inavagrant-a · 2 years
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This is definitely more on the discord rp side of things since I don't rp my OC anywhere else than there bUT LOOK AT HIM. HE LOOKS SO COOL AND I'M LOSING MY MIND AWRAXA.
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Chapter 1: Departure
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One month later, the entirety of Teyvat now knows of the gold stained arrow, and after gathering the necessary supplies for travel, several search parties are being mobilized towards the land mass that seemed to appear overnight.
In Mondstadt, the knights' reconnaissance crew was being mobilized as well as the Adventurers' Guild.
Jean: Do you understand your mission?
Eula: Crystal clear ma'am, find their grace and bring them back safely.
Jean: Good, I want you to set off as soon as you're prepared.
Eula nods and exits the acting grand master's office before running into Mika.
Mika: Everyone's been prepped ma'am, we're just waiting for the provisions and other supplies to be brought onto the ship. We should be able to depart within a few hours.
Eula: Thank you, Mika. Let's go wait with the others then.
Meanwhile, at the Adventurers' Guild. A certain boy was fighting for a spot on the ship.
Bennett: Come on, you can't expect me to stay here when an entire island appeared overNighy.
Adventurer: No, I don't want your bad luck anywhere near me or my team, not on land, and certainly not at sea. You're staying here.
Cyrus: Oh? Who said that choice was yours to make?
Adventurer: C-Captain Cyrus, but this boy, he's cursed. There's no other way to explain it. He'd be putting everyone in danger if he went.
Cyrus: Danger? Danger comes with the job kid, and you clearly haven't been paying attention. Ever since their grace smiled upon him, his bad luck seems to disappear whenever they're involved, so I say he's going.
The adventurer fell silent in the face of his commanders argument.
Bennett: T-Thank you, Captain Cyrus. I swear I won't let you down.
With that, Bennett rushes to the guild ship, happy as can be.
Fischl: Once again, this boy's fate changes quite sporadically.
Oz: I'm quite sure it's just his luck being better when their grace are involved.
Fischl: Doth mine ears deceive, or are you proclaiming that the being of creation and power is in no way tied to fate's hands?
Oz: N-Not at all Mein Fraulein .
In Inazuma, the ace detective makes his move.
Heizou: Is everything ready for departure?
Soldier: Yes, we can set sail whenever you're ready.
Heizou: Very good. Prepare to set sail!
Meanwhile, below deck, there seems to be an uninvited passenger.
Itto: Alright, snuck aboard and they're non the wiser.
The oni's thoughts were interrupted as he was pulled aside.
Shinobu: What do you think you're doing?
Itto: I'm going to help find their grace, then people will have to stop looking down on the Arataki Gang, or at least stop bad mouthing you guys.
Shinobu: You idiot, you're going to get thrown in jail again or killed.
Itto: Oh, you don't think I can handle this alone, so you're coming along for the ride.
Shinobu: I am not joining this adventure, I'm stopping it and bringing you back.
Itto: Well, if that's the case, then how come the boat's already moving?
Shinobu: What?
Gazing out the nearest window, Shinobu finds Itto's words to be true. Seems she is in for quite the headache.
In Sumeru, theAkademiya gathers their scholars.
Nahida: There aren't going to be that many fighters outside of a few mercenaries, so you should go help them alright.
These words echoed in the Wanderer's head as he heads toward Port Ormos, where he encounters the rest of the expedition group.
Tighnari: Oh. I didn't expect to see you here.
Wanderer: I was brought along as extra muscle. What about these two?
Kaveh: The scholars have theorized that due to their grace's mental state at the time of the islands appearance, there may be a few differences that need to be studied to properly explore this new land.
Faruzan: With my linguistic knowledge and our combined mechanical prowess, there shouldn't be anything too difficult there.
Tighnari: Don't sound so sure of yourself. Remember, this is a god of creation we're talking about. Even our most esteemed scholars may not be enough.
Kaveh: Anyway. We're just waiting on the hired mercenaries. They are coming all the way from the dessert, but they should be here soon.
A few hours later.
Dehya: Hey. I recognize you lot from that interdarshan thing, so I'm guessing I'm in the right place.
Wanderer: Hmm? And you are?
Dehya Huh? Oh, right. Aside from Tighnari, we've never properly met. The name's Dehya, I'm the leader of the mercenaries you hired, pleasure to be doing business with you.
Wanderer: Is everything ready now?
Tighnari: Yeesh! You're a prickly one, but yes, as soon as everyone is on board, we can....
Wanderer doesn't let him finish before walking away, wanting this to be over with already.
Kaveh: (Sigh) This is going to be a long trip.
In Liyue, there were two individuals meeting at Wangshu Inn.
Zhongli: So, you are seeking permission to depart from Liyue to investigate this "demonic presence"?
Xiao: Yes. This demonic presence poses a threat, not to you, but their grace fled, suggesting they are in a weakened state.
Zhongli: Very well. If that is the case, you may depart as soon as you're able. One more thing, you seem troubled. Why is that?
Xiao: I'm just confused. Why would their grace flee only to put themself in more danger?
Zhongli: I believe you've answered your own question earlier. They are in a weakened state, so it is unlikely that this island was created, but more likely, it was summoned. As for why this one in particular. I can't imagine they were in the best state of mind when fleeing for their life, so thinking would have been difficult. This place must have been fresh in their mind for one reason or another.
With their conversation over, Xiao departs for Liyue harbor, where numerous milileth soldiers and Xiangling were preparing to depart aboard the Alcor.
Note: Sorry if Liyue's section feels rushed compared to the others, even after leaving this, taking a nap, and continuing afterwards, I was just barely able to finish Xiao and Zhongli's meeting, but I hope you enjoyed this despite this glaring issue. This is also my first time writing Fischl, so I hope I didn't mess up.
