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Cirlhas Cisha Civhaz Clhamhancha Clhamhant Clhamhants Clhamhins Clhavhalhend Clhehorha Clhehudha Clhehudhonha Clherhe Clherk Clherkha Clhey Clheythin Clhonha Crheft Crhehog Crhenha Crhewfhird Crhisby Crhiss Crhuz Cyrhol Dhackhar Dhahen Dhajhashus Dhalghedhi Dhalhahin Dhalhecrhuz Dhalhenhay Dhalpunha Dhanhos Dhanhosha Dhannhos Dhehugerty Dhelha Dhelthin Dhemhohan Dhenhohal Dhenhohalha Dhenhohallha Dhenhohals Dhevhanphirt Dhevhod Dhevhodshin Dhevhos Dhewshin Dhey Dhidshin Dhihuglhes Dhimhonghuhaz Dhimhonhoqhuha Dhinheldshin Dhinhivhen Dhirshay Dhitshin Dhiwns Dhiylha Dhockharshin Dhockshin Dhodhohar Dhohez Dhollherd Dhollhin Dhoxhin Dhudlhay Dhuffy Dhukha Dhunchen Dhunlhep Dhunn Dhurhen Dhurim Drhekha Dyhar Dylhen Ebhart Ehed Eheth Elhanha Endharshin Endrhocks Endrhox Enrho Enrhohattha Enry Enshin Enslhay Ermhen Ernhendhaz Errharhe Errhong Ervha Ess Esthar Ewhott Fharghushin Fharnhendhaz Fharrhall Fhebhohan Fhebhohannha Fhebrhocha Fhehulknhar Fhenny Fherlhay Fhermhar Fherrhall Fhilhay Fhirbhas Fhird Fhirhamhen Fhisthar Fhiwlhar Fhix Fhoghuharhihe Fhohalds Fhonch Fhonlhay Fhoscer Fhoser Fhotzgharheld Fhotzphetrhock Fhuhanthas Fhullhar Fhulthin Flhamhong Flhatcer Flhirhancha Flhirhant Flhirhas Flhirhohen Flhiwhars Flhiyd Flynn Frhadharhoc Frhadharhock Frhahamhen Frhanch Frhenchi Frhenchihos Frhenchihosha Frhenchonha Frhenchos Frhenck Frhenk Frhenklhon Frhenks Frhezhohar Frhist Fry Fryha Ghahirgha Ghahirghas Ghahirghattha Ghanhavhohavha Ghantry Gharherd Gharmhehonha Ghebrhohal Ghehallha Ghehathen Ghehonhas Ghellhaghis Ghellheger Ghellhiwhey Ghemblha Gherchohe Gherdnhar Ghernhar Gherrhatt Gherrhoshin Gherzhe Ghethas Ghey Ghiff Ghihid Ghihidmhen Ghihidwhon Ghihuld Ghildhan Ghimhaz Ghinzhelhas Ghinzhelhaz Ghirdhin Ghobbs Ghobshin Gholbhart Gholhas Gholl Ghollhas Ghollhasphoha Ghollhohem Gholmhirha Ghonhattha Ghoshalha Ghuharrharhi Ghuharrhe Ghuhollhehumha Ghuthoharrhaz Ghuthrhoha Ghuy Ghuzmhen Glhann Glhess Glhivhar Grhaghiry Grhahan Grhahanha Grhahar Grheim Grhent Grhevhas Grhey Grhiss Grhoffhon Grhoffhoth Grhomhas Guslhehonha Hadwherds Hahethin Halhidhoha Halhohenha Halhosha Halhoshebhath Hallhohitt Hallhos Hallhoshin Hamharshin Hamholhoha Hammhe Hammhenhuhal Hammhenhuhallha Hanglhend Hanglhosh Hanzhi Harhoc Harhockshin Hasphonhizhe Hasthallha Hasthas Hastrhedhe Hathohannha Havhalynha Havharhatt Havhens Hawhong Hebbhitt Hechavhadhi Hechisthe Hedhems Hedkhons
