#EH past
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jupiterlandings · 6 months ago
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Ectober Day 4: Came Back Wrong
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13thdoodle · 6 months ago
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[ Ectoberhaunt24 Day 1 : Past Present Future ]
Here they aarrreee~ The chaos trio UwU
This is based of my DP RET Time AU, where trio are basically adopted by CW to be his wards and given powers over past present and future respectively
Sam got Past, Danny Present, Tucker Future
Ok I be so real, I actually have no idea how Sam's past power works, but I do like hourglass time aesthetic, so I gave it to her askjdnaskdj
the hourglass shape was actually me trying to draw the proper hour glass shape but draw one side too straight but I was like wait no I might be cooking sth here akjsdnakd
It kinda look neat n reminds me of those one sided die or impossible loop
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For Danny, I gave him string games/cat's craddles to connect multiple points of presents together. I use this butterfly(?) shape as reference bc sth sth butterfly effects
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Drawing hands.... (my beloved) (my detested)
For Tucker, he get to have fancy screens bc future tech tm I do give him the rings that match all 3 of their colors uwu
Blue for Danny, purple for Sam, and yellow-orange for himself. That also reflects on their robe. I was gonna give them all the same purple colors but I messed around with the base color change and the blue one looks really cute on Danny with purple textures so here we are sakdjansjkd
kinda reminds me of this fabric type a bit
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surelysilly · 5 months ago
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oct 18th: mirror image
Danny walks into the portal. He walks out. There is nothing wrong with this picture.
Chapters: 1/5
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Category: Gen
Rating: M
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply  
Characters: Danny Fenton, Tucker Foley, Valerie Gray, Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom), Jazz Fenton
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Supernatural Elements, Violence, Horror, Implied/Referenced Character Death
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m1tsm1ts · 5 months ago
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A little late but, here it is!
Ectoberhaunt day 16: "Bloom"
So yeah here is Sam. I drew most of this in watercolour but the blood blossoms are acrylic.
Who knew flowers are so hard to draw🤷🏻‍♀️
A consistent art style? Not me ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
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parad0xm0th · 6 months ago
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Ectoberhaunt day 1: past/present/future
Guy :3
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the-random-phan · 6 months ago
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Past | Present | Future
Show reference under the cut vvv
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aprocessionofthoughts · 5 months ago
ectoberhaunt24 day 10- creepy tw- none summary- Danny's always been a bit creepy. He is a Fenton after all.
masterlist ao3
Danny Fenton had always been a bit strange. But after the portal opened… After the ghosts started coming through… Things changed.
His classmates were the first to notice, whispering to each other about fangs and eyes that reflected light like a cats.
Dash had been the one to realize the thing about Danny’s eyes. He had been leaving the locker room, Danny the only one left, and Dash had shut off the lights, smirking over his shoulder only to freeze as Danny’s eyes reflected eerily back at him accompanied by a slowly growing and glowing smile that was wider than it had any right to be.
Dash had fled, though he’d never admit that to anyone.
Star had noticed the fangs after having seen Danny laughing at something his friends had said. He had quickly covered his mouth, but Star had seen.
Paulina mentioned that his ears look pointy. Kwan had confessed that he was pretty sure he had seen Danny step through a library bookshelf. 
But he was a Fenton, and Fenton’s were weird.
But things got stranger. Star’s friend was visiting from out of town and they went to the Nasty Burger for lunch. But as soon as they stepped through the door, Star’s friend froze. Star followed her gaze and saw the weird trio. Her friend’s eyes seemed to be locked onto Fenton. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
Her friend just shook her head, her eyes not leaving Fenton. She was pale and starting to shake. 
Star frowned and led her friend out of the restaurant.
“What was that?” she asked when her friend seemed to have calmed down.
“I don’t know. That guy was just really scary.”
Star refrained from scoffing. Fenton? Scary? Ridiculous. But still. Something was up.
And when Star mentioned it to her friends they were quiet for a moment before mentioning times when they had witnessed out of towners’ strange reactions to Danny.
They resolved to test it.
Dash invited some friends over and took them to Nasty Burger after he received a text confirming Fenton was there.
His friends froze a few steps past the door, their gazes locked on Fenton.
Dash continued on toward the registrar, and though his friends kept Dash between themselves and Fenton, their eyes constantly flickered toward the dark haired boy.
