seabeck · 9 months
I never understood the outrage of Grover being played by a poc when I always pictured Grover as darker skinned in the books
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Kingdom EP 3: The FAVORITISM starts showing.
I'll only shortly talk about the stages, because man, I need to rant about this ranking.
1. ♛ ATEEZ: Hongjoong watching pirates of the carribbean as research omg this man is amazing. I usually dislike remixes but my god they chose Dvorak?! ATEEZ x orchestral stuff = eargasm. Loved the arrangement. Loved the pirate concept. The stage was simple but effective, besides the ... Huge Kraken arm ...
2. SF9: What differed them a lot from all others was the fact they included women in their performance, and it had an extremely sensual vibe ... Loved the outfits, love the arrangement, loved the interactions with the dancers. I think the camera work was low-key off at some points, for example when Dawon danced in the center between the dancers, he was covered by them a lot ... Idk if that was on purpose. I also would have highlighted Jaeyoon's jump with better camerawork tbh but well.
3. Stray Kids: Honestly I had no idea what's happening there, there was even more going on than in the tbz stage before, totally not my cup of tea. Felt super messy and overwhelming to me, and EXTREMELY long.
Now to the voting. This ugly favouritism pls stop it.
Expert rankings were: ATEEZ • SKZ • TBZ • SF9 • iKON and BTOB (tied)
1. I low-key have a problem with the budget allocation. It is absolutely clear that ATEEZ for example got a huge budget. Do you know how insanely expensive an animatronic is (the arm of the octopus, a robotic puppet)? Such a thing costs thousands, even ten thousands of dollars, usually they are used in amusement parks or movies. Remember the old Jurassic Park movies? Those were animatronics. They mostly are custom-made and hence cost a shitload of money. Idk it doesn't seem fair to me, considering MNET even admitted that sth went wrong with budget communication ... [Edit: I have no proof for it being an animatronic, because the only other opinion would be an inflatable and it looked too controlled to be an inflatable. But again, I can't guarantee.]
2. The expert votes clearly show one thing: dancing and singing alone literally has no value in that show, and I find this pretty ridiculous tbh. Did you freaking hear BTOB's highnotes and vocal stability? Well it's apparently not of much value in the world of kingdom. In that world you get rewarded for putting together a musical stunt show... I wasn't aware that this is the genre of the show really. Like don't get me wrong. It's cool. But if your program clearly is about a freaking action show, then it isn't surprising that those groups who perform that way anyways will always win? This is literal favoritism and it shows. The groups that did movie-like stunt shows are placed 1-3 and the rest, who performed in more traditional style, is ranked below? What a coincidence ha. ha. ha.
Ya know. That crap already started in RTK. TBZ kept coming up with full stunt shows and huge stages, and ALWAYS placed first. And it'll be the same way here. The bigger the stage, the more props, the more fire and stunts, the higher you'll rank. I find this all so ridiculous that it's funny again. Hear me hysterically laughing because I KNEW it'll be exactly like that.
That show literally favors the recent generation of groups and I find this quite saddening. Everyone should get a chance, but they casted the participants in a way that it was clear from beginning on that some groups would look utterly pale in comparison. Not because they can't sing. Not because they can't dance. But simply because they don't act as if they are the lead roles in an action movie ... or game of thrones lol. Every single group there works super hard, but it's simply not fair that a certain concept gets favoured. Like MNET knew that beforehand ... Why didn't they just give them the official mission to do a musical/movie-like stage? Then everyone would have had the same chances.
3. Due to the groups' voting, SF9 dropped to rank 6. I only had to hear their rank and I already knew how the rest of the ranking looks. It's incredibly predictable. The groups rated mostly for the huge stages (ATEEZ AND SKZ). BTOB has immense seniority so they probably got votes due to respect and politeness. SF9 and iKON are the youngest out of the "traditional stage" club and consequently are not impressive enough and rank last. iKON debuted a year before SF9 and has some sort of status due to their origin in one of the (former) big 3 aka YG ent. I'm low-key sad that SF9 got 0 votes holy crap. I don't critisize the groups for voting how they did tho, it's obviously their own decision. This was just my take on explaining why it turned out that way.
Conclusion: The ranking literally consists of the first 3 groups being ZZZ with their stuntshows, followed by the "traditional stages" ranked according to their seniority.
I have the bad feeling that this entire show will be a battle betwee ZZZ and the other groups will have no chance.
My Personal Round 2 Ranking:
1. ATEEZ - top-notch arrangement/performance and I'm a sucker for pirate stuff. (however bitter side taste because of budget ...)
2. BTOB - unique af because slow-paced x vocals.
3. iKON - perfect song mix for me, simple and clear story. (tied with SF9)
3. SF9 - majestic and sophisticated, great interaction with dancers (tied with iKON)
4. TBZ - too much drama, didn't get the concept, dislike the song. Yes it's that easy. (tied with SKZ)
4. SKZ - too messy for my taste, too many scenes, same vibe like tbz (tied with TBZ)
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isisparker · 4 years
So Episode 8 [of OCN's Search] happened...
First thing’s first: Soo Young was found and here’s hoping the child learns her lesson [probably not]. Also little disappointed Da Jung didn’t get to do much besides look awesome in that uniform. Maybe something will happen in the final two episodes? *fingers crossed* Oh and I do wonder, like I bet the less than ten or so of us in the tags watching this show, if Soo Young will be the next person exposed to the substance.
Speaking of: Okay so I’m glad to be wrong. It’s FOUR that got infected, not three. The Host [aka Ye Rim’s dad, Sang Min] inevitably saved Captain Jo*, who was presumed dead. Sang Min took him to question on his family’s whereabouts, didn’t like the answer he was given, and in an anguished rage unfortunately ended up impaling himself and infecting Captain Jo with his radiated blood. So I was wrong to theorize that Sang Min lived long enough thus why he was more powerful than the other two... However, since Captain Jo became infected with the blood while on the verge of death in addition to decades exposure to that same substance, he possibly has more control over his abilities and maybe a concious?
And since we’re on the subject of Captain Jo, aka CONFIRMED Dong Jin’s dad: From the moment the show started sprinkling hints of Dong Jin questioning who his dad was, I freaking knew that somehow his dad was connected to the '97 DMZ Incident! And wouldn't you know it he was the Captain Jo that cowardly asshole Lee Hyuk literally shot from behind. The fact that the sons of both men have that angst and drama between them when they initially started out on trusting and respectful terms breaks my heart (but OMG am I LIVING for the angst)!
Lee Hyuk needs to die by the end of this series. This episode just highlighted all the shit he has done and will continue doing just to enhance his political and personal goal. As if we needed yet another reminder that politicians like him [Presidential Candidates like him. THANKS FOR BEING TOO ON THE NOSE DRAMA] don’t give a shit about the truth and are looking out for their interest. Also I'm not sorry at all for how he really lost his leg. It's just disappointing the explosion wasn't strong enough to obliterate him there and then.
