#Dungeons of Dredmor
chuckeroo777 · 1 month
Chuck's Backpack Hero Mods
So, I've obviously been hyper-fixating on Dungeon Meshi lately, but that isn't all I do. For the past year, I've been making mods for my current favorite game: Backpack Hero!
My collection of mods! Look here if you want to check out any of these mods for yourself!
So in this post, I thought it would be fun to go over all my mods, and share some of my favorite details.
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Chuck's Bionicle Mod: contains 245 items
Naturally, my first mod was a Bionicle mod. I love Bionicle. While I did a lot of custom spritework for this mod, shout out to Danska's Bionicle Builder, which is what I used for the masks and set-accurate weapons.
The mod's main gimmick is loot boxes! You can find mask packs, and equipment packs which can be opened for random items from the corresponding set wave. If you're real lucky, you may even find a bulk parts pack, which contains random equipment packs!
Nearly every set is represented, and a wide assortment of items from MNOG and VNOG are included too. As my first pack, the balancing was pretty spotty at first, but a few updates have fixed the more egregious examples. Did you know it took me 6 months to realize that the nektann robots had accidentally been set to unfindable?
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Chuck's Plants vs Zombies Mod: contains 654 items??? (probably cut that down to like, ~350ish, since packets don't really count as a separate item)
My second mod, and hoo boy is it a doozy. Probably my favorite mod, this mod has a ton of work put into it, containing every plant from the orginal game, PvZ 2, and chinese PvZ 2. Thats a lot of plants!
The main gimmick of this mod is plant packets. Instead of finding plants as loot, you get packets, which grow over time. Once enough encounters occur with it in your pack, it grows into the plant.
But plants aren't the only thing in this pack. There is also a suite of zombie equipment, which grows stronger based on how many plants you have. Not to mention watering cans, pinatas, guppies, and other essentials to help fuel your botanical battle pack!
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Chuck's Bloons Mod: Contains 134 items (again, effective number is a lot lower due to upgrades)
Ah yes, my bloons mod. This is probably my least favorite mod, simple because of how jank it is.
Basically, monkey's grow more powerful based on how many bloons they pop. As they reach thresholds, they get upgraded. However, spriting and programming so many upgrades gets rather tedious. This, combined with the fact that playing with the mod is rather feast or famine makes me not particularly fond.
Getting enough bloons can be tricky if you don't find one of the generators, and some monkeys are just way more useful than others, since due to the effort required, fully upgraded monkeys are mostly an endless mode thing, and some of them just don't scale into endless very well.
That being said, most of the monkeys are at least okay at a base level, so in casual play, they are decent, if not exciting.
Also, the monkey loot packs being barrels makes me giggle.
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Chuck's Random Items Mod: contains 10 items
A simple little pack containing a few endless focused items. Originally meant for random ideas, but the next mod ended up taking that role.
Some neat examples include the white manastone, which acts as fuel for the vanilla black manastone, the sticky token, which acts as both energy and duct tape, at the cost of gimping defense, and the Fatum Ruptor, my signature sword.
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Chuck's Pack of Mediocre Items: contains 109 items
This is a fun one. Basically, when modding, one tends to make things stronger than vanilla. So I challenged myself to make a pack with intentionally weak, but useful items. That doesn't mean it's bad, just lacks a lot of the raw power my other mods have.
As such, it is my recommendation for if you want a more vanilla style pack. Some of these items are literally just vanilla items with a twist. Such as the glove of knife. Just the one. Glove of knives was OP anyway.
Plenty of cheeky little references in here too. Like the candy cane horns which fill you with rage, or the pristine blade which fractures into one of ten different variants.
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Chuck's Terraria Mod: contains 111 items
Ah yes, my favorite Minecraft clone. This pack has a little of everything. You got arrows, spears, tomes of ichor based magic, what's not to love?
If you're really lucky, you might find a crate containing items from my second and third favorite mods, Thorium and Calamity. (Sorry guys, you aren't even close to beating Magic Storage in the top spot.)
This pack also has few item type gimmicks I think are cool. Spears can only be used once per turn, but they have strong AOE attacks. Bullets are arrows that can also be used only once per turn. And then there is the copper shortsword. If you swing it 999 times, something cool might happen.
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Chuck's Stick Ranger Mod: 174 items
Anyone else remember this game? Man, Stick Ranger was awesome. Pity they never made a sequel. Anyway, this pack contains a wide assortment of items, including 16 weapons from each class, except angel and gunner. Gunner only gets 8. Angel gets... 34???
