#ERP Portugal
vcerpconsulting · 4 months
Expert SAP S/4HANA Migration Services in Portugal
Experience top-tier SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA Migration Portugal with VC ERP Consulting, employing Lift and Shift, Greenfield, Bluefield and Brownfield, SAP Gold Partner with 24 years expertise.
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rrtot077 · 6 months
Maximize Business with Cost-Effective Digital Marketing in Dubai
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Digital marketing in Dubai has exceptionally increased to the latest trends in the field of digital marketing in the past years, as statistics show that over 150 percent of people increased their use in the field of digital marketing. With the positive feedback that the UAE receives from its customers, it is helping to build more business in the field of digital marketing and expand its services. 
IT supports services in Dubai. 
IT companies in Dubai mainly focus on providing various IT support services. While you hire or are thinking of doing that, you must see that they should include professionals and experts from the IT sector who will provide the best solutions for your business. Look for a company that is flexible in providing its services, and do not judge its size. 
It should provide necessary services, such as helping your business by providing SMB support and enterprise support, which will also include infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, desktop as a service, and software as a service. 
These IT support services will provide you with different services and different packages so that you can easily choose among them that will suit your budget. Gives 24/7 IT support so that whenever you get stuck in between, you can contact the IT consultant team and get advice on the solution for the problem that arises. 
IT outsourcing companies.
PromptTech Solutions 
It is the first best outsourcing company in Dubai, with a list of experienced and skilled manpower. It was established in 2014 and works almost 30 percent in web development, 25 percent each in custom software development and mobile development, and 10 percent each in back office outsourcing and other digital marketing industries. It has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE.
Voxron, Middle East 
It is the second-best outsourcing company in Dubai. It has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE, but also has offices in Germany, Australia, Belgium, Italy, Hong Kong, Portugal, Turkey, and India. It was founded in 1994 and gives almost 20 percent each to CRM consulting and SI, custom software development, ERP consulting, and SI, and 10 percent each to AI development, back office outsourcing, and call center services industries.
It is the third-best outsourcing company that provides proper guidance in setting up your business on the mainland, offshore, and in free zones. It was founded in 2022 and provides almost 25 percent each in the back office outsourcing, business consulting, corporate law and document digitization, and management industries. It has set up its headquarters in Dubai, UAE. 
Reach Employment Services
It is the fourth-best outsourcing company that provides services to a range of public and private sectors. It was founded in 1999 and holds almost 50 percent of the back office outsourcing and 25 percent each of the executive search and recruiting industries.
Leora Solutions LLP 
It is the fifth-best outsourcing company that provides its service with dedicated and technological experts. It was founded in 2015 and provides services with almost 25 percent each in custom software development, mobile app development, and web development, 15 percent in back office outsourcing, and 10 percent in web designing. 
ERC International 
It is the sixth-best outsourcing company that provides the best focus market and executes search engines. It was founded in 2014 and provides services to almost 50 percent of back office outsourcing, 20 percent of executives, and 15 percent each in HR consultancy and Recruiting industry 
IT consultancy in Dubai 
Agile Infoways LLC 
It is the first and best IT consultancy that provides creative business ideas to revolutionize business. It was founded in 2006, works primarily in English and in four time zones (CST, EST, MST, and PST), and gives almost 20 percent each to custom software development, mobile app development, and web development, 15 percent each to generative AI and IT staff augmentation, and 10 percent to IT strategy consultancy.
Iron Forge development 
It is the second-best IT consultancy that focuses on creating software designs and serves various works, mostly in English, in twelve time zones (EST, CST, MST, PST, AKST, HST, CNT, CTT, CET, EET, PNT, and PRT). It has its headquarters in the United States and serves almost 20 percent in custom software development, 15 percent each in mobile development and web development, and 10 percent each in E-commerce development, ERP consulting, SI, and enterprise app moderation. 
It is the third-best IT consultancy that provides a unique software approach to each client. It was established in 2022 and works mainly in English, Russian, and Ukrainian languages with timezones (ACT, CET, CST, EST, EET, GST, MET, MST, and PST) and serves almost 35 percent of custom software development 20 percent each to mobile app development and web development 15 percent to UX/UI design and 10 percent to IT strategy consulting.  Apart from the above-mentioned industry, it also looks after providing services in API development, AI development, and application testing. 
For the consulting part, it provides services for AI app development and design for consulting companies.
Netcomm Global 
It is the fourth-best consulting company in Dubai and provides the best connectivity to its users. It was established in 2016, and it also provides various network services, primarily in the English language, in three time zones (MET, PST, and PLT). and gives almost 60 percent in IT managed services, 20 percent in IT staff augmentation, and 10 percent each in the cloud consulting, SI, and cybersecurity industries. And it also serves industries like managed services, unified communication and consulting, cybersecurity, and many other industries. For IT consulting, it works for a digital marketing agency, an e-commerce agency, an engineering company, a technology company, or a frozen food company. 
