#Driving Lessons Regina
gndsregina · 1 year
One way to learn properly is to enroll in a Driving school in Regina that offers good training to help you become a safe driver. Parents can teach you to drive for free, but you can't compare it to quality training from professional instructors. 
Taking driving lessons will help you feel more confident and comfortable behind the wheel. So if you're looking for the best place to hire a professional driving school in Regina, you've come to the right place. At Guru Nanak Driving School, we have professional knowledge and experts to teach you driving and Canadian driving rules.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
OH yeah for sure I'd 10/10 trust Belle with my child!!!
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superhaught · 2 months
Sweetest Girl (Chapter Two)
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warning(s): discussion of disability
Word Count: 2200, Part 2/?
Author's Note: I was able to finish chapter 2! I'm sorry for the massive delay since positing any writing, it's been a time recently. I'll keep doing my best but pls don't hold it against me if I don't post for a while again. I still care about Regina so so much. Thank you to bestie @sapphicantics for helping me go back to this and reading it first :P
Summary: Reader goes over to Regina's house to work on some more chemistry lessons.
Part 1
Friday’s chemistry lecture was cut off by the dismissal bell and the teacher frustratingly called out as students were already busting through the door, “quiz on Monday! Don’t forget and study hard this weekend!” 
You were packing up your notes when five perfectly manicured fingernails rapped on the corner of your desk. 
You looked up and met the blonde's eyes. 
“So quiz on Monday, can I get some extra tutoring this weekend?” 
You nodded slowly, “do you want me to come to your place?” 
“I do.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t want -“ 
“I already told you, yes. Stop being so weird about it. Tomorrow. Come over around lunchtime. My mom will feed us then we can work.” 
You bit your lip and then nodded again, “okay.” 
Regina gave you her version of a smile and then flicked her hair behind her shoulder as she left the classroom. 
You saw that the teacher had been watching your exchange.
“It’s working,” they said, “whatever you’re doing. Her homework was better.” 
“You definitely can’t tell me that.” 
“Just keep it up. She’ll be okay.” 
You smiled and nodded, hugging your books to your chest and leaving the classroom. 
After a twenty-five minute walk, you were standing at the end of the driveway to the George residence. 
You looked up at the massive house in awe. It was clearly a new build. Likely custom-designed by the Georges. Two stories. Huge yard. You imagined an underground pool and a deck with a built-in, year round jacuzzi in the back. A movie theater and second kitchen in the basement. A yoga room with a Peleton for Ms. George. Master bath with a soaking tub. 
You were afraid to go in. 
You stood outside and stared for a minute longer before finally walking up the driveway (not made of asphalt or cement, but pristine white rocks). You walked past Regina’s Jeep, a Mercedes, and an Audi all parked (as well as a children’s Barbie Jeep abandoned in the lawn, belonging to Regina’s younger sister you assumed). 
You giggled at that. You imagined Regina either beaming with pride or fuming with rage at the idea of her little sister wanting a matching car to Regina. 
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the front door and waited for a moment, hearing a faint “get the door!” from inside.
Regina opened the door, “hey, did you find parking on the street?” 
“Oh, I didn’t drive.”
“Someone dropped you off then? Do you have a ride home after?” 
You shook your head, “I walked.” 
“What the fuck?” 
A woman called out from inside the house, “Regina! Language!” 
Regina clenched her jaw and inhaled slowly through her nose, flaring her nostrils. 
“It’s not a big deal,” you responded quietly. 
Regina rolled her eyes, “I’ll drive you home when we’re done, Jesus Christ.” 
“You really don’t have to drive me home, it’s okay.” 
“Shut up, it’s literally nothing. Now come inside you weirdo.” 
You followed Regina in, and the interior of the house was even more grand than the exterior. 
You didn’t have much time to take it all in before Regina’s mom was pouncing on you and pulling you into a hug then holding your shoulders and examining you head to toe, “well aren’t you a cute little thing!? I love meeting Regina’s new friends.” 
“She’s my tutor mom.” 
“Cute and smart, then! Well I hope the two of you become friends, Regina needs good influences in her life.” 
Ms. George raised her hands in mock-surrender, “Sorry! I’m just trying to be helpful, my goodness.” 
You tried to force a smile and fidgeted with the zipper of your jacket awkwardly. 
“Did you make us snacks?” 
“Oh yes!” Ms. George trotted back into the kitchen and came back with a tray stacked with a variety of finger foods and fruity little drinks complete with excessive garnishes. She passed the tray to you, “here you ladies go. Study hard!” 
“Thanks,” Regina didn’t wait around any longer before starting up the staircase to the second floor and expecting you to follow behind.
“Um, it was nice meeting you!” You directed to Ms. George, “you have a beautiful home.” 
“Thank you sweetie-“ 
“Hurry up.” Regina cut her mom off while standing at the top of the steps with a hand on her hip.
You rushed up the rest of the steps and followed Regina into her room. She immediately went to her floor-length mirror and adjusted her hair while you set the tray of snacks down on her vanity. 
“Not there,” Regina snapped, as if it was obvious.
“Where then?” 
Regina pointed lazily toward the ottoman at the foot of her bed and you obeyed, setting the tray down and then helping yourself to a handful of homemade trail mix. 
Regina came over and sat down on her bed and grabbed a single celery stick to eat. 
You must have made a face that Regina noticed because she raised an eyebrow at you, “what?” 
“Why are you making that face?” 
“Oh, nothing, I just don’t like celery.” 
“You don’t have to eat it.” 
“I know, Regina.” You could feel yourself shrinking as your shoulders slumped. 
“It’s like negative calories so.”
“Well, actually…” 
Regina narrowed her eyes at you.
“Nevermind. So, do you want to work on material for the quiz?” 
Regina threw herself backwards and collapsed into her duvet in exasperation, “ugggghhhh!” 
“That’s why you wanted me to come over, right?” 
“Well duh… I’m just tired.” 
“I’m sorry.”
Regina propped herself up on her elbows and looked at you, “for what?” 
“That you’re tired?” 
She scoffed, “you don’t need to be sorry about that. See? You’re too nice.” 
You shrugged, “I guess it’s just something people say.” 
“Oh? So you agree, then? That niceness is a facade that people use to disguise their true feelings?” 
You shook your head, incredulous, “I didn’t say that.”
“Are you really, actually sorry that I’m tired or are you just saying it, then?“ 
You took a beat to think and then answered emphatically, “I am actually sorry. It’s called empathy. I feel bad that you feel rundown, and if you aren’t up for studying today, I would understand.” 
