#Drone Flight
myriamendirk · 1 year
drone flight battery Todt
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filtergrade · 2 months
DJI Mini 4 Pro Test Flight in Nashua, New Hampshire
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techdriveplay · 2 months
Best Drones for Beginners
Venturing into the world of drones can be both exciting and daunting. With a wide array of options available, choosing the right drone for a beginner is crucial. This guide aims to simplify that process by highlighting the best drones for beginners, ensuring your first flight is smooth and enjoyable. In 2024, the global drone market is valued at over USD 22 billion, with a projected annual…
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You flew the mother plane directly into the world serve center.
Hit the cuntagon!
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dronebiscuitbat · 1 month
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 67)
The party had long ended, but instead of heading home, N had dragged her towards the entrance of the bunker with his fingers intertwined with hers. Tera resting in Uzi's arm, tuckered out from playing with Thad.
“Where are we going?” Uzi asked, quirking up an eyebrow as they stood in front of the first door, N using a keycard to open them.
“You'll see.” He replied crypticly, giving her a teasing wink that had her blushing, she wasn't sure what exactly he was planning but now it had her core fluttering in anticipation.
For the first time in a long time, the small family stepped out of the bunker, the cold air biting their faces as it welcomed them back with open arms, Tera opened her eyes and looked around, eyes following snowflakes as they fell to the ground. A single flake falling onto her visor, making her cross her eyes to look at it before shaking it off.
Uzi chuckled at her daughter's first reaction to being outside, and smiled when Tera chirped at the falling snowflakes as if they were freinds wanting to greet her, and then nipped at them like an excited puppy when they did nothing back.
“You feel good enough to fly?” N asked, stopping in front of her, hand in hand, she'd almost forgotten how angelic he looked in the ethereal light of the gas giant and orbiting moon.
“What do you say Jellybean? You wanna go on your first flight?” Uzi brough Tera to rest near her chest to hold her better while airborne, and the toddler cocked her head in confusion before nodding slightly.
For the first time in awhile, she released her wings from her back, startling the toddler in her arms who looked up at them in wonder, reaching up towards them as if she wanted to touch them.
N followed, his bladed wings popping out of their compartment as if they were spring loaded, catching Tera's attention from her mothers wings as she admired his.
“Ready?” N asked, pulling away for the first time and preparing to launch, and Uzi nodded with a smirk as her grip on Tera tightened, preparing to launch up as well.
N took off, creating a flurry of snow around him as Uzi followed, close behind, Tera's eyes went hollow as she felt Uzi's wings beat above and around her, looking around hurriedly before looking up at her mom for reassurance.
“You're okay! Look at Daddy!” Tera's eyes trained forward, watching her father do barrel rolls and pumping his fists up into the air as he flew ahead of them, whooping at the feeling of spreading his wings after so long.
A smile grew on the toddlers face, a giggle peircing through the howling wind as she spread her arms out as if they were her own wings, feeling how the wind caught underneath them.
“N! Slow down! I don't want to scare Tera by going too fast!” Uzi yelled ahead at her husband boyfriend. Causing him to slow down significantly to hover next to them with a sheepish smile.
“Ah… sorry, it's been too long!” How're my girls doing?” He asked, golden eyelights flickering from Uzi to his daughter, who now looked ecstatic to be flying.
“It's uh… a little tougher to fly now.” Uzi admitted, unsure if it was how long it'd been since she'd flown or if the pregnancy was making her wings feel sluggish and heavy. “I think she likes it though.” She gestured to the droneling in her arms.
“That's okay, it's only a little further, it's worth it, trust me.” N pulled ahead again, though at a much more reasonable pace then before.
When he started gaining more altitude, she struggled somewhat to keep up, like her body was advising her against flying for large periods of time, or so high. Thankfully, N perched himself on a window ledge, and caught her in his arms as she made a clumsy landing.
“I've got you.” He hummed, giving her a look that had her melting even after many months together.
“I've… got something for you. Through here.” His head cocked to the large, glass less window, there was a curtain obscuring what was in it, Tera shifted in her arms, looking up at the both of them with wide awestruck eyes.
“I've got her, go ahead.” N scooped up the toddler from his wife's girlfriends arms and pulled back the curtain slightly, inviting her to whatever was inside.
She ducked her head underneath the curtain as the howling wind suddenly cut out behind her, and she looked up in awe. It was… a nest, for lack of a better word.
There was soft, velvety bedding covering the entirety of the small, sheltered room. There was reading material piled high on both sides of the room, as well as plushies of every species and verity. It was lit by string lights dangling from the ceiling, creating warm and comforting lighting.
“W-what is…?” She found herself asking, looking around and taking in the scent of the room, it smelled overwhelmingly of N, his scent clinging to every surface.
“It's… somewhere we can go if we just… want out of the bunker. I thought maybe you'd want to get out every once in awhile.” N crawled into the space behind her, letting go of Tera, who immediately began to explore this new place, she'd mastered crawling at the point, and was quickly making a round, sticking her face into literally everything.
“It's really pretty.. but what brought it on?” She asked, sitting on the bedding covered floor.
“Uh… I'm not sure? It just felt right? I've been setting this up for about a week. Do you like it?” He cocked his head, smiling hopefully at her.
“I mean yeah! I just…I struggled to get up here, and that's probably only going to get tougher the further along I get.” She pointed out, and N purred as he curled in behind her.
“Well… I can always take you up here if you want. I just… wanted you give you something… and somewhere nice, safe, and quiet sounded right.”
“Bunker isn't ‘nice, safe and quiet’?” She asked, leaning back into his chest while producing her own low purring in response. She really did like this place, weirdly. She felt safe in the bunker, sure. But here, she felt like nothing and no one could disturb her, probably partly because they were so high up.
N seemed to share a similar feeling. “Too many people, and Doll's still… somewhere. This felt safer somehow.”
“You don't have to come here everyday, o-or even use it. But… it's here if you need it.” He murmured, watching his daughter play in the nest he had made, something warm and content bubbled up inside him, and it was doubled when Uzi suggested something else;
“Do you wanna sleep here tonight?”
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electrozeistyking · 8 months
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for @zombytommy - who literally did not ask me to draw this, i just felt like it in the middle of dinner
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emvisual · 2 years
Esto es un vuelo FPV. Así es un seguimiento en modo manual con un dron. La carrera es en Valparaíso, Chile.
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ruitethewingedfox · 1 year
*dragon-ifies your birdzi*
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myriamendirk · 1 year
Drone flight batterie chemin de fer france
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therantingsage · 6 months
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I!!!! Finally made an N dragon to go with my Uzi dragon!!!! I'm so happy that I've got them both aaaa
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fivepebble · 1 year
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me and myth made murder drones “ocs” (it’s flight and pebbles again <3)
murder + worker duo very original i know but listen, *doesn’t elaborate*
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I need answers
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farhen2 · 11 months
brainrot brainrot brainrot
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itmeans-everything · 1 month
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messyzoranablog · 7 months
Someone with murder drones, flight rising fan dragons in her pfp, rebloged my sketch of Wave, and now I'm think about my sandsurge disassembly drone pair that I haven't worked on, much less finished.
I should probably save up my gems.
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