Can we have Min Kyu somehow manipulate Lee Hyuk and the system to come out on top without it resorting to him being Lee Hyuk's puppet til the bitter end? Like I'm thoroughly enjoying the fact that this dude KNOWS he has to do shady shit and back door dealings to get ahead, but there's a fine line between manipulating the system and being someone's lackey. I have faith that Min Kyu is smarter than that. Or, y'know, he dies because he Icarused himself.
I love Ye Rim pushing back on Min Kyu’s obvious attempt to do Lee Hyuk’s dirty work. She’s not only smart but hella brave to go against a commanding officer of a unit she’s technically an asset for and not a part of. Her reminding him that any jurisdiction he thinks he has towards the substance is actually the KCST’s jurisdistion was certainly music to my ears.
Joon Sung exposing his father's lies probably did at least a couple things: 1. Redeemed him for his temporary betrayal, 2. Put his name high on the list of Most Likely to Die in the last two eps, and 3. Shed light on who Dong Jin's dad was. I didn’t like having to watch Joon Sung betray Dong Jin like he did, but it’s good to know that for such a good guy he definitely is flawed. Definitely gives him character.
Plus, as I mentioned, I am living for the tension and angst between him and Dong Jin. Y’know I started this drama not prepared to be invested in any relationships, just in the characters. IF ANY. Because in this type of genre you should honestly NEVER GET ATTACHED. Anyway, I already knew there’d be at least one designated romance ship as there was one male lead and one female lead and OH LOOK THEY’RE EXES NOW HAVING TO WORK TOGETHER *cue Unresolved Sexual Tension music* I was totally prepared for that to the point of expecting them to reconcile. Heck I was also prepared to watch tension in the form of the scrappy young soldier vs the asshole commanding officer [in this case: Dong Jin vs Min Kyu].... NO ONE PREPARED ME FOR DONG JIN AND JOON SUNG’S RELATIONSHIP. From Joon Sung looking out for Dong Jin, to Dong Jin feeling like he could trust Joon Sung to watch his back, to THAT KNIFE SPARRING [what even, c’mon FANSERVICE THANK YOU], and then the betrayal of the video tape which opened the door to the biggest heartbreak of all: Joon Sung’s father “killing” Dong Jin’s dad and disgracing Dong Jin’s dad’s name! Oh how will these two ever amend from all this? [*cue Noble Sacrifice*]
Oh so yeah, I was right to expect another death. Wasn’t expecting the two shown in this episode but seems on brand for the genre to shed more blood. I’m still anticipating at least one or two more on the body count but hey at least we can cross off Moon Cheul from that list. Poor lucky bastard got taken out of the final inning with that spinal injury.
Aw man next week is the finale week! Good thing too because I don’t know if I could have stand to watch this drama if it was a usual full 16+ episodes like most kdramas are [even though I’m slowly slipping into shipping mode, sorry not sorry?]! It really does make a difference in storytelling if the writers are given a shorter episode order vs longer order. Even though there have been pacing issues and moments of filler that I really could have done without [like, honeslty 65% of the village happenings, even though I GET IT, I get why they humanized the small town folks in order to humanize and amp Da Jung’s character], the writer of this drama kept tight certain elements in order for this train not to derail. Small twists here and there are fine, but only because they make some sense to the story.
Is the plot laughably formularic to most military/thriller/creature feature stories? YES. But that’s part of the enjoyment! Correctly guessing which trope/cliche is part of the fun! And the fact that it doesn’t fight against the tropes usually found in that type of genre is probably why I’ve been a fan since the start. 
*edited because I started rewatching and I realized I got the names of current Leader Song mixed with ‘97 Capt Jo wrong. Gonna go back and edit all my posts with the change. My apologises.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
PS5 Showcase Event Livestream by IGN
4:38 PM 9/16/2020 Spider-man Miles Morales Oh shit.  You know I love mid-air combat.  Do I have to get a PS5 now?  Damn it!  I swore PS4 would be my last console.   . I forgot about the PS5 livestream earlier today.  I hadn't even really been keeping it in mind.  But when I saw Professor Thorgi Tweeting praise for it...Now I'm excited.  
10:38 PM 9/16/2020 You can seep in all the nostalgic Final Fantasy music you want, but I'm just not feeling this new Final Fantasy.  When I think of Final Fantasy---what I PERSONALLY like about FF, it's that almost-steampunk mix of scifi and fantasy magic.  I love that modern, urban fantasy mixed with ancient magics.  That anachronistic amalgamation in the art style that can't really be placed anywhere.  
But even this costume design is so distinctly historic European.  With regular names like Joshua.  
The gameplay looks nice tho.
I don't think I'm interested in FF16.  Even if FF15 was disappointing, I loved Nomura's art style, the world design that is blatantly more than just "sword and sorcery" fantasy,...  I don't think I'll get Final Fantasy XVI.  
10:45 PM 9/16/2020 Or maybe it's just my depression talking.  I've been unable to enjoy things all day.  Getting excited about cool things has been out of the question today.  ;_;  
10:46 PM 9/16/2020 I stand corrected.  This Miles Morales trailer is making me cry AGAIN, and I already watched it earlier today.  You can do it, Miles!  ;o;  
10:48 PM 9/16/2020 Warner Bros?  Y'mean that new Bat Family game?  ...Oh no...Oh no.....Harry Potter.  ~_~  All those poor game developers working so hard on something that puts a bad taste in our mouths now, at the mere mention of it.  ~____~;  ...Ughhhh...  Just let it die.  ;_;  
10:57 PM 9/16/2020 Oh no!  Is Chris Redfield possessed?!???  Ok, old lady...  o_O!  So are they saying the lady reading the story IS Mia?  Ooh, stylized storytelling shadow puppets.  *.*!  Who is "Mother Miranda"?  VILLAGE.  SPOOKY.  Is that THE MERCHANT?!?  *O*  lol  
11:04 PM 9/16/2020 Yes!  There it is!  Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition!  ;U;  I passed up getting DMC5 last Black Friday, partially because I was hoping for soem kind of special edition...And here it fucking is!  *o*!  Sure, I've alreayd spoiled myself on the stoyr by now, but I want to play this game!  I always have so much fun playing this game.  ;U;  Ohmyfreakinggawd!!!!!!!!!!!  ;U;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ...Yeah, I know I saw someone mention a new DMC5 earlier, but it still makes me so happy.  ;U;  
IGN's stream is still off sync between the audio and visual.  Maybe I should switch to GameSpot's vid of the stream.  
11:09 PM 9/16/2020 Is this...FNAF??????????????? OMG  
11:11 PM 9/16/2020 Demon's Souls looks so high def and detailed, I didn't recognize it.  lol
11:16 PM 9/16/2020 OH YES!!!!!!!!  PERSONA 5 GETS JUST AS MUCH TIME IN THE MONTAGE!!!!!!!!!  More than 1 or 2 frames, like last time!  This time, SEveral seconds!  And the title reappears during the rundown of logotypes!  ^O^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
11:19 PM 9/16/2020 Oh, yes!  God of War!  Please go to Eagypt or some other panthenon! ...Oh, Ragnarok.  Well.  That'll be cool too, I'm sure.  It'll have way more gods than last time.  
