#Dwyer skills
softskiesahead · 8 months
do u think shadowheart and aya steal away from the rest of the camp, slipping into the woods for a short moment alone to talk and rest and kiss after the day's done
:((((((((( yes
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waywardsalt · 8 months
its kinda fun thinking about messing with generics’ abilities and stat growths in emulated fe fates, and while i’ve decided that once i figure it out i’ll see about giving them all personal abilities, it’s made me realize that a lot of fe fates personal abilities are kind of shit
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pegasusknightsonly · 10 months
i know im overthinking it but is there any value in trying to pass down skills that kids dont have access to. like fuckin uhhhhh if i got kagero to a+ with setsuna and friendship sealed her is asugi actually going to be able to do anything with quick draw ?????
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fehtism · 6 months
fire emblem fates online shuts down in less than a week D: if anyone is still insane enough to use the online features i have some units that are up for grabs.
my castle address:
i have two units available but i can put some others up if there's any desire for it
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first unit i have is setsuna ...
the skills she has are: skill+2 , quick draw , certain blow , lethality (as a meme) , bowfaire
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second unit is this funny 3 proc skill dwyer build
skills he has are: elbow room , astra , luna , lethality , shurikenfaire
i have a few other builds i can put up for grabs (send a dm or leave a comment) including:
a standard super ophelia build (L&D + Vantage) that also has tomefaire as a result of having orochi as her mom
mitama (with setsuna as a mother) who is a priestess with the same build as setsuna but swaps skill+2 for renewal
a very degen level 50 azura with astra and vantage
i really hope at least one other person still uses the fates online features cause i know i do
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justices-blade · 7 months
and a ♡ for my partner in mafias
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cleric > butler > seneschal
a thin veil of demureness hiding a cocky, self-righteous, lazy yet intense individual.
kinda got herded into the butler life for lack of choosing anything else
genuine bare passable minimum kinda guy but very good at gauging what that bare minimum is and incredibly effective at doing said bare minimum. work smart not hard
HATES seeing outright incompetence though
the only reason he is not gods sleepiest solider is because he has been forsaken by god.
the intensity is from his being very... all or nothing. incredibly to everyones detriment.
was a VERY ambitious child who went on an insane skill acquisition spree to become the most competent person in any situation
but noone either appreciated him enough for them OR claimed he doesn't need to prove himself to anyone + he bit off more than he could ever fit in his mouth much less chew and burned out HARD. the mixed signals and refusal to accept anything but what he expects kind of distilled him to his worst traits
still desperately craves praise but he isnt doing anywhere near well enough to deserve it, he needs to deserve it!! this want makes him feel cringe and he is never doing enough and it doesnt sound serious or credible coming from edward and like a placation from dwyer.
since he cant reach his standards with hard work he just won't bother lol
the only time his old intensity and passion will come back is specifically for fixing someone elses fuckups i think the only person who could fix him is picking up after someone worse than him or if forced into a teaching role
this man would thrive on reddit.
this man would also thrive as a programmer coasting on pure time theft at ten remote jobs simultaneously
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apathynoir · 7 months
♡ // my oomfie from mafia
send me a ♡ and i’ll describe what i think our muses’ child would be like | closed
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"i'm a guy all about dreams! i love when people talk about their life goals and stuff. me?! ummm, well, first i wanna inherit my sword dad's blade. then, i wanna learn how to throw knives like my butler dad! after that, i'm gonna learn how to use swords and knives at the same time, and then i'm g--"
myrmidon > swordmaster
intensely optimistic. sometimes you wonder if his bright lighted personality will sear your eyes. there haven't been any reported cases of this yet, but who knows if you'll be the first.
can never be still unless it's during nap time. once he finds a good place to settle down he sleeps still as a corpse. sometimes people have thought he died because it's very difficult to wake him up. he thinks it's hilarious.
a natural-born prankster. he always tries to prank his fathers and is occasionally successful. the best prank he ever pulled (and he will make SURE to tell you) was the time he switched all of the sugar in the house with salt and then pretended it was still sugar. sure, his coffee was saltier than the ocean, but to see dwyer genuinely baffled was a victory sweeter than cane sugar.
on the topic of sugar, he's a baked goods fiend. he likes to cut big slices of cakes and breads with his sword and then run away before he's caught. this has resulted in him chopping the table in half.
an incredibly skilled swordsman. he can land blows blindfolded.
the kind of person to genuinely ponder the question "would you still love me if i were a worm." also the kind of person to ask that question.
