, Jane pretended she was capturing fairies and sticking them into her doll house as prisoners - when she turns twenty one, this comes back to bite her in the ass.
Finding out that he got an inheritance from some relative he didn't even know about was one thing, but finding out that he'd inherited what was clearly a haunted mansion?
Before John met Jane, his world was dull and colourless, boring from start of the week to the end - now he can just taste technicolour his world has become… which is probably not a good thing.
There's a monster in Jane's closet, tied up with Christmas lights, hanging from a coat hanger, re-thinking all the choices in his life..
Seven days after his wife left him, John reconnected with his mother and took up the family grimoire again.
For the second time in twenty four hours Jane was sitting down to talk with a dead person - which was, even in her line of work, a bit unusual.
The fact that John went from being a secret agent to a nanny might've amused his brothers - but none of them knew the absolute abominations he was taking care of, and yes, Jane, the sidearm is necessary for his work, thank you very much!
Modify them as you see fit, etc etc. If any strike as especially good/horrendous, please let me know!
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redsupulse · 2 days ago
"Come on, I'm hungry my beloved. We must go."
Tim Drake x Reader, Interview with the Vampire inspired AU. Vampire!Tim Drake x Human!Journalist!Reader
MDNI 18+. Explicit Content
AO3 Link Here
Warnings: This fic is very much freak4freak. Possessiveness, jealousy. Mentions of unhealthy dynamics. Vague Mentions of stalking. References to drug use. kind of a sugar daddy relationship? Monster fucking (as much as vampires are monsters). Oral Sex. Reader is gender neutral in this one. Basically if you've ever read a devil's minion fic it's inspired by that ship. i don't go too much into the lore of vampire powers but maybe in another fic.
You awake to the feeling of being watched. Months ago, this would have startled you, sent you into a fight or flight tailspin that had you fleeing the country - if not the continent - in which you were currently residing. Months ago, a chase had begun, though at this point you are unsure of who's chasing who. Nowadays, the eyes in the corner are a comforting presence.  “Hey boss…” you tease with a voice drenched in sleep. The weight at the end of the bed is cold when you brush against it, but you don’t flinch away. It’s not the first time something freezing has crawled into your bed. Instead you just turn your head, “you haven’t fed yet.”
“I’ll feed later, beloved,” Tim says as he fully settles above you, “I wanted to see you first.” He presses a kiss to your face, then another, then another. You settle into a relaxing, lazy wake up… until he firmly wraps his arms around you and hauls you out of bed. 
Shrieking fills the room as you leave the warmth of your blankets into the cold night air, “Tim this is so fucked up!” You cling to him, but that just makes the cold worse. He just hums at you, like an asshole, before setting you on your feet in your bathroom. It’s only when you’re standing directly in front of it that you’re aware of the shower running, filling the room with steam. 
“Just because I said I wanted to see you first doesn’t mean we aren’t still going out.” He strips you of your sleep clothes, tossing them in the direction of the hamper and letting telekinesis do the rest of the work. The only care is to your necklace, which he removes delicately and sets in the dish on the counter. It’s easy to let Tim do the work, herding you into the shower, washing your hair. You bask in the warmth and in the claws scratching in your hair as he works the shampoo in. The water is hot enough that it warms even him - just for the moment - as he bathes you. “Don’t fall back asleep,” Tim pulls your head back from his shoulder to rinse the shampoo out, “this is going to be worse for you if you fall back asleep.” You huff at him, but follow his advice. Shaking off sleep is much easier when you’re no longer hiding in his neck. The rest of the shower is silent, as is Tim coaxing you out from the warmth and into a chair to do your hair. “I have an outfit picked out for you already, it’s in the closet.”
You leave Tim to get ready, dutifully dressing in the clothes he has set out for you. The tags have been cut out after a very memorable incident when you realized one of the shirts Tim bought for you was $150. It’s a point of contention in your relationship - on one hand being spoiled is nice, on the other hand it’s a complete mindfuck to be covered in expensive gifts all of the time when just under a year ago you were traveling around with only the clothes on your back and what you could hold. “Are you ready?” You stick your head back in the bathroom and see Tim compulsively touching up his hair.
“All good,” he scoops up your necklace from the dish on the counter as he walks over to you. It’s carefully clasped around your neck, then he takes a minute to fidget with the small details of how you look. At this point you let him do as he pleases - whatever he sees with his ancient eyes is beyond you. When he’s satisfied, he tugs the vial of his blood that hangs around your neck to pull you in to kiss. The heat from the showers worn off already, leaving him unnaturally cold again.
Your lips separate with a wet smack. Tilting your head back in invitation, you ask Tim “You want a snack before we go out?” 
A harsh tug to your necklace, “calm down, you’ll get what you want later.”  Tim uses his grip on the chain to tug you out of the bathroom - “come on now, I’m hungry and there’s a new band playing downtown.”
It’s easy to get a VIP table at any club when you own the island they operate on. You’re pretty sure all of them only have VIP tables in case you and Tim show up. He herds you into the booth, risen above the rest of the crowd with a full view of the stage on the back wall. Tim’s picked out one of the more lavish clubs on Night Island, one of the ones with intricate flooring and well maintained booths. You haven’t heard of the band that’s playing tonight, and frankly you doubt that Tim has either. “You will be my teacher,” he had whispered to you in the quiet dark one night early in your relationship, “teach me about what people do in this modern era.”
He’s an ancient vampire freak. 
He’s your ancient vampire freak. 
A wave of contentment hits you that is distinctly not your own. “Did you mean to send that to me?” You think extra hard in his direction.
An eye roll, a pinch to your thigh “maybe I wanted you to know how happy I am, beloved. Don’t be a brat.” Tim’s voice echoes in your head. The crowd below roars to life as the lights dim and the opening band takes the stage. He settles his hand on your upper thigh, mindlessly tracing shapes into your skin. At least you think they’re mindless - who really knows with Tim. It’s probably just to rile you up. The opening band is okay, but you’re distracted the entire time. “It's rude to not pay attention,” Tim whispers to you with a harsh squeeze, “people paid good money to come to this show.”
“Well it’s not like you paid anything,” you snark back, despite knowing that you’re definitely walking headfirst into a nasty punishment. When you turn to look at him, Tim has a far off look in his, a usual sign that he's connected to that weird vampire super network he’s mentioned before but never explains. 
“I’ll be back in a moment, beloved,” a kiss to your cheek and then he’s gone. You shrug and turn back to the show happening below - you don’t feel like starting that particular fight right now. It’s too good of a night. The rest of the opening set passes by with no reappearance from Tim. The overhead lights come back on
Someone taps you on your shoulder and reflexively you jump. “Sorry,” a man says, “I was wondering if you needed anything to drink.”
“Uh, a cosmo, I guess,” usually Tim orders your drinks, since you are horrifically indecisive. He also has a running spreadsheet of every drink you like from every bar on the entire island, and which drinks he prefers tasting on your blood after. The perks of dating someone who over analyzes everything. The man nods and walks away without further conversation and you finally relax. It’s only a few moments later when weight settles next to you again, paired with the clink of a glass hitting your table. You turn, expecting Tim, and instead it is the man from before - “hello?”
“Well you looked a little lonely sitting over here all by yourself so I thought I would keep our VIP company…” his voice trails off. It’s probably because you have the most confused face on the planet. The audacity is shocking. He tries to course correct when suddenly his whole body goes rigid. When he rises from the booth, it’s less like he stands and more like he’s dragged away from you. When you look around to see if anyone notices, you realize that the entire room has frozen. Instinctually, you try to get up to follow him, but it’s like your feet are rooted to the ground.
Panic starts to scratch its way through you. There are very few vampires who are capable of this level of feat and you don’t want to particularly encounter any of them-
Then Tim rounds the corner. Oh. Right. He can do that. He snatches up a handful of napkins off of a table as he walks towards you, carefully dabbing at his mouth. Fresh blood flows through his veins, bringing a flush to his face. When his hands cup your face, he’s borderline feverish. Your back hits the wall as he hurries into your space. The kiss is hungry. He’s trying to eat you alive. He’s trying to mark his territory. You moan into him, and all at once your body is free to move again. Your hands come up to claw at his blazer as you kiss back.
Suddenly your head swims. You need to breathe air. Sometimes you think Tim forgets. One of your hands lets go of his jacket to slap him hard on the back. When he pulls back, you can tell that pissed him off, but then you gasp for air and he relaxes. “Sorry beloved.” He’s not that sorry. His hands move from your face to your hair, pulling your head back but preventing you from concussing yourself on the wall behind you. Tim trails his lips down your face, absolutely covering your neck. The closer he gets to your pulse, the more you whine. “Do you want something?” the cocky son-of-a-bitch taunts.
“C’mon boss. You can literally read my mind,” he huffs a breath against your neck but doesn’t deny it. For a second, there’s just the tease of fangs against your neck, then the world shifts and you're dragged forward into Tim’s lap. His arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against him. A moment of disorientation, then sharp pain courses through you. Perfect, beautifully sharp pain. You’re glad that Tim’s frozen the room around you, there’s no way you could have kept quiet with his fangs in your neck. The swoon hits and you grind down into his lap, feeling him straining beneath you. He’s practically snarling as he drinks from you in deep gulps. “Tim…” you whine.
Next thing you know metal creaks behind you, then there’s a loud crash. Tim pulls away from your neck with one last drink, “down, now.” You blink at him in confusion - the blood loss really doesn’t help with your ability to keep up, but you normally wouldn’t have it any other way. Carefully, you move back, instinctually trying not to hit your head on the table as you crawl to the floor.
The table that is no longer behind you. It’s been ripped up, bolts and all, and thrown into the walkway next to you. That really shouldn’t be as hot as it is. Tim tears at his belt with such a ferocity that you think he might have actually just ripped the belt loops off of his bants. You drop back onto the floor with little care for your knees. Your hands rise up to help him pull his dick out when your body freezes again. “Relax,” he whispers as he strokes himself, “you just need to sit there and be pretty. Let me do the work.” 
“Okay,” you smile up as he threads a hand into your hair. Without even thinking about it, your mouth drops open obediently and he drags you forward. The tip of Tim’s cock slides into your mouth, shallowly at first, but slowly pushing deeper and deeper. He moans as he works your head up and down, loud and unashamed of his pleasure.
“Beautiful thing,” he coos at you, “look at you.” His hand that isn’t in your hair slides down your neck, stopping briefly to press at the bite mark on your neck that is still slowly leaking blood, before tugging on the chain of your necklace. “All mine, aren’t you?” 
You can only hum around the intrusion in your mouth. Tim’s hips buck up at the stimulation, pushing himself further in your throats. Tears well up in your eyes as his nails dig into your skull, sending sweet pleasure-pain coursing through your veins; he’s losing some of that carefully maintained control as you get him off. He only lets be smug about it for a few moments. One of his legs inches forward until it presses between your thighs - suddenly drawing your attention to how turned on you are. Without any control, you rut your hips into the press of his calf. “I know beloved,” he soothes as you whine. “You just can’t help it, can you? You love being mine. You may throw your little tantrums and go running off but you always come crawling back to me.” Maybe it’s your garbled response, or your running thoughts, but Tim thrusts once, twice more and cums into your throat. He tugs you back and off of him by your hair. 
The two of you pant in the quiet of the still frozen room for a moment when how turned on you are wins out over your common sense. Your hands reach up to grasp his pants wantonly as you grind into his leg. Above you, he tsks in disapproval - you rise to your feet like a puppet. “None of that now, you can wait until we get home.”
“Oh come on! Just one-” 
Before you can protest too much, Tim rips into his wrist and presses it to your mouth. “Don’t whine, drink up and then we’ll go.” Color explodes on your tongue, and you clamber to drink it like it is the sweetest nectar. It’s just the briefest drink, enough to tease. The wound closes too soon, then Tim is tugging you up and out of the club.
The world springs back to life as you exit. For a brief moment, the bouncer at the door looks startled at your sudden appearance, but he seems to brush it off quickly enough. The people on Night Island don’t get paid to ask questions about the mysterious owners. Tim’s hand stays on your lower back as you walk back to your car, only leaving when he opens the car door for you to climb inside. He settles into the driver’s seat with a practiced coolness, like he didn’t just get his dick sucked in a nightclub after killing a man. One of his hands - now warmed with the recent meal - intertwines itself with yours, “let’s get home now, beloved.”
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hithisiszooz · 2 years ago
Vlad: does things get easier?
Penny: … what do you want me to say?
Vlad: … lie to me
Penny: Yes! Things will get easier, the good guys are always stalwart and true and the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horn-
*penny reaches out to touch her hair*
Vlad snorted
Penny: -and you always defeat them and save the day, everybody will live happily ever after
Vlad: liar.
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northwest-by-a-train · 9 months ago
American Tumblr, circa 1820:
Like, imagine being mad at settlers moving west into Indian land. I am sorry but some of us are poor! And my grandpa was a persecuted minority (Mennonite) so we were never going to make it in New York City like you degenerate privileged coastal elites. It's going to happen anyways, I don't see how me moving into their land with guns and taking ownership of land — land that, btw, they don't even plow, and practice cannibalism on, and many other unchristian practices, but you'll never hear James Fenimore Cooper talk about that, will you ? — I don't see how that makes me a bad person. The truth is just that you hate to see white trash (of pure Frisian stock, die mad about it) prosper and spread the truth of Christ and America over the land. Plus, like, president Jackson isn't that bad compared to the dastardly popish Spaniards out there. Some of you just don't like the real American people, chosen nation of god to rule upon this virgin land, and you blame me for it, when I'm just out there getting this bread 💅
you don't understand i need to go kill brown children/aid in killing brown children to get a college degree im so poor😢 it made me feel sooooo bad though i hate war smh
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chericos · 5 months ago
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your faves as vampires— multifandom headcanons
fandom list— vnc (the case study of Vanitas), bsd, jjk, mha, one piece, aot, kny, csm, genshin impact (brings back memories…), haikyuu, soul eater, hxh + more!
cws: nsfw?, blood, biting, possessive/yandere themes, dark themes, bites can be used as a sort of aphrodisiac, overstim themes, mentions of bruising, chasing, “hunting”, mentions of being tied/chained up, some are darker than others due to the characters being more inherently “evil”, unedited, you can tell who my favs are, sorry if some are short... tell me if I missed anything!
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He’s so sweet and kind with you, always ensuring you’re fully prepared to take him. His big rough hands toying and prodding in such a gentle manner that you can’t help but cry out for more. Tears prick the corner of your eyes at his slow pace, you’re not sure how much longer you could keep going like this. His hands trail up and down leaving goosebumps across your skin. His eyes sharpen as he peers down at the junction of your neck. He tilts his head down, inhaling deeply as he drags his tongue up your collarbone. He hovers over your pulse point, sharp fangs grazing the sensitive spot and you shiver at the feeling.
“May I?”
His voice is thick and laced with lust. you feebly nod your head, letting out a small whimper. He hesitates slightly before biting down. It is weak, and only just pierces the skin enough for it to bleed. But what did you expect your hunk of a vampire is just soft.
Maybe a little too soft.
— Izuku, Tamaki, All might, Nighteye, Nanami, Higuruma, Ino, Rengoku, Gyomei, Kunikida, Fukuzawa, Jouno, Atsushi, Roland, Zack Fair, Armin, Shiro, Kunigami, Reo, Kurapika, Cyno, Aether, Gepard, Hinata, Sugawara, Yamaguchi + your fav
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Your skin is already littered with bruises and teeth marks. Small beads of blood trickle down your chest and he carefully laps at them. He's been at it for hours, marking you up, making sure whoever dares to look at you knows you belong to him. But who could blame him
Your flesh is so soft and tender between his teeth he can’t help but want to take a bite. It's like you've put him in a trance. His gorgeous girlfriend, who's so eager and pliable to his touch. You were practically made for him. And the sweet sounds you make when he pushes deeper inside of you, it's not his fault your moans are so hypnotizing.
He doesn't normally get so worked up, but you've been riling him up all day. Teasing him with your touches, whispering dirty words into his ear, it's only natural he would break at some point.
He didn’t mean to get rough, but you just tasted so good he couldn’t resist. You won’t blame him… right?
— Xiao, Ayato, Zhongli, Diluc, Alhaitham, Aizawa, Shoto, Shinso, Bakugo, Gojo, Noritoshi, Vanitas, Uzui, Giyuu, Zoro, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Aki, Rin, Isagi, Shidou, Sae, Tobio, Suna, Oikawa, Reno, Leon, Eren, Jean, Levi, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan + your fav
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He's so messy.
Spending hours in between your thighs, kissing the supple skin, and also leaving his claim in their place. he's basically eating you alive, bite marks indented in the flesh, and he hasn't even touched you yet. You're whining for him to stop teasing, pleading for him to give you what you want. And who is he to deny?
Arms hooked under your thighs, keeping you in place from thrashing around. He buries his face into you, his nose nudging up against your clit, and the sensation has you jolting. He gives a tentative lick, eyes shooting up to look at your reaction. Your hands nestle into his hair, tugging at the roots as a moan slips out from your lips. And after that, he's ruthless, eating you out like you're a 5-star meal (you are). He's kissing and licking and sucking, and god, whatever the hell he's doing it's making your mind blank.
You don't have it in you to care about how loud you're being, and he doesn't seem to care either. In fact, they seem to encourage him to rip those pretty pretty sounds from you.
“So sweet f’me baby,”
Slick is practically covering the lower half of his face, but he doesn't seem to care. His eyes are blown wide, giving you a dazed out stare as he continues to lap at your core.
This was going to be a long night.
— Noè, Choso, Connie, Luffy, Tighnari, Kazuha, Itto, Kaeya, Leorio, Ranpo, Techou, Tachihara, Cloud, Bachira, Chigiri, Nagi, Kaiser, Aiku, Kuroo, Tanaka, Miya twins, Hizashi, Mirio, Jin, Hawks, Tamaki, Sero, Denki, Kirishima, Sampo, Jiaoqui + your fav
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You're such a brat.
You're lucky he still puts up with you after everything you've pulled. He glares down at you, the eye contact making you uneasy. Your mewling and whimpering did nothing to sway him. Your hands are still tied behind your back as his thighs continue to spread your legs open. His hands as roaming your body, squealing and pinching in places that make you jump, before he leaves them to play with your nipples.
His touch is light and teasing, driving you insane. Your nipples harden under his touch, embarrassing sounds escaping your throat as he continues to toy with them. You shove your face into the pillows next to you to muffle them. One of his hands leaves your chest to grip your chin, tilting your head back to stare directly at him. He wants to see every expression you make.
The tension between your legs becomes too much to ignore and you begin to discreetly hump his thigh, desperate for any kind of friction to relieve you. At least you thought you were discreet. You don't far before his hands are off you and he's shoving you away. With teary eyes you stare at him confused, why did he stop you?
You're needy and sensitive and you want him to touch you again. You beg for him to continue, but all he does is let out a low chuckle. He doesn't plan on letting you off the hook so easily. He wants to make sure this stays ingrained in your head so that you'll never make the same mistake again.
Because you're his, and he'll spend every second reminding you of that fact.
— August Ruthven, Sanemi, Iguro, Akaza, Geto, Dazai, Mori, Fukuchi, Shigiraki, Overhaul, Blade, Reiner, (s4) Eren, Feitan, Chrollo + your fav
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He doesn't know why you keep trying, why you continue to run away. He doesn't understand whatever false sense of freedom you feel when he lets you out. Did you really think you could outrun him? Oh, how idiotic. If he had it in him he would pity you, so dumb and naive. It seems like you still haven't learned your lesson.
Your wrists and ankles are bound together, chained up to the wall. Tears prick your eyes but you know he won't care. He's leaning over you, peering down at your small form as you keep yanking at the restraints in hopes of being set free. You and he both know it's futile, so why keep fighting?
He grips your arms, sharp claws pinching the skin. Without warning he hastily leans down to sink his teeth into your neck. You scream out and thrash at the pain but he holds you still, makes you take it.
It doesn't take long for the venom to enter your systems, an intoxicating feeling clouding your mind and a strange but familiar heat coursing through your body. Your body tensed, heart-beat picking up as you tried to deny what was happening.
He licked the wound closed before stepping back. his eyes never leaving yours as he watched you squirm as the aphrodisiac set in. You scream at him, curses getting mixed in with small yelps as your body becomes sensitive to your clothes. But he isn't too worried about that. He'll break you one way or another.
And then you'll see that there is no way of escaping him.
— Sukuna, Kenjaku, Muzan, Douma, Fyodor, Dabi + your fav
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Anyway just another disclaimer: I don't romanticize the actions performed in the last one, idk it just doesn't do anything for me, I also (personally) think it's unhealthy but wtv floats your boat ig!! (I say this like it isn't the longest section) IDK, it was just kinda fun to write, I've been meaning to get into darker themes(I have a Douma fic I've been meaning to write) so I wanted to go all out and see how it felt.
I love writing heacanons, ahhhhhhhh, I probably won't edit these so hopefully they aren't too bad!
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@ CHERICOS 2024 all rights reserved do not repost, edit, copy, translate or plagiarise my works
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elikajinnie · 5 days ago
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P: Vampire!Sunghoon X Human!Reader (Recommended age 18+)
Requested by: @doudouhoon -> request
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Supernatural Elements, Hypnosis, Mature Content, Obsession, Feral Behaviour, Chasing, Blood Consumption, Suggestive Content, Stalking, Murder, Possessive Behaviour.
Wordcount: 10.4k
Synopsis: Life was going smoothly—graduation was on the horizon, and your future seemed set. That is, until the new exchange student arrives. Stunningly handsome and impossible to ignore, he quickly leaves you both captivated and uneasy. Soon, strange occurrences follow. Objects move when you're not looking, whispers fill the air, and at night, you swear you see a pair of glowing red eyes and a set of sharp teeth watching you from the shadows.
a/n: nosferatu ass.... im just kidding! please read the request before commencing!
now playing: the vampire masqurade by peter gundry | bring me to life by evanescence | judas by lady gaga | kill of the night by gin wigmore | haunted by isabel larosa | kiss me you animal by burn the ballroom
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True love wasn’t something you believed in—not in this generation, at least. The idea that two souls were meant for each other, so deeply intertwined that they would do anything for one another and never love another? Yeah, right. People these days didn’t know the meaning of love. They were more interested in body counts.
That’s why, every time you watched an old movie where lovers were so consumed by each other that they would sacrifice everything—sometimes even their own lives—you couldn’t help but feel like you were born in the wrong era. The devotion, the passion, the kind of love that wasn’t afraid to burn bright and destroy anything in its path—that was what you longed for. And yet, in stark contrast, your phone would light up with another message, another boy asking you something inappropriate, something empty, something that only reinforced the view of a world that had forgotten what love was supposed to be.
So you were never interested in finding a relationship. Even now, as you were finishing your years at college, you never looked into dating, choosing instead to focus on your studies. It wasn’t that you were incapable of love—you just hadn’t found anything worth your time.