It is the fifth-best digital advertising agency that works in Arabic and English with two time zones (EST and GST) established in 2017 and is currently working with 30 percent each in Pay Per Click, social media marketing, and 10 percent each in BI and big data consulting, SI, digital strategy, eCommerce marketing, and mobile app marketing industries. For the consulting part, it serves charity organizations, HR solutions companies, energy companies, relationship advice providers for nonprofit organizations, and development companies. VIDEN also provides services in industries like advertising and search engine optimization. 
Best Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai Providing IT services. 
edirect-It is the first suggested digital marketing agency that provides innovative approaches to all things and redirected toward the direction of growth internationally It was established in 2001 and specializes in 20 percent each of Pay per click, search engine optimization, web design, and web development industries, and 10 percent in branding and social media marketing. It has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE. it provides digital marketing services for marketing firms. 
Ninja Promo-it is the second-best digital marketing agency that provides service to your brand by evaluating multi-channel marketing solutions. It was established in 2017 and works primarily in the English language with two time zones (EST and EET). it provides services with 20 percent in social media marketing, 15 percent each in blockchain marketing, and mobile and app marketing. And ten percent each in advertising, digital strategy, and pay-per-click industries, apart from providing services in web design, video production, affiliate marketing, etc. For the digital marketing industry, it provides services for SMM, PR, and video production for blockchain, for a software product company, for a distribution company, for a DeFi educational portal, for a loyalty points company, for a steel company, and for a real estate company.
Square Marketing– it is the third-best digital marketing agency, with bases in Italy and the UAE. It was established in 2017 and works primarily in Arabic and English in CET and GST time zones, contributing almost 20 percent each to advertising, branding, digital strategy, social media marketing, and the web design industry. 
Cryptorsy– it is the fourth-best digital marketing agency that aims to craft an effective marketing strategy. It was established in 2021 and specializes in 30 percent blockchain marketing, 15 percent each in funding and investment, marketing strategy, and 10 percent in blockchain, branding, and content marketing. It has headquarters in Dubai, UAE. it provides services for gaming companies, NFT companies, fintech companies, and NFT gaming companies For video agencies. 
Devenup SEO– it is the fifth-best digital marketing agency that aims to focus largely on the SEO part. It was founded in 2015 and works primarily in English, German, and French in EET, PST, PNT, MST, CST, and EST time zones. With almost 70 percent to search engine optimization and 10 percent each in content marketing, content strategy, and pay-per-click industries,. It has its headquarters in Ukraine. It provides digital marketing services to plastic surgery clinics, cyber security software companies, and many others. 
In this blog, you get a clear understanding of various IT sectors and industry companies, which will help you build a mind map to select which particular. After reading this blog, you get an idea of what to consider as well, and you can also serve search engines and look after various digital marketing companies in Dubai. 
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pacosemnoticias · 9 months
Ambientalistas exigem maior reciclagem de equipamentos elétricos em Portugal
A associação ambientalista Zero exigiu ao Governo uma maior intervenção do setor dos resíduos, perante o “péssimo desempenho das entidades gestoras”.
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Por ocasião do Dia Internacional dos Resíduos dos Equipamentos Elétricos e Eletrónicos, a ZERO criticou o atraso do país nesta área, segundo os dados mais recentes.
Em 2021, a taxa de reciclagem destes resíduos foi de 14,5%, igualando o valor de 2020, quando a meta legal era de 65%.
“As entidades em causa (Electrão, ERP e E-Cycle) apenas recolheram 29 mil toneladas destes resíduos em 2021, quando as suas licenças as obrigavam a atingir um quantitativo de 130 mil toneladas”, acusam os ambientalistas, recordando que estas entidades gestores são financiadas pelas empresas que colocam estes equipamentos no mercado.
Essa verba visa suportar a “recolha e adequado tratamento desses equipamentos quando chegam ao seu fim de vida”, mas tem-se assistido a um “incumprimento sistemático que tem levado a graves problemas ambientais”, salientou a Zero.
Questões como a “libertação dos gases dos frigoríficos para a atmosfera com a consequente destruição da camada de ozono e o aumento da temperatura da atmosfera, a disseminação no ambiente de mercúrio proveniente das lâmpadas fluorescentes, ou ainda a libertação de diversos poluentes orgânicos persistentes existentes em vários destes equipamentos”, são alguns destes problemas.
Citado no comunicado, o dirigente da Zero Rui Berkemeier considera que há um “colapso iminente do sistema de gestão” destes resíduos, porque a lei prevê penalizações insignificantes pelo incumprimento das licenças das entidades gestoras.
Segundo os ambientalistas, “por cada tonelada de incumprimento das suas metas, as entidades gestoras têm de pagar uma Taxa de Gestão de Resíduos (TGR) no valor de €7,5, quando o custo de recolher e tratar uma tonelada de determinados tipos de REEE pode ser de várias centenas de euros”.
Por isso, compensa às entidades gestoras o não cumprimento das suas obrigações legais, considera a Zero, que avisa também para o problema dos frigoríficos usados.