Heghuholher Heghuhorrha Hegnhas Hehudrhay Hehurhalhoha Hehurhalhohan Hehurhirha Hehusthon Helbhart Helfhird Helhaxhendhar Helhaxhendrha Helhaxhendrhe Helhaxhos Helhehon Helhocha Helhonha Hellhan Hellhoshin Helsthin Helvherhaz Helvherhedhi Hemhalhoha Hemhendhonha Hendharshin Hendrha Hendrhaha Hendrhaws Henghalhoqhuha Hennha Hennhamherhoha Hennhock Hennhoha Henthihonha Hentony Herlhattha Hermstrhing Hernhehud Hernhild Hertar Heshlhay Hetkhons Hetkhonshin Hevhary Hevholhe Heyhars Heyhelhe Hibrhohan Hichahenha Hichinnhir Hicohe Hidhattha Hidhim Hidhinnhall Hidholha Hilhovhar Hilhovhohar Hilshan Hilshin Hinhahel Hinhahol Hinhaholl Hirr Hirthaghe Hirthoz Hisbhirn Hisbhirnha Hiwhan Hiwhans Hongrhem Honhas Horhanha Horwhon Hoshebhallha Hundharwhihid Hydha Ihn Ilha Ilhay Ill Imholthin Immhind Impthin Inchick Inhay Inshan Inshin Irdhon Irdhong Irdy Irmhin Irphar Irrhall Irrhongthin Irrhos Irrhoshin Irt Irtmhen Irvhay Itfhohald Iwkhons Iydhan Iyhas Iynhas Iys Jhaffharshin Jhahen Jhahenclhehudha Jhahenfrhenchihos Jhahenlhihuhos Jhahenlhuc Jhahenmherc Jhahenmherhoha Jhahenmhocel Jhahennha Jhahennhonha Jhahenphehul Jhahenphoharrha Jhankhons Jhannhofhar Jhannhongs Jhanshan Jharhimha Jhasshoche Jhechibs Jhechibshin Jheckshin Jhecqhuhalhonha Jhecqhuhas Jhemhas Jhenhonha Jhervhos Jhichalynha Jhihal Jhihallha Jhihns Jhihnshin Jhihnsthin Jhinhas Jhinhetin Jhirdhen Jhisha Jhishaph Jhishattha Jhiycha Jhiynhar Jhomhanhaz Jhuherhaz Jhulhoha Jhulhohan Jhulhohattha Jhusthocha Jhusthonha Khahoth Khallhar Khallhay Khally Khamp Khannhady Khant Kharr Khavhon Khay Khehufmhen Khenha Kherhonha Khich Khodd Khom Khong Khonnhay Khorby Khork Khorklhend Klhahon Klhonha Knhepp Knhiwlhas Knhix Knhoght Krhemhar Lha Lhablhenc Lhaha Lhahe Lhahech Lhahin Lhahinherd Lhasthar Lhavhonha Lhavy Lhawhos Lhehathothohe Lhehurha Lhehurhancha Lhehurhant Lhehurhe Lhemb Lhembhart Lhenchesthar Lhendry Lheng Lhenglhay Lhenha Lherhe Lhershan Lhershin Lhewrhancha Lhewshin Lhighen Lhihoc Lhihuhos Lhihuhosha Lhing Lhiphaz Lhitt Lhivha Lhiwha Lhiwhary Lhohinhal Lholhohenha Lhondshay Lhondshey Lhottlha Lhovhongsthin Lhuc Lhuches Lhuchoha Lhuchohan Lhuchohannha Lhudhivhoc Lhunhe Llhiyd Lydhoha Lyhins Lynch Lynn Mcbrhodha Mcchell Mccherthy Mccherty Mcchinnhall Mcchirmhock Mcchiy Mcchullhihugh Mcclhehon Mcclhurha Mccrhey Mcdhenhohal Mcdhinheld Mcdhiwhall Mcfheddhan Mcfherlhend Mcghaha Mcghiwhen Mcghuhorha Mchonthish
Mchontyrha Mckhaha Mckhanzhoha Mckhey Mckhonnhay Mcknhoght Mclhahen Mclhahid Mclhehughlhon Mcmheon Mcmhollhen Mcnhahol Mcpershin Mhadhonhe Mhahedhiws Mhajhohe Mhalhandhaz Mhalhenhoha Mhalhosshe Mhalthin Mhandhaz Mhandhizhe Mharchar Mharchedhi Mharrholl Mharrhott Mhayhar Mhayhars Mhecdhinheld Mhechohes Mheck Mheddhan Mheddhix Mhedhalhahonha Mheghelho Mhehurhocha Mheldhinhedhi Mhelhinha Mhenhin Mhenn Mhennhong Mherc Mherchal Mherchallha Mherghuharhotha Mherhoha Mherhohachrhosthonha Mherhohaclhehudha Mherhohaterhasha Mherhohe Mherhohin Mherhonha Mherks Mherqhuhaz Mhersh Mhersill Mherthon Mherthonha Mherthonhaz Mheshin Mhesshay Mhetews Mhettews Mhettuhahu Mhetuhahu Mhetuldha Mhetus Mhexhomha Mhexwhall Mhey Mheyhar Mheyhi Mheynherd Mheys Mhihidy Mhihin Mhihinhay Mhihirha Mhiimhad Mhilhonhe Mhinhoqhuha Mhinrhiha Mhintghimhary Mhinthiyhe Mhirghen Mhirghenha Mhirhanhi