herophase · 5 years
‘ t—thank you lemillion-San for saving me. ‘ —eri
Mirio’s arms ached, burned with the movement of every step he took, even as he leaned heavily against the walls, his other hand clutched tightly around Eri’s, just short of actually crushing her hand that was dwarfed by his. But he couldn’t stop, couldn’t allow himself to stop moving - there were more members of the Eight Precepts out there, more people who would come and take Eri from him even after Overhaul’s capture, even after his defeat, so he has to keep moving. They were getting closer to safety with every step, of that Mirio was sure, but he needed to get Eri to a Pro hero, and then he needed to go back and get Sir Nighteye - needed to find someone to heal him, SAVE HIM.
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Eri’s soft words faltered him only slightly as he turned to look at her, his heart overwhelmed and BREAKING with every moment but he SMILED at her so brightly, scooping her up into his arms despite the screaming his limbs did - maybe he could move faster this way? He glanced away for just a moment, eyes locking with the door, with the light that trailed in from the outside before looking back at Eri - his smile never faltering for a moment.
“It’s what HEROES do, Eri-chan!” He spoke as brightly as he good despite his straining, despite the undercurrent of guilt that was streaming through his veins. Saving people is what heroes do - he just wished he had saved her SOONER. 
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