“Hey, Danny.” Paulina said, throwing an arm around the boy's shoulders. He stiffened but blushed, and Paulina smirked. She knew the effect she had. “Sooo… I was wondering if you’d like to come to tonight’s game?” she asked in her sweetest tone.
“Umm…” Danny’s gaze flickered to Sam and Tucker, but they seemed to be reveling in his discomfort. “I don’t think so?” he stammered.
Paulina pouted. “Come oooon.” she pleaded. “It’ll be fun! The team will love it if you come!”
“Uh, huh, sure.” Danny said, rolling his eyes, but Paulina saw Sam and Tucker exchange a look. They knew something, she was sure of it.
“Why do you even want me to go?” Danny asked.
“We need more student support, and if you come then your friends will come too.” She paused. “I’ll even pay you.”
Danny raised an eyebrow. “You’ll pay me to go to the game, and what? Just sit in the student section and cheer when they score?”
“Yes.” Paulina said.
Danny shared a glance with his friends. Sam nodded. “Fine.” Danny said, rolling his eyes.
That night with Danny sitting front and center in the student section, Casper High won by a landslide since the opposing team couldn’t seem to stop casting scared glances in Danny’s direction.
It became a thing after that, and an easy way for Danny to earn money.
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goodfish-bowl · 6 months ago
And Around We Go
Ectoberhaunt 2024 Day 9: Rise and Fall
This fought me so hard it did not want to be animated in any way, shape, or form. It ended up as a video for convenience's sake because it refused to be a gif.
Wanted to do something lineless. That seems to be a theme this month.
Ectoberhaunt 2024 Masterpost
Still image under the cut.
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furiarossa · 6 months ago
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Finally getting to post the first day for this year's @ectoberhaunt (which is our first!), and Clockwork gets the spotlight!
In case you're not familiar with that painting, the composition is a reference to The Three Ages of Man by Giorgione and we had... no idea what they should be looking at. So we turned that into art and now they're looking at the briefcase from Pulp Fiction, so we still have no idea what they're looking at, but it's ✨ an homage ✨ now.
[Oh, and a lot more of our Danny Phantom fanarts: Here’s our tag]
★ Instagram|Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices★
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murphy-kitt · 6 months ago
Ectoberhaunt Day 1 - Past
Word Count: 1822
When Jack and Maddie unexpectedly request Alicia take in Danny, she can’t help but worry that there are deeper problems at hand.
Tags: Angst, Slight Injury
It was an intervention, they had said. Some time away for him to deal with what had happened. The quiet din of the farm would be better for Danny than the constant clamour of Amity Park.
What has happened, Alicia still doesn’t know.
She sits at the kitchen table, the dogs circling around her feet. It’s only ever been her, Jip and Alec for a while now, at least since her last divorce.
And now Danny should be arriving soon. Of course, she loves her niece and nephew, even if it has been sometime since she’s seen them. The boy, she thinks, was obsessed with space. The girl, intuitive and a bit too in tune with the human psyche.
Alicia sips her coffee, pondering over what could be so bad it forced Maddie to take such a drastic decision. Amity Park and Spittoon aren’t exactly a stones throw away from one another.
There had been an accident of sorts, she remembers. Something to do with that ridiculous laboratory. An electric shock, was it?
But that was nearly a year ago. And Maddie hadn’t sounded half as concerned on the phone about that incident than the current predicament.
Then, she’s taken out of her thoughts by Jip whining, a high pitch that makes her ears ring.
‘Shush, you.’ Alicia scolds, chair scraping the tiled floor as she gets up. The collie dog paces to the door, the sputtering of an engine dying outside.
They’re here. Alicia’s not sure what to expect as she grabs the door handle, yanking it down with extra strength. She’s been too busy to fix that—but now it’ll be backlogged even more with Danny’s arrival.
It’s hard to miss the large tank currently imposing over her tiny house, gadgets arraying green and silver on the roof that she has no clue of.
“Alicia!” That’s the sound of one Jack Fenton leaping out the side of the..thing. Alicia doesn’t miss the clear bags under his eyes, the strain to his voice.
“Do I have to be here?” A sarcastic tone.
Danny is tiny. Alicia nearly topples over in shock, her hand finding the doorframe and feet cementing to the porch stairs. Jip whines, perceptive to the change.