11:17 PM 9/16/2020 Oh, PS5, you do look nice.  But I promised myself that PS4 would be my last console.  I just have to face facts now: I dont' actually play videogames much anymore.  It used to be a big part of my life.  An enormous part of my identity.  And I didn't want to let it go.  But I have to face the reality.  My backlog didn't pile up worse than normal gamers' for no reason.  I don't feel motivated enough to engage in such an active passtime anymore.  I need passive entertainment now in my "old age".  And look how overactive I already am, just reacting, making fan-art, and writing essays about all that passive entertainment I've been absorbed into instead.  I guess I'm too old and tired for videogames.  ;_;  Well, playing them, anyway.  I have enough fun watching let's players, and I waste enough time engaging with fan-art/fandom with just that already.  If I added gameplay time, I probably wouldn't have time to eat/sleep. And I'm too old now to not sleep, regardless of how much I already stave it off.  
11:23 PM 9/16/2020 PS5 November 12 release date. $500 with disk. $400 purely digital drive.  
11:24 PM 9/16/2020 Ok.  I don't care about IGN's reactions, when I know Professor Thorgi has a reaction vid on Twitch.  I'm going there now.  
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sleepymarmot · 4 years
The Untamed liveblog, eps. 8-15
The rabbit scene was already in the previous episode! What is this editing? Are these episodes from different cuts of the show or something?
Ok but I'm getting concerned for these rabbits. Did Yi feed them before? Has WWX been feeding them since then? Are they gonna be alright? This is very important!
Does the phrase that LWJ keeps really mean "How boring"? That doesn't make much sense.
Oh so that's the name of the guy who hangs out with WWX... I've been wondering for several episodes
wtf is happening in the falling petal scene
I'm getting the feeling that a full-sized adventure got condensed into two scenes. WTF does "The Yin Iron deprived the peony, the leading flower, and the true Lady Florist was held in captivity" mean???
Anyway why are you sharing this top-secret info, that even your siblings aren't allowed to know, with a buddy from your class?
Clever trick, Wen Qing!
Am I finally getting a back-to-back fight?..
So, if the statues steals people's "spiritual cognition" (=souls?), and the Wen guy making them into puppets was a separate thing, then why did their spiritual cognition return not when the statue was subdued, but when Wen's bird was killed?
Wait, since when does Jiang Cheng know about the Yin Iron?
WWX is SO offended someone wants to be more smug and insolent than him
So now they're talking openly about the Yin Iron right in front of those two strangers...
How did they start the conversation at night in one location and continue at daytime at a different location, and not the one where the characters were heading
Seriously who tf calls their castle "The Unclean Realm"
Does Xue Yang's face not get tired from non-stop smirking? Is it frozen like this? Is he this world's Joker?
omg did LWJ just smile at hearing WWX's voice
Alright, when 10 minutes ago I thought "Meng Yao, sweetie, kill that clown", this is not what I had in mind
SOMEBODY GIVE MENG YAO A HUG (after some emergency medical care) HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG IN HIS LIFE. Can Xichen adopt him now?
Wow, the Jiangs seem to have an actually healthy family relationsh-- *the mother shows up* Uh, nevermind
Why is the Lan Grand Master suddenly dying?
LWJ gave up himself and the Iron shard just to save one traitor?!
I hope everyone enjoys their time in Morrowind! (They obviously won't)
*insert a quarantine joke here*
Wow, LWJ switched to the protective mode very unexpectedly (Is that because he just lost his entire clan and therefore the primary subject of his loyalty? and the next in line, to everyone’s surprise, was WWX?)
this beast is the least convincing special effect I've ever seen, including 60s Doctor Who
"stranded together and tending to each other's wounds while trying to repress your feelings" in a TV show instead of AO3 makes me feel like I'm in a parallel dimension
for a few wild moments I thought he was going to suck infected blood out of his leg
Just! Do! It! The long fucking stare where he's Considering killed me.
"Let's trigger your crush's PTSD to make him talk about it" and other useful therapy tricks
I really didn't get what LWJ was doing in the fight scene. He was describing a technique of killing with strings physically, right, not with the sound they produce? Which made me think he had a spare set of strings on his person, which would have been a refreshing change from all other fictional battle musicians who never carry backup, but from the montage sequence it was pretty clear he just collected bowstrings, and also iirc he summons his guqin anyway. But also it really doesn't look like he accomplished much behind injuring his own hand.
you can have hurt/comfort in both directions, as a treat
dude, just relax and don't try to make it less awkward
a whole-ass flashback to their Meet Cute, no less!
please do not flash back to That One Scene like it was something cute and ruin the whole montage
so he knew the main group escaped, then?
What's the cave timeline? Did it take the two of them several days to prepare the attack on the monster, and after WWX passed out, he hasn't awoken until the rescue, as the editing suggests? Or was there an unseen period of time where WWX and LWJ sat together in a cave, slowly dying from hunger and having no interesting conversations to show whatsoever? The former sounds a ton more convincing, but gathering arrows and bowstrings is a job for several hours, not several days...
I have already written a post about having mixed feelings in response to female characters written in a misogynistic way; here is just another example. Lady Jiang's shrill insults make me want to curl up, cover my ears and close my eyes to hide, or to shout back to chase her away. And at the same time I hate that someone deliberately presented a woman speaking her mind and reasserting her right as a co-lead of the household in an offputting way, to show how she's ruining the family by not being docile and submissive enough. And -- I still don't have anything to like in her to spite the misogynistic writing; should I invent something out of principle, or should I play along with the misogyny game?
