#Dwk kong
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woompfy · 2 days ago
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school sketches pt 2
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farasen · 2 months ago
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When two of your bros are dating siegers
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zeroskiis · 6 days ago
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hkevisvlsvso · 2 months ago
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Some Marlkong headcanons(or whatever these are) cause i watched s2 e6 and fell in love with Marlkong again :3
After s2 e6 Marlon and Kong don't talk to each other until Kong someday asks Marlon to help him with math. They start meeting somedays and Marlon teaches him, but then they start hanging out other than studying math too and become friends
Kong kinda hates himself for it, but he likes being with Marlon and as time goes on he starts to feel the need to protect marlon from bad things
One day when they were hanging out Marlon just suddenly noticed that "oh, I think I love Kong"
It took Kong a long time to admit himself that he has a crush on Marlon
They had kissed already at least 20 times when they offically agreed they were dating
Kong likes to write poems, stories and other texts and Marlon is the only one who knows it. Kong shows his writings to Marlon and Marlon is in love :3
They were dated really long time before they told anyone they were dating(well you know there's that Sieger-and- Wilden kerle- thing..) but it didn't really bother them cause they prefer more to be alone
They like to explore new nature places and abandoned houses together
Kong fell (unknowingly) in love with Marlon when he first heard Marlon laugh
Kong knows parkour and teaches it to Marlon
Marlon loves to play with Kong's braid and forcing Kong to dress up in different styles outfits
Ummm there is some :3
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cartoonishvendor · 2 months ago
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demolition lovers
based heavily on this
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squibwi · 2 months ago
Have I died for many years? Yes. What do I have now? Heh.. more redraws of course..
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I did him so dirty in the original, but the newer barely looks nothing like him. I can never win.. 😔
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Anyways, WUH LUH WUH FINAL BOSS! The original is so balls, but I think the newer one is better. Marlon and Kong lovers, UNITE!!
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kiwis012 · 21 days ago
Goofy personal headcanons about the wessel brothers and their bf's:
-the thing about sharing a braincell, most of the they couldn't be more different from each other but by closer observation u can see how they equally brainrot as siblings
-that Marlon secretly borrowers fruity books and films from the library (like fluffy, cheesy romance stuff), when Leon finds out he demands to make it brother ritual to read and watch these together after a long needed coming out talk
-Leon is bi and never really thought about it, he just is and Marlon homo which he accepted in silence to keep it secret
-they hace the funniest hear me outs like Leon having a thing for 'prince charming guy's' and likes rough vanilla *stuff, while Marlon worships villains, gangstas ect and doesn't seem to know that there is a line between bdsm and straight up torture
-they do some 1 braincell shit together sometimes like Marlon shakes his hips in Shakira to good songs and Leon next to him starts aggressively twerkin, or they have fights over 'tf did u eat my snack, I licked that it was mine' one of there bf's commenting about it, so for fun Marlon trys being cheeky and gives Kong a little lick- Leon sees- Leon licks Deniz half face and a little in mouth soaking him in saliva
-Leon makes Chinese jokes about Kong but no 'gangsta' jokes, because he respects that this is a critical topic for him and Kong is thankful for the fact that his bf's combat-dwarf brother hates him respectfully
-Kong and Deniz got along pretty well but don't do much together
-Marlon had a crush on Markus when he was younger and even a small heartbreak over it
-Neither Deniz nor Kong mind being bottom sometimes
-Leon likes to munch on Deniz, or just have something from him in his mouth (like his arm, strand of hair or ear)
-that Lean has adhd and has cute fidget methods
-they have a small breakdown realizing that there both bottoms
-one a them has a knok up kink
-Kong in corset or a tight Chinese outfit with his hair braided back into a elegant bun 🙏
-bad boy Deniz, or like an metal mabey even emo 👀
-Deniz and Leon grow up to be the soccer power couple
-Marlon becomes a teacher, Kong works as a mechanic and they like to dance and cook together
-the brothers have a resist/sexsist half of family and are outcast for being gay and even worse both dating foreigne
-Kong with lots of tattoos and the brothers having a sibling one
-that Jojo is like there little brother and that he started hanging with Kong since they live so close together