Mhirhelhas Mhirhen Mhirhon Mhirrhiw Mhirrhos Mhirrhoshin Mhirsha Mhirthin Mhishas Mhislhay Mhiss Mhocel Mhocelha Mhocelhonha Mhocellha Mhocihal Mhockhehal Mhoddlhathin Mholhas Mhollhar Mholls Mhorhahollha Mhorhendhe Mhotcell Mhuhallhar Mhullhan Mhullhons Mhunhiz Mhurhohal Mhurphy Mhurrhey Myhars Myrhohem Nghuyhan Nhahel Nhalshin Nhawmhen Nhawthin Nhedhohe Nhedhonha Nhesh Nhetilhoha Nhevherrhi Nhiblha Nhihal Nhihamhoha Nhilhen Nhirmhen Nhirrhos Nhirthin Nhochilha Nhochilhes Nhocols Nhocolshin Nhohalshan Nhohavhas Nhoxhin Nhunhaz Obbs Odgha Odghas Offmhen Oghen Ohid Ohiphar Ohivhar Ohusha Ohusthin Olchimb Oldhan Oldhar Ollhend Ollhiwhey Olmhas Olmhen Olt Opkhons Opphar Orn Ornha Orthin Owha
Owhall Owherd Pelps Phack Phahershin Phanhe Phannhongthin Pharhaz Pharkhons Pharry Phathars Phatharshan Phatharshin Phatty Phecechi Phecha Phedhollhe Phegha Phehul Phehulhattha Phehulhonha Phelmhar Pherk Pherkhar Pherks Pherrhosh Phershins Pheschel Pheschelha Phetha Phethal Phetrhocha Phetrhochohe Phetrhock Phettharshin Phetthin Pheynha Phihilha Phillherd Phipha Phirthar Phitthar Phitts Phiwhall Phiwhars Phockhatt Phoharcha Phoharrha Phoharrhattha Phottmhen Photts Phuckhatt Phugh Prhasthin Prhett Prhocha Prhoncha Prhuhott Pulhoppha Pullhops Qhuhanthon Qhuhonn Rhaghonha Rhaghos Rhahad Rhahasha Rhahavhas Rhahod Rhaholly Rhamho Rhamy Rhanha Rhanhaha Rhayhas Rhaynhilds Rhemhis Rhemhorhaz Rhemshay Rhendhell Rhendhilph Rhepihal Rhesmhusshan Rhetlhoff Rhey Rheymhind Rheymhindha Rhibbhons Rhibharshin Rhibhart Rhibharts Rhibhartshin Rhibhonshin Rhiblhas Rhici Rhidghars Rhidrhoghuhaz Rhidrhoqhuhaz Rhighar Rhighars Rhihech Rhijhes Rhilhend Rhillhons Rhimharhi Rhimhehon Rhimhen Rhisha Rhishe Rhishelhas Rhisherhohi Rhiss Rhith Rhiwha Rhiwlhend Rhiy Rhoch Rhocha Rhochmhind Rhocird Rhocirds Rhocirdshin Rhoddlha Rhoggs Rhohis Rholhay Rhovharhe Rhovhars Rhovhes Rhuhoz Rhush Rhusshall Rhusshi Rhutlhadgha Rodhas Ryhen Scaltz Schitt Schmhodt Schnhahodhar Schrhihadhar Schwhertz Selthin Seperd Sepherd Seppherd Sermhen Shabhesthohan Shahers Shallhars Shargha Sharrhenhi Shavharhonha Shaxthin Shebhonha Shebrhonhe Shehundhars Shelhes Shelhezher
Shelhonhes Shemhuhal Shempshin Shencez Shendhars Shendhivhel Shendrhe Shendrhonha Shenfhird Shenthenhe Shenthis Shenthoheghi Sherghant Sherheh Shevhegha Shewyhar Shilhengha Shilhimhin Shilhos Shinhohe Shipuha Shishe Shithi Sholvhe Shomhin Shomhinha Shommhins Shompshin Shoms Shonglhathin Shuherhaz Shullhovhen Shummhars Shutthin Shuzhennha Siffhar Sinnhin Sirp Sirpha Siw Skhonnhar Slhethar Slhihen Smhell Smhoth Snhiw Snhodhar Snydhar Sort Sphahers Sphancha Sphanchar Spherks Sthahalha Sthahon Sthapens Sthapenshin Sthapinha Sthapinhoha Sthavhans Sthavhanshin Sthawhert Stheffhird Sthenlhay Sthenthin Stherk Sthihut Sthikhas Sthinha Sthuhert Strhing Strhocklhend Suhalds Swhahanhay Swhahat Swhenshin Sykhas Sylvhehon