#E volunteered to help with groceries. dad might be able to float me some money for bills and is gonna cover my car insurance for a few mo
dreamlogic · 1 year
god i am having such a conundrum right now i'm quitting my shitty job and trying to decide how best to do it. do i
1) last day this friday. i have an interview thurs and am pretty confident in a 2nd interview next week, so quitting now would free up time to prep for interview and hopefully recoup some sanity before starting a new job. con is that i have one fewer paycheck before may rent is due so i'll have to start using my savings sooner if i end up being unemployed for more than a month
2) last day on the 21st. i have to fuck around with trying to get time off for interviews and probably get written up for attendance, shitty job remains a massive psychic and physical drain that prevents me from job hunting and i would risk having to jump straight into new job without a breather. overall worse for charlie, but i would have a fat paycheck to pay may rent with which would buy me a few more weeks of financial security if it takes longer than anticipated to find a new job.
3) some secret third thing.
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