She raised an eyebrow again in her classic fashion, “I guess I just really don’t understand that. Why would you feel bad that I’m tired? And why wouldn’t you be upset if I wasn’t in the mood to study after you put in the effort to walk all the way here?” 
“I don’t know why, that’s just how I feel. What should I say instead? I don’t care that you’re tired, suck it up I’m here to make you better at chemistry?” 
“Maybe you should,” Regina shrugged. 
You shook your head, “I don’t want to say that. That’s not helpful to anyone. Are you going to retain any of the content we go over if I push you to do it when you don’t feel good?” 
“How do you know I’m not lying or just complaining for the sake of it? Maybe I need to be pushed.”
“Fine, give me a reason then. Why are you tired?” 
Regina thought about it for a minute, then her voice came out surprisingly quiet, “you know the accident from last year? The bus thing?” 
You nodded. 
She sighed, “It’s been a long recovery. I don’t usually talk about it with anyone.” 
“You don’t have to talk about it with me if you don’t feel comfortable, but… I am here if you did want to. Talk about it, I mean.” 
Regina didn’t say anything. She started to pick at the skin around her fingernails. 
You recognized the behavior right away because you do it too. Without thinking, you moved to sit across from her on the bed and reached out, clasping your hand around hers. 
The blonde stared at you shocked. 
“Shit, I… I’m sor-“ you began, starting to pull away. 
She didn’t let you go, “It’s okay. Don’t apologize.” 
The gesture must have cracked her armor, if only a little. She shrugged her shoulders and explained, “the accident injured my neck and back so I’m doing physical therapy twice a week for that and I’ve been diagnosed with something called POTS. So my heart is all fucked up or something. I'm exhausted and in pain most of the time even though I'm taking like six different meds every day.” 
“That sounds really hard.”
“But I feel like…” her voice failed her. She frowned, cleared her throat, and started again, “I feel like I shouldn’t complain about it… wouldn’t be cute to bitch about it when everyone…” she lowered her head and stared at her comforter, “when everyone thinks I probably deserved it.” 
You frowned and squeezed her hand, “do you think you deserved to get hit by a bus?” 
“I don’t know. Maybe. It feels that way sometimes. Like I was supposed to learn some kind of lesson from it. Like I was supposed to suddenly be a better person and be grateful and be an inspiration or whatever. But that’s like some biblical bullshit. And I’m not a better person. I'm still just me but now my body doesn’t work and people don’t even bother pretending to like me anymore.” The dam had burst. The corners of her eyes started to sting with painful tears. “I’m not grateful. I don’t think what happened to me was an inspiration or whatever. I just wish I wasn’t sick and I wish that people didn’t expect anything from me.” With that, she retracted her hands from you, quickly wiped her face with her sleeves and she continued to look anywhere but right at you.
“Regina, thank you for sharing that with me. I want to help you as much as I can.”
“Why, though?”
“Because I want to.”
Regina met your eyes again, scrutinizing you. Trying to find deception that wasn’t there. 
When she finally gave up she just said, “I don’t understand you.”
You laughed, “I’ve gathered that.”
She smiled and then rolled her eyes.
“Hey, do me a favor, okay? Go change into something comfy and then lets just watch something for a bit. Whatever you want. We can recharge a little and then see about studying, and if it doesn’t happen, it’s okay.”
“Are you being serious?”
Regina breathed a sigh of relief and then visibly relaxed before getting up and walking to her large closet. She came back out a few minutes later, having changed into baggy sweats. She wordlessly sat down at her vanity, tied her hair up in a loose bun, cleaned her makeup off and then replaced her contact lenses with glasses. 
You smiled to yourself while watching her. She caught you looking over in the mirror and you quickly looked away before seeing her reaction if any. 
When she came back to the bed, laptop in hand, she said, “I’d usually never let anyone see me like this.”
“Well, then I consider myself lucky. Unless you don’t plan on letting me leave here alive now that I’ve seen you ‘like this,’” putting air quotes around your words.
“Cheeky…” Regina smirked and sat back down on the bed next to you, constructing a pile of pillows against the headboard to lean on, “you wouldn’t know until it was too late, though.”
You smiled as she continued.
“I guess I just don’t really care right now.”
“Well, I’m glad that you feel at ease with me. Not that you’re any less pretty than before.”
“You liar!”
“What? I’m not lying!”
“I’m not pretty right now. I’m all puffy and my hair is gross and I have my stupid glasses on and I’m wearing my mom’s old college sweatshirt.”
You shrugged, “you are pretty, Regina. You have freckles, I didn’t know that. And your hair looks cute like this, the little strands framing your face… I don’t know, you look pretty to me.”
Regina narrowed her eyes at you and then shook her head, “okay, whatever. Let’s just… watch something now.” She redirected her attention to opening up streaming on her laptop, “have you ever seen Real Housewives?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Oh my god. Okay I’m catching up on New Jersey right now, I’ll try to fill you in.”
You smiled and nodded. 
She started the show and slid a little closer to you so that she could rest the laptop on both of your laps. 
You ended up watching the show all evening, only interrupted by Ms. George bringing some dinner upstairs for you both along with Regina’s meds.
“Sweetheart, you look… comfortable.” Ms. George remarked, her tone unmistakably judgemental. 
The corners of Regina’s mouth downturned just slightly.
“Yeah you know we just decided to have a relaxing night. No need to be all done up.” You smiled, “thank you so much for bringing us food, Ms. George.” 
The woman was thrown off and you felt victorious.
“Oh, of course. I’ll… go get you girls some popcorn.” Ms. Geroge left and shut the door behind her. 
Regina released a breath she was holding and whispered, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“For… for what you just did.”
You shrugged and took a bite of food, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Regina’s eyebrows raised and then she just laughed in disbelief before turning the show back on and saying, “you continue to surprise me…”
Next Chapter
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knight-already · 2 years
“Did James isolate her by driving people away like we see him do with Snape  ?” 
From @avegollum97​ ′s post about Severus being a godfather to lily’s and james’ second kid.
You just gave me something to think about.
Because that’s what he did ultimately... and it wasn’t just him alone.
It was her Gryffindor friends too.
I headcanon that lily’s ‘Friends’ you know :  **Alice, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas **were like the mean girls of  Gryffindor the plastics of their year. The female marauders what have you.
"**Evil takes a human form in * Regina George ***. Don't be fooled because she may seem like your typical selfish, back-stabbing slut faced ho-bag, but in reality, she's so much more than that. She’s the queen bee. The star. Those other four are just her little workers. " -- Probably any person in their year
I actually don't know who in lily’s friends would be THE  Regina George, cause we don't know a lot about them, something tells me  Marlene but we don't know them all that well to make that call. Lily actually could be Regina but I feel like she was slowly manipulated so she would fit more of a Cady role.