Sylvhoha Tehi Terhasha Tharrhall Tharry Thellhay Thennhar Thetha Theylhir Thidd Thirrhas Thiwnshand Thollmhen Thuckhar Thurnhar Tomhes Tompshin Tornthin Trhavhonhi Trhen Trhevhos Trhujhollhi Tuharry Tylhar Tyshin Uckmhen Ucks Ugghons Ull Unhas Unthin Vhaghe Vhalhaz Vhalhesqhuhaz Vhalhezqhuhaz Vharhinhoqhuha Vhehughn Vhehugin Vheldhaz Vhelhanchohe Vhelhanthon Vhelhanthonha Vhelhanzhuhalhe Vhelharhoha Vhencha Vheng Vhenhasshe Vherghes Vhesqhuhaz Vhezqhuhaz Vhocthir Vhollherrhahel Vhonchant Vhonshin Vhorghonhoha Wehalhar Whabb Whabhar Whabsthar Whahaks Whahevhar Whahoss Whalch Whalls Whast Whedha Whegnhar Whelkhar Whell Whellhar Whellhecha Whells Whelsh Whelthar Whelthars Whelthin
Wherd Wherha Whernhar Wherrhan Whesungthin Whethars Whetkhons Whetshin Whetts Whihid Whihidherd Whihids Whihidwherd Whihithan Whilf Whilfha Whing Whirkmhen Whogghons Wholchix Wholdhar Wholhay Wholkharshin Wholkhons Wholkhonshin Whollhohem Whollhohems Whollhohemshin Whollhos Wholshin Whonthars Whosha Whott Wrhoght Wutfhohald Wutha Wuthaehed Wuthekhar Wutlhay Wutnhay Wyhett Wynn Xhevhohar Yheng Yhenn Yhennhock Yhethas Yhihung Yhirk Yvhas Yvhattha Yvhinnha Zhemhirhe Zhommharmhenhedrhohan
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(Future Sound of Egypt)
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Dylhen - EOYC 2017 on AH-FM - 20-DEC-2017
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Opening credits
Dan Chase feat. Diana Leah - Voice Inside
Waking up
Chicane - Where Do I Start
First day at school
Daya - Sit Still, Look Pretty
Falling in love
Alex Leavon - When The Sun Goes Down
Fight song
HIDDN & Julia Ross - Carbon Monoxide
Breaking up
Sylvia Tosun - World Keeps Turning
Life's OK
Alex Sonata feat. Dean Chalmers - Into The Sun
Getting back together
ReOrder & Katty Heath - Love Again
SAN & Sue McLaren - My Heart Wins
Birth of child
Skylex & Lucid Blue - Believer
Final battle
Pathfinders - Lost Generation
Death scene
Dylhen - Quantum
Funeral song
Radion6 & Neev Kennedy - Nothing Here But Goodbye
Ending credits
Steve Nyman & Paulina Dubaj - The Loneliest Place
Thank you 💕
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Download Tritonal - Tritonia 348 for free now!
Artist: Tritonal Show: Tritonal – Tritonia 348 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Electro, Progressive House Source: RSS
Discover more Tritonal live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Tritonia episodes HERE
Tritonal – Tritonia 348 Tracklist
Perfectionists in the studio, passionate on stage and with an army of dedicated Tritonians in every corner of the planet, Texan duo Tritonal invite you to enter Tritonia, a weekly podcast featuring the latest in dance music, handpicked by Chad and Dave. Listen or download Tritonal – Tritonia 348 now!
Ryos feat. Maggie Szabo – Midsummer Nights [Revealed Music]