You watched your friends fall in and out of relationships, some getting their hearts broken over people who never deserved them in the first place. You listened to them cry over boys who barely remembered their favorite color, who only seemed to care when it was convenient for them. And you? You refused to be part of that cycle. You had more important things to do than entertain the idea of a half-hearted love.
The only love you entertained was the love from your fantasy romance books—emphasis on the fantasy part. The love stories within those pages were different. They all made reality seem unbearably dull.
It was the kind of love that made your heart ache, not because you had never experienced it, but because you knew you never would. Not in this world.
You would spend nights curled up with a book in your hands, losing yourself in tales of knights vowing their lives to the ones they loved, of immortal beings waiting centuries just for a single touch. You devoured every word, every aching confession. Because in those stories, love was sacred. It wasn’t something people tossed aside when they got bored.
Reality, on the other hand, had never given you anything close to that. Real love—if it even existed—seemed watered down, temporary. A series of situationships, and eventual disappointments. It was nothing like the slow-burn intensity you read about, nothing like the soul-deep connections that had you believing two hearts could truly beat as one.
So you didn’t really expect anything close to love during the rest of your time in college. You had long accepted that romance, at least the kind you dreamed of, wasn’t meant for you.
Love—real, all-consuming love—was a fantasy. And you were done chasing fantasies.
But life had a cruel sense of irony.
Because in what world would something straight out of a fairytale come to life?
Apparently, in your world.
At first, you didn’t suspect anything peculiar about him. He was just another student, another presence in a school filled with people you barely paid attention to. But the more you saw him, the more you noticed. And with that noticing came something else—something strange.
Park Sunghoon. The new student who appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the semester, walking into class like he owned the air around him. He was cold-looking, unreadable, his expression carefully blank as if he had already seen everything this place had to offer and wasn’t the least bit impressed. The type of guy who could sit in the back of the class, say nothing, and still have half the room sneaking glances his way.
You didn’t think much of him at first. Just another student. Just another stranger you’d never utter a word to.
Yeah. No.
Because, as it turned out, Sunghoon had no plans of leaving you as just another face in the crowd.
You weren’t sure when it started. The way he always seemed to be around, even when you swore you were alone. The way your name rolled off his tongue so easily, as if he had known you for much longer than a few weeks. The way his eyes—cold and indifferent to everyone else—would soften, just barely, when they landed on you.
And then there were the other things. The strange things.
Like how you could’ve sworn you saw him somewhere one night, only for him to act like he had never left his dorm the next day. Like how, when you nearly slipped on the stairs, something unseen had steadied you before you could even react—only for Sunghoon to be standing at the bottom, watching.
Like how he always seemed to know things he shouldn’t.
It was eerie. It was unsettling.
But what was worse was that no one else seemed to notice.
To everyone else, Sunghoon was just the mysterious new guy, someone to admire from afar but never get too close to. He was quiet, reserved, uninterested in making friends. A mystery wrapped in sharp eyes and an even sharper jawline.
But to you? He was something else.
Because it wasn’t just that he always seemed to be around. It wasn’t just that he knew things he shouldn’t.
It was the way he looked at you—like he was waiting for something.
Like he knew something you didn’t.
You tried to ignore it, brushing off the odd feelings, convincing yourself you were overthinking. But then the coincidences started becoming harder to ignore.
Like the time you were walking home late, your footsteps echoing against the empty streets, only to feel a presence behind you. You turned around—nothing. But the air felt heavier, like someone had been there just a second before. And when you finally made it home, locking the door behind you, your phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number.
"You shouldn’t walk alone this late."
Your heart had nearly stopped.
And then there was the time you were in the library, absentmindedly flipping through one of your favorite fantasy books. You barely noticed when someone sat across from you, but when you looked up, Sunghoon was already staring, his eyes scanning the page in front of you.
"You like stories like this?" he asked, his voice smooth, but there was something else in it.
You hesitated. Why did it sound like he already knew the answer?
"Yeah," you replied cautiously. "Why? Do you?"
A slow, knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "I guess you could say I have some experience with stories like these."
You didn’t know what he meant. Not then.
But soon, you would.
And by then, it would be too late.
Because Sunghoon wasn’t just another student. And he wasn’t just another presence in your life.
He was something else.
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You never usually went out at night alone.
Stories on the internet, headlines on the news—they had done a good job of making you paranoid. You weren’t careless. You always had a companion, always stuck to a group, or at the very least, made sure you were in a vehicle when heading home.
But tonight?
Tonight, you weren’t so fortunate.
You were alone.
Your phone was hanging on to life by a thread, the battery percentage blinking in warning. You were still a bit of a walk away from your place, the streets quieter than they should’ve been. It wasn’t that late, but late enough for the usual crowds to have disappeared, leaving behind only shadows stretching long beneath flickering streetlights.
The night had started off fine—you hadn’t even planned to drink much. Just a simple outing with friends, a way to destress. But things hadn’t gone as expected. An argument, some misunderstandings, people leaving in different directions. And now, here you were.
You glanced down at your phone, debating whether to risk what little battery you had left and call an Uber. Or a friend. Or even your dormmate—anyone who could come pick you up.
Your fingers scrolled desperately through your contacts, trying to make the most of your dwindling charge. But in your frantic searching, you failed to notice something.
Somewhere between exiting the club and now, the usual crowd had faded. The sounds of laughter and music had dulled into silence. The familiar warmth of bodies brushing past you, the comfort of knowing you weren’t alone—gone.
And it was only when you finally looked up that you realized:
You had walked too far from the club.
The streets, once bustling with life, were now empty. The neon lights that had painted the sidewalk in warm hues felt dimmer, the distant hum of passing cars too far away to comfort you.
A strange chill ran down your spine.
Something felt wrong.
And then—
A presence.
You couldn’t see anyone. But you felt it. The undeniable weight of someone’s gaze pressing against you from the darkness. Watching.
Your breath caught in your throat as you gripped your phone tighter, your pulse beginning to race.
You weren’t alone anymore.
And suddenly, you weren’t sure if that was a good thing.
Your fingers hovered over your phone screen, but suddenly, the numbers and names blurred together, your focus shifting elsewhere.
The air felt heavier. The kind of heaviness that wrapped around you like invisible hands, clawing at your nerves, making your skin prickle with unease. You didn’t hear footsteps, didn’t see movement, but the feeling of being watched was unmistakable.
Slowly, carefully, you turned your head.
Just an empty sidewalk stretching into the distance, streetlights casting long shadows over the pavement, the only sound being the faint buzz of electricity.
Calm down. You were probably just imagining things. Your nerves were heightened because of the situation, your mind playing tricks on you.
Still, your gut told you to move.
Forcing yourself to shake off the paranoia, you tapped at your screen, pressing the contact of the first person you could think of. But before the call could even go through—
A sound.
Too close.
The distinct scrape of a shoe against concrete.
Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest.
You spun around—again, nothing. The alley beside you gaped like an open mouth, dark and endless, but you saw no one. No shadow, no figure lingering beneath the dim streetlights.
And yet, the feeling of someone watching you remained.
Your breathing grew uneven as panic clawed its way up your throat. Your pulse pounded in your ears as you shoved your phone into your pocket, your fingers trembling slightly. You didn’t care about it anymore—you just needed to move.
Your feet hit the pavement hard as you turned away, breaking into a hurried pace. You didn’t dare look over your shoulder, didn’t want to see if someone was there. The weight of an unseen gaze still clung to you, making your skin crawl, but you refused to stop.
You just had to get out of here.
The street stretched endlessly ahead, but it felt wrong. No people, no noise, just the emptiness pressing in from all sides. You swallowed hard, your breath coming in uneven gasps.
And then—
A whisper of movement. Not from behind this time.
From ahead.
Your instincts screamed at you to get on the main road. To disappear before whatever was watching you decided to make itself known.
Without thinking, you turned sharply into an alley, the dimly lit path offering an escape—except you didn’t get far.
Because the moment you rounded the corner, you slammed into someone.
A gasp tore from your lips as your momentum sent you stumbling backward. But before you could hit the ground, strong hands caught you.
Your breath hitched.
The grip around your waist was firm, steady. And when you looked up, your heart nearly stopped.
His face was inches from yours, his cold, unreadable eyes locked onto you. The lights from the street barely reached the alley, casting shadows across his sharp features, but even in the dimness, he looked impossibly composed.
Like he had been waiting for you.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. You were too stunned, too caught off guard by the sudden closeness, the way his hands hadn’t let go yet.
And then, finally, he broke the silence.
"Why are you running?" His voice was quiet, smooth, like he already knew the answer.
Your throat felt dry. Your mind was still spinning from the lingering fear, from the thing you had felt watching you.
"I—" You swallowed. "I thought… someone was following me."
Sunghoon’s grip on you tightened just slightly before he exhaled, his expression unreadable.
"You’re not wrong."
A shiver ran down your spine.
"What—" you started, but he was already moving, already shifting his body just enough to glance over his shoulder. His gaze flickered toward the empty street behind you, his jaw tensing.
"You shouldn’t be out this late," he murmured, more to himself than to you.
And then his eyes met yours again.
"Come with me."
It wasn’t a request.
It was a command.
And somehow, you knew—refusing wasn’t an option.
Your body tensed. Every instinct screamed at you to question him, to demand an explanation, but the way Sunghoon looked at you—the way his gaze was sharp—made the words die in your throat.
"Come with me."
He wasn’t asking. And somehow, deep down, you knew he had a reason.
Your heart still hammered from the chase—or whatever that was. The feeling of being watched hadn’t disappeared, but standing here with Sunghoon, something shifted. It wasn’t gone, but it was different.
Like whoever—or whatever—had been following you wasn’t as eager to approach now that he was here.
Your breath caught. Did he know?
Sunghoon didn’t give you much time to think. His fingers tightened briefly around your wrist before he let go, turning on his heel.
"We need to move," he muttered, already walking.
You hesitated for half a second, but then another wave of unease crashed into you, the prickling sensation of a gaze making the hairs on your arms stand.
So you followed.
The alley stretched into a maze of turns and side streets, leading you farther from the club, farther from where you thought you should be. You tried to memorize the path, but Sunghoon moved too quickly, like he already knew exactly where to go.
"Where are we going?" you finally asked, your voice hushed but urgent.
"Somewhere safer."
"Safer from what?"
Sunghoon didn’t answer.
You gritted your teeth, frustration creeping in. You had no idea why you were listening to him, why you were blindly following someone you barely knew through empty backstreets in the dead of night. But something about his presence, his certainty, kept you moving.
Eventually, he stopped in front of what looked like an old bookstore—one of those places you never really noticed, tucked between taller buildings, its windows dark and uninviting at this hour.
Sunghoon pulled open the door, glancing at you expectantly.
You hesitated, glancing over your shoulder. The street behind you was empty. Too empty.
Your fingers curled into fists as another cold shiver ran through you.
Whatever had been watching you earlier… it was still there.
Without another word, you stepped inside.
The door clicked shut behind you, and with it, the heavy feeling of being hunted finally lifted.
But when you turned to face Sunghoon, you found him watching you carefully, as if you were the mystery, searching for something beneath your skin that even you didn’t know was there.
"Where are we?" you pressed, stepping closer. "Where did you bring me"
But he didn’t answer.
His expression didn’t shift. He didn’t even look like he was considering responding. Instead, he simply turned away, his attention flickering toward the door, as if waiting.
Irritation bubbled up inside you. After everything—the fear, the chase, the unanswered questions—he was just going to ignore you?
You exhaled sharply, rubbing your arms as another chill ran down your spine.
Fine. If he wasn’t going to give you answers, you’d just figure things out yourself.
Your gaze wandered to the window. The streets outside were still. The emptiness from before hadn’t changed—no people, no movement, nothing but the glow of streetlights.
Had you imagined it? The feeling of being watched, of something lurking just beyond your sight?
Your fingers curled slightly as you turned back toward Sunghoon, ready to demand an answer again—
But he wasn’t there.
You blinked.
The space where he had been standing just moments ago was completely empty.
Your heart stuttered.
You whipped your head around, scanning the dark bookstore, expecting to see him a few steps away, maybe wandering between the bookshelves.
But there was nothing.
No sound.
No sign that he had moved.
Your pulse quickened. How? How had he disappeared so silently? The store wasn’t that big—you would’ve heard his footsteps, the creak of a floorboard, something.
And yet, he was just… gone.
A lump formed in your throat.
This was wrong.
This whole night had been wrong.
But before you could turn back toward the door, before you could even think about stepping outside, something inside you—something deep, something instinctual—shifted.
It wasn’t fear.
It wasn’t panic.
It was a pull. A whisper in your bones.
Move deeper into the store.
You hesitated, glancing toward the rows of bookshelves stretching into the dimly lit space. The deeper you looked, the darker it became, the light from the front windows barely reaching past the first few aisles.
Logic told you to leave.
But something else—something stronger—urged you forward.
And before you could stop yourself, your feet started moving.
Your steps echoed softly against the wooden floor as you moved past rows of towering bookshelves. Your mind screamed at you to stop, to turn around and run out of this cursed place. But your body? It refused to listen.
It was like you were being guided, dragged forward by some invisible thread pulling at your very soul.
Your breathing quickened as you passed worn-out seating areas and dusty reading nooks, the air growing heavier the deeper you went. You tried to force your feet to stop, but they kept moving, like you were trapped in a dream where no matter how hard you fought, you couldn’t wake up.
Your heart pounded violently in your chest as you rounded another corner, stepping into an aisle far darker than the rest, the towering shelves casting deep shadows that seemed to swallow everything whole.
Your footsteps slowed as you reached the end of the aisle, stepping into a section that felt… different.
The books lining the shelves weren’t like the others. Their spines were darker, older, some bound in cracked leather with gold lettering that had long since faded. And the titles...
Legends of the Undead. Bloodlines of the Eternal. The Shadowed Ones.
The supernatural.
Your breath hitched as you stepped closer, eyes scanning the books before a sudden thump echoed through the silence.
You froze.
Slowly, you turned toward the sound, your pulse hammering in your ears.
A book had fallen from one of the shelves, lying face up on the floor.
There was no draft, no reason for it to have moved.
And yet…
Something inside you whispered, urging you forward.
You swallowed hard but obeyed, stepping toward the book like you had no other choice.
The cover was worn, the edges tattered from age, but the image printed on it sent a strange chill through you.
A couple.
A woman with wide, longing eyes, and a man who stood behind her, holding her close. But his face—his features—were strikingly sharp. His skin was pale, almost ghostly, and draped over his shoulders was a dark, flowing cape.
And then, you saw them.
His teeth.
Sharp, glistening.
Your stomach twisted as your fingers unconsciously tightened around the book.
A vampire.
Swallowing the unease clawing at your throat, you quickly shoved the book onto the nearest shelf—definitely not the one it had fallen from, but you didn’t care. You just wanted it out of your hands.
Then, without a second glance, you turned on your heel and scuffled your way back toward the entrance, your pulse thrumming in your ears.
You wanted to leave.
Reaching the door, you grabbed the handle and twisted.
It didn’t budge.
Your breath hitched.
You tried again, jiggling it harder. Locked.
Your stomach dropped.
Fumbling, you checked for a latch, a keyhole—something. But nothing worked. The lock wouldn’t turn, wouldn’t shift, wouldn’t so much as budge.
Your chest tightened.
No. No, this wasn’t happening.
You peered outside, but the streets were just as empty as before. No cars, no distant figures, nothing but a dark, lifeless city.
Panic curled around your ribs as you pressed your forehead against the glass.
You were trapped.
A frustrated groan escaped you as you spun back toward the darkened bookstore.
"Sunghoon!" you called out, voice echoing between the shelves.
Your throat felt dry as you called his name again, louder this time.
Still nothing.
He had to be here. He had to be.
He wouldn’t just leave you locked inside a bookstore all night… right?
"Sunghoon, where are you? This isn’t funny!"
No response.
Your fingers clenched into fists as you hesitantly stepped between the shelves, your voice growing more frantic each time you called Sunghoon’s name.
The silence was suffocating.
You peeked into one of the sections, your heartbeat drumming against your ribs. The air felt heavier here, like something unseen was pressing against your chest.
And then—
A cold breath ghosted over the back of your neck.
Your body went rigid.
The sensation was unmistakable—icy, deliberate, like someone was standing right behind you.
Your breath hitched as your entire body screamed at you to run. But when you turned around sharply—
No one.
The aisle was empty. Your paranoia spiked. Your mind raced with every horror scenario you’d ever read, every urban legend about being alone in places you weren’t supposed to be.
You had to get out.
"Sunghoon!" you shouted again, your voice echoing through the vast store.
And then—
A soft creak.
Your eyes snapped to the left, where a door—one you were certain hadn’t been there before—slowly swung open.
A dark figure stepped out.
He looked… perfectly normal. Calm, even.
His dark eyes met yours, and his lips curled into a small, amused smile.
"There you are," he said casually, as if you weren’t on the verge of a panic attack.
For a second, you just stared, your mind struggling to comprehend the sheer absurdity of the situation. He had just appeared from a hidden door like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Your initial shock quickly turned into anger.
"Are you kidding me?!" you snapped, stepping toward him. "You left me alone in here! The door is locked, and I—" Before you could finish, he reached out and grabbed your wrist.
Yet firmly enough that it sent an unexpected shiver down your spine.
"Come on," he murmured, his voice low and smooth. "This way."
Without waiting for your response, he led you through the mysterious doorway.
The second you stepped inside, your breath hitched.
It was another section of the bookstore—except this one felt different.
The air was filled with the scent of old parchment and something faintly metallic. The books here looked ancient, their bindings cracked with age, their pages yellowed and fragile.
This place… it felt untouched. Hidden. Like a secret only a select few were meant to see.
You swallowed, your heart pounding in your chest as you turned to Sunghoon.
"What is this place?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"The literary section," he answered simply.
Your steps felt heavy as Sunghoon led you through, then without saying much, he stopped in front of an old door, pulling out a small pair of keys from his pocket. The metallic click echoed in the silence as he unlocked it.
You expected to find another dark corridor, or maybe some secret, ancient room filled with more strange books.
But instead…
It led to the outside.
The cold night air hit your face as you stepped out, blinking in confusion. You turned around, watching Sunghoon lock the door behind you.
What even was that place? And how did he know about it?
Before you could ask, Sunghoon gently nudged you toward a sleek black car parked nearby.
"Come on. I’ll drive you home. It’s not safe for you to be out here alone," he said, his tone calm yet strangely... protective.
Your mind was spinning, struggling to process what had just happened. You barely noticed as Sunghoon opened the passenger door for you, guiding you inside before slipping into the driver’s seat.
It wasn’t until the engine roared to life, and the car began smoothly gliding through the empty streets, that you finally snapped out of whatever trance you’d been in.
"Wait, wait, wait," you blurted out, turning to him with wide eyes. "What the hell just happened back there? What was that place? And why do you have the keys to some creepy store that—"
"Calm down," Sunghoon interrupted, glancing at you with that same unreadable expression. "I told you, it’s a bookstore. A safe space."
Your eyes narrowed.
"And what does that even mean? How do you know about it? Why were you even there?"
Sunghoon let out a soft chuckle, as if your panic amused him. "You ask too many questions."
You scoffed. "Because none of this makes sense!"
He glanced at you again before turning his eyes back to the road.
"Some things aren’t meant to make sense."
That only made your frustration grow.
"You’re seriously not gonna explain anything?"
Sunghoon smirked faintly. "I probably just saved you from some creep. You could at least say thank you."
You stared at him in disbelief.
He was avoiding your questions. Clearly.
But the way he spoke… it was like he knew something. Something you weren’t supposed to know.
Who exactly was Park Sunghoon?
The rest of the car ride was filled with silence. The streets blurred past the window as you watched the empty city, but your mind was stuck on Sunghoon.
You stole a glance at him from the corner of your eye. His face was calm, as if none of what just happened was strange at all.
"You’re really not going to tell me anything, are you?" you muttered, breaking the silence.
"Would you even believe me if I did?"
Your brows furrowed. "Try me."
He let out a soft chuckle, but didn’t answer.
Frustration bubbled in your chest, but at the same time...
There was something about him that made your heart race in a way you couldn't explain.
You barely knew this guy, yet it felt like he was pulling you into something that you could not comprehend.
And the scariest part?
A part of you... wanted to know more.
Before you knew it, the car slowed down in front of your dorm.
Sunghoon put the car in park and turned to you. His gaze softened slightly as he spoke,
"Get some rest. It's late."
You hesitated, unsure whether to step out or demand more answers. But something about the way he looked at you left you speechless.
With a sigh, you reached for the door handle and stepped out.
But just as you were about to close the door, Sunghoon’s voice stopped you.
"Sweet dreams."
Your breath hitched as you turned to face him, as he only gave you a small, knowing smile before driving off into the darkness.
You stood there, watching the taillights disappear into the night, your heart pounding in your chest.
What the hell just happened?
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Sunghoon was always composed. Always. His life had been shaped by discipline, by the strict standards of his legacy, a lineage built on elegance, refinement, and control. His every move, every glance, was carefully calculated. His desires? Contained.
Except for now.
Now, as his eyes flickered over to you across the classroom, something was breaking inside him. Something he couldn’t control.
You, sitting there, so effortlessly beautiful, your presence radiating something he couldn’t ignore. Something he couldn’t bury, no matter how hard he tried.
You were tempting. The way your hair fell over your shoulder, the curve of your lips as you smiled at your friend, the soft laugh that escaped you when something amused you. It was all too much. And as your scent teased the edges of his senses, it became overwhelming.
He had been keeping his distance, maintaining control, but now—now—it was slipping through his fingers like sand.
One sip. One taste.
He could already imagine it: your blood, sweet and intoxicating, flowing as he licked it from your skin, savoring every drop as if it were the finest nectar.
He clenched his jaw so hard it hurt, trying to suppress the need that burned within him.
You were special.
He had always known it. There was something about you, something different that called to him in ways he couldn’t explain. Something about your blood—it was made for him.
One taste and he would be hooked, he knew it. The craving had only grown since the moment he first laid eyes on you, and now it clawed at him from within.
His fingers dug into the side of the table, the wood creaking under the pressure of his grip.
You were a forbidden fruit, and resisting you was a battle he wasn’t sure how much longer he could win.
His gaze flickered back to you, and his heart clenched, a familiar hunger coiling deep within him.
Oh, how he craved you.
The sound of the classroom around him faded as his attention remained fixated on you, his mind racing with thoughts he couldn’t control. He tried to focus on the lesson, tried to pay attention to the teacher’s voice droning on, but it was useless. All he could hear was the pounding of his own pulse, the quickened rhythm that matched the beat of his desires.
You shifted in your seat, and it was like a jolt to his senses. His eyes followed the movement, the way you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, the way your fingers tapped lightly on the desk. Each little thing you did, each breath you took, only deepened the ache inside him. It was all too much, and his restraint—once ironclad—was beginning to feel fragile, delicate, like it could snap at any moment.
There was no doubt in his mind anymore; he was losing himself.
I can’t do this, he thought desperately, his grip tightening on the table. But it was futile. The desire was too strong, too consuming.