“Os comerciantes de frigoríficos são obrigados por lei a recolherem os frigoríficos velhos quando entregam os novos”, mas isso só acontece em menos de 30% dos casos e “não se tem visto vontade política para que seja feita uma verdadeira fiscalização a estas ilegalidades”.
No que diz respeito ao resto do sistema de gestão dos resíduos elétricos, Portugal tem uma legislação em que as empresas que colocam os produtos no mercado têm de aderir e pagar a uma entidade gestora, que irá financiar a recolha e tratamento desses equipamentos quando chegam ao seu fim de vida.
No entanto, esses valores têm vindo a diminuir “face às necessidades das entidades gestoras, correspondendo atualmente a cerca de 25% do montante necessário para as entidades gestoras cumprirem as suas obrigações legais”, salientou a Zero.
Nesse sentido, os ambientalistas pedem também ao governo que resolva “rapidamente esta situação, a qual se arrasta há vários anos, comprometendo a sustentabilidade financeira” do setor.
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upnifycom · 9 months
Escolhendo Crm E Erp
Upnify CRM - um sistema sério de controle de vendas para empresas com aspirações de crescimento. Software De Crm Empresarial, Soluções De Software De Crm, Automação De Crm, Crm Software, Gestão De Clientes, Administração De Clientes, Gerenciamento De Clientes.Escolhendo Crm E Erp
Sobre companhia:-
 Upnify® asceu em 2009 sob a marca SalesUp!® como uma solução para a necessidade de acompanhamento dos prospectos gerados por vários canais, principalmente o digital. Nossas conclusões sobre campanhas de marketing que buscavam potencializar a força de vendas mostraram a necessidade de contar com ferramentas que tornassem a informação comercial da empresa transparente, para que vendas e marketing tivessem diálogos que levassem a alcançar os resultados desejados.
Ajudamos as empresas a aumentar a velocidade de vendas.Desenvolvemos ferramentas que permitem que você controle e melhore seu processo comercial e aumente a velocidade de suas vendas.
Upnify facilita a interação com seus clientes, e você mantém o controle de seus processos sempre no seu idioma. Upnify permite que você padronize seu processo de vendas para entender melhor seus clientes e fornecer os serviços de que precisam, antecipando suas necessidades
Clique aqui para mais informações:- https://upnify.com/pt/
Localização:- Portugal
Links de perfil de mídia social: -
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gestcon · 1 year
Proveedores de ERP en Uruguay
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Proveedores de ERP en Uruguay Edgard Zuluaga Proveedores ERP en Uruguay El uso de una solución de software ERP eficaz es clave para lograr el éxito en la gestión de los procesos de negocios (BPM).  El mercado uruguayo incluye muchos proveedores de este tipo de solución. Gecos (nosotros) Gecos Transformación Digital se especializa en implementar y administrar sistemas de gestión integrados, contando Proveedores ERP en Uruguay El uso de una solución de software ERP eficaz es clave para lograr el éxito en la gestión de los procesos de negocios (BPM).  El mercado uruguayo incluye muchos proveedores de este tipo de solución. Gecos (nosotros) Gecos Transformación Digital se especializa en implementar y administrar sistemas de gestión integrados, contando con clientes de primera línea, como SEVEL, Hospital Británico, Frigorífico Las Piedras, Organización Salhón y Universidad ORT, entre otros. La visión de Gecos es ser un referente en soluciones de gestión y sistemas. Su misión es transformar digitalmente los procesos de las empresas para hacerlas más eficientes, eficaces y rentables. Quiero una consultoría ERP Encuentre en la lista a continuación las mejores empresas de software ERP, agencias, proveedores de servicios y revendedores de TI que se encuentran actualmente en nuestra plataforma para ayudarlo con los servicios de implementación, capacitación, soporte o consultoría en Uruguay. Solicitud de Cotización  Filter Search Results: Select Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Argentina Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon Canada Chile China Colombia Congo Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guadeloupe Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Laos Latvia Lebanon Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mauritania Mexico Monaco Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Select City Montevideo SearchSort By: Default Sort A-Z Z-A Oldest to Newest Newest to Oldest OpenSurUna empresa uruguaya partner de Odoo desde 2014. -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise CRM ERP HR Administration MSPs   Odoo  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  QuanamQuanam tiene oficinas y operaciones directas en ocho localidades dentro de América Latina: Lima, México DF, Miami, Montevideo, Porto Alegre, Río de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile y San Pablo. Desde estas oficinas Quanam dirige las operaciones on-site,... -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise CRM ERP Supply Chain Management Analytics Software MSPs   IBM Odoo  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  NexitSoluciones de negocios de vanguardia basadas en software libre -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise ERP MSPs      View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  CABATELVea las soluciones, los servicios y la cartera de productos de CABATEL -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise ERP VOIP MSPs   Odoo  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  Arnaldo C CastroNos enfocamos en la provisión de capacidades profesionales en informática y tecnología, basados en una minuciosa selección de recursos humanos, capacitados al más alto nivel y potenciados con la experiencia de realizar esta tarea a gran escala, en mú... -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise CRM ERP Business Intelligence Cloud Storage MSPs   Odoo APC CA Red Hat Dell Fortinet Vmware more  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  DynamoMejoramos procesos de negocio implementando soluciones de ERP y CRM. Somos el único Microsoft AX Gold Partner en Uruguay. ¡Consúltenos! -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise CRM ERP Business Intelligence MSPs   Dynamics Power BI  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  InvenzisSomos una empresa de actividad global que brinda soluciones en tecnología SAP, promoviendo la innovación y logrando resultados rentables a nuestros clientes -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise ERP Procurement Analytics Software MSPs   SAP Hana Ariba  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  TDT ConsultantsVea las soluciones, los servicios y la cartera de productos de TDT Consultants -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise ERP Supply Chain Management MSPs   Odoo  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  Sistemas InformaticosSisinfo empresa uruguaya líder en desarrollo de software de gestión gubernamental. -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise ERP MSPs      View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  Arkano SoftwareArkano is a solution provider for enterprises that uses technology for digital transformation. 