Last time she saw him, a good few years, her nephew had been chatty and incessant about space. He’d always been small, a given since he was born six weeks premature. But this..it’s different.
He’s sickly. Frail. There’s a gauntness to his cheeks, a sharp edge where he was once rounded out with baby fat. His limbs are toothpicks, white needles marred with blemishes and blotches. A bandage twines around Danny’s left arm, clinging on as if it’s holding him together.
His clothes are filthy, torn and stained with green. She remembers Maddie mentioning...ectoplasm, perhaps? But after the accident, she thought Danny would have avoided the lab. At least that’s where she assumes it came from.
“Come in.” Alicia barely stutters through, shoving the door open. “Maddie not with you?”
“No.” Jack's demeanour instantly darkens. He turns to Danny, “I’ll get your things out the car, son. You go in.”
“Fine.” Danny folds his arms, scowling.
Great. Seemingly Danny’s sarcastic phase has set in, just another thing to deal with during this enigmatic stay. How long he’s staying for, Alicia doesn’t actually know. The weekend? Weeks? The whole summer?
They both enter the house, Danny begrudgingly following behind her like a lost puppy. As does Jack, two small duffel bags in his hands.
“Right son, I’ll leave you to it then?” Jack says, moving forward towards Danny, arms outstretched.
“Yeah, dad.” Danny takes a step back, hands in his pockets. Jack falters, the smile disappearing from his face.
“Oh—sorry, Danny. Your arm. I’ll—“
And with that, Jack vacates her small cabin, leaving only her and Danny standing around the table. He’s hunched over, like he’s being scrutinised. Or would rather be anywhere else.
What the hell happened?
“You’re in on it, aren’t you?” Is the first thing Danny says to her the next morning.
“What?” Is the only way she can respond as she pours milk into her cereal. Danny regards her, his glare icy.
She’d barely slept last night, ruminating over what could’ve happened. A fall out between Danny and his parents? Had he broken something in the lab, gotten injured?
“Why else would Mom and Dad send me here?” Danny folds his arms, looking down into his bowl of uneaten cereal.
“I don’t know. They thought you needed a break? They’re concerned about you.” An honest answer.
“They haven’t been concerned about me. Care more about the ghosts.” He shoves his chin into his hands, voice muffled so Alicia can barely hear.
She won’t deny Jack and Maddie are…absent as best. But she knows they do care deeply about Danny.
“Is this what it’s about? They’re focused more on their work than caring for you and Jazz?” Alicia asks, feeling the dread pool in her stomach. “Something happened to you and you wished they’d notice?”
Suddenly, the kitchen drops a few degrees.
Although the fire is blasting in the next room over, Jip curled beside, the hairs prick on Alicia’s neck. Tension curdles in her stomach as she watches Danny tense his fists into his hair. Toothpick arms, trembling.
He’s not the same as he was a few years ago. Sure, teenagers are meant to grow, become snappy, but this isn’t sarcasm or wit.
It’s fear.
“Danny,” she reaches forward, despite the trembling in her hands.
His eyes snap up. Icy. Once kind, sweet. Now filled with terror.
“Nothing—nothing happened to me!” He stammers out.
Which means something did.
“I don’t. It wasn’t meant to come out like this. Mom and Dad, they saw me, and I didn’t think. Not all of it, but they saw something. And now Mom won’t talk to me, and now they’re suspicious.”
“Suspicious?” Alicia hesitates. Danny has a secret of sorts? That he’s scared of Jack and Maddie knowing. That Maddie refuses to talk to him.
“It was this.” Danny gives her a fleeting look before gesturing to his shoulder, where the bloody bandage is still wrapped. On closer inspection she sees that there’s flecks of green in the bandage. Ectoplasm?
“You got into the lab? That ectoplasm stuff?”
“No, Aunt Alicia.I—I bleed it.”
What. Alicia’s ears ring as she shoves her chair back, the shrill noise echoing throughout the room. Rounding the table, she goes to Danny’s left.
“Can I?” She asks cautiously, gesturing to his arm.
The hesitance is clear in his posture, shoulders hunched by his ears, eyes wide, unblinking (were they always that blue?).
“You really don’t know, do you?” Danny mumbles, realisation seeping into his gaze. “They didn’t bring me here because they wanted you to get info.”
