#Duckie Dale fanfic
star-dust-stuf · 1 year
Duckie Dale x fem!reader
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title: stripes
warnings: light language, body insecurities
a/n: I wanted to write this cause we deserve a little duckie in our lives, the title is cheesy and you’ll find out why as you read. ignore typos.
It was past six at night when me and Duckie where studying in my room and we got caught up in a different subject when he asked about prom. I wasn’t very interested in prom seeing no one has asked me and I don’t have a very good dress.
“It’s not a crime if you don’t wanna go,” Duckie said.
I rolled my eyes, “yeah, I don’t want to.”
He flipped over making my bed bounce and have a dip. “Why not?”
“I thought you said it wasn’t a crime!” I poked him in the shoulder.
“Ow!” He said dramatically, “it’s not, I just wanna know why.”
“I don’t have a dress and to hell, no one will ask me.”
“I could go with you.”
I smiled at him, his sweet expression, “I don’t have a dress though!”
“Nuh uh!” He said hopping off my bed. He got to me open closet which was a slight mess. He began to grab every dress in there. “Here!”
He flopped each one on my bed, I didn’t want to wear any of them, even if they are nice I just don’t wanna. “No, I can’t wear any of these,” I said grabbing the lace of one of the dresses.
“What? They’re cute! Look, I’d wear this one!” He pulled out a blue dress placing it over him, “huh?! Look good?”
I laughed. “They are nice, but they’re short.”
“They look like they go over the knees, what’s the big deal?” He put the blue dress down and sat closer to me.
“That’s the thing, they don’t cover my legs!” I leaned my head on my frame.
He tilted his head, “what’s the matter, you look sad.” He put a lock of hair behind my ear.
I sighed. “It’s- i don’t know Duckie!”
“You can tell me, i won’t tell.”
I looked to his eyes, I gave a small smile and got up off my bed. I turned around and showed him the back of my legs. He was confused, “what?”
“Duckie, look!” I pointed to the vibrant lines below the back of my knee.
“Oh, stretch marks?!” He got up off the bed, “you’re worried about stretch marks?”
I felt off balance to his tone but hung on. “I don’t know!” I said.
“Hey, it’s ok to feel a bit insecure about that but it’s not gonna go away!”
“Thanks,” I said sarcastically.
“That’s- i meant to say that you look good with them!” He sat with me back on my bed.
He then saw the side of my leg and ran his finger over a mark, he smiled. “Really!” I put my head down. “Don’t let that ruin your fun!”
“I know it’s just something that won’t leave me alone, you know?”
“Look, I’ve seen girls with no stretch marks at all and I can say that everyone’s unique, stripes or no stripes!”
I smiled, he got up just as I did and lifted the back of his pants to show the back of his calf, he revealed his own, I smiled. “I have them too!”
He saw my face become desperate, “ok, how about we go together? I’ll cut the bottom half of my pants?!”
I laughed. “Don’t ruin your clothes for me!”
“They’re not mine, they’re my dads. He’s dead he wont mind!” My jaw dropped. “What? It’s a sense of humor, you should get one they’re nice.”
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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warnings: talk of death, unrequited love
AN: im back in my 80s John Hughes phase so here’s Duckie!
Andie rolled her eyes as Duckie slid into the seat next to me. I smiled at him as he put his arm around my shoulders. my head fell to his shoulder automatically and his head tilted down towards mine.
“What’s the occasion?” he asked, motioning towards the double large milkshake sitting in front of me and the fries Andie kept stealing.
“Argument.” I muttered out as I leaned into him more. Duckie nodded. We spent a couple hours at the diner before heading out separate ways. Duckie had walked so I offered him a ride home.
“So what was the argument about?” Duckie looked at me as I drummed against the steering wheel. I shrugged.
“Same old same old.” I huffed. Duckie nodded. It was silent for a bit.
“Are we going to your bed? Or mine?” I rolled my eyes and looked over at him. ”Ours?”
“Duck.” I warned. He sighed and nodded.
“I know.” he muttered. ”You don’t feel that way about me. I went through this with Andie. I get it. But God, I would have died for you.” I sighed.
“Duck, listen to me. I love you. I really do.” he perked up at this. ”But you’re like my brother. The one person in the world who is always going to be there for me when I need them to be. The one person who will always be in my corner. I don’t have that with anyone else. Not even Andie. So I’m sorry Duckie. I don’t like you that way and I probably won’t. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you in my own way. Or that it couldn’t happen.”