7 times Microsoft Partner of the Year. -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise CRM ERP Email Collaboration MSPs   Dynamics Microsoft 365 Microsoft Teams Microsoft  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  Dynamo GlobalBusiness Consulting Company with a Focus on Process Optimization through the Implementation of MS Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations and Support Services. UK & Latam -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise E-Signature CRM ERP eCommerce MSPs   Dynamics Microsoft Sana  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  InzolInzol se especializa en optimizar procesos de manufactura, mantenimiento y logística, a través de una metodología desarrollada especialmente para combinar la ingeniería de procesos con la incorporación de las últimas tecnologías en gestión in... -  Country: Uruguay - City: Montevideo   Expertise Enterprise Asset Management ERP MSPs   SAP SAP Business One Boyum IT Hana  View ProfileSolicitud de Cotización  Read the full article
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toptopic4u · 1 year
Remote Remote Senior Odoo Developer (m/f/d) at much
You want to work as a remote developer with the prospect of coming to Portugal after a successful freelance cooperation? We are a boutique consultancy in the heart of Munich and in sunny Lisbon with a focus on business IT & ERP systems. Our customers are fast-growing, international start-ups and medium-sized companies. We are ambitious, team-oriented and passionate about our work.We are looking…
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growblog45 · 2 years
Best Salesforce Implementation Company - Grow Global
Are you looking for a reliable Salesforce Implementation Company? Look no further than Grow Global! We are a leading provider of Salesforce services, and we have helped countless businesses get the most out of their Salesforce investment. Whether you're just getting started with Salesforce or you're looking for help with an existing implementation, we can assist you. We offer a full range of Salesforce services, including consulting, training, support, and custom development. If you're ready to take your business to the next level with Salesforce, contact us today to learn more about our services!
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What is Salesforce?
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses keep track of their customers, sales, and marketing data. It also provides businesses with tools to automate their sales and marketing processes. Salesforce Implementation Portugal, and its headquarters are in San Francisco, California.
What is an Implementation Company?
An implementation company is a firm that helps organizations plan, design, and implement new systems or applications. They can also be involved in upgrading or expanding existing ones.
The term "implementation company" is most often used in the context of information technology (IT) projects. But implementation firms can also be found in other industries, such as construction or manufacturing.There are many different types of implementation companies, each with their own areas of expertise. For example, some specialize in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, while others focus on Salesforce CRM Implementation. When choosing an implementation company, it's important to consider your specific needs and objectives. Make sure to ask plenty of questions so you can find the firm that's best suited for your project.
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pannimanagementteam · 2 years
Sage X3 Enterprise Administration Software Program For Distribution Corporations
Distributors are on the lookout for methods to handle their stock and associated information more successfully and effectively. Blog Get fleet management expertise on value control, productivity, driver administration, upkeep, security and compliance, and customer sage x3 distribution service. With three trustable software program solutions out there, Sage has been capable of simplify the functionalities that many of the leading ERP software firms have constructed a name on.
AP automation software program is a seamless add-on usable via the Sage X3 login. Payables automation is offered by way of either flat-file or API integration. Accounts payable and world mass funds automation add-on software streamlines workflows, validates vendors and payments information, automates approvals, reconciles funds mechanically, and supplies real-time stories. It simplifies every part of the enterprise, preparing you for no matter comes next, anywhere on the earth. With Sage Business Cloud X3, your small business is selecting the following technology enterprise administration software to assist grow quicker and be extra agile.
Customer Service - enhance efficiency and put prospects on the centre of your corporation with distinctive customer service capabilities and integration with Sage CRM. Sage X3 is a growth-oriented ERP answer, offering the best insights and tools to develop revenues, acquire new prospects and scale back prices. Sage X3 helps you increase your business development in an environment friendly method whereas chopping the prices, higher serving prospects and maintaining you ahead of the competition. Since Sage X3 is used worldwide, each new launch takes into account country-specific localization and compliance issues. In Sage X R1 and R2, a variety of compliance updates have been applied to help local jurisdictional necessities in France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and others .