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romancomicsnews · 7 months
Where would I put Chris Pratt in the DCU?
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It's no secret director and now head of the DCU James Gunn loves himself certain actors.
He continues to add additions to his DCU from past work, including Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern Guy Gardner and brother Sean Gunn as billionaire Maxwell Lord.
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While these castings are both fun and exciting for the future of the DCU, since both of these castings, a realization came upon me. Jame Gunn will likely cast many of his friends into this universe. And while most are talented, accomplished actors, there is one man who has been looming over my soul...
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Chris Pratt.
No do not get me wrong, he is a talented actor. From The Lego Movie to Guardians of the Galaxy, Pratt has a way of impressing me. Granted every now and then he is a Mario or an Owen Grady, but he continues to be a big star and be a draw for financial success. Which is kind of the problem.
I worry if Chris Pratt does join this universe, due to his stardom he likely will be given a major role. Granted I don't think Gunn would make him Batman, but could Peter Safran? Could larger execs?
He's a big white guy and a big draw. By that logic, he could play The Flash, Booster Gold, Green Lantern, or really anyone he chooses.
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So in order to save those for actors who I can more properly see as those characters, I put together a few roles I think Chris Pratt can play in the DCU, some more fun, some more serious, some more longterm, and some for a fun one off, ending with the one I like most.
Let's start by going over a couple of things like:
What is Chris Pratt good at?
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A lot actually.
Chris is very good at playing characters who are losers. From Star-Lord, Barley Lightfoot and Emmett, Chris voices or plays lovable underdogs really well.
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Chris also loves playing army guys. It's clear from the Terminal List and Tomorrow War, he likes to be a soldier. Perhaps we find something military for the guy to do
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The man can do funny, but has range. Particularly in James Gunn flicks, Star-Lord has some really emotional scenes that resonate every viewing. We don't have to go silly.
Other Stipulations
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No matter who we pick, Chris Pratt will be compared to Star-Lord. It may be wise to stay away from characters like Star-Lord (so you won't be seeing Adam Strange, or Booster on this list).
Chris is also a draw right now, and a busy one at that. If he is entering the DCU, it may be smart to give him a vital role, but not one that needs to be in every movie. So we're probably not looking at Hal Jordan, but Kilowog isn't off the table.
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Finally Star-Lord didn't wear his helmet at all last movie. So I'm guessing we'll want to pick a character where Chris can show his face.
5. Kite Man
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We're starting off our list with a bit of a joke turned icon much like Pratt himself.
Kite Man is a C list villain who is often the butt of a joke and never taken extremely seriously. Chuck Brown uses Kites to commit crimes, and while he is an excellent glider, he's rarely ever a threat. He appeared in Batman the Brave and the Bold but is mostly known as a background character in the Harley Quinn Series.
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While the character is usually around Gotham City, he could absolutely be put in any city in the DCU and make just as much sense. He could be fun as a one and done Batman villain, but even more fun as a recurring villain, kind of like Turk Barrett in the Netflix Marvel shows.
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He's silly, pathetic, but likable, and leaves a lot of room for Pratt to make it his own. It feels like going back to his Andy Dwyer days, which could be fresh at this point.
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While this is fun and I would love it, I don't know how overall useful this is of Pratts skills, or if him being so big takes away from the fun of Kite Man. It may be too small or too frequent for the mans schedule as well, but I thought it was worth a mention.
4. The Ventriloquist
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If we wanted to tap Pratt's voice work and serious acting, The Ventriloquist is a character I've been hoping to see for quite awhile.
Arnold Wesker is a crime is a meek meager man who has a psychotic break and uses a puppet, nicknamed Scarface, to execute crimes and become a mob boss.
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This is a a great duel role I think a comedian can strive in, and one that can push Pratt into another level as far as acting goes. It could put him in talks with actors like Paul Dano or Heath Ledger for the greatest Batman villain.
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It also wouldn't be a role Pratt would have to do for long or frequently. He could be the start of the Batman trilogy and die in the first film.
My main concern is if he can pull off the meager nature of Arnold. I think an actor like Charlie Day, Ty Burrell or even Will Ferrell might put in a performance that get people talking about it much more.
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Again I wouldn't be mad at it, it would definitely be a different and weird pick. But not my first choice for the character or Pratt.
3. Jor-El
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I kind of love this one.
Jor-El is a role with big potential for a star. Being played by both Marlon Brando and Russell Crowe, it may require a modern day mega star. Is Pratt that mega star?