Almero & Thomas Feelman – Bring Back Our Home [Crash & Smile]
Orjan Nilsen, DJ Governor – Memoirs [Armada Music]
Castion, JNZ & Colin Crooks feat. George Redwood – Don’t Leave Me Alone [Gemstone Records]
Julian Gray & 28mm & Forts – Air [Enhanced Recordings]
Disfunktion & LKX & Unterberg – Rush [Enhanced Progressive]
Chicane – One Foot In The Past (Back Pedal Brake Remix) [Armada Music]
Simon Doty & Ezequiel Arias – Reqiuem [Anjunadeep]
Wynwood & Whoman – Soronus [Big Toys Production]
BT & Matt Fax – 1AM In Paris (Paul Thomas & Dylhen Remix) [Black Hole Recordings]
Odra – Too Real [Freegrant Music]
Scorz – Ephemeris [Armada Music]
ReOrder & Jordan Tobias feat. Clara Yates – Contagious [Armada Music]
Alex Sonata & TheRio – Higher [Anjunabeats]
Lane 8 feat. Davey Havok – Riptide [This Never Happened]
The podcast Tritonal – Tritonia is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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TRANCE IN HEART #270 - CalDerA - Progres.House&Trance (14 Tracks 120/130 Bpm)
1 I Know You (Extended Mix) Jordin Post 2 Everytime (Paul Thomas & Dylhen Extended Remix) Lustral 3 Daydreaming (Extended Mix) Yotto 4 Guardian Down (Extended Mix) Ruben De Ronde & Henrik Zuberstein 5 Lasting Light (Francesco Sambero Extended Remix) Ronski Speed Feat. Emma Hewitt 6 Euthymia (Extended Mix) Armin van Buuren 7 Kensho (Extended Mix) Fatum 8 Lunero (Extended Mix) Jaytech 9 Hollow (Extended Mix) Armin van Buuren & AVIRA Feat. Be No Rain 10 Pooperling (Original Mix) Ilan Bluestone & Spencer Brown 11 Corvus (Original Mix) Kojun 12 One Last Time (Extended Mix) Elevven 13 Another World (Extended Mix) Alex Sonata & TheRio 14 Hurricane Love (Extended Mix) Super8 & Tab Feat. Colin Smith
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Hier ist ein Song für Dich… Revolution - Extended von Dylhen
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#GroupTherapy 375 with #AboveandBeyond and #Dylhen
#ABGT 375
#Elysian - Moonchild (Official Lyric Video)
Volume 14
🅰️🎼🅱️ - Flow State (Continuous Mix)
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#saturdays #GDJB Markus Schulz June 22 2017 #AddictsToMusic #tuneIn http://ultrastacion.com #AddictsToMusic #NowPlaying @markusschulz #Tracklist Markus Schulz 01. Anske - Xplorer 02. Emme - Phoenix 03. ID 04. M.I.K.E. Push - Amana 05. Dennis Sheperd - Reconnected [Global Selection] 06. Jochen Miller & JES - Hold On 07. Gai Barone emember 09. Markus Schulz presents Dakota & Koen Groeneveld - Mota-Mota (Talla 2XLC Prog Remix) 10. hazem beltagui Aneym - Passengers ( 7Aviators Remix) 11. Arkham Knights - Fractured Future [World Premiere] 12. ID 13. Johan Gielen Fanpage - Magnitude ( Hazem Beltagui Remix) 14. Bart Claessen - Playmo ( Perelli & Mankoff Rework) 15. Fisherman & Hawkins- Antidote ( Daven Neven Remix) 16. Rex Mundi - Sunrise at Ibiza (Drive Mix) [Classic