As someone more familiar with Japan than China (fantasy or not), it breaks my brain every time I notice people wearing shoes inside lmao
For the first time in this show, after I thought "give him a hug already", a character actually did it on screen
After watching 7 episodes in one day, I am finally skipping the opening sequence for the first time
even when the mother fights the bad guys, she somehow does it in a shitty classist way. the purple whip and the combat handmaidens are cool tho
the trio screaming for their father departing to certain death was the first thing in the show to make me cry
kinda wild how the show fluctuates between: 20%: a compilation of time-tested relationship tropes :) 80%: well that was nice while it lasted but back to the plot. HELLO NAUGHTY CHILDREN IT'S PARENT DEATH AND CLAN DESTRUCTION TIME
Unrelated to anything above, I'm still hoping for a scene (maybe near the end of the flashback for maximum dramatic irony) where WWX says jokingly to LWJ "Whose funeral have you been dressing for?", with the answer hanging in the air but remaining unsaid: "Yours, Wei Wuxian" (wouldn’t work at the point I’m at rn, for example, because he’s currently mourning his entire clan)
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ravenquote · 5 years
29. favourite film(s) 31. 3 random facts 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Choosing favorite films is always rather hard for me, i’m a really big critic when it comes to movies. But i’ll add a small list and the reasons. 1. Moulin rouge. No matter how many time’s i watch it i am enthralled with the characters, the variations of acting required, the multi-talented activities, the films edits and draw ins and out how each piece just lashes in together. My favorite scene will always be the mashing of Roxanne, Ewan walking away and Nicole’s dinner with the Duke. The three moments, happening at once and the edit of them making them feel like this is life in three places happening all at once, the passion and the drive doesn’t feel out of place in any of them. I just love the layering. 2. Avatar. I know shame me for picking a big title, but this movie changed and inspired CGI to be how it should be. To this day nothing (no sorry not even End Game) can come close to making me feel like i really am seeing a whole other world. Yes i know the story is soooo over played. But the story wasn’t why i fell in love with it. It was the acting, the visionary life that just bloomed before me, the back grounding. Not to mention the music. Of course it also had it’s own many variations that hadn’t been touched before when it comes to the whole “two worlds mixing’ cliche. One of the biggest things i’m happy about was that the whole thing wasn’t really just focused on “oooh what sweet young lovers.” it felt heavier then that. The people stood by for their own reasons, for different believes and acknowledged what was happening based on their own thoughts and experiences and values. It wasn’t “disney” it was reality.  We watched genocide at it’s core, we watched hate, we saw triumph, we saw sacrifice and we saw acceptance.  3. The dark crystal. I think you can guess my theme of movies, haha. This movie use to scare me a bit as a kid i admit, but i always came back to it. The fact it’s all puppets just still blows my mind. The work, the dedication, watching and thinking about all the people involved in making all this.  I know it sounds a bit contradictory, but i will always love the hands on approach over CGI any day, especially when it’s this grand level of work. This movie is the reason why i love make up effects, costume design, world creation, models. Just ugh the art and creativity! *slams hands on table* why isn’t this continuing in this level anymore?! I am so glad this has become a t.v show and i love the comics, because i am soo engaged in knowing about this world and it’s history in every way i possibly can. 4. The lord of the rings. Ugh i know so common right? I’m sorry but this again did amazing work with both CGI -and- hand made real stuff. Every warrior, everyone goblin, every single person had different armor all hand fing made! Not to mention the many levels of dedication everyone had to this to achieve the level of work it did. Not to mention again that this soundtrack, holy god beautiful! I loooove movies with great soundtracks. If i movie doesn’t have good sound it can just completely ruin everything. I’ll stop at five as i think i’ve said too much as is lol.  5. Legend. An oldy but beautiful. This one just has such a soft spot in my heart as it was one of the very first fantasy style movies i had ever seen. Once again the work into it from costumes to backgrounds to the fact they made a literal forest in a studio! With of course great music and a wonderful cast. This classic tale can’t be beat in my eyes. Alright, sorry for my rant of movies. So moving onto 3 facts about me....oh boy. lol 1. I have 2 kitty furbabies. One is a long haired male named Gus and the Second is a short haired female named Spectrum. 2. I have been rping since i was fourteen, which was right before BC came out on W.o.w as i had been playing the game since it came out. 3. I think you are an awesome star! *boops snoot* Ah dreams i want to fulfill? 1. Getting my top surgery is a big dream i want fulfilled asap! 2. Finding a wonderful third for me and my gf would be an amazing dream to be fulfilled and i am hopeful. 3. win the lottery, i’m sorry i figure that’s normal for everyone? but omg it would just make the first dream and other smaller dreams just soooo much easier. thanks for the ask @reindori have a great day!
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punapurreciator · 7 years
My Favorite Ladybug Writers
So I pretty recently joined the Miraculous Ladybug fandom (about 4 months?) and I went on an absolute reading spree but Noticed a lot of the fic rec lists out there are pretty sparse or there's a lot of repetition. And I figured, ya know I just read nearly 300 fics over the last few months I might as well make some recommendations XD 
So this is the first of possibly many rec lists Im going to put together for the Ladybug fandom. enjoy!
This writer has 89(!!!) Fanfics out there for Miraculous Ladybug and they are pretty much ALL wonderful. The writing is excellent, characterization on point and there's never a boring moment. And the great thing is that most of these stories (even the serious/heavy ones) have some degree of playfulness to them. This writer never seems to let you walk away without a smile, and that's amazing.
Here are a few of my favorites:
 The Cooking Contest - An out-of-class assignment leads to the entirety of the class participating in a cooking competition. …some people do better than others.
the Anniversary - The anniversary of Adrien's mother's disappearance was always difficult. He's sure nothing can make his day any less miserable… ...until a certain spotted superhero shows up.
the Crocodile Glasses - When knock-off copies of Jagged Stone's super-awesome Eiffel Tower start popping up, Jagged is not pleased. Still, it doesn't take long to come up with a solution- he just needs to release his own official line of sunglasses! And naturally, he needs one Marinette Dupain-Cheng to design them for him. Now, if only Marinette could figure out how to execute some of Jagged's more out-there ideas... 
Hacking the Ladyblog - Chat Noir likes taking goofy pictures on patrol. That was normal. What was not normal was those photos showing up without any explanation on the Ladyblog.
Princess to the Rescue - Chat Noir gets into a bit of trouble when the akumatized magician Exodus the Spectacular overpowers him in a fight and Ladybug is nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, a baker’s daughter joins the fight. aka Marinette totally has Bo staff fight training and kicks some villain butt.
Cuddles in a Coat - In a lot of ways, Adrien Agreste isn't a normal teenage boy. He's a model, he has a bodyguard, he's secretly a superhero.... But just like any other teenager, he'll stubbornly refuse to admit when an adult was right. Even if he ends up freezing because of it.
Otoshigo Another talented writer is Otoshigo who seems to straddle the border of utterly adorable (see: For the Love of Shoujo ) and Slightly twisted (See: Benefactor ) or even dark. This writer can play the characters as the awkward blushing teens they are, and they can just as easily (and convincingly!!!) twist their perceptions ever so slightly toward something deeper (and slightly terrifying) 
Some of the stories CAN be really weird and out there, but hey, read the tags so you know what you’re getting into and you won't have any trouble. (shrugs) 
Some more of my favorites include:
27 Secrets - “Secrets,” Chat purred, waving the photo out like a little flag. “I want secrets. Twenty-seven pictures worth of secrets. And you’ll give them to me. One picture at a time.” [Shameless Marichat]
Caught and Captured - Adrien gets caught in a little lie, that somehow only spirals more and more out of control. Is there any way to pull himself out of it? Does he even want to? [Adrienette] 
(Adrien acts like cat noir around Marinette and she thinks they've body-swapped. X3 This story Is simultaneously hilarious and heart-wrenching)  
Marinette Saves the World - Through a series of unfortunate events, average and clumsy Marinette meets a boy from the future! Who says that he needs to have sex with her to save the world? Except no. Just... no. 
(OMG this one!!! Drop what you’re doing and read it NOW!!! It's so freaking sweet and seriously romantic!!!)