Yeah, I like rings. I gave them a cool mechanic where they buff other adjacent rings, like a variant of Satchel's hammers. So of course I included a ton of them.
Also, the imperial crown used to hold the record for the laggiest item I ever made, but engine optimizations has made it actually viable to use. Hooray! Much like the game it comes from, the crown massively boosts the threat enemies pose, but greatly rewards you for it.
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Chuck's Neo-Battledome Mod: contains 130 items
To be perfectly honest, I never got past the level of duel-wielding scarab rings before I got banned due to my account getting hacked. Hasn't stopped me from obsessively keeping up with battledome weapon releases, even if they're currently releasing, like, three a year.
That's right, did you ever play Neopets and wished you could wield the Darigan Sword of Death? Or really wanted to own a Weird Scarab, even though it was an impossible to find yet completely ineffectual item? Well, now you can do the next best thing!
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Chuck's Elder Scrolls Mod: contains 59 items
Ah, Skyrim. My first M rated game. Which I bought without my parents' permission. Honestly, get rid of those terrible blood splatters, and the strangely mild swearing, and it would pass for T. (Seriously, how do Skyrim and Stick of Truth have the same rating???)
Anyway, this mod contains items from not just skyrim, but oblivion and morrowind too. And maybe even an item or two from arena and daggerfall if you're nice.
If you collect 24 Stones of Barenziah, absolutely nothing happens. Just like in Skyrim.
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Chuck's MSPA Mod: contains 49 items
Ah yes. Homestuck. I'd say it's pretty good. Shame it ended at act 7. Anyway, here's some items to shove in your sylladex backpack. Lots of Problem Sleuth items too. Those are probably a bit less polarizing.
Probably best to swiftly move along.
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Chuck's Enchanting Crystals Mod: contains 18 items
A small, but simple pack. These crystals can be used to add permanent buffs to your items. The more powerful ones contain downsides though, so be careful.
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Chuck's RPG Classes Mod: contains 68 items (Only 9 of which are actually findable, lol)
One of my most popular mods, this adds essences which boost various play-styles. They start off weak, but as you kill enemies, they level up! When leveling up, they branch into two options, with six of the base essences each having four different final forms.
Let me give you a hint. If you're using this, or any of my mods with upgrading items, I won't get mad if you use debug mode to check what items will do when they grow up.
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Chuck's Card Slinger Mod: contains 88 items
Ask any Backpack Hero player who the worst playable character is, and we'll all agree. It's Tote. So here's a mod to try and make her more fun. Excuse the use of the thumbnail instead of a pack of items. Carvings are a pain to screenshot.
This mod contains carvings for Tote based on a variety of card games, like Hearthstone, Eternal, MtG, Inscryption, and more! Seriously, some of these are obscure as heck. Like the ones from my own card game that I have never shown off publicly.
Generally fitting into a discard-light setup, the minion cards attack each turn, but get discarded if you get attacked too many times. There are also self-discarding spells, and cards which buff your other cards.
Crown of Possibilities is my favorite TCG card of all time, and you can't change my mind.
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Chuck's Mod of Loathing: contains 36 items
Couldn't really get into Kingdom of Loathing, but dang if West of Loathing and Shadows over Loathing aren't amazing games.
Anyway, items in this pack are neat, but I may have created the worst item ever in the Spittoon. It hurts you when used, but gives treasure! Most of the treasure is awful. There is only one good item in its pool. And it's a damn good one. So there I go. Reaching into every spittoon I find, taking ten damage for no reason, hoping to get lucky. If that doesn't capture the essence of the spittoon, I don't know what will.
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Chuck's Backpack Battles Mod: contains 47 items
Ah yes, my third favorite backpack based game.
Some pretty neat mechanics in this mod. The versitile dagger and thirsting blade both have a mechanic where after using them for a while, they upgrade into a random crafted version. The gems also upgrade over time.
I also added some dragon eggs. I thought they were really swell. How swell? Well...
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Chuck's Dragon Eggs Mod: contains 641 items!!! (Like the PvZ mod, cut that roughly in half.)
Originally based on Dragon Cave, I had to take it down and rework it with my own original sprite art. I'd say it turned out pretty good.
This mod contains eggs which hatch after a while into dragons. It is mainly focused on Pouchette, who can find the full selection, but the others can find a more limited selection too. (Except Tote. Tote never gets to have fun. Except when she finds a Darigan Sword of Death.)