I also wonder if they were in cahoots with each other, because they way I see it is that the school isnt huge and the Gryffindor's like to keep in their circles. So they must have friends of friends. what's more we dont know that James wasnt dating someone.
One of Lil’s friends who was like, “Girl if you don't want him... MOther may I?”
an Lily be like go for it idc. but gets jealous.
anyway with a group like them as Friends I imagine it is hard to make and keep new friends. especially if ya’ll know mean girls... They will destroy you mentally and emotionally just for funzies some may even get physically and whoop yer ass.
So eventually that would have put lily in a ‘all my friends are James friends
as we know the only friend that wasn't a Gryffindor was Severus
Here is an example of the fem Gryffindor's not being angles and possibly bullies, but bulling psychologically starting with Lily first 
to be fair they are fifteen so take that as you will:
For the sake of fairness, I like to imagine that time when Lily was telling Severus,
"Do you know what  Mulciber did to Mary the other day”
We know lily is a bias source we cant trust her to give a reliable story when a Slytherin is involved -- because she will underplay what the Gryffindor did -- she did this to a victim -- her best friend Severus.
anything James or Gryffindor does that isn't good or straight up bullying she 'ok defend. James abused Severus right in front of her he's, "an arrogant toe rag" but anything a slytherin does even for self defense is "evil and dark magic. "
Yo I’ll never forgive Lily for telling Severus after being beaten down physically and psychologically, cause he lashed out at her, “Your just as bad as them.”
Biitch get outta here.
anyway back to this: “Do you know what  Mulciber did to Mary the other day”
I like to imagine Mary picked on either his weaker friend, maybe embarrassed them and
Mulciber -- his hands are rated E for everyone.
so he taught that girl a lesson cause we done been known that the staff wont do anything.
I know Mulciber is a future death eater but right now he’s a kid. A slytherin. And I choose to look at it from this angle. 
I like to think being a death eater wasn't a choice for some kids. If they agreed or not, it wasnt up to them maybe some like bella were into it. but look at her sister, she married a muggle but at the cost of losing everythin. 
Look at Sirius and his brother. 
Sirius realized it was wrong at age 11 but lost his family and everything at 15 (thankfully the potters were there for him but some wont be so lucky) -- regulus at age 18/19
They had to overcome years of brainwashing and teachings.
I know some ppl in this fandom think it was a super easy choice for a kid fresh out of high school to abandon their family, and friends, their lives, their riches, their lifestyle and fight them to the death.. But its not. It wasn't. 
I like to Imagine that after lily spoke to him about  Mulciber Severus stopped hanging out with him. (Doing to Severus what those girls were doing to her)
only for SWM to happen and badabing badaboom Seveus gets over powered by James and Co.
THat attack happened after their defence against the arts exam for owls --
That class was most likely Slytherin and Gryffindor, so only those two houses were around. 
So after the row between Severus and mulciber, where number was like why can't we hang out anymore. And Severus doesn't give him straight answers maybe mulciber makes a guess at Lily being the reason. And says ssomething against her and Severus gets mad and says something like what would you know about Lily your just a death water spawn. and mulciber says find okay I won't help you again. And he doesn't he just stands there watching to see if the mighty Gryffindor take a stand since Severus seem so keen on them.
Keep in mind  though it ight seem like I'm ignoring the whole ass war going on outside. and Severus becoming a death eater and calling her a mudblood. I’m not.
Lily is not responsible for anyone's actions but her own. 
if she chose not to speak to severus again thats her call and she’s right to do so.
If she chose to forgive a guy who abused he bestie, that on her. (yes i blame her for that)
Severus wasn't innocent but he and the Slytherins in general have faults but not all of the even a few who did become deatheaters for whatever reason but regret it to this day. are evil. and I just wish ppl would see that. 
How dear JK cancel Slytherin, like it was the houses fault,
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onmytape · 1 year
Highlights from The Star: "Connor Bedard wasn’t raised to be a hockey phenom. He made that decision himself."
Bedard fell in love with the game with minimal help. His first skating lesson at four years old went badly — “I was crying when I got off the ice,” he says — but at the end of the second lesson there was a stick-and-puck session, and he asked his father Tom if he could try. “I mean, ever since I kind of first touched the puck it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do,” says Bedard. “And I mean, I’m 17 now and that hasn’t changed.” He learned to skate. He rollerbladed on their rare flat street in hilly North Vancouver, but with purpose: self-made drills. He rollerbladed in the house. And lord, he practised. To save the windows out front Tom built a shooting box in the backyard, and Connor still shoots there when he’s home. Tom heard there were open ice hours at North Shore Winter Club, which was relatively affordable: he joined, and took Connor. Unlike most places in Canada, there’s not much outdoor winter ice in North Vancouver. “He’d stay there eight hours at a time,” says Tom. “More, sometimes. He’d come off, eat, go back on. His feet would be literally bleeding. I would go on once in a while, but normally I would just let him do his thing.
He played some soccer and liked it, but not like hockey. His dad thinks Connor had a natural baseball swing — Tom was a pretty fair baseball player — and golf swing, too, but Connor was born with the same obsession that every great player has to have. The street was full of young families and Connor would spend days outside being a kid, playing tag and running through sprinklers, but working at hockey most of all. He has never owned a video game console.
Even now Connor gets on the ice on optional morning skates or off days, accompanied occasionally by teammates: he works from different areas, tries different shots, pantomimes celebrations. He sometimes sneaks out of the makeshift school classroom at the Brandt Arena in Regina — a room left over from the COVID emergency era, where the players would gather — and the teacher retrieves him by following the sound of a puck ringing off the bar, shot by a young man wearing flip-flops on the ice.
“I think he’s obsessed, possessed by it,” says John Paddock, the veteran hockey man who is the coach and general manager of the Pats. “He’s so meticulous in his daily routine, game day, other days. It’s just another part of his game.” Paddock does say he has tried to dial Bedard back. “I tell John I don’t believe in them, in days off,” says Bedard. “But he makes us, a little bit.”
