sonnykissed · 1 year
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Erick Rowan is now the only remaining member of the original Wyatt Family 💔
My heart is going out to him on this day :(
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One of the many things that saddened me with Windham's passing was the realization that his story would never be finished that his story would be another unfortunately unfinished wrestling story
I am glad to know that I was wrong
I am glad to know that Windham's story continues through Taylor
I am glad to know that Windham's legacy continues through Taylor
And I am glad to know that Windham continues through Taylor he continues through all of us
With the recent events with The Wyatt 6 you can feel Windham's presence you can feel him there
While he may not be there physically he's there in spirit
Windham lives on through Taylor, through all of us
Windham is only gone physically
He was there throughout the teasers he was there last Monday and he was there yesterday
Windham Rotunda lives on through his family, through his friends and his fans
So long as you keep Windham's memory in your heart he isn't truly gone
He lives on through all of us
Never forget that
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
I can't even imagine what Braun and Erick are going through, losing Brodie and Bray in the span of three years. But I hope that locker room showed them so much love
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Raw Flashback - Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon, Roman Reigns, The Wyatt Family
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bbygirlky18 · 1 year
Can you make me a Bray Wyatt, Brodie Lee, Erik Rowan, and Braun Strowman request where the new diva joins the Wyatt Family and the call her Malphasia (which means The Mistress of Malice and Illusion) can you do it girlie. Thxs girlie
The Wyatt Family's new Member! Bray Wyatt/Windham Rotunda (R.I.P.), Luke Harper/Brodie Lee (R.I.P), Erik Rowan, Braun Strowman
Bray Wyatt/Windham Rotunda (Rest his soul. BTW this story is me just getting over how we lost a great legend so I hope this brings you comfort), Luke Harper/Brodie Lee, Erik Rowan, Braun Strowman x Mona Romero aka Malphasia.
Warnings: Violence and mention of Blood!!
Word Count: 296
A/N: This is the first Wyatt Family fic I've written. I tried really hard to not cry while writing this. This was sent in by @bbygirlnessa18
@bbygirlnessa18 Mona is the name.
Hope you like it.
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The WWE Universe was abuzz when Bray Wyatt signaled the arrival of a new recruit to the Wyatt family. Introducing Malphasia, the newest Diva that would join their nefarious ranks. It was a bold move, as fans and superstars alike knew that Malphasia was incredibly powerful. But Luke Harper, Erik Rowan, and Braun Strowman were excited to have her join their team.
Malphasia kicked off her debut by taking part in a match against the Usos, John Cena, Dean Ambrose, and Liv Morgan. The match was not without its share of violence, as Malphasia quickly revealed her true power. She unleashed a vicious flurry of strikes, taking out each of her opponents with a force of pure fury.
The Usos, John Cena, Dean Ambrose, and Liv Morgan were all left bleeding from the onslaught, and fans in the arena reacted in shock. Malphasia made it clear that she was there to take no prisoners, and had every intention of proving her power.
But the real surprise came at the conclusion of the match, as Malphasia revealed her alliance with the Wyatt family. Harper, Rowan, Strowman, and Wyatt all came down to the ring to congratulate her on her impressive debut. It was clear that the addition of Malphasia was another step towards the dominance of the Wyatt family.
Malphasia’s debut was nothing short of amazing, and it has to be said that she’s already made a huge statement to the WWE Universe. It will be exciting to see her continue to develop her skills in the WWE and see how she fits in with the Wyatt Family. One thing’s for sure, though; Malphasia is a force to be reckoned with, and her presence is sure to be felt in the WWE for many years to come.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. I love you guys so so so so much. <33333
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I like to think that when Erick and Braun get on a plane and go home and they look out their plane windows and the sun is rising... they see Bray running over the clouds and laughing and saying "wait for me!" like he's trying to hitch a ride on the plane and he just looks at them and waves with a huge smile on his face... I really hoped that this was fake and that Bray would pop out of nowhere and surprise everyone with a huge smile but I know it's not and I hope that Bray is up there sitting on a cloud and waiting for his friends planes to pass by so he could follow them around and be the most perfect guardian angel he could be (and probably mess with LA Knight too just for fun)
Rest In Peace Bray Wyatt
You were a fucking masterpiece
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blueonwrestling · 1 year
emotional intro with that bray wyatt tribute, nice to see rowan and strowman.
that rocking chair there, fuck dude, that was heartbreaking.
theres only two wyatt family members left, and that sucks.
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kitwilsonsass · 1 year
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delilahcalicocat · 5 months
Backlash was fuckin' awesome!
(Warning: me being a fucking pro yapper below, read at your own risk because I overthink everything!)
I just wish Seth was there, praying he has a speedy recovery!