Utilizing Pratt here would be extremely different then how we've seen him before. He would be militaristic and more dramatic than we've seen him before. Plus he's big enough to believable be Superman's dad.
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It may be smart to put Pratt in an older mentor role. But will he be too distracting as Jor-El? And is his voice as iconic as Brando or Crowe?
I think it's still a role I'd be happy to give to Pratt. But I have two more I think would be more fun for his set of skills.
2. Jay Garrick
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He'd look pretty good in the tin hat.
Jay Garrick is the original Flash, a speedster who is often over 100 years old and a major mentor to Barry and Wally.
Now he may be very old but is often much more spry due to the speed force. And we can age up Pratt using VFX or just give him a little gray in the temples. Depends on how old you want to make him.
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Having Pratt as the original Flash Jay Garrick would hint at a larger DC Universe, one with a Justice Society, and him play a role much different than Star-Lord.
As Jay, Pratt would be crucial to the universe but not as needed in the big team ups as Wally or Barry. If he did want a prequel, we can set one in WWII similar to the Justice Society movie.
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As The Flash, Pratt can be funny, charming, but now wise and mentoring, which would be a good change of pace for Pratt. This would be a lock for me, if there wasn't a role I think he may nail even better.
1. Pat Dugan - STRIPE
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A sidekick. A has been. A loser. Connected to a wider DC Universe. A Mentor. An inherently silly character. Very midwest.
Chris Pratt is Pat Dugan.
Originally the driver and sidekick for the Star-Spangled Kid who eventually became Star Man, Stripesy finds himself mentoring the younger new Justice Society after his step-daughter Courtney discovers Star Mans staff and becomes Stargirl.
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Due to being useless in the past, he creates a make shift Mech suit known as STRIPE and uses it to fight evil with his step-daughter, who both form a special bond.
Pratt would be hitting many of the keynotes he's great at while playing a character extremely different from Star-Lord. Unlike Peter, Pat is very human, and relatable. He was not accepted as a hero during the Justice Society days, so he has something to prove, and feels tremendous guilt for what happed to his old team.
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This would be a great role for Pratt. As secondary lead, he could appear in big team up movies, or stay out of the fight and be a mentor character only. He'd have a huge impact on the universe, be a window into the past, and play a role that is dramatic, funny, and gives us something new and different from what we've ever seen from Pratt.
I don't know if he should be, but if Chris Pratt is joining the DCU, he should be our STRIPE.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Where would you put Chris Pratt in the DCU?
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deathsdue · 6 months
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elrondhalfelven · 1 year
Are there any headcannons for Peter or other characters that are heavily adopted by the fandom that you love or hate in fanfics, artwork,etc?
this got very long so i’m sorry in advance! also i’m more talking about behaviours in headcanons rather than any specific headcanons people have cause I don’t want to put random people on blast <3
i think my main problems in fanon are ones that were perpetuated in *~*canon*~* (as far as comics have a canon, pffft) after the movies came out. i can’t say i engage too heavily in fan stuff outside of my tiny mutual bubble on here but i’m aware of how the gang is viewed outside and it’s not always great. intended with love, maybe so. but people are so guilty of taking the guardians at face value.
headcanons that run into the ‘peter is a stupid manchild’ characterisation is my biggest ever pet peeve. because he’s not stupid! he’s not a manchild! he’s very clever, and quick-witted and he plays dumb PURPOSELY to get the upper hand! he WANTS to be underestimated. that’s how he wins! his brain is working at a thousand miles an hour! and sure, he puts his foot in his mouth sometimes (okay, maybe a lot of times) but if you think Pete is stupid, honestly, you just haven’t been paying attention.
i think chris pratt being cast in the mcu is what started this characterisation because people were just like oh! andy dwyer in space. the legendary star-lord comic that came out after the movie is my villain origin story for making him an actual clown. after that in the comics they always made him stupid. which is bizarre in itself actually because despite the Andy Dwyer In Space jokes, I don’t think peter is portrayed as stupid in the guardians movies (infinity war and endgame don’t interact xxx). maybe not as quick on his feet as he is in the comics, maybe a little goofier, but certainly not an aggressively stupid 14 year old boy.
so the fact that casual fandom enjoys portraying Peter as an idiot or a child in a man’s body really grinds my gears. it’s so widely accepted too. or making him a pop culture quip machine. just stop 💀🔫
other things too are often just. accepted. rocket is mean. always mean. he hates everyone. drax is stupid (the mcu is guilty here). mantis is there to be cute. gamora is just the mum friend (???) like she’s not arguably the most unhinged person on the entire team. more recently, with the release of vol3, that adam is a himbo. as if the whole point wasn’t clearly explained in the movie: that he has all of this knowledge and these amazing skills but he’s very clumsy because he’s never done ANYTHING before! he’s learning!