But when he was very young, Connor told his parents, “I get along really well with all the kids on the team. But I don’t think their parents like me.” Melanie figured rink politics would become the topic at the dinner table every night if she and Tom both lived it, and they didn’t want that. So Tom would get up as early as 2:30 or 3 in the morning and drive up the mountain way past Whistler, back when the Sea to Sky highway was a truly treacherous road. He’d fell trees for six hours; six, six and a half was the maximum, because it’s not a job where you can afford to lose focus. Tom knows a lot of loggers who were killed on the job, has been at the site of one logging fatality; he once broke his collarbone and neck when hit by a falling tree. His partner drove him out with Tom lying down in the backseat of the truck, bumping down the road. It was all hard work. “Yeah, it was hard, but you know, struggle is not a bad thing, really,” says Tom, a solid man with blue eyes. “It makes you close. It makes things more important, it makes things real. You know, if you have it too easy, usually it doesn’t work out very well. So I don’t mind struggle.” He would drive back and stop at Madi’s gymnastics in full backwoods gear, take her home, and drive Connor wherever he needed to go, while Melanie would make healthy snacks and coordinate everything. For a long time Connor’s drive could be channeled into teams and open ice and backyard shooting, but eventually the Bedards did what every parent of a serious hockey kid has moved towards in the last 10 years or so: trainers, skating coaches, hockey academies. Tom has friends who have their own kids in hockey, and he tells them he wishes he could tell them they don’t have to spend the money to keep up, but that’s how it works now.
A couple days before Bedard had to apply for exceptional status to play in the WHL as a 15-year-old, Melanie was driving him to the gym. “I did not sleep the day before,” she says. “And I said Connor, I don’t think you should do this. And I know it’s what you really want. I know. But I feel like as your mom I’m going to be taking something away from you that’s so special; just the ability to make stupid mistakes that we make, and have regret.” She worried that under the spotlight, in the age of social media, people would root for him to fail, as they did when he was a young phenom. She said she’d still get mad at him if he did something stupid, went to a party he shouldn’t go to, whatever. But she would understand he was a kid, too. “And he said, ‘I don’t care if I go to a party,’” says Melanie. “‘This is something that I want. You can’t. As my mom you feel bad about that, but you don’t feel bad about taking away something that’s so important.’ “So we did decide to go ahead with it.”
Melanie moved to Regina to be Connor’s billet the past two seasons, because nobody knew what it would be like for a kid of his calibre, and as Paddock puts it, “His whole preparations are based around perfection, and she’s the only one that knows it.” (Another Bedard youth coach, Dan Cioffi of Burnaby Six Rinks, recalls Bedard would be the kid ordering chicken caesar salad and a mineral water at age 12, surrounded by kids enjoying burgers and pop.)
There are other moments, though. The mom who passes him her daughter’s phone number. The letter that purported to be from a boy who was paralyzed who asked for a jersey, but whose address pops up in other, vaguely similar, differently-named letters. The yahoos driving by the house at 3:30 a.m. yelling TOE DRAG AND RELEASE. The autograph hounds here and on the road, pros, everywhere they go, forcing the team to change some of its protocols. After one uncomfortable incident that Bedard laughed off in the moment, he came home and told his mom about it. “He said, ‘You know, I’m kind of realizing in some ways I have to be just a robot. Because you know that certain people are just wanting you to say this one thing that they can pass on,’” says Melanie. “And I said to him, I feel kind of upset, but I’m also proud that you’re mature enough to be aware of that. Because it’s so important.” “I think it’s a small sacrifice to make,” says Bedard. “I mean, I’m myself most of the day; I’m at the rink and home most of the time. If I’m walking to the car and someone wants a picture or something, that’s all good. And, you know, for me, I think if I had to change things, which I haven’t much, but just a few things to try to achieve my lifelong goal, I think I’d do that in a heartbeat.”
Coaches say that from a young age, Bedard was the kind of kid who was really attentive to his teammates, and it wasn’t correlated to how good they were. He could have asked for a trade from Regina at the deadline. He didn’t want to leave; he felt a responsibility. “I think I’ve just always been almost sensitive to other people’s feelings,” says Bedard. “You know, I never want to hurt someone’s feelings or make someone feel bad about something. I’m still young, and if there’s something I need to say no to, I try to get my agent or someone to do it for me; I feel bad about that."
"Like it makes me emotional, because I am so grateful. (Tom) learned so much in that moment. And he never has critiqued Connor. They talk about things, because Connor is his biggest critic. And I’m so grateful for their relationship, because what I’ve seen, and a big part of why I wanted to step away, was I would look at these dynamics ... Connor would say some of his teammates would be crying because they didn’t want to go on the car ride with their dad, with their parents. “And I thought, all these people in this machine, you are losing sight of the most important thing: your relation. Because even if they are the next Crosby, they’ll probably be done in their 30s and you’ve damaged that relationship that you could have had the rest of your life. Like, you’re gonna make everything in your world with your child about whether they scored a goal or not? That always was strange to me in that world.” (Melanie Bedard)
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The Christmas Waltz
Summary:  Regina Mills wanted to share the perfect dance at her Christmas wedding and so booked lessons with Robin Locksley. When her wedding plans fall through, will she find happiness and solace in the dance studio…and her rather attractive dance teacher? And will she prove to be exactly who Robin needs in his life as well? OQ AU
Chapter 1: FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter 2: Lose Yourself to Dance
FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
"I wanted to thank you all for everything you have done for my wedding. A bride couldn't have asked for better bridesmaids," Regina said, looking at each member of her bridal party. "I'm sorry that the wedding will not be going forward."
Mal Draco shook her head. "You have nothing to apologize for. Sidney is an asshole, if you ask me."
"I have to agree," Ursula Atlantica said, nodding. "He really just expected you to uproot your entire life because he snapped his fingers and said so? Please. I think you dodged a bullet there, Mills."
Mary Margaret Nolan reached out and took Regina's hand. "We just want you to be happy and it's clear now that Sidney wasn't going to make you happy."
"He was just focused on what would make him happy," Mal added.
"I think back to all the planning for the wedding and how he kept deferring to me," Regina said. "I thought he was just being unselfish but now I realize he just didn't care. It makes me wonder if he really wanted to marry me at all."
Ursula leaned forward and placed her hand on Regina's shoulder. "Don't go down that rabbit hole. It will only drive you crazy."
Mal nodded. "Just focus on moving on and living your best life. Don't give that jerk another thought. He's not worth it."
"You'll find someone who treats you the way you deserve and who will want to build a life with you and not treat you like an afterthought," Ursula added. "And then we can try to have this Christmas wedding again."
"I hope so," Regina said, "though I don't feel like dating again for a while now."
Mal nodded. "Good. Be single. Live a little. Who needs a man? Certainly not you."
"Who knows? You might meet Mr. Right when you're least expecting him," Ursula said.
"Probably not for a while," Regina replied. "But I'll keep that in mind and thank you. I really do have the best bridesmaids ever."
"Yeah, you do," Mal agreed.