“I get it.” Duckie finally said. ”That’s probably the same with me but I can’t see it right now.” I looked over at him and smiled sadly. “But if it changes I’ll be the first you tell righr?” I laughed.
“Of course Duck.” I lulled up in front of his house. “There wouldn’t be anyone else I would tell anyway. You’re the only one who would deserve to know anyway.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek.
“If you need a place to stay, just come over.” I smiled and nodded as he got out of the car.
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sayyestomi · 3 years
can’t fight this feeling
a/n:i thought of this ship awhile ago so i got hyperfixated and wrote a lot enjoy 
duckie dale and marty mcfly had been best friends since 4th grade, when marty moved to elgin. they bonded over drawing weird things and having goofy inside jokes. they even had their own made up language. duckie was constantly at marty’s house playing and having fun with him. duckie slept over a lot. marty didn’t mind. he really liked having duckie around. sometimes duckie slept in marty’s bed when he was having nightmares so marty would just hold him and tell him about a comic book he read.
duckie and marty were pretty good friends with andie. duckie was closer to her but marty didn’t mind. he liked their little friend group. but in 8th grade, duckie caught feelings for andie. marty was starting to get left behind. duckie would start forgetting to invite marty to hang out with him. marty could never figure out why he couldn’t like andie like duckie did, or even girls at all. he had a small fling with jennifer parker but it didn’t work out.
senior year was the worst year of it all. duckie was still in love with andie but marty was in love with duckie. and it crushed him because it took him so long to come to terms with himself and he couldn’t even tell him how he felt. marty was a little relieved that andie didn’t like duckie back, but it pained him seeing his best friend so upset. duckie and marty still sat together at lunch but andie sat with another girl at a different table. marty kinda missed her but duckie thought it was a perfect time to scheme up a plan to get andie.
andie liked this guy named blane. now blaine was very pretty, at least marty thought so. duckie hated blane, with a burning passion. blane was one of the rich kids but he was actually really nice. every day at lunch, duckie would plot on how to get rid of this guy. marty understood, it was starting to become clearer when he started thinking of ways to get rid of andie. now marty still loved andie like a sister but duckie was letting her get to his head.
duckie was a mess. he didn’t even really like andie the way he thought he did. but he couldn’t help but like her. his jealousy was at his worst when marty was with jennifer parker. he absolutely hated her. more than he could ever hate blane. he was relieved when her and marty broke up. he still couldn’t figure out why he was so jealous when girls would flirt with marty. he’d spent sleepless nights trying to practice confessing to andie how he felt. he couldn’t seem to get it right. one night he decided to replace andie with marty and it felt more natural. if that felt natural, maybe practicing kissing on marty would feel natural too.
duckie asked marty if he could come over. marty eagerly agreed since he missed duckie hanging out with him outside of their lunch table. duckie just went home with marty and they went up to marty’s room.
“marty, can i, uh, ask you something?” duckie asked nervously, scratching the back of his head.
“yeah of course! what’s up?” marty beamed, looking up from one of his textbooks.
“can you do me a favor and let me practice kissing on you?”
“sure i guess.” marty shrugged.
duckie moved closer to marty, just admiring the other boy for a moment. a lot of feelings came in that moment but he just ignored them. he cupped marty’s cheek in his hand, pulling his face close. he took a deep breath and closed the small gap between their lips. both of them instantly melting like ice cream on a hot brownie. duckie snaked his hand up to play with marty’s hair. marty gripped onto duckie’s shirt as he deepened their kiss. their little heaven was interrupted when duckie shoved marty off.
“i gotta go home. i’ll see you at school tomorrow.” duckie breathed out, packing up his stuff before practically rushing out of the mcfly house.
marty was breathless as he just tried to process what just happened. he flopped back on his bed and just daydreamed about kissing duckie as many times as he wanted to. he knew it was only a daydream since that kiss was for practice so duckie could kiss andie. marty didn’t want duckie to kiss andie. he wanted duckie to kiss him.
prom season rolled around. marty had been asked a few times but he politely declined since he wanted to go with duckie, like he did every other school dance. he was hoping his thing with andie would wear off. it didn’t. marty witnessed blane and andie fighting. he didn’t know what to do about duckie, but right now andie needed a shoulder to cry on. after blane left, marty went over and just gave her a hug.
