#Dua For Controlling Husband
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Dua for Controlling Husband
Assalamualaikum, Dua for controlling husband is specially taken from the Quran and is for those wives whose husband is not under their control. Every time her husband starts angering her he doesn’t love his wife. At that time, a wife gets depressed because she has left everything for her husband. She left her family and every relationship that she had before for her husband. And then starts a…
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zam-jb · 2 months ago
*Satu hari tu seorang cuckold husband mesej i di MeWe. Dia cerita yang dia dah pujuk wife dekat 2 tahun, baru wife agree. Tapi wife kata dia try sekali je. So husband tu risau lah kot silap cari calon lelakinya (sebab dia tak nak wife dia try sekali je, dia nak banyak kali).*
*Husband ni ambik masa 3 bulan lagi untuk screen calon. Yang muda ada problem lain, yang bujang ada problem lain, yang solo macam i ada problem lain.*
*Dia pun dah shortlisted beberapa orang, dan minta chat dengan wife bagi wife selesa. Termasuk lah i. Kira best man win lah.*
*Tapi i ni tak berapa suka competition. Jadi i chat biasa2 je lah. Tak harap apa pun. Saja kill my time.*
*Sekali tu wife tu stop mesej dengan i. I chat pun dia tak reply. Jadi i tau lah dia dah ada calon yang dia suka.*
*I move on je lah. Next. Husbandnya pun tak contact i lagi.*
*Lepas beberapa bulan husband tu contact i balik. Dia kata, percubaan pertama wife dia gagal.*
*Katanya lelaki yang wife dia dah suka (jatuh hati) tu tipu. Bagi gambar orang lain. Bila jumpa sebenarnya orang lain. Dia pun mengaku silap tak buat meeting dulu.*
*Wife dia macam kecewa sangat dan tak nak try lagi. Husband pun tension sebab tak berjaya.*
*Wife tu dah macam patah hati sebab ingatkan dah jatuh cinta kat orang dalam gambar tu. Husband pujuk pun dah tak nak layan.*
*Last husband tu berjaya rayu wife dia sambung chat dengan i. Wife agree.*
*I pun chat je lah dengan wife dia semula. Sekali-sekala i selit lah noty sikit. I memang tak pujuk dia untuk sex ke apa. Cuma chat je hari-hari.*
*Sampailah satu hari dia kata nak ajak jumpa. Husbandnya pun ikut sekali kali ini. Jumpa kat restoran je makan-makan. Ok hotwife ni memang lawa gila. My taste.*
*Lepas peristiwa itu lah baru wife nya macam lagi ok dan macam lagi seronok nak chat noty dengan i. Mungkin sebelum ini dia reserved sikit sebab takut kena tipu lagi.*
*Timeline ni panjang juga.*
*Dari mereka approach i balik sampai first session tu adalah dalam 3-4 bulan.*
*Hari kejadian tu wife minta kat husband dia nak one to one. Husband tak bagi lah dia jauh dari pandangan mata. Husband nak join, wife tak bagi.*
*Jadi mereka agree sewa airbnb yang ada hall dan dua bilik. Husband dia duduk luar tengok tv.*
*Husband minta i massage wife dulu sebagai ice breaking. I bukan reti massage sangat, sekadar picit-picit tu boleh lah.* :joy:
*Then masa massage tu wifenya berkemban je dengan tuala mandi. Husband kat luar. Sambil massage tu sembang-sembang lah, bagi kurang stress.*
*I dengan hotwife wannabe tu berdua dalam satu bilik manakala husbandnya duduk di hall tengok TV.*
*Sebenarnya plan asal adalah massage satu badan dan cuba merangsang wife tu. Kalau bernasib baik mungkin cubaan pertama ni dah boleh ON. Verbally wife tu dah agree dengan husbandnya nak ON. Tapi i ambil pendekatan 'boleh dengar jangan percaya'.*
*I pun memulakan operasi ice breaking massage. Wife tadi yang dah berkemban dengan tuala pun meniarap. Since tuala tu pun pendek, dapat tutup ngam-ngam separuh dada dan ngam-ngam tutup punggung.*