-that Kong and Marlon are naturals handling kids
-Marlon gives Leon tips for stuff and a whole presentation on 'how to guve a blowy'
-Deniz likes sports cars and Kong bikes
-the brothers steal their bf's clothes and brag with each other about it
-they kink and taste shame each other just like good siblings do
-one of Leon's fav nicknames for Kong are monkey or king Kong
-the brothers learn together things to tease or seduce their bf's
-Marlon likes to snap his choker
Well I think I have more but for now that's enough ;p
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shadixth · 2 months ago
You guys got me. Marlon and Kong are on my top list now
Inspired by @woompfy drawing of them cause it's so sweet
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Also my version of female kong
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I love making these
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iamhellborn · 2 months ago
Seen a lot of MarlonKong post lately and somehow they remind me of PhayuRain from the Thai BL “Love in the air”
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I actually have no reason why they remind me of MarlonKong. Personality wise they’re not even that similar. I guess Phayu (on the right) is a bit similar to Kong in the way that he’s hard towards everyone except for Rain, just like Kong has a soft spot for Marlon. Marlon, however, has no similarities to Rain (who’s basically a dumber version of Raban lol). I guess the reason they I find them similar is because the way PhayuRain show affection towards each other is pretty MarlonKong coded.
I think this edit proves my point (not mine btw)
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woompfy · 2 months ago
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Well I guess I‘m a little too invested in the church au by @zeroskiis and ended up making so much fanart that I started writing down some ideas about it! now lemme show u some fanart and tell you my thoughts with my horrible grammar! (TW mby: mention of emotional abuse)
Well first of all we gotta feed the Marlkong nation. I‘d like to think that Kong has a huge dislike towards Leon, hence his constant bad impressions of him when he shapeshifts, but Marlon always puts on a blind eye when Leon does his hypocritical actions and doesn‘t really appreciate it when Kong does such impressions. (But he cannot help himself to get mad at him)
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…I really like the idea of Markus and Natasha having a really close bond when they first met, Markus helping Natasha after a Demon hunt and them slowly getting closer. It turns bitter though when Markus gets burned and Natasha is left with nothing but grief and sorrow. She doesn‘t have the energy to take revenge and she basically gets really hopeless and depressed.
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OH MAN this au has so many dark themes I love it, it‘s so sweet and yet so goddamn bitter I just love making them all suffer…anyway this one is a fun one! Since Jojo is already depressed and all from his friend getting burned I thought of maybe Leon having some kind of manipulative control over him. Like setting fear into him that if he ever disobeys the church he‘d end up like his friends, maybe make Jojo Leon’s little sidekick to toy around with and emotionally abuse/control since he can‘t do it on Deniz since he is too independent. So who else to have control over than the mentally unstable orphan!
Fun au, love to see it!
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farasen · 2 months ago
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zeroskiis · 2 months ago
Drew something again! (God I've posted too much today 💀)
Anyway! A little comic of an tiny "what if" scenario :3
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God I love how Marlon burning turned out. (Damn. Sounds messed up....💀)
I haven't really came up with a satisfying enough conclusion to this, but Kong will save Marlon dw! :3
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hkevisvlsvso · 24 days ago
A really good quality Marlkong thing that i wrote last night like at 4am :D
It's sadly not the history au thing cause i was too smart and started to write it on my laptop so i can't write it te every single second when i don't have anything else to do :'(
I wrote this straight in english so idk if the language is better or worse than usually :P
And i got idea from this hella wonderful fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61356799/chapters/156829192
"Kong no please no i fucking don't wanna do this"
"Oh Marlon i know you want to. This is my way to thank you for helping with math. AND earrings would suit you. Like, imagine how you walk home and Leon just stares at you and everyone is like 'WOW, Marlon is not even THAT coward'. Just think about everyones face. Just think about my face[I'd be really proud of u]. Just think about YOUR face, when there's an earring in your ear. Uuuw handsooom :3"
Marlon can't help himself. He smiles. Though Kong doesn't see it now he can certainly hear it from Marlon's voice.
"But it HURTS!"