so basically, any headcanons that have the team engaging in behaviours that perpetuates these things! it’s so annoying! and about loving? well things that don’t constantly do this.
in terms of LOVE: day to day domestic things. rich needs glasses to read despite his nova powers. groot sprouts flowers for birthdays. gamora is happy to teach people to meditate should they want to (she tries with Peter, it goes awfully, he’s bored and he also downed like 10 shots of coffee so he’s just fully vibrating). sam visits sometimes with rich and rocket is secretly always thrilled to see him. i love thinking about a boring day on knowhere <3
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v-anrouge · 9 months
*sigh* when I start my Nohr playthrough I’ll get an Azul Dwyer, so blue hair (and pronouns)
Fire Emblem lingo: (name) (child name) Which non-linked parent is the mother/father of the child. Basically a quick way to get a little info on what the character looks like/most common skill set.
i understand (doesn't understand)
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k00281598 · 1 year
Breakfast Club Trailer
Completed trailer and bloopers
I loved this entire experience, I learned so much. I improved my premiere Pro skills so much with editing. It was also a great teamwork experience.
My job was filming and editing the blooper reel. I also acted as Allison.
Thank you so much to all of our actors, we couldn't have done it without you!
Amber O' Dwyer @k00281728
Jade Taylor @k00279003
James Kearney @k00285376
Liam Keary @k00285513
Lilian Beamish @k00284723
Luke Sweeney @k00282818
Michael Dore @k00287999
Robyn O' Rahilly @k00281598 ( Me :D )
Ronan Chin @k00282432
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fatesdeepdive · 11 months
Entry 124: Everyone Forgets Everything
Xenologue 16: Heirs of Fate II: Realms Collide
Shigure narrates that this chapter is about a different realm with a separate Kana, the male one. The chapter opens with Sophie and Dwyer in a town, fighting against dragon form Kana. Dwyer explains that he found Kana crying and that he suddenly turned into a dragon. He speculates Kana lost control because his mother died like their fathers. Sophie refuses to believe Silas is dead and says that they'll rescue their fathers.
The map scrolls over to Forrest, who is traveling with his retainers, Nina and Ophelia. Ophelia is giving directions using a rock that she's pretending is magic, because she forgot that she made up the fact that it's magic. Ophelia says it was a good-luck charm from Odin. As an aside, I do love the fact that Odin once again sacrificed himself to hold off enemies attacking his loved ones. Ophelia says that she believes with all her heart that he wouldn't die, but doubt is beginning to creep in. Forrest says that he didn't encounter his father, but found Byrnhildr lying on the ground, implying Leo dropped it after dying. Nina says that she won't mourn Niles, because he's an asshole who never visited her and that it would have been better if Niles saved Leo instead of her. Forrest tells her to perish the thought, because he couldn't get by without her and Ophelia's company. 
Forrest's group hears Kana's roars. Nina spots Vallite soldiers approaching and Forrest decides to go save Dwyer and Sophie, saying it would disgrace the bloodline of Nohr to let them die. A battle begins, using Ryoma's boss map from Conquest. Forrest and Dwyer can talk to each other. In this conversation, they introduce their teams. Dwyer says he's happy to be rescued by a beautiful woman, then corrects himself to say he's happy to be rescued by a beautiful man. Alternatively, you can have Forrest talk to Sophie, who correctly identifies Forrest as male and mentions Forrest’s horse is a girl.
This is an escape map, giving you two routes to go. Asugi, Caeldori, Midori, and Rhajat stand in your way. Shiro, a swordmaster like his father, stands like Ryoma in the middle. I assumed he would stay there for twenty turns like his dad and took my time through this map. I was wrong. He begins chasing after turn six, making this map a terrifying dash for the exit.
Kana is in dragon form during this map, which is neat. Apparently, you get a scroll with the skill Magictaker if you beat this map without losing any units. I say apparently, because I’m getting this info from the wiki. Shiro killed a few of my units. You get similar skills but for different stats in all of the other Heirs of Fate chapters except the last one.
