#Dwelling in Silence AI
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dwellinginsilence · 8 months ago
A couple more MCs I played with.
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Johanna @ravenwind-75
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Lyssa (and Morgan) @silvyadrakkon
*let me know if you’d rather not have your babies up.
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dwellinginsilence · 8 months ago
More AI MCs
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Artemis Loreley @polarisgreenley
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Cael Ilson and
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Estelle Ilson @zetadraconis11
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Calypso Salutations @dwightschrute11
I may be trying to learn but I still can’t draw to save my life so I started playing around with AI to get pictures I wanted. I got bored doing my same thing so I found some MCs. I hope you don’t mind my borrowing them. I do have the originals without scars if you’re at all interested in those.
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dwellinginsilence · 9 months ago
Once again, I’m playing around with AI instead of writing like I should be doing…but it’s fun. Here’s a few more MCs I tried to make a little more life like. I had fun anyway.
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Inger @ethniee Maxie @maxiepdmoore-art Claire @n0va25 Oliver @pixie-dustss Avania and Cariad @starryslytherin0
Thank you for letting me have fun with your babies, if you don’t want them shared I’ll remove them.
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dwellinginsilence · 9 months ago
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Haleigha with her Elf Owl, Owlthena. Under the break is her 🪄Wizarding World Alphabet🪄 and an empty one if anyone else would like to fill one out for themselves or their MC. Please tag me if you do, because I want to see everyone's babies.
divider by @cafekitsune
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🐈Animagus:  Tortoiseshell cats belong to witches and wizards who are wise beyond their years. They tend to be quiet, but it’s because they are observing and analyzing their surroundings. They are caring and understanding and need plenty of alone time to be able to organize their world. They love adventures, new experiences, expanding their minds, and their people even though they cherish their alone time. They are individualistic, independent, and go after what’s best for themselves and their loved ones. Even if things don’t turn out how they want, they still tend to be very optimistic. 
😱Boggart:  Ranrok
🍎Class:  Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, does the best in Potions, and even though she likes history as a general rule she can’t stand History of Magic class or Professor Binns. Her favorite teacher (after Fig’s passing) is Professor Garlick and she will search her out if she’s had a bad day for a hug or some plant therapy. Her favorite damage spell is Bombarda, but her over all favorite spell is the Patronus charm especially since her patronus reminds her of Sebastian. She will often cast it just to be surrounded by the warm magic and memory of Sebastian (while he’s gone from her life). Even after he returns, she’ll conjure it to seek him out just to prove to herself he’s safe. 
💀Dark Magic:  Not as against it as most others, sees the use for some and thinks knowing all magic to protect oneself is important. But, ultimately, doesn’t have much interest in learning any dark magic and feels more and more uncomfortable with her friends doing it. 
🌀Expecto Patronum/Patronus:  Tortoiseshell cat if she learns the charm before falling in love with Sebastian, but it’ll change to a dragon. If she falls in love with him first, it’ll be a dragon from the start.  
🧹Flying:  Loves flying, but doesn’t enjoy quidditch. As a matter of fact, isn’t really coordinated enough to fly and play a game. Doesn’t have a preferred broom, but will choose to ride her thestral, Equinox, when he comes to live with her, over anything else whenever possible. 
🏏Game team:  Whichever team her friends tell her to root for because she couldn’t care less who wins what. 
🏠House:  Hufflepuff. But she has a very soft spot for Slytherins. 
🔵Imperio:  Not a fan. Her least favorite of the Unforgivables.  She hates the idea of taking someone autonomy away. It feels like assault to her. 
💼Job:  Wants to becomes a professor at Hogwarts and do something with magical creatures. 
💋Kiss:  Her first kiss was five years old with the boy next door. He chased her around their houses and when she finally let him catch her, she kissed him.  Her first real kiss was Sebastian. 
🧠Legilimancy:  Learns to overcome Imperio, but nothing more than that. 
🐉Magical beasts:  Her favorite beasts are nifflers and thestrals and she keeps many in her vivariums. As she gets older and continues studying beasts, she collects so many she ends up having separate habitats for each type of beast that she keeps. She has a three legged albino niffler she rescued from poachers named Jack and a thestral named Equinox she gave to Sebastian for a period of time. 
📝N. E. W. T./OWL:  Takes every single test, even the ones not necessary for her future career and passes them all with at least “Acceptable”. The classes she regularly took she got at least “Exceeds Expectations” in. And she got “Outstanding” in Creatures, Potions, Herbology, and Charms. 
🦉Owl:  A grayish black Elf Owl named Owlthena
🌱Plant:  She lives Niffler’s Fancy because it makes her nifflers go crazy and get quite distracted by the beauty of a fanged geranium. 
🏉Quidditch:  Tried playing, did not like it. Enjoys watching her friends play. Gets incredibly frustrated if she catches Sebastian playing. Can take or leave professional games. 