Stay forward of developments and turn action into perception with built-in business evaluation instruments and reports. Sage X3 features a knowledge warehouse, an intelligence engine, and a library of predefined reviews that centralizes information then delivers it on demand to the proper people on the right time. Additionally, you'll find a way to expand the core analytics capabilities of Sage X3 with self-service, business sage x3 distribution intelligence choices such as Sage Intelligence and Sage Enterprise Intelligence. And other international markets, enterprise features like R&D, Costing, Testing, and Validations turn out to be more essential than ever. The Sage X3 price is dependent upon modules pricing, variety of customers, and integrations selected.
Sage X3 is a business management system which promises a optimistic ROI for the prospective customer. The above instance exhibits how sure enterprise process sage x3 distribution steps may be fully automated by choosing the right configuration options in Sage X3. It has on-premise and cloud deployability and caters to all industries and businesses of any measurement.
Careers We’re on the lookout for proficient, passionate individuals who share our vision of serving to companies make engagement extra human and actionable. Upcoming Events Discover what digital experiences are capable of with ON24 occasions. Customer Engagement Educate and retain customers, discover advocates and drive expansion.
Fleet tracking GPS fleet monitoring, maintenance alerts, performance reporting and asset monitoring. ActiveCampaign had one of the best automation options that I had seen, and it was extremely intuitive… A actual excellent mix of human and technology. Serving over a hundred and eighty,000 customers, ActiveCampaign’s industry-leading Customer Success Commitment contains 22 promises. A guarantee that you’ll at all times be ready to get what you need, if you need it. With 870+ integrations like Shopify, WordPress, and Zapier in our app marketplace, you’ll have all the advertising tools you need to succeed. Pre-built automation "recipes" designed to save heaps of you time and immediately develop your small business.
Finance covers monetary, private, cost and price range accounting, commitments, and fixed assets. It also can handle transfers and reporting of knowledge from one country to a different, and between subsidiaries and their headquarters. Sage Enterprise Management combines decentralized and international firm administration. It caters to numerous industries, including course of manufacturing, food and beverages, pharmaceutical, distribution, skilled services and insurance coverage. Two releases of Sage X at the moment are out there as of the date of this publishing.
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onviqa · 2 years
MES stands for the manufacturing execution system and Mundo MES is an ERP solution that helps manufacturing companies reduce their efforts and production cost. Mundo MES is oriented towards manufacturing companies and as aided by its 36 modules, it helps manage a range of operations from a single dedicated location and holistically induces work efficiency. As of current, Mundo MES is in use by several business owners of Lisbon city’s fishing industry in Lisbon, Portugal. It is used by clients to manage their manufacturing plants and warehouses.
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rrtot077 · 6 months
Maximize Business with Cost-Effective Digital Marketing in Dubai
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Digital marketing in Dubai has exceptionally increased to the latest trends in the field of digital marketing in the past years, as statistics show that over 150 percent of people increased their use in the field of digital marketing. With the positive feedback that the UAE receives from its customers, it is helping to build more business in the field of digital marketing and expand its services. 
IT supports services in Dubai. 
IT companies in Dubai mainly focus on providing various IT support services. While you hire or are thinking of doing that, you must see that they should include professionals and experts from the IT sector who will provide the best solutions for your business. Look for a company that is flexible in providing its services, and do not judge its size. 
It should provide necessary services, such as helping your business by providing SMB support and enterprise support, which will also include infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, desktop as a service, and software as a service. 
These IT support services will provide you with different services and different packages so that you can easily choose among them that will suit your budget. Gives 24/7 IT support so that whenever you get stuck in between, you can contact the IT consultant team and get advice on the solution for the problem that arises. 
IT outsourcing companies.
PromptTech Solutions 
It is the first best outsourcing company in Dubai, with a list of experienced and skilled manpower. It was established in 2014 and works almost 30 percent in web development, 25 percent each in custom software development and mobile development, and 10 percent each in back office outsourcing and other digital marketing industries. It has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE.
Voxron, Middle East 
It is the second-best outsourcing company in Dubai. It has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE, but also has offices in Germany, Australia, Belgium, Italy, Hong Kong, Portugal, Turkey, and India. It was founded in 1994 and gives almost 20 percent each to CRM consulting and SI, custom software development, ERP consulting, and SI, and 10 percent each to AI development, back office outsourcing, and call center services industries.
It is the third-best outsourcing company that provides proper guidance in setting up your business on the mainland, offshore, and in free zones. It was founded in 2022 and provides almost 25 percent each in the back office outsourcing, business consulting, corporate law and document digitization, and management industries. It has set up its headquarters in Dubai, UAE. 
Reach Employment Services
It is the fourth-best outsourcing company that provides services to a range of public and private sectors. It was founded in 1999 and holds almost 50 percent of the back office outsourcing and 25 percent each of the executive search and recruiting industries.