One sip.
Just one.
He could already taste it—the sweetness, the richness that he knew would flood his senses. He needed it. And if he didn’t get it—he didn’t know what would happen.
His fingers dug deeper into the table, the wood now splintering under the pressure of his growing need. His eyes narrowed as he tried to compose himself. But the more he stared at you, the more the temptation grew.
Control, Sunghoon. You have to keep control.
His entire being screamed for him to act, to close the distance between you two and finally claim what he so desperately wanted. But he didn’t move. He couldn’t.
The bell rang, shattering the tension, and students began to gather their things, but Sunghoon stayed rooted in place, his eyes never leaving you.
You stood, gathering your bag, oblivious to the storm that raged inside him.
He tried to steady himself, fighting against the instinct that begged him to step forward, to take you, to make you his.
But he stayed still, watching you walk out of the room with every ounce of restraint he had left.
Not yet.
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Okay, you were officially convinced Sunghoon was a weirdo. After that night in the bookstore, it was like he had some sort of uncanny ability to appear wherever you went. He was always there—just lurking.
And it didn’t stop there. You started seeing him in your dreams. How? You had no clue. All you knew was that those dreams were way too personal to even think about, let alone talk to anyone about. There was something intensely wrong—and yet strangely captivating—about them. And the worst part? You weren’t sure if you were afraid of him, or if you were afraid of what you might feel about him if you let yourself admit it.
So you did what you thought was the logical thing. You avoided him. At all costs.
You tried to keep your distance—barely acknowledging his presence when you passed him, pretending you didn't notice when his gaze lingered too long. But that was when things got worse.
The more you tried to avoid him, the more he seemed to indulge in it. It was like he enjoyed watching you squirm, like he was learning everything there was to know about you with every passing second. You could feel his eyes on you—always.
Every time you saw him, his stare was impossible to ignore.
It wasn’t just a passing glance. No, it was like his eyes zeroed in on you—completely and utterly fixed, like he was searching you. Every time your paths crossed, he didn’t just look at you. He studied you, like he could see something no one else could. His gaze didn’t break, didn’t waver, as if he was trying to memorize every detail of you, every movement you made.
It was maddening.
There was no subtlety to it—his stare was intense in a way you couldn’t explain. It felt like his gaze was undressing your soul, pulling at the parts of you that you didn’t want anyone to see. It was suffocating. You couldn’t breathe when he looked at you like that, as though you were a piece of prey and he was waiting for the right moment to claim you.
You tried to look away, to avoid his gaze, but it felt like you were trapped under his spell. It made your skin crawl, your heart race. And for some reason, you hated the way your body responded to it. How your mind kept spiraling into the thoughts you desperately wanted to avoid.
What the hell was he doing to you?
He was becoming unbearable to ignore, but you really couldn’t do much with him around. It was like he was everywhere.
Around campus. Around the dorms. At the local cafe you frequented. And worst of all, he was in your dreams, invading your nights in ways that left you breathless and disoriented by morning. Every time you woke up, it took everything in you not to curl up and hide from everything in shame.
You were going insane, weren't you? You tried to tell yourself it was just a phase, just some weird, creepy obsession you could shake off. After all, it was easy to dismiss someone like Sunghoon, right? He was weird, and you had every reason to avoid him. But somewhere, somehow, that strategy had backfired.
The worst part?
You didn’t mind it.
At some point, your mind had started craving his attention. The same attention that used to send chills down your spine, that once made your heart race with dread, now made your chest tighten in an unfamiliar way. You started looking for it, hunting for those moments when his gaze would fall on you again, when his eyes would lock with yours across the room or across the street.
And every time it happened, you felt it—this rush of something deep inside you, something almost giddy.
Like you were waiting for it.
And every time it happened—when his eyes found you, when he was close enough that you could feel him but not quite touch him—you couldn’t deny it. Something in you lit up.
You hated it, but you couldn't stop it. It was like you were addicted to it, to him. His attention became a drug you didn’t know how to quit.
Because of these dreams, you hadn’t been sleeping well at all. You’d wake up in the middle of the night, your body slick with sweat, your heart pounding like a drum. The sheets would be tangled around you as you gasped for air, your breath uneven and shallow, the images from your dreams still haunting the edges of your mind.
Every time you woke up like that, you’d look around your dark bedroom, feeling an overwhelming sense of being watched. The feeling would crawl up your spine, creeping into your thoughts until you were certain someone was lurking just beyond the edge of your vision. But when you flicked on the bedside lamp, the room was always empty. Just you. Alone.
Still, the feeling never truly left. It lingered in the corners of the room, under the bed, in the darkened space between your dresser and the wall.
It was always the same. Every night. The dreams. The shame. The emptiness that followed you as you tried to settle back into sleep, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t shake it off. It had become a cycle, one that was slowly unraveling your sanity.
And it started to show on you.
You could feel it in your body—your mind was exhausted, and it was taking a toll. You’d fall asleep in the middle of class, your head dropping onto the desk as you fought to stay awake, but failing miserably. Or during lunch, when you would try to sip at your coffee, but your eyelids would feel too heavy to keep open.
But those naps never lasted long.
You’d wake up suddenly, the whispers of your dreams still clinging to you, leaving you disoriented and groggy. Sometimes, you would even jolt awake, your body trembling as if you had been running or fighting for your life. And every time you opened your eyes, you’d be met with the same mundane reality.
It was driving you mad.
You wanted it to stop. You needed it to stop. But it was like a chain around your neck, one you couldn’t remove no matter how hard you tried. The pull of Sunghoon’s attention, the lure of his eyes - it was suffocating you.
But it seemed like Sunghoon's presence was messing with more than just your sleep. The effects were trickling into other parts of your life, too.
The little nap accidents during classes? They were starting to catch up to you. You were behind on your work, falling behind on assignments, and you could feel your grades slipping further and further away. The last assignment had been a disaster, and your professor had been kind enough to give you a second chance, offering extra bonus work to help make up for it.
So there you were, sitting at the local café, long past your usual hours. The light above your table flickered slightly as you typed away, hunched over your laptop, trying to focus on the work in front of you. You knew you had to get it done. You had to show your professor you could pull yourself together, that you were still capable of doing this.
But the longer you sat there, the harder it was to ignore how exhausted you felt. Every line you typed seemed to blur, your thoughts fragmented, the constant hum of the café around you mixing with the dull throb in your skull. Even the smell of coffee no longer held its usual comfort—it just made you feel sick to your stomach.
And yet, you kept pushing through it, knowing that if you didn’t finish tonight, you’d only get further behind.
By the time you finally wrapped up the work and rushed to submit it, the café was closing. The lights were dimming, and the staff were tidying up, cleaning tables and stacking chairs as they prepared to lock the doors for the night. You barely noticed as you walked out, your mind focused solely on the task you had completed, the slight relief of being done with it for now.
The sky had darkened while you worked, the deep blue stretching across the horizon, stars barely visible against the faint glow of the city lights. The streets were quieter now, the hum of cars and chatter from nearby shops muted.
You could feel the cool night air biting at your skin as you walked. And as you pulled your jacket tighter around yourself, you became busy scrolling through your phone, trying to distract yourself from everything.
But then, you heard it.
A sound—disgusting and wrong. A wet, slurping noise, like a dog drinking from a bowl. Only it wasn’t right. It was too sickening, too unnatural.
Your feet stopped moving before you could think. You hadn’t meant to, but your body had reacted on its own. Your eyes darted towards the dark alleyway ahead, and the sound was louder now, almost suffocating. A gut-wrenching instinct told you to keep walking, but something inside you refused. Something dark and curious tugged you closer.
Despite every ounce of your being screaming to leave, you did the one thing you shouldn’t have: you turned on the flashlight of your phone and pointed it into the alley.
Instantly, you regretted it.
The beam of light cut through the shadows just enough to reveal the nightmare you had walked into.
A woman lay on the ground, her body limp and lifeless, eyes wide open and white, her skin a sickly shade of pale. Her blood… it coated the ground around her in a dark pool, soaking into the cracked pavement. And beside her, bending over her body, was a man.
The man… was feeding on her.
He was hunched over her, his face a mess of blood, his mouth smeared with the crimson liquid as he drank from her throat. The wet sounds filled your ears, but what made your blood run cold wasn’t just the act—it was his eyes.
He looked at you.
His eyes were red. Red as the blood he was drinking.
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Your breath caught in your throat as you stumbled back, instinctively trying to move away, but your feet wouldn’t obey. You were frozen, your body rigid with terror.
Then, as if to drive the horror deeper, he parted from the woman’s mangled neck. The blood dripped from his jaw, splattering to the ground, and he slowly, deliberately, ran his tongue over the blood that covered his lips. His tongue was long, unnaturally long, and as he licked the blood, you saw it—
Oh no.
The world spun around you. Your pulse raced as your body screamed at you to run, to escape, but your legs were frozen in place. Every part of you was screaming in panic, but it felt like you were drowning in fear, unable to move.
And in that moment, you were certain of two things.
One, this wasn’t a man.
Two, you were his next meal.
The man’s red eyes never left you as he slowly rose from the woman’s lifeless body, blood still dripping from his chin. He straightened himself, his movements slow, as if savoring the moment. You felt the chill of terror crawl up your spine, your entire body locked in place as you tried to find your voice.
His lips curled into a sinister, satisfied smile, revealing the sharp fangs that glistened under the dim light.
“You…” he murmured, his voice smooth and dark, laced with hunger. “You smell… so delicious.”
Your breath hitched, your body trembling, as his gaze seemed to pierce right through you. It was as if he could see straight into your soul, and his words sent a cold wave of dread over you.
“I can hear your heartbeat,” he continued, taking a step closer, his eyes scanning you as if assessing you. “It’s racing. Thumping so hard, so fast. It’s music to my ears. The way it echoes in your chest… it’s irresistible.”
Your knees felt weak, but you still couldn’t move, paralyzed by fear and the unnatural intensity of his gaze.
“You are a special one,” he whispered, his voice low and intoxicating. “I can see it. Your blood… It will be more delicious than hers. More… rich. I can already taste it in the air.”
You wanted to scream, to run, but the words didn’t come. All you could do was watch as he stepped closer, his presence overwhelming.
“I’ll take every drop from you,” he whispered, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. “Every. Last. One. You won’t be left with a single drop.”
With that, he discarded the woman’s body carelessly, the limp form slumping to the ground with a sickening thud. She was nothing to him now—just a hollow shell. His attention was entirely focused on you now.
You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight.
His steps grew louder, closer, and all you could do was tremble, hoping for some miracle, some way out of this nightmare.
And before you could even process what was happening, a blur of movement shot past you, fast as lightning.
The vampire-man let out an animalistic snarl, his head snapping toward the figure that was attacking him. For a moment, you couldn’t see clearly. It was as though the air around you had thickened, time slowing down. The shadowy figure collided with the vampire, and they tumbled to the ground in a flurry of motion. You could hear the sounds of a vicious struggle, but all you could do was stand there, frozen in fear, completely caught off guard.
In the chaos, your phone slipped from your trembling hand and clattered to the cold ground. You scrambled to pick it up, eyes glued to the scene unfolding before you. The vampire-man hissed, but the figure didn’t back down.
The hissing grew louder, more frenzied. The air seemed to crackle with tension as the vampire-man struggled beneath his attacker.
You couldn’t stay there any longer.
Your heart pounded in your chest as your instincts screamed at you to run, to get away before you became the next target. Your legs felt like jelly as you backed up, tripping over your own feet and tumbling away. You were shaking, the fear gripping you tighter with every step.
A voice—low, urgent—whispered in your mind.
Run. Now.
And that was all you needed to hear. You didn’t need any more encouragement. With everything in you, you bolted, sprinting down the empty street, the sound of your heavy breathing drowned out by the roar of blood rushing in your ears.
You didn’t dare look back.
Not until you reached the safety of the main road, where you collapsed against a lamppost, gasping for air, eyes darting around the empty roads.
What just happened?
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Okay, you did not believe in vampires. At all. Count Dracula, Count Orlok, Bram Stoker—everything was just fiction. Fantasy. The stuff of stories, movies, and nightmares.
But what you saw last night? That… you knew it wasn’t some wild hallucination. There was no way your mind could have conjured something so real, so grotesque. You felt it—every instinct screamed that what you witnessed was not just some twisted dream. And you knew that too, because when you returned to the alley the next day, the woman's body was gone.
But the blood—the blood was unmistakable. Streaks of it still marred the ground, dark and congealing under the harsh light of the morning sun. It was a dead giveaway.
Your stomach twisted as you crouched down to get a better look, staring at the stain on the pavement. No body. Just the unmistakable remnants of what had happened.
You wanted to go to the police. Hell, part of you felt like you had to—because this was serious. Someone had been murdered, right there in that alley. You could almost hear the sirens, see the flashing lights of the patrol cars, the officers coming in to take statements, investigate.
But then something in you hesitated.
Would they even believe you? You were certain they’d just look at you like you were crazy. A paranoid college student, half asleep, imagining things. They’d probably tell you it was some late-night prank or a random street fight gone wrong or even accuse you for taking drugs. And what could you possibly say? “I saw a man with red eyes and fangs, drinking the blood of a woman in an alley”?
You winced at the thought. It sounded insane even to you.
What if it was just… something else? Some twisted person? But even then, the red eyes? And the fangs? That didn’t make sense. Not in a world you knew.
So, instead of making the call you needed to, you backed away from the alley, stood there for a moment, staring at the bloodstain on the ground as your heart raced.
Your mind was a proper mess.
You couldn’t ignore it anymore. You had to do something, anything, to make sense of what had happened. So you did what you had to do—you investigated. And you knew where to start.
After classes, you didn’t go straight to your dorm. Instead, you found yourself heading toward the bookstore—the same one Sunghoon had taken you to that one night. There was something about that place, something that made you feel certain that the answers would be there, tucked away among the pages.
As you pushed open the door to the bookstore, the familiar scent of old paper and dust enveloped you. The bell above the door jingled softly, and you were greeted by the sound of a old woman behind the counter, softly snoring, her glasses slipping down the bridge of her nose. You looked at her for a moment, but quickly moved past, not wanting to wake her up.
The store was quiet, with only a few customers scattered around. A woman sat in a chair near the back, completely engrossed in a romance novel—so much so that she probably hadn’t noticed you enter. A man stood near the science section, holding a stack of books, flipping through one, while another man was sorting through books, likely an employee.
But none of them mattered.
You knew exactly where you needed to go, and it didn’t take long for your eyes to find the familiar shelf. You scanned the titles, your pulse quickening as you spotted it. There it was—the same book. You almost let out a small, victorious sound as your fingers closed around it, pulling it free from between two other books.
As your fingers traced the familiar cover, that familiar sense of fascination stirred in your chest. You glanced around the shop, making sure no one was paying you any attention, before you carefully flipped it open.
You opened the book, expecting to find answers—maybe facts, some history, or even some sort of guide that could help explain what you had seen that night. But instead, you were met with something entirely different.
It wasn’t what you had imagined at all.
The first page was full of elegant prose, describing a vampire's longing for the taste of a mortal’s blood, how the scent alone would send him into a frenzy. The words were written with such intensity, each line dripping with yearning, and you couldn’t help but feel an unexpected heat rise in your cheeks as you read on.
The story was not a factual account or even a mythological tale; no, this was a love story. A sensual love story about a vampire and his human. The lines were filled with descriptions of blood—how the vampire wanted sink his fangs into his lovers delicate skin and drink.
Your fingers trembled slightly as you flipped through more pages, the story growing more heated. You felt as if you were intruding on something private. Something you should not be reading. But you couldn’t stop. You were drawn in, unable to turn away.
You felt your breath quicken, and in the back of your mind, a voice warned you that you were treading too close to something dangerous. This book wasn’t just telling a story—it was shaping something in you. Something you didn’t want to face just yet.
You slammed the book shut, heart pounding in your chest, as if you'd been caught doing something wrong. The words on the pages still lingered in your mind, their heat echoing through your thoughts. But before you could shake the feeling off, a voice broke through the haze.
"Can I help you with something?"
You whipped around, startled, to see the man you had noticed earlier—the one sorting through books. He had a gentle yet curious expression, his eyes scanning you as though he were waiting for an answer.
You took a slow breath, trying to calm yourself. "No, thank you. I’m just looking."
He nodded, accepting your answer, but then turned to leave. However, before he could walk away, he glanced back over his shoulder, his voice low.
"If you're looking for something more… to your taste, there’s a literary room in the back," he said, his gaze flicking towards a door. "It's where we keep the rarer collections. The kind of books you might find interesting."
Your stomach dropped at the mention of the door, the memory of that night when Sunghoon had led you through it coming back like a rush of cold water. You quickly glanced at the door, unease crawling up your spine.
"Thank you," you managed, offering a tight smile.
He gave you a nod, before walking away.
You waited until the man disappeared into the next aisle before making your move. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, you slipped toward the familiar door. Your heart pounded as you grasped the handle and slowly pushed it open, squeezing through the narrow gap and quietly closing it behind you.
You wasted no time, scanning the shelves for anything that would point you toward what you were looking for.
"Vampires... vampires..." you whispered to yourself as your fingers traced the spines of the worn books.
Minutes passed, and you found yourself with three books in your arms, each one titled with something related to the creatures of the night.
"The Blood Covenant: Tales of the Immortal"
"Nocturnal Desires: The History of the Nightwalkers"
"Marked by the Moon: The Forbidden Bond"
Your hands tightened around them as you glanced back toward the door. You still had the original book you’d found, making it a total of four. The unsettling feeling in your gut only grew stronger, but so did your curiosity.
What were you even hoping to find? Proof that what you saw in the alleyway wasn’t a hallucination? Or maybe... something that could explain Sunghoon and the strange pull he seemed to have over you?
Taking a shaky breath, you turned toward one of the small, round tables tucked between the shelves and set the books down. You hesitated for a moment before flipping open the first one.
As your eyes skimmed the pages, the words seemed to bleed into your mind, descriptions of ancient creatures who thrived in the shadows, who fed on human blood, who could manipulate and lure their prey with nothing more than a glance.
Your pulse quickened.
Because with every word you read, you realized...
It all sounded too much like Sunghoon.
Of course, it was only a hunch, a theory. Because in reality, vampires shouldn’t exist in this timeline... right? So he could not possibly be..
But there was never any solid proof that they didn’t.
And if the legends were true, vampires could live for hundreds of years. What if... this was one of those rare cases?
You shook your head, pushing the thought aside as you continued skimming through the books. Your eyes scanned the pages, absorbing every detail about ancient rituals, feeding habits, and the hypnotic allure that vampires possessed.
Time slipped away from you faster than you realized, and when you finally glanced at your watch, your eyes widened.
You were here way too long.
Quickly gathering the books in your arms, you slipped out of the room and made your way to the counter. The old woman, now wide awake, adjusted her glasses as she scanned the books one by one. The employee from earlier stood nearby, watching you with mild curiosity.
You paid for the books without much thought, too eager to get out of the shop and back to your dorm to properly dig through what you'd found.
As you turned to leave, the soft chime of the doorbell echoed through the quiet shop, and you stepped out into the streets.
What you didn’t notice, however, was the sneaky glance that passed between the old woman and the employee as you walked away with a bag full of vampire books.
Almost as if... they knew.
It wasn’t that dark outside, but the streets were quiet enough to make you uneasy. The streetlights barely illuminated the cracks in the pavement as you hurried along, clutching the bag of books tightly to your chest.
Your mind was racing with everything you'd read. The idea of vampires living among humans sounded absurd, but after what you'd seen in that alley...
You shook the thought away and picked up your pace.
What you failed to notice, however, was the shadow trailing behind you.
Silent footsteps echoed yours, perfectly in sync. Whoever it was, they were keeping a careful distance, blending into the dimly lit streets like a predator stalking its prey.
You turned a corner, the familiar sight of your dorm building coming into view, and felt a small wave of relief wash over you. Almost there.
But that relief was short-lived as you barely had time to react.
A cold, calloused hand clamped over your mouth, silencing the scream that tried to escape your throat. You were yanked backward, dragged effortlessly into the shadows of a nearby alleyway.
Your heart pounded violently in your chest as you thrashed against the grip, eyes wide and frantic as you tried to make sense of what was happening.
That’s when you saw him.
The man had eyes that glowed a deep, sinister red, and when he parted his lips, you saw them.
Sharp. Deadly. Hungering.
He leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of your neck.
You felt like you were going to be sick.
This wasn’t like the scenes from the book. There was no heat pooling in your stomach, no fluttering anticipation.
No, this was wrong.
The fear that coursed through your veins was paralyzing. Your body instinctively fought against him, twisting and struggling with every ounce of strength you could muster — but it was useless.
He was far too strong.
And the worst part?
You could feel it.
The way his cold lips brushed against your skin. The way he inhaled deeply, savoring your scent.
"You smell... divine," he murmured, voice dark and sickly sweet. "So much sweeter than any other human."
Your eyes burned with tears as you squirmed, panic clouding your mind.
He wasn’t going to stop.
He wasn’t going to spare you.
He would drain you dry, leave your lifeless body to rot in this alley, and move on to his next victim without a second thought.
No, you couldn’t let that happen.
Your body moved on instinct as you kicked, elbowed, and clawed at him with everything you had. Your nails scraped against his face, but it was like scratching against stone.
“Stop—” you tried to scream against his hand, your voice muffled and desperate.
But he only chuckled darkly.
"Fight all you want," he sneered. "It only makes your blood taste better."
You felt the sharp point of his fangs press against your neck.
A wave of terror surged through you, and you writhed harder, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you fought tooth and nail to keep those fangs from piercing your skin.
But he was too strong.
You felt yourself slipping, your strength fading...
But before the vampire could sink his teeth in a blur of movement flashed before you, and suddenly the vampire was ripped away from you with inhuman force. You gasped for air as you saw the creature that had been about to kill you now pinned against the alley wall.
And the one who had saved you?
His eyes glowed a deep crimson, darker than the other vampire’s, and his fangs were fully bared as he snarled. “You dare touch what’s mine?” Sunghoon’s voice was dangerous, filled with a venom that sent chills down your spine.
The other vampire let out a guttural snarl, his eyes burning with rage as he lunged back at Sunghoon, claws out and fangs bared.
Sunghoon met him head-on, moving with inhuman speed as their bodies clashed. You stumbled back against the cold brick wall, heart hammering as you watched them move like shadows, too fast for your eyes to fully follow.
The sound of hissing and grunting echoed through the alley as Sunghoon drove his knee into the other vampire’s ribs, sending him crashing to the ground. But the creature didn’t stay down for long, leaping back up with blood dripping from his mouth and launching himself at Sunghoon once more.
Sunghoon caught him mid-air, slamming him against the wall with brutal force. The concrete cracked beneath the impact, and the other vampire let out a strangled cry as Sunghoon's grip tightened around his throat.
“Pathetic,” Sunghoon spat, his fangs glistening as he bared them.
The other vampire hissed, struggling against Sunghoon's hold, but he was clearly weaker.