After battle, Kana turns back to normal. He explains that Corrin died after giving him her sword and saying to run. Nina points out that they must have all been attacked at the same time for a reason. Forrest says Kana will be useful for saving their parents. Kana begins crying and Forrest attacks him with Byrnhildr to stop him from transforming. Forrest explains that time does not flow in reverse (except in Awakening) and that they can only help Corrin by looking forward, not back. He points out that no one else is frozen with grief and tells Kana to be a brave warrior. Yata turns into Grim Yato. Ophelia likes the name.
Kana reveals he knows everyone else's name already, even though they don't know him, and asks why they don't remember him. Ghost Azura pops up and explains that their memories will return when it's all over. Kana can't remember Azura dying. Azura says that he'll soon forget her, just as the others did, just as they have forgotten Kana. Sophie says that she would have remembered forgetting Kana. Also Azura gives Kana a dragon stone.
Azura says that maybe they've never met this version of Kana, because of the whole Deeprealms are alternate universes thing. She says some flowery shit about memory and says there's no point in explaining stuff because they'll only forget it. She says there's no reason to worry about forgetting their loved ones, because you won't remember it and be sad about it. Ophelia and Dwyer disagree, calling it a dire tragedy and saying that forgotten people are essentially dead respectively. Azura says that memories and life are interchangeable. She warns that, when asked to choose between their memories and something else, that they should choose what they can't afford to lose.
Shigure sings the Conquest verse. He implies that the curse on Valla is responsible for the scrambled memories and says the key to escaping it is a stone left behind by a dragon. He says that straying from the correct path will cause the curse to eradicate all memories and emotions, washing them away like the tide.
He really is Azura’s son, considering how frustratingly cryptic he is all the time.
Support: Mana/Selkie
C: Selkie and Kana think each other are cool. They decide to go hunting together.
B: Kana and Selkie are good at hunting together. They decide to come up with battle plans together.
A: Kana and Selkie are good at killing together.
S: Kana says he likes her and they get together.
Support: Hisame/Rhajat
C: Rhajat's curses aren't working and end up doing the opposite of what she intends. Hisame gives her tea and pickles which are so good Rhajat thinks they are enchanted.
B: The tea calms Rhajat and makes her magic work right. Rhajat loses a charm, but remembers where it is after Hisame gives her tea. Hisame explains he is always relaxed because Hinata is high-strung and taught him what not to do.
A: Rhajat makes tea alone. Hisame is worried she won't have tea with him anymore, but she says she needs to learn his relaxation techniques.
S: Hisame is stressed because he likes Rhajat. Rhajat calls this cute and says she wants to be with him forever, because his tea made her deadlier. Hisame isn't calmed by this.
Review: Decent but not extraordinary.
Support: Caeldori/Siegbert
C: Siegbert sees Caeldori fighting and says the throne should belong to someone like her.
B: Siegbert explains he's worried about whether he's fit to be the king of Nohr, because he thinks he is inadequate. He explains a king must be a perfect paragon who excels at all things, or else he does not deserve the power vested in him. Unfortunately, Siegbert sees people better than him in every subject. Caeldori says that perfect monarchs only exist in fairy tales because no one is perfect. Siegbert says Caeldori is perfect.
A: Siegbert apologizes for calling Caeldori perfect and ignoring the pain of people thinking she's gifted, because actually she works hard. Caeldori says Siegbert can perceive the pain of others, meaning he'll be a good king.
S: They get together in a scene where neither of them feel like themselves.
Review: Siegbert’s anxieties over being king are good, but this one flubs it with him apologizing for thinking Caeldori is great at everything. I’m gonna be honest, I don’t like Caeldori very much. Her lack of flaws make her boring and annoying. And yes, there are a few Supports where she is flawed, but this isn’t one of them.
Support: Ignatius/Ophelia
C: Ophelia warns Ignatius that evil spirits are feeding on his fear. She shouts DUCK to mess with him, causing Ignatius to faint. Ophelia tries to wake him up by setting him on fire.
B: Ignatius is mad at Ophelia, so she tells him that frowning attracts evil spirits. Ignatius tries to smile. Ophelia says she'll protect him from evil with a good luck charm and chunks salt at him. Ignatius asks if it worked and Ophelia admits she's just making it up as she goes along.
A: Ignatius decides the good luck charm worked because he hasn't died yet. Ophelia says sure let's go with that. She begins researching miracles, like how swordsmen with cursed hands unlock hidden potential through emotional trauma. She says with miracles, their friends wouldn't have to die.
S: Ophelia doesn't find any miracle magic. Ignatius proposes. Ophelia decides to test a new spell on him with only a low chance of instant death.
Review: This one is fun, but Ophelia acts a bit too ridiculous.