Leora Solutions LLP 
It is the fifth-best outsourcing company that provides its service with dedicated and technological experts. It was founded in 2015 and provides services with almost 25 percent each in custom software development, mobile app development, and web development, 15 percent in back office outsourcing, and 10 percent in web designing. 
ERC International 
It is the sixth-best outsourcing company that provides the best focus market and executes search engines. It was founded in 2014 and provides services to almost 50 percent of back office outsourcing, 20 percent of executives, and 15 percent each in HR consultancy and Recruiting industry 
IT consultancy in Dubai 
Agile Infoways LLC 
It is the first and best IT consultancy that provides creative business ideas to revolutionize business. It was founded in 2006, works primarily in English and in four time zones (CST, EST, MST, and PST), and gives almost 20 percent each to custom software development, mobile app development, and web development, 15 percent each to generative AI and IT staff augmentation, and 10 percent to IT strategy consultancy.
Iron Forge development 
It is the second-best IT consultancy that focuses on creating software designs and serves various works, mostly in English, in twelve time zones (EST, CST, MST, PST, AKST, HST, CNT, CTT, CET, EET, PNT, and PRT). It has its headquarters in the United States and serves almost 20 percent in custom software development, 15 percent each in mobile development and web development, and 10 percent each in E-commerce development, ERP consulting, SI, and enterprise app moderation. 
It is the third-best IT consultancy that provides a unique software approach to each client. It was established in 2022 and works mainly in English, Russian, and Ukrainian languages with timezones (ACT, CET, CST, EST, EET, GST, MET, MST, and PST) and serves almost 35 percent of custom software development 20 percent each to mobile app development and web development 15 percent to UX/UI design and 10 percent to IT strategy consulting.  Apart from the above-mentioned industry, it also looks after providing services in API development, AI development, and application testing. 
For the consulting part, it provides services for AI app development and design for consulting companies.
Netcomm Global 
It is the fourth-best consulting company in Dubai and provides the best connectivity to its users. It was established in 2016, and it also provides various network services, primarily in the English language, in three time zones (MET, PST, and PLT). and gives almost 60 percent in IT managed services, 20 percent in IT staff augmentation, and 10 percent each in the cloud consulting, SI, and cybersecurity industries. And it also serves industries like managed services, unified communication and consulting, cybersecurity, and many other industries. For IT consulting, it works for a digital marketing agency, an e-commerce agency, an engineering company, a technology company, or a frozen food company. 
It is the fifth-best digital advertising agency that works in Arabic and English with two time zones (EST and GST) established in 2017 and is currently working with 30 percent each in Pay Per Click, social media marketing, and 10 percent each in BI and big data consulting, SI, digital strategy, eCommerce marketing, and mobile app marketing industries. For the consulting part, it serves charity organizations, HR solutions companies, energy companies, relationship advice providers for nonprofit organizations, and development companies. VIDEN also provides services in industries like advertising and search engine optimization. 
Best Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai Providing IT services. 
edirect-It is the first suggested digital marketing agency that provides innovative approaches to all things and redirected toward the direction of growth internationally It was established in 2001 and specializes in 20 percent each of Pay per click, search engine optimization, web design, and web development industries, and 10 percent in branding and social media marketing. It has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE. it provides digital marketing services for marketing firms. 
Ninja Promo-it is the second-best digital marketing agency that provides service to your brand by evaluating multi-channel marketing solutions. It was established in 2017 and works primarily in the English language with two time zones (EST and EET). it provides services with 20 percent in social media marketing, 15 percent each in blockchain marketing, and mobile and app marketing. And ten percent each in advertising, digital strategy, and pay-per-click industries, apart from providing services in web design, video production, affiliate marketing, etc. For the digital marketing industry, it provides services for SMM, PR, and video production for blockchain, for a software product company, for a distribution company, for a DeFi educational portal, for a loyalty points company, for a steel company, and for a real estate company.
Square Marketing– it is the third-best digital marketing agency, with bases in Italy and the UAE. It was established in 2017 and works primarily in Arabic and English in CET and GST time zones, contributing almost 20 percent each to advertising, branding, digital strategy, social media marketing, and the web design industry. 
Cryptorsy– it is the fourth-best digital marketing agency that aims to craft an effective marketing strategy. It was established in 2021 and specializes in 30 percent blockchain marketing, 15 percent each in funding and investment, marketing strategy, and 10 percent in blockchain, branding, and content marketing. It has headquarters in Dubai, UAE. it provides services for gaming companies, NFT companies, fintech companies, and NFT gaming companies For video agencies. 
Devenup SEO– it is the fifth-best digital marketing agency that aims to focus largely on the SEO part. It was founded in 2015 and works primarily in English, German, and French in EET, PST, PNT, MST, CST, and EST time zones. With almost 70 percent to search engine optimization and 10 percent each in content marketing, content strategy, and pay-per-click industries,. It has its headquarters in Ukraine. It provides digital marketing services to plastic surgery clinics, cyber security software companies, and many others. 