💭Remember:  Her favorite memory is getting her Hogwarts letter after not believing she ever would. Then the look on Sebastian’s face when he fell off the dueling table. 
🩸Status:blood:  Half-blood, her mother grew up a witch, her father is a muggle. Having not grown up around wizarding families she doesn’t even understand the blood status issue. 
🍬Treats/Honeyduke’s:  Chocolate frogs are her favorite and she will shamelessly eat several at once. She keeps a book of all the cards and has them organized alphabetically by Hogwarts House, then just alphabetically if they didn’t attend Hogwarts.  She also loves trying Bertie Bots Every Flavor Beans, especially with Anne once she becomes well. 
❌Ugly bad habits: She can’t say no, even when she’s exhausted she literally can’t move. 
🙊Veritaserum:  She thinks the potion should be regulated so it can be used as a proper tool in court. She doesn’t have any issues using it or having it used on her. If someone is going to lie, they should be willing to pay whatever price is necessary, and she is willing to pay that price.  It took her a few tries to brew a perfect batch, but ever since she makes sure to keep some on hand. Just in case. 
🪄Wand:  Wood: English Oak- This is a loyal wood and demands a partner of strength, courage, fidelity, powerful intuition, and an affinity for the natural world (the creatures and plants in it).  Some believe Merlin’s wand was made of English Oak, but it isn’t certain. Core: Dragon Heartstring- They produce the most powerful magic and learn and bond the quickest.  They can be somewhat tempramental.  Flexibility: Solid  Length: 10 1/4” Appearance: Soft spiral, black Handle: switches between Imperial (grey and silver), Botanical (silver leaf), and Celestial (light grey)
➕Xtra:  When she smells Amortentia it smells like pine trees, fresh oranges, the lake (fresh water in general), and singed wood (the smell when confringo is cast).  Her own scent is similar to fresh baked apple pie, new books, and fire (not something burning, but fire itself). The scar across her eye is from a dog attack as a small child. She doesn't remember it, but she almost lost her eye.
🤢Yuck:  Once she feels she’s proved her bravery to Sebastian or anyone else she battles with, if they’re out and get attacked by dugbogs she will let the other person handle them. Everything about those beasts makes her gag. 
😜Zonkos:  She can be quite playful, so to get Garreth back for almost getting her in trouble her first week at Hogwarts, she bought trick ink and switched it with his. Instead of it being invisible immediately, it turned invisible a day after use. So only after he’d done his work and took his notes and turned everything in did he realize it was all blank. (She made sure to talk to the professors about it all before hand so his grades wouldn’t suffer. She couldn’t stand the guilt of permanently hurting someone’s record.)  Later that year, she switched his soap for trick soap that left stains that wouldn’t come out for a week. He threatened revenge but she gave him sad eyes and he gave her a big hug instead.  divider by @cafekitsune
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🪄Wizarding World Alphabet🪄
💀Dark Magic: 
🌀Expecto Patronum/Patronus: 
🏏Game team: 
📝N. E. W. T./OWL: 
❌Ugly bad habits:
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dwellinginsilence · 9 months ago
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Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, an air sign, and is symbolized by twins, Castor and Pollux.  Gemini brings in the shift of seasons, welcoming summer with it’s end. Although Geminis are often misinterpreted as being two-faced, the twins actually represent the vast amount of interests they have and how quickly their moods can shift.  
Geminis are often sociable, communicative, and ready for fun, but can easily become serious, thoughtful, and restless.  As an air sign, they are connected to mind, therefore they tend to be very curious.  They are very individualistic, but constantly search for their other half in new friends and romantic partners.  They love to spend time with their loved ones.
Famous Geminis: Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Holland
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dwellinginsilence · 10 months ago
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I've been playing around with AI a bit, so of course I did some with (or a lot, whatever) Sebastian. Since, in my fanfic, Descent Into Darkness (shameless plug 🙈), he's a Virgo, born September 2, 1874, I decided to do a little AI with some Virgo essence thanks to Dawn AI. divider by @cafekitsune
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Virgos are born between August 23 and September 22. They are Earth signs, the 6th sign of the Zodiac, and are usually represented as a young maiden carrying wheat (so not really shown well in these pictures, but Seb's still cute so 🤷🏻‍♀️). Virgos work hard and it comes off effortlessly. They have high standards and are perfectionists, over themselves more than anyone else. They are smart and thirst for more knowledge. They take great pride in themselves and make sure their appearances are up to par. They are funny, sharp, and can be very dry. They notice the small details around them. They enjoy indulgence (food, drink, shopping, sex, anything that brings pleasure, that feels good). Virgos enjoy helping others, so getting help in return is appreciated and noticed. They are practical, logical, perceptive, and helpful.
Some famous Virgos are Beyonce, Pink, Keanu Reeves, Cameron Diaz, and Blake Lively.
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