#ETWF spoilers
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dontcallmecarrie · 2 years ago
For anyone wondering what’s going on with BDEL, Darth Calamity and...basically 99% of my AUs: every time I write, stuff going on in my life keeps coming out. Which normally isn’t bad, but we’re talking soap opera levels here. Like, ‘any more and I might as well write a biography’, and that’s Not Fun on a number of levels.
So, status update/ my internal narration on what keeps running through my head on the AUs you guys may or may not be wanting to hear about. Heads up for some minor spoilers, but way less than the outlines linked on my pinned post.
By Dawn’s Early Light:
...I have all of one (1) scene I’m eager to see, and that’s Howard Stark getting punched by Bucky in front of Steve Rogers. And maybe reassess how realistic this AU is, but tbh that feels more like something to tackle in the Coding Nightmare Fic I Have Yet To Finish because like hell I’m rewriting this fic.
By Myself But Not Alone:
look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair! Sing, oh muse, of the hubris of the fool who thought they could make their overly-complicated vision into a reality while only knowing the bare-bones basics of HTML.
...okay, but really, my main problem is that I’ve got several dozen pages of handwritten notes and outlines of potential Bad Endings to spice things up, but. Completely and utterly blocked on actually writing it out. Kinda debating on just posting what I’ve got and calling it a day because my brain refuses to expand on anything right now.
Live Through The Rain AU:
First off, I really want to brush up on Welcome to Night Vale to make sure I’ve got the tone right. Secondly, this one’s slated for Howard Stark redemption/character development boot camp via ‘yeah your world was just completely upended by one of the people you trusted most, no, that was just the first of many curveballs coming your way’, which I write when I’m trying to tackle a sympathetic and nuanced perspective of a very, very complicated man with a lot of issues.
...which means I have to be in the frame of mind to be sympathetic. Which, right now, I am not.
Incidentally, if you’ve noticed a sharp uptick in the levels of family drama in NHDD, this is why. Justin’s father is what happens when I am not inclined towards trying to be sympathetic towards parents who don’t have their shit together and insist on dragging everyone else down with them, Howard Stark is what happens when I’m not venting my issues onto fictional characters. [...apologies, btw, for anyone reading this. I try to keep personal stuff personal, but. This stuff keeps leaking into everything I touch, no matter how hard I try.]
Blurred Lines:
...this was my first fanfic, really. I’m kinda torn on how to approach it, really, because I started it out as an exhausted aspiring pre-med student who was not in a great place.
It’s been years since then; I am not where I’d once expected to be. It’s been over a decade since I’ve been up to date on what’s going on in Doctor Who, and noped out of Sherlock after the hot mess that happened after Season 2. On top of that, my writing’s all over the place because my teenage self had a long way to go when it came to storytelling, and part of me wants to go back and edit but the rest of me can’t help but think, ‘no, this fic has literally grown with you,’ even if it sounds cheesy as all get out.
All I know is, I want to finish this fic. I have a bullet point outline, next to no knowledge of Doctor Who lore and probably need to do a lot of research to do it, but it is going to happen. Eventually.
Ere The World Falls/The Lullaby of Obliteration:
Writer’s block hit me like a battering ram because ETWF was supposed to be finished in a week.
Look, this is what happens when all you have is a single scene you desperately want in the next chapter, but absolutely nothing else. Specifically, this snippet:
“Oh, I like you,” Hela laughed, something as cold and sharp as the rest of her and Tony didn’t know if he was imagining the goosebumps he felt right now.
Also, ETWF’s meant to be chaos incarnate and found family and end with hope for a better future for everyone, but... I kinda wrote myself into a corner on some things, and found a great way to tie Norse mythology and Marvel comics lore that would require either a lot of heavy editing, or a grimdark remix that I don’t actually have the energy to tackle, because I really kinda need happy endings right now.
Darth Calamity/The Man Who Sold The World:
you know what? I’ve been up to my ears in rl family drama, I am not up to writing fictional angst right now. The remix with more identity shenanigans? Maybe, but first I have to wade through Skywalker family drama to get there. Hmm. Where’s inspiration when you need it?
No Hero [Downward Descending]:
yes, I know Justin Hammer doesn’t come across as being good at this supervillain thing. No, I don’t know how we got here either, this was supposed to be my stab at writing a SI-OC [emphasis on the OC] that got a tad bit out of hand. Especially when it came to the family drama, because I originally had zero intention of expanding on it beyond ‘Justin’s life went on Hard Mode from an early age, and it’s part of why they are Like That now’, but turns out Hammer Senior is a great heat sink for some things. Apologies for that, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ turns out I really needed to vent.