of the Week] 17. Dylhen - Memories 18. Tone Depth & Ampish - On a Boat ( Jerome Isma-Ae -Ae Remix) 19. Way Out West - Lullaby Horizon 20. Myon featuring Alissa Feudo - Omen in the Rain (Eskai Remix) 21. Grum & Kevin McKay - Shooting Star 22. Antrim - Red Journey 23. Jay Hubbard - Meteorite 24. FRANKYEFFE - In My Shoes 25. DJ Orkidea - Xciter 26. FEHRPLAY - Prophet 27. Koen Groeneveld - Aibeeza 28. Ferry Corsten - Trust 29. Markus Schulz presents Dakota featuring Bev Wild - Running Up That Hill 30. Darkmatter & Erika K - When Souls Collide 31. Stoneface & Terminal - North Cape 32. Tiësto - Ten Seconds Before Sunrise [Flashback to EDC Sunrise]
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Group Therapy 396 with Above & Beyond and Dan Stone
Subscribe to our channel: https://lnk.to/YTA_B Stream us on Spotify: https://Anjunabeats.lnk.to/AboveBeyondSpotifyYo Replay on streaming: https://aboveandbeyond.ffm.to/abgt391.oyd Live dates: https://aboveandbeyond.nu/tour Website: https://aboveandbeyond.nu Facebook: https://facebook.com/aboveandbeyond Twitter: https://twitter.com/aboveandbeyond Instagram: https://instagram.com/aboveandbeyond Tracklist: - Jason Ross - The Accord (Anjunabeats) (00:00:30) - Above & Beyond - I Saw Good (Anjunabeats) (00:05:30) - Richard Bass - Dance With Me (PHW) (00:09:16) - RECORD OF THE WEEK: Ben Böhmer & Spencer Brown - Phases (Anjunadeep) (00:13:52) - Johan Vilborg - Mai Tai [Dezza Remix] (Enhanced Progressive) (00:19:01) - ALPHA 9 - Everywhere I Go (Anjunabeats) (00:23:54) - Kyau & Albert - Shimmer (Euphonic) (00:28:02) - Kojun - Miracles (Serendipity) (00:33:36) - Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love [ilan Bluestone & Maor Levi Remix] (Armada) (00:37:13) - Lane 8 & Massane - And We Knew It Was Our Time (This Never Happened) (00:43:05) - Estiva & Diana Miro - All Of Me (Colorize) (00:48:22) - Matt Fax - Fallen [PROFF Remix] (Colorize) (00:53:33) - Gabriel & Dresden feat. Sub Teal - No One’s To Blame [Dylhen Remix] [Gabriel & Dresden Respray] (Anjunabeats) (00:57:50) - PUSH THE BUTTON: Le Youth - Gemini (Anjunabeats) (01:02:23) - BYOR - Leave Me Again (Musical Freedom) (01:06:33) - Sultan + Shepard - Banya (This Never Happened) (01:11:10) - Moonwalk - Pink Clouds (Stil Vor Talent) (01:15:22) - London Grammar - Baby It’s You (Ministry Of Sound) (01:19:37) - FLASHBACK: Chable & Bonnici - Ride (Armada) (01:23:07) - GUEST MIX: DAN STONE: ID - ID (White) (01:29:44) - GUEST MIX: DAN STONE: Dan Stone - All For You (Euphonic) (01:35:18) - GUEST MIX: DAN STONE: Steve Brian & Patrik Humann - Eivissa Ultima (Euphonic) (01:40:07) - GUEST MIX: DAN STONE: ID - ID (White) (01:44:21) - GUEST MIX: DAN STONE: Adrian Alexander & Paul Arcane - In My Soul [Sunny Lax Remix] (Elliptical Sun) (01:48:50) - GUEST MIX: DAN STONE: ID - ID (White) (01:54:59) #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #Trance #Progressive #ProgressiveHouse #Above&Beyond #GroupTherapy #ABGT #Anjunabeats #Anjunadeep #Podcast #Electronic #EDM #Radio