Sunghoon twisted his arm, snapping bone as the creature howled in agony. Yet, even through the pain, the other vampire’s eyes flicked to you — hunger and desperation burning within them.
That only seemed to enrage Sunghoon further.
With a violent shove, Sunghoon threw the vampire to the ground, sending him skidding across the blood-stained pavement.
“Leave,” Sunghoon growled, his voice low and deadly. “Before I tear you apart.”
The other vampire coughed, blood dripping from his lips as he slowly scrambled to his feet, eyes narrowing at Sunghoon, before turning and disappearing into the shadows, limping and defeated.
You stood there, frozen in shock as the alley fell silent once more.
Sunghoon stood still in the dim light, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, his hair a mess and his clothes stained with a little blood. His fists remained clenched at his sides, the tension still radiating off him as his eyes remained fixed on the darkness where the other vampire had fled.
It was only when he turned to face you that you realized your legs felt weak, the adrenaline leaving your body as reality crashed down on you. Your legs gave out beneath you, but before you could hit the cold pavement, strong arms caught you.
Sunghoon was there, moving with inhuman speed as he wrapped an arm around your waist and steadied you against him. His grip was firm yet gentle, like he was afraid you might shatter in his hold.
"Easy," he murmured, his voice softer now.
Your hands instinctively clutched at the front of his shirt. Your breathing was ragged, your heart racing in your chest as the weight of everything you had just witnessed pressed down on you.
"You... you're really...," your voice trembled as you tried to form the words.
"A vampire," Sunghoon finished for you, his dark eyes watching you carefully, as if gauging your reaction.
You couldn't speak, your mind spinning with fear, confusion, and something dark and magnetic that drew you closer to him.
"I wasn't supposed to get involved," Sunghoon admitted, his gaze falling for a moment. "But when I saw him touch you, I couldn’t... I wouldn’t let him take what’s mine."
Your breath hitched at his words.
Sunghoon’s hand moved to gently cup the back of your head, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he tilted your face up to meet his eyes.
You wanted to push him away, to run as far as you could from whatever dark world you’d stumbled into. But your body refused to move. Instead, you leaned into him, your heart betraying your fear as it pounded relentlessly against your ribs.
"What... what happens now?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sunghoon’s eyes darkened, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip as he leaned in closer. "Now you stay with me," he whispered, his voice low. "I’ll keep you safe."
You opened your mouth to question, but before you could, his lips brushed over yours—a soft, slow kiss that was strangely gentle.
Your body froze, the kiss a shock that sent heat pooling in your stomach. The feel of Sunghoon’s lips, the dizzying sensation of his touch—it all became too much, too overwhelming. Your breath hitched as his grip on your neck tightened, not in a way that hurt, but in a way that made it clear he wasn’t letting go.
Your hands instinctively clutched at his arms, trying to ground yourself, to steady the rapid pounding of your heart.
Then, as if sensing your sudden hesitation, Sunghoon loosened his hold ever so slightly. His lips parted from yours just enough for you to catch your breath, his eyes searching yours. They weren’t glowing like before, but they still held an intensity that made your stomach flip.
“You’re shaking,” he murmured, his voice softer now. His thumb traced over your jawline in a slow, almost soothing motion. “Are you afraid of me?”
You swallowed thickly, unsure of how to answer. Were you afraid of him? The logical part of your mind screamed yes, you should be terrified. You had just been attacked, just seen something straight out of a nightmare. And yet, standing here in his arms, fear wasn’t what was keeping you frozen in place.
“I don’t know,” you admitted quietly.
Sunghoon’s fingers brushed against your cheek as he let out a slow exhale. “I’ll take you home,” he said after a moment, his voice gentle. “You need sleep.”
You should have protested, but the exhaustion in your body made it impossible to argue.
Sunghoon didn't let go of you as he led you toward the street, keeping his arm firmly around your waist as if he expected you to collapse at any moment.
Your steps felt heavy as you leaned more into Sunghoon’s side, your body weak and trembling. With every step, you could feel his body against yours, and it made your head spin. Being this close to him, his scent filling your senses, his arm wrapped tightly around you — it felt dangerous.
You risked a glance up at him, only to find Sunghoon’s jaw clenched tightly, his eyes fixed ahead. He looked tense, almost strained, like he was fighting some inner battle.
Was it because of what just happened? Or... was it because of you?
Your breath hitched when his grip on your waist tightened for a moment, his fingers pressing into your side as if grounding himself.
“Sunghoon…” you whispered, barely able to form words through the haze clouding your mind.
His eyes flickered to you, and for a brief second, they glowed that same deep crimson from before.
You felt your stomach drop.
He quickly looked away, jaw tightening even more as he swallowed thickly.
“You shouldn’t look at me like that,” he murmured, voice strained.
“Like... what?” you asked, your voice shaky.
“Like you want me to lose control.”
Your breath caught in your throat.
You didn’t know what Sunghoon was holding back, but whatever it was... you wanted him to break. "I-I don't…" you tried to deny it, but the way your body leaned into him, the way your eyes kept drifting to his lips, told a different story.
Sunghoon let out a shaky breath, his grip on you tightening as if he was afraid you'd slip away.
"You don't get it," he whispered, his voice strained. "I’m not… myself. Not around you."
Your heart skipped a beat.
"But you keep coming around me," you murmured. "Why?"
He let out a bitter chuckle, his head tilting slightly as he looked at you. "Because I can't stay away," he admitted, his gaze burning. "Your scent, your blood… everything about you calls to me."
Your breath hitched.
This wasn’t normal. None of this was. Yet, here you were, walking through the streets with a man who quite literally fought off another creature of the night to protect you. And now, he was saying things that sent shivers down your spine — things that should terrify you… but instead, they pulled you in deeper.
You were already too far gone.
Before you could respond, your knees buckled slightly, your body still weak from everything that had happened. Sunghoon caught you effortlessly, pulling you closer to him. His strength reminded you once again that he wasn’t human.
"Come on, let's get you back," he muttered, his voice softer now as he contiouned guided you through the empty streets.
The world around you felt hazy, your mind clouded with too many questions, too many feelings. But one thing was clear — Sunghoon was dangerous. But you couldn’t help but want to know more.
More about him.
More about the darkness he was hiding.
You wanted to know what it felt like to make him lose control.
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You were dangerous — too dangerous for Sunghoon.
After that night, when the truth of what he was had unraveled before your eyes, he tried to stay away. He gave you space, expecting you to react like any human would — fear, anger, or maybe the desire to drive a wooden stake through his heart.
But you didn’t.
On the surface, you acted like everything was normal. You went to class, hung out with your friends, and lived your life as if the darkness that lurked beneath the world you knew hadn’t brushed against you.
But Sunghoon could feel you.
He felt the way your heart beat faster whenever he was near. The way your breath hitched when his gaze lingered on you for too long. The way your body, your soul, seemed to call for him, even when your mind tried to resist.
And it pleased him.
Because your body already knew what you refused to admit — that you belonged to him.
He didn’t need to chase you. He didn’t need to lure you in with empty promises or sweet words. No, Sunghoon knew it was only a matter of time before you came to him.
After all, he had chosen you as his human lover.
But it seemed like his fellow brethren of the night did not get the memo.
He felt the lingering stares from strangers in dark corners, shadows that seemed to follow you no matter where you went, even when you were not alone.
Cause they could smell you.
The way your blood called to them, sweet and irresistible. The fact that Sunghoon had laid claim to you only made it worse. Because now, you were not just a measly human.
You were marked.
And vampires were drawn to what they couldn’t have.
It was driving Sunghoon insane.
Every night, he could sense them lurking nearby, watching you with hungry eyes, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And every night, he fought the urge to rip them apart.
Because if they dared touch what was his...
There would be no mercy.
Yet, the thought of scaring you, of pushing you further away, held him back.
So, instead, he followed you from the shadows, protecting you from the monsters that hid in the darkness.
You didn’t know it yet, but the only reason you were still breathing was because Park Sunghoon had already decided that you were his.
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You were struggling.
Every day that went by where Sunghoon acted like you didn’t exist made something in you shrivel and cry.
You wanted his attention. But at the same time, you didn’t.
Because this was what you wanted, wasn’t it? For him to stay away from you?
But that was back when you thought he was just some weirdo lurking around campus. Well, you still did. But now, he was a handsome weirdo. And more importantly—a handsome weirdo who could snap your neck effortlessly if he wanted to.
That should have been enough to keep you away. It should have made you relieved that he was ignoring you.
But it didn’t.
Instead, it made your chest ache, made your fingers twitch with the urge to reach for him, made your mind spiral every time you caught a glimpse of him in the distance.
Because no matter how much he tried to pretend you didn’t exist, you could feel it.
His gaze.
He was still watching you.
Still lurking in the shadows.
Still waiting.
And despite every logical thought in your mind screaming at you to run... You wanted him to come back.
You wanted him to come back to you.
To hold you.
To kiss you.
To bite you.
And that insane thought? It all stemmed from that stupid vampire romance book you kept hidden under your pillow.
It really wasn’t your fault.
The words in that book were too tempting, too dark, too lustful.
The idea of something ancient and supernatural desiring a mere human woman with such obsession, such hunger...
It sent shivers down your spine when you’d read the vampire’s point of view—how he’d describe his love, his yearning, his absolute need to have her, to consume her in every way possible.
It made your heart race.
It made your body ache.
And it made you realize...
That was the kind of love you’d craved all your life.
Something dangerous.
Something eternal.
Something that would ruin you.
And Sunghoon?
He was the perfect monster for it.
Every night before bed, you found yourself returning to the book.
Over and over again.
The words blurred together as your eyes skimmed each page, but you didn’t need to read every line anymore—you knew them by heart.
Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth, your fingers trembling slightly as you felt the flutter of hidden butterflies in your stomach.
Your skin would flush, heat creeping up your neck as you read about the vampire’s longing.
And then, when you went to bed only to wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, your mind would be tangled.
A dream of Sunghoon.
A dream you wanted to experience in real life.
You wanted to feel his touch—the way his fingers would press into your skin, as if he knew exactly where to make you ache.
You wanted to feel his fangs, how they would scrape gently against your neck before finally sinking in, claiming you in the most primal way possible.
And as the fantasy lingered in your mind, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were no longer just reading about it.
You were craving it.
And you were starting to wonder if it was only a matter of time before Sunghoon would make you feel it.
You knew you shouldn’t be thinking this way, but the urge was undeniable. The way Sunghoon had stayed distant—emotionless, cold, and detached—was making something inside of you burn with frustration. You couldn’t stand it. You needed him to crack, to show even a hint of that desire he clearly had for you.
It was maddening how composed he was, how he kept his distance, even though you knew—deep down, you knew—he was just as drawn to you as you were to him.
Vampires weren’t just creatures of the night—they were predators. They thrived on control, yes, but they also thrived on hunger, desire, and need.
But Sunghoon was strong, and composed. Every time you thought you saw a crack in that exterior, it was quickly sealed, leaving you desperate.
You cursed under your breath, frustrated by how easily he resisted. Why couldn’t he just give in?
Wasn’t this what he wanted too?
You didn’t chase, you never did. But there was something about Sunghoon that had your thoughts spiraling. You didn’t want to keep playing this game of push and pull, but you knew that the temptation would soon be too much for him. Vampires, after all, went feral under the right circumstances. And Sunghoon? He was no different.
His control would snap eventually. You were sure of it.
It was only a matter of time.
You just needed to give him that little helpful push.
Make him crave you more than he ever had before.
You had a plan—nothing too drastic, just subtle enough to see if he would slip.
You just needed to tempt him a little bit.
You knew what you were doing. You could feel it in your veins, the heat of the game you were playing, and the temptation building between you and Sunghoon. The subtlety of your actions was a carefully calculated move, a challenge thrown directly at him, whether he realized it or not.
You started small, just enough to get his attention.
You wore shirts that left your neck exposed, the skin just there for him to notice. You let your hair fall just right, grazing your shoulders, drawing the eye. When he would stare—and you knew he was staring—you would play it off, biting your bottom lip or twirling your pen in your fingers like you weren’t aware of the effect you were having on him. But deep down, you knew. You felt the shift when his eyes lingered longer than they should even if he tried to hide it.
And then, you started getting even bolder. In class, you’d casually lean into the guy sitting next to you, letting your laughter sound just a little too loud. You’d let your hand brush against his, acting oblivious to the way Sunghoon’s eyes would flash in your direction. Every glance, every flicker of jealousy you noticed, fed the fire inside you.
You didn’t need to chase him, not really. You knew Sunghoon’s pride wouldn’t allow him to come to you unless you made him. And so, you teased, gently pushing him to the edge without a single word.
Sometimes, you could see the tension in his posture, the way his jaw clenched, or how his fingers tightened into fists when his gaze locked on you. And when you caught his stare, you would give him that smile, the one that spoke louder than words, daring him to break.
It was a game, a dangerous one, and you were playing it to perfection.
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You never expected it to happen like this. The tension you had been so carefully building, the game you thought you were controlling, had taken a turn you hadn’t anticipated. And that turn came the moment you stepped out of the cafeteria, your mind still buzzing with the satisfaction of teasing Sunghoon, of drawing him in little by little, only to have him slip into the kind of state you’d been aiming for.
You headed inside to the bathroom, absentmindedly running your fingers through your hair, still riding the high of your victory. You stood in front of the mirror, adjusting your top just a little to make sure it was perfectly placed. You knew Sunghoon had been watching, and the idea of that made your heart race with excitement. You were about to put on a layer of lip gloss when the door to the bathroom swung open with a loud, forceful bang.
You looked up in the mirror, expecting to see another female student—maybe one of the girls from class, who always seemed to pop in to check their reflection—but the sight that met you was far from what you expected.
He stood in the doorway, his presence instantly consuming the room. His hair was a mess, the strands messy and wild as if he had run his fingers through it over and over, tugging at it in frustration. His grip on the door was so tight his knuckles were white, and the sound of the door slamming shut behind him sent a wave of tension through the air.
And his eyes.
Those glowing, red eyes. They were locked on you, burning with an intensity that made your stomach drop. The same intensity you had been teasing, pulling at with every little move you made, but now, it was so much darker, so much more dangerous than you could have ever imagined.
His mouth was slightly open, and for the first time, you saw it. His fangs. Long, sharp, and hungry. Your heart skipped a beat.
He looked like a predator on the hunt.
His jaw was tight, his entire body rigid with the effort to hold back whatever was boiling inside of him. But you could tell. He wasn’t holding back anymore. Not with you.
"Sunghoon..." you whispered, your voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart. But the way his name left your lips felt so... different now. Almost like you were calling to a stranger. Something had shifted, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to know what that meant.
He didn’t speak, his lips curling back into a barely controlled snarl, his eyes never leaving you.
You backed up away from the mirror, but it didn’t matter. Sunghoon was already moving toward you, his steps slow but sure, like he was walking toward his prey. You felt your breath catch in your throat, your instincts screaming at you to run. But your body was frozen, captivated by the way he looked at you—like you were both the prize and the challenge.
You hadn’t expected him to break so completely. The way he stalked toward you, the hunger in his eyes, it was almost as if he had been holding onto his restraint just for you. But now?
Now he was done.
"Do you have any idea what you’ve done?" he said, his voice low, the growl in it sending a shiver down your spine. Every word was laced with that dangerous edge, the one you had known was buried deep inside him. And now, there was nothing left to hide it.
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. This wasn’t how you had imagined it. You hadn’t expected him to break now, not when you had just been playing with fire.
But Sunghoon? He was fire.
And now, he was burning everything.
You felt your heart racing, panic starting to surge through you as you kept backing up. "Sunghoon, wait!" you tried, your voice barely steady as you looked around, desperately hoping for some sense of reason to return to him. "This isn’t the right place! You can’t—"
But Sunghoon didn’t seem to hear you. His focus was so intense, his gaze locked on your neck, it was as though nothing else in the world mattered to him.
“Sunghoon, please!” You tried to push him back, your hands pressing against his chest in a weak attempt to stop him, but he was unyielding. With a speed you couldn’t keep up with, he grabbed both of your wrists, holding them in place with a force that left no room for resistance.
Before you could react, he pulled you toward him, dragging you into a random booth, and with a loud click, the door behind you was locked.
The coolness of the booth's wall pressed against your back as Sunghoon backed you into it. His grip on your wrists remained tight, and then, before you could say another word, his lips were on yours.
It was everything you wanted, intense and desperate, with no control. And the feeling of his fangs grazing your lip sent a jolt of something through you.
Then, the sharp pain.
A soft nick from his fangs, and before you could even process it, blood welled up on your bottom lip. And with a quiet, almost satisfied sound, he licked the blood from your lip, his tongue brushing gently against the small wound.
The sensation sent an unexpected rush of heat through your body, but it only intensified the swirling mess of thoughts in your mind.
Sunghoon suddenly pulled back, his eyes filled with desire, as he licked the blood from his lips. A deep groan rumbled from his chest, and for the first time, you saw the full extent of his struggle. His usually composed and controlled demeanor was gone, replaced with a raw, animalistic hunger.
Before you could even process what was happening, Sunghoon’s hand was at your neck, tilting it to the side. You barely had time to gasp before you felt the sharp sting of his fangs sinking into your skin.
Your body tensed in response, but the sensation of his fangs breaking through the surface of your skin was like nothing you’d ever experienced. It wasn’t pain—it was something else that pulled at you, making you feel both afraid and captivated all at once. His lips were against your skin now, and you could feel him drinking, each pull sending a dizzying wave of sensations through your body.
You should’ve been scared. You should’ve pulled away. But the way he held you, the way he drank so deeply, it was overwhelming in the most confusing way. Your mind screamed at you to stop him, to get away, but your body was betraying you, craving his touch, his closeness.
Sunghoon didn’t stop. He drank from you slowly, as though he couldn’t get enough. And in that moment, all you could do was stay still, lost in the pull.
As Sunghoon continued to drink from you, you felt your knees shaking, the strength slowly draining from your body. Every pull burned, everything inside you was on fire. Your whole body was buzzing, alive in a way that was almost too much to handle. You could feel your pulse in your neck, each beat, and with each pull, it felt like your very soul was being drawn into him.
If not for Sunghoon holding you against the wall, you would’ve collapsed on the floor right then and there. His grip was firm, keeping you upright as your legs became too weak to hold you up. You barely had the strength to breathe, your breath shallow as you fought to stay conscious.
You felt every second pass as he drank, the heat spreading through your body, mingling with the growing weakness. His body was pressed so close to yours that you could feel the tension in every muscle, the way his chest rose and fell with each breath, the way his lips moved against your skin as he drank from you. And yet, through all the overwhelming sensations, part of you wanted it to continue. A twisted, needy part of you craved more, even though you knew this was dangerous, that this wasn’t normal.
When he finally pulled away, he huffed softly, wiping the remnants of blood from his chin with the back of his hand. His gaze remained sharp, studying you intently. He tilted your jaw slightly, his fingers firm as he examined the mark he'd left on your neck.
You stared up at him, your mind still dazed, trying to process everything that had just happened. Your pulse still raced, and your body trembled, not just from the draining sensation but also from the lingering heat in your veins.
Without warning, Sunghoon leaned in again, his lips brushing against yours in a soft kiss, gentle, almost hesitant, as if he were waiting for you to pull away. But you didn’t.
His hand, still on your jaw, moved to cradle your face, his thumb gently caressing your skin as he deepened the kiss. There was something both tender and urgent in the way he kissed you now, it made you forget about the chaos of everything else.
For a moment, you lost yourself in it, letting the kiss stretch on, unable to think clearly. You didn’t know where this would lead, what would happen next, but right now, in his embrace, you didn’t feel the need to fight it.
It was only when the reality of the situation began to settle in, and your body started to weaken from the blood loss, that you slowly pulled back, your breath shallow, your head spinning.
Sunghoon’s eyes remained fixed on you, you could feel him still holding on to the edge of control, but only just.
He gently cupped your face, tilting your chin up so you could meet his eyes. “You’re exhausted,” he murmured, his voice soft but firm. “Sleep. You need rest.”
His words were like a soothing balm, and before you even realized it, your eyelids fluttered, heavy with the weight of everything that had happened.
He moved closer, his arms sliding around you to support your frame as you swayed against him. “I’ll take care of you now,” he whispered, his voice barely a breath.
And with that, like a spell, your eyes closed. The last thing you felt was him holding you close.
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Waking up to soft sheets after having the best sleep you'd ever had was something you did not expect. More so, you did not expect a heavy arm draped around your waist.
Your breath hitched as you slowly turned your head, only to find Sunghoon lying beside you, his face relaxed and peaceful in sleep. The usual sharpness in his features had softened, and for a moment, you forgot about everything that led you to this moment.
You carefully tried to shift, but his arm only pulled you closer, his face burying into the crook of your neck as he let out a soft sigh. The sensation sent shivers down your spine.
You wanted to try and get up, maybe find your phone and at least get your bearings, because honestly, being this close to Sunghoon was doing something to you.
Your fingers gently tried to peel his hand off your waist, but it was much harder than you expected. His grip was firm like he had no intention of letting you go. You were so focused on your little escape plan that you failed to notice the subtle shift in his breathing or the fact that his eyes were now open, silently watching you.
It was only when his hand suddenly moved, effortlessly flipping you onto your back, that your heart jumped to your throat. Your eyes met his, and the intensity in his gaze made your breath hitch.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Sunghoon murmured, his voice low as he hovered over you.
Your breath caught in your throat as Sunghoon’s face stood mere inches from yours. It was enough to make your head spin.
"I marked you," he whispered, his fingers tracing the faint bite on your neck. "Do you really think I’ll let you go that easily?"
Your mind screamed at you to push him away, to run, to escape this strange pull he had on you. But your heart, your very soul, seemed to crave him.
"I-I just wanted my phone," you stammered, voice barely above a whisper.
Sunghoon's lips curled into a faint smirk. "Your phone can wait."
Before you could respond, he leaned down, brushing his lips softly against your neck, right where his mark was. The sensation sent shivers down your spine, making you grip the sheets beneath you.
"So beautiful," he murmured against your skin.
Your heart pounded wildly as he slowly pulled back, studying your flushed face with a look that made your stomach twist. He looked... satisfied. Like a predator who had successfully caught his prey.
He brushed your hair away from your face, fingers trailing down your cheek, tracing the curve of your jaw, and slowly moving down to your neck. His touch was light, almost teasing, before he traveled lower, fingers grazing over your waist and resting on your hips.
He leaned in, his breath hot against your neck as he inhaled deeply, a low curse slipping from his lips. "You smell so damn good," he murmured, his lips brushing against your jawline as he slowly worked his way down to your neck. "Do you know how hard it is... to resist you?"
Your breath hitched as he inhaled deeply, his fangs grazing your skin ever so lightly, swallowing hard, you tried to inch back, but Sunghoon’s grip tightened as he dragged you right back against him.
"You're being a brat," he muttered, eyes burning into yours. "Denying me when you know exactly what I want."
Your heart raced as his hand kept you trapped against him.