*Sebenarnya bila melihatkan wife tu i dah rasa nak meleleh air liur. Hahaha. Dia memang cun habis. Muka cantik, body sesedap rasa tak kurus dan tak chubby, breast dalam 36C agakkan i. Bagi i almost perfect.*
*I control macho. Mana boleh menunjukkan muka rakus kan. Hahaha. Walaupun wife tu awalnya kata setuju one to one, tapi tak boleh take for granted. Kalau dibuatnya salah langkah, tak jadi ON.*
*Sambung cerita, selepas wife tu meniarap baring di atas tilam, i minta dia longgarkan ikatan kembannya dan biarkan tuala menutup punggungnya sahaja. Dia akur.*
*So bermula lah sessi massagenya. Sambil-sambil massage tu i ajak lah dia berbual. I tanyalah soalan yang direka-reka hanya nak divert perhatian dia.*
*Sambil tu tangan i yang dah dilumur dengan baby oil tu pun massage badannya dari bahu, leher, tangan, sampai ke pinggang.*
*Sambil i massage tu i try juga mencari tempat merangsangnya tapi tak jumpa. Sebelum tu lupa nak tanya husbandnya.*
*I risau yang wife tu terlalu stress menyebabkan dia tak enjoy dan tak terangsang.*
*Namun i sambung ke bawah daripada pinggang. I minta izin nak selak tuala di punggungnya untuk massage. Dia jawab OK.*
*I ambil lagi baby oil dan lumurkan atas punggungnya. I massage bahagian punggung yang boleh tahan gebunya.*
*Then i perasan bila i massage punggung dia pun mengeliat sekali ikut tangan i massage. Ah rupanya button ON dia di punggung. Ini rezeki ni.*
*Apa lagi i pun beriya-iya massage di punggungnya sampai ke alur pussy nya. Lama kelamaan punggungnya semakin menaik dan dia dalam posisi menonggeng.*
*I dengar nafasnya dah laju semacam. I main-main kan jari i dekat dengan alur pussy nya. Dia makin tak tahan.*
*Kalau tengok jam tu dekat 20 minit juga i massage dia. Memang patut untuk ke langkah seterusnya ni.*
*I tarik tuala yang dia pakai tadi dan lap sikit minyak-minyak dekat dengan pussy nya dan di tangan i. Sebab i plan nak lick pussy dia.*
*Sambil tu dia dah mengeliat dan dalam kedudukan minta di-doggy-kan.*
*I basahkan jari i dan mula masukkan jari i ke dalam pussynya. Tiada langsung bantahan daripadanya, malah redha dengan kesedapan yang sedang dirasai.*
*I main-main kan bijinya, buat dia lagi tak tahan. Kemudian dia moaning semakin kuat. I pulak memang tak boleh tahan kalau dengar perempuan moaning. Terpacak dick i.*
*Then i benamkan lidah i ke pussy nya dari belakang dan start lick (position doggy), semakin kuat moaningnya dan mengeliat badannya.*
*Dia dah macam beralah dan rela untuk dinikmati oleh i.*
*Tak sempat dah nak massage bahagian depan. Button ON di punggung tu dah cukup kuat trigger dia.*
*I dah tak tahan. I nak fuck dia. Tapi i nak dia bj i dulu. So i minta tukar ke position 69 dia di atas i di bawah.*
*Ini memang position foreplay yang i paling suka. Sebab i boleh lick pussy nya sepuas-puas hati. Bila dia tak tahan dan nak angkat punggung, i pegang kuat-kuat pehanya dan lick lebih intense lagi. Menjerit dia, "I tak tahan, i tak tahan". I jawab, " Tak payah tahan. Lepas je".*
*I rasa dia cum. Sebab masa i lick tu ada rasa macam air yang masin pulak. Tapi i tak peduli, tengah stim tu. Dia dah tak tahan, dia berhenti bj i dan terus face sitting. Sambil i lick i pegang peha dia tak bagi lepas.*
*"Fuck me. Fuck me. Please fuck me", mintanya. Dia nak i berhenti lick dan fuck dia.*
*Masa ini i pun tukar posisi nak fuck dia missionary. Masa tukar posisi ini i perasan husbandnya dah mengendap di luar bilik (pintu tak rapat).*