In this blog, you get a clear understanding of various IT sectors and industry companies, which will help you build a mind map to select which particular. After reading this blog, you get an idea of what to consider as well, and you can also serve search engines and look after various digital marketing companies in Dubai. 
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lecapalmeira · 2 years
“Junta na Freguesia” o novo projeto lançado pela ERP Portugal
Projeto transforma as comunidades em postos de comando para a sustentabilidade. #ERP #ERPPortugal #JuntanaFreguesia #Eureciclo #sustentabilidade #JuntasdeFreguesia #Munícipios
“Junta na Freguesia” é o mais recente programa da ERP Portugal que, em conjunto com as Juntas de Freguesia e municípios de todo o país, vai contribuir para aumentar o conforto dos cidadãos. Com o principal objetivo de criar um movimento de sustentabilidade participada e facilitar a vida da comunidade, pretende-se o aumento da recolha e reciclagem de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e…
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nunopds · 2 years
Bandas Desenhadas: Quais são as novidades?
Bandas Desenhadas: Quais são as novidades? #bandasdesenhadas #spaghettibros #nestorburma #duke #lonesome #asterix #agathachristie #herculepoirot # carlostrillo #mandrafina #emmanuelmoynot #yvesh #hermann #yvesswolfs #fredericbremaud #zanon #ferri #conrad
Oito bandas desenhadas. Oito bandas desenhadas que nos chegaram recentemente às mãos são folheadas e comentadas: Para subscreveres o canal DOC DOC TV, clica aqui. MATERIAL USADOCâmara https://amzn.to/3mUyAgfMicrofone https://amzn.to/3FQvzoRCaixa câmara https://amzn.to/3FTwy7z (similar)Powerbank https://amzn.to/3HvelxxSuporte powerbank https://amzn.to/3sXwfoDCarregador powerbank…
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ampleebusiness · 3 years
How to Promote a Winery and Vineyard Business?
Time to leverage the power of content
If you haven't started formulating content on your website to promote your winery and vineyard business, Do it Now. Pandemic is a perfect time to leverage content.
Start blogging — share ideas, tips, views, videos, wine recipes. Gives your regular customers or visitors a reason to spend more time on your website. Encourage them to share their views in the comment section. This ultimately helps you to get more potential customer attention.
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Give a personalized service
Personalization is the best and easiest way to persuade your potential customers. People love personalization.
And, in the pandemic where the whole world is online, you can leverage social media platforms, emails, personalized letters, or SAAS software to get them personalized services.
Keep a track record of their data, previous history. And, recommend products accordingly. Not only products but offer them a few contents to read in which they might be interested.
Optimize your Sales Funnel
If you have not optimized your sales funnel and continue to promote wine and vineyard business then your losses are enough to tell you the importance of doing this. Things are not similar before the pandemic and in the pandemic.
Give attention to regular
Marketing tactics should be different for different groups of customers. Segregate regular customers and give them more specialized attention.
See who visits your website regularly, who engage with your content, who loves to buy wines from you. Winery Website Design @ https://www.ampleebusiness.com/winery-website-design/
Appreciate their purchase, gift them. This not only helps you create a more impactful impression on them but also helps you to increase true Customers through word of mouth.
It's time to be creative
It's your brand. No one knows your brand better than you. If you look for tips to promote wine and vineyard business, you'll get infinite ideas, and simply following those may or may get you a dream success.
Instead, be creative with your strategies. Try new ways, stuff to promote your wine and vineyard business. Experiment with ideas and see what persuades most to the target audience.
Make your own ways and be creative with it.
Online promotion is the best way to promote your wines and vineyards brands. With this online world, you'll be able to connect with more customers.
However, it's not easier to build an irresistible online impression. But implementing the above-shared tips, and with patience and you'll be able to recoup all your losses.
In case you need an expert assistant for promoting your wine and vineyards business, ping me here (https://www.ampleebusiness.com/contact). I'm waiting to assist you at Ample eBusiness @ https://www.ampleebusiness.com
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osikmcnnetwork · 7 years
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ERP Software for 40+ Industries, http://osikmcn.gagicrc.com/,  Erpisto Portugal
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All Inclusive
Directed by Corina Schwingruber Ilić | 10 minutes | All ages | Victorian Premiere
Consumer society is skewered in this amusing portrait of a luxury cruise ship, a world in which every paying customer’s wish can be fulfilled.
Country: Switzerland Year: 2018 Language: No dialogue Screens with: Window Boy Would Also Like to Have a Submarine
Directed by João Vladimiro | 29 minutes | 15+ | Victorian Premiere
A series of strange incidents leave only one man left in a rural Portuguese town. He becomes obsessed with the problem of his own burial.
Country: Portugal Year: 2018 Language: Portuguese Screens with: Inside the Diamond
Blue Honda Civic
Directed by Jussi Eerola | 11 minutes | All ages | Victorian Premiere
A minimalistic road movie that mirrors the emotions of the driver through the landscapes they have chosen to look at.