I had a lot of fun figuring out the flavor for this mod. There are a ton of different dragon types, each with it's own type of effect. Tarasques are defensive, drakes have power in numbers, bug dragons are totally a real thing, and weren't the result of running out of unique body plans...
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Chuck's Randomly Generated Mod: contains 38 items
Exactly what it says on the tin. I set up a random table, rolled two effects, a trigger, and a character, then made an item inspired by the results.
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Chuck's Hyperrealistic Mod: contains 15 items
Gonna be honest, this one's a shitpost.
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Chuck's Undertale Mod: contains 92 items
This was a fun pack to work on. I love Undertale and Deltarune, so I certainly wasn't lacking inspiration. Most of the equipment and consumables are in there, along with plenty of memes. I got you're stopsigns, a punchcard that provides massive value if you know how to exploit it, maybe even a Prunsel if you're good.
My favorite item has to be the cell phone. Each battle, you receive a random call, providing a small benefit. You might get Undyne slapping spaghetti against the receiver, you might get Papyrus complaining about spike regulations, you might get [half price baloney], you never know!
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Chuck's Dredmor Mod: contains 36 items
Ever played Dungeons of Dredmor? It's very silly. And hard. I've never won a run.
Anyway, here's some random items from that game cause I felt like it. What more do you want?
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Chuck's Dungeon Dice Mod: contains 52 items (more like 7 lol)
Contains items which randomize their effects at the start of each battle. Pretty cool.
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Anyway, those are my mods. Enjoy a screenshot of the nonsense you can get up to with all my mods active.
Hope you enjoyed reading, and maybe enjoy playing with them!
Stay tuned for my next mod, based on Chips Challenge! This may or may not be a joke.
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ohandcounting · 7 months
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Yeah. Even though this particular steam review makes me feel old...I can't help but agree. Man it's crazy how much stuff I just won't know it's even a reference either, because there was never a well maintained wiki for it and I never was/am not well versed in what's popular lol. I think that's part of why I played it so much. There wasn't very much proper documentation and I didn't really know how to find stuff on the web either! So if I wanted to see the funny joke, I had to go into the dungeons and find the item/skill/etc. myself to see how it worked! If I didn't get the joke I'd talk to the few friends I had to see if they knew what it's from, to mixed success.
This was also at the height of "This Game Will Kill You" marketing, and it definitely plays into that. So I went in expecting to die, and didn't find it frustrating to die everytime. So I can't really make a comment on if you'll find it frustrating or not to die and gain nothing in the game other than knowledge on what something you spent 2 hours+ getting even does. But, it's one of the games that helped popularized Roguelikes in the mainstream so games like Hades can exist today! It's important history! I can't help but think about it when there's a new mysterious mailing list from the company now??? Getting me all nostalgic like this...I'll be looking at whatever they do next, even if it's just "Clockwork Empires but good this time." (New Art????)
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Anyways, here's an ability description for the skill tree "Emomancy." Which lets you harness the power of whatever, and like, stuff while referencing bands like The Cure. 10/10 game tbh.
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necronomeconomicism · 5 months
Which one of you did this? lmao
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Coming back to Dungeons of Dredmor after so long, this was a pleasant surprise in the workshop.
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amethystsoda · 1 year
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dialogue buttons from Dungeons of Dredmor
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toldasor · 1 year
We do a bit of modding
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I really earned my stripes (the stripes on my programming socks)
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say-gex · 1 year
collection of my favorite dredmor skills
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cajuinadepixel · 1 year
Dungeons of Dredmor: conheça o jogo
Imagem: Gaslamp Games, Inc. Para começar, Dungeons of Dredmor é um emocionante jogo de RPG que permite aos jogadores colocar suas habilidades e inteligência à prova enquanto se aventuram em perigosas cavernas subterrâneas. Uma emocionante aventura em que os jogadores constroem seus próprios personagens, lançam feitiços, fazem coisas e enfrentam monstros terríveis nas Dungeons of Lord Dredmor, o…
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mysteamgrids · 2 years
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Dungeons of Dredmor
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kahtide · 2 years
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OOOOOH I’m pissed! I thought we had that bastard lich in our claws last week, but it looks like he’s still a couple floors down! I’m DETERMINED to end him! Join me for Dungeons of Dredmor, this Thursday (10/13) at 7pm!
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hollowtones · 4 months
Ms. Hollowtones, the people have been clamoring to ask: top 5 video game animals/ creatures/ little guys? Also if you could be any pokemon which one would you choose?