Guilty Pleasures - An anonymous writer is a little too good at writing fanfiction and Marinette somehow gets roped into reading it. Problem is, now she can’t put it down. [LadyNoir] 
Chat Noir: Calendar Edition - Marinette’s class has to come up with an idea to make some cash for their upcoming class trip. However, things go awry with their plan and somehow Chat Noir gets involved. All Marinette wants is to go to Nice with Adrien. Can she make it through this without losing her mind?
Clairelutra Next up is Clairelutra who seems to make it a goal to melt her readers to piles of goo with sexual tension so thick you COULDN'T cut it with a knife. (Almost all her stories are rated as at least T) but, (as much as I love sexual tension and smut in a fic) That’s far from all this writer brings to the table. Clairelutra is a master at grabbing a readers heart and "puppeteering" (puppeteer, haha) it any way she so chooses.   
Whether she deigns to make you tear up and/or cry : ( see: river flows in you) Or gets your heart racing in her action scenes ( see: welcome to the show) or makes your toes curl during a kiss ( ALSO see: welcome to the show, and Bang Bang, and... ahem. well there are a lot.) And there's that (WONDERFUL AMAZING PRECIOUS) element of tenderness and longing in just about EVERY romantic scene that just KILLS me every time. 
Anyway, some of my favorites of hers include:
gonna miss this someday - “I mean, am I just too clingy?” Chat asked her ceiling, reclining on her lounge and tossing a spare ball of yarn up and down as Marinette beaded with a vengeance. “I know it’s just one day, but I miss her.”(When Ladybug misses their nightly friend-date, Chat asks Marinette for girl advice.)
i think it’s time i told you (i’m a fan of your universe) - “...Something up, minou?” He didn’t answer her at first, staying silent as he opened his palm and stared at it. Or rather, stared at the ring in it.
Ladybug stared, almost unseeing, at the blood-red stone nestled in its bed of diamonds, and wondered why it suddenly felt like she couldn’t breathe.
(It wasn’t necessarily an engagement ring, right? She... she would’ve known if he had a lover, wouldn’t she? Chat was too much of a hopeless romantic to not gush about a significant other to anyone who would listen if he had one... right? 
It could be a memento or a gift or... something. Something that didn’t imply Chat was about to get married.)
“...Have you ever thought about getting married?” ...Or not.
you're really my dearest friend - Sometimes, the process of getting out is much more difficult than it really should be — but sometimes friends can help, if you let them.
we're the kids your mama warned you about - (A collection of PWP oneshots, mostly focusing on Ladynoir/the love square, as I try to teach myself how to sin.)
hot mess - (the sequel to Bang Bang ) ...What did one say to one's vigilante partner when said partner was in costume and he was in a bathrobe? What did one say to the lady who had pinned him to a wall and kissed him senseless, not knowing he was her partner? What did one say to the girl he had been in love with for years when he was alone with her in his room at night? "Come here often, beautiful?" Not that. Imthepunchlord Oh wow, here's a writer who knows how to balance playful with exciting really well. A lot of their fics are action/adventure driven plots and they know how to build up to that big fight at the end without making you spend half the fic dreading it. There's always too much happening for you to feel much besides excitement. Which, honestly, I LOVED about these stories.  They keep the ball rolling at a great pace and never seems to rely on exposition when they can just show you something. And that lends itself to the feeling of being right there in the story with the character. (A MUST for any good action/adventure) This writer also knows how to stretch the rules with magic and the kwami juuust right to make everything fit and still be believable (a gift if ever I saw one)
Some of my favorites from Iamthepunchlord are:
Marinette and the Seven Little Gods - Marinette been down on her luck, waiting for the day karma would give her something good, something that would make her life better! She wasn't expecting karma to give her a box, a box with seven little gods in it. 
Over the Wall - The accident, while unintentional, was costly. For her wrong doings against Chloe, Marinette is sent over the wall to die. But instead of death, she winds up in a strange, unnerving world. Good thing she'll have a cat to watch her back in this bizarre place. (inspired by a mix of movies and shows: Stardust, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, Secret of Moonacre, and Over the Garden Wall.)
Trouble in White - Finding your soulmate is supposed to be uplifting, and amazing, and just... miraculous. But for Marinette, it wasn't any of that. Her soulmate, he... he was... What does one do when your soulmate is an akuma?
The Ladybug and The Mer - When Captain Ladybug is lost at sea, she finds herself saved by one of the most dangerous sea beings in the world: a mer. (Merman Adrien AU)
Always a Hero, No Matter the Miraculous - (a LARGE series) it covers a big variety of  Miraculous/kwami swaps. Including such favorites as: 
Rise of Mariposa - Where Marinette is chosen by the butterfly to help Cat Noir in his fight against Harlequin who has taken possession of the ladybug miraculous for her own selfish gain.
& the short: Delicate Wings - Where Adrien is the butterfly helping ladybug fight the evil black cat from afar. 
Kindness from a Stray - where Adrien and Marinette have kwami swapped (There are several shorts like this, all equally funny/cute)
A Declaration of Love - Adrien is the fox and Marinette is the peacock <3 
(oh GOD I love this one. it's an all-time favorite. It’s very sweet and playful and its done so well that it just WORKS. I love the conflict of his feather allergy keeping Adrien (AKA Malin) from his beloved Belle Bleue XD)
Freedom_Shamrock If fluff is your thing PLEASE check this writer out!!! Freedom_Shamrock is a master of cuddles, snuggles, and hugs. Their stories just exude a soft comforting vibe that sinks into your bones and stays there for the rest of the day. But they are also INTERESTING. The conversations are memorable, The plots are intriguing and the characterization is lovely. If you want something sweetly romantic to read look no further.
Some of my personal favorites include:
Something Familiar - Marinette is a teenage witch, and it's time for her to find a familiar. (Witch AU, no kwamis, Adrien never got to go to school) ( HIGHLY RECOMENDED!!! Cutest cat!Adrien fic EVER )
A Little Light - (series)  its basically an adorable series where Adrien notices Marinette on his own and asks her out. It follows up with their first date, some problems with dating while being a superhero,  and then an accidental reveal. (every bit of this one is SO SO CUTE.)
Hugdrien (AKA: Adrien Needs Hugs) - (series) With this one the name pretty much says it all. It’s a series of stories where Adrien is having a tough time at home and Marinette and their friends/her family are there for him. 
Miraculous Acts of Kindness - (series) this series is basically a slowburn MariChat fic XD It’s super cute and fluffy but also leads into Mature waters so be aware of that! BullySquadess   @bullysquadess
Here's another writer who's clearly out to melt her readers with sexual tension But BullySquadess is out to do it with a goddamn VENGEANCE. (and she WILL make you laugh yourself to death getting there) Her stories are drop dead sexy and SUPER funny. It's the kind of well-built humor that has you cackling so loud people can hear you across the house and forces you to take breaks from reading just to BREATHE. I think the best part of this writers style for me is the hopeful longing she just pulls out of Chat like its the most natural thing in the world. It’s so so so so so sweet and it plays to his character perfectly. and she gets it just right every time.   word of caution: the writer multi-ships so if you don't dig it then check the tags before getting invested. XD
My favorites of hers include:
The Ladybugs and The Bees - Ladybug and Chat Noir tackle teenhood! Watch our heroes face the realities of growing up- surviving puberty and akuma alike as together they navigate the unknown pitfalls of love and first-time intimacy. Also dick jokes. There's like... alot of dick jokes.