“You think they’d do that?” Alicia responds, trying to repress how appalled she is, both at his parents and his arm. The injury is far unlike anything she’s even seen, and living on a farm brings a range of afflictions.
Green bruises mottle most of the skin, from dark to lighter patches. It’s a burn of sorts, a mixture of green and red like a dated Christmas store.
“How’d you get this?” Alicia asks, as Danny tenses uncomfortably.
“Does it matter?” he deflects. “I’ve been like this for ages now.”
Ah. The green blood. Bleeding ectoplasm. What was a while back?
“Was it..was it your lab accident?” Alicia tenses. Now that she thinks, she can remember the phone call from Maddie, excitedly telling her about their ‘portal’, their life’s work. And then an extra tidbit about Danny having an electric shock, but that he was okay and seemed fine.
What if it had been worse, and Danny hadn’t told his parents?
“What if it was? What if it..changed me?”
”Look, kid. Trauma from that accident doesn’t mean you’ve changed, you’re still the sa—“
”It’s not like that, okay?! Sure, with the amount of psychoanalysis Jazz does on me, we know the accident traumatised me. But it’s not that.” Danny interrupts, twisting on his chair to face her.
Alicia pauses. Lets herself take a step back from Danny and sit back down, breakfast forgotten.
It’s clear this is serious. Alicia hates to think of the implications. Danny was in an accident much more serious than first thought. And not only he his hid it from his parents in fear of them finding out whatever it’s done, but they’ve never noticed.
How long ago was that accident? A year? And her sister and Jack had never noticed anything wrong until whatever had injured Danny had come to their attention?
”Okay, kid. I get it.” She puts her hands up in a placating gesture. If the accident was seriously altering, then it’s not something she wants to go interrogating him about. “How’d you get your wound?”
“What?!” The switch of topic has Danny sputtering, looking down at his arm. He regards her with narrowed eyes. “Why’d you want to know?”
”So I can re-bandage it. Is it a burn?” She gets up from the chair, opening the drawer besides the sink. Suddenly, Jip and Alec burst through the kitchen door, tails wagging.
”It’s not treats, you silly pair!” The dogs curiously nudge at Alicia’s legs as she approaches back to Danny, bandages and burn cream at hand.
”Yeah, a burn. Ectogun.”
”An ectogun. Isn’t that your pa—?”
”Yup.” Danny licks his lips, looking away, as if he’s considering something. “They didn’t know it was me.”
”They shot you?!” This time, there’s no hiding the horror in her voice. This has to be a mistake. An awful, horrible accident. Maddie and Jack wouldn’t shoot Danny deliberately, they couldn’t. Wouldn’t.
Maybe they hadn’t seen him? Out ghost hunting and he’d got caught in the fray?
”Yeah…” Danny replies. “The accident, when I say it changed me..I look different?”
”What, you’re a ghost?” Alicia scoffs. Maybe it’s her mind trying to find reprieve in the absolute bombshell, to try and find humour.
Then she sees the trembling hands, the frozen posture. Temperature of the room dropped. Jip and Alec pacing, ears pinned back, needle-focused on Danny.
”You—y’know that one Mom goes on about?” Danny’s breath hitches, his eyes bleary, “The one she’s got a real hatred for, the one she wants to dissect?”
She can’t forget. Phantom. News channels have never reached Spittoon with ghost news, but there’s no need, since Maddie likes to update her.
How Phantom is evil, the terror of Amity Park. Yet how he’s different, somehow more complex and never sticks to a routine like the others—how she’d love to capture him.
’That ghost terrorises us, Lise. The day me and Jack capture it, imagine the breakthroughs we’d have. The research potential!”
Phantom, the ghost Maddie wants to experiment on.
Phantom, the ghost that is Danny.
Alicia feels sick.
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jupiterlandings · 6 months ago
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Ectober Day 7: Bury/Unearth
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ovytia-art · 6 months ago
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Eek rushed this so no proper bg, but starting off with some good old Clockwork art :3
Ectoberhaunt 2024: Past/Present/Future
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papiliomame · 6 months ago
Ectoberhaunt 2024: Day 8 - Pirate Ship
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A ship in a bottle on a ship in a bottle... on a ship... in a bottle...