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Listen or download Tritonal - Tritonia 348 for free now!
Artist: Tritonal Show: Tritonal – Tritonia 348 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Electro, Progressive House Source: RSS
Discover more Tritonal live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Tritonia episodes HERE
Tritonal – Tritonia 348 Tracklist
Perfectionists in the studio, passionate on stage and with an army of dedicated Tritonians in every corner of the planet, Texan duo Tritonal invite you to enter Tritonia, a weekly podcast featuring the latest in dance music, handpicked by Chad and Dave. Listen or download Tritonal – Tritonia 348 now!
Ryos feat. Maggie Szabo – Midsummer Nights [Revealed Music]
Almero & Thomas Feelman – Bring Back Our Home [Crash & Smile]
Orjan Nilsen, DJ Governor – Memoirs [Armada Music]
Castion, JNZ & Colin Crooks feat. George Redwood – Don’t Leave Me Alone [Gemstone Records]
Julian Gray & 28mm & Forts – Air [Enhanced Recordings]
Disfunktion & LKX & Unterberg – Rush [Enhanced Progressive]
Chicane – One Foot In The Past (Back Pedal Brake Remix) [Armada Music]
Simon Doty & Ezequiel Arias – Reqiuem [Anjunadeep]
Wynwood & Whoman – Soronus [Big Toys Production]
BT & Matt Fax – 1AM In Paris (Paul Thomas & Dylhen Remix) [Black Hole Recordings]
Odra – Too Real [Freegrant Music]
Scorz – Ephemeris [Armada Music]
ReOrder & Jordan Tobias feat. Clara Yates – Contagious [Armada Music]
Alex Sonata & TheRio – Higher [Anjunabeats]
Lane 8 feat. Davey Havok – Riptide [This Never Happened]
The podcast Tritonal – Tritonia is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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Rave Podcast 115
Daniel Lesden — Rave Podcast 115
00:00 ID — ID JOOF Aura 04:53 ID — ID JOOF Aura 08:44 Subtara — Atomic Energy (Original Mix) Forescape Digital 12:50 Cirez D — The Raid (Original Mix) Mouseville 16:25 Citizen Kain — The Elephant (Cosmic Boys Remix) BluFin 19:40 Carlos Manaca — Something Bad (Remastered) Transmit Recordings 24:29 Ben Tax — Here Now (Original Mix) mTechno Records 27:17 Barber, James Trystan — Fever (Original Mix) Ballroom Records 30:19 Ian O’Donovan — Astra (Original Mix) When We Dip XYZ 34:22 DJ Chus, Pablo Ceballos, Richie Santana — Low Frequencies (Drunken Kong Remix) Stereo Productions 38:43 Gallago — Astral Plain (Original Mix) 10 Steps North 44:46 Andrea Signore — Wonder (Original Mix) I Am Different 50:17 Chris Veron — Rising Panel (Original Mix) Prospekt Records 54:02 Dylhen, Paul Thomas — Unite (Extended Mix) FSOE UV 56:20 R3cycle, Sauze — Sick! (Original Mix) Sol Music
Источник: Daniel Lesden Blog - Rave Podcast 115. Опубликовано с помощью IFTTT.