He doesn't seem that scared anymore.
"Yeah," Kong says, as if it was obvious. Okay, well, it is obvious. "Afraid?"
Marlon is grinning now. A bit nervously, but not even that much.
"NO. Absolutely not," he says, clearly afraid, but still smiling.
"I knew it. You're not that coward that you seem."
"I don't seem like a coward", Marlon retorts, trying to sound irrated. "I'm wild."
"And i'm unbeatable", Kong says, as if it doesn't matter. Marlon realizes, that it really doesn't. Not right now.
... and that's how Marlon ended up sitting on the toilet seat. He had helped Kong with math, he still doesn't know why him, but he's kinda happy that Kong wanted him to teach him. He knows he shouldn't be happy about it, he knows he shouldn't even have agreed in the first place. But he agreed, and he is happy about it. Kong is fun. Marlon didn't always even realize that they almost never even studied math. He has no idea what and how did Kong do (it), but, for example today, kong just pulls him by his wirst around the empty school corridors and wants to get Marlon an earring.
Kong glances around him a few times, and pushes Marlon into the toilet stall. He hears the bell ringing, break is ending, fastest students are already flowing inside.
"Oh, Kong, it was the bell," Marlon says fastly. "We don'thave time to do this now-"
"Don't you worry, Marli, this doesn't take long," he says lightly. "If we start now, we have time to do this."
Kong locks the door and takes a needle from his pocket. He looks at Marlon in the eyes. His gaze is challenching, maybe even amused. Marlon responds to the gaze. He is already used to meeting Kong's gaze. They both smile. Marlon doesn't even know why is he smiling. A boy with a mohawk is about to stick a needle through his ear. Yes, Marlon is afraid. Just a little bit. But, it feels somehow nice to break the school rules for once. It feels it feels like a tingle in the pit of the stomach. And he trusts Kong. He has done this same thing many times before. Marlon is taken that he gets to be one of those that Kong does it to.
Marlon sits on the toilet seat and watches how Kong sterilizes the needle like a professional. His hands shake a bit, but just a little bit. Kong realizes it and smiles. Marlon smiles back, he's not even that nervous anymore. Something in Kong's smile and eyes are calming him.
Kong crouches down in front of Marlon. His head is now a bit lower than Marlon's. Damn he's tall. He looks at Marlon, sees how nervous he is. He grins.
"Scared, Wessel?" he asks, smile stays in his voice, but he really wants to hear the answer. Marlon loves that Kong doesn't make it serious, doesn't make him weak by being an unnecessary therapist.
"Not at all. Not. At. All," Marlon says, the sound that comes out of his mouth is half a whisper, but he smiles nervously, he's sure he wants this, he's sure he wants this, he's sure he wants this. Kong laughs quietly. Someone steps into bathroom, and kong beckons Marlon to put his feet on the toilet seat. Marlon obeys. Footsteps go past their toilet stall, Marlon realizes he's smiling again. Let's just be quiet, Kong's gaze says. He leans up and moves Marlon's head a bit on left, his grip is sure, rough but gentle, he knows what he is doing.
Marlon feels Kongs careful but calm breathe close to his cheek. Kong doesn't want to hurt Marlon, he wants to do this properly, as painlessly as possible. Marlon wouldn't trust him if he'd wanted to do this couple of months ago, before they really got to know each other, before Marlon saw that he's a really nice guy. Now he just wants Marlon to have an earring because he wants it too. Marlon can now feel the needle touching his ear.
Fuck no what the hell am i doing.
Marlon quickly pushes Kong's hand away from near his ear. Kong leans back, so he can look at Marlon. Marlon stares back. Heck this fuckin dirty needle was just really close to pierce his ear?!!
Kong gives his hand to Marlon, and when he stares it, confused, Kong whispers:
"Squeeze my hand if it hurts. It really helps, I promise." He sounds like he has experience.
Marlon slowly takes Kongs hand. It actually feels really cringe but it kinda helps to feel Kong's hand in his. He starts to feel that he doesn't really care anymore what is his dad gonna say. Or Leon. (That much.)