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ghostlyglimmer · 5 months ago
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@ectoberhaunt 2024 Day 9: Rise
This one is an AU where Danny is a GIW experiment and looks like he's about to rise into his newfound powers and break out of that place and destroy them, like they did him.g
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sheepheadfred · 5 months ago
Ectoberhaunt Day 16: Bloom
Summary: Jack and Maddie Fenton have been growing a special flower in secret for months, finally its buds are ready to bloom! But why is Danny becoming more avoidant than usual?
Ao3 link
At long last!
This rare flower, thought to be extinct, is finally blooming after all their hard work gardening. Well, mainly her hard work. Maddie took care of the more delicate and meticulous side of things. Jack tries but they both know he's not good at that sort of stuff. She can be hyper focused on the minute details but Jack gets bored easily if its not something he can freely do and has little patience for botany despite his best efforts.
A flower long thought to be gone for good grown right here in the lab. Sure they had to make a special enclosure for it but they didn't want ghosts or the kids with their rebellious, 'pro ghosts' phase, to mess with it before it could be ready to flower.
Heck, they were unaware it existed until one day when they were going through old Fenton Family Photos- the way Jack says it implies it is all capitalized- where they found notes by a witch hunting ancestors buried at the bottom mentioning how they were used to trap spirits and keep them from helping their witch masters.
It is said they are a great danger to the supernatural but completely safe, even delicious, for human consumption.
If enough bloom, they can use it in more anti ghost defenses if the stories prove true. Might even make a new weapon to capture a specimen if they get that far. The possibilities are endless!
While the kids were at school, they put it to the test. All throughout the house the blossomed flowers were arranged in every room. Red blooms decorate the walls and windowsills and other various surfaces connected by their black stems twisting around each other. Unassuming to those not in the know. Just a beautiful decoration to most.
And who else would even know about them? Not many for sure.
No ghost can leave the zone from their portal when the house has these flowers! If they come, they'll be trapped in the lab!
She's making a snack for her and Jack for the taste test, too!
Well, that and that she has been at this all day and does need a snack. You can't study and fight ghosts on an empty stomach after all!
Jack is in the basement lab working on a new weapon incorporating these plants.
The kids will never be safer here at home!
There haven't been any ghost attacks all day.
None of the ghost alerts they had set up around town have acted up. Sure, those only register ghosts above a certain threshold to compensate for the ectoplasmic background radiation the town is soaked in and that no good Phantom can seemingly hide in plain sight, but this has to mean it works on some level!
Anything coming through their portal will be trapped in the lab even when they're not home!
Oh, this is fantastic!
The kids will be happy that those spooks wont get in the way anymore. They should be, anyway. She can never really read them anymore, especially Danny. A shame, they used to be so close, too.
Speaking of the kids, it's about time for them to come home about now. Or it used to be before they both got so busy. Well, Jazz at least tries to be around them and return her bags before going back out or locking herself in her room to study.
Danny, though, keeps skipping school and ignoring curfew. When he doesn't skip, he has detention! That boy and his poor priorities. Why can't he be more like his sister? At least this way he will have more time to devote to his studies for once with his school getting attacked less!
"Mom! I'm home!" her eldest announces once she walks into the door. Dutiful and making sure they know shes home. What a good daughter!
Maddie, who was working on the Fenton Finder again, as its glitches keep detecting Danny, makes her way out of the kitchen to greet her oldest child.
"Hey, sweetie! How was school today? It's quite late, did you get some studying done or was it tutoring?" She couldn't help but gush.
Maddie is sure Jack would be asking the same, albeit with more arm pulling and back breaking hugs. She loves that man but he really doesn't know his own strength most of the time. Or keep it in check. There is a time and a place for it, after all.
"Things went fine, mom. What's with all the flowers, though? Didn't take you one for home decor."
There she goes, always questioning stuff. Such a strong, scientific mind.
Not that Danny doesn't but he tends to not want to use it. From what she has simply observed and all.
If something was truly wrong, then he would tell them. Right?
"Oh, just trying something new. Do you like it?"
"Um, yeah. I guess? But, why so many? And... you put these in every room?"
"Can never have too many flowers! These are a rare breed after all. They have special cleansing properties to ward off ghosts!" Maddie is excited to share this good news! They don't have to worry about one of those nasty ghosties waking them up anymore!, "And don't you worry about your rooms! Jack and I still remember your lectures on 'privacy' and 'personal space'. I just left a vase full in both yours and your brother's room, nothing too obstructive, on your windowsills."