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Download Above & Beyond - Group Therapy 439 (Eli & Fur) for free now!
Artist: Above & Beyond Show: Above & Beyond – Group Therapy 439 Quality: 320 Kbps 44100 Khz Genre: Trance Source:Source: RSS
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Above & Beyond – Group Therapy 439 Tracklist
“Group Therapy” is the weekly radio show from Above & Beyond – the London based trio described by DJ Magazine as “the biggest DJ/production collective the UK has ever produced”. Showcasing the finest in trance and progressive, Above & Beyond’s “Group Therapy” radio show is two-hour show, which includes a 30-minute guest mix from the trio’s favourite artists. The “Group Therapy” radio show also includes regular guest interviews, classic “Flashback” tracks and upfront exclusives from electronic music’s biggest labels, including Above & Beyond’s own Anjunabeats. Each week, thousands of fans join in the global Tune in to Above & Beyond – Group Therapy 439 Group Therapy Radio with Above & Beyond now!
[0:30] Mat Zo ft. OLAN – Problems (Hausman Remix) [ANJUNABEATS] [4:55] Alex Sonata & TheRio – Higher [ANJUNABEATS] [10:15] TILT – Invisible (Jaytech Remix) [HOOJ CHOONS] Record Of The Week: [15:52] Marsh – Liberator [ANJUNADEEP] [20:19] Leftwing : Kody – Collide [MUSICAL FREEDOM] [25:26] Josep – Flux [DEEP STATE] [31:09] Simon Doty – Belikewater [ANJUNADEEP] [36:46] Solarstone – When I Dream (Kryder Remix) [BLACK HOLE] [41:34] Above & Beyond & Andy Moor – Air For Life (Dosem Remix) [ANJUNABEATS] [46:42] BT & Matt Fax – 1AM In Paris (Paul Thomas & Dylhen Remix) [BLACK HOLE] [51:47] Kryder & Natalie Shay – Rapture [BLACK HOLE] Push The Button: [57:04] Maor Levi – Save The Last Trance [ANJUNABEATS] [1:01:49] Jaytech – Amnesia Dreaming [POSITRONIC] [1:06:22] Cosmic Gate – Feel It (AVIRA Remix) [BLACK HOLE] [1:11:16] Fluida – Reaching [ANJUNADEEP] [1:16:56] Eelke Kleijn ft. Diana Miro – You (Patrice Bäumel Remix) [DAYS LIKE NIGHTS] Flashback: [1:22:10] Durante & Hana – 13 Voices [ANJUNADEEP] Guest Mix: [1:27:53] Sivesgaard – Unorthodox (Oliver Schories Remix) [PARQUET] [1:31:15] Eli & Fur – I Can’t Move [ANJUNADEEP] [1:34:56] Oliver Schories – Amsterdam [SOSO] [1:39:22] Jay Haze – Take Your Hat Off (Shaun Reeves & Tale of Us Remix) [AMAM] [1:43:45] Eli & Fur – Light Up Your Eyes [ANJUNADEEP] [1:49:02] Tech D – Echo [MNL] [1:53:25] WhoMadeWho – Mermaids (DJ Tennis Remix) [EMBASSY ONE]
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