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dandelion-wings · 2 years
this was inspired by a very different conversation with @theabysscomeshome, but I’m thinking now about my headcanons about how various captains’ companies relate to them, focused on a particular image when the expedition departs:
- Diluc was 14 when he became Cavalry Captain. He was a baby. And while I’m assuming he was competent enough and probably learned more from the senior members of his company as he went, and they may well have respected him, there’s no way he wasn’t to some extent the company mascot. May not have known about it, they wouldn’t want to offend his fragile teenage dignity, but this was their baby captain and they needed to take care of him.
- Kaeya was a bit older when he became Cavalry Captain, but they probably already had known him fairly young if he was Diluc’s shadow, and also he was almost definitely in the 17-20 range and if you’re old enough, that’s still baby. As a consequence, Huffman and whoever else remains as his direct reports when the expedition leaves find themselves herded into a room with at least 20 senior knights of the cavalry company and given very firm instructions on the care and feeding of Cavalry Captains.
- All we know about Jean’s career from canon is that she was made the Dandelion/Lionfang Knight at 15 and became Master of (the) Knights after successfully investigating Eroch, but I tend to assume she did at least some time as a captain, and it would have to be in the mid-to-late teens, so she probably got a similar reaction to Diluc but was a little bit older and also a Gunnhildr, so. Not so much a mascot, probably, but still very much someone to be taken care of. She’s been Master of Knights for a while by the time the expedition departs, but Kaeya and Eula and Hertha still find themselves buttonholed in a similar way by a contingent from her former company before they depart, because they know their Captain Jean will work herself to death if allowed to.
- We know almost nothing about how or when Eula became captain of the reconnaissance company, and not much about how they relate to her (though I think there’s a bit in one of her stories about them being cautious at first? I’m on mobile I’m not looking it up now). Regardless, I do headcanon that a lot of the former Outriders who stayed in the Knights transferred to her company, because it would make sense as the most similar to their previous job, and so to them, at least, she’s their old leader’s student and little Amber’s friend. :D
However, only one member of that company is leaving with the expedition, so when Eula brings her company into the city to say goodbye to those departing, they roam around hunting down various knights who are going and give them firm instructions on looking after their little Mika. Eula is detailed by her own subordinates to lecture Varka and is both proud and touched that they trust her to do this (and happy to let the Grand Master know what fate shall befall him if her pathfinder does not return safely home).
- Hertha honestly vibes as, like, a middle-aged mom to me, which is honestly a good person to put in charge of a Logistics company (that you then. don’t take. on an expedition into foreign lands. Varka wtf are you doing, any expeditionary force marches on their logistics!) so she moms her company instead of the other way around.
- Both Albedo and what we know of the Ordo alchemists suggests they would not have a caretaking vibe in either direction, for the most part, but I very firmly headcanon that there is one little old lady alchemist who pinches his cheeks and calls him a “sweet boy” and brings him and Klee cookies every week and he’s kind of secretly charmed by her, actually.
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someuncreativi2 · 2 years
what does Tsaritsa thinks of cryo users?<3
[] What my Tsaritsa thinks of Cryo users []
“Kaeya’s family is Khaenri’ahn? Hm… I know very little about the nation other than the fact that it isn’t exactly close to Mondstadt, in either culture or location. Still, with that information alone, I find it commendable that he’s made a stable footing for himself.”
“So she left her clan to become the captain of one of Favonius’s companies? This may be a bit of a personal addition… but as someone who long wanted to do the same to her own family, I must say that it takes true courage to do what she did.”
“Oh, she was the lone survivor of that bandit attack by the border with Mondstadt. When the event was fresh in Snezhnaya’s mind, I remember feeling guilt that she went through that and I didn’t help. It’s good that she’s adjusted to her new life.
What’s that? She worships Barbatos now? That’s fine by me. If she believes he helped her more than I could, I won’t try to change her mind. Even then, it’s not like she’s incorrect…”
“Is that child making alcoholic beverages? Who is running that city to the point where this is perfectly legal? It’s a good thing that she’s strictly against alcohol. Otherwise, I’d truly have something to inform Varka of.”
“Capitano has actually introduced me to Mika on several occasions; for as soft-spoken as he is, we get along quite well. Our conversations give me a bit more insight into what goes on in Mondstadt…
…though, when I say he’s shy, I mean it. When I congratulated him for making the knights, his face turned so red that I had to cool him off with a spare Delusion!”
“She and I are something of a kindred spirit. Both her and I were forced to take on a challenge bigger than them, eventually being isolated from everyone they loved…
That was quite depressing. Point being, I can relate to her troubles.”
“An Adepti who never signed a contract with Morax? I suppose it would make the most sense to try and make your own decisions while only being restricted by your own moral code. It’s a unique situation among Liyue’s divinity, though, I must admit.”
“The art of exorcism requires devotion and discipline, I’d imagine. As such, his excess of Yang energy must certainly make the whole process more difficult. Still, his persistence in controlling his emotions is something I can respect.”
“From the stories I’ve heard of her, the last thing she thought of before dying was her family’s wellbeing. It’s quite a shame that such an innocent soul was taken by divine intervention. Fortunately, she is alive for us now, even if she is a zombie.”
Kamisato Ayaka
“She’s essentially the princess of Inazuma, right? Well, if that’s the case, then I am in complete support of her using her position for good; the nation needs all the help it can get right now.”
“The student from the Akademiya? Ah�� if you cross her, please tell her to relax! I understand that studying is incredibly important, especially in the lands of Buer, but nothing should come before one’s own health.”
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