Regina laughed as her phone buzzed. She flipped it over as her stomach twisted, both hoping and dreading that it was Sidney - not that he had tried to reach out to her after their dinner. Either he took her at her word or was waiting for her to cool down. Regina hoped it was the former but feared it was the latter.
Instead, it was a reminder for her first dance lesson and her heart sank. She had canceled almost everything but those. Regina hoped she wouldn't break little Roland's heart when she did so. After all, it was not his fault she didn't need the lessons anymore.
"Please tell me that's not Sidney," Ursula said, sounding annoyed. "If he's trying to grovel…"
"Give me the phone," Mal said, reaching out for Regina's phone. "I'll tell him what he can do with his groveling."
Regina swatted her friend's hand away. "It's not that. It's a reminder that I have a dance lesson soon."
"Dance lesson?" Mary Margaret asked. "I didn't know you were taking up dancing."
"They were supposed to be for me and Sidney so we wouldn't look like fools during our first dance," Regina said, her stomach twisting into knots. "Would you mind if I called to cancel?"
Her friends shook their heads and she thanked them as she called the studio. It rang and rang and rang, making her frown. "No one is answering," she said.
"Teachers probably double as the receptionist and so can't answer when they're teaching," Mary Margaret said. "You can try again later."
"It's on my way home," Regina replied, confirming the address. "I can just stop by and cancel."
Ursula shrugged. "Maybe you should keep them and learn to dance for yourself. It would be a great way to keep your mind off everything else."
"And you can totally get a revenge body and maybe land a cute ballroom dancer," Mal added. "Gender of your choice."
Regina shook her head. "I don't have time. I have some big deals to finish before the end of the year and I'm still in the process of canceling all my wedding plans. I should've gotten a wedding planner. That would've been one thing they could've handled."
Mary Margaret frowned. "Are you having problems canceling?"
"Not really," Regina said. "It just feels like I keep poking my finger in an open wound, you know? That every time I have to tell another vendor that I called off the wedding, my heart breaks all over again."
"Do you want me to do it?" Mary Margaret asked. "I am the matron of honor. It seems like something I should be doing."
Regina shook her head. "I've got it. The bakery was the only place that really put up a fight."
"The bakery?" Mal asked. "I would've thought it would be the venue."
"My father handled that," Regina said, grateful for his assistance. "I'm honestly not surprised about the bakery. We booked it very late and Sidney was very distracted during our appointment, often on his phone and trying the baker's patience. She said that because we booked so late, she had to deny other jobs and so she wasn't going to refund us. She didn't care what I did with the cake but she was making it, I was paying for it and picking it up."
Ursula shrugged. "Still sounds like a win to me."
"And if you need help eating that cake, Lily and I would be happy to help you," Mal told her.
"David and I can help too," Mary Margaret said. "We can have our own little party."
"A Fuck You, Sidney party," Ursula said. "It'll be fun."
Regina laughed before sighing. "That just leaves the dress. I can't return or get a refund for it. And I'm certainly not keeping it."
"That's a shame," Mary Margaret said, sighing as well. "You looked so beautiful in it."
"You did but you also don't want that mojo following you into your real wedding once you find real love," Ursula replied, sipping her wine.
Mary Margaret nodded. "That is true."
"Maybe you could do a trash the dress thing," Mal said. "You know where you wear the dress and we throw paint on it?"
Regina shuddered at the thought and shook her head. "I am not letting you throw anything at me. I'll figure out something to do with it later. Can we change the subject now?"
"Of course, of course," Mary Margaret said, eyes darting around before landing on Ursula. "How did that new exhibit at the aquarium go?"
Ursula groaned. "It seemed like the universe was determined that we not put on this exhibit but I beat it…"
As she told them about all the challenges she faced to get her exhibit running, Regina relaxed. She knew that she was going to have many more tough conversations for several more months as more people learned that she had canceled the wedding and wasn't married. But for now, she could just pretend everything really was fine and she was just enjoying a nice lunch with her friends.
Hopefully soon, the pain would recede and she would feel like Regina again, if just an older and wiser one.
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justanoutlawfic · 2 years
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Swanfire Month Day 16 | What would Neal job be/have been?
I’ve had this head canon for awhile now. It was heightened when I attended a virtual con that Mikey was running. Someone asked what Neal’s job was in NYC and he said he thinks he’d be a social worker. I think it makes the most sense for him. Whether he maintained the degree honestly or he conned his way in, he can relate to the kids and truly make a difference. This carries over into Storybrooke. Between all the orphaned children, those displaced and looking for families along with new child protection laws not to mention all the Lost Boys, he has his hands full of cases.
After Regina merges the realms, Snow and David regain their castle. They’ve adapted to life on the farm and truly have no use for it. Knowing the orphanage run by the fairies is falling in disrepair, they offer up the castle to be a place for all the foster children to live in. They all transform the castle into the group home Emma always wished she had as a kid. Archie offers counseling to the children. Snow offers archery lessons and arts and crafts. Regina and Henry offer horse therapy. Belle runs up a book drive. Emma offers job coaching and works with other businesses to give apprenticeships to older children who will age out, so they have more opportunities than she did. Gideon is also there to help them apply to colleges if that’s the path they choose.
This won’t solve all the children’s problems, but it does give them a safe place, as long as they need it.
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dropsofnightshade · 2 years
Recapping Chapters 61 - 65
Harry has a few uneventful weeks at school, before heading home for the winter holidays. The Greengrass family are spending Yule with the Blacks, and Harry and Daphne learn they have been invited to attend an exclusive European event for underage dark aligned students — the Dark Alliance Youth Summit or ‘DAYS’ for short. It will be held in France in the first week of July, and if all goes well, Astoria can attend the following year too. Daphne and Harry are instructed to keep their attendance secret, because whilst the event is known to exist, the specifics are kept confidential. 
Later, Rosie and Gareth speculate on the secret Remus, and likely Sirius and Arcturus too, are keeping from them. Gareth is drafting a new bill for the Wizengamot with Amelia Bones and Levi Selwyn, which he hopes will improve Remus’ situation, if he and his wife’s suspicions are correct. 
Harry begins his Occlumency lessons with Arcturus over the break, but is unable to make any headway with the difficult skill. 
Sirius visits Rabastan Lestrange on behalf of Karin Battenberg, to extend the Battenberg family’s gratitude for Rabastan voting in favour of Anja Weasley. He is shocked at Rabastan’s furious reaction though, the man declaring it to be an insult. Rabastan explains he did not vote for Anja to assist her or the Battenbergs, but rather he voted in the way he thought would best serve the British dark community. 