"Why do you keep running from me?" Sunghoon's voice dropped to a whisper, filled with something almost... desperate. "You already belong to me."
Your lips parted to respond, but before you could speak, he leaned in, brushing his fangs against your neck once more.
A shiver ran down your spine as his fangs barely grazed your skin, sending a wave of heat through your body. You could feel your pulse quickening, and Sunghoon, with his heightened senses, could too. He was toying with you, testing your limits, waiting for you to give in completely.
"Please stop resisting," he murmured. "I know what you crave," his lips brushing against your ear. "That burning desire for a love that consumes you. A love that makes you feel wanted... worshipped."
Your breath hitched as his words pierced through every wall you'd tried to build around your heart.
"I've felt your loneliness," he continued, "how hopeless you've been, aching for someone to truly see you. To make you feel alive."
Your eyes fluttered shut as his touch sent shivers down your spine.
"I can be that for you," Sunghoon said, voice low and filled with something dark. "I can give you everything you've ever dreamed of. I'll worship you... as the woman you are. My woman."
Your head spun at his words, your body reacting before your mind could catch up.
"You... you want me that badly?" you asked, barely able to speak.
Sunghoon chuckled darkly. "More than you'll ever know."
Your heart pounded so loudly, you were sure he could hear it. And as much as you wanted to deny it, he was right. You’d unable to resist the pull he had on you.
“I… I’m scared,” you admitted, your voice trembling.
Sunghoon’s expression softened, and he gently tilted your chin so you could meet his eyes.
“Of me?” he asked quietly.
You hesitated. “Of what I’m becoming… because of you.”
His gaze darkened with something unreadable, and for a moment, you thought he might pull away. But instead, he leaned in closer, his lips brushing yours in a barely-there kiss.
“You don’t need to be afraid,” he said softly. “I’ll take care of you. Always.”
And with that, he kissed you fully, this time with more passion and longing. You felt yourself melting into him, all your resistance crumbling as his hands gripped your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
When he finally pulled back, his breath was ragged, eyes glowing crimson as he rested his forehead against yours. But it wasn’t enough for him. Not even close.
“Please…” Sunghoon’s voice trembled as he slipped down to your neck, his lips brushing against your skin, leaving trails of kisses that sent shivers down your spine. “I need another taste.”
You felt his hands tighten around you as he pressed his body closer, his desperation pouring into every touch, every kiss. “I’ve been holding back… for so long. But I can’t anymore.” he murmured, his fangs grazing your skin.
Your heart raced at his words, and the way he was losing control because of you made your head spin.
“Sunghoon…” you whispered, unsure whether to give in or stop him.
But he groaned softly against your neck, his lips lingering as he begged once more, “Please... let me have all of you."
Your body betrayed you as you tilted your head slightly, giving him access to your neck. And with that silent permission Sunghoon’s fangs pierced your skin just above your collarbone. A sharp sting shot through you before it melted into something strangely euphoric.
Your breath hitched as he latched on, drinking from you slowly, It was nothing like the violent and ruthless feeding from before. No, this was different, it was like he was savoring every drop, as if your blood was the very thing keeping him alive.
Your fingers instinctively tangled in his hair, holding him closer despite the dizziness slowly creeping in. His hands gripped your waist, steadying you as he drank deeper, letting soft groans escape between sips.
You should’ve been terrified. But instead, you felt… wanted. Craved. Like you truly belonged to him.
When he finally pulled back, his lips were stained crimson, and his eyes, glowing with hunger, softened as they met yours.
“You taste... unreal,” he whispered, running his tongue over the fresh puncture marks as if soothing the wound he’d left behind, savoring every drop of your blood as if he couldn’t get enough. The warmth of his breath fanned against your skin, sending shivers down your spine as he licked the remaining crimson from your neck.
When he finally pulled back, his eyes — clouded with hunger — locked onto yours. The sight of him, with blood staining his lips and his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, made your heart race uncontrollably.
“Sunghoon…” you mumbled, barely above a whisper.
At the sound of his name, a desperate groan escaped him, and before you could react, he leaned in once more. His fangs sank into the soft skin near your throat, sharper and more urgent this time.
Your breath hitched as your body tensed, but soon, that familiar wave of pleasure and dizziness washed over you.
You weakly pulled him closer as he fed from you with a hunger he could no longer control. You felt yourself slipping, your mind clouding, but Sunghoon’s hold on you tightened, keeping you steady against him.
The world outside faded, and all that remained was the vampire who had claimed you, body and soul.
a/n: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! i love desperate and feral men! whos with me!? :D anyways i hoped you enjoyed reading! reblogs and commentary are welcomed! ^^ (Divider made by @kodaswrld )
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kikidoul · 2 months ago
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໒꒰ྀི ^ ⸝⸝ ^ ꒱ྀིა 西村 力 x fem! reader content established+secret non-idol au riki is a vampire here ᥫ᭡ warning explicit sexual content submissive! riki cock sucking pussy fingering come eating belly bulge praise kink usage of petnames unprotected sex (wrap it up pls) riki being whiny and cute . . . !? 1402— mlist. | req
note. this was really fun to write tbh… to the anon who requested this, i hope it’s readable for you <3 taglist. @tfwbluu
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Everytime Riki closes his eyes, he can imagine sinking his fangs into your neck. He could even taste your sweet, intoxicating blood, feeling it flow through his veins as he took his fill. He doesn’t know how much longer he could restrain himself. The desperation of drinking your blood grows with every second passing. One glance thrown in the clock’s direction tells him it was close to seven in the evening. If he wasn’t wrong, you should be reaching home anytime soon—
“I’m home!” 
Riki didn’t even bother walking from where he sat. He appeared before you, startling the lights out of you as you were in the midst of removing your shoes. He grabbed your things, still sane enough to put them on the dining table. You blinked, bemused when your boyfriend grabbed your wrist, dragging you towards the couch and he made you straddled his lap. 
“Riki, are you alright?” You asked, shivering when he slid his large hands underneath your blouse. 
And that was when you felt it—something poking your thigh from below. Riki buried his face in the crook of your neck, greedily inhaling your scent. His shoulders sagged with relief as your scent overwhelms his senses, calming him down. At the same time, it was driving him insane. He whined, lazily rutting his hips against yours. Your breath hitched in your throat, clenching down on nothing at the delirious friction of his clothed cock rubbing against your clit.
“Riki, wa-wait,” you protested but you couldn’t find it in yourself to stop him, not when he was practically rocking his hips against yours, chasing after his pleasure. 
“Pl-Please, need you,” he mewled, words borderline slurring, sending heat straight down to your throbbing clit. 
You decide to take things into your own hands, considering how your boyfriend was long gone. You reached out, tilting his chin up with your index finger and you cooed at how his lips curled downwards in a cute pout with teary eyes. There was nothing but pure desire written all over his face, the desire to taste your blood and consume you whole. 
“Aw, my poor baby, do you need my help?” You cooed and he eagerly nodded his head, eyes trailing down until they landed on your neck. Riki leaned in but you stopped him, leaning back and he made a noise of protest. 
You clicked your tongue in disapproval. “Ah ah, use your words, baby. Do you need my help?” 
He sniffled, nodding. “Y-Yes, need it. Need your blood,” he mewled and you smiled, tapping his cheek with your fingers. 
“Good boy, go ahead. You can drink,” you replied, tilting your head to the side. 
Riki’s eyes lit up and he leaned forward, hands firmly holding you down by your hips to prevent you from falling off his lap. You involuntarily shivered when he kissed your neck, trailing kisses down until he reached a certain spot—the same spot where he always fed from. You rested your hands on his shoulders, instinctively gripping onto them when you felt him licked your unblemished skin, followed by his fangs piercing through your skin. 
You could never get used to the feeling. There was no pain but instead, it was replaced by pleasure. Your eyelids fluttered shut, letting out a blissed sigh as you felt the familiar feeling of something coursing through your veins. Riki moaned, drunk on your heavenly taste. He couldn’t get enough, never wanting this to be over. With one hand by your hips, his free hand moved to pull your pants and panties down, as much as he could without making you stand. 
A moan was torn from the depths of your throat when you felt his long, calloused fingers rubbing the bud peeking out from your lips. Strength was gradually leaving your body as you grew pliant in his arms but you knew Riki wouldn’t dare to hurt you and you trust him. You groaned as he pushed his fingers in until he was knuckles deep, spreading you open. 
“Fuck, you’re doing so well for me,” you breathed out, hearing the muffled whimper from the other. 
Riki detached his fangs once he had enough, licking the spot to stop the bleeding. At the same time, he pulled his fingers out slowly, not wanting to hurt you. 
“Did I do good?” He asks, looking at you with hopeful eyes. 
You smiled, nodding in agreement. “Yes, baby, you did a great job. Do you want your reward?” 
His face brightened up at your words. “Yes, please.” 
Humming, you moved to get off his lap, chuckling at his sound of protest. You gestured for him to lift his hips so you could unbuckle and remove his pants and underwear, revealing his poor hardened, neglected cock that stood upright. The tip had turned an embarrassing shade of red due to the lack of attention. Tucking a few strands of hair behind your left ear, you leaned forward, glancing up to see Riki’s eyes focused on you. You giggled when his cock subtly twitched as you moved closer and closer, close enough for your lips to graze against the tip. 
“Baby, please,” he whimpered, jerking his hips forward—attempting to slide his cock into your mouth but you merely leaned back, chuckling at the disappointed sound of protest he made. 
“Please what? You need to speak your mind or I won’t know what you want,” you replied, wrapping your fingers around his cock, pumping it at a slow, lazy pace. 
Riki threw his head back, mind blanking out at the delirious sensation of you stroking him. Breathless whimpers and moans spilled from his swollen lips. He jerked his hips forward, his cock moving back and forth within the ring your hand created. His muscles tightened, feeling a rubber band about to snap—
Only for you to pull away. 
“Wha—why!?” He whined, lips curling down to display his evident displeasure that you had denied his orgasm. 
You chuckled, rising to your feet to press a chaste kiss on his lips. “Because I’d rather have you cum in me. Unless, you don’t want to.” 
The vampire shook his head at lightning speed. He raised his hands, awkwardly hanging them by your side—unsure if he could hold you. “No, no! Wanna cum in you, please, please.” 
“Since you asked so nicely, who am I to deny you?” 
Resting one hand on his left shoulder to brace yourself while Riki took it upon himself to place his hands on your hips, you reached down to grab his cock and positioned yourself. He watched with bated breath as his cock slowly disappeared, inch by inch as he sunk into your warm, tight cunt. He eventually bottomed out and you moaned, your head spinning at how you were practically split apart on his cock. Riki rubbed circles on your bare skin, unable to tear his eyes away from the faint bulge on your stomach—right where his cock was. 
“Look, you’re so deep,” you breathed out, grabbing his hand to place it over the bulge as you slowly grind your hips against his. 
Riki visibly gulped as he gently pressed down, eliciting a whimper from you. He leans forward, brushing his nose against your neck. You knew what he wanted without him asking, which was why you tilted your head to the side—granting him permission. Your boyfriend wasted no time in digging in, sinking his fangs into your skin. At the same time, you increased your pace, bouncing on his cock. 
“Ngh—Riki, you’re doing so—hah—good for me. Such a good boy, aren’t you?” You moaned, hearing the muffled sound he made at your praise. Your eyes flutter shut when Riki begin thrusted up, pushing the both of you to your climax. 
You shuddered as he spilled inside you, followed by some of his cum slowly rolling down your legs, only to stain the floor. None of you moved for a while, remaining in the same position as you catch your breath. Riki leaned back, cupping your face with his hands and you leaned into his touch—like a touch-starved kitten. 
“Are you alright? Do you feel dizzy?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed with concern written all over his face. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry. What about you?” You shook your head. 
Riki flashed you a boyish smile. “I’m feeling better now, thanks to you.” 
You laughed, pressing a kiss on his nose. “You’re welcome, by the way.” 
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r1kixss · 1 month ago
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cold touch
summary: losing your virginity to a vampire seemed like an erotic wattpad story to you. when it actually came to the act and your boyfriend poured out all his feelings and fears that he held inside for so long, your view on him completely changed.
genre: smut, slight angst, the twilight saga inspired
recommended song: Rosyln by Bon Iver, St. Vincent
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The air was crispy cold, fog thickly covered the entire village. The moon was peeking over the huge trees of the forest, it looked so beautiful.
Like him.
Your boyfriend was dragging you through the forest, holding your hand gently as he took you somewhere.
You didn't protest, just breathing in the fresh air and looking around. Finally, you saw a pretty cottage house that he was taking you to.
"Whose house is that?" You broke the comfortable silence finally. "Mine." He said softly, taking out a key and opening the front door. He let you in first and you looked around with a smile. It was so homey.
"Why did you bring me here though?" You looked up at him, his golden eyes gazing into yours.
"I thought you'll like it. You always said you want to live in a house like that." A smile formed on your lips.
He showed you around, then he took you to the bedroom. A big, wooden-four poster bed was in the middle of the room, right in front of a big window.
The thick, dark green forest bathing in fog, droplets of rain falling on the window. You stared in awe, admiring the absolutely gorgeous view.
"Is it pretty?" He asked softly and you nodded.
"Really pretty." You murmured, turning to him and wrapping your arms around his waist for a hug.
You looked at the bed again. "What do you need a bed for? Vampires don't sleep..." You murmured, looking up at him.
He smiled a little and looked away. "It's not for sleeping, Y/N." You processed it for a second before your cheeks flushed pink and you looked down in embarrassment. He chuckled, patting your head affectionately.
You partly knew why he brought you here, you just weren't fully sure.
His family house was filled with people and there was absolutely zero privacy there, given that his vampire family members have absolutely insane hearing.
He heard your heart pounding a bit faster and smirked. His strong arms picked you up slowly, gently as if you were made of porcelain.
Your back hit the plush sheets slowly and he got on top of you. He was shaking.
Even though he wanted it so bad, the fear still lingered in the back of his head and never wanted to go. His own strength scared him. Really scared him.
He wanted to touch you without worrying, without being absolutely terrified of giving you bruises or breaking something in you.
You knew he was hesitating. You could feel it, see it. He was hesitating for 8 months already.
"I'll be okay, i promise." you whispered softly, looking into his pretty golden eyes. He looked away, licking his lips nervously.
"It's still... scary, you know?" he murmured, looking down at your lips then back up in your eyes.
"I know but i trust you. I know you won't hurt me."
He sighed, swallowing thickly as if he had something stuck in his throat. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your neck, then another and another.
His hands rested on your waist, lingering for a moment before trailing under your shirt to your breasts and squeezing them. You shivered as his cold fingers brushed against your skin, and a quiet gasp escaped you. He flinched, pulling back slightly as though he had forgotten how cold he was. His eyes searched yours, filled with a mixture of guilt and yearning.
"I'm sorry for how cold I am," he whispered, his voice unsteady. "But you still hold me... as if your warmth could chase it all away." his words hung in the air, raw and vulnerable, as tears welled in his eyes.
"Because i love you. No matter how cold you are I'll always be close to you." you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his big, rosy lips. He smiled, looking away as a tear rolled down his cheek. His cold touch never pushed you away.
He buried his face in your neck to kiss you there before you could catch him being emotional and vulnerable. It was so embarrassing to him.
Clothes started falling one by one somewhere on the bed, gasps and soft moans filling the room. He kissed down your torso until he reached your panties and he stopped, looking up at you.
"Can i?" he whispered and you immediately nodded.
His shaky fingers hooked over your panties and he pulled them down swiftly. He spread your legs, leaning down to kiss your inner thighs, then finally after teasing you and getting you soaking wet, he went for your clit.
You moan quietly, back arching as your hands held his hair firmly in a fist. "Oh my god..." You whispered, your thighs slightly closing over his head. It felt so good, his tongue absolutely abusing the small bundle of nerves.
He pulled away before you could cum and a disapproving whimper left your lips.
"Be patient." he said softly as he took off his shirt slowly, letting you admire his body.
God he was so beautiful. His pale skin, his muscular arms, his pretty sharp eyes... and he was all yours.
He took a condom out of his pocket and put it on the bed next to you, then took off his pants.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his fingers hooked on the elastic of his boxers "Yes..." you swallowed nervously. "please..."
He took off his boxers, his hard dick smacking softly against his abdomen. You looked down and gulped in surprise at how big it was.
You were nervous, but he was so gentle with you that it was hard to overthink it. He slipped the condom on and got between your legs, his hands were shaking so bad.
"Are you sure?" He asked once again, his eyes looked into yours, searching for the slightest bit of change in your demeanor.
"Yes, i promise." You said softly, cupping his face and kissing him.
He kissed you back and pulled away, slowly, so slowly sliding inside you. He sighed against your lips as his dick entered you, it was so warm and wet.
He wished he could be warm again.
A soft whimper left your mouth, brows scrunching up in a furrow at the slight sting you felt as he stretched you "Hurts?" he whispered.
"A little..." You whispered back, noticing how huge his pupils were, blown wide like he was on drugs. You were his drug.
He was taking his time, trying to be as gentle as possible, to not hurt you and paint your body with bruises on accident.
When he finally bottomed out, you nodded and he started thrusting. A moan left your lips and he moaned back, his abs clenching at the pleasure.
"You feel so good..." He whispered into your ear, his hands digging into the pillows as he held himself up on top of you. Butterflies pooled in your tummy at his words.
When he knew you weren't hurting anymore, he started to speed up the pace. Gradually going faster, until you were a moaning mess. He tried so hard to not lose control and hurt you.
He grabbed the bed frame hard, so hard the wood crumbled in his palm and the beams of the canopy bed broke, falling.
He froze, looking at you with widened eyes as if he expected you to realize the monster he was. "It's okay." you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug.
His jaw clenched hard and he continued, but more timidly now. He felt hot tears in his eyes.
He wished he could be normal again.
"I love you..." You said softly into his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek, landing on your neck.
He sighed shakily "I love you too" he murmured, squeezing a pillow so hard it ripped, but he didn't pay attention to it.
You moaned when he hit that spot inside you, your nails dragging down his back as pleasure consumed you.
It didn't take long for you to cum, whimpering and clinging to him desperately as he fucked you through your orgasm, and he was cumming right after you.
He ripped another pillow he was aggressively crumbling in his fist, feathers dancing around you both.
Both of you stayed like this for a while, him still inside you. He didn't want to leave your warmth. It felt like home; you were his only comfort, only warmth he had left.
After a few minutes of just calming down, trying to breathe normally again, he pulled out. He threw the condom away and pulled you under the covers, cuddling to you. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep.
He wished he could sleep. To wake up next to you, to feel tired after a long night with you.
They didn't kill for having dreams fortunately.
He looked around the room. Broken headboard, ripped pillows, feathers everywhere, the beams of the canopy barely hanging on the last pieces of wood.
God, he was breaking everything. He didn't break you though, and now you were his mate. The thought pushed a small smile on his lips.
You accepted him as he is, no matter how much of a monster he thought he was.
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nightingale-prompts · 2 months ago
Supernatural Dating-DC x DP prompt
One of those thing they don't tell you about the supernatural I'd that they don't chase after humans. Some do of course but that's out of the norm. Not that humans/nonhumans aren't accepted it's just judged.
When we say supernatural we don't mean metahumans though many have assumed that title to blend in with humans.
Look, dragons, ghosts, werewolves, vampires, mummies, and all sorts of fantastical beings exist. But they don't mingle with humans or human society.
Then came Amity Park a place that is mostly cut off from the rest of the world. A perfect place for supernaturals of all kinds to visit. Of course, the facade of pretending to be normal was still there but less force since the people of the town don't notice anything.
A funny thing about liminals is that they also don't usually go for normal humans. Which has led to issues.
Like, that one time a vampire came into town and Jazz was drawn to him and they started secretly dating. Danny also was drawn to that vampire and was secretly dating him. The vampire had plans to turn the siblings into his undead lovers. When Jazz found out that her boyfriend was not only cheating on her but had slept with her 17 year old brother the monster hunting DNA from their parents took control and she staked him through the chest. Danny still laughs that the only person to get both of them had to die. Jazz doesn't think it's funny.
Still, such relationships weren't out of place in this town. Almost everyone was liminal from birth. Notably, Danny's parents weren't born here and cleaned up any contact they had with ecto which explained why they hadn't turned yet.
Danny questioned anyone he has attracted to because he knew they must be inhuman.
After Vlad dragged Danny to Gotham for a Gala the older ghost didn't even bother being subtle about wanting Danny and Jazz to date one of the Waynes.
"I swear you don't want to lose the chance both further our personal wealth but to find the best possible partner." Vlad said.
Vlad made it no secret that if they didn't match with one of the Waynes in an arranged match he was going to hand them over to the Al ghuls who he liked more.
Danny and Jazz were already concerned when they felt any attraction to one of the Waynes. All of them had an aura of death.
(Yeah, I have no idea where this is going. A spaghetti at the wall situation.)
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misstycloud · 2 months ago
Platonic vampire father x reader
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• Vampire, who is greatly feared and treated as a legend among the townsfolk. He’s the one parents tell their children will come for them unless they start to behave. Living alone for hundreds of years was alright by him, vampires were mostly solitary creatures anyhow. He slept during the day to regain his strength, then fed by nightfall. Sometimes it was just one or two humans, other times he took the lives of entire families in one giant serving. It was all simply fine- until it wasn’t. For one who had lived so long in solitude it seemed humourous to feel lonely all of a sudden.
• The vampire had not meant to have a child. It occurred without plan. However cold he may be, something urged him to keep you; the tiny, defenseless(not by human standards), and certainly hungry child he’d created. It was a hoax, that vampires could not procreate in the traditional sense; made up by the few vampire parents who did care enough about their children to ensure no one should hunt for them. If humans knew there were multiple ways and how easy it was to make more of this damned race, then the search for these children would be endless. Plus, burning the children would surely be easier than to behead a fully fledged adult monster?
• Now that you were sleeping soundlessly within his grasp, how could he ever let you go? There was no way he could let you run around like a child needs to, should the two of you live close to any civilisation. So he fled, deep into the wilderness where no one ought to find you. Yet it wasn’t too far out so it’d be impossible to find prey- especially with the help of his knowledge and ability to travel far distances. Good luck his uncle had a large castle standing empty for your use. Further luck was it that vampire father had killed him long ago, otherwise there’d be an unpleasant battle for territory.
• You were hopelessly adorable when you latched onto his wrist, teeth bared and fangs ready. They were small, but vicious. There was no question you’d be ruthless when you grew up. During the first year after a vampires birth, they had to feed from their parents. It was similar to how human babies gain nutrients from their mother whilst in the womb, and later rely on her milk to survive the harsh conditions of the outside world. He’ll find the best humans to eat so you’d be getting the finest nutrients afterwards.
• He loves getting you cute dresses and styling your hair. You’re like a fine china doll. Playing is also fun. You’re so full of energy that even he- exceeding physical abilities and all- had to take a break every now and then. He cannot count how many times he has been forced to chase you high-speed around the castle in order to prevent you from knocking anything over. An ordinary human would never have vitality to care for a vampire child. Apart from the likelihood of being drained on the spot, vampire children are very high maintenance and would tire a human beyond compare in less than a week. His favourite activity with you is teaching you to hunt. It’s a fantastic way to bond. He’ll make sure to encourage you and give you good opportunities; the complete opposite of how his parents taught him. They were rough and did not care at all, which was not rare for vampires but still.