...in retrospect, I missed a golden opportunity for said OC to make a comment about vaguely expecting to see everyone running around in spandex, and that is one of the few regrets I have. Just as a metacommentary on how desaturated the movies got later on, compared to what little I know of the comics.
Beyond that, though, I’m having a lot of fun with a protagonist who accidentally weaponized the power of friendship.
The War is Far From Over Now AU:
Main fic’s finished, still too burned out to consider tackling the sidefic.
The plan currently is to take all the ‘Stuff I Couldn’t Quite Fit In’ posts I made- aka all the plot points that ended up getting cut for my sanity, because my heart had been set on finishing TWiFFON before graduating undergrad and even that ended up going sideways- and playing by ear from there.
Specific plot points I’d once been eager to tackle had included stuff like ‘The Curious Case of James ‘Bucky’ Barnes’ [aka SI Legal’s freakout over the files they end up having to sort through in the aftermath of the Civil War arc], and ‘Vision’s Adventures In Trying To Become a Psychiatrist’ because multiple commenters basically went ‘wow JARVIS really needs therapy, and no one on Earth really is equipped to help Skynet here’ and I remember thinking, “lol yeah, that’s kinda the point, but also that’s a great idea!!!” and had been planning to write something to that effect. Only, things hit the fan in my life not long after, and then burnout on top of that, and next thing I know it’s been years since I last touched this AU but still feel no inclination to do so.
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dontcallmecarrie · 5 years ago
screw it, this “too many options that all sound appealing” thing is really messing with my rhythm so here, outlines for Endings 1-3. Major spoilers inbound, read at your own risk.
Ending 1: Stay With The Original Plan
canon ensues on Loki’s side, aka he falls right into Thanos’ clutches. [Un]fortunately for him, Thanos is even more pissy than in canon, since ‘his love’ is MIA and he’s hyperfocused on assembling the Infinity Gauntlet under the belief that this’ll be what finally gets her to say yes
somewhere in here, Loki realizes that this is the purple bastard Hela kept telling him about. Just to make this entire experience even more hellish, because having to listen to Thanos talk is more torture than the torture. 
optional, probably won't write: at some point, Thanos asks Loki for dating advice. Which’d go about as well as expected.
Meanwhile, Asgard, Earth, and just about everywhere in between has their hands full now that Helheim is empty and all of its demons are having a field day.
somewhere during the chaos, Fenrir breaks his binds and steals the Aether on the way out. 
cue potential alternate antagonist to make the Avengers assemble. Surtur, perhaps, for maximum irony because...
Jörmungandr wakes up just in time to see Hela bust out of Helheim, and immediately invites her to come with him. Fenrir joins the club when he gets out, too, and cue minor time skip as they all catch up and help each other reacclimatize to living outside of a glorified prison/the modern world. 
okay, from here, there’s two further endings I’d be having to pick between.
Option A:
shit goes down when Loki shows up.
The Avengers assemble, and get not one, not two, but five Asgardians crashing the party on the Helicarrier.
turns out one of them’s an ancient sorcerer who’s been camping out on Earth over the past thousand years and influencing some of their myths. Somehow, this isn’t the weirdest part.
a lot of dirty laundry gets aired in a very short period of time, aka the Avengers get a front-row seat to the shitshow that is the Asgardian royal family and Thor’s respect for his father tanks. 
The local sorcerer is the one who figures out Loki’s being mind-controlled, and Hela is royally pissed off when she finds out who’s responsible. 
well, actually, that’s not entirely accurate: when they find out Loki’s condition, nobody takes it well, and since some of the people in the room were basically used as living weapons for the better part of a millennia, well...
RIP, Thanos. 
[insert family reunion and happy ending here, probably]
Option B: 
[insert antagonist name here] shows up, Avengers assemble.
Cue confusion when an alien trio beats them to the punch, feat. a fuck-off huge wolf, a goth chick who keeps throwing swords [seriously, where is she even getting them from?], and a honest-to-goodness wizard. 
Cue even more confusion when Thor recognizes them as Loki’s friends, and then a lot of stuff goes down very fast when he finds out that they’re famous on Earth— because they’re prophesied to bring about Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard. 
[insert drama here]
Fenrir, Hela, and Jörmungandr quasi-joining the Avengers? Not as impossible as it sounds. 
Thanos shows up looking for the Infinity Stones. Hela oneshots him, and maybe brings him back to life just to kill him again when they find out what he did to Loki.
cue happy ending.
Ending 2: All The Angst And Dramatic Irony [feat. Major Character Death]
this one’d make it all a tragedy, and I hate making myself sad and also I didn’t tag for major character death, so that’s already two strikes against it but my brain can’t let it go so here goes:
Loki died when he fell from the Bifrost. 