Kong's lips are so close to Marlon's ear that he doesn't have to speak out loud. He just mutters quietly, the voice barely is hearable, he tells Marlon what is he doing while he is making the piering.
Marlon is sure that Kong can feel his hand shaking, half with fear, half with excitement.
"Okay, this might hurt a bit, just don't scream or anything and everything will be good."
Marlon can hear that he's smiling.
"Okay", he whispers, "and now-- OW DAMN FUCIN HELL!!"
The whole bathroom turns silent. Everyone stops moving and talking. Marlon ang Kong look each other in silence. Then Marlon starts laughing until he remembers he has to be quiet. Kong stares at him and someone outside walks fastly past their stall, out of bathroom. Marlon cant stop laughing, he doesn't even know why, but it feels good.
"You sqeezed really hard. Like, really hard." Kong raises his hand that Marlon can see it, marlon's handprints can still be seen red, and his claws have left deep indentations in Kong's skin. Marlon covers his mouth with his hand and giggles happily.
"Okay, let's take that needle off from your ear"
Marlon's hand automatically goes to his ear. When his fingers meet cold metal, he quickly puts his hand back in his lap and just stares Kong. He can't say anything but a little confused smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
"Yeah, cool, isn't it?" Kong says and Marlon grins.
Kong gently and slowly pulls the needle out. It hurts, but it doesn't bother Marlon at all. Kong cleans the piercing holeamd gives Marlon an earring. It's only a small a bit rusty circle, but it still feels really cool.
"It was my first earring", Kong says. For some reason they have stopped caring if someone finds out what are they doing. "You have to start with little but we can go someday to byu you better one."
Oh god. Kong wants to hang out with Marlon. Or yeah, they soend time together a lot nowdays, but it's always veen only because of math. And now Kong wants to go out with Marlon in his free time?! No. Not going out. Wtf. He just wants to go buying Marlon earrings. Nothing else. But still.
"Okay. Yeah, sounds nice."
Marlon feels the earring in his ear. It hurts, but it will pass. He smiles. And then he stands up on the toilet seat and peeks over the stall door and sees a couple of students looking themselves in the mirror and just generally chatting about something. Marlon comes back down very quickly.
"Kong." His voice is too terrified to really be that terrified as it sounds. "We're in girls' bathtoom."
Kong grins like he doesn't care a fuck. Marlon grins too, because it's just so hard to not grin when Kong grins like that. So they just normally walk outta the stall and don't even glance the girls who stare at them overdramatically shocked and whisper to each other. Marlon hears:
"Omg that's the sieger!! Kong"
"Wait is that Marlon?! What is he doing here?? with him??"
Marlon just smiles at Kong. He knows he shouldn't feel like that, but he's not even worried about if girls tell someone and they get detention or something. Kong is walking so close to him that Marlon can feel his cool arm against his own. They are fifteen minutes late for their next classes. Kong looks at Marlon.
"are you really gonna go to your class?" he asks. Marlon doesn't really want to go. He wants to hang out with Kong and his new piercing and just have fun, but he has to go. Like, he's not going to ruin his whole school success just because of Kong.
"Yes I am, Kong."
"Well okay. See you after school then?"
Marlon almost blushes. Kong really really wants to hang out with him. Like, really.
"I can't, i have to practice with the Wild Bunch."
Kong looks at Marlon with the 'seriously'-face. We have stopped walking and just stand in the middle of the hallway.
"Oh c'mon Marlon", Kong's face says Marlon is the most boring person in the world. Marlon is happy that their frienship is already in that point that you can make that face.
"Sorry :3"
"But.. someday?"
"Yes. Someday. Of course."
Kong smiles.
"Yeah. Bye bye now you fucking boring nerd!"
Then he leaves, Marlon is sure that he's not going to his class. He waves at Kong and walks to his own class. Twenty five minutes late, but atleast he's going.
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marxxyy · 2 months ago
so based on @rudolphrou post about older Marlon and kong i drew something.
Quality is kinda bad Ngl but i just loved the idea of them having a cat
So here have beast the cat
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Battle west and all because she’s the cooles cat around
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squibwi · 2 years ago
And here's one for the Marlon x Kong gang
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