Oh man who hasn't read this one? It's been on like every fic rec list i could find when i first joined the fandom. But oh WOW does it deserve it.  This sucker is 38 (!!!) chapters long so far (!!??) and I've read it THREE TIMES. I joined the fandom like FOUR months ago! And yet I keep coming back to this one becouse it's just SO GOOD. 
Seven Minutes - Post-Reveal, Adrien and Marinette continue to play chicken with their feeling. Alya, however, has other games in mind... 
Live by the Ladybutt - Chat likes Ladybug's Ladybutt. Ladybug likes that Chat likes her Ladybutt. Crack ensues.
Casual - Ladybug has grown exceptionally comfortable with her partner... which means Chat Noir is #suffering. 
The Pitfalls Of Being a Wingman - We all know the classic Marichat tale, but what's happening behind the scenes of our favorite duo's love-making?   (AKA Plagg regrets everything and it’s HILARIOUS) XDD
Cohabitation (And Other Disastrous Ideas) - These two best friends decide to move in together, what happens next will shock you! (Or not, considering all roommate fics end up the same anyhow.) thelastpilot
Oh man, all of this writer's stories have this element of almost poetic beauty to them that it's really hard to describe the style. There's never a word or a scene wasted with this writer. It's all about slowly building up that relationship brick by brick, SEEING the characters getting closer and closer with every new meeting and then finishing it off in a MASSIVELY fulfilling way. The humor is top notch too but it seems to take a backseat to the plot and considering how well done the plot typically is I have no problem with that.
word of caution- This writer multi-ships so If you're like me and looking for a specific pairing remember to check the tags! XD 
My personal favorites of this writer include:
Won't Tell a Soul - Nino accidentally runs head long into the biggest most stressful secret he can imagine, but now that he knows the truth about Marinette he is determined to help her in any way he can. (Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
& Its sequel: The Weight of Jade - which shockingly (for this list) centers around Nino/Alya. This writer really knows how to get their characters across in all the best ways. This is one of the few times in fanfiction I really found myself really enjoying a side character's story and that's something HUGE.
Rainy Days - A storm rolls through Paris and refuses to let up, so when a water fearing cat is rescued by the kind efforts of his designing classmate he starts to pay a little closer attention to someone he should have always known better.  
Quiet Ice, Silent Nights - Cat Noir is on a late night patrol when he catches sight of an elegant lone figure skater, and is surprised to discover it is his classmate Marinette. 
Okay, this one is simply put, a work of ART. It is beautiful. The way the writer lovingly describes the ice skating and (spoilers: the piano scenes) makes you really FEEL the beauty of the moment. It’s so lovely.~ Seriously, drop what you're doing and read this if you haven't already
Paw Problems - (An alternate version of the Animan Episode) The class has taken a field trip to the zoo, but when Kim starts being a jerk and creates a major situation, are Ladybug and Cat Noir going to be enough to get everyone out on two feet? Or are the classmates going to need to get used to paws, hooves, and talons? Sadly, this one's unfinished. But let me say I LOVED the little snippets of humor in this, especially Chloe's animal form and Nino's reaction to it. XD KryallaOrchid The style KryallaOrchid uses is pretty similar to Quicksilversquared in that the stories all have some degree of playfulness and humor to them ( I love that in fics) but they also aim for something a little deeper too. this writer likes to play on the idea of rightness between the characters and builds off it as they go. (I'm all for the 'soulmate' vibe Adrien and Marinette have going on) 
Some favorites are:
Tendencies - (series) Miraculous have side effects. From pats becoming a necessity to eating flowers, follow Adrien and Marinette as they come to terms with their new tendencies, and each other. Hawk Moth is coming.
This is a LOOOOOONG series and makes for a very entertaining read. 
Sting - When Chat Noir inexplicably disappears, leaving Ladybug bee-hind to face Papillon on her own, a new wielder is chosen to keep the akuma from swarming. Ladybug is adamant she doesn’t want another partner buzzing around and why is this new-bee flirting with her? Meanwhile, Adrien just wishes Ladybug would stop bugging out and listen to him because his bee puns are fuzz-tastic.
I seriously went into this one thinking I wasn't going to like it and I ended up falling head over heels for it. Sting is SO worth the read. Watching poor Ladybug freak out over her missing partner (sending him voicemails wondering where he is and trying to reassure him she's not 'replacing' him with this new bee hero and that she's going to get him back ) Is so SO SOO heart wrenching and sweet. 
(and thankfully Adrien DOES manage to get through to her that  Chat IS 'Bumblebee’ fairly early on so we aren't left stewing in angst FOREVER) 
Reflections - The mirror shows you how you truly are, but for a Miraculous holder, it shows what was. All Marinette can see is ghosts and she doesn’t want to become one. (A heart-wrencher for SURE but the ending was SO worth it.) ---
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Puppet Week-Day 1
(I was too busy yesterday to make a post for the first day,so now I’ll do my best to catch up! Huge thanks to @fear-is-nameless and @no-strings-puppet for such wonderful idea!) March 3rd, Day 1: The 7 month anniversary of Kill JSE. What was your impression of Anti the very first time you discovered him? Doesn’t matter if it was through fanart before his early canon appearances, or if your first video was something like “Say Goodbye”.
Non-canon: Back then,I saw fanarts and edits etc. but didn’t pay much attention to it,except wanting to make him canon,because I thought the concept was good enough to give it a chance. Due to the long absence of Darkiplier,I wanted something (or should I day,someone) fresh,dark and creepy. I ̡kno̷w҉ how ͢t̀o̸ ̛pa͞y̶ a͏tţen͜t͡io̕n̛ nǫw̵...̧
Canon: As you may have guessed,my dream came true. I still remember the mixed feeling of shock,excitement,joy and fear at the moment I saw the first glitch in SL and almost immediately went on Tumblr to check if my guess is true. I had the stupidest smile on my face,while feeling,how my heart is beating like crazy and I was doing my best (and failing) to not to scream. Something like... OMG HE IS CANON YES I WAS HOPING AND WAITING FOR SO LONG I EMBRACE AND WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS!!!!!!!!!! ...̕a̧n̶d͘ he nȩv̕er̕ ͠lef͘t̀ ̴my͘ m҉ìnd̵ ҉since t̴hen.̀..̡
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 13th-May 19th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from May 13th, 2020 to May 19th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following  question:
Which comic has your all-time favorite artwork, and why do you like it?