*Ah biarlah. Kalau dia nak join dia tahu lah bila dia nak masuk. I dah tak boleh tahan dah ni nak fuck hotwife first timer ni. Rezeki sekali try je.*
*I dah berada di posisi missionary, hotwife dah tak tahan dia tarik dick i masukkan ke dalam pussy dia dengan muka yang sangat stim. I pun memulakan tujahan. Kondom pun tak pakai.*
*Tujahan demi tujahan i bagi tapi perlahan-lahan. I nak dia betul-betul menikmatinya. Sambil i fuck tu i pun hisap kedua-dua nipplenya. Dia merengek kesedapan. Sekali-sekala badannya bergegar macam kena electric shock.*
*Matanya terpejam, sekali-sekali dibuka sedikit sepet melayan stim. Geram je i tengok muka tu. Menyebabkan i menggomol leher dan belakang telinga sambil mendayung. Dia tak tahan, dan moan sekuat-kuatnya (separa menjerit).*
*Husband yang mengendap di luar dah tak senang duduk agaknya, terus masuk dan duduk dekat dengan kepala hotwifenya.*
*Hotwife dah tak ingat apa dah. Macam dah berada dalam dunia yang lain. I ni bila nampak partner dah macam high ni memang bersemangat i menujah. Sekali-sekala i rasa pussy kemut dick i sekuat-kuatnya. Sedap sungguhlah.*
*Husbandnya masih duduk di kepala katil sambil mengusap rambut hotwife dan sekali-sekala mencium pipi hotwife. Belum ada tanda-tanda husband nak join lagi.*
*Selama posisi missionary itu i kira  ada 3 kali hotwife tu cum. Setiap kali cum dia akan tarik badan i rapat ke badan dia dan peluk i kuat-kuat seraya menjerit "i tak tahan. i tak tahan. i tak tahan.*
*Masa dia cum tu habis dia grip i kuat-kuat. Tapi i try lepaskan diri dan teruskan fuck lagi. Ini i memang suka buat. Menyiksa partner sikit. Tengah dia cum dan klimaks tu i terus tujah lagi kuat-kuat dan laju-laju.* :grin:
*Selepas cum kali yang ketiga, i minta dia tukar ke posisi doggy. Doggy ini i tak boleh tahan lama, jadi i perlukan bantuan.*
*I tanya husbandnya tak nak join ke? Husband tersengih, terus dibukanya seluar dan dihulurkan dicknya ke mulut hotwifenya.*
*Sambil i mendoggy, hotwife pula blowjob husbandnya. I tak berapa passionate sangat doggy ni jadi selepas lebih kurang 5 minit i minta tukar tempat dengan husbandnya. Sekarang husband pula mendoggy dan hotwife blowjob i pula.*
*I baru perasan yang dick husbandnya boleh tahan besar ada dalam 6 inci. Dan kelihatannya takde masalah performance. Mungkin sekali ini keinginan cuckoldnya sahaja.*
*Dipendekkan cerita, selepas itu husband pass balik hotwifenya kepada i sebab dia kata dia nak tengok pulak. Dia kata tengok lagi stim dari buat. Jadi i teruskan dalam posisi cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, balik ke missionary dan akhirya doggy.*
*Since i tak pakai kondom, so i kena tarik keluar dan pancut atas punggungnya. Nasib baik boleh kawal.*
*Selesai, i pun tanya hotwife OK tak? Puas tak? Dia jawab puas sangat sambil tersenyum simpul. Bagus-bagus. Kira sukses lah ni.*
*Kali ini i agak penat sikit jadi i macam tak larat nak drive jauh, so i mintak kebenaran nak stay tido 3-4 jam dulu. Husbandnya bagi tapi syaratnya tido dengan hotwifenya dalam bilik tu. Dia tido di bilik satu lagi.*
*I OK je takde masalah.*
*Tapi nak jadi ceritanya lepas lebih kurang dua jam i tido i dapat rasakan tangan hotwife merayap masuk ke dalam boxer i dan handjob dick i.*
*Apa lagi, second round lah.* :joy:
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hd-wireless · 5 months ago
🎤 Can you believe we’ve had four weeks of amazing creations already? We certainly can’t! We hope you’re enjoying the works inspired by music that hit just the right tone to make them into unique drarry fics, art, and podfics.
