hikaruchen · 18 days
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To Embrace and Kiss the Lord.
Speedpaint Video:
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yrpreciousmoon · 2 years
Dear Gravity (3/?)
Title: Dear Gravity (3/?) Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pairing: Akira Otoishi x Rohan Kishibe Rating: Teen (for now?) Summary: It’s dangerous living among the stars. You might just find yourself caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole. * A spin-off of “Morioh Hi-Fi” where we get a peek at what unfolds between these two drama kings. AN: Yooo this chapter comes with some illustrations... hope you enjoy. EDIT: I reworked the texting scene a little bit after it was pointed out that it was similar to another fic. Look, long distance flirting in the 00s was limited, okay. :p
Never in his life had Akira been so reluctant to leave for a tour. Usually he was absolutely itching to leave Morioh and the low-key lifestyle of his hometown... Ready to travel to new places, dine in new restaurants, meet new people, learn a few new tricks in the bedroom.
But now there was this strange gravitational pull of having an actual crush… the lure of feeling like a normal twenty-something for once.
(Although, he supposed, pining for someone far away was also pretty normal for a twenty-something to do.)
So, as his current time in town began to wind down, he did what he always did and made vague promises with all of his fair-weather friends to hang out in a few weeks when he got back. But this time, he also set something in concrete: He set a meeting with his artist to check in on the album art project immediately upon his return.
“You don’t get to slack off just ‘cause I’m going out of town,” Akira had winked, leaning on the table where they’d met for lunch one afternoon.
Rohan finished his sip of boba tea and scoffed. “What, you don’t trust me?”
“I just know how flaky artists are.”
“I’m going to be working on it every day.”
“Alright, then I expect daily updates through texts.”
Rohan just rolled his eyes.
In retrospect, Akira kind of wished he hadn’t even joked about it; because sending daily updates seemed like exactly the sort of thing Rohan would do of his own volition, but he definitely wasn’t going to do it now that Akira had brought up the idea.
And because of this, after Akira finished his set on his first night on tour, he was surprised to see that there was in fact a text message from the artist waiting for him.
He quickly removed his stage clothes and wiped his face off with a towel – streaking it with sweat and makeup – and then retreated to the privacy of his tour bus to read the message. He sat down on the edge of his bunk and opened it.
Huh. It was really unlike Rohan - he was rarely the first to text, and never without some pretense of business. Akira frowned a little bit, hoping nothing was wrong.
Hey. Sry for the late reply. Workin hard at the office, u know. Whats up
He tossed the phone onto his bed, then stripped out of the white tank that he’d worn under his stage clothes, preparing for an early bed time. As he stood stretching out his sore muscles, the phone chirped again with a reply.
Out withthe boys how did show go
Akira tilted his head. This wasn’t how Rohan wrote, either. His usual attention to grammar and syntax seemed to be out the window. So, he was out with the boys, eh…?
U party animal. Raising hell in morioh tonight? Painting the town red?
Akira sat back on the bed and tugged off his leggings before settling in comfortably. He had a feeling that messing with a tipsy Rohan was going to consume the rest of his night.
The phone went off again surprisingly quickly, and Akira quirked a brow at the multi-media message he received.
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He smiled a bit at the image, willing himself not to have any impure thoughts.
Looks like fun! guess its ok u took the night off from workin on my album cover. As long as u have a drink for me~
Your damn cover is gonna get done, ass. But fine im ordering a bees knees just for you
Akira grinned. Ah, Rohan and his fancy drinks. He was just so, so...
Ur cute kishibe, u know that?
His stomach twisted a little as he hit send. It was admittedly a bit forward of him, and up to this point he’d been trying to play somewhat coy...
No? Whys that?
Fungami is on thus whole tthing where he thinks youre flirting with me.
Is that a bad thing?
This time there was a rather long pause between messages, so Akira shifted anxiously in his bed, folded his arms under his head, and ignored a call from another friend who had been at the show that night. Finally:
Akira blinked at the message, then sat up a bit. As he pondered what exactly this meant, Rohan scrambled to clarify.
Sorry i didnt mean it like that like in a bad way
Youre a grown man you canflirt with whoever yiou want
It would not be a bad thing just weird
Akira pursed his lips, drew up his shoulders, and frowned at the device in his hands. It chimed again.
Look otoishi i didnt mesn to imply that u were flirting or that u even WANT to. Im just saying hypothetically. It would be fine. I wouldnt mind or anything.
Ok. Noted. So what’s the verdict, am i allowed to call you cute or not?
Another long stretch of time passed.
Of course.