Oh yes i can say this with certainty but the webcomic with my all-time favourite artwork by far is 榴花不及春 https://www.manmanapp.com/comic-1404769.html. it's not just that the art is beautiful but the way the artists create mood and tone is just jaw-dropping. I actually got chills a few times while reading it from the art alone and that's not something that i can recall happening when reading a lot of webcomics, or actually any fiction in general. there's such a elegance to the line weight and movement of the art that brings life to the characters. the artists' use of lighting adds such depth to the scenes, sometimes creating a warm and inviting atmosphere and other times a haunting and foreboding chill. the time i've spent with this comic is not something i'll soon forget(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
This is such a difficult question for me. Gahhh, so many pretty comics out there.... I guess, in regards to artwork alone, my favorite is the 2015 version of Countdown to Countdown by Vel. (https://tapas.io/series/Countdown) Just... such beautiful work. I'm a sucker for detailed painterly styles I will admit, but also the color and lighting is phenomenal. The way Vel sets up the mood with color and movement is amazing. The textures and brush strokes are simply gorgeous! Unfortunately, Vel rebooted the comic to a new style last year, and while it is still really gorgeous, I must admit, I don't like it nearly as much as the original. (What can I say? I have a bias for painterly styles.) Still highly recommend it! (https://tapas.io/series/CTC) I do want to point out some honorable mentions for me: * Ghostblade by WLOP (https://tapas.io/series/GhostBlade) - another painterly comic * The Sixth Dalai Lama by Ze Zhao (https://tapas.io/series/thesixthdalailama) - discontinued as far as I'm aware, but painted traditionally with watercolor! * Wind Rose by Sfera (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/wind-rose/list?title_no=54306) - Painterly again (later on as the artist improved) but also great expressions I will say, I also love deliciously detailed lineart, but I don't see it a lot (especially in webcomics), and I cannot think of one right now :/(edited)
ahh ghost blade is a great choice @Cronaj (Whispers of the Past) and while i agree that countdown to countdown's new art isn't as sumptuous as it used to be for a comic it works better and the simpler art style allows vel to release at a more consistent rate without injuring herself so i really respect the change(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, definitely understand why they changed styles, because oml can a painterly style be taxing
I can't pick just one! But to start off I love the art of Lost Honey (https://www.losthoney.com/), everything about it is so soft, the linework, the colors the character designs, the panelling, it all has such a nice feel to it. The creator's use of color is sooo easy on the eyes, it fits so well with the comic. The linework has such a nice flow and movement, there is never a feeling of stiffness, it almost reminds me of water. Also I'm a complete sucker for traditionally drawn comics. Even though it's discontinued as far as I know, Thicker Than Blood also has really nice aesthetics! (https://tapas.io/series/Thicker-Than-Blood-), it has such a unique style almost like classical art mixed with glass. The designs are detailed yet highly stylized. The quality varied from time to time, given the amount of work that goes into them, but overall I really liked the look of this comic. Carciphona is another one I like aesthetically. (https://tapas.io/series/carciphona) The art of this one has improved immensely since it started, and while I'm not a fan of the look of the earlier pages, I'm loving how their work has evolved. The style is very Japanese inspired, there is a lot going on sometimes, but has its own unique look and is very well crafted. Also I love the action scenes, how they're handled makes the scenes look intense, sometimes grandiose.(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh my god I love carciphona’s art! I always get shilin’s art whenever she sells at Anime North I’ve been meaning to read carciphona for a while so thanks for reminding me!
Hands down it is Black Out Cityhttp://blackoutcity.ca/lvl10.php Jay does these amazing illustrative panels when they introduce a new chapter and it has me hooked on each update! The way that the title is incorporated within the panel is beautifully done, and their attention to detail and effective use of contrast is breath taking. Definitely a huge inspiration of mine! I also want to shout out to O'Sarilho by @Capitania do Azar . The palettes she uses are unique and dynamic, and the layouts read like the comic is animated (there's even animated parts in it!) the way she draws action and portrays horrific parts is phenomenal!https://sarilho.net/en/
(also i love this prompt but i could def go on forever with it hehe)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I wholeheartedly second O'sarilho ^^ it's a comic I regularly reccomend and I probably won't ever get over how lovely it looks! (I'll have to look for more comics who's art I love later)(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'll throw in Heart of Gold https://heartofgoldcomic.com/. The ethereal palette, the clean and crisp architecture, the panels that work perfectly with the church imagery, and the energy of the lines and brush strokes. SO GOOD.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agreEE
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Okay for me it's two webcomics One of them is Tracy JB's Lackadaisy https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/lackadaisy/list?title_no=39790&page=1 https://www.lackadaisycats.com/ Everything she does is wonderful; colour, expression, character, plot.....her art inspired me to embark on expression work. I remember being younger and being so inspired by her webcomic. Hands down can't find a flaw. The other one is Muted by anidoodles https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/muted/list?title_no=1566 I was introduced to her from her Heather animatics on youtube. I love how her inking and cell shading is simple but VERY effective; the use of bold bright colours and watercolours was amazing. My art style is heavily inspired by hers and overall, I love how she captures people's attention with it.(edited)
Oh I love Muted!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
looks at your profile pic heheh
I mean, I'd have to say I love "Nothing Special" by Katie Cook. Her art style and color scheme is just easy on the eyes and I love her intricate filled backgrounds. https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/nothing-special/list?title_no=1188&page=1 Phantomarine is another favorite. I absolutely love the painted look and it's been inspiring my newer pages. Every page is just a work of art and I love the color choices and just everything about it. http://www.phantomarine.com/
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’m also going to say Phantomarine
Theres also one I found recently called Bybloemen that has a really cool art style
ohhh Bybloemen is gorgeous and is so up your alley Sssfrs!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Its so good
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Woah, it's like woodcuts!! I like it!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Ooh this is a hard choice since I see beautiful webcomic art alot. Recently my favorite art and coloring style I've been inspired by are: - The Glass Scientists https://www.theglassscientists.com/ Some of the pages are well executed, I like the character designs, fantasy with alchemists, werewolves and more. Ghost Teller https://www.webtoons.com/en/horror/ghost-teller/list?title_no=1307 I enjoy QTT use of gradient coloring and spooky atmosphere, it looks like alot of time were used to make each strip. I like how the characters are linked to each story, it's not as spooky as more dramatic. They are all short stories Gourmet Hound: https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/gourmet-hound/list?title_no=1245 When I think of slice of life with a soft pleasant color palette, this story comes in mind. I like to refer to her work as well as other SoL comics for inspiration on coloring.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
@carcarchu ooh I love the different comics you recommend. It's always unique and pretty. I hope there's a tranlation strip for '榴花不及春'(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Funnily, the webcomic with my all-time favourite art is Order of the Stick. Love how much expression and narrative work this simple style does.