There are enough works for us to post for one last week of glorious Drarry goodness, so buckle up for the final countdown! 🎶
As always you can listen to the prompted songs for the works we post on two playlists:
Click here for Spotify (many thanks to @evaeleanor for helping us out there) ❤️ And here for the YouTube playlist.
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻 The Shape I found you in [Not Rated, Digital art]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'The Shape I found you in' by 'Girlyman'  🎵 Summary: But your heart was busy within,  Building bomb shelters under your skin.  That's the shape I found you in
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic and Art 🎶
📻 Thunder [E, 11,325, digital]
🎵 Song Prompt: "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac  🎵 Summary: Harry and Ginny are on a break. Harry and Ginny don’t want anyone to know. Harry assumes Ginny is fucking their way through their Quidditch team. Harry punches Draco Malfoy in the face in his free time. Harry considers this a perfectly reasonable coping mechanism. Harry figures that as long as he keeps everything the way that it is, that everything will stay the same, and nothing bad will happen, and Ginny will stay with him, and Malfoy will keep quietly visiting his dreams.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 crawlin' helpless on the floor [M, 1,525]
🎵 Song Prompt: Cure For Pain by Morphine  🎵 Summary: It doesn't take much to torment a man when he's three broken contracts away from being out of a job and down a newspaper.
📻 Hell is the talkin' type [E, 7,309]
🎵 Song Prompt: Dinner and Diatribes by Hozier  🎵 Summary: “Morgana, I need a drink,” Draco sighs. “Why did I let you convince me to participate in this torture again?”  Harry chuckles. “Because I’m your husband, and you love me?” he offers.  “Bah. Remind me not to let myself be so sentimental next time.”
📻 Mr Blue Sky [E, 69,024]
🎵 Song Prompt: ‘Mr. Blue Sky’ by ‘Electric Light Orchestra’  🎵 Summary: Mr Blue Sky, please tell us why, you had to hide away for so long...   After five years, Malfoy had finally escaped house arrest, and he moved in just a few streets down from Grimmauld Place. Overnight, the Daily Prophet seemed to fall in love with him. For his charity work, and his charming smile, and—Harry was sure—his prattish fucking personality. No matter how hard Harry tried, he couldn't stop running into him.  He had bigger problems, though. His best friends in the world were having a baby together, which was fantastic, except that they weren't sure he could hold it together well enough to be Godfather.  But despite being flat broke, with a dead dad, and no one willing to risk hiring him, Malfoy appeared to be completely in control of the narrative surrounding his newfound freedom. Maybe Harry could learn a thing or two from the best of the best.  After all, he had the entire pregnancy to convince Ron and Hermione he was perfectly, entirely, 100% fine. If sometimes he had to fistfight Malfoy about it, well, that was nothing new.
📻 'tis the damn season [M, 2,892]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'tis the damn season by Taylor Swift  🎵 Summary: He doesn’t know why the universe seems to keep placing him in Potter’s proximity every time he returns to London. He doesn’t know how they keep falling into bed, every year, like clockwork.  Draco has tried not to question it.