“thanks marty,” andie murmured, “would you want to take me to the prom? not as boyfriend and girlfriend but as friends.”
marty just sighed and pulled away from the hug. he grabbed andie’s shoulders and looked her straight in the eye. “andie, i would love to take you to the prom, but there’s a boy i know who would love to take you to the prom more than anyone else in the whole wide world.”
“duckie dale.”
“i figured you’d say that. but i’m actually considering it now.”
“ask him. because i know damn well he won’t ask you,” marty chuckled.
“i’ll call him later tonight. thanks marty i owe you one.” andie kissed marty’s cheek before going to her next class.
later that night, andie did in fact call duckie that night. all while marty was in his room feeling absolutely miserable. his phone rang and he decided to answer it.
“marty she asked me to go to the prom with her! i am going to the prom with andie!!” marty could feel duckie’s big smile through the phone. he could also feel his heart drop to his stomach.
“earth to marty are ya still there?” duckie giggled.
“yeah, yeah i’m still here.” marty murmured, fiddling with the pencil in his hand.
“is something wrong?”
“no i’m just not feeling all that great tonight. i’ll talk to you at school tomorrow maybe.”
“wait marty don’t hang up yet. i need to ask you something.”
“what is it?”
“are you going to prom this weekend?”
“maybe. i don’t know yet. why?”
“i dunno. maybe you could hang out with andie and i if you went.”
“duckie i really gotta go. goodnight.” marty quickly hung up the phone before duckie could get another word out. hot tears streamed down his face as he buried his face into a pillow, just quietly sobbing.
duckie didn’t understand why marty was so quick to hang up. usually they’d be on the phone for hours. but ever since he started liking andie their friendship was kind of off. he missed marty a lot. he didn’t wanna lose him over some stupid girl. andie wasn’t just some stupid girl, at least not to him. marty knew him and andie had been closer but marty didn’t care. duckie understood why marty wouldn’t wanna hang out anymore if all he was gonna do was talk about andie.
prom was finally here. marty’s bandmates had convinced him to play so he just took up on the offer. he wore a dress jacket with a plain white tee, a pair of jeans, and a red tie. eventually the jacket and the tie came off since it was getting hot in the auditorium. he just so happened to look up right when duckie and andie were coming in. marty stepped back and gave his bandmates a cue. the music started to slow and the lights dimmed. marty stepped up to the mic.
“this is for that special someone i should’ve confessed to a long time ago.” marty said with a small smile before stepping back.
the keyboard started and soon enough marty was back up at the mic. “i can’t fight this feeling any longer. and yet i’m still afraid to let it flow. what started out as friendship has grown stronger...” he sang.
by now andie was off dancing with blane, as she should’ve been in the first place. duckie was just staring at the stage as he just watched marty, still trying to figure out who that special someone he was talking about was.
“and i can’t fight this feeling anymore. i’ve forgotten what i started fighting for…” marty realized duckie still wasn’t getting the hint so when the song was over, the band took a break and let the dj take over the music.
marty set his guitar down and went over to duckie. duckie was over by the bleachers by himself but immediately perked up when marty came around.
“so who was that special someone you were talking about up there?” duckie asked.
“it was you duckie.”
“you’re joking.”
“nope. i’ve liked you for a long time. just couldn’t find the words or the courage until tonight. now let’s go outside. i wanna do something.” marty got up and grabbed duckie’s hand, dragging him outside. duckie’s face was a bright pink as marty led him to the side of the school where no one could see them. marty pulled duckie into a deep kiss. they immediately melted, just like the first time they kissed. the kiss was longer than the first time. more enjoyable too now that they didn’t have to worry about andie. marty was the first one to pull away.
“i love you duckie dale.”
“i love you too marty mcfly.”
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ahsgotham · 5 years
I Love You, Baby! - Duckie Dale
this fan fiction includes some of the song “I Love You, Baby!” by Frank Sinatra!
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You sighed, putting something on your dresser and then plopping down on your bed.  Another day, another terribly sad date with another terribly sad guy at your terribly sad high school.  Why do you even try?  You glanced over at your clock and saw that it was 11pm.
You quite literally rolled off of your bed and went over to your dresser, pulling out some pajamas.  You removed your shirt, throwing it onto the floor.  You went to remove your pants, until you heard something that sounded like a wolf whistle.
You glanced around your room, your eyes landing on your window, where Duckie, your best friend, was resting his head and arms.
“Duckie!” You exclaimed, covering up your chest.  He smirked, making a “tick” noise.  