• No matter how wonderful you looked while tearing the coachman’s throat out, vampire father would be lying if he said he didn’t miss the old days when you were younger. You didn’t have to wristfeed anymore and could do nicely by yourself. As he rested within his coffin, he reassured himself he was still needed. You would not reach adulthood until you were 150 years old, and even then you would still be his child- you would need him yet.
• Vampire father has servants who work in the castle. Maids and butlers who clean(no chefs of course) and are human. Whenever you asked your father about where they came from, he responded with ‘I took them to work here for us’. You noticed three things about the servants: they were a lot weaker than you, constantly scared in your or your fathers presence if their erratic beating heart was anything to go by, and they were often replaced. It was one night, you were reading, and a maid walked in to sweep the floor. You’d recognised her as Zoe. She was one of the only few who’d managed to stay(alive) for more than four years. However, the Zoe in your memory was youthful with dark hair and bright eyes; this one in front of you was worn down and grey.
• This realisation opened up your mind for curiosity aimed towards humans. Previously, you hadn’t really noticed them or cared. You saw them as food and disposable, just like your father did. But now you began thinking about the differences between you as species. Clearly, vampires were the superior race, being faster, stronger, more durable and free of illness. Although the loneliness of a vampire could count as a disease itself, the only inevitable, natural suffering of a creature of the night. So if vampire were superior, how come you all live in shadows? Why, despite there being fewer of you, did you not rule as royalty? And how come weak beings such as humans were almost happier than a vampires ever been? You wished to know the simple joy humans knew. You wanted to understand how they could be so happy as they were. How did they chose what path to dedicate their lives to when they had such short ones? You desired answers to the question on wether one could really be fulfilled in a mere 100 years; a lot of humans didn’t even make it past that age.
• You were more intrigued than ever. You just had to learn more about humans and their strange perspectives. They were so different from you. Unfortunately, your vampire father did not like your newest interest. He had taken you into the forest to hide you from humans and now you actively sought them out? You would end up chased or burned in sunlight! He would never allow that to happen to you. He’s your father and he’s sworn to stand by you.
He’ll protect his little doll.
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pixievi · 3 months ago
caitlyn kiramman
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synopsis - the vampire known as caitlyn kiramman, a former aristocrat, has been connected to a string of murders within the kingdom she once called home. you, a vampire hunter, have been tasked with eliminating the creature. however, it seems that she has taken a certain liking to you.
content - afab!reader, vampire caitlyn, vampire hunter reader, dark!caitlyn, possessive!caitlyn, dubious consent, period sex, violence, cunnilingus (r!recieving) fingering (r!receiving), dom!caitlyn, blooddrinking
wc - 3,3k
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The small streets were blanketed in darkness, illuminated only by the hazy orange glow of the lanterns lining the footpath. Fog clung to what it could, making you strain to see in front of you as you stalked the dead quiet street. Stake gun ready in hand. You knew she was here, watching you from somewhere. Stalking. And you were right. Hidden by the mist and darkness, she watched your figure from above. Her thoughts raced. You were gone for a while, and she feared you were killed by another vampire. Her face hardened at the thought. Seeing you alive and well, hunting her again, made her lit up. But also nervous, as she had plans for you. She wasn’t going to let you scare her like that again, so it has to be tonight. While she has you.
You paused and eyed the rooftops, scanning them. You wished it wasn’t so damn foggy, it made you nervous. She could be anywhere. Ready to rip your throat out. The click of a heel behind you made you twist around, aiming at the sound. Time stood still as you waited to see anything to shoot at. Air whooshed towards you and your gun clattered to the ground. Swallowed by the fog. You cursed, glancing quickly all around you. It was eerily silent. You needed to get the hell out of this fog, which seemed to be getting worse. Picking a direction, you turned to sprint. But you couldn’t move. You struggled against whatever was holding you. Only to hear a light chuckle above you and the grip around your stomach tightened. 
“Don’t do that, darling”, her warm voice from behind tickled your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. 
Your eyes widened and you struggled even more against her iron grip. Caitlyn let you, enjoying the feeling of you squirming against her. It ignited her insides even more than they already were. She gently moved your hair away from your neck. You froze at the feeling of her nails lightly grazing the sensitive skin. Your heart hammered against your chest as the Vampire behind you lowered her face to your neck, trailing her nose along the length of it. Breathing deeply when she found the perfect spot to appreciate your smell. Everyone had a different taste and smell to their blood, yours just happens to be her favourite. Sweetness with a note of freshness flooded her senses. Making her throat ache, needing to be quenched by you. No one else has been able to do it, not since she first met and smelled you. She sighed contently against you at finally having you back, but also in longing. Tonight has to be perfect. She wants to make you stay. And be hers. Only hers. 
Another ache plagued her. And your struggling, that made your body rub up against hers, along with your quiet sounds of effort, only deepened the ache. If she left it go on for any longer, she’d become mindless to her need and claim you right there in the dark street. Like a beast in heat. Which she actually wasn’t far off being, now that she thought of it. But that can wait to be released later. You yelped as you were lifted and air swept around you, as if a gale had come and left in the blink of an eye. Your back collided with something hard, knocking the wind out of you. As you chased your breath, nimble hands softly cupped your cheeks. Firmly making you look up. 
The Vampire stepped forward, the fog retreated from her face and now you could finally see the beast you’re supposed to kill. Her midnight blue hair was down, which softly framed her high cheekbones and she greeted you with an innocent, excited smile. Your panic paused for a moment. She bit her lip, bringing her face closer to you.
“Hi”, she smiled, stroking your cheeks with her thumbs. “I missed you”
“You were gone for so long, I thought you were killed”
You were so confused. The Vampire’s upset was clearly genuine, but why? She’s supposed to be afraid of you, or trying to kill you. Not having glassy eyes at the thought of you dying, and not giving you a sweet smile. Your eyes narrowed. She’s tricking you. Trying to soften you up, making you let your guard down so she can kill you easier. No. Caitlyn was too busy eyeing up your form in your tight and well form fitting, dark uniform to notice your change. One hand had traveled downwards slowly, savouring your body. The hand ghosted over your tits playfully and squeezed your hip. She moved closer. Pressed up against you now. She had you caged between her and the brick wall behind you. This is wrong. 
You fought back the pathetic ache in your cunt that the Vampire was only deepening with each touch. What is wrong with you? You’re supposed to kill vampire’s, not let them ravage you. Your breathing quickened and Caitlyn’s sweet smile turned into a wolfish smirk. She leaned down, tucking your chin up. Her cold veins sung with the thought of finally feeling your warm lips against hers. It wasn’t enough to distract her from you swiftly swinging a dagger towards her torso. You didn’t even get a chance to blink before she slammed your arm into the wall, holding it there. The power behind her hold forced your hand to drop the dagger and you hissed in pain. 
She stared at you, smile and smirk gone. Her sharp eyes pierced you and you shrunk back in fear. She spun you around and slammed you against the wall again, this time with your cheek pressed up to the cold brick. Her hand wrapped around the back of your neck, keeping your face smushed to the wall. You struggled to watch her out of the corner of your eye. You glimpsed her free hand raising above you and you shut your eyes, waiting for her to deliver a killing blow. Caitlyn swung and gave your ass a stinging slap, making you gasp in surprise and squirm. 
“Go on, keep being a little brat and see where it gets you”, the threat she breathed on your ear gave you goosebumps, and made you squeeze your thighs. Caitlyn noticed. She bit her lip, trying to contain herself. She loved your pathetic reaction. She knew you were trying your best to not give in to her, because to you, letting a vampire have her way with you, is so very wrong. But she could smell your arousal. You must’ve been soaked. Poor thing, can’t help herself. The sweet smell of your juices ruining your panties, mixed with the freshness of your roaring blood pumping through your veins, and a hint of something else that Caitlyn could only suspect what it was, made her mouth water. She wanted to claim you like an animal. 
Her resolve was breaking as she breathed you in more. Not yet. Not yet. Wait. She pulled away, with her eyes full of starved hunger. You were arched towards her, a dark part of you hoping she slaps you again. She pulled your ass towards her hips and she pressed into you. She squeezed you in her hold, making you grind against her. The friction was delicious. You were sensitive and aching, you couldn’t hold back your moan as she humped into you. Caitlyn cursed and gripped your hair, yanking it back.
“You gonna be a good little hunter and let me stretch that soaking pussy of yours?”, she growled. Holy fuck. You clenched around nothing at her words, grinding into her harder. She yanked your hair again, making you whimper. “Huh? Answer me”
Fuck it. You needed her. This was so wrong. But that only made you more eager for her to destroy your soaked walls. “Yes! Please”
Her stomach fluttered at your begging. Oh, she couldn’t wait to have you as her human pet. 
You whimpered impatiently. Caitlyn was taking her sweet time marking up your neck. Kissing, sucking, licking and biting. But not tasting you, not yet. She wanted to leave her mark and scent all over you. So that no one else, especially another vampire, would go near you. She had you laid on the dinner table, the same one she served dinner to you on. Insisting vehemently that you eat before she touches you. You pouted, wanting her to use you as soon as you both got in the door, but you did what you were told. Then she praised you, making you melt. 
But now the plates and glasses lay smashed on the floor. And she was on top of you, attacking your neck as the fire from the large fireplace roared. You thrust your hips upward, desperate for some friction. “Please”
“Shhh”, she cooed into your neck, finishing another lovebite. “If you’re good for me, I might let you fuck me”.
She smirked down at you, sitting up. Her lips were glossy from spit and her eyes were almost black, the colour even fading slightly into the whites of her eyes. Fuck. “I’ll be good”
“That’s my pet”, she praised, beginning to unbutton her shirt. Revealing a lacy black bra that snugly hugged her tits, so tightly they were almost spilling out. Not that you or Caitlyn minded. You reached for them as she shrugged off the rest of her shirt, throwing it carelessly to the side. She let you grope them, grinding softly on your stomach as you squeezed and played with the soft skin. You pulled down the cups and exposed her hard nipples to the warm air. The toned Vampire above you whimpered as you swirled and sucked on her nipple. She pushed your head further into her chest, relishing your attention. Finally having it after so long. And she wasn’t planning on letting go of it anytime soon. Not when you feel so good. 
Her own panties were starting to soak through, and she couldn’t wait for you to relieve her. But she also couldn’t wait to taste you, and feed from you. Caitlyn tugged your hair and pulled you back away from her breast. “My turn, angel”
She crawled off your lap, off the table and stood between your legs. Using just one hand, she gripped your belt and slid your whole body closer to her. So that your legs were now dangling off the table. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach in excitement. But as she slid off her skirt and boots, your eyebrows furrowed. Remembering something that might fuck everything up. Caitlyn noticed your expression and paused. Had she done something wrong? Or do you not like how she looks?
She bit her lip nervously. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah it’s just..I’m not sure how this’ll work?”, you said. “Because I’m on my period”
“Oh”, Caitlyn chuckled. So she was right in what she sensed earlier. If anything, it made her more eager to shove her tongue in you. 
She leaned over you, with an amused smirk. “Have you forgotten what I am, darling?”
“No, but is it okay for you? I mean”
Caitlyn squeezed your thighs comfortingly. “It’s more than okay, in fact, it makes me want you to cum on my tongue even more”
You let her words simmer in you. And it only made you ache even more, borderlining on painful. You fumbled quickly with your belt, trying to get your pants off as quickly as possible. She smiled at your haste and helped you, pulling everything off except for your panties. She turned her attention to your hunter uniform shirt and ripped it open, ruining it. “You won’t be needing that anymore”
She smiled smugly. Scratching down your stomach, leaving tantalising marks on the soft skin. Her nails trailed down further to your thighs, leaving your skin tingling as she marked them. She sat down, eyeing your covered pussy. That was begging for her tongue. You pleaded for her desperately. Her eyes became darker as she impatiently slid your panties down your legs, leaving them fall on her lap. She dragged you closer, drinking in the sight of your sopping and aching cunt. She watched you clench around the breaths she breathed on your core. She got rid of your period product carelessly, as if she was annoyed that it was in her way. And finally, Caitlyn licked a lazy stripe up the length of your pulsing folds. The warm wetness from her tongue relieving you. You moaned wantonly.
Caitlyn lapped you up feverishly, immediately shoving her tongue in your pussy. Too impatient to toy with you any longer. She groaned against you and swallowed your taste. Closing her eyes to savour it on her tongue. She opened her eyes again, watching you as your chest heaved. They were even blacker than before. You’d seen that look before, in other vampires. It was one that would make any human cower and run. Because everyone instinctively knew, that was when the vampire had very little control over their urges. That fear gripped you momentarily as her eyes stayed on you. Fingers dug into the skin of your hips, keeping you, her prey, right where she wanted.
She moved upward with her tongue and wrapped her wet and crimson stained lips around your aching clit. Sucking on it with a deep moan. You ground your cunt into her, begging for even more. She was so warm, and her tongue felt so good. She chuckled against you, the smug sound vibrating your needy clit. A whine left you  adding to the filthy and wet sounds coming from between your thighs. Low growls joined the mix. Coming deep from Caitlyns chest. She could feel herself losing her resolve, the more she tasted you. Not yet, not yet. She fought against it, for now. 
She began to kitten lick at your sensitive bud. Sucking every so often. Trying to bring you to the edge. So you’ll squirm and make such pretty, pathetic noises as you beg her to let you cum. The table groaned in protest as you rolled your hips desperately against her with each lick and suck. Your mess dripped and pooled onto the wood below you. Caitlyn noticed and she tsked. 
“Look at you, dripping all over my dinner table”, she muttered, lips ghosting your drenched bundle of nerves. “Filthy thing”
You clenched and got even wetter. She caught the next bead of wetness that dripped from you, tracing its path back up to your messy hole and shoved it right back in you. Keeping her two fingers still as you gasped. She smiled. “Can’t let it go to waste, now, can we?”
“Mm-no, we can’t” 
She hummed in approval, languishly stretching your aching walls with her fingers. You spread your legs further and thrusted your hips, begging for her to tread deeper. But she seemed content with watching her fingers shallowly teasing your pussy. Coating her fingers in your wetness and blood. You huffed, furrowing your brows. The Vampire playing with you smiled and laid her black eyes on you.
"What is it, little hunter?"
She raised her brow. "Do I have to teach you manners?'
"Mo-",her fingers arched and started oh so gently grazing that spot and you blubbered, cutting yourself off. "M-more please!"
"More what?", she smiled, as if she wasn't two knuckles deep in your pussy. 
"Just-",you arched your back, begging her but not finding the words. "Please"
Cait chuckled inched in a third finger and taking mercy on you, finally started giving you what you wanted. Her pace was rough, seemingly delighting in the sounds of skin on skin and the squelching, paired with your pretty noises. She wrapped an arm around you and pulled you up, having you sit up. With the same hand, she tugged your head back with a slight sting on your scalp. Exposing your neck to her. You so badly wanted to look down at the mess she was making of you but she kept you in an inhuman hold. 
She was watching your neck flex as she claimed you roughly with her fingers. The same ones she uses to hold struggling prey down so she can feed. You'll be different from normal prey though, she's going to keep you alive. Her stained lips found themselves on your neck again, sucking and grazing her sharp teeth against the very sensitive skin. A chill ran down your spine and found itself in your pussy. You clenched around her and you felt her smile.
She arched her fingers again, this time applying the pressure you needed. You groaned and she felt it on her lips. She was trying so, so hard not to sink her teeth into your warm flesh. Not yet, not yet. She wanted to wait until bliss sang in your veins. But fuck, with each passing moment and the closer she beckoned your climax, your scent was becoming more and more mouth watering. She abruptly pulled her mouth away from you. It was stained in saliva, blood and lovebites.
A tightness began to coil in you and between pants and moans you begged her to not stop. You gripped her firm shoulder and pulled her closet. She relaxed her hold on your hair and instead, brought your head to hers. Her abyss for eyes stared deeply into your glassy ones.
"Watch", she growled and faced your head down. "Watch yourself cum all over a vampire's fingers"
Fuck. You couldn't fight the sinful whine that escaped your lips even if you tried. You did what you were told and watched her lean fingers pump in and out of you. They were drenched in your wetness that glistened on your folds. She watched your chest bounce with every thrust she gave and made a mental note to mark you up there too.
"Come on little hunter, give it to me”
The sight and sounds of her taking your pussy were obscene. Her words made you even wetter somehow. It was filth. It was beyond wrong what you were letting her do to you. If the other hunters ever found out, they would surely have your head for the disgusting betrayal. But you didn't care. Not anymore. Not when the Vampire above you was making you feel so good. She was fucking all morals and sense out of you. Now the only thing you were scared of was the possibility of her not ever doing it again. Giving her what she wanted, you gasped as you came all over your fingers. A growl was the only thing you registered in your bliss before a sharp sting punctured your neck. 
You stiffened in surprise, grabbing onto her shoulders tightly. She was still pumping her fingers in and out of you as she sucked on your neck. Groaning at your taste. Blood trickled down the skin of your neck as Caitlyn closed her eyes in pure bliss. You felt light, as if you were floating. You didn't even feel the sting anymore. You weakly struggled to hold on, trying not to let yourself fall backward. Stars danced in your vision as she moaned against your skin. The crackle of the fire was distant, as if you were sat in another room listening to it. You tried to speak but words failed you as she feasted on your neck. Your head felt heavier and heavier, and you almost closed your eyes. 
You were jolted from your hazy bliss roughly as your cheeks were gripped by warm hands. The shape in front of you blurred before a sweet smile fell into focus. A bloodied one. Her hands travelled down the burning skin of your body to rest at your lower back. You were pulled closer to the Vampire's body, where she let you rest weakly against her.
“You're divine”,she whispered, stroking your hair. “I'm never letting you out of my sight again”
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anon I lied, turns out I did have it finished lmao. here's the very long awaited vamp cait fic :)
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taesanrot · 4 months ago
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[vampire love] taesan x f!reader | 1.8k words established relationship, body worshipper!taesan, smut (making out, oral f. receiving, fingering) note. ty to anon who requested this! i loveee this song and literally listened to it on repeat while writing this lmao. @onedoornet
now playing: vampire love by lil tracy
"girl lay your body down on that fucking couch, open up your legs i'm gon work my mouth."
a miscellaneous romcom was playing in the background, the dull noise doing nothing to cover up the sound of your lips moving gingerly against taesan's. you were perched on his lap, knees trapping his legs as his hands rested on your hips, his fingers brushing under the hem of your tank. your hands were tangled in his soft hair, occasionally giving it a small tug just so you could hear him moan into your mouth.
your hands slid down his neck, trailing down his chest slowly. groaning loudly, taesan slid a hand into your hair, tilting your face so he could press his lips harder onto yours. his other hand snaked further around your waist, pulling you onto his lap so he could feel you against where he craved you most.
you lowered yourself onto the tent in his pants at a deliberately slow pace, smiling deviously at the way your boyfriend broke your kiss to moan and throw his head back against couch cushions. taesan has a strong will, but his resolve is something that you've quickly learned how to unravel. intimacy between the two of you is game of tug of war, the two of you fighting to subdue the other. you love the chase, the playful competitiveness that never leaves the two of you.
"god, you're perfect, y/n" he choked out as he felt your clothed warmth brush against him for what felt like the hundredth time. your scent hugged him like a blanket, and all he could see, think, and feel was you. you were satisfied by his dazed state, prideful as you whispered in his ear.
“oh yeah?” you smiled, leaning down to place a chaste kiss on his already decorated neck. he hummed in agreement, fingers coiling through your hair still.
“prove it.” at the sound of your teasing voice, taesan’s eyes darkened and he halted his movement and noises all at once. grabbing your hips, he shifted you off his lap, smiling at your noise of confusion. 
“since when are you getting brave, hmm baby?” taesan mumbled lowly, bringing a hand up to smooth down your hair. his hand travelled further, finger tracing the line of your neck and your collarbone. he laid his full palm against your shoulder as he lightly pushed, laying you down across the sofa. 
the growing anticipation swirled in your stomach as your boyfriend moved to hover above you, his warm palms dragging across your abdomen greedily. you loved when the demanding and wanting side of your boyfriend came out, when he acted like his only purpose was to make you feel good, when his hands stayed on your skin like a magnet.
his palms swirled over your soft skin. your thin tank top did nothing to cover you, the fabric wrinkling under taesan’s finger and sliding up so easily. one of his hands pressed against the armrest that your head was propped against. but before he could lean down to kiss you, you felt your head being pulled up.
taesan gently moved your head to place his hoodie against the firm arm rest, cushioning your head. the softer fabric dulled the slight discomfort that you hadn't even noticed until then. you giggled at the way he doted on you, even in the heat of the moment. 
"comfortable?" he asked gently, prompting a short nod from you. he could tell you were needy, hands sliding on his arms.
your boyfriend laid his lips on yours gingerly, arm wrapping around your waist to pull your body up and flush against him. you gasped into his mouth, fingers crumpling the fabric of his t-shirt as you pulled him even closer.
his fingers nimbly worked at your bra hook, and you heard it snap open. you felt him pull the fabric out from under your cami, sighing at the feelings of his fingertips on your bare skin. 
when his hands finally pressed into your plush boobs, taesan couldn’t hold back a loud moan from escaping his throat. you whined as his thumb circled your nipple at a tantalizing pace. he pulled away from your lips to bite down lightly on the skin on your neck, his warm tongue soothing the short lived sting you felt and drawing another whimper from you. 
you'd never let him know, but you loved the marks taesan left on you. your favorites were the ones where you could see the indent of his teeth pressing into you. you always returned the favor, decorating his neck like a prize.
you moved one hand to tangle into his hair again, fingernails tracing his scalp. you pressed your palm against the back of his neck in an effort to let him know how good he was making you feel. your other hand reached in the space between the two of you, finding taesan's. he could read you like a book, intertwining his fingers with yours and holding your hand tenderly as he bit and licked your soft skin.
you pulled your hand out of his hair to trail the pads of your fingers down his chest, fingers tracing over the bulge in his sweats. before you could even work on getting his sweatpants out of the way, taesan groaned and grabbed your hands, pinning them onto the armrest where your head rested.
"let me take care of you." your legs pressed together at the sound of his raspy voice, his hooded gaze making your skin burn. he brought one of your hands to his lips, kissing your palm tenderly. he left wet kisses from the tips of your fingers to your wrists.
"so beautiful, all for me." he placed another kiss in the crease of your elbow.
"always wanting to please me. always so good for me." his lips traced higher up your arm, until his warm breath was tickling your shoulders.