Rabastan asks Sirius if he knows why Lucius abstained from voting, and when it becomes clear Sirius has no idea and never asked, Rabastan enlightens him that Lucius had to consider the impact of voting to the benefit of the Battenbergs, against his other European interests. Rabastan further points out they have Sirius acting as an errand boy, and claims they and the other great families of Europe look down on the British community. 
Rabastan warns Sirius the Battenbergs are trying to drive a wedge between the dark community in Britain, isolating and punishing the Malfoy and Nott families and trying to sweeten the Lestrange, Black and Greengrass families to them. Sirius learns Lucius’ business dealings in Europe have been compromised since the vote, and a European property owned by the Notts has been restricted for their access. 
Whilst unsettled, Sirius still sees the benefit of Harry and Daphne attending the DAYS gathering. He also thought Rabastan’s stance against foreign influence was a bit problematic, and that mentality if shared by all, risked shutting the international community out of Britain entirely. 
Rabastan also apologises for the way their last private meeting went, and for offering information on Regulus that he should never have offered in the first place — because he doesn’t know if it’s true. Sirius asks if Rabastan could share with him what he had speculated about Regulus, but Rabastan refuses and assures Sirius he still owes him a debt and he will repay it. 
Sirius is frustrated, but he has a plan to lay Regulus to rest; he has informed the Department of Mysteries of the location of the cave, thanks to Kreacher’s intel. Sirius works in the Death Chamber, and has been assigned to a team of Unspeakables who study and practice Necromancy. Unspeakables were exempt from the laws prohibiting the practice of Necromancy, for the purpose of identifying and undoing Necromancy illegally conducted in Britain. 
The Department has a plan to commence an operation on Samhain of the following year, to exterminate the Inferi infestation in the cave. Regina Rowle is aware that Sirius has a seperate mission entirely, after he confessed to her he learned about the cave because it is the place his brother died. She promises him, if safe to do so, he can retrieve his brother’s body to lay him to rest. 
Rabastan feels guilty for owing Sirius a debt while keeping a vital secret from him — his Dark Mark burned on Samhain, and although the Inner Circle met to discuss what it meant, none of them have been summoned and they are uncertain what it means. 
Sirius confesses to Harry and Arcturus what he did to Snape at the end of their fifth year, and the pair help him understand he needs to apologise and make amends in some way to the man, after nearly causing his death. 
Upon his return to school, the Department of Education’s after school wizarding traditions program commences, and Harry along with most of the school attend the first session out of curiosity. They are horrified by the unpleasant instructor, Madam Umbridge, the Ministry propaganda, and the lack of anything useful being taught. Harry begins to worry at the implications of Ministry interference at Hogwarts, and the realisation that Fudge’s administration are against traditions and the Sacred Twenty-Eight by extension. 
Sirius visits Lucius, to ask for his assistance in how best to apologise to Snape. Lucius cautions Sirius against attempting anything now, given the amount of time that has lapsed and Snape’s dislike of him. He says he needs time to consider how best to approach the situation, and Sirius trusts Lucius’ judgment and promises to wait. Meanwhile, Lucius is guilty, because he knows his Dark Mark burned on Samhain and he has been meeting with the Inner Circle. He has not told Narcissa, because he suspects she will find a way to warn Sirius and the rest of her extended family. 
As school continues, there is a disagreement between Blaise and Draco after they notice Tracey’s upset over the Ministry interference situation, which Harry gets caught between. Blaise feels Draco is being insensitive and dismissive of people outside of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, who have just as much reason to be anxious about Ministry interference and possible future restrictions of traditions. Draco feels Blaise does not understand or appreciate the painful history of the dark families in particular. Draco’s other friends arrive, and Blaise upsets Theo, who draws his wand and triggers an escalation. Snape arrives and disperses the first years with a stern warning that there will be more severe repercussions in the future if they draw their wands against each other again. 
Grace Selwyn later interrogates the first years on what happened, and after Blaise and Harry protect Theo by refusing to point to him as the one who drew his wand first, they earn the other boy’s begrudging gratitude. 
Harry, Blaise and Daphne learn about Tracey’s past, and when she asks Harry and Daphne why they are friends with Draco, Daphne admits they were childhood friends but they are not as close now as they used to be. Harry tells the pair Draco is family, but more than that, he is a good friend to him and is an important part of his life. The others might not entirely understand, but they respect Harry’s feelings on the matter. 
Harry and Daphne lead a successful Ostara ritual in March, incorporating the entire first year cohort. It strikes a chord with the older students, and before the Slytherin and Hufflepuff match, Cedric Diggory approaches Harry to express his admiration for the ritual. Harry only narrowly catches the snitch, after a perfectly timed Bludger from Peregrine Derrick prevents Cedric from catching it earlier. Slytherin wins the Quidditch Cup. 
Harry comes to Black Castle for the April holidays, and during his stay he notices his magic behaving oddly. It culminates in a nighttime walk through the castle, where he feels strangely drawn down to the Black Vault. He reaches out with his magical awareness, and is shocked to discover something sentient reaching back. Kreacher finds him, and alerts the adults, who are furious and worried that Harry did not say anything to them sooner. 
Aunt Cass suspects the sentient presence Harry sensed in the vault was Slytherin’s Locket, given the Founders’ items were all believed to possess the will of their creators to an extent. It is Arcturus though who suggests a more chilling idea, that it is not Slytherin’s will, but Voldemort’s influencing the behaviour of the locket, given he possessed it more recently. Harry also learns only a Parselmouth can open the locket. It is decided the locket must remain contained at Black Castle, and Harry will have to be moved to Grimmauld Place to avoid being influenced again. 
Harry meets with Skarde to discuss the removal of a Core Crystal from Gringotts to be provided to the Danish research team who are developing an improved Heritage Test. During the meeting, Harry learns the Core Crystals, or ashgaräz as they are known in Gobbledegook, are of religious significance to the goblins. Realising he needed time to consider if he wanted to go ahead with the plan to send a Core Crystal to Denmark, knowing now how important the crystals were to goblin kind, Harry decides to wait to make a decision.
Harry travels with the Greengrass family and Neville to the Isle of Wight for Daphne’s twelfth birthday, where the family have a beach house. They have a wonderful time away, but at the end of the trip as the trio of friends are chatting, Daphne asks Harry directly what is up with his behaviour towards Quirrell. Harry admits he doesn’t like Quirrell, and feels there is something off about the teacher. Daphne suggests they try and find some sort of evidence to validate Harry’s suspicion, and Neville has the idea of using the Marauder’s Map to survey him. The three decide if they learn anything suspicious, they will go to the adults. 