Alright good. Bcuz its very cute how drunk you are tonight
Thank you for the compliment or fuck you if ur being ssrcastic
Nope 100% serious in fact i wouldnt mind if you wanted to send more photos
Fungami says you have to send one first because youre probably doing something way cooler than us
Hardly. Im fallin asleep. In my own bed if fungami asks.
He says you should prove it.
As u wish...
Akira chuckled deviously to himself as he got comfortable in the bed, pushing the sheet down dangerously low on his torso. He was going to have to make this good -- fortunately, he was pretty experienced in the art of flirtatious selfies. He stretched his arm out and angled the phone downwards, snapping several photos with slightly different poses and facial expressions. Then he eagerly clicked through them, carefully choosing the one he deemed sexiest, and hit send with a little thrill rising up inside of him.
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You cant just send a photol ike that either
No? What does fungami think of it?
I am not going to repeat thewords tat he said. He is a child. Hes being a pervert as ysual.
Hey do me a favor, tell him hes not my type. Tell him I like them skinny and bossy.
Ok I told him but hes just laughing?
Akira dropped the phone and hooted with laughter. Shit, Rohan always got him laughing, even (or especially) when he wasn't trying to. He wiped a tear from his eye and lay back onto the bed, tapping his thumbs lightly on the tiny keyboard as he tried to come up with a response.
?? akira??
I hope ur havin fun. Dont let me hog all yr attention.
No no youre fine im just watching nijimura sing anyway. We may have done a hostile karaoke tajkeover.
Glad to hear it. Bet ur killin it. I know what a good singer u r n all
thats what I said!!! ugh too bad youre not here too, we could duet and bloww htem all away
That was all it took for sadness to blossom in Akira's chest. He was certainly disappointed that he wasn't around to crash this little Guys' Night Out. Not to mention that it was getting harder and harder for him to have spontaneous nights out like that in his own life. And that he probably couldn't do public karaoke with Rohan without taking all of the attention.
Suddenly, living his life's dream seemed more like an inconvenience than anything else.
He knew he was being stupid... knew he'd done a great many things already thanks to his career that he ought to be grateful for. But right now, in this moment, he allowed the self-pity.
Maybe when I get back we can make it happen?
Definitely. Im up next so dont be worrited if I dont reply for a while okay
Knock em dead kishibe
True to his word, Rohan didn't respond to the message, and Akira amused himself by wondering what song the artist may have chosen to perform. Was he belting out more emo lamentations, like when he'd sung for Akira in his studio? Or had he perhaps agreed to sing something dark and edgy with Yuya Fungami? Maybe he'd chosen one of his obscure favorites from the 50s to show off how mature and refined he was. Or maybe he was singing some poppy love song to let out his feelings for a friend who couldn't be there.
Akira felt his eyelids growing heavy as the seconds ticked on, and he typed out another message before giving in to sleep.
Im sure u kicked ass tonite. U owe me a karaoke date now btw. But im probly gonna pass out so talk tmrrw. Miss ya kishibe. get home safe
He silenced his phone and (somewhat reluctantly) settled in for sleep. With fond thoughts of his crush and the promise of a lifestyle that he felt he'd been missing out on, he went under quickly and deeply, not even stirring as the tour bus roared to life and began its trek onward to the next city.
When he eventually came-to the next day, the road was still moving beneath him, and sounds from another compartment of the bus let him know that his two touring bandmates had made it back last night. He felt a little guilty that he hadn't hung out with them after the show; but they had seemed to understand his complaints of struggling to switch into “tour mode,” and so he didn't sweat it too much. He'd just buy them drinks tonight, or dinner, or lapdances, or whatever the hell they wanted.
He sat up with a yawn, a stretch, a satisfying crack of the back and wondered what time it was. He reached out to check his phone, and then immediately brightened at the alert that he had several messages waiting for him.
Uhh holy shit ewho taghtt these toddlers how to have a goodt ime?? Just kidding itwas me. Im like a godamn da d to these idiotsl. Like a party dad.
Oh uore probalby asleep but were going home nowl. Im gonna elt them crash at my place bc party dad. Hirose is like party mom hes gonna ahelp get every1 therin one piece.
Hees such a good friendd? Like iwas kidding wit hthe dad stuff but I woukd be proud if I wans his dad yo u know? Hes a good kid. We should all hadng out when you get back,
anyway im goingto sleep now youre dfefinitly asleep arlready but just so you konlw. Too bad you oculdnt be here with us tongiht and flirt in person.
Akira cackled and wiped his eyes. God, he was definitely going to have to call Rohan the Party Dad forever after this... What good fortune that his friend was so utterly uninhibited when he got some alcohol in his veins.
With a content little sigh, Akira went on to read the messages that were time stamped from earlier that morning.