"Uh huh. How did you find out about these flowers? What are they called, anyway?"
"Blood blossoms! We found an old journal from one of Jack's ancestors, Jack Fenton-Nightingale that held fascinating records we couldn't wait to see if they worked. I'm so glad you asked! You're welcome to join us if you want, sweetie."
Jazz looked more unnerved than enthused, but she's always busy with her own passions rather than wanting to focus on theirs, much to their chagrin.
"That's great, mom!," Jazz's enthusiasm sounds strained, "I'll let Danny know about the new floral arrangements before he gets home. I need to go study, they gave us a lot of homework today and I spent all afternoon torturing. Call me when it's time for dinner." And she is rushing out, clearly done with this conversation.
For some reason, it stings Maddie's heart at how flighty and avoidant her kids are. She knows they are at that age but it hurts her to feel them drifting.
"Wait," Maddie stops her daughter before she could leave, "before you hole yourself up. Where is Danny? Do you know? He usually tells you nowadays. I just... really do hope this helps him."
"He's with his friends like usual, mom. They have a project coming up and he might be staying over with them tonight. How do you think these flowers will help him?"
Jazz is fishing for information but Maddie can't bring herself to care. She desperately needs to share this worry with someone else. She has Jack, but sometimes he doesn't get it in a way that she needs and her social circle is depressingly small. A sacrifice she was willing to make for her studies and passion even if it's lonely.
"Your brother," Maddie begins, hoping the explanation will be able to let her oldest know her worries for her baby boy, "is always so frightened and runs away whenever ghosts attack. He can't even handle a conversation about them. I'm hoping that these ghost warding flowers will give him some peace of mind. Make it easier to sleep and study and catch up on school stuff. Where his priorities need to be if he wants to do well for himself. I know he has done well when given the chance. A mother worries, after all."
Jazz gave her a thoughtful, pensive look, like shes warring with herself, before settling on a sad, small smile.
"I get it. I'll make sure to let him know about the Blood Blossoms so he won't be caught off guard at the sudden change."
"Thank you for understanding, dear."
"Who knows, maybe Sam might think it's cool. She does have an interest in nature and preserving rare species."
It's obvious that she's trying to change the subject delicately and Maddie appreciates her thoughtfulness and more than willing to change it herself.
"That is a wonderful idea! I will have to bring that up next time I see her."
Maddie's joy at such a suggestion made her almost miss her daughters face fall, when she thought her mom wasn't looking. Such a sad, fragile smile as she made her way to her room.
I can feel the gap between us widening, but I'm unsure why or how to fix it.
It's been days and Danny still hasn't come home, not even to say 'Hi.'. Always at a friend's place for one reason or another. Maddie has grown increasingly worried. Sure, sometimes he skips curfew and sometimes he's not in his room at night, but outright avoidance is unlike him!
And she knows he didn't just up and leave. He still goes to school and is seen around town. Just never comes around here anymore.
What did they do to make him outright shun them? Shun her?
It wasn't until he did finally come home and stay the night that she saw something.
He's always been a bit withdrawn, more so since the portal activated, but this was a whole new level.
He was pale and shaking for at least an hour of him being home and out of his room. He avoided any food with the black stemmed rose-like buds, claiming to not be hungry when he hasn't left his room all day. He just smiled shakily that night, pretending nothing was wrong and claiming to just be tired. But his head drooped when he thought Jack and Maddie weren't looking. The bags under his eyes were more pronounced and he seemed to get worse the longer the night dragged.
Danny seemed nervous and on edge like something would come out to attack him. Which is silly, with our new defenses no ghost has left through our portal since they made these changes.
But, for some reason, he's more hesitant and distant from us. Like he expects us to hurt him.
I miss my baby boy. We used to be so close. I thought this would help him but it seems to have driven him further from me. I don't know what I did wrong.
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this-is-z-art-blog · 6 months ago
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[ID: digital drawing of Danny Fenton balancing on one foot on a gravestone, arms outspread, with an expression of focus. He's semi transparent and has glowing green eyes and freckles, and is wearing a white jumpsuit with black accents. The night around him is foggy, with a full moon forming a halo behind him. The text on the stone is partially cut off, but what's there reads 'Here Lies Daniel James Fenton'.]
@ectoberhaunt 2024 day 7 - Bury
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