Upon their return from the trip, the whole Greengrass family escort Harry back to Grimmauld Place, because Gareth has news to share with the children and Sirius and Arcturus. He reveals he has been working on a new bill with Amelia Bones and Levi Selwyn, which if passed, will improve the lives of werewolves. 
The children are sent out of the room, and Rosie confronts Sirius and Arcturus, asserting that she and Gareth know about Remus. After a tense discussion, and apologies from the Blacks for keeping the truth from the Greengrass couple, Gareth shares a bit more about the bill he is working on. Sirius suggests he be the one to break the news to Remus that Rosie and Gareth worked out he was a werewolf, and the Greengrass couple agree. 
Meanwhile, Harry discovers Hedwig has brought a message from Hermione, who informs him she has completed a Heritage Test and wants to talk. 
He visits her home with Sirius the following day, and meets her parents too. She shares her results with Harry, and he can see Hermione is descended from the Burke and Rosier families. Her great-great grandmother had been born a Squib and abandoned. Hermione is not yet sure if she wants anyone else to know, or to talk to any members of those families, such as Andromeda or Narcissa who had a Rosier mother. She has a lot to think about and wants to process it and weigh her options. 
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Name: Regina Simone Pronouns: She/Her Age: 89 years old Hometown: Up To Player Species: Witch Affiliation: Neutral - Unaffiliated FC Suggestion: Viola Davis
Bio ➜
A witch is not just what Regina Simone is but who. She was born into one of the most elite Coven's in the world, raised to master the power she had been given and wield it in such a way that never quite crossed that invisible line between witches and warlock. Always be mindful of nature but never forget just what you are capable of doing: that was lesson number one from her mother, words Regina has never forgotten. Leadership was what she was born for. Strong-willed, selectively charming and willing to do whatever it takes to keep her Coven safe and on top. Regina doesn't mind fighting dirty or occasionally forming alliances with the supernatural but at the end of the day, her loyalties remain with the Coven alone. She'd stab anyone outside of the inner circle in the back. Or the heart depending on the source. The fact of the matter is that Regina gets things done. She's not the type to beat around the bush when it comes to business. Results are her best friend and while that might not make her the most popular, it has made her the most respected within the Coven. Her loyalty has never been in question, not ever. Sure, some might think her cold but that's just not true. Not everyone has to wear their heart on their sleeve, she plays smart and she won't apologise for that. In fact, Regina Simone doesn't apologise, period. When it comes to power, she knows that she has it and she knows that the Coven hold it above everyone else in New York. Saying that, ever since Caleb Carmichael settled into her city with his ridiculous little night club, things have been tense. An original werewolf or not, Regina made damn sure he knew whose backyard he was playing in and what happened to those who broke the rules. Turns out Caleb didn't like rules. Their truce remains built on shaky ground and Regina would be lying if she said she hadn't thought up a way or two to drive him out. Thankfully Regina has had better luck with the other Firsts. Arianna Larke is a dangerous darling who has had more than a few drinks with Regina, Willow Evermore is ever the diplomat who Regina is still working on getting a “yes” for martinis out of and no one really talks about Engel now, do they? The Coven as a whole are very on the fence about how to take the First Warlock. Regina? She's down as curious and not much more. Saying that, the last time she was curious about someone, she wound up with a broken heart. Jayne Grey was another legacy, a Coven member by birth and she point blank refused to acknowledge her responsibility to them. Regina set out to change her mind and got much more than she could have bargained for. The truth was she had never loved anyone before, not like Jayne and even though she didn't- couldn't- show it, their break up is her greatest regret. If it weren't for Jayne, Regina never would have put herself within throwing distance of Havensdale Valley but it was. It is, for Jayne.
Additional Information ➜
When the dome came down around Havensdale, Regina said good riddance! The past couple of years however the supernatural community has been more and more riled up. Who knows what they're doing inside Havensdale. Enough is enough, she has come to insert herself into the action and sort things out. Engel will either let her in or she'll tear the damn door off.
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gndsregina · 1 year
Before buying a car, you should make sure that you know how to drive a car. Your car is useless if you can't drive it, right? Hiring a driver can be very expensive, and if you can learn to drive, why not do it yourself, right? Instead of asking a friend or family member to teach you how to drive, it is recommended that you hire a professional Driving school in Regina. 
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faizansdefensive · 2 months
Faizan’s Defensive Driving School
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Faizan's Defensive Driving School is an SGI Certified Class 5 Driving School in Regina, Saskatchewan. We offer commercial SGI 6 and 6 training, brush-up lesson, and car rental for your class 5 road test. We issue an official SGI certificate upon completion of SGI 6/6 Training. Our goal is to be the BEST Mindful Defensive Drivers, Protect others and ourselves and save time and money. Our experienced driving instructors in Regina will assess your needs and abilities and then adapt your training sessions to your specific learning style. If you are looking for the best multilingual driving school near Regina, Saskatchewan, feel free to contact Faizan's Defensive Driving School.
Address : 3261 Green Stone Rd, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4V 3R4, Canada
Phone : 306-737-5612
Business Email : [email protected] 
Website : https://www.defensivdrivingschool.ca 
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DefensivDrivingSchool 
Twitter : https://twitter.com/defensiveschool 
LinkedIn : https://ca.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-faizan-22b5541b6 
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/defensivdrivingschool 
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Neutralised Bios: Peyton (1994)
The First Black Female Hearse Driver for Mortimer & Co.
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The first African-American woman hired by Mortimer & Co. to be a hearse driver.
"No climbing in the back."
Full Legal Name: Peyton Rhea Blythe
First Name: Peyton
Meaning: From an English surname originally a place name meaning 'Pæga's town'.
Pronunciation: PAY-ten
Origin: English
Middle Name: Rhea
Meaning: Meaning unknown, perhaps related to 'Rheo' meaning 'To flow' or 'Era' meaning 'Ground'.
Pronunciation: REE-a
Origin: Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology
Surname: Blythe
Meaning: From Old English meaning 'Happy, Joyous, Blithe'
Pronunciation: BLIEDH
Origin: English
Titles: Miss
Goes By: Peyton
Age: 23
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American Citizen. Born in America
Ethnicity: African-American
Birth Date: 15th January 1971
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, American Sign Language
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Played By: Regina King
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Height: 5'3" / 160 cm
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1994) None
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Affiliated Groups: Mortimer & Co. Mortuary Services (Employee)
Friends: D.J
Significant Other: None
Parents: Edward Blythe (56, Father), Unique Blythe (54, Mother, Née Jackson)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: York Blythe (18, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Level of Education: High School Graduate, Professional Driving Training
Occupation: Hearse Driver
Employer: Mortimer & Co. Mortuary Services
Biography: Peyton grew up with a hard-of-hearing mother and a deaf younger brother, wanting to provide for them, she took professional driving lessons and has been working for Mortimer & Co. since she was 18.
