#Drevenn Fairchild
mizunosuzuka · 1 year
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The tavern was as raucous as ever the night of the underground cage fights...
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 "Let's set up for the next one shall we?" The three moved towards the cage edge, nudging past a pair of hulking Roes who practically growled at them, to look in on the  next fight. It was a matchup between Hylskvaef Ahtmtounsyn and Blazing Mountain, two very prominent Roegadyn who were both known well for holding nothing back and providing a good show besides.
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“That f*** snake.” Drevenn spat out, slamming his fist against the railing. “He has always been a smooth talker, but if he’s offering an exorbitant amount of gil…”
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“Ah, Drevenn. So nice to see my little brother after all these years.” His blood red eyes flickered across his brother’s body before settling on his face. “Ah but you don’t look as pleased to see me as I am you. Not happy to see long lost family?”
Want more? Read my little short story HERE
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