Country: Finland Year: 2020 Language: No dialogue Screens with: Searchers
Directed by Noemi Osselaer | 20 minutes | All ages | Victorian Premiere
Surrounded by the sound of nocturnal animals, a girl falls into a deep sleep. Gradually we are drawn into her dream, which unfolds into a cosmic journey through the meadows of a Belgian village.
Country: Belgium Year: 2019 Language: No dialogue Screens with: Pajeú
Go Seppuku Yourselves
Directed by Toshiaki Toyoda | 22 minutes | 15+ | Victorian Premiere
A man is tasked with assisting in the ritual suicide of a samurai who won't die without condemning the corrupt powers that be.
Country: Japan Year: 2021 Language: Japanese Screens with: The Day of Destruction
Directed by Sid Iandovka and Anya Tsyrlina | 7 minutes | All ages | Victorian Premiere
Newsreel footage from 1970s Siberia forms the basis of this enchanting mixed-media work.
Country: Switzerland Year: 2019 Language: No dialogue Screens with: Ecstasy
In the Air Tonight
Directed by Andrew Norman Wilson | 17 minutes | All ages | Australian Theatrical Premiere
A mysterious stranger explains the inspiration behind Phil Collins' iconic 1980 single “In the Air Tonight”.
Country: USA Year: 2020 Language: English Screens with: Crestone
The Rabbit Hunters
Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, and Galen Johnson | 7 minutes | All ages | Australian Premiere
Isabella Rossellini stars in this magical tribute to the films of Federico Fellini.
Country: Canada Year: 2020 Language: English Screens with: Slow Machine
Still Processing
Directed by Sophy Romvari | 17 minutes | All ages | Victorian Premiere
A box of stunning family photos awakens grief and lost memories as they are viewed for the first time on camera.
Country: Canada Year: 2020 Language: English Screens with: The Good Woman of Sichuan
Stump the Guesser
Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, and Galen Johnson | 19 minutes | All ages | Australian Premiere
After a bad day at work, a fairground performer sets out to disprove the theory of heredity so that he can marry his sister.
Country: Canada Year: 2020 Language: English Screens with: Slow Machine
Sun Dog
Directed by Dorian Jespers | 20 minutes | 15+ | Victorian Premiere
A young locksmith in the obscurity of the Russian Arctic roams through the alleys of concrete, animated by a fantasy that isolates him from the city and its population.
Country: Belgium/Russia Year: 2020 Language: Russian Screens with: Accidental Luxurience of the Translucent Watery Rebus
Talking Dreams
Directed by Bruno Rocchi | 38 minutes | All ages | Victorian Premiere
This award-winning ethnographic film is set in a village in West Africa where the hosts of local radio interpret the dreams of their listeners.
Country: Italy Year: 2020 Language: French Screens with: Dreaming Under Capitalism
Twelve Tales Told (3D)
Directed by Johann Lurf | 4 minutes | All ages | Australian Premiere
A dozen logos for Hollywood production companies play before you as they would precede a normal Hollywood production, appropriately in 3D for digital projection.
Country: Austria Year: 2014 Language: No dialogue Screens with: Paprika
Wolf's Calling
Directed by Toshiaki Toyoda | 16 minutes | 15+ | Victorian Premiere
A girl finds an old handgun in her attic and the symbolic object conjures a mystical scene of samurai.
Country: Japan Year: 2019 Language: Japanese Screens with: The Day of Destruction
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psatalk · 2 years
SisTrade at Print4All in Milan
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With its Italian partner I&C, the Portugal headquartered SisTrade took part as an exhibitor at Print4All in Milan, Italy from 3 to 6 May 2022. Essentially a software company with strong ERP solutions it has a full range of software solutions and development across industry. A supplier of a verticalized system for the packaging, flexible packaging and label industry, it was there to strengthen its position and brand recognition in the market.
The company has a strong software suite for the label industry that looks at the entire production process including materials, printing, and die-cutting. Its production software is integrated with management ERP systems. Visitors to show had the opportunity to get to know the latest release and a new generation of Sistrade software for the printing industry, which can play an important role in smart factories, contributing to better automation and greater productivity, efficiency and quality in the operations of a company.
According to Natacha Santos, Country manager for Italy, “Print4All was a fair with good results, with many participants and visitors. Even though it did not reach the pre-pandemic numbers, it showed that the sector wants to react to all the obstacles and constraints we are still experiencing today. The success of this fair was confirmed by the visits of potential customers, who were very curious about the solutions presented by us. We concluded that Italy is a market with great potential for SisTrade.”
SisTrade continues, therefore, to bet on the promotion of its software in important trade fairs, a strategy that has provided positive results over the years. The company which is fairly well represented across Europe is also present in Thailand in Asia and on other continents. The company will also be exhibiting at the Gulf Print & Pack show in Dubai from 24 to 26 May 2022.
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