Hela and Jörmungandr don’t know this, and don’t have much to compare notes because Jör last saw him when he fled and Hela’s last conversation was right before Thor’s coronation. However, they are aware that Loki succeeded in his mission of getting Hela free, and they know how happy Odin would’ve been when it happened— they’re operating under the assumption that he’s been imprisoned for treason, and gearing up to invade Asgard for the sole purpose of getting him out. 
The events of the first Avengers movie doesn’t happen/gets skipped.
Fenrir breaks out during the Convergence, scaring the crap out of Jane Foster and taking the Aether with him. 
The group has a reunion, and then all eyes turn to Asgard. 
Chaos ensues when the Dark Elves’ invasion is interrupted by a separate, entirely unrelated attack that somehow manages to do even more damage.
and incidentally end up fulfilling the prophecy along the way, because they have a bone to pick with Odin and everyone who helped him
Cue angst and sadness when the truth about Loki comes out. Because Thor enters the fight, and Fenrir/Hela/Jörmungandr would inevitably ask “where’s your brother?” and then out comes the story of what happened on the Bifrost
...and because I made myself sad, here, have an alternate ending:
Hela and the others categorically refuse to accept he died, and keep looking. 
Jörmungandr in particular points out that the Bifrost can result in wonky time-space shenanigans if not monitored closely, and considering the circumstances in which he fell, well...
Fenrir goes to town on Sakaar when they find Loki.
cue tearful reunion and happy ending.
Ending 3: CHAOS [the fun one that I’m honestly leaning towards]
aka taking all of MCU canon that I remember, and sticking it in a blender because timeline fuckery abounds and absolute no one knows wtf is going on anymore. 
Taking full advantage of the “Bifrost can result in accidental time travel” thing, and the fact that Thanos is distracted looking for Hela and the Infinity Stones which in turn affects when the events of the first Avengers movie happens, well...
after Loki falls, cue minor timeskip because of Reasons. Hela and Jörmungandr get the chance to start recovering from the whole “living on the run/being forced into this position” thing, and also start looking
then a lot of stuff goes down very very fast.
Loki shows up in Germany, catching the attention of not only the Avengers, but Hela and Jörmungandr. 
...the alien god talking about subjugation should’ve been the guy getting all the headlines, had it not been for the gigantic glowing wolf that showed up halfway through his speech. Or the aliens that followed him from gods-knew-where.
aka Fenrir breaks out during the Convergence, and the Dark Elves really, really, really want the Aether.
aka yes, this is the one where the events first Avengers movie and Thor: The Dark World happen concurrently.
SHIELD has their hands full, Erik Selvig and Jane Foster are working overtime to figure out wtf is going on, and Thor is less than helpful because all of other aliens can and will attack him on sight. 
Thor tries to drag Loki into custody.
Loki gets kidnapped on the way. By a wizard, because why the fuck not, things were already weird enough as is. 
Tracking down said wizard is an exercise in futility, but damn if they don’t try anyway. 
Having Clint Barton and his associates get portalled in with an honest-to-goodness apology note? Sure, just add it onto the pile. 
Everyone in SHIELD is confused, anyone who knows their myths has just been screaming this entire time because there’s also been sightings of an enormous snake in the oceans [Jörmungandr’s defense system was working overtime, sue him], and things just keep escalating.
Eventually there’s a team-up, and then a human wizard shows up too? Saying something about how their duty was to safeguard the Earth from extradimensional threats and obviously SHIELD was doing a shit job of it? Fine. Just...fine.
hi, Stephen Strange
aka the Avengers assemble and there’s more of them because all hands on deck
[insert snappy dialogue and interactions here]
Hela when she finds out what Thanos is up to: (ง'̀-'́)ง
[insert cinematic fight scene with all the drama and irony and Norse mythology references]
cue happy ending
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dontcallmecarrie · 4 years ago
does Loki still fall into Thanos’ clutches in ending three?
When I was originally outlining this AU, back before it grew a plot beyond “Odin’s mistakes finally catch up to him centuries after he screwed Loki’s friend group over”, there were a few moments that I was looking forward to writing. 
For instance, Hela’s going “ugh, this creep again?” at Thanos, Jörmungandr accidentally-on-purpose starting a secret school of magic on Midgard like the little overachiever he is, and the dramatic irony surrounding Loki’s...everything, really, because canon!Loki sure got treated with a lot of suspicion despite only ever wanting to make his father proud, meanwhile ETWF!Loki would basically sell out all of Asgard for a corn chip and yet his ‘totally the responsible little brother, yep, nothing to see here’ act successfully fooled everyone for centuries. 
...this is all a long-winded way of me saying that yes, Loki still ends up crash-landing Thanos’ domain and no, he’s not going to have an easy time of it. Not for a while, at least.
Anything more specific than that would venture into major spoiler territory, and/or rehash the outline.
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