“Open the window for me, won’t ya?” He asked, tapping on the half closed window.  You went over and opened it, and you backed up as he stumbled in.
“Jesus Romeo, how’d you get up here anyway?” You asked as he went and sat criss-crossed on your bed.
“Climbed.  It’s not that hard, y’know, if you have experience.” He winked playfully, and you laughed.
“Mind looking away while I finish getting changed?” You questioned, cocking an eyebrow as if he should’ve known he was supposed to look away.  He sighed sprawled out over the bed, planting his face in your pillow.
You finished changing into your pajamas, “Ok, you can look.” 
He flipped around, wiping a hand over his face.  You crawled onto the bed, sitting next to him.  
“Why are you even here, anyway?” You asked, and he shrugged.
“I don’t know.” He rested his head in one of his hands, “Boredom?  Hormones?” 
“Oh shut it, you.” You snickered and hit him with a pillow.  He smiled, looking over at your dresser. 
“Ooo, what’s this?” He said with intrigue, hopping off the bed and prancing over to your dresser.  He picked up a terribly made corsage that you had dropped on it earlier and admired it.
“Well who gave you this?” He asked, squinting at it like he could barely see it. 
“Jackson Conroy.  He asked me on a date a few days ago, so I agreed.” You began, “He showed up at my house around 8 and didn’t even bother to come to the door.  He honked his horn.”
“Sheesh.” He pretended to gag.
“But that’s not all.  We went to this god awful restaurant, and waited, like, 45 minutes for a table.  Then everything he ordered, appetizers, main course, second helping, it was all covered in garlic.  And at the end he tried to kiss me!  Which was horrible enough, but then the exact millisecond before he connected our lips, his surprise girlfriend showed up and had the biggest fit I’ve ever seen.  And then after she left, he still had the nerve to hand me this mess of a homemade corsage and asked me to go to prom with him!  Of course I said no, so then he left in a rage, made me pay and I had to walk home.” You explained.
“Oh my god.” He gasped/laughed, “Your life is a movie.�� It really is a movie.” He chuckled.
“And I’m your handsome co-star.” He struck a dumb pose, and you laughed.  He opened the plastic box your corsage was in and put it on his wrist, admiring it.
“Don’t you look charming.  Might as well put on a dress while your at it.” You jokingly suggested, and he looked in your closet and grabbed a random dress out of it.
“Charming is an understatement, my dear (Y/N).” He complimented himself and climbed back onto the bed with you.  You picked up his wrist and looked at the design of the accessory closer.
“It’s even worse up close.” You said in almost amazement.
“But aren’t I a wonderful model?” He did an extravagant gesture with his hands and face.  You huffed out a small laugh and nodded.  You flopped back on your bed, yawning after the long day.  He flopped down beside you too, resting a hand on your shoulder.
“You know, I’m not like Jackson Conroy.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Exactly.  You don’t have a girlfriend to cheat on.” You joked and booped his nose.  He clutched his chest, pretending he was hurt.
“Oh baby, how you’ve hurt me!” He cried, and you hit his chest, eliciting a ‘oof’ sound from him.
“Honey?” You suddenly heard one of your parents call out.
“Oh, shiiiiii-” You flipped, eyeing Duckie intensely.
“Are you still up?  What’s all that ruckus?” They questioned, and you practically pushed Duckie off your bed and signaled for him to go under your bed, to which he complied.
You quickly grabbed a book off of your nightstand and flipped to a random page to make it look like you had been reading.  Your mom opened the door the second after you stopped freaking.
“Oh, hi hon!” They smiled, and you turned, closed the book and smiled back.
“Heyyyyyy!  I was just... catching up on some reading for class!” You lied, holding up the book.  
“Oh well that’s great!  But what was all the noise?” They asked.
“Oh, the book was just so exciting, I couldn’t contain my excitement.” You made up and excuse, and they raised an eyebrow, but forgot about it.
“Alright, but you should be getting to bed soon, it’s awfully late.” They smiled, and you nodded.
“Goodnight.” You waved, and they closed your door.  Duckie waited a second before coming back out from under your bed.
“You’re an amazing actress, (Y/N).” He stated, resting his head on the edge of your bed.
“Oh, thank you, thank you!” You pretended to sob, doing a very formal wave.
“Ok, but seriously, get out before my parents see or they’re going to kick my ass.” You said, and his head perked up out of concern.
“Not literally- I- it’s a metaphor- I’m not explaining this to you, Dale!  Go!” You pointed to your window, and he scurried to the window.