"wanna treat you the way you deserve. tonight is about you, baby." your panties were ruined, thighs rubbing together with every word that fell from his lips.
taesan gently pulled your arms through the straps of your tank, peeling the fabric off you gently. his fingers went downwards, slipping off your shorts and underwear just as delicately.
even though your eyes were closed, you could hear the small gasp that fell from his lips at the sight of you.
taesan was never not in awe of you, your body that only he was allowed to gaze upon. he wanted to fall to his knees whenever he got to see you like this, bare and waiting for him. your skin, your warmth, your soft whines, it called to him so incessantly. the world always seemed to disappear when he had you like this underneath him.
reaching out, taesan's hand cupped your breast so softly, like you'd vanish at any second. he lowered his mouth to your chest, lips deftly catching your nipple. his tongue played with the bud gently, sending waves of pleasure through you.
you reached aimlessly in between the two of you, arms slipping underneath his shirt. you wanted to feel his skin, to press your palms into the dip in his back. as he moved to your other boob, you took the opportunity to pull his tshirt up, prompting him to tug it off and throw it on the floor. as quickly as his body left yours, he was back on you, lips pressing open mouthed kisses to the swell of your breast.
hot breaths tickled the skin of your chest and abdomen, and you looked down to meet taesan’s eyes looking up at your from between your parted legs. his hands ran up and down your calves and thighs, soft moans leaving his mouth at the feeling of you underneath him. he pulled your calves over his shoulders, giggling as you looked away bashfully. your eyes screwed shut as he placed featherlight kisses along your inner thighs, softly biting the flesh occasionally.
taesan loved leaving hickeys on your inner thighs, and he took his sweet time as kissed and licked the tender skin, eyes closed in bliss.
“tae… stop teasing” you whined softly, hips moving slightly to try and give your aching clit any attention. the desperate lilt of your voice when straight to taesan’s dick, and with a soft groan he brought a single finger to swipe through your folds. your juices wrapped deliciously around his index finger.
pleasure bloomed in your lower abdomen as taesan finally parted your folds and tenderly placed his tongue against your clit. he kissed the bud before wrapping his swollen lips around it, making you moan loudly.
he flicked your sensitive bud with his tongue just the way you liked, finger pulling your skin up so he could hit the extra sensitive spot underneath. your hands tangled in his hair, head tilted back to press into the end of the sofa.
the knot in your stomach twisted again as his mouth moved lower, his wet tongue tracing the outside of your hole. with one last glance up at you, taesan pushed his tongue into you, basking in the loud whine that fell from your mouth. his tongue explored your soft walls, the gummy flesh clenching around him incessantly.
tears streamed down your face as he pressed his thumb into your swollen clit, rubbing tight circles at a pace that had you repeating his name over and over. your neck strained as you tilted your head back as far as you could, pressing into the armrest.
“feels too good … tae fuck!” your words were reduced to shaky sobs as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten.
your boyfriend’s mouth returned to your clit, sucking hard as he pushed a finger into your clenching hole. your fingers yanked his hair as he added another, his fingertips reaching the gummy spot that made you see stars.
your mouth fell open when he pressed his hand into your stomach, making you feel just how deep inside you his fingers were. your resolve was long gone, hips rutting against his face desperately. lewd noises filled the living room, not that you paid them any mind.
“please, gonna cum.” taesan groaned into you upon hearing your cries, fingers snapping upwards to hit your g-spot as he flicked your clit speedily. the familiar buildup creeped up on you, your stomach tensing and legs twitching uncontrollably
your entire body stilled and your mouth fell upon as your orgasm took over you, vision going white and warmth flooding your body. taesan kept his pace, fingers still pushing in and out of your gushing hole, white rings left on them.
he loved the way you looked when you were cumming. your fucked out expression was something that was burned into his mind.
opening your eyes, you were met with the sight of your boyfriend's fingers in his mouth, tasting the juices you left on him. you tugged his bicep, pulling him to lay on top of you again. he brushed some of your ruffled hair down, placing gentle kisses on your cheeks.
"how was that, baby?" he asked, head now resting on your chest as you petted his head softly.
smiling, you let your hands drift down the expanse of his back, nails scratching the skin lightly.
"why don't you let me show you?"
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glasvera · 1 month ago
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@nupppuff and @mosh-mosh, I hear you loud and clear! ;)
Blooded Moon
Moon Knight x Fem!Vampire!Reader
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Description: Continues in Dead Man Walking! When you're on the run, cursed to be a vampire and chased by the superheroes that want to save the city, Moon Knight finds you first. Maybe saving you isn't his best idea, but he'll be damned if he leaves you behind when you're this terrified. Being easy on the eyes also helps.
Warnings/Disclaimers: Gets a little spicy at the end but no smut (yet...?), cursing, angst, blood, blood-sucking, pretty vivid descriptions of the taste (I mean, it's a vampire reader, so what'd you expect?), hurt and comfort, starts out with you being chased
A/N: This has been cooking in my head since I got the first request for him, and honestly, I most likely will make a smutty part two. The main reason I took so long on it was because I wanted to research and be respectful of his DID, but then I ended up barely incorporating it anyway because I didn't feel it necessary and didn't wanna shoehorn it in either.
Word Count: 2.7k
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You were one of the first to turn after the moon turned crimson and the sky froze in eternal night. It wasn’t something you asked for, and frankly, you were even more terrified now than you were before becoming a vampire. You weren’t looking for extra power, and even if it smells incredibly good now, the thought of drinking blood made your stomach turn.
The worst of it was how utterly alone you felt. You couldn’t go back to your apartment, returning to your job was out of the question, and you didn’t trust yourself around friends and family.
Oh, and there was the fact that being a vampire made you one of the targets of the superheroes trying to save the city.
This is how you find yourself now, scrambling over a concrete wall as your claws desperately search for purchase against the grit and gray. They're close now; you can hear the distinct rumble and whir of Iron Man's propulsion jets, and Moon Knight's steps clang against the rusted metal of a nearby fire escape. You manage to make it over the wall and into a small alley, tumbling into a pile of garbage bags that only barely soften your landing, but at least you can hide amongst the trash. You cower in the corner and desperately try to contain your breathing as staggered sobs choke in your throat. 
“I lost her!” you hear the distorted, robotic voice of Iron Man as he zips around in the sky.
“All right, you go check the other areas. I'll keep an eye on the ground here,” Moon Knight replies from what sounds like the next building over. Shit. Shit shit shit shit. But you're too weak; you've gone too long without the sustenance your body now craves, and you've expended far too much energy avoiding them until now. Your body trembles, your breaths quivering, and you cover your head with your hands as you curl up and wait for the inevitable. His steps get closer, closer, and you hear his boots crunching over piles of garbage. A soft whimper echoes in your throat.
Surprisingly, a gentle hand gloved in white rests on your shoulder. “Hey… he's gone. Are you okay?”
Wide-eyed, your vision flashes from that hand to the face of its owner, and you let out a terrified and shaky sound at the sight of Moon Knight's hooded and masked visage. His fingertips curl a bit firmer onto the tattered remnants of your sleeve before his thumb rubs soothingly against your skin.
“It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. I can tell you're scared,” he explains as he kneels next to you, his words cold comfort against the fear wracking your feeble frame. “Tony's an idiot; he thinks we're better off getting rid of most of the vampires… but you didn’t become one by choice, did you?”
You shake your head, nose sniffling before you wipe it on the back of your wrist. Even though you can't see his face, you can see the way his body slumps slightly and hear his heavy sigh.
“Thought so. Do you have somewhere safe to go?”
You shake your head again.
Moon Knight looks from side to side, and before you know it, he's scooping you out of the trash heap. You're too frozen to do anything about it, but honestly, you had been half expecting to die from this encounter anyway. Something about his hold is comforting, though, and you're finally able to relax ever so slightly. 
“I'm gonna get an earful for this later, but I'll take you somewhere safe. I promise,” he utters before carting you off into the eternal night. 
You find yourself waiting in a lobby of the Baxter Building just outside the room where Iron Man and Moon Knight argue back and forth. Occasionally, you Mr. Fantastic butt in too.
“She could be dangerous! What if she brings more of them to her?”
“Our location hasn't been a problem in the past. Or did you forget that we're holed up in one of the most prominent buildings in New York City?” you hear Moon Knight's muffled voice through the wall fighting back.
“That's not what I meant! We don't know what these new vampires are capable of. If she's able to breach our defenses and let them in--”
“She didn't ASK for this!”
You jump in your seat when you hear the booming voice of your savior. It appears to have a similar effect on the rest of the room's occupants, as you can't seem to hear any more talking now. There's a murmuring of a woman's voice--likely Invisible Woman--but it's too quiet to make out the words. You hear stomping boots approaching the door and promptly sit up in your seat. Probably best that you don't let it be known that you were eavesdropping. 
The door opens with a click, and Moon Knight's white masked visage greets you. 
“Let’s go,” he says gruffly without any greeting. “I'm tired of dealing with these big time idiots.”
Unsure of what to offer in reply, you wordlessly stand and begin following him as he winds through the hallway towards an elevator. The air is heavy between you as you try to study him for any sign of what he's thinking. Though, you don’t have to wait long before he starts talking again.
“No, Khonshu. She’s different. Scared.”
“I-I’m not--”
But he seems to ignore you in favor of the voice only he can hear. “You--through me, I might add--are supposed to protect your travelers in the night. Why doesn’t she count as one of them?”
Suddenly he cries out, clutching his head in pain as he nearly doubles over. You instinctively reach a hand out to his shoulder before he flinches away from you, his movements panicked while he frantically grabs the railings along the elevator’s wall. Scared and unsure of what to do, if anything, to help him, you pull away and press your back against the opposite wall. Your breath shakes in staggered puffs through your nostrils.
“You know it to be true! You’re the one who talked about reversing it all! She needs our help!” he calls out to the air in anguish, and you can only watch on, terrified. After several more long moments, standing across from him as he slowly gains control of his breathing, it seems as though the intrusive presence he suffered has conceded for the moment. Something tells you that wouldn’t be the last time you would see him like that.
“...Moon Knight?” you murmur hesitantly, pushing off of the wall just barely. He’s still hunched over and shaking his head.
“Don’t… Don’t worry about me. Used to it,” he replies, and that’s all you get from him when you exit the elevator. He doesn’t speak again until you’ve made it to what seems to be his own private quarters for the time being.
His head turns to you, his masked face regarding you with unknown emotion. He cocks his head to the side, nodding for you to come in with him. “You’ll be safe here. Promise.”
It’s well-equipped, and it seems even more comfortable than your old apartment to boot. It makes sense, of course, but still, it’s so nice you almost feel like you’re intruding. You glance around at the standard yet luxurious furnishings, and you take note of the various bits of discarded clothing strewn about or the crumpled papers that didn’t quite make it into any of the waste bins. This eternal night must keep everyone busy at all hours.
“This is… I can’t--” you move to protest, but suddenly he draws back his hood and removes his mask.
“Don’t sweat it,” he interrupts you, giving you the barest hint of a smile. He’s handsome, you realize, with scruffy brown hair and kind doe eyes to match. “I saw how scared you were… it… reminded me of myself once upon a time. A fate thrust upon you that you never asked for. I could see it in your eyes.”
Your lips part softly before you press them shut once more, and your gaze finds sudden interest in the wooden floorboards.
“Hey, you don’t have to talk about it. ‘M just explaining my reasons,” he adds before he wanders further into the apartment. “...Even if Khonshu doesn’t like it one bit.”
Khonshu. There’s that name again, and you swear you’ve heard it somewhere before. “Is… Is Khonshu the one who made your head hurt in the elevator?”
Moon Knight scoffs, shaking his head as he pours you both glasses of water. “Yeah. He’s not too pleased by defiance, and he gets even more pissed off when I point out his bullshit. Typical god stuff.”
Your eyes go wide. “A… a god!?” you exclaim in surprise. Though, perhaps it shouldn’t be all that surprising, you realize, when you consider the amount of heroes and villains that are gods themselves.
“Khonshu, Egyptian god of the moon… and vengeance. What, did you think I picked the name because it sounded cool?” he jokes before handing you a glass.
“I…” You stop and bring the glass to your lips, choosing to shut yourself up instead of embarrassing yourself any further. The water is cool, and it should be refreshing, but it stings like ice going down your throat and leaves you feeling even more thirsty than before. You wince and nearly drop the glass, but he sees your reaction and catches your hand in his to steady it. “Shit…” you mutter, feeling ashamed at the weakness that washes over you… and the warmth you feel creeping up your face at his touch.
“Right. Vampire. Probably more in the mood for blood, huh?” he asks before taking the unwanted cup from your grasp. You vehemently shake your head, curling your lip in disgust, and he snickers. “Like it or not, that’s the only thing that’ll work for you right now.”
“And you, what, just have some on hand?” you inquire half-heartedly. “I don’t want it, either way. I can’t… I’m scared I’ll lose control if I give in.”
He sighs, shaking his head. Clearly you had missed something. “We can worry about it later if you’re so against it. For now, you should at least clean up and get some rest. I’ll keep Stark off your ass in the meantime. Bathroom’s down the hall and to the right. Should be a clean robe in there, and I’ll ask Sue if she’s got some clothes you can borrow.”
When he dons his mask and hood once more, readying himself to leave, you reach forward and catch him by the crook of his elbow. His head turns to face you, and you suddenly feel vulnerable once again under that unreadable stare.
“I… thank you. I don’t know how to repay you, or why you went through this much effort to help me, but… I am grateful,” you tell him softly as your fingertips curl into the white fabric of his sleeve.
“Repay me by staying alive. Make it through this with your humanity intact. It’s all any of us can do,” he responds, clasping his hand over yours. A muffled chuckle sounds through his mask as he adds, “Guess you being pretty might have had something to do with it, too. Wouldn’t mind coming back to that face for a while.”
Oh, how incredibly unfair of him to say that behind the safety of his mask. Your eyes turn to saucers, your grip loosens, and your jaw hangs agape while heat blossoms across your cheeks. No words find themselves before he withdraws, giving you a little wave and heading out the door.
It’s been a few weeks now, and you have learned quite a bit during your stay. Moon Knight--or rather, the system that is Moon Knight--had opened up to you over time, and you had come to know not just Marc Spector, but Steven and Jake as well. His system as a whole seemed to take a liking to you, and on the rare occasions that he actually had the time, you would often sit together on the couch and talk about everything and nothing. He seemed strangely content to listen to you ramble on about your past life, the friends and family you left behind, even ready to offer you a tissue or a shoulder to cry on should you need it. You had little need for sleep anymore, so you were happy to indulge in time with him every chance you had. Never did you feel trapped in this apartment; in fact, you found yourself waiting in anticipation for him to come back after every mission. He was starting to invade your thoughts even when he wasn’t with you. No one had ever treated you like this before, comforting and caring for you without making you feel lesser or like a burden.
Of course, that didn’t diminish the hunger pangs that gnawed more and more fervently at your entire being with every passing day. Marc had warned you that it might be even more dangerous to go without blood for this long, but you held fast in your convictions, and he at least respected that.
That is, until that hunger has you doubled over before curling into a fetal position. It felt like your stomach was devouring itself before draining the rest of your vitality, sapping all the remaining energy you had as tears prick at the corners of your eyes. That’s how Marc finds you when he returns, bloody and bruised.
He’s never smelled better.
“Y/N!” he calls out, hurrying over as fast as his slight limp will allow. He rips off his mask and drops to his knees to cradle you in his arms. Your breathing is shallow, and there’s an unmistakable hunger in your bloodshot eyes. “Hang on, I’ll… I--”
He frantically glances around the room even as he scours his own brain, trying to think of anything to alleviate your suffering. He’s warmth, he’s comfort… but the pounding in your head, the red that blurs at the edges of your vision, you can’t… you can’t…
“Ah, shit--fuck!”
You come to after a few moments with a rush, groaning and inhaling deeply as your fangs dig into soft flesh. Coppery… salty… sweet… the heady feeling of hot crimson hits your tongue and you forget everything else. Your face is buried in the crook of his neck as his head lolls to one side, his grip on you tightening as you drink his life’s essence. Nothing has ever tasted so good, so fulfilling, so powerful. You fall deeper and deeper into hedonistic bliss and crawl into his lap, straddling him as you take and take and--
No. No, this isn’t you. You can’t--
You break free of your blood trance, ripping away from him as he eyes you groggily. His blood is still hot on your lips, tacky as it dries before you instinctively collect it with a swipe of your tongue. Bracing your hands on his shoulders while your claws reflexively dig into them, the realization of what you’ve done fills you with horror and dread, and you stiffen with a gasp.
“Marc, I’m so sorry, are you okay!? I--”
Your apologies are silenced when he crashes his lips against yours. It’s messy, metallic, your lips sticking together every time he pulls away for breath. His hands slide down your sides, tickling your ribs before trailing down to your hips and gripping tightly. He tugs you against him. A soft moan hums in your throat, and his tongue takes the opportunity and delves into your mouth. Blood dilutes into saliva as he seems to seek it out, devouring you body and soul through his lips and tongue. To say your mind was a mess was an understatement: a violent whirlpool swirls with your emotions. You feel alive again, rejuvenated, powerful. But then there’s shock, arousal, a different hunger, a longing that leaves you panting.
Weeks worth of tentative talks and longing glances, coupled with the passionate hunger that accompanies your vampiric nature, have come to a head. When he draws back, chocolate eyes blackened with lust, his own blood smeared across his lips even as it trickles from the fresh wound on his neck, you knew one thing with certainty:
Moon Knight was an absolute freak. And you were so into it.
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marvelwitchergilmore · 2 months ago
Summary: Tyler Owens x Fe!Reader -> Finding yourself a little lost, through some conversations, laughter and a bunch of wildflowers, you find something more than just friendship in Tyler Owens.
Disclaimer: Mostly fluff, little angst (kinda) reader doesn't have the best relationship with her family -- they're a lot. Found family vibes with Reader and the Wranglers. Tyler is mentioned to be an EMT and a weatherman. Not Proof Read.
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The media always painted him as a heartthrob. New Tornado-Chasing, Thrill Seeking Heartthrob Tyler Owens spotted in the same town as…And he took it as a compliment. He’d been getting similar headlines and comments since he started on the rodeo circuit. 
What he didn’t like was when he was painted as a heartbreaker, pitted against people who he’d only really held a conversation with. No dates, no kisses, not even a hug come to think of it. Maybe a handshake at most. 
And it wasn’t like he dated much. Well, not at all really. 
Between chasing Tornadoes throughout the year, but mostly in the summer and spending the rest of his time working around research, data production, his channel, the few guest lectures he did at his old University campus and even the odd appearance as a local weatherman when he visited his folks, he didn’t have time to date. 
He also didn’t have the heart to do so. 
Something had always stopped him from taking a date further than a month. And it wasn’t commitment issues, he wasn’t afraid of relationships. In fact, he’d love to have one. To have a place to call home permanently, to have someone to come home to and talk about his day with, and hear about her’s…
In recent years, that life seemed to become more like a distant friend than a family member. 
Until you showed up. 
He’d been working all week in the shed, only really surfacing to eat or use the bathroom. Dexter had told him he should get some more sun before he withered away like some cowboy-vampire. Well, those were actually Lily’s words, but Dexter had told him to get some sun. 
And he promised he would, once all their recent data was logged into his laptop. It would save him the two weeks he’d be spending at the rodeo helping with the set-up and the running of it. 
Coming up the road, your tires crunching as they rolled over the gravel path, the breeze whipped in and out of your truck windows, surrounding you with the kind of freedom you hadn’t felt in years. 
From the house at the very top of the lane, you saw two people sitting on the porch, three others stood in the garden and from the barn emerged one man who joined Cathy in watching your truck pull up the lane. 
“Oh, my god! Y/n!”
As you switched your engine off and hopped out of your truck, you were almost sent flying onto your back by Kate as she came barreling towards you. 
“Hey- uff.” You smiled as Kate wrapped her arms around you tightly. “Missed you, too.”
“What are you doing here?” Kate pulled away long enough for you to answer. 
“Needed some space from home, so when Cathy called and said she needed help, I almost jumped down her throat at the chance.”
Kate laughed, looked around and hugged you again. “Let me introduce you to everyone.”
The next twenty minutes were filled with introductions, questions, answers, updates on life and even more questions. 
“How long are you gonna stay?”
You shrugged before looking over at Cathy. “For as long as your mom needs my help.”
Cathy shook her head as she poured a pitcher of sweet tea. “You can stay as long as you’d like.”
You chuckled and thanked her for the drink. “Thanks, but it looks like you’ve got your hands full here already.”
Kate smiled. “The more the merrier.”
You and Kate had grown up almost like sisters. With your mom and Kate’s mom being in the same classes at school, and their ever-growing friendship, you and Kate had spent most afternoons and sleepovers gossiping and talking about everything you possibly ever could. 
And when she lost those she loved almost eight years ago in an EF-5, you had been the one to stay with her. You also stayed with her in New York for six months as she got settled into her new job and new apartment. 
“Are you sure I can’t get you anything else?”
You looked over your shoulder to Kate who was sitting up on your bed as you unpacked your bags. You shook your head and smiled. “For the millionth time, I’ve got everything I need, Kate.”
Kate looked around. “Extra towels?”
“Your mom already brought everything down.”
Kate sighed, a little defeated. “Fine. But you know you can always ask me-”
You nodded. “I know.”
Kate smiled and watched you for a few moments as you folded your t-shirts back up before laying them in one of the drawers. “You okay?”
“Yea, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you only leave home like this when something’s happened.”
Your shoulders dropped a little. “It’s just family stuff, that’s all. A few too many arguments over Easter and a crowded house filled with divided opinions. I needed a break and your mom needed a couple extra hands. It’s a win-win.”
“Okay, but if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here for you.”
You smiled and took hold of Kate’s hand. “I know. And you know I’m here when you want to finally tell me why you have a local weatherman hiding in your barn.”
Kate laughed. “Tyler?”
You nodded and got back to packing whilst listening to Kate tell you everything she could about how she came to meet Tyler Owens; cowboy vampire and weatherman. 
Over the course of a week, you came to know everyone a little better. During the days, you helped Cathy out, Kate joining every once in a while along with Dani and Dexter. During the early evenings, Kate would drag you into the barn where you could both sort out the feed bags and listen to Dexter tell his stories to the others. Boone usually gave you a small fright anytime you walked up into the rafters considering you’d just seen him sat next to Lily at one of the desks. 
Lily would show you some of the footage they’d gathered throughout the day when on a chase and you’d see the complete thrill in all of their faces. 
Even Kate’s. 
Both you and Cathy were happy to see it. 
“You should join us one of these days.” Lily said, casually. 
You shook your head just as Kate laughed. Tyler turned his head. “What?”
“It’s nothing, it’s just…”
Tyler raised an eyebrow and tried his best to suppress his laughter. “You're scared?”
“Not scared, per say-”
“I’d say. You barely opened your eyes when you joined me.”
You looked at Kate. “That’s because you were the one driving.”
“I thought you liked my driving.”
“Yeah, on a normal road. Not chasing an EF-3 on the hottest day of the year after a flat tire.” You turned back to the others. “As much as I’d love to, I think I still prefer to watch it from the comfort of a screen.”