So... Okay. I've just woken up and looked through my messages from last night and I'm mortified. I completely understand if you no longer wish to work with me in a professional capacity, and that is your prerogative. Though there is no excuse
Apparently, Rohan had hit his character limit, and the message continued on in another text -
for my behavior, I urge you to consider the circumstances. I was attempting to console a friend during a difficult time, and in the process overindulged in alcohol, thus putting me in a state of mind where I did not fully consider the
consequences of my actions. I deeply regret that you were among those who were subject to my inappropriate behavior last night. Kindly delete any messages and images you may have received, and we can discuss how to move forward.
I appreciate your discretion in this matter. Sincerely, Kishibe Rohan
By the time he had finished Akira was kicking in his sheets, howling with laughter, tears streaming down his cheeks. Amazing. Rohan was somehow even more hysterical after getting sober. This was priceless; Akira made sure to save this apology letter to his protected messages before writing back.
Good morning kishibe rohan! Hows yr head feeling?Ur right I am very disappointed in u. After all u did not send me any more photos like I asked. Guess we can still work together though.
The reply came incredibly fast. Akira wondered if Rohan had been staring at his phone all morning in suspense.
God, I am so, so sorry about last night.
My man ur fine. It was fun texting with party dad. I rly gotta meet him next time im in morioh cho.
I'm serious. I'm humiliated.
Dont be! Will it make u feel better if I drunk text u next time im out on the town? Bcus it will probably be tonight.
There was a long pause, which of course meant Rohan was panicking.
Kishibe its all good for real. Ur my friend, I dont care if u drunk text. In fact im honored that u thought of me.
He stood from his bed, resigned to actually starting his day, and began to look for something to wear, his mind wandering elsewhere. He would certainly have to give Rohan some well-deserved hair-tousling when he returned home, and he didn't mind the excuse for physical contact. Still, though, there was one thing that tugged at the back of his mind...
Rohan had written, in his very meticulously worded message, “you were among those who were subject to my inappropriate behavior.” It was almost a throw-away line, but Akira couldn't help but wonder who else Rohan had been texting.
The ex that he was hung up on? Perhaps someone else that was filling the romantic void in his life...?
Akira frowned as he finished tugging on his jeans. He knew he was being dense, but...
Get any numbers last night? Guys like u dont stay single too long, right?
Otoishi, oh my god.
Hey im just lookin out for u! Didnt txt the ex did u??
It's complicated.
I wasn't exactly thinking clearly!
Omg omg. What did u say
Do I really have to tell you?
Alright. Okay. I told her that her current love interest is not a good match for her. Which is true.
Except u didnt phrase it like that, did u ;)
No. I phrased it like an angry 13 year old. Excuse me while I walk off a cliff.
Hang in there party dad. U drop any other amazing wisdom on her?
Ugh... I made a complete ass of myself. That's all you need to know.
Im sure it wasnt that bad. Bsides, shes an idiot if she dumped kishibe rohan.
No, she's really not.
That reply shouldn't have annoyed him, but it did. Oh, did it ever. Why would Rohan defend this floozy who clearly had no taste?
Ur not thinking of getting back together r u?
I don't even know anymore. Believe it or not, I actually did some soul-searching last night, before drinking my body weight in bourbon. I just have a lot to think about right now I suppose.
Man, that was not what he was supposed to say. He was supposed to say he was over it and ready to get back on the prowl for someone new to share a bed with.
...But this also wasn't how Akira was supposed to feel about the whole thing. He hadn't been in a proper relationship in ages; it had even been a while since he'd pretended that whatever “alt model” he'd been sleeping with for a few weeks was anything more than a fling. Point being: he wasn't supposed to care what this nowhere-nobody-part time artist was doing. He was Akira Otoishi, up and coming rockstar, one of this year's “Artists to Watch” in Alternative Press, Rolling Stone, and Kerrang. He was supposed to be living it up and getting his dick wet and not hanging out alone on his tour bus, giddy about text messages from a colleague, for Christ's sake.
He clicked his tongue, anxiously tapped his heel on the ground for a moment before ultimately tossing the phone back onto his bunk and opening the partition to where his bandmates were hanging out.
Maybe being a normal 24-year-old wasn't all that great. Maybe he'd dodged a bullet, after all.
“Good morning, princess,” the drummer called out as he entered, “Nice of you to finally join us!”
“Shut up,” he retorted, crossing over to the small breakfast nook. “I needed my beauty sleep. Otherwise you two schmucks would be out of a job.”
“Fair enough.” The other raised his hands in defeat. “But now you should be all caught up on sleep. So you better come out with us after tonight's show.”
Akira grinned. “Can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.”
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