#Drix I hate to tell you this but Yes He Can - and it's still Oz that takes the heat for it haha
sysig · 5 days
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Spoiling for a fight, spoiled for choice (Patreon)
#Doodles#Damned#Osmosis Jones#Ozzy#Thrax#Starting to move into random vignettes - let's see where I can slot them into place#Starting with pouting Thrax - petulance hardly suits a serial killer pls#He hasn't killed Anyone here yet ugh! Or has he lol he just wasn't happy with how it turned out#I assume a lot happened during Nightshifts but it seemed like the monsters tended to band patients together despite alignment hmm#Not that I'm planning anything different but it does make me curious!#Scribbly Thrax to set up the one of him threatening Oz#What's funny is that initially it was Drix who threw down the gauntlet basically being like ''He can't do anything here''#Drix I hate to tell you this but Yes He Can - and it's still Oz that takes the heat for it haha#Drix is not someone you want to mess with for simultaneously opposite reasons lol - he's a dorky tank it's pretty great#Although here he's just a mild-mannered Everyman - fun to take powers away!#Which of course happens to everyone haha#He can't keep any of his accessories! Naked without them!#One of the things I was the most curious about was piercings! I imagine most ear piercings could stay but others#They could be used as impromptu weapons couldn't they? Curious#Everyone's actual clothes and accessories are taken anyway so The Rest is a moot point but y'know - coping with alternatives#It's black yarn this time you can't prove anything lol#Thrax is constantly messing with his hypothalamus necklace so I imagine not having /anything/ has to feel weird to him#But of course he wouldn't be allowed to carry something that he could use against others with him! Too dangerous!#Haha if only#Really makes me want to think about his possible MU - his hand is already scarred so what's a bit more hmmm
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