Definitely Rising Sand https://risingsand.glass/. The art is immensely detailed in ways that are relevant to the world and story, has beautiful color choices, beautiful compositions, amazing light effects, great backgrounds, and so on. And just overall the skill level is so high I'd need another 20 years experience with art to even be able to begin to point out a single flaw.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
^Ooh yes! I don’t know how Rising Sand keeps that quality so high. From their posts, it seems like a bit of a nightmare sometimes But the end product is like its own animated film!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Omg I'm often in awe with those artists making high quality art that looks like it belongs in graphic novels or film. I can imagine those big details will take alot of time to put together. (edited)
I once happen to meet the creators for Rising Sand. Very passionate writer and artist team who have quite some experiences and strong teamwork. (Life goals!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
so many comics to check out :0
Deo101 [Millennium]
wow rising sand is really gorgeous
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Whoa rising sand is really good
actually reminds me of Tigress Queen by Allidraws https://www.tigressqueen.com/comic/page-0001(edited)
especially the parts where she draws glass and architecture it's very vibrant and full of life
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Gosh I realized I have a trend of loving slice of life stories, so I might end up recommending that genre afew times!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(don't forget webcomic_recs for recommending good comics in general outside of the weekly topic!)
Unfortunately Korean-only at this time, but I am in awe of the art in this comic. It's not very polished, but you can tell the artist really knows what he's doing in terms of anatomy, perspective and composition. https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=701535&weekday=wed
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
oops I remembered that, I'll go repost there instead. Thanks Keii. Wow that comic(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I really want to read more Korean and Chinese webcomics, they have a different vibe and story atmosphere. I enjoy looking into them as inspiration on how to stage my webtoon scenes.(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Hmmmm, I wouldn't recommend the one above for how to make vertical scroll comics. That one was originally made for print and then adapted afterward, and it shows.
Still absolutely amazing action art, though!
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) Heart of Gold is SO beautiful! I agree with you 100 procent!
I will add The Ocean Soul. Holey damn this comic is SO gorgeous!!!! https://tapas.io/series/The-Ocean-Soul
Gonna add this before this prompt changes. I think Oren's Forge has the best artwork I've ever seen done in a webcomic. Every panel has a setting that's so bold and pristine in color, layout, and background that it begs to be animated. Every color used paints a different mood to show character development and the style of the characters is so stylized and interesting to look at. Even the story is interesting enough that it gets you hooked and wondering what will happen next. Also talking animals, what more can I say? :) There's more discussion in FurAffinity than there is on Tapas so I'm putting two links https://m.tapas.io/series/OrensForge https://www.furaffinity.net/full/18260576/
0 notes
mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
Reactions to the PS5 livestream and trailers from yesterday.
4:38 PM 9/16/2020 Spider-man Miles Morales Oh shit.  You know I love mid-air combat.  Do I have to get a PS5 now?  Damn it!  I swore PS4 would be my last console.   . I forgot about the PS5 livestream earlier today.  I hadn't even really been keeping it in mind.  But when I saw Professor Thorgi Tweeting praise for it...Now I'm excited.  
10:38 PM 9/16/2020 You can seep in all the nostalgic Final Fantasy music you want, but I'm just not feeling this new Final Fantasy.  When I think of Final Fantasy---what I PERSONALLY like about FF, it's that almost-steampunk mix of scifi and fantasy magic.  I love that modern, urban fantasy mixed with ancient magics.  That anachronistic amalgamation in the art style that can't really be placed anywhere.  
But even this costume design is so distinctly historic European.  With regular names like Joshua.  
The gameplay looks nice tho.
I don't think I'm interested in FF16.  Even if FF15 was disappointing, I loved Nomura's art style, the world design that is blatantly more than just "sword and sorcery" fantasy,...  I don't think I'll get Final Fantasy XVI.  
10:45 PM 9/16/2020 Or maybe it's just my depression talking.  I've been unable to enjoy things all day.  Getting excited about cool things has been out of the question today.  ;_;  
10:46 PM 9/16/2020 I stand corrected.  This Miles Morales trailer is making me cry AGAIN, and I already watched it earlier today.  You can do it, Miles!  ;o;  
10:48 PM 9/16/2020 Warner Bros?  Y'mean that new Bat Family game?  ...Oh no...Oh no.....Harry Potter.  ~_~  All those poor game developers working so hard on something that puts a bad taste in our mouths now, at the mere mention of it.  ~____~;  ...Ughhhh...  Just let it die.  ;_;  
10:57 PM 9/16/2020 Oh no!  Is Chris Redfield possessed?!???  Ok, old lady...  o_O!  So are they saying the lady reading the story IS Mia?  Ooh, stylized storytelling shadow puppets.  *.*!  Who is "Mother Miranda"?  VILLAGE.  SPOOKY.  Is that THE MERCHANT?!?  *O*  lol  
11:04 PM 9/16/2020 Yes!  There it is!  Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition!  ;U;  I passed up getting DMC5 last Black Friday, partially because I was hoping for soem kind of special edition...And here it fucking is!  *o*!  Sure, I've alreayd spoiled myself on the stoyr by now, but I want to play this game!  I always have so much fun playing this game.  ;U;  Ohmyfreakinggawd!!!!!!!!!!!  ;U;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ...Yeah, I know I saw someone mention a new DMC5 earlier, but it still makes me so happy.  ;U;  
IGN's stream is still off sync between the audio and visual.  Maybe I should switch to GameSpot's vid of the stream.  
11:09 PM 9/16/2020 Is this...FNAF??????????????? OMG  
11:11 PM 9/16/2020 Demon's Souls looks so high def and detailed, I didn't recognize it.  lol
11:16 PM 9/16/2020 OH YES!!!!!!!!  PERSONA 5 GETS JUST AS MUCH TIME IN THE MONTAGE!!!!!!!!!  More than 1 or 2 frames, like last time!  This time, SEveral seconds!  And the title reappears during the rundown of logotypes!  ^O^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
11:19 PM 9/16/2020 Oh, yes!  God of War!  Please go to Eagypt or some other panthenon! ...Oh, Ragnarok.  Well.  That'll be cool too, I'm sure.  It'll have way more gods than last time.  
11:17 PM 9/16/2020 Oh, PS5, you do look nice.  But I promised myself that PS4 would be my last console.  I just have to face facts now: I dont' actually play videogames much anymore.  It used to be a big part of my life.  An enormous part of my identity.  And I didn't want to let it go.  But I have to face the reality.  My backlog didn't pile up worse than normal gamers' for no reason.  I don't feel motivated enough to engage in such an active passtime anymore.  I need passive entertainment now in my "old age".  And look how overactive I already am, just reacting, making fan-art, and writing essays about all that passive entertainment I've been absorbed into instead.  I guess I'm too old and tired for videogames.  ;_;  Well, playing them, anyway.  I have enough fun watching let's players, and I waste enough time engaging with fan-art/fandom with just that already.  If I added gameplay time, I probably wouldn't have time to eat/sleep. And I'm too old now to not sleep, regardless of how much I already stave it off.  
11:23 PM 9/16/2020 PS5 November 12 release date. $500 with disk. $400 purely digital drive.  
11:24 PM 9/16/2020 Ok.  I don't care about IGN's reactions, when I know Professor Thorgi has a reaction vid on Twitch.  I'm going there now.  
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