Tyler held up his hands. “Well, the offer’ll stand. Don’t have to join us, you can always join Dexter and Dani in the van.”
“I’ll see.” 
Turning back to the pile of animal feed, you started filling the buckets. By the time you’d finished, you made your way into the main house where Cathy was dishing out plates with Tyler’s help in the kitchen as the others either got showered or started setting the table. 
“Hey, need some help?”
“No, I think we’ve got it covered,” Cathy told you. “But you can go and get Kate. I think she’s still in the barn.”
“I did try and drag her chair from her desk but I think she might be a witch. She started to hover, I’m pretty sure.” Boone called out from the living room. 
You nodded. “Noted. Back in a tick.”
Disappearing back outside, you rounded the house and headed towards the barn. “KATE! Are you alive?!”
“Back here!”
Pushing the barn door open, you walked inside and eventually found her tucked into the desk, ink stains across her fingers from handwriting her notes. 
“Your mom’s made food.”
“Yea, I’ll be there in a sec.”
You waited for a minute before sighing and walking behind her. You’d seen this many times before, and in over twenty years of friendship, you’d only found one method to work. Well, two; but the hose was attached to the house and didn’t reach into the barn. 
Grabbing the back of her chair, you waited for her to lift her pen off the page before you jerked it away. 
“Wha- Hey!”
“Come on. It’s dinner time.”
You shook your head as you started to wheel her chair across the barn floor. She tried her best at spinning around, but you just kept making your way towards the barn door. 
“I promise you can finish later. Until then, we’re eating. Come on.”
Kate pouted and agreed. “Fine. But you’re wheeling me back.”
Finally reaching the house, you and Kate made your way inside before joining everyone else at the table. Drawing straws, you and Tyler pulled the shortest. 
“Sorry, Kate.”
She shrugged. “It’s okay. I promised Lily she can push Boone back to the barn anyway.”
You smiled before picking up her plate and carrying it into the kitchen with the others. 
“You wash, I’ll dry?” 
You agreed. “Okay.”
And so you both began. With Cathy’s stereo on the window cill, a country music station playing like always, the music washed its way around the house and you and Tyler cleaned up. 
As you did so, you and Tyler found yourselves both dancing along to the music that floated around the room until everything was washed and all that was left was you and Tyler sharing laughter as you both tried your best to remember an old line dance. 
Then you were two-stepping around the kitchen, him spinning you out and around and back in until Boone and Kate walked back inside and in the spirit of things, joined in. Boone bowing to Kate as low as he could, he held out his hand. 
“Why, ma’ lady?”
“Why thank you, sir.”
Before you knew it, Dani and Lily had joined, and Cathy had pulled Dexter in for a small dance. 
The night drew in slowly, the moon’s beam gently settling across the land around the farm as the stars joined in. Everyone was sitting outside, either dancing by the fire or doing some kind of activity whether that was drawing or knitting. 
You were sitting in the corner of the porch, balancing on one of the beams when the phone rang out.
A few minutes later, Cathy came outside. “Honey, it’s your folks. They want to talk to you.”
You took a breath. “Okay.”
Hopping off the edge, you walked inside, unaware of the eyes trailing your movements. 
“Everything okay?” Tyler asked as Cathy joined him once more on the porch. But she just sighed. 
“I’ve known her mom since I was a kid. Y/n’s a strong kid, but sometimes she just needs a break. They can be…a lot.”
Tyler just nodded before his eyes looked through the kitchen window and he saw you, sat at the entrance between the kitchen and living room, the phone to your ear and your entire body language screaming for help. 
It was forty minutes before you were finally able to hang up the phone and when you finally emerged from the house, you walked out to find Boone mid handstand. 
“Hey, I’ll be back soon.” You told Cathy. 
“Everything okay?”
You forced a smile and nodded. “Everything’s fine. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
“Okay. Call us if you need anything.”
You nodded before making your way towards your truck, Kate rushing over. “Where are you going?”
“Just going to the store. Do you need me to pick anything up?” Kate shook her head. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nodded. “I promise. Just going to the store.”
“Okay. Well, uhh, a couple pads?”
“Period or stationary?”
Kate shrugged. “Both.”
You smiled, hopping into your truck. “Okay. Text me if you need anything else.”
You were at least an hour away from any open store, so winding down your windows, you turned on the radio and let the solitude wash over you. 
Your family could be a lot. Even more so when they didn’t agree on anything. Despite finding a job in New York, you’d returned home because your grandparents were sick. Eventually, they passed and that left the small plot of land and the farm house to your parents. They’d been trying to make it into an Inn and so far were succeeding. 
Save for the new renovations being done to the left side of the house where they couldn’t decide which colours to pick, which led to an argument over the colours they’d picked for the other rooms, and then their choice of contractor to fix the old barn into an outhouse. Then it was one of your parents bitching to you about the other for so long, about the same thing. You could only take so much arguing, shouting, and aggressive debates. Then Easter had come and that brought in ten other family members, all of whom had elected to take sides. 
Which left you alone in the very middle of a dozen other adults who were acting like children. 
The call from Cathy couldn’t have come less than a blessing to you. 
You took your time going around the store, picking up a couple of different things including both kinds of pads before getting back into your truck and driving around for a while. 
Just as the clock on your dash passed one in the morning, you turned down your radio, letting the sound of crunching gravel filter through your windows. From the looks of it, everyone was asleep. 
Except for one. 
Turning your headlights off, you pulled the key out of the ignition and locked it up. With the brown paper bag in your arms, you slowly made your way up the steps of the porch where you found Tyler, still awake. 
“You okay?”
You looked around you and then back at him. “Better than before.”
“Want to talk about it?”
You clicked your tongue. “I don’t think it’ll help.”
“You never know.”
You shrugged. “You don’t wanna know.”
Tyler sat up, leaning his forearms on his knees. “Try me.”
You looked down at the bag in your arms and sighed. “Let me put these inside.”
If he wanted to leave, if he didn’t want to hear about it, then you walking inside was his chance. It was his chance to think up an excuse about getting to bed before an early start, or that maybe it would be better to talk when people weren’t trying to sleep, or whatever other excuse he could come up with. 
Except, when you came back outside, you found him laying out a couple of blankets and turning the heater up a little. 
“Thought you might be cold.”
You couldn’t help but be in shock. “Thanks.”
“So…where do you want to start?”
You sat down. “Aren’t you the shrink? Shouldn’t you be telling me?”
Tyler cracked a smile. “Kate warned me you might be like this.”
“Did she now?”
Tyler nodded as he hummed. “She did.”
“Did you tell her you’d be moonlighting as my therapist tonight?”
He shook his head. “I just said I was gonna stay up. Didn’t say anymore than that.”
You hummed. “Usually don’t have to with Kate.”
“How long have you known Kate?”
“Is this the start of the session?” 
Tyler just gave you a look, hiding the smile he wanted to crack again. So you answered the question. 
“Since we were little. Cathy and my mom were friends. We spent most days together.”
After an hour of talking, Tyler had found out your parents had moved away from Supulpa when you were about to start college in order to be closer to your grandparents. He found out a little about your side of Kate’s story when she left for New York, about how you came back and everything that had happened since. 
“I do love them, it’s just that they can be a lot sometimes.” You answered honestly. “Loud, rowdy, argumentative. Someone always has to be more right than someone else. You’re also not allowed to have your own opinion, but you’re also not allowed to not have an opinion. Colour of a room, foundation of a building, choice of school, subjects, jobs, vacations. All of it. Someone always has to put in their two cents.”
“Kate mentioned something about Easter. What happened?”
You sighed. “I told them I had a new job, after one of my aunts mentioned that her neighbour hadn’t seen me in their offices for a while.”
“How long have you been at your new job?”
“Two years.” You admitted. 
“Two years?”
You nodded. “I know it was wrong, lying to them, but not telling them just…made everything a little more peaceful. And it’s not like it’s a different job. It’s the same work, just at a different company. I work from home two days of the week. I’ve acquired some time off; that’s why I’m here day to day. And it also means I’m moving away, back to my hometown.”
Tyler sat up. “You’re moving back here?”
You nodded slowly. “I’m still house hunting, and I haven’t told anyone yet. Not even Kate.”
“Why not?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I always planned on coming back, I think.”
“You think?”
You shrugged again. “When we’re kids, it seems like this huge thing; to be able to get out of the small town. And, I did. I’ve worked in New York and,” you hummed. “I liked it for a while. I think I liked freedom more than anything. Able to take an interview without my entire family wanting to know every single detail known to man. But Oklahoma…it’s my home. Kate is the closest thing I have to family that doesn’t drive me insane. And…” You sighed. “I want my family to see this place. To know Cathy, and Kate, and my old stomping grounds. I don’t want them to have a city life – not that there’s something wrong with city life. It’s just rushed. I want them to not only see the peace, but actually know it, you know?”
Tyler nodded with a soft smile on his face. “I know.”
“The phone call before; it was my folks. They wanted to know when I’d be coming home. It took me thirty minutes before I could get a word in. And when I said I wouldn’t be, it was just more yelling.”
“You know, ‘I’m selfish for moving back’, ‘I’m selfish for wanting a life away from my grandparent’s old home’, I’m selfish for wanting a life away from my family.”
Tyler shook his head. “You’re not selfish, Y/n. You’re allowed a choice in life. And that choice should be down to you, and you alone. Not to anyone else. I know they’re your family, but screw ‘em. You’ve done a lot for them, and they’re all fully grown adults. Have them figure it out on their own for once. And, if you want, once you’ve told Kate, we can go house hunting with you.”
A small smile broke across your lips. “Thanks, Tyler.”
He nodded and smiled. “You’re not selfish for wanting a life of your own, Y/n. We only get so much time on this earth, and it should be down to you how and where you want to spend it.”
You smiled again, feeling Tyler take your hand in his. You had no words, so you just squeezed his hand in a thank you. 
“Come on, it’s getting late. We should go to bed before Cathy comes and beats us with a dish towel again.”
As you stood, you looked at him. “Again?”
As he quietly walked you to your room, he explained how Cathy had chased all of them at least once with a dish towel because they either stayed up too late or because they’d walked into the kitchen too early on their birthday. 
He turned back down the hall. “Yeah?”
“Thank you for waiting up. And thank you for talking with me.”
With rosy cheeks, Tyler smiled and tipped his head. “Anytime, Sweetheart.”
You felt your own cheeks warm at his reply before you opened up your door and walked inside, the hallway light turning off as you clicked your door shut. Eventually, you heard Tyler’s door click shut, too. 
In a home like Cathy’s, you could hear every door open and shut, no matter how well oiled the handles were. 
In the morning, you woke early and found Cathy awake and sat at her dining table with a smirk behind her mug. 
“I heard you had a late night last night.”
“Jesus.” You held onto your chest. 
She just smirked. “No use praying to him, I want to know what happened.”
You poured yourself a coffee. “Nothing happened. We just talked.”
“And talked, and talked.”
You turned around. “You heard us?”
Cathy shook her head. “No, but I did hear your doors shut about the same time last night and Kate told me he was waiting up for you. So, anything you want to tell me?”
You let out a short sigh. No time like the present. 
“If you must know, I was telling him about my job.”
“And how I’m moving back to Sapulpa.”
Cathy sat up. “Really?”
You nodded. “I haven’t told Kate yet.”
But it wasn’t long before you finally did. And two weeks later, Kate came running down the field with her phone where she met both you and Tyler. 
You’d been putting a new fence up around the ground, but you could only pull so many wires on your own without nearly knocking yourself out. So, Cathy had sent Tyler down. 
You’d been working for two hours or more when Kate came running down the field. 
“I think I’ve found one!”
“Found one what?”
Kate was smiling. “A house. It’s in budget, an hour out of your office building but town is only twenty minutes out. Nice view, open space. What do you think?”
You looked Kate over. She was still hiding something from you. 
“You’ve already called them haven’t you?”
She shifted on her feet. “Maybe.”
She admitted defeat, though she seemed pretty happy about it. “Okay, I’ve got you a viewing tomorrow. But, please. Please go. We can go with you.”
You took a look at Kate before looking at the pictures on her phone. It did look cute. Wrap around and covered porch, big windows, shutters, bigger kitchen, spacious. It needed a lick of paint; or maybe two. 
You looked over your shoulder at Tyler who was looking at Kate’s phone, too. 
“What’d you think?”
“Can’t hurt to look.”
As the clock struck eleven the next morning, yourself, Tyler and Kate all arrived outside the house. The realtor met you outside and started giving you the facts; why it was being sold, who by, the history of the place. Tyler asked questions you’d probably think of at 3 am when you couldn’t sleep. Kate rushed around, looking in different rooms, taking pictures. 
There were four bedrooms, one office, two bathrooms – one up, one down. The master bedroom had an ensuite. 
“Now, it does need a little work. A couple of the shutters are loose around the back and one of the bathroom taps can be a little dodgy.” The realtor told you. “But all in all, it’s practically a steal.”
That much was true. 
And it wasn’t too far from Kate and Cathy. Maybe a thirty minute drive. Town was twenty minutes away, and most of that was on dirt roads. And from Kate’s constant announcements, signal was pretty decent in most rooms apart from the very back bedroom which you could use as a storage room anyway. 
The grass around the place was in desperate need of a cut, and the wildflowers that were tipping up around the place were begging for death in the hot sun. 
A tree had been planted a little ways from the house which would provide shade from the sun in the early afternoon. 
It also needed to be furnished, and have a couple of things replaced. But after a good clean up…you could see yourself living here. 
Standing on the back porch, you felt a familiar pair of boots stand beside you. 
“You look really happy here.” 
You looked up to Tyler with a relaxed smile. “I am. It’s…freedom. Two acres of land, a home.”
“All you’re missing are some chickens.”
You laughed, and so did Tyler before Kate came running outside. “Well, what do you think?”
You smiled. “I love it.”
“So you’re gonna go for it?”
Looking between the pair, and back up to the house, you nodded. “I think I am.”
Finally, after a month of going between helping Cathy, driving into the city and to deal with housing paperwork and taking walks around the new land that you owned, you moved into your new home. 
And everyone helped. 
Yourself and Kate got a head start on things, having slept over on the floor the night before in order to map out where everything would be going. And through tears of laughter, you both managed to get a sofa and bed frame brought through the doors before Tyler’s truck pulled up with the others. 
“Figured you could use some help.”
The next ten hours were spent laughing, fixing, setting up, painting and just all round having fun. An hour in and Dani had confiscated both Boone and Lily from using the drill to fix the shutters outside, Dexter had helped patch up some of the walls as well as paint over them. 
Kate kicked you out of the office space before dragging Dexter in with her. 
“You can’t come in. Tyler!”
He poked his head out from the master bedroom. “Yeah?”
“Make sure Y/n doesn’t come into this room until I say so.”
“Why?” You asked, whilst Tyler just agreed with a smile. He already knew what was going on. 
“I need your help here anyway.” Tyler told you as you walked away from outside your office. 
Tyler had been fixing your bed frame with Lily until he banned her from helping with that, too. Lily wasn’t the most patient when it came to making sure the bed frame was structurally sound. 
So you and Tyler got to work. 
“Okay, three, two, one. Go!”
Both yourself and Tyler stepped away from your bed at the same time. It had already fallen down twice. 
“Is it?”
Tyler hesitantly shook it and it moved as one, but didn’t collapse.
“No. We’re in the clear.”
You could have almost dropped to the floor. “Oh, thank god.”
“I probably should have asked this earlier but are you planning on painting this room?”
You looked around. “Not yet. I haven’t decided on a colour. But it doesn’t look too bad as it is for now.”
From the back of your truck, yourself and Tyler managed to get it inside with minimal damage and once it was finally on the bed, you both flopped down. 
“Oh, thank god.”
“Do you think we can just fall asleep? Let the others do the rest?”
You turned your head and looked at him. “Considering Kate has kicked me out of my own office…maybe.”
Both yourself and Tyler let out a small groan. 
“Guys!” Boone came running down the hall. “Oh. Uh.”
You and Tyler sat up. “Everything okay?”
He smiled, if a little sheepishly. “Everything’s peachy, man. But, uh, Kate asked me to make sure Y/n stayed away from her office.”
Tyler smiled. “Already on it, Boone.”
“Great.” He gave a thumbs up. “Well, Cathy has asked for your help. Actually, both of your help, so…” He hitched his thumb over his shoulder before leaving the room. 
You and Tyler followed. 
By the time the sun was setting, you were mostly moved in. Dani fixed the dodgy tap, and some of the electrics with Lily’s help. Boone had replaced some of the wooden slats and repainted them to match before fixing the shutters back onto the windows upstairs. 
Everyone was thanked in drinks and pizza and you were finally allowed inside your office.
“Eyes closed.”
“Kate, you’re covering them.”
“Just keep ‘em closed anyway.”
She counted down before removing her hands and letting you open your eyes. What you were met with was a wall mural of Cathy’s farm land, barn, farmhouse and people included. You could have cried. You were crying. 
“Oh, my god.”
“It needs a few touch ups but it mostly finished, but if you hate it-”
You shook your head that quickly you might have given yourself whiplash. “No, no, no. No, Dex, I love it. I really, really, love it. Thank you.”
“It was Kate’s idea.”
“Thank you both. I love it.”
As the night drew in, the others slowly headed back home leaving you on your own. Kate and Tyler had asked if you wanted them to stay, but you said no. You had to get used to living alone, and you had cameras. 
So, waiting for you to lock the place up – both Kate and Tyler checking it after – they headed back home. However, one was quick to return in the morning. 
Tyler knocked on the door but there was no answer. He knew you’d be awake since it was nearly ten in the morning. From working with Cathy, you were up each morning around five; six at the latest. 
So he called out and felt a wave of relief wash over him when you answered. 
“Round the back!”
Walking around, Tyler found you almost drowning in grass and wildflowers. Your legs were dusted with soil, your fingernails and hands were practically drowning in it. 
“Want some help?”
“I’ve got an extra set of shears in my bag.” Tyler found it on the porch step before he joined you in the soil. 
“I didn’t want to kill them all off, so I’m trying to keep the wildflowers that will survive a few days.”
“How was your first night?”
You smiled. “Fun. A little quieter than usual, but fun. I’ve, uh, managed to fix the old coffee machine and plug in my house phone.”
“Does anyone even use them anymore?”
You shook your head. “Probably not, but I like the idea of still owning one. Also means I can keep up the tradition of being offended if someone calls me after nine o’clock.”
Tyler laughed. “Well there’s always that. Thought about chickens yet?”
You laughed. “Not yet. I need to clear out some of this field first.”
Tyler looked around and shrugged. “I’ve got a free day, plus Dexter’s been telling me I need to get some more sun.”
“Hope you’re wearing protection.”
Tyler chuckled a little. “Dani threw a bottle of SPF at me this morning, so I think I’m covered.”
The conversation continued to flow until eventually it was cut off by a sharp cut across your finger. 
“Oh, hey, okay. Come with me.”
Tyler helped you to your feet before helping you through your back door and towards your kitchen sink where turned on the cold tap. 
“You got a first aid kit?”
“Uhh, yea. Yeah, in my bathroom. Under the sink.”
Tyler rushed off in search of the bathroom before rushing back a few minutes later with it in hand. 
“Does it hurt?”
You shrugged. “A little. Stings mostly.”
In what felt like a minute, Tyler had examined your wound, mumbled words to himself and then started to bandage up your finger.
“How do you know what to do? Do you moonlight as an EMT or something?”
Tyler reached over the counter and pulled some tape away from the spool with one hand. You could only watch on in shock. His intense focus, his ability to do it so quickly. 
“Wait, what? Really?”
He looked at you and found himself smiling a little at your shock. “Yeah. I got my certification back in college. I worked on a couple of the rodeo circuits during the summer after I left bull riding.”
“Bull riding?! You were a bull rider? Wait-” You stopped yourself for a moment. “No, nevermind. I already knew that. Also, it doesn't surprise me…anymore.”
Tyler chuckled. “Why?”
“Thrill seeking? Adrenaline racing sport?”
“Well,” Tyler was finishing up on your cut. “You don’t face your fears, you ride ‘em.”
You watched him for a moment and found yourself admiring him. But then you snapped yourself back into reality. You’d gotten used to that snap-back over the last couple of weeks whilst being around Tyler. 
It had started, to your knowledge, when you both spent a night in the barn just talking. He’d been filing the last of the collected data into his laptop and you couldn’t sleep, so you stayed up and just talked. 
Considering you’d come from your shower and your hair was still damp, it wasn’t long before you got cold and being the gentleman he is, Tyler shrugged off his overshirt and gave it to you. 
You leaned back and smiled. “God, you really do have the whole cowboy thing going for you. Rides bulls, wears the boots because he earned them, same with the hat and he even has his own cowboy wisdom.”
Tyler chuckled at that, but tried his slight embarrassment. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
But you shook your head,“Don’t be embarrassed. That just makes you humble and extra sweet.” Then you gave him a genuine smile. “It’s a good look for you. It makes you, you. And I wouldn’t want you any other way.” You realised how that came out, and as much as you meant it, you didn’t want to send him running for the hills. “And neither would the others. You’re a good man, Tyler. Not too many would be brave enough to actually look at the blood pouring from my finger, nevermind know how to help.”
Tyler chuckled a little at that. He’d seen enough men faint outside an ambulance to know that much was true. 
However, in the few moments that followed the laughter, something seemed to capture both yourself and Tyler in a hold. With the soft sunlight making its way higher into the sky, seeping in through the kitchen window, Tyler felt something wash over him and it was both more exciting and terrifying than anything he did day-to-day for his work. 
“Is everything okay?”
He didn’t know why, and quite frankly, his future self would quite possibly punch him for asking, but he couldn’t stop the words from coming out of his mouth. 
“Would you like to go on a date…with me?”
“I-I’d usually have something better than this. Flowers, maybe a note or something and it wouldn’t be thrown on you like this but I-I just felt like asking, but if this is too weird feel free to say no. I-I know it’s a little weird but I-”
You stepped forward and he stopped talking the minute you placed a hand on his chest. “Tyler, slow down before you have a panic attack.”
What you said next could result in the same panic attack, so you had to be careful. Then an idea came to your head. 
“There’s flowers outside.”
It took him a moment or two, so you nudged your head towards your window. “You say you’d usually have flowers, there’s some perfectly good ones outside.”
“But they’re from your garden.” Tyler whispered, but you just shrugged. 
“You’ve helped pick some.”
With a small, understanding nod, Tyler slowly backed away and turned out of the door. When he returned he knocked on the backdoor and when you opened it, you were greeted with a slightly less soil stained Tyler, holding a bunch of wildflowers in his hand. 
“Hi,” he smiled. 
You smiled. “Hello.”
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littlefluu · 7 months ago
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WELCOME TO A SMALL LITTLE COLLECTIONS OF RECENT WORKS I ENJOYED (I was really busy with uni so there isn´t that much new material here! For more recommendations check out my main masterlist) ⤷ GO BACK TO THE MAIN ENHYPEN MASTER LIST WITH EVEN MORE RECOMMENDATIONS ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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