But y'all, the qr code we got leads to a website with a phone number, its the d phone number that appeared during a howdy segment.
888-280-3999. Was the number that if you originally called had a psychic evaluation of Bray's Character...
The website is called porte_ouverte, and that in English from French translation is: "Open Door" the audio file for the phone number talks about the story of the shepherd.
Erick rowan recently resigned, Gacy has been in creative, Braun just got back. And the fucking audio file on the website sounds like Bliss. I'm actually thinking the voice on the website is Lily.
Because Alexa stated in one of her therapy segments that the therapist didn't know what he was looking for.
And I'm certain that Alexa also once said Lily is from Lilith.
And the word Broken and Reborn show up alot.
What does the Morse code from WWE.com/1911 say? "Azazel Reborn"
Theres alot of astronomy and astrology, Bible Verses. And Fallen Angels/Demons mentioned...
Im pretty certain something is going to happen on RAW. There was also another name drop in the source code
It literally says "Sneaky Sneaky Penfold200"
(Their a Twitter/X user By the way, go check them out)
And Azazel Reborn is a reference to the fallen angel, being reborn was falling to hell.
We also need not counting howdy, one male wrestler + one female wrestler. Because typically in a herd of sheep, there's four male and two female. 4+2=6. I think Liv might join.
And we've the notes dropped at three doorsteps...
Erick, Braun, and Alexa...
Gacy, Liv, And maybe Matt Hardy will be the ones Howdy accepted..
Because we've seen the girl that looks like Sister Abigail. In the old fun house.
Anyways, with my yapping out of the way. What do you think? Reply and let me hear your theories! <3
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eddiefrickenmunson · 2 years
The wyatt family🖤🖤🖤
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And yes I was scared shitless in the first picture 😂 @windhamsrotunda
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As much as I would love Logan getting his shit wrecked by The Wyatt 6 he simply is not worthy to be apart of Bray's legacy
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littlevampie222 · 1 year
Bring Rowan back and pair him with Strowman again so they can carry on the legacy in that way 👏🏻
(Bo, too, sometime).
They really don't do much with Braun anyways, and they could use more great tag teams!
(If/when Braun can return).
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
The absolute PERFECT way to debut Uncle Howdy and the new Wyatt Family. A massacre. Everyone looks strong. The costumes looks phenomenal and it looks like a great start. That single note at the beginning of Shatter just playing over and over again... the lantern... the illuminated doorway... the fireflies... all of it.
Bo Dallas as Uncle Howdy
Nikki Cross as Abby The Witch
Erick Rowan as Ramblin Rabbit
Joe Gacy as Huskus the Pig
Dexter Lumis as Mercy the Buzzard
No sign of Alexa, but I believe that there is going to be a slow burn where Alexa becomes Sister Abigail.
So I had a thought. What if they use The Fiend? The Fiend is a huge part of the Funhouse. and they have that unused new Fiend costume that was made. So WHAT IF Braun Strowman becomes The Fiend as a tribute to Bray?
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acknowledge-reigns · 8 months
Somebody truly had the nerve to say Roman has never had to deal with or wrestle with injuries/set backs in his career and that he "could never power through like C*dy did with his torn pec". First of all, comparing how these two athletes deal with injuries is big fucking weird but since we're going there and I take my role of #1 Joe Anoa'i defender to heart what I'm not about to do is let y'all set up here on this internet and make it seem as if my Tribal Chief ain't ever fought through shit because this man is a WARRIOR, do you hear me???
(HE'S A TWO TIME LEUKEMIA SURVIVOR SINCE Y'ALL MOTHERFUCKERS LIKE TO FORGET HE KICKED CANCER'S ASS TOO.) Generally speaking, not just that situation but in many others in Joe's life, some of your faves would have folded. (especially those two yt men that run from company to company when they don't get their way) . Really this ain't shade to C*dy, I give him his props for powering through injuries and shit too. Most of these superstars have. And saying some of them would probably fold (hell, I would. Most of us would.) Isn't saying they're weak. I'm saying Roman is a badass on a different level and you can argue with your momma or with the wall on that one, not me.
List of injuries/illnesses known to us throughout Roman's career -
Back + Hip injury 2023 (Sumerslam, v Jey Uso.)
Ruptured Ear Drum 2022 (Survivor Series, v Kevin Owens who surprised him with a spot that was not planned and resulted in the injury. There however is no bad blood between the two.)