“Seeya later, hot stuff.” He winked and climbed back out of your window.  As you went to close to the window, you heard a ‘thump’ and a yelp of pain before it shut.
The next day, you had finished school and arrived at your work at a record shop with one of your other friends, Andie.  You didn’t know her too well, but she was a pretty good friend of Duckie’s, so you had hung out a few times.
“I see Duckie flirts with you a lot.” She stated while standing at the counter, flipping through her sketchbook of designs.  
“Andie, Duckie flirts with everyone a lot.” You laughed, sorting some records into their respective categories.  She gave you a glance.
“He flirts with you more than he flirts with everyone else.” She said, looking back down at her sketchbook.
“It’s only because of that one time we played truth or dare and I was dared to kiss him.  I got so flustered and he still to this day won’t stop teasing me about it.  But who wouldn’t get flustered, right?  I mean, it’s Duckie...”
“Oh, so you like him!” She exclaimed as if she just found out the world’s deepest darkest secret.
“No!” You pretty much shouted, “I do NOT like Duckie!”
As if on cue, you heard “Duckie huh?”.  You turned to see Duckie dancing the shop.
“You called, ladies?” He smirked, gliding through the aisle you were in and running his hand across your shoulder.  He kept gliding all the way to the counter in front of Andie and drummed his hands on her sketchbook.
“Could I play a song?” He asked, smiling at her.
“Nope, sorry.” She replied quickly, and Duckie let out a fake whine and took off his glasses, flashing her his best puppy dog eyes.
“Pleaseee, Andie?  Not even for a friend?” He pouted, and she let out a breathy laugh.
“Fine.  How could I resist that precious face?” Andie joked and gave in, reaching one of her hands out and resting it on his chin, shaking his head.  He smiled and put his glasses back on, immediately heading to the other side of the store as if he knew exactly what he was looking for.
“You’re a man on a mission, huh?” You questioned, looking up at him as a pulled an album up, hiding it from both of you.  
“Record player is in the back!” You shouted at him, and he nodded.
“You better not set off the alarm, Duckie!” You demanded, and he smiled before slipping through a door to the back.  After a minute, a song started playing over the stores speakers.
“You’re just too good to be true.” Frank Sinatra’s ‘I Love You, Baby!’ started as Duckie danced out of the back.
“I can’t take my eyes off you.” He lip synced the next lyrics, pulling his glasses down his nose and looking at you through the top of them.  He lip synced the other lyrics, prancing around the shop and pointing at you.  You had the stupidest smile plastered on your face, and were probably blushing, like, a lot.
“I Love You, Baby!” The song said as Duckie continued to lip sync it, jumping at pointing at you as he crossed the aisle.
“And if it’s quite alright, I need you baby, to warm the lonely nights!” He twirled around the shop.
“Oh my god...” Andie whispered in amusement.  He continued to dance around the lip sync to you for the entirety of the song, and as he finished it off with “Let me love you!”, he stood in front of you, smiling and gasping for air.
“So?” He cocked and eyebrow, visibly very pleased with himself
“Will you let me love you?” He asked, stepping closer.
“Duckie, I-...” You stuttered and you could see a desperate look in his eyes.
“Of course!  Yes!” You squealed, pulling him into a hug.  He laughed out of excitement, and Andie smiled while watching the two of you.
As you parted from the hug, you grabbed the collar of his blazer and pulled him into a kiss.  He was shocked, and his eyes stayed plastered open for a moment, but then he melted into the kiss, and you leaned back into the records.
“Alright lovebirds, as much as I love seeing you finally confess your love if you mess up the shop our boss is gonna freak.” Andie interrupted, and Duckie and you laughed and parted, resting each others foreheads on each others.
He really wasn’t like Jackson Conroy.
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littlewalken · 6 years
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Would he read the audio book? I’ll bet he’d read the audio book.
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elizabeth-karenina · 4 years
I was tagged by my very dear friend, @grand-duchessa! Thank you, Chelle! I hopw that you are well. :)
I have to bold everything that appeals to me. This or that type of deal. 
hardcover or paperback / rent or buy / reads in silence or reads with music / standalone or series / annotations or pristine pages / ebook or physical copy / dog ears or bookmarks / mismatched series or complete set / going to the library or taking whatever editions they have there (like in a bookstore?) / cover matters or you don’t judge / lend books (limited) or keep them to yourself / enjoys lit classes (it depends on what the “classic” in question is) or despises them / browses shops or orders online / reads reviews or goes in blind / unreturned books or clean library record / rereads or once was enough / fanfic enthusiast or a stickler for canon / deep reader or easily distracted / must read the book before seeing the movie or order doesn’t matter / has neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves / skips ahead or resists temptation / reads aloud or in your head / guesses plot twists or never sees them coming
I tag: @octoberinflorence, @inkteller, @duckie-dale, @beau--brummell, @montanabohemian, @realhunterswearplaid, and @fromcrossroadstoking
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multiplechoicepast · 7 years
1 thru 10 on the multi muse question list
Asks For Muns With a Multimuse Or More Than One Muse — Still Accepting
1. is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
//All of them really. I love them all, but ya know... Vicki Vale, Allie Knox and Joker have been with me the longest. I would love to write with them a lot more. 
2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
//If I had to choose? Joker. He’s been with me the absolute longest... I’ve been writing him, as of this month, 9 years now. I started writing him in fanfic form in August of 2008 and made his blog December 24th of 2012. So I just... I have a lot of history with him and he’s shaped me a lot as a writer and in who I am as a person and hell even WHERE I am. Without him... Without writing him? I wouldn’t even be where I’m at and with the love of my life. I owe a lot to him and because of that... He will always hold a very special place in my heart and my life. 
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
//Hmm... The “smarter” characters are sometimes difficult, but I would honestly say Pee Wee Herman can sometimes be the hardest. That silly, over the top man childness is hard to get to come out and get it to sound right and not forced.
4. is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
//Yeah. Not too many people play with Joker yet. Also Vicki Vale, Allie Knox, Bruce Wayne, Doc Holliday, Jasper Hale, Charles Xavier, Bob the Goon, John Connor, Barnabas Collins, Gomez Addams, Lily Munster, Reaver , John Hammond, Dr. Forrester, Leia Organa, Duckie Dale, Mouth, Jenko and Ed Wood. Oh and my OCs.
5. if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
//Hmm... I don’t know I guess maybe... Pee Wee just because it can be so hard to get into that mindset?
6. which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
//Answered that above. Joker. I’ve been writing him for 9 years, but Vicki Vale was my very first tumblr RP muse. 
7. which one of your muses has the most ships?
//Hmm.... Joker maybe? Bruce? (BatCrow snuck up on me like WHOA lol that’s your fault @notanichabod) and Adrian Veidt too... Bane. Ian Malcolm...  
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
//Lord. I have over 40 muses lol so I have a lot of OTPs. Ones that come out as big OTPs are like Boner (Joker/Bane), Joker/Crane, Bane/Crane. BatCrow, CatCrow (both Selina/Jonathan Crane and Selina/Eric Draven), Marty McFly/Jennifer, Batman/Joker (I can’t help it okay), Vicki Vale and Joker, Butterfly (Ian Malcolm/Ellie), RiddleCat (Selina/Riddler), Bane/Barsad, Bricks (Bruce Wayne/Vicki Vale), BatCat, Selina and Max Shreck, Fear and Chaos (Ian Malcolm and Jonathan Crane), Job (Joker and Bob the Goon), HILSON (god do I ship the hell out of House and Wilson)... As far as NOTPs? The biggest that come to mind are honestly Bane/Talia and Marty McFly/Doc Brown just... Nope. Can’t and won’t do it. 
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
//Again I have over 40 muses right now and I could go on in great detail about each of them and why I love them each, but we’d be here for... Forever. I got drawn in to each of my characters usually because there’s something about each one of them that appeals to me. Bits and pieces of each of them that lure me in and I just... You see them and you go “that fucker. that one right there. that’s my fave.” A lot of them are also from fandoms/movies that have been a huge part of my life. I mean it when I say that each one of them means something to me. I don’t just pick them from a hat and decide to play them. There’s a draw and something tying me to each one of them. 
10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
//A lot of them are and it depends what kind of fun we’re talking about. I love writing as say... Joker or The Comedian. Each of them says and does shit that I would never even dream of doing or saying. Neither of them gives two shits about what other’s think and I guess that’s a quality I really wish I had to myself. I also always have a blast writing for 1960′s Burt Ward Robin. He’s just so much fun. And George McFly is always fun to write. I haven’t gotten to write him much, but Duckie Dale is super fun to me and so is Jenko. Then if I want to get really silly there’s always Zap Rowsdower and Dr. Forrester :) 
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