#5) Enraged Diggle from "Dungeons of Dredmor"
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#4) Sickly Diggle from "Dungeons of Dredmor"
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#3) Diggle Commando from "Dungeons of Dredmor"
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#2) Diggle from "Dungeons of Dredmor"
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AND NUMBER ONE IS FUCKING POOCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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& I would be an Azumarill or an Ursaluna. or a Corviknight.
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canadaterri · 2 years
Dungeons of dredmor mods steam
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Dungeons of dredmor mods steam free#
Accumulate lockpicks since you now only need them for chests. I keep a stack topped up at about 25 for chests, and another stack with the overflow to be turned into lutefisk on the lower levels.
Use all this experience to keep abreast of the difficulty.
Turn all locked chests into a source of experience and loot rather than obstacles and frustration.
Turn all locked doors into a source of experience rather than noise and damage.
Keeping your burglary skill up to keep your traps affinity (and traps sight radius) ahead of most traps, turning them into a source of experience and money rather than death.
Once you have a good melee weapon (say, a spear), you can activate Asp. You’ll be taking on most isolated monsters using melee for a while, and Narco will stop being as important. You start with it. Normally, starting with this build would be rough as you have no melee weapon and only so many wooden bolts. So don’t activate the Asp Glyph right away, and make Narco your primary weapon early on. It costs little mana, you can spam it, and it’s great at kiting. Take the skills in the following order: Narcosomatic induction With this build, your priorities are mana regen, spell power, life, life regen, trap affinity – in *roughly* that order. The rainbow graffitis allow you to access Wizardlands, which are mini-dungeons. Monsters are generally easy there. Just don’t pull any lever (unlike with the real dungeon) if you have a choice, and be aware that some (properly labelled) traps can be of much higher level than in the real dungeon. Don’t monkey with them. Learn the innumerable icons – this is the main UI issue. Whenever you pick an item, look up the icons on your character sheet to understand what they are. Also spot the difference between damage boosts and resistance boosts. The latter have the same icon, but with more rounded edges. The low-end drinks can be kept in a stack to be turned into lutefisk later on. This is done using the horadric cube, which normally drops on level 1 (sometimes 2) of the dungeon. If it doesn’t keep an eye on crafts vending machines.
Dungeons of dredmor mods steam free#
You can slam some doors shut when chased by something that’s too big for you and need to recover for a while before you resume chipping at their health. You can also use traps you disarmed and picked up. In both cases you’ll need to have a free space between you and the monsters though.īolas might also work, as well as some wands creating obstacles or pushback. Special-purpose consumables such as potions of purity.Potions and wands that are components for bolts (check the DoD sites).Cheese and bread to make omelets and sandwiches in the ingots machine.Powders and the like (salt, brimstone, gunpowder, salpeter…).Tinkering parts (mechanisms, stems, wires, pressure plates…).Ingots (and ores that you’ve turned into ingots).Keep stashes of tinkering equipment in your pocket dimension (you will find the relevant gadget on level 1 of the dungeon). Such as : So at any point you may run into an unfairly deadly, randomly generated predicament. Proceed cautiously, especially if your Trap Sight Radius is low.ĭon’t forget to burglarize all vending machines. Since you’re not much of a melee person, make sure to always attack first by letting the monsters close in. Keep in mind that this is not DooM but a roguelike. You can use any melee weapon. You don’t have melee skills anyway so they all get the same lack of bonuses. But early on go for max damage per blow. You absolutely want to kill quickly, because you can’t take much damage.
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jrjresq · 8 months
does your sona's eyebrows have anything to do with the dungeons of dredmor? they're very good eyebrows.
i literally stole them from dungeons of dredmor
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gothfoxgirlboy · 11 months
I'm gonna be streaming in like 5 minutes. Gonna be playing dungeons of dredmore because I don't stream enough to care about streaming popular games. Come join me.
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freyalise · 7 months
Dungeons of Dredmor having a lutefisk item made me feel very seen, as a child who's mom did everything in her power to stop my Norwegian grandmother from feeding me the stuff.
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straightyuri · 5 months
dungeons of dredmor mention...
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genderdotcom · 6 months
getting a bunch of external storage has made me go absolutely mad with power. i have so many games installed rn.... still not bg3 because that runs too slow when i have it on the external drive but everything else. vtmb (just out of the tutorial still). bg1. dungeons of dredmor again... the last time i played it i must have been like 12 or 13 because the "you get to name the dlc" dlc was named "you can't fight the homestuck"... fnv... stardew valley (waiting for 1.6)....
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