Had COVID 2022 (https://www.espn.com/wwe/story/_/id/32974962/roman-reigns-wwe-biggest-star-tests-positive-covid-19-scratched-atlanta-event)
Lingering affects from COVID 2022 (due to being immunocompromised https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/roman-reigns-discusses-his-covid-experience-says-he-still-feels-chest-tightness)
Shoulder/Arm injury 2022 (Wrestlemania 38, v Brock Lesnar)
Reveals Leukemia treatment side effects (including Nausea and arthritis in arms and legs, mentioned in 2019 and 2020 interviews. Ex. https://www.leukaemiacare.org.uk/support-and-information/latest-from-leukaemia-care/inspirational-stories/roman-reigns-wwe-cml-and-me/#:~:text=Previously%2C%20Reigns%20revealed%20to%20the,in%20terms%20of%20being%20sick.)
Knee Injury 2019 (Hell in a cell tornado tag with Daniel Bryan, v Erick Rowan and Luke Harper.)
Second battle with Leukemia 2018
Eye injury, required stitches 2018 (after 6 man tag match on RAW https://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/wwe/roman-reigns-gets-stitches-raw)
Shoulder injury + Cracked ribs 2017 ( RAW, v Braun Strowman)
Shattered nose + Surgery 2016 ( v Triple H. See attached article https://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2016-02-22/article/reigns-surgery)
Needed stitches May 2016 (live show, see photos https://www.wwe.com/worldwide/gallery/roman-reigns-receives-stitches-in-melbourne-australia-photos#fid-40042095)
Head Injury that required staples 2014 (https://youtu.be/OYMce1GDiDc?si=KtbVybtoQVr7FKDL)
Emergency surgery for Hernia 2014 (which he wrestled for some time while dealing with, see WWE.com article herehttps://www.wwe.com/shows/nightofchampions/2014/roman-reigns-breaking-news)
This list does not include FCW injuries, football injuries or his 2007 leukemia diagnosis durring which he was unhoused with a child on the way. And these are just the instances we know of!
Say what you will about Roman in kayfabe but do not minimize the struggles Joe has been through or his resilience. And if you're a Roman "fan" buying into the the rhetoric that he hasn't faced any adversity then as my dear friend @love-islike-abomb says, Please "Go whistle in the woods". IYKYK.
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Oh and while we all here...
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Acknowledge him, Bitches ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾.
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mjfass · 5 months
Some interesting little tidbits that have occurred in the last few weeks RE Uncle Howdy/Bo Dallas:
- At the end of the Bray doc, there was an Uncle Howdy tease.
- During the Raw and Smackdown after WrestleMania this week, the lights have gone out during commercials and an eerie song had been played (like how the white rabbit stuff started)
- There were also glitches on both TV broadcasts, the one on Raw said “hello” and the one on SD said “you forgot about us?”.
- WWEs Twitter account tweeted hello a bunch of times after Raw, but it was deleted.
- Braun Strowman was interviewed during WM weekend and confirmed he’s nearing a return.
- The word is Alexa Bliss may also be back soon after her maternity leave.
- And now several indie promotions, such as East Coast Pro Wrestling, that had Erick Redbeard booked have said he cannot make their events due to “other contractual obligations.”
Wyatt 6? My only question is who the 2 will be with Bo/Howdy, Alexa, Braun and Erick. Joe Gacy would be a good fit, but apart from that I’m stumped.
These were the hints that made it on air and on Twitter:
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I’m so genuinely curious to see where this is going. It’s so interesting! It’s lovely to see them continuing Bray’s legacy and work.
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Rest in Peace Bray Wyatt
It's taking a lot for me to say this right now. I know I haven't posted anything in a while, and this is the first thing I do post, but I have to post something about it.
Earlier today, one of my favorite wrestlers, Windham Rotunda (AKA Bray Wyatt) passed away at the age of 36. I'm absolutely heartbroken and for a while I was at a loss for words for the longest time.
This was the leader of the Wyatt Family, the stable in WWE that also had Erick Rowan, Braun Strowman, and another favorite wrestlers of mine who passed away in December of 2020, Brodie Lee (known as Luke Harper in WWE). It's very heartbreaking because they were all like brothers, and from Erick's appearance on Brodie's memorial episode of AEW dynamite at the end of 2020, he was absolutely devastated.
Bray Wyatt was one of the best talkers WWE and the professional wrestling world has had and will ever have. He had such an amazing imagination that could expand far beyond his wrestling career if he ever wanted. I can't help but wonder what could have been if he could have come back, and if he got to return and pursue stuff outside of wrestling.
In my opinion, for what little it matters, he should be a future Hall of Famer. The Wyatt Family should all go in the Hall of Fame.
Please even if you're not a wrestling fan, even if you probably wouldn't understand, look up some of Bray's promo work in WWE. His voice is just amazing and his style of talking was so captivating. He was truly one of a kind. He deserved to have the whole world in his hands.
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"Goodbye for now, my brother. See you down the road."
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