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blogynews · 11 months
Unveiling the Hidden Threats: High School Students Learn Crucial Lessons on the Perils of Distracted and Impaired Driving
A conference was held in Regina on Saturday, with students gathering to discuss the dangers of distracted and impaired driving. The 36th annual conference, organized by Students Against Drinking and Driving, aimed to spread the message that alcohol and driving should never be combined. Christine Kwon, the president of the organization in Saskatchewan, emphasized the importance of educating…
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Car safety technologies are getting advanced in leaps and bounds. Even the best car safety tricks cannot rectify your unsafe driving habits. Maybe, you have gained driving lessons from your acquaintances. But mistakes happen without professional driving training. Hence, it’s best to adopt defensive driving techniques. In Regina, you will find many driving schools offering defensive driving courses. And the tips they provide will help you become a safe driver.
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♡ 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓾𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ♡
♡ 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓾𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ♡
Genre: Smut and Nsfw
Prompt: Bully!Nahoya has a crush on you but he gets what's coming to him.
Character: Nahoya
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Being a college student is hard. The never-ending headaches, the lack of sleep, not wanting to get up in the morning for an early lecture class you can't miss, the deadlines that creep up on you when you least expect it, and not to mention the feeling of you slowly dying..mentally.
And you can't forget the stupid leech that doesn't help on a project that's worth 30% of your grade. You'd wring their little neck if you could get away with it Scott-free.
You sometimes had a dream where you would get hit by the college bus and get that money but alas some dreams don't come real.
But nightmares do become real sadly and yours was named Nahoya Kawata. Your walking talking nightmare was evil incarnate, you sometimes compare him to Regina George but he at least has some good points. But the truth is, to him you were his nightmare.
You often catch him sending you lustful looks when he thinks you aren't looking. From his reactions to your outfits anything that shows him more skin drives him crazy.
You remember that stupid thing your parents would tell you when you were younger when he decides to grace you with his presence.
"when boys are mean to you it means they like you."
What a sack a shit reason was that?
Sure Nahoya was pretty, like really pretty. He had the softest pink lips that were permanently placed into a smile for all to see. But everything would crumble away the moment he'd open his mouth.
You just couldn't understand how Souya and Nahoya were so different. Souya was the perfect soft boy, so drastically different from Nahoya. What you wouldn't give to see Nahoya become a pretty decor on your bed and make him a shadow of himself. You'd kill to see his face full of ecstasy and hear him begging for you.
You get smidges of him struggling to keep himself contained but all it took was some skin and there he was in your palm. But no matter how hot you thought he was or how much you lusted over him. You wouldn't let him inside you. well, at least not without him begging.
Nahoya was a bully, he'd often talk shit about you and to you. He'd bother you and constantly tried to humiliate you in front of his friends. He'd sometimes even try to knock your books out of your hands but he can't knock something you don't have. He'd start rumors of the both of you fucking where he fucked you stupid and made you look like some cock-trapped bitch some even included his baby brother but his brother quickly denied any notion of that.
That..that was your breaking point.
You could handle his wannabe 90's bully troupe but those rumors? Hell no.
You had your pride on the line and your rep. You weren't letting some pretty bitch boy ruin anything for you. Oh no. You're getting even.
You had trapped him in a classroom you both shared. The students and the professor were on their way out leaving the both of you alone. It was just you and him. You had locked the door as soon as the door hit the professor's ass.
You turn to his shocked face.
"I'm going to teach you what happens to little horny boys who make up lies about me and decide to be immature little bitches about their crushes."
"Your a thirsty little bitch aren't you Hoya?"
Your smirk was full of malicious intent. Nothing but the pure unadulterated rage was held. Your hand had a tight grip on his cute little curls. You knew that in any normal situation you wouldn't dare touch a single hair on his head knowing how hard it was to even brush it but right now you were teaching him a lesson.
"You just wanted some attention right bitch? You just wanted this pussy right?"
Your pussy is on full display to Nahoya as you sat on his face.
"eat it whore then maybe I'll think about giving you a handie."
Nahoya whimpered as tried to grab your hips to pull your hips down to him. Your hands quickly his away from your body.
"No hands, you don't deserve to touch me."
Nahoya's tongue eagerly tries to worm its way into you but you were still too far away. Nahoya whines as he continuously tries to reach you but you didn't even move an inch.
"What can't even eat pussy hoya? You're weaker than I thought."
You were torturing him, you were just inches away from him but he couldn't reach you. He was so close to having you yet so far. How cruel of you to tease him this way.
You laugh as Nahoya struggles to catch his breath. You decided to be a little nice before completely suffocating nahoya with your pussy. Nahoya's tongue quickly goes to work inside of you. He slobbers all over you early trying to find anything to make you feel just right. He's sloppy at best and you find him a little disappointing. Nahoya's eyes burned onto your face realized you aren't satisfied and he quickly becomes serious. His tongue feels around for your clit, within a few minutes his mouth is sucking onto your slit and his hands are gripping onto the table beneath him. The urge to finger you grew stronger and stronger but he was determined to make you cum with his mouth alone.
"There you go that's a good little bitch." you smile as you cum inside his mouth. "Swallow it like a good boy"
You take a good look at Nahoya and you knew...
you knew this little pretty boy had cummed from eating you out and cumming on his face.
"nasty little freak. You like it when I use you huh?"
Nahoya weakly nods and his cock was still twitching from cumming.
"I didn't tell you, you could come."
" Aaah 15!"
Nahoya's ass has a hand imprint burned into his ass. Each slap felt harsher from the last. Nahoya's ass was in the air as he was spanked by you.
"hmm? you spoke I guess we have to start over."
"n-no, please! I'm sorry I won't do it again!"
"No, you won't."
" nnngggh! aah wa-wait! not there!"
Your fingers had plunged into Nahoya's ass and had begun to thrust deep inside of him. Nahoya tried to move but you quickly shoved his upper body down again.
"aah! t-there!'' Nahoya moaned as y our finger found the very squishy part of him he loved to be abused.
"wa-wait!" you mocked him "you're squelching around my fingers. You must really like me fucking you like this huh? You wanted me to treat you like the cock-gurgling whore you made ME out be."
"Please be gentle."
"Oh baby we're so far past gentle, you'll be lucky to even cum from this,"
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