📻 Tecum Ad Astra [M, 3,257]
🎵 Song Prompt: Levitating by Dua Lipa  🎵 Summary: It's Friday night and Harry Potter is relaxing with a good book in front of a crackling fire.  But he should be at the club.
📻 Music to my ears [E, 13,190]
🎵 Song Prompt: River flows in You, Yiruma  🎵 Summary: Harry is completely captivated by the beautiful music played on a street piano at a park in Cambridge. He is, however, unprepared for whom the pianist turns out to be.
📻 Pancakes for Dinner [T, 2,176]
🎵 Song Prompt: Pancakes for Dinner by Lizzie McAlpine  🎵 Summary: Draco’s on a trip to visit Harry in his new city at his new job. He’s not brave enough to say how he really feels.
📻 Seasons [E, 9,314]
🎵 Song Prompt: Águas de Março (Waters of March) by Antônio Carlos Jobim  🎵 Summary: Seconds pass, and it’s like he can see Draco worrying the sliver of glass in his heart, looking for a way to press it out, to expose the wound to the sun. It’s life; Harry can be patient.
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islamicduaformyloverback · 1 month ago
Wazifa To Control Husband ( Quick & Easy Result)
Strong Wazifa To Control Husband FastWazifa to Control Husband in 1 DayQurani Dua for Control My HusbandWazifa to Control Husband in 3 Days Wazifa to Control Husband in 1 Day,” It has been seen that some husbands do not listen to their Wife’s advice and just keep doing their mind work or keep listening to their Ammi or Abbu. But Wife wants her fame to listen to her too and for the person for…
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freakslubberdegullion · 3 months ago
Life update Pt. 2
One year. It has been more than one year since my last post. Career wise, Alhamdulillah. I managed to make some saving, pampered myself and family, purchased pricey things that had always been my dreams. Alhamdulillah, I'm eternally grateful for the rizq from Allah for me and my family. Religious wise, I have no improvement; or should I say, worse. I'm ashamed of it, and I don't even know what I'm waiting for bcs the changes won't come unless I put effort to do it. I just hope Allah ease the way for me to become better person, better daughter, sister and friends. Love wise -hm I don't even know where to start. Sometimes I think that I might not have rizq in love on this dunya. But huge part of me wants to have life partner that I can depend on. I also realised that in order to get good person for ourselves, we need to work on ourselves to become worthy of a good man; become equally a good companion for our partner. Bcs your partner is a reflection of you, and I hope Allah bless me with rizq to have good husband that brings me closer to Him. Huge part of me also wish that the man in question will be him, specifically. I even asked my friend to make dua' for me regarding this during her time doing umrah. May Allah grant all her dua's. Some part of me, even my friends- can't help but think how impossible my wishes are. But I am asking The Only One that make the impossible possible. So all I can do is have faith and be patient. Oh ya talking about that, he'll enlist next month on November 4th and will come back on 2026; where I will be 30. I can't help but to overthink things but again, I won't get depress over things I have no control of and have faith. I will just focus on me in the mean time, though I know some part of me will leave with him... but what can I do hahah. I will miss him a lot. I wish him the best. Also, maybe because I'm getting old; I always think about losing my loved ones, Nauzubillah. I know it bound to happen one day but all I pray is for my family to live a long healthy and happy life. May Allah grant me rizq to make them more happy and give me chances to pamper them more. I want to be better person bcs this dunya is temporary. Akhirah is the real life. 23 Oct 2024|01:15am| PRYVT- if its not you
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islamicloveduas · 3 months ago
Powerful Dua For Husband’s Health And Success 
Making dua for seeking Allah’s mercy and blessing brings peace and calmness in life.  And making supplications for others reflects a humble and kind nature. People usually pray for the success and well-being of their family members. This keeps them and their family safe and happy. Muslim women often read dua for their husbands’ health and success to protect them from mishappenings. However, Dua for husband health and success supplicates Allah’s blessing and guidance in their life.