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grox · 2 years
Bud dwyer, I find his defiant attitude, the brazen skill of, if you do anything to me, I will kill myself, to prove a point. Inspiring, resonating! Surely my heart beats in time with his, so to speak, despite the way I lack the guts, despite the way he lacks a brain!
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valflaame · 1 year
on his desk is a simple letter. neat, proper, waxen sealed with the appropriate honorifics donning the back in fine purple cursive -- 'lord arvis', as the standing of emperor was still unknown to jakob. it reads,
'lord arvis,
i humbly accept your invitation to tend to the incidents in your home, jugdral. whilst i would have insisted on accompanying my liege regardless of your request, i will see to it that your faith in me is not misplaced.
in my absence, i kindly ask you ensure that my son, dwyer, is put into group work for his reason classes. i've not seen his teamwork skills in some time. he will despise you for it, but pay that no mind.
yours sincerely,
Arvis holds the letter in his hands and carefully opens the seal. He reads it once, then again. He exhales -- though he only has known Jakob for a short amount of time, he has to believe he can trust him. He hasn't many friends in the monastery (yet, is probably what Deirdre would say), and because of that he does not have many options on who to ask for assistance. This is a large undertaking, there is no doubt about that. Arvis believes, whether against his better judgement or not, that Jakob is capable of reporting his findings.
He tells himself that, anyway. To not go on this mission is hard for him; his home is under attack, and his people are suffering. For all that they can say about Arvis -- 'traitor', 'killer', 'murderer' -- he cares so much about the future of his people that it hurts. Anything for them, anything to bring peace and prosperity to the land. To usher in a better future. To ensure there are no tyrannical dukedoms. To stop the abuse of power, to bring together all the people under the banner of one common name; to stop what had been done to Isaach, to Agustria, to give life and agency back to the people who had lost their homes to banditry and overzealous kings. To return to the average citizen: freedom. To give to those who would rule: restraint. Anything -- there is nothing that Arvis would not do to bring forward his ideal world.
Except Deirdre asked him not to go, so he didn't.
He puts the letter down. Folds it in half. Tucks it into the drawer. The weight of the world weighs heavy on his shoulders, and it's a burden he alone is meant to bear. It means nothing, the words of those who would hurt him or his wife. It matters not if history writes him as a deceptive snake; he will also be remembered as the man who did what was necessary. The moment he was born of an authoritarian duke, bathed in the fires of Velthomer, and forced to watch the abuse suffered by his mother from his father's palm... he has known that he would be despised and hated. What defines him is he is making something of it.
He wishes he could be there to fix his empire that he loves so, so much. But he can't. He needs to put his wife first.
He just hopes that Jakob is capable and strong enough for the task.
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Chris prat positivity post!!
Day 3
A bit late because I had a major meltdown during the night and morning, so I slept all day but today's post it's dedicated to our favorite goofball
Andy Dwyer
What can I say about him rather, for most, Chris made us fall in love with him with this character and his improvisation skills. And to be, he excels in comedy rather than drama. Tho in the terminal list he blew my mind but we are not talking about James Reece, we talking about that goofball who wrote a song about his love for April and called it November. I still can get over that fact.
And plus, Andy Dywer has Definetly adhd and he's a genius. Who ever tells me other wife ill fight you 3:<
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apathynoir · 7 months
why not a ♡ :DDDD
send me a ♡ and i’ll describe what i think our muses’ child would be like | open
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she doesn't appear to want to talk. however, she has a multitude of pre-prepared signs that she pulls from a saddlebag on her pegasus. the one currently in her hands reads: 'if you want to hear my voice, that's going to cost 4,000 gold per minute. you will need to provide a script; improv is extra.'
pegasus knight > sky merchant (falcon knight + merchant)
such a cutthroat businesswoman that she capitalizes on anything. her words are only ever used to close a deal, and everything else can be done through pen and paper.
she has the skills to back up her prices. her mother taught her how to price herself accordingly, and dwyer gave her the ammunition.
a lot of her money goes into costume making, which is a secret hobby that few know about. she especially enjoys making anything with needless detail and enormous capes or scarves.
the necklace she wears is a repurposed nohrian butler's turquoise pin. dwyer passed it down to her when he could trust her to take immaculate care of it. it's her most precious treasure aside from the headband her mother gave her.
an advocate for underpaid workers everywhere. she knows exactly what people should be getting for the jobs they worked and will see to it that the demands are met with no exceptions.
has a beautiful singing voice but would kill anyone who alludes to having heard it.
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