In Islam, women make this dua their duty to keep their husbands safe and healthy. Through such duas, they ensure a long life and safety for them.  Hence, the success and well-being of the husband not only make his life happy but your relationship will become strong. Dua makes spiritual connections as well as provides strength to a person. There are duas for everything in Islam that protect you from uncertainties and provide you clarity in life. However, islamicloveduas.com is a storehouse of various duas and wazifas that help you lead a successful and happy life. 
Benefits of Dua For Husband
Making dua for a husband is a beautiful dua in the Quran. This dua is a supplication that seeks a happy as well as good life with your husband. Such dua are life changers these seek blessings to make your bonds strong. Below are some benefits of dua for the husband:- 
Dua builds spiritual connections with the almighty. Hence when you make a dua it strengthens your faith and reliability in His wishes. 
Making dua summons unity and harmony into a relationship, reflecting mutual support and understanding between the partners. 
It makes your environment clean and positive removing all the negative energies surrounding your family. It serves as a means for supplicating Allah’s guidance and blessings in your marriage. 
Dua encourages gratitude for the blessings of marriage and the virtues of your husband. It cultivates a mindset of appreciation and contentment seeking improvement and growth. 
Praying for your husband’s personal development, spiritual growth, and success in his endeavors. This fulfills the needs and desires of health, success, relationships, and other aspects of life. 
Powerful Dua For Husband’s Health And Success
Dua for husband’s protection:- This dua seeks the protection and security of your husband from Allah. Through such supplication, wives seek their husband’s protection from any physical as well as spiritual harm. 
“Bismillahi allathee la yadurru ma’asmihi shay’un fil-ardi walaa fissamaa’i wahuwa as-samee’ul-‘aleem.”
“In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing can harm on earth or in the heavens, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”
Dua for husband’s Long life:- Every wife wants a long and healthy life for their husband. This dua is recited to supplicate Allah’s mercy upon their husband and family. Hence it cultivates a sense of calmness and peace in their minds. 
“Allahumma ammidnee fee a’marihi, wa barik lee fee awqatihi, wa a’inni ‘ala khidmatihi, wa ustur ‘alayhi bisitril-ladhi la yuraahu ghayruka.” 
“Oh God, support me in his comfort, shine for me in his times, grant me his services, and establish over him a control that no one else can see.”
Dua for Husband’s love:- Dua is recited to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance for a happy marriage. This dua emphasizes His creations and powers to generate love and affection among partners. 
“Ya Wadud, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim”
“O Allah, the Most Loving, the Most Merciful, and the Most Compassionate”
Dua for husband’s health and success:- This dua source hope and comfort in a relationship. It enhances the overall well-being of your husband and allows him to address success with Allah’s guidance. 
“Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-kufri, walfaqri, wa ‘a’oothu bika min ‘athaabil-qabri, laa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa ‘Anta.”
“O Allah, make me healthy in my body. Ya Allah, preserve for me my hearing. O Allah, preserve for me my sight.”
Why Make Dua? 
Fulfill sacred duty:- Making dua is not only a recommended deed in Islam; it is also considered a religious duty. However, it is a fundamental aspect of worship that ties you to Allah. Dua allows you to satisfy this crucial component of your faith.
Develop compassion and connection:- Dua is a symbol of compassion and connection. When you make dua for your husband, you show concern, empathy, and love. It strengthens the emotional contact between people and deepens your connection with Allah.
Aligning with His Planning and Wisdom:-Allah’s wisdom and forethought are beyond our comprehension. Making dua is a method to acknowledge and submit to His will. Even if your prayers are not answered in the way you expect, trusting in Allah’s wisdom and accepting His decision is an important aspect of the spiritual path.
Strengthening the foundation of a family:- Dua contributes significantly to the family’s foundation. It encourages family members to be united, harmonious, and supportive of one another. When spouses do dua for one other, they create a strong and resilient bond that serves as the foundation for a healthy family atmosphere.
Making a Dua for husband health and success is both a spiritual deed and a holy duty in Islam. It reflects compassion and a relationship with Allah. Dua aligns us with Allah’s wisdom and planning, as we seek His blessings and direction in our life. By praying for our husbands, we strengthen the basis of our family and foster a strong relationship of love and support. Dua is a wonderful instrument for cultivating gratitude, building solidarity, and encouraging personal growth and development. As we recite these prayers, we put our trust in Allah’s mercy and wisdom.
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islamicspecialistforloveback · 11 months ago
Powerful Dua To Control Husband
Powerful Dua To Control Husband or for controlling husband from the Quran can be used for a stubborn husband. We will provide you dua for your arrogant husband. Every woman desires that her spouse spend time with her and treat her with love and respect. However, situations might impact the husband’s behavior, and he may appear to act out of character. If you’ve noticed that your husband is…
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islamicduaformyloverback · 2 months ago
(Perfect For You) Dua for Husband Should Listen to His Wife - Qurani Prayer
Introduction:-How to perform Islamic ishtikhara to control your husbandPowerful Islamic dua for controlling husbandWazifa To Bring Husband Under ControlDua for controlling husband’s angerDua to make husband listen Introduction:- Husband and wife are supposed to be partners in a marriage. Dua to bring husband under control But, if even one of them fails to hold up their end of the bargain, then…
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halaldua · 9 months ago
Dua To Separate Your Husband From His Parents
Are you witnessing a relationship that brings more pain than joy? It's time to take control and unlock the ancient power of dua to separate them for good. Say goodbye to toxic ties and hello to a future filled with hope and possibility. Be Ready to discover the secrets of dua and transform lives today! To know more, you can visit: https://halaldua.com/dua-to-separate-two-person/
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islamictantramantra · 10 months ago
Which Wazifa Use To Control Husband
Husbands can be very kind and caring towards their wives, but men have a natural tendency to stray. They are not less committed, but they assume women have to bear the major responsibilities of the household, and they can do as they please from time to time.
For More Details Visit Now:- https://duaforexloveback.com/which-wazifa-use-to-control-husband/
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islamicloveduas · 3 months ago
Powerful Dua For Husband’s Health And Success 
Making dua for seeking Allah’s mercy and blessing brings peace and calmness in life. And making supplications for others reflects a humble and kind nature. People usually pray for the success and well-being of their family members. This keeps them and their family safe and happy. Muslim women often read dua for their husbands’ health and success to protect them from mishappenings. However, Dua for husband health and success supplicates Allah’s blessing and guidance in their life.
In Islam, women make this dua their duty to keep their husbands safe and healthy. Through such duas, they ensure a long life and safety for them. Hence, the success and well-being of the husband not only make his life happy but your relationship will become strong. Dua makes spiritual connections as well as provides strength to a person. There are duas for everything in Islam that protect you from uncertainties and provide you clarity in life. However, islamicloveduas.com is a storehouse of various duas and wazifas that help you lead a successful and happy life.
Benefits of Dua For Husband
Making dua for a husband is a beautiful dua in the Quran. This dua is a supplication that seeks a happy as well as good life with your husband. Such dua are life changers these seek blessings to make your bonds strong. Below are some benefits of dua for the husband:-
Dua builds spiritual connections with the almighty. Hence when you make a dua it strengthens your faith and reliability in His wishes.
Making dua summons unity and harmony into a relationship, reflecting mutual support and understanding between the partners.
It makes your environment clean and positive removing all the negative energies surrounding your family. It serves as a means for supplicating Allah’s guidance and blessings in your marriage.
Dua encourages gratitude for the blessings of marriage and the virtues of your husband. It cultivates a mindset of appreciation and contentment seeking improvement and growth.
Praying for your husband’s personal development, spiritual growth, and success in his endeavors. This fulfills the needs and desires of health, success, relationships, and other aspects of life.
Powerful Dua For Husband’s Health And Success
Dua for husband’s protection:- This dua seeks the protection and security of your husband from Allah. Through such supplication, wives seek their husband’s protection from any physical as well as spiritual harm.
“Bismillahi allathee la yadurru ma’asmihi shay’un fil-ardi walaa fissamaa’i wahuwa as-samee’ul-‘aleem.”
“In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing can harm on earth or in the heavens, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”
Dua for husband’s Long life:- Every wife wants a long and healthy life for their husband. This dua is recited to supplicate Allah’s mercy upon their husband and family. Hence it cultivates a sense of calmness and peace in their minds.
“Allahumma ammidnee fee a’marihi, wa barik lee fee awqatihi, wa a’inni ‘ala khidmatihi, wa ustur ‘alayhi bisitril-ladhi la yuraahu ghayruka.”
“Oh God, support me in his comfort, shine for me in his times, grant me his services, and establish over him a control that no one else can see.”
Dua for Husband’s love:- Dua is recited to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance for a happy marriage. This dua emphasizes His creations and powers to generate love and affection among partners.
“Ya Wadud, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim”
“O Allah, the Most Loving, the Most Merciful, and the Most Compassionate”
Dua for husband’s health and success:- This dua source hope and comfort in a relationship. It enhances the overall well-being of your husband and allows him to address success with Allah’s guidance.
“Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-kufri, walfaqri, wa ‘a’oothu bika min ‘athaabil-qabri, laa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa ‘Anta.”
“O Allah, make me healthy in my body. Ya Allah, preserve for me my hearing. O Allah, preserve for me my sight.”
Why Make Dua?
Fulfill sacred duty:- Making dua is not only a recommended deed in Islam; it is also considered a religious duty. However, it is a fundamental aspect of worship that ties you to Allah. Dua allows you to satisfy this crucial component of your faith.
Develop compassion and connection:- Dua is a symbol of compassion and connection. When you make dua for your husband, you show concern, empathy, and love. It strengthens the emotional contact between people and deepens your connection with Allah.
Aligning with His Planning and Wisdom:-Allah’s wisdom and forethought are beyond our comprehension. Making dua is a method to acknowledge and submit to His will. Even if your prayers are not answered in the way you expect, trusting in Allah’s wisdom and accepting His decision is an important aspect of the spiritual path.
Strengthening the foundation of a family:- Dua contributes significantly to the family’s foundation. It encourages family members to be united, harmonious, and supportive of one another. When spouses do dua for one other, they create a strong and resilient bond that serves as the foundation for a healthy family atmosphere.
Making a Dua for husband health and success is both a spiritual deed and a holy duty in Islam. It reflects compassion and a relationship with Allah. Dua aligns us with Allah’s wisdom and planning, as we seek His blessings and direction in our life. By praying for our husbands, we strengthen the basis of our family and foster a strong relationship of love and support. Dua is a wonderful instrument for cultivating gratitude, building solidarity, and encouraging personal growth and development. As we recite these prayers, we put our trust in Allah’s mercy and wisdom.
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Wazifa For Husband Stop Bad Habits
Wazifa For Husband Stop Bad Habits or for husband to stop drinking alcohol can be used to quit drinking. We will provide you with the best islamic wazifa for drug addiction. No one likes a person with a bad habit. Undoubtedly, bad habits take a person in the wrong direction. We think that people will change after marriage, but most of the time, the situation becomes worse. Wazifa For Husband…
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fatimanoor115 · 1 year ago
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Miracle Dua To Control Husband http://praywaves.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-dua-to-control-husband.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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afsheen232 · 1 year ago
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Miracle Dua To Control Husband http://praywaves.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-dua-to-control-husband.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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duaprogram09 · 1 year ago
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Miracle Dua To Control Husband http://praywaves.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-dua-to-control-husband.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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alihaider00059 · 1 year ago
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Miracle Dua To Control Husband http